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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robotic approach to low-cost manufacturing of 3D preforms with dry fibres

Sharif, Tahir January 2012 (has links)
High-performance fibres such as carbon, glass and kevlar are very promising for aerospace applications because of their high strength, stiffness, impact damage and excellent fatigue life. The high cost of the prepreg materials such as pre-impregnated fibre tape/tow and fabrics, and limitations of existing manufacturing processes are a big challenge for the aerospace industry to meet increasing performance demands. Their benefits can only be achieved by using low cost materials and manufacturing methods. In the past three or four decades, there have been substantial technological developments, which are governed by the new materials and their associated manufacturing techniques. The production of carbon fibre is slow and capital intensive, therefore, carbon manufactures produce higher tow counts (number of filaments) to increase production through-put in order to reduce its cost. In other words, 12k carbon tow is much cheaper than 6k or 3k carbon tow. In many applications finer tows are desirable. In this thesis, a fully automated laser feedback tow splitting line has been developed to split higher tow counts (12k spool) into smaller tow counts (split into 6k spools) in order to produce low cost material. The quality of the split tows has been evaluated by recording the data online during the splitting process. The recorded data was later analysed by statistical tools. A four axis modular gantry robotic system has been developed at the University of Manchester in order to deposit dry fibres in a completely flexible manner. To facilitate robotic preforming, an end-effector and mould have been designed and developed in this research. The tow placement program was written in the CoDeSys software which is then uploaded into the motion controller to perform specific motions. The cross-ply laminates have been manufactured by the proposed robotic system using split 6k (produced by the tow splitting process) and original 12k carbon tows. Mechanical test of both composites (12k and split 6k) are presented. A tufting process has been developed and conducted by the robotic system in order to manufacture 3D preforms. The tufted composite was compared with 3D woven and stitched 2D broadcloth in terms of the tensile and interlaminar shear strength properties. X-ray tomography has been conducted to investigate preform geometrical variations of manufactured composites. In addition, preforming cost models have been developed for robotic fibre placement and 3D weaving.

COLOUR IN LOOPS : Exploring colour perception in relation to lightin weaving and hand-tufting technique

Ciechomska, Agata January 2017 (has links)
The motivation for this MA work is based on the challenge to the preconception of hand-tufting through material, colour and light. When imagining a rug, a very specific image appears in our mind. Some details of that image could vary from person to person, but what is almost certain, dense and heavy, probably made out of wool, woven textile will pop up in front of our eyes. This work suggests a possibility of creating new expressions in design by the material driven approach. The investigation was led by practice based research including set up of experiments, experimental work and evaluation complementing the whole process. The exploration proved that qualities of monofilament yarn have a great ability to enhance colours as well as add certain kind of lightness to the hand-tufted piece. Furthermore, due to the transparency of monofilament yarn an interplay between the loops and the backing was possible, opening up for changes in colour perception. The outcome of the research is collection of woven and hand-tufted textiles contributing to the field of textiles by bringing new qualities to the hand-tufting technique.

Extending the fatigue life of a T-joint in a composite wind turbine blade

Hajdaei, Amirhossein January 2014 (has links)
Wind turbines are classic examples of structures where their operating lifetime is controlled by the fatigue properties of the material. This is exacerbated by the 2D nature of the composite materials used in blade construction which are typically fabrics in a variety of formats (e.g. non crimp fabrics, uniweave, woven). The formation of internal detailed shapes within the blade, allowing features such as spars, shear webs and other connections, inevitably requires these 2D material configurations to be formed into 3D shapes. This introduces positions within the structure where load transfer occurs across regions with no fibre reinforcement. These weak areas become natural positions for the initiation of damage that can occur well before fatigue damage would be expected in the basic material subject to simple in-plane loading. The aim of this study is to modify and improve the blade structure in order to extend its working life and minimize geometry related fatigue issues. To achieve this goal T-sections have been manufactured as representative element of the blade's spar. T-sections have been made of carbon or glass fabric infused with epoxy resin using a vacuum-assisted resin-transfer moulding technique. The structure has been modified with different toughening techniques to increase its interlaminar fracture resistance (toughness) and hence delay or stop crack propagation. Methods such as the use of veil layers, tufting and 3D weaving techniques have been employed to improve the interlaminar fracture toughness of the T-joint. The changing parameters in samples are, the addition of the veil layer to the composite structure, veil material, tufting stitches and use of different 3D fibre weaving architectures in the fabrication of the composite T-joint. For T-joint testing, there was no standardised specimen shapes and no standard for specimen dimensions; as well as no test fixture designs or test procedures. Consequently, it was required to design a test rig and develop a test procedure for tensile and fatigue tests of T-joints. An additional investigation was performed to establish test specimen geometry suitable for testing in available Instron machines. Manufactured specimens were quasi-static and fatigue tested. Test results were compared and showed that 3D woven and polyester veil T-joints had the best performance among modified structures. However, it has been found that these structural modifications are performing differently in quasi-static and fatigue loading. The 3D woven four layer to layer inter wave sample that showed the best result in a quasi-static test was not the one with the best fatigue results but it was amongst the ones with the highest performance. SEM and optical microscopy were used to investigate fractured specimens in an attempt to establish the mechanisms involved in the fracture process of the T-joint. Finally, based on test and investigations results it has been concluded that the 3D weaving was the most effective modification to improve the static and fatigue properties of the T-joint. The T-joint modified with polyester veil showed the second best performance in both static and fatigue tests but the addition of the polyamide caused had negative effects on these properties.

