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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimation of biomass for calculating carbon storage and CO2 sequestration using remote sensing technology in Yok Don National Park, Central Highlands of Vietnam / Ước lượng sinh khối cho tính toán lượng tích trữ các bon và hấp thụ CO2 ở Vườn Quốc gia Yok Đôn, Tây Nguyên Việt Nam, bằng cách sử dụng công nghệ viễn thám

Nguyen, Viet Luong 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Global warming and climate change are closely related to the amount of CO2 in the air. Forest ecosystem plays very important role in the global carbon cycle; CO2 from the atmosphere is taken up by vegetation and stored as plant biomass. Therefore, quantifying biomass and carbon sequestration in tropical forests has a significant concern within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), Kyoto Protocol and Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) program for the purpose of the improvement of national carbon accounting as well as for addressing the potential areas for carbon credits, basis for payment for environmental services. The aim of research is to estimate biomass and carbon stocks in tropical forests using remote sensing data for dry forest of central highlands of Vietnam. This result showed that from satellite images of the SPOT, satellites could build the land cover map, carbon map and biomass map of Yok Don National Park, Central Highlands of Vietnam. Through which also the biomass (above ground biomass and below ground biomass) of each type of forest can be calculated. For instance the biomass of the dry forest (Dry Dipterocarp Forest) is 153.49 tones x ha-1, biomass of rich forest is 343.35 tones x ha-1, biomass of medium forest is 210.34 tones x ha-1 and biomass of poor forest & scrub are 33.56 tones x ha-1. / Sự ấm lên toàn cầu và biến đổi khí hậu có liên quan chặt chẽ với tổng lượng CO2 trong không khí. Hệ sinh thái rừng có vai trò rất quan trọng trong chu trình các bon toàn cầu; khí CO2 trong khí quyển được hấp thụ bởi thảm thực vật dưới dạng sinh khối. Vì vậy, việc xác định sinh khối và carbon tích trữ trong rừng nhiệt đới đã có được sự quan tâm đáng kể trong Công ước của Liên hiệp quốc về biến đổi khí hậu (UNFCC), Nghị định thư Kyoto và Chương trình giảm phát thải từ phá rừng và suy thoái rừng (REDD) gần đây, nhằm cho mục đích cải thiện việc tính toán lượng các bon tích trữ cũng như giải quyết các vấn đề tiềm năng cho tín dụng các bon, làm cơ sở cho việc thanh toán cho các dịch vụ môi trường. Mục đích của nghiên cứu này là ước lượng sinh khối và các bon lưu trữ trong các khu rừng nhiệt đới bằng cách sử dụng dữ liệu viễn thám, mà ở nghiên cứu này là cho rừng khộp Tây Nguyên của Việt Nam. Kết quả cho thấy rằng, từ ảnh vệ tinh SPOT có thể xây dựng bản đồ lớp phủ thực vật, bản đồ các bon và bản độ sinh khối của Vườn quốc gia Yok Đôn, Tây Nguyên Việt Nam. Qua đó đã tính toán được sinh khối (bao gồm cả trên mặt đất và dưới mặt đất) như: đối với sinh khối của rừng khô cây họ dầu (Dry Dipterocarp Forest) là 153,59 tấn/ha, sinh khối rừng giàu là 343,35 tấn/ha, sinh khối rừng trung bình là 210,34 tấn/ha và sinh khối rừng nghèo&cây bụi là 33,56 tấn/ha.

Road Impact on Deforestation and Jaguar Habitat Loss in the Mayan Forest

Conde Ovando, Dalia Amor 25 July 2008 (has links)
<p>The construction of roads, either as an economic tool or as necessity for the implementation of other infrastructure projects is increasing in the tropical forest worldwide. However, roads are one of the main deforestation drivers in the tropics. In this study we analyzed the impact of road investments on both deforestation and jaguar habitat loss, in the Mayan Forest. As well we used these results to forecast the impact of two road investments planned in the region. Our results show that roads are the single deforestation driver in low developed areas, whether many other drivers play and important role in high developed areas. In the short term, the impact of a road in a low developed area is lower than in a road in a high developed area, which could be the result of the lag effect between road construction and forest colonization. This is consistent since roads resulted to be a significant deforestation driver for at least two decades. Roads significantly affect jaguar's habitat selection; however males showed a higher tolerance than females. From 1980 to 2000 female jaguars lost 36% of their habitat wile males lost 22%. Our forecasting of the impact of the proposed road, shows that it will promote the deforestation of approximately 16,851 has, and the jaguar habitat loss of 146,929, during the first decade; meanwhile the alternative route will have and impact of 2519 hectares and the habitat loss of 899 hectares.</p> / Dissertation

