Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1treatment plants"" "subject:"entreatment plants""
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O lixiviado dos aterros sanitários em estações de tratamento dos sistemas públicos de esgotos / The leachate from landfill in wastewater treatment systems public sewersMiriam Moreira Bocchiglieri 11 May 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho discute o recebimento de lixiviado de aterros sanitários em estações de tratamento do sistema público de esgotos para tratamento conjunto. Descreve os processos de geração do lixiviado nos aterros e faz uma avaliação desse recebimento em quatro estações de tratamento em operação no Estado de São Paulo que empregam processos biológicos de tratamento por lodos ativados convencional e por batelada, lagoas de estabilização (anaeróbia seguida de facultativa) e lagoas aeradas. Também apresenta a variação da produção de lixiviado em aterros sanitários em função dos períodos de chuva e seca, estabelecidos pela precipitação observada no período avaliado. Conclui que o tratamento conjunto de lixiviado de aterro é uma alternativa a ser considerada no planejamento dos sistemas de resíduos sólidos e de esgotos sanitários. A adoção do tratamento conjunto traz benefícios a esses sistemas e à sociedade, pois pode representar economia de escala, atendimento às exigências legais e conformidade ambiental, promovendo melhores condições de saúde pública / This work discuss the receipt of sanitary landfill leachate by public wastewater treatment plants for joint treatment. It describes the processes theough which leachate is generated in landfills and assesses its receipt in four wastewater treatment plants in the state of São Paulo that employ biological processes such as conventional and batch activated sludge and stabilization ponds (anaerobic pond followed by facultative pond). Additionally, the work shows the variation in the production of leachate during the dry and rainy seasons, which were established based on the volume of rainfall during the period of study. The conclusion is that the joint treatment of landfill leachate by wastewater treatment plants with the appropriate technical and operational criteria is na alternative to be considered in the planning of solid waste and sanitary sewer systems and the society because it would result in economy of scale, compliance with legal and environmental legislation, and improvement of public health
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Analyse du traitement et de la gestion durable des boues d’épuration en Corse. Proposition de solutions énergétiques alternatives, axées sur la méthanisation des boues avec production d’énergies, aux méthodes appliquées en Corse. Utilisation de l’outil d’aide multicritère à la décision dans le cadre du surclassement de ces nouveaux procédés / Analysis of treatment and management of sewage sludge in Corsica. Proposal for alternative energy solutions, focusing on methanisation of sludge with production of Energies, to methods applied in Corsica.Use of the multicriteria decision support tool in the context of the upgrade of these new processes.Tramoni, Félicien 15 December 2015 (has links)
La qualité des boues est directement liée à la qualité des étapes de traitement présentes au sein d’une station d’épuration. En termes de traitement et d’élimination des boues, nous observons de la part des acteurs locaux, une volonté d’abandon définitif et durable de la filière « dépôt en centre de stockage », étant donnée une règlementation et des plans régionaux (notamment le PREDIS de Corse), toujours plus exigeant en termes de valorisations des déchets industriels et spéciaux. Nous observons également un abandon progressif et programmé des pratiques relatives à l’épandage. En effet, l’épandage des boues d’épuration fait l’objet d’une vaste controverse qui met en avant les risques sanitaires et environnementaux qu’elle engendrerait sur les sols agricoles. Au sein de notre région, cette pratique est réalisée de manière non règlementaire. En Corse, les acteurs locaux semblent avoir optés pour la solution du compostage en vue de valoriser la production de boues d’épuration. En effet, près des 2/3 du tonnage annuel en MS de boues sont actuellement valorisés via cette filière. Le processus de compostage équivaut à une fermentation aérobie, faisant intervenir une multitude de micro-organismes. Cette filière de compostage, au même titre que l’épandage, a connu une forte expansion de son activité