Why do Birds Migrate? The Role of Food, Habitat, Predation, and Competition

Boyle, Alice January 2006 (has links)
The ultimate causes of bird migration are largely unknown despite more than a century of research. By studying partially migratory short-distance tropical migrants and by employing comparative methods, some difficulties in testing hypotheses for evolution of migration can be overcome. Using comparative methods I tested the evolutionary precursor hypothesis, a major hypothesis for why migration evolved in some lineages and not in others. The results of this study conflicted with many assumptions and predictions of the evolutionary precursor hypothesis. Most importantly, migratory behavior was not related to diet and habitat in simple ways. The interaction between diet and habitat, as well as consistent associations between flocking behavior and migration suggested that food variability is poorly captured by the surrogates embodied in the evolutionary precursor hypothesis. I then employed comparative methods to studying tropical altitudinal migration. Comparisons of diets and fruit preferences between species pairs showed that migrants are more frugivorous, eat a broader diversity of fruits, and have diets that more strongly resemble their preferences than do residents. Although providing evidence that food limitation plays a role in altitudinal migration, these results do not support the hypothesis that interspecific competition explains variation in migratory behavior. Next, I provided the first test of a predation-based hypothesis to explain altitudinal migration. Migrants breed at higher elevations than where they spend their non-breeding season. Thus, birds may migrate uphill to escape high nest predation risk at lower elevations. Results from this experimental study are largely consistent with this hypothesis, but anomalies between predicted and observed patterns suggest that either migration of lowland birds occurs in response to other factors, or that anthropogenic change has altered the tradeoffs involved in migratory decisions. Finally, I focus on a single migrant species and evaluate (a) two food-based hypotheses to explain the destination of migration movements, and (b) mechanisms underlying intra-specific differences in migratory strategy. Food can explain why Corapipo altera migrate uphill, but not why they migrate downhill. My data on sex bias and body condition leads to a new hypothesis explaining the complete annual cycle of this tropical migrant bird.

Interspecific and Size-dependent Variation in Carbon Concentration and Wood Chemical Traits of Tropical Trees

Martin, Adam 17 December 2012 (has links)
Tropical forests play a major role in global carbon (C) dynamics and maintain some of the highest biological complexity on Earth; however, little is known about how variation in wood chemical traits contributes to tropical forest structure and function. This research examines inter- and intraspecific patterns in wood chemical traits in order to understand 1) the role wood chemical traits play in tropical forest C dynamics, and 2) the adaptive significance of wood chemical traits in tropical trees. I found wood C concentration varies widely among co-occurring tropical tree species, with average C concentration (47.4 ± 0.33% w/w (S.E.)) being significantly lower than values assumed in prominent forest C accounting protocols. Failing to account for this variation leads to overestimates of ~3.3 – 5.3% in tropical forest C accounting, an error that compounds significantly at larger spatial scales. I also show that oven drying samples prior to elemental analysis underestimates wood C concentration by 2.5 ± 0.17%, due to the loss of the “volatile C fraction”. Counter to expectations, I found wood C concentration is not ii phylogenetically conserved nor correlated to species demography or life history traits. Wood chemical traits showed consistent size-dependent patterns: wood C (in 16 of 24 species) and lignin (in 15 of 16 species) was higher in saplings vs. conspecific canopy trees. These patterns, complimented by phylogenetic analyses, suggest saplings require wood chemical traits that confer greater pathogen defense. When analyzed across a continuous size spectrum, I found wood C concentration (and leaf structural traits) increases linearly, while wood starch concentration (and leaf traits associated with C gain) shows “hump-shaped” patterns with peak values closely preceding reproductive onset; the latter result suggests C may limit growth in larger trees. Overall, my dissertation provides one of the first comprehensive examinations of wood chemical trait variation in tropical trees. In doing so it provides novel, timely, and critical insights into how wood chemical traits contribute to tropical forest structure and function.

Interspecific and Size-dependent Variation in Carbon Concentration and Wood Chemical Traits of Tropical Trees

Martin, Adam 17 December 2012 (has links)
Tropical forests play a major role in global carbon (C) dynamics and maintain some of the highest biological complexity on Earth; however, little is known about how variation in wood chemical traits contributes to tropical forest structure and function. This research examines inter- and intraspecific patterns in wood chemical traits in order to understand 1) the role wood chemical traits play in tropical forest C dynamics, and 2) the adaptive significance of wood chemical traits in tropical trees. I found wood C concentration varies widely among co-occurring tropical tree species, with average C concentration (47.4 ± 0.33% w/w (S.E.)) being significantly lower than values assumed in prominent forest C accounting protocols. Failing to account for this variation leads to overestimates of ~3.3 – 5.3% in tropical forest C accounting, an error that compounds significantly at larger spatial scales. I also show that oven drying samples prior to elemental analysis underestimates wood C concentration by 2.5 ± 0.17%, due to the loss of the “volatile C fraction”. Counter to expectations, I found wood C concentration is not ii phylogenetically conserved nor correlated to species demography or life history traits. Wood chemical traits showed consistent size-dependent patterns: wood C (in 16 of 24 species) and lignin (in 15 of 16 species) was higher in saplings vs. conspecific canopy trees. These patterns, complimented by phylogenetic analyses, suggest saplings require wood chemical traits that confer greater pathogen defense. When analyzed across a continuous size spectrum, I found wood C concentration (and leaf structural traits) increases linearly, while wood starch concentration (and leaf traits associated with C gain) shows “hump-shaped” patterns with peak values closely preceding reproductive onset; the latter result suggests C may limit growth in larger trees. Overall, my dissertation provides one of the first comprehensive examinations of wood chemical trait variation in tropical trees. In doing so it provides novel, timely, and critical insights into how wood chemical traits contribute to tropical forest structure and function.

Radiação solar global e fotossinteticamente ativa (PAR) acima e abaixo do dossel de floresta de mata atlântica no estado de Alagoas / Global solar and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) above and below the canopy of atlantic Forest in Alagoas state

Andrade, Antonio Marcos Delfino de 18 March 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A Mata Atlântica é um dos mais ricos ecossistemas em termos de diversidade biológica do mundo. Ela é representada por vários tipos de vegetações, além de ser caracterizada pelo alto grau de endemismo. Atualmente, esta floresta, se encontra bastante fragmentada, restando apenas 7,5%. Apesar disso, ainda mantém níveis extremamente altos de biodiversidade e endemismo. Contudo, este bioma, provavelmente, é o mais devastado e seriamente ameaçado do planeta. Apesar da importância do estudo sobre Mata Atlântica, pouco se conhece dos processos físicos, químicos e biológicos existentes acima e abaixo do dossel. O estudo da radiação solar é importante para entender os diversos processos físicos, químicos e biológicos que ocorrem na biosfera, em particular em floresta. Ainda no ambiente de floresta a radiação solar se destaca entre outros fatores, sendo fundamental nos processos de fotossíntese, aquecimento do ar e da superfície e evapotranspiração. O processo de fotossíntese ocorre apenas em parte do espectro da Radiação Solar, compreendido entre os comprimentos de onda eletromagnética de 0,4 a 0,7 &#956;m e denominada de Radiação Fotossinteticamente Ativa (PAR). Com base no exposto, o objetivo é caracterizar a evolução temporal da Radiação Solar Global (Rg) e Fotossinteticamente Ativa acima e abaixo de um fragmento remanescente de Mata Atlântica no Estado de Alagoas. O estudo foi realizado, no período de outubro/2009 a setembro/2010, com a obtenção dos dados (Rg, PAR, PAR refletida e precipitação) provenientes de uma torre micrometeorológica (10º17 36 S, 36º17 24 W) de 26 metros instalada numa área de floresta de Mata Atlântica. A área de estudo está localizada na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) Lula Lobo I inserida na fazenda Capiatã A, pertencente à Usina Coruripe Açúcar e Álcool S/A, no município de Coruripe, Alagoas. Verificou-se que a radiação solar incidente (Radiação Solar Global Externa (Rg_Ext) e Radiação Fotossinteticamente Ativa na parte Externa (PAR_Ext)) seguem a sazonalidade imposta pelo movimento aparente do Sol. Na época seca observou-se os maiores registros de Rg_Ext e PAR_Ext, com respectivas médias superiores a 900 W m-2 e 600 W m-2. Enquanto que, na época chuvosa foram registradas as menores médias, com Rg_Ext abaixo de 500 W m-2 e PAR_Ext inferior a 300 W m-2. Entretanto, uma pequena fração da radiação solar atinge o solo da floresta, ou seja, menos de 8% incide sobre a superfície. A radiação solar que incide no chão da floresta tem grande dependência do ângulo zenital (Z) e da estrutura do dossel. Notou-se também grande influência do Z na Rg_Ext e PAR_Ext, onde se verificou que quanto maior Z, menores são os valores destas componentes, em razão do maior caminho ótico que os raios solares tem que percorrer para atingir à superfície.