mais semble avoir des failles et des limites : problèmes de mauvaises odeurs ; règlementation de plus en plus exigeante ; et enfin surproduction de compost invendable aux vues de la demande. Une autre solution pourrait présenter des atouts supérieurs : la méthanisation avec production d’électricité et de chaleur par cogénération. Cette production d’énergies passe obligatoirement par la valorisation du biogaz produit par ce système. En effet, le biogaz est un mélange contenant principalement du méthane (50 à 70%) et du dioxyde de carbone Du fait d’une forte concentration en méthane, le biogaz est un bon fournisseur d’énergie (1m3 de biogaz a un pouvoir calorifique de 6 kWh soit l’équivalent de 0,6 l de fuel). Pour produire de l’électricité, le processus de méthanisation doit être couplé à un moteur à cogénération ou à plusieurs microturbines. EDF a alors l’obligation de racheter l’électricité produite à un prix se situant entre 11 et 14 centimes d’euros/kwh., Après 15 ans, le rachat du kwh produit se fait aux taux proposés par EDF. En Corse, seulement une station d’épuration est équipée d’un digesteur couplé en série à cinq microturbines, produisant de la chaleur et de l’électricité par cogénération : La station de traitement des eaux usées de Campo Dell’Oro à Ajaccio. Ce procédé de valorisation énergétique pourrait être amélioré via le remplacement à terme, des microtubines par un moteur à cogénération. Une AMCDP a notamment permis de surclasser cette technologie vis-à-vis des microturbines, beaucoup moins efficaces en termes de rendement mais aussi de fonctionnement. L’équipement des stations d’épuration de plus fortes capacités en Corse, de digesteurs associés à un moteur à cogénération pourrait être une solution durable à la problématique de la valorisation énergétique des boues. / Sludge quality is directly related to the quality of of these processing steps present in a water treatment plant. In terms of treatment and disposal of sludge, we observe on the part of local actors, a willingness to permanent and lasting abandonment of the sector 'deposit in storage centre'', given a regional plans and regulations (including the PREDIS Corsica), increasingly demanding in terms of valuations of industrial and special waste. We also observe a gradual and planned abandonment of practices for spreading. Indeed, the spreading of sewage sludge is the subject of widespread controversy which highlights the health and environmental risks it would lead to agricultural soils. In our region, this practice is not carried out regulatory manner. In Corsica, the local actors seem to have opted for the solution of compost to enhance the production of sewage sludge. Nearly 2/3 of the annual tonnage MS sludge is currently valued via this pathway. The composting process is equivalent to an aerobic fermentation involving a multitude of microorganisms. This composting stream, as well as spreading, experienced strong expansion of its business but seems to have flaws and limitations: problems with odors; regulatory increasingly demanding; and finally overproduction unsaleable compost to the views of the application.Another solution could present higher advantages: anaerobic digestion with production of electricity and heat from cogeneration. . This energy production go through the biogas produced by this system. Indeed, the biogas is a mixture containing mostly methane (50 – 70 %) and carbon dioxide. Due to a high concentration of methane, biogas is a good energy supplier (1m3 biogas has a calorific value 6 kWh equivalent to 0.6 liters of fuel). To generate electricity, the anaerobic digestion process must be coupled to an engine cogeneration or several microturbines. EDF has the obligation to purchase electricity at a price ranging between 11 and 14 euro cents/kwh. After 15 years, the redemption of the kwh produced is done at the rate offered by EDF.In Corsica, only a treatment plant is equipped with a digester coupled in series to five microturbines, producing heat and electricity cogeneration: The wastewater treatment plant at Campo Dell'Oro /Ajaccio. This energy recovery process could be improved with an eventual replacement of the microtubines by a cogeneration engine. An AMCDP allowed to outperform this technology towards microturbines, much less efficient in terms of performance.The equipment of the highest capacity treatment plants in Corsica, digesters associated with a cogeneration engine could be a lasting solution to the problem of energy recovery of sewage sludge.