A Performance Guide for Heitor Villa-Lobos's Quatro Canções Da Floresta Do Amazonas

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: This paper is a performance guide for Quatro Canções da Floresta do Amazonas [Four Songs of The Amazon Forest] by Brazil's most prolific composer, Heitor Villa-Lobos. The primary purpose of the paper is to serve as a source for the correct pronunciation of the Brazilian Portuguese language of the songs. It will begin with an overview of Heitor Villa-Lobos's life and career, showing how his compositions catalyzed the Nationalistic movement in Brazilian classical music. His inclusion of native and folk elements into classical compositions was a significant innovation, which places Villa-Lobos as one of the most important Brazilian classical composers. Furthermore, this paper will explore the issue of Brazilian Portuguese diction in depth, using the Quatro Canções da Floresta do Amazonas to aid non-native Brazilian speakers. This includes an International Phonetic Alphabet transcription of the songs, as well as a recording of the songs being read and sung by the author, a link to which can be found in the appendix. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music 2017

Padrões fenológicos de espécies arbóreas em um fragmento de floresta semidecídua no estado de São Paulo: definição de padrões sazonais e comparação entre anos

Rubim, Paulo [UNESP] 14 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-06-14Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:10:29Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rubim_p_me_rcla.pdf: 840416 bytes, checksum: 477d55c54031309c90dd351bc26b73ab (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Florestas tropicais sob clima com estações seca e chuvosa definidas tendem a apresentar padrões fenológicos adaptados ao regime sazonal das condições ambientais. Para descrever e entender os padrees fenológicos vegetativos e reprodutivos de uma floresta semidecídua, 90 espécies arbóreas foram monitoradas durante quatro anos tentando responder as seguintes perguntas: (i) Existe sazonalidade na fenologia da floresta estudada? O padrão encontrado se repete durante os anos de estudo? (ii) Quais fatores climáticos médios ou atuais estão relacionados a cada fenofase observada? (iii) O padrão de frutificação está relacionado ao modo de dispersão das sementes? Foi utilizada estatística circular para testar a sazonalidade dos eventos fenológicos e correlações para testar as influências do clima médio (30 anos) e atual (período de quatro anos) no padrão fenológico entre os anos (V= 48 meses) e em cada ano (jV= 12 meses). Queda e brotamento foliar apresentaram padrões fortemente sazonais. sendo que a queda foliar ocorreu durante a estação seca e o brotamento na transição seca- chuvosa durante os quatro anos de estudo. Antese não apresentou padrão significativarnente sazonal. porém apresentou maior atividade durante toda estação chuvosa. A frutificação (frutos maduros) de espécies anemocóricas foi fortemente sazonal, ocorrendo durante a estação seca, enquanto espécies dispersas por animais e autocóricas não apresentaram padrões significativarnente sazonais, frutificando ao longo do ano todo. Queda foliar. antese, frutos maduros e frutos anernocóricos apresentaram correlaçàes significativas mais fortes com as médias climáticas do que com as variações climáticas do período de estudo. A fenologia das espécies de floresta semidecídua não diferiu significativamente entre os quatro anos de estudo. sugerindo mm padrão temporal previsível... / Tropical forests growing under a seasonal climate with a marked dry and wet season tend te adapt the plant phenotogy to the euvronmental seasonaIty. Tu desenhe and uuclerstand the reproductive and vegetative phenological patterns of a tropical sernideciduous forest we monitored 90 tree species over feia years aim te answer the following questions: (i) Are the reproductive and vegetative phenological patterns seasonal? Are the observed patterns repeated over the studied years? (ii) Which climatie factor. Inean or in the period, is related to the observed phenophases? (iii) Does the fruiting patterns vary among diíferent seed dispersal modes? We applied circular statistics analyses to test for the phenology seasonality and spearman correlation to test for the influence ofrnean climate (30 years) and actual ciimate (four years study period) on the phenological patterns over the years (N = 48) and ou each year (N = 12). Leaf fali and ieaf flushing were highiy seasonal, leaf fali occurring during the dry season and Ieaf flushing in the dry lo wet season transition during the four years of study. Flowering (anthesis) did not show a signiflcantiy seasonal pattern. although more species flowered during the wet season. Fruiting (ripe fruits) of wind dispersed species were highly seasonal. occurring in the drv season. whereas ftuiting patterns of animal and self dispersed fruits were nol seasonal. occurring ali year round. Leaf fali, flowering, ripe fruiting. and wind-dispersed fruiting presented significant correlations with climatic factors, and the correlations were stronger with mean ciimatic factor than with actual climatic factors. Phenoiogical pattems did not differ among years in the sernideciduous forest. suggesting a predictable pattern. at the sarne time every year. and siapporting rnost of the seasonal patterns described in short term studies.