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AnÃlise da EficiÃncia e Confiabilidade em 56 EstaÃÃes de Tratamento de Esgotos (ETES) Localizadas na RegiÃo Metropolitana de Fortaleza (RMF)Carlo RannyÃr Lopes Monteiro 27 August 2009 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Diversas estaÃÃes de tratamento de esgoto possuem sÃrios problemas de projeto e / ou
operacionais os quais prejudicam o seu processo de tratamento e geram riscos de poluiÃÃo
dos recursos hÃdricos receptores. Assim, hà a necessidade de tratamentos de esgotos cada
vez mais eficientes e confiÃveis para obedecerem aos padrÃes de descarte definidos em
legislaÃÃes ambientais cada vez mais restritivas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a
eficiÃncia e a confiabilidade de 56 estaÃÃes de tratamento de esgotos situadas na RegiÃo
Metropolitana de Fortaleza (RMF). Para tanto, foram avaliados cerca de 13.100 dados
obtidos do monitoramento dos esgotos afluente e efluente Ãs ETEs, durante o perÃodo de
janeiro de 2005 a abril de 2009, as quais foram divididas em nove modalidades de
tratamento, quais sejam: decanto-digestor (DD), decanto-digestor seguido de filtro
anaerÃbio (DD+FAN), decanto-digestor seguido de filtro anaerÃbio e cloraÃÃo
(DD+FAN+Cl), lagoa facultativa (LF), lagoa facultativa seguida de lagoa de maturaÃÃo
(LF+LM), lagoa anaerÃbia seguida por lagoa facultativa e lagoa de maturaÃÃo
(LAN+LF+LM), lagoa aerada facultativa seguida por lagoa facultativa e lagoa de
maturaÃÃo (LAF+LF+LM), reator UASB (UASB) e, por fim, reator UASB seguido de
cloraÃÃo (UASB+Cl). Para o cÃlculo da confiabilidade das ETEs e do percentual esperado
de atendimento aos padrÃes de lanÃamento foi utilizada uma metodologia baseada em um
modelo de distribuiÃÃo log-normal dos dados, a qual determina concentraÃÃes mÃdias que o
efluente da ETE deve ter para obedecer aos padrÃes ambientais de lanÃamento para um
determinado nÃvel de confiabilidade (95%), levando em consideraÃÃo o coeficiente de
confiabilidade (CDC). Os valores afluentes de pH, DQO, SST e CTT foram comparados
aos que sÃo tipicamente encontrados para esse tipo de esgoto. Na avaliaÃÃo inicial dos
dados observou-se nÃo haver freqÃÃncia de monitoramento, bem como, constatou-se a
presenÃa de inconsistÃncias e outliers, os quais foram removidos. Os dados resultantes
foram utilizados na seqÃÃncia da anÃlise. VÃrias tecnologias de tratamento tiveram valores
de eficiÃncia inferiores ao que à registrado na literatura, indicando falhas operacionais no
monitoramento das ETEs. Os maiores percentuais mÃdios de remoÃÃo de DQO, SST e CTT
foram alcanÃados pelas modalidades LAN+LF+LM (91,4%), LAN+LF+LM (81,0%) e
LAF+LF+LM (99,999%) e os menores foram DD+FAN (47,3%), DD (31,6%) e LF
(95,36%), respectivamente. Estes resultados mostram-se condizentes com os encontrados na
literatura para todas as tecnologias de tratamento, exceto para remoÃÃo de SST por DD
(31,6%) e DD+FAN (37,3%). No que se refere ao cÃlculo do coeficiente de confiabilidade
foram obtidos para DQO os maiores valores pelas modalidades LAF+LF+LM (0,57) e
UASB (0,57) e o menor valor para DD+FAN+Cl (0,40). JÃ para SST as tecnologias que se
destacaram foram LAF+LF+LM (0,43) e LF (0,41) enquanto que o menor CDCs foi obtido
por LAN+LF+LM (0,26). Os maiores percentuais esperados de atendimento Ãs metas de
descarte para DQO foram alcanÃados pelos tratamentos compostos por lagoas de
estabilizaÃÃo, todos acima de 98%, destacando-se a tecnologia LAF+LF+LM (99,9%). Para
SST os maiores percentuais obtidos tambÃm foram para as lagoas de estabilizaÃÃo,
ressaltando a tecnologia LAN+LF+LM (91%). A tecnologia de tratamento DD foi a de
menor percentual para DQO (1,2%) e para SST (2,0%). As modalidades de tratamento de
esgotos domÃsticos LAF+LF+LM e LAN+LF+LM apresentaram um melhor desempenho
considerando as eficiÃncias mÃdias de remoÃÃo de DQO, SST e CTT, como tambÃm
maiores valores de CDC e percentuais esperados de atendimento Ãs metas estabelecidas
pela legislaÃÃo. / Many Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) have serious design and / or operational
problems that decrease efficiency levels and pollute the environment. Thus, it is
important to have efficient and reliable WWTPs to meet the discharge standards. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the efficiency and reliability of 56 wastewater
treatment plants located in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (MRF). About 13,100
data were evaluated, which were obtained from the Company of Water and Wastewater
of Cearà (CAGECE). The data were from January 2005 to April 2009, divided in nine