De la canopée à la biomasse : télédétection lidar des dynamiques de la forêt tropicale à différentes échelles / From canopy to biomass : lidar remote sensing of tropical forest dynamics across scales

Meyer, Victoria 01 May 2017 (has links)
L'estimation précise da la biomasse des forêts tropicales est un enjeu important pour des programmes tels que REDD+ et autres politiques environnementales. Cette thèse étudie comment des métriques lidar aident à estimer la biomasse aérienne (AGB) et suit trois axes: le premier chapitre traite de la détection de la dynamique des forêts. Nous explorons quelle échelle/résolution/taille de parcelle et quelles métriques lidar sont optimales pour estimer la biomasse et ses dynamiques. Nous avons trouvé qu'une résolution d'au moins un hectare et la hauteur de canopée moyenne donnent les meilleurs résultats. Le deuxième chapitre traite des dynamiques spatiales et compare neuf sites situés dans les Néotropiques. Nous présentons une nouvelle métrique représentant l'aire des larges canopées (LCA), couplée avec la densité de bois moyenne des sites pour estimer leur biomasse. Nous montrons ainsi que les différences entre sites peuvent être dépassées et qu'un seul modèle peut être utilisé pour estimer leur biomasse. Enfin, le troisième chapitre présente la carte de biomasse d'une région méconnue et peu étudiée de Colombie, obtenue à partir d'un algorithme d'apprentissage automatique combinant des données lidar, de terrain, et des données satellitaires. Les trois chapitres soulignent l'importance d'identifier les différentes sources d'erreur et les incertitudes liées au processus d'estimation de biomasse. Ce travail représente une avancée dans l'étude du lidar en étant le premier à avoir estimé les dynamiques de biomasse en utilisant des instruments différents en forêt tropicale et à avoir produit la première carte de biomasse d'une région, comblant ainsi un vide qui existait sur la connaissance des forêts de Colombie. / Accurate estimation of biomass in tropical forests is of prime importance for programs such as REDD+ and for environmental policy in general. This thesis studies how lidar metrics can derive aboveground biomass (AGB) accurately and follows three axes : the first chapter deals with change detection of forest dynamics. It explores what scale/resolution/field plot size as well as which lidar-metrics are best to estimate AGB and AGB changes. We found that a resolution of at least 1ha and the mean canopy height metric give better results. The second chapter deals with spatial dynamics and compares nine sites in the Neotropics. We introduce a new metric representing large canopy area (LCA), coupled with mean wood density, to estimate AGB across sites and show that differences between sites can be overcome. Finally, our last chapter introduces a regional biomass map of a poorly known region of Colombia, using a machine learning algorithm combining airborne lidar data, field data and spaceborne remote sensing data. The three chapters emphasize on the importance of identifying sources of error and uncertainties. This work represents an advance in lidar studies by being the first one to estimate biomass changes using different sensors in tropical forests, exploring a new area and filling a gap in the knowledge of tropical forests of Colombia.