treatment technologies: septic tank (ST), septic tank followed by anaerobic filter (ST +
ANF), septic tank followed by anaerobic filter and chlorination (ST + ANF + Cl),
facultative pond (FP), facultative pond followed by a maturation pond (FP + MP),
anaerobic pond followed by facultative pond and maturation pond (ANP + FP + MP),
facultative aerated pond followed by facultative pond and maturation pond (FAP + FP +
MP), UASB reactor (UASB) and finally UASB reactor followed by chlorination
(UASB + Cl). To calculate the reliability of WWTPs and expected attendance
percentage to accomplish effluent standards, a log-normal distribution was used. The
average concentrations that the effluent from WWTP must have to meet the discharge
standard were calculated for a given reliability level (95%), taking into account the
coefficient of reliability (COR). The affluent values of pH, COD, TSS and TTC were
compared to those typically found for this type of wastewater. The initial data analysis
indicated problems in the monitoring frequency, inconsistencies and outliers, which
were removed. The resulting data were used afterwards. The average efficiency values
obtained in some technologies are lower than those of comparative literature, indicating
operational problems. The highest efficiency values for COD, TSS and TTC were
achieved with the technologies of ANP + FP + MP (91,4%), ANP + FP + MP (81.0%)
and FAP + FP + MP (99.999%); the lowest efficiencies were obtained with ST + ANF
(47.3%), ST (31.6%) and FP (95.36%), respectively. Regarding the coefficient of
reliability calculation, the highest values for COD removal were obtained with the
technologies of FAP + FP + MP (0.57) and UASB (0.57) and the lowest efficiencies
were found with DD + ANF + Cl (0.40). For TSS, the best technologies were FAP + FP
+ MP (0.43) and FP (0.41) while the lowest CORs were obtained with ANP + FP + MP
(0.26). The highest percentage values for accomplishing COD discharge standards were
achieved with stabilization ponds, all above 98%, specially the technology FAP + FP +
MP (99.9%). For TSS the highest percentages were also achieved with stabilization
ponds, highlighting the technology of ANP + FP + MP (91%). The technologies of FAP
+ FP + MP and ANP + FP + MP provided the best efficiency values for COD, TSS and
TTC, as well as the highest values of COR and percentages to accomplish discharge
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Estudo das condiÃÃes laborais em estaÃÃes de tratamento de esgoto / STUDY OF CONDITIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL STATIONS IN TREATMENT OF WASTEWATERFrancisco das Chagas Neto 12 December 2005 (has links)
nÃo hà / A poluiÃÃo dos recursos hÃdricos vem aumentando drasticamente, em todo o mundo. Dentre as soluÃÃes adotadas, tem-se a implantaÃÃo de EstaÃÃes de Tratamento de Esgotos - ETEâs, as quais devem ser estudadas como plantas industriais, que servem à sociedade. As ETEâs, como qualquer indÃstria, sofrem dos problemas de higiene industrial e de seguranÃa do trabalho. Nesta pesquisa estuda-se os riscos laborais, tanto ambientais quanto operacionais, os quais os empregados do setor de saneamento estÃo expostos nas etapas do sistema de tratamento de esgoto possuindo caracterÃsticas de unidades industriais. AtravÃs de pesquisas bibliogrÃficas, questionÃrios e verificaÃÃo das Normas Regulamentadoras â NRâs existentes, complementadas com visitas realizadas a algumas ETEâs da Companhia de Ãgua e Esgoto do Cearà â CAGECE e entrevistas com os empregados das mesmas, foi possÃvel levantar as condiÃÃes de trabalho e tipos de acidentes que ocorrem. Foram verificados os procedimentos e manuais da Ãrea de seguranÃa e higiene no trabalho da mesma, bem como constatado a nÃo existÃncia de uma Norma especÃfica para o setor de saneamento como, tambÃm, uma ClassificaÃÃo Nacional de Atividades EconÃmicas - CNAE que represente diretamente as ETEâs, seus acidentes e empregados. Pode-se verificar que muitos dos que ocorrem atualmente jà tinham sido relatados a dÃcadas atrÃs e que muitos dos manuais e procedimentos devem ser atualizados e ter uma linguagem mais acessÃvel ao trabalhador. Dos questionÃrios aplicados, a totalidade foi respondida. Constatou-se que a divulgaÃÃo dos dados de acidentes, bem como procedimentos de seguranÃa por parte da CAGECE à transparente. Assim, foi possÃvel montar um quadro geral dos acidentes e riscos existentes nas ETEâs. / Water pollution is growing drastically worldwide. Among the solutions adopted is the installation of wastewater treatment plants. They have to be considered industrial units at the service of the community that like any other unit of that type, suffers from problems related to hygiene and labor safety. In this research we studied labor hazards, ambient and operational, to which operators of treatment plants are exposed during the phases of industrial style waste water treatment. Methods applied include literature studies, questionnaires, verification of the existing safety norms, visiting of some treatment units of CAGECE â Companhia de Ãgua e Esgoto do CearÃ, and interviews with workers in order to learn about the working conditions and accidents occurred. The procedures applied and the safety and hygiene manuals were verified. We confirmed the lack of specific norms for the sanitation sector and of the âNational Classification of Economic Activities â CNAEâ that should consider waste water treatment, its workers and accidents they suffer. We found that many of the actual accidents were reported already decades ago; but manuals and procedures remained unchanged exhibiting, in addition, a language inaccessible for the workers. From the questionnaires, fully returned by the workers, we learned that the divulgement by CAGECE of safety procedures and accidents is transparent. This allowed a complete insight into accidents and risks occurring in waste water treatment plants.
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Ecological status of the Sand River after the discharge of sewage effluent from the Polokwane and Seshego wastewater treatment worksSeanego, Koena Gloria January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Aquaculture)) -- University of Limpopo, 2014 / Population growth in urban areas is putting pressure on sewage treatment plants.
The improper treatment of sewage entering the aquatic ecosystems causes
deterioration of the water quality of the receiving water body. The effect of sewage
effluent on the Sand River was assessed. Eight sampling sites were selected, site 1
and 2 were upstream of the of the sewage treatment plant along the urbanised area
of Polokwane, whilst sites 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were downstream. The physicochemical
parameters and coliform counts in the water samples were determined.
Macroinvertebrate abundances and diversity (H') was determined at the different
sites during the dry and rainy season. The water quality status of the Sand River with
respect to the South African scoring system (SASS) scores and average score per
taxon (ASPT) was determined. A linear regression was performed to test the
correlation of the SASS scores with abundance and H'. Heavy metal concentrations
in water, sediment, grass (Ishaemum fasciculatum) and fish (Oreochromis
mossambicus) at the sites were evaluated. The suitability of the Sand River and
surrounding borehole water for irrigation was also determined.
Hierarchical average linkage cluster analysis produced two clusters, grouping two
sites above the sewage treatment works and six sites downstream of the sewage
effluent discharge point. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified total nitrogen,
total phosphorus, conductivity and salinity as the major factors contributing to the
variability of the Sand River water quality. These factors are strongly associated with
the downstream sites. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that
Chironomidae family was found on the nitrogen gradient during the dry season.
However during the rainy season, Chironomidae was found in the centre of the
ordination which indicated that it was ubiquitous. Escherichia coli levels (1463.73
counts/100ml) in the maturation ponds of Polokwane wastewater treatment works
could potentially lead to contamination of the Polokwane aquifer. High diversity was
recorded at the sites before discharge and the sites further downstream. There was
significant correlation (P<0.05) between the SASS scores and macroinvertebrate
diversity during the dry season (R2=0.69) and the rainy season (R2=0.77). Fish
samples had significantly higher (P<0.05) iron and copper concentrations, while the
sediment had significantly higher lead concentration (P>0.05). The United States
salinity laboratory (USSL) diagram indicated that the sodium hazard (SAR) and
alkalinity hazard (conductivity) was low and the Sand River and borehole water was
suitable for irrigation. The residual sodium carbonate (RSC) was below 1.24 meq/l,
also indicating that both the Sand River and borehole water is still suitable for
irrigation. The total phosphorus concentrations fluctuated across the different site.