Padrões fenológicos de espécies arbóreas em um fragmento de floresta semidecídua no estado de São Paulo : definição de padrões sazonais e comparação entre anos /

Rubim, Paulo. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Leonor Patrícia Cerdeira Morellato / Banca: Marco Antonio Portugal L. Batalha / Banca: Fernando Pedroni / Resumo: Florestas tropicais sob clima com estações seca e chuvosa definidas tendem a apresentar padrões fenológicos adaptados ao regime sazonal das condições ambientais. Para descrever e entender os padrees fenológicos vegetativos e reprodutivos de uma floresta semidecídua, 90 espécies arbóreas foram monitoradas durante quatro anos tentando responder as seguintes perguntas: (i) Existe sazonalidade na fenologia da floresta estudada? O padrão encontrado se repete durante os anos de estudo? (ii) Quais fatores climáticos médios ou atuais estão relacionados a cada fenofase observada? (iii) O padrão de frutificação está relacionado ao modo de dispersão das sementes? Foi utilizada estatística circular para testar a sazonalidade dos eventos fenológicos e correlações para testar as influências do clima médio (30 anos) e atual (período de quatro anos) no padrão fenológico entre os anos (V= 48 meses) e em cada ano (jV= 12 meses). Queda e brotamento foliar apresentaram padrões fortemente sazonais. sendo que a queda foliar ocorreu durante a estação seca e o brotamento na transição seca- chuvosa durante os quatro anos de estudo. Antese não apresentou padrão significativarnente sazonal. porém apresentou maior atividade durante toda estação chuvosa. A frutificação (frutos maduros) de espécies anemocóricas foi fortemente sazonal, ocorrendo durante a estação seca, enquanto espécies dispersas por animais e autocóricas não apresentaram padrões significativarnente sazonais, frutificando ao longo do ano todo. Queda foliar. antese, frutos maduros e frutos anernocóricos apresentaram correlaçàes significativas mais fortes com as médias climáticas do que com as variações climáticas do período de estudo. A fenologia das espécies de floresta semidecídua não diferiu significativamente entre os quatro anos de estudo. sugerindo mm padrão temporal previsível... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Tropical forests growing under a seasonal climate with a marked dry and wet season tend te adapt the plant phenotogy to the euvronmental seasonaIty. Tu desenhe and uuclerstand the reproductive and vegetative phenological patterns of a tropical sernideciduous forest we monitored 90 tree species over feia years aim te answer the following questions: (i) Are the reproductive and vegetative phenological patterns seasonal? Are the observed patterns repeated over the studied years? (ii) Which climatie factor. Inean or in the period, is related to the observed phenophases? (iii) Does the fruiting patterns vary among diíferent seed dispersal modes? We applied circular statistics analyses to test for the phenology seasonality and spearman correlation to test for the influence ofrnean climate (30 years) and actual ciimate (four years study period) on the phenological patterns over the years (N = 48) and ou each year (N = 12). Leaf fali and ieaf flushing were highiy seasonal, leaf fali occurring during the dry season and Ieaf flushing in the dry lo wet season transition during the four years of study. Flowering (anthesis) did not show a signiflcantiy seasonal pattern. although more species flowered during the wet season. Fruiting (ripe fruits) of wind dispersed species were highly seasonal. occurring in the drv season. whereas ftuiting patterns of animal and self dispersed fruits were nol seasonal. occurring ali year round. Leaf fali, flowering, ripe fruiting. and wind-dispersed fruiting presented significant correlations with climatic factors, and the correlations were stronger with mean ciimatic factor than with actual climatic factors. Phenoiogical pattems did not differ among years in the sernideciduous forest. suggesting a predictable pattern. at the sarne time every year. and siapporting rnost of the seasonal patterns described in short term studies. / Mestre

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