Total nitrogen concentrations showed a gradual decrease downstream from the point
of discharge. The coliform levels also showed a gradual decrease downstream. This
shows that the river still has a good self-purification capacity.
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Estudi del comportament de sistemes biològics de depuració d'aigües residuals mitjançant models mecanístics, optimitzant la informació disponible de les dades obtingudes en líniaColprim Galceran, Jesús 20 July 1998 (has links)
The use of simulation as an upgrading tool has been tested on real wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Currently, the new WWTP have the possibility to monitor some process variables as the flows, oxygen concentrations and, some physical properties as temperature or pH. This thesis has been divided in two main sections: i) the use of the GPS-X software as an upgrading tool for real WWTP and ii) the use of the wavelet filter for the analysis of the online data / Els objectius que es planteja la present tesi doctoral són: i) efectuar una revisió dels models mecanístics de depuració d’aigües residuals, ii) avaluar-ne la fiabilitat en la simulació d’estacions depuradores d’aigües residuals reals, iii) estudiar la problemàtica de disposar de gran quantitat de dades en línia, iv) presentar la tècnica de filtrat de dades amb wavelets i v) avaluar la capacitat de filtrat de les wavelets en les dades disponibles en línia d’una EDAR urbana que enregistra els cabals d’operació i concentracions d’oxigen dissolt en línia
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Kombinuotų mechaninio nuotekų valymo įrenginių privalumų ir trūkumų analizė / The Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Combined Mechanical Wastewater Treatment FacilitiesStonkus, Audrius 30 May 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: kombinuoti mechaninio nuotekų valymo įrenginiai esantys Balbieriškio, Kaišiadorių, Pasvalio ir Kuršėnų nuotekų valyklose.
Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti kombinuotų mechaninio nuotekų valymo įrenginių taikymo galimybes, atsižvelgiant į nuotekų charakteristikas, atlikti šių įrenginių privalumų ir trūkumų analizę.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Identifikuoti nuotekų valyklose esamus kombinuotus nuotekų valymo įrenginius.
2. Atrinkti nuotekų valyklas su skirtingais kombinuotais nuotekų valymo įrenginiais.
3. Išanalizuoti pasirinktose nuotekų valyklose atitekančių nuotekų charakteristikas.
4. Atlikti atrinktuose objektuose kombinuotų valymo įrenginių privalumų ir trūkumų analizę.
Tyrimo metodas: ekspertinis vertinimas (vizualus vertinimas).
Tyrimo rezultatai:
Trumpai aprašomi atrinkti objektai, kuriuose sumontuoti skirtingi kombinuoti mechaninio nuotekų valymo įrenginiai. Aprašomos kombainų techninės charakteristikos ir jų veikimas.
Atliekamas kombainų vertinimas pagal vertinimo kriterijus: įrenginių techninis patikimumas, valymo procesų technologinis stabilumas, valymo įrenginių kontrolės ir eksploatavimo ypatumai, valymo įrenginių priežiūros ir einamojo remonto ypatumai.
Gauti kombainų vertinimo rezultatai pagal 4 kriterijus panaudojami daugiakriterinei analizei, kuriai atlikti naudojama kompiuterinė programa DAM.
Atsižvelgiant į ekspertinio vertinimo ir daugiakriterinės analizės metu gautus rezultatus nustatyta, kad geriausias iš vertintų kombainų yra PASSAVANT... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research: combined mechanical wastewater treatment facilities in the wastewater treatment plants of Balbieriškis, Kaišiadoriai, Pasvalys and Kuršėnai.
Aim of research: to analyse the possibilities to apply combined mechanical wastewater treatment facilities, to perform the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of those treatment systems regarding the wastewater characteristics.
Objectives of the research:
1. To identify combined wastewater treatment facilities located in the wastewater treatment plants.
2. To select the wastewater treatment plants with different combined wastewater treatment facilities.
3. To analyse the characteristics of wastewater coming into the selected wastewater treatment systems.
4. To perform the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of combined treatment facilities in the selected objects.
Method of the research: expert evaluation (visual evaluation).
Results of the research:
A short description of the selected objects where different combined mechanical wastewater treatment systems are installed. Technical characteristics and operation of combines are described.
An evaluation of combines is performed according to the following criteria: technical reliability of systems, technological stability of treatment processes, peculiarities of treatment plant monitoring and exploitation, peculiarities of maintenance and permanent repair of treatment plant systems.
The received results of combine evaluation are used for... [to full text]
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Evaluation of some pharmaceutical and personal care products and pesticide residues in selected wastewater treatment plants and receiving watersheds in Eastern Cape, South AfricaAdemoyegun, Olufemi Temitope January 2017 (has links)
Emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) have been the focus of global environmental research for over three decades. EOCs have caused widespread concern due to their extensive use. As EOCs were designed to correct, enhance or protect a specific physiological, their target effects in humans and/or farm stocks are relatively well known and documented. However, there is limited knowledge about their unintended effects in the environment. To address the occurrence, distribution and fate of EOCs in the environment, efficient and reliable analytical methods are needed. The relatively low concentration, high polarity, and thermal lability of some EOCs, together with their interaction with complex environmental matrices, make their analysis challenging. Sample preparation followed by GC or HPLC separation and mass spectrometry (MS) detection has become the standard approach for evaluating EOCs in environmental samples. Physicochemical properties of EOCs range from highly water-soluble (hydrophylic) to highly water-insoluble (hydrophobic). Two groups of these EOCs were considered for study in this work. Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) were comprehensively studied in five wastewater treatment plants and their receiving watersheds in Amathole districts in Eastern C ape, South Africa. PPCPs have been widely reported in wastewater influents, effluents, receiving rivers and biosolids, but reports of their occurrence in all these matrixes have been limited by the difficulty of analysis. Therefore, a comprehensive validation of methods was carried out on the influents, effluents, sludge and soil from the irrigated golf course where the effluent of one of the study sites was being used for over three decades now for irrigation. In all, thirteen PPCPs from five therapeutic groups were selected for study in this work because of their administering rate and availability of analytical instrument. Good limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were achieved for the method used. The LOD for the aqueous Three different technologies were employed for the treatment of wastewater in the five selected wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and study was carried out to evaluate their ability to eliminate the selected compounds from the influents to the effluents using statistical analysis (ANOVA) at p<0.05 on the percentage removal rate across the three plants. The results had shown eight of the compounds having no significant difference among the treatment operations, whereas the remaining five compounds varied significantly among the treatment technologies under investigation. Principal component analysis was performed on the concentration of PPCPs, their removal rate and also on the physicochemical and treatment operation parameters. Hydraulic retention time (HRT) had correlation coefficient, r = 0.90 with the concentration of PPCPs and removal rates. Furthermore, occurrences, seasonal variation, mean concentration distribution pattern of the compounds, and temporal evaluation of the mean concentration of the pharmaceutical compounds in the five WWTPs during one year of sampling were considered. The results revealed that five products which were diclofenac, ibuprofen, paracetamol, triclosan and diethyl toluamide (DDET) were predominant among the PPCPs in all the WWTPs. The removal efficiency was highest in caffeine with 96 percent, and the lowest was obtained with carbamazepine (4 percent). Risk quotient of the concentration of PPCPs in the effluents and receiving waters was determined to assess their chronic toxicity at three trophic levels: fish, algae and matrixes studied ranged from 0.01 μg/L to 0.25 μg/L, and the LOQ from 0.02 μg/L to 0.78 μg/L. In the solid matrixes, LOD varied from 0.01 ng/g to 0.65 ng/g, and the LOQ between 0.08 ng/g and 5.17 ng/g. Better recovery efficiency was obtained with this mixture of solvents, acetone: dichloromethane (1:1), for the recovery of the five therapeutic groups in the solid matrixes using ultrasonication- assisted techniques. The results show percentage recovery values ranging from 68.8 percent to 107.5 percent diaphian. According to the environmental risk assessment results, ibuprofen and triclosan were found to be the most critical compounds due to their high risk quotient values. These findings will, therefore, help in the future evaluation of the efficiency of different treatment technologies in the removal of various PPCPs from the wastewater and their sustainable management in the aquatic resources in Eastern Cape, South Africa. For the lipophilic organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), the limits of detection (LODs) of the tested congeners varied from 0.04 ng/g (α-BHC) to 0.49 ng/g (endosulfan sulfate) and the limits of quantification ranging from 0.22 ng/g (aldrin) to 2.17 ng/g (δ-BHC).
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Chov ryb v rybnících zatížených komunálními vodami / Fish farming in ponds exposed to municipal water managementCHMELICKÝ, Petr January 2017 (has links)
In August 2014 a total die-off of fish stock occurred in Záhumenní velký, a pond with a surface area of 5.85 ha. The investigation of the fish kill revealed that the Jabkenice WWTP located above the pond area had discharged water of inappropriate quality (N-NH4+ -99.3 mg/l-1) into the pond. This event resulted in the monitoring of physical and chemical parameters of water quality, zooplankton sampling and measuring of growth dynamics of fish stock by using control reduction fishing. The survey conducted in 2015 studied three different ponds (Ohrada 0.85 ha, Záhumenní velký 5.85 ha and Vlkava 22.1 ha), located in the fertile lowland areas around Mladá Boleslav where pre-cleaned sewage water from the sewage treatment plants flows. The water samples taken both at the outflow of the waste water treatment plant and in the pond were analysed in an accredited laboratory. The following parameters were examined: BOD5, TN, CODCr, ammoniacal nitrogen, TP, nitrites, nitrates and others.
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Estudo da eco-eficiência de argamassas e concretos reciclados com resíduos de estações de tratamento de água e de construções e demolições. / Study of eco-efficiency of mortar and concrete recycled from sludge from water treatment plants and rubble from construction and demolition.Souza, Francis Rodrigues de 23 February 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-02-23 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Traditional and recycled mortar and concrete have been produced and the results from simple
compression strength and water absorption tests have been compared. Recycled mortar and
concrete have been produced out of sludge from water treatment plants and rubble from
construction and demolition. The amount of aluminum present in the leached extract from the
solubilization process of the concrete produced with the addition of both sludge from water
treatment plants and rubble from construction and demolition has been determined. In terms
of simple compression strength, the addition of up to 4 % of sludge in mass in place of natural
sand has made it possible to obtain recycled concrete with similar characteristics to traditional
concrete. Although water absorption of concrete and mortar produced from both sludge from
water treatment plants and rubble from construction and demolition is much higher than water
absorption of traditional mortar and concrete, the results have not made it impossible to use
them; it has just restricted their application to places free from moist resulting from weather
conditions or use characteristics. The leached extract resulting from the solubilization of the
concrete produced out of both sludge from water treatment plants and rubble from
construction and demolition has shown aluminum concentration higher than the drinkability
standard defined by the Brazilian standards agency (ABNT), but not in such a level to turn the
rubble from the recycled product dangerous to human health. / Argamassas e concretos convencionais e reciclados com agregados de entulho
de concreto e lodo de estação de tratamento de água foram produzidos e os resultados dos
ensaios de resistência à compressão axial e absorção de água foram comparados. Foi
determinada a quantidade de alumínio presente no extrato lixiviado resultante do processo de
solubilização dos concretos produzidos com a adição conjunta dos resíduos de construção e
demolição civil e lodo de estação de tratamento de água. Em termos de resistência à
compressão axial, a adição de até 4 % em massa de lodo substituindo o agregado miúdo
natural possibilitou a obtenção de concretos com características similares as dos concretos
convencionais. Embora a absorção de água dos concretos e das argamassas produzidas com a
adição conjunta de lodo de estação de tratamento de água e agregados reciclados de entulho
de concreto seja muito maior que a absorção de água dos concretos e argamassas
convencionais, os resultados não impediram o uso, apenas o restringiu a lugares livres de
umidade e da ação de intempéries. O extrato lixiviado resultante do processo de solubilização
do concreto produzido com adição conjunta de lodo de estação de tratamento de água e
agregado reciclado de entulho de concreto apresentou concentração de alumínio superior ao
padrão de potabilidade da água definido pelo Anexo H da NBR 10.004, mas não em teor que
torne perigoso o possível resíduo do produto assim reciclado.
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