Etude d'une entéropathie congénitale orpheline : la Dysplasie Epithéliale Intestinale : Caractérisation des anomalies cellulaires et tissulaires suite à la perte de fonction D'EpCAM ou de SPINT2. Conséquences thérapeutiques / Study of an orphan congenital intestinal disease : Congenital Tufting Enteropathy : Cell and tissue anomalies characterization after loss‐of‐function of EpCAM or SPINT2. Therapeutic consequences

Duchamp Salomon, Julie 17 November 2016 (has links)
La Dysplasie Epithéliale Intestinale (DEI) est une maladie intestinale rare chez l'homme qui a récemment été liée à des mutations des gènes EPCAM et SPINT2. Peu de données sont disponibles pour ces deux gènes, principalement étudiés comme marqueurs du cancer. Le but de ma Thèse était d'identifier les défauts cellulaires induits par l'inactivation de ces gènes et de comprendre les fonctions d’EpCAM et de Spint2dans les entérocytes. Matériel et méthode : Nous avons utilisé comme modèle des cultures cellulaires de cellules Caco2‐BBe stablement inactivées pour EpCAM ou pour Spint2, en utilisant la stratégie shRNA, en comparaison avec les biopsies intestinales de patients DEI, mutés pour l'un ou l'autre gène. J'ai analysé par microscopie électronique,microscopie confocale ou vidéo microscopie, différents marqueurs, et étudié ces cellules sur des modèles 3Dtrès novateurs développés dans notre laboratoire.Résultats: Notre étude a mis en évidence que EpCAM est un acteur clé dans le maintien de l'organisation entérocytaire apico‐basale. Son inactivation conduit à une hyperactivation majeure de l'actomyosine focalisée sur les sommets tricellulaires, entraînant une profonde perturbation de l'organisation cellulaire globale. Les inhibiteurs de la myosine II restaurent l'organisation cellulaire normale. L'étude de Spint2 vient de commencer,mais il semble que l'inactivation de Spint2 conduit à la perturbation de l'adhésion cellulaire en relation avec desdéfauts dans la fin de la division cellulaire à l'étape de la cytocinèse. Cette hypothèse nécessite des analyses complémentaires afin de confirmer ces résultats, les compléter et préciser le mécanisme impliqué.Conclusion: Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai dévoilé de nouvelles fonctions d'EpCAM, et en soupçonne d'autres pour Spint2. Nos résultats devraient aider la recherche de traitements pour ces malades. Les données devraient non seulement servir la cause de la DEI mais également aider les biologistes cellulaires de l'intestin et la recherche sur le cancer. / Congenital Tufting Enteropathy is a rare human intestinal disease that has recently been ascribed tomutations in EPCAM and SPINT2. Few data were available for both, mainly studied as cancer markers. Thepurpose of my thesis was to identify cell defects induced by the inactivation of these genes and to understand EpCAM and Spint2 functions in enterocytes. Materiel & Method : The model used was cell culture of Caco2‐BBe cells stably inactivated for EpCAM or for Spint2 using shRNA strategy, in comparison with intestinal biopsies from patients mutated for either one or theother gene. I analysed by electron microscopy, confocal, or video microscopy different markers. Moreover, Istudied the cells on very novative 3D patterns developped in the laboratory. Results : My studies highlighted that EpCAM is a key player in maintenance of enterocyte apico‐basalorganization. Its inactivation leads to major actomyosin hyperactivation focused in tricellular vertices resulting in tremendous perturbation of the global cell organization. Inhibitors of myosin‐II rescued the normal cellorganization. The Spint2 study has just started, but it seems that Spint2 inactivation leads to cell adhesionperturabtion in relationship with defects in finishing cell division at the cytokinesis step. This hypothesis needs further analyses to be confirmed and to precise the involved mechanism. Conclusion : During my thesis I unraveled new functions of EpCAM, suspected others for Spint2, and have progressed in the seeking of treatments. The data should not only serve the cause of CTE, but also should help members of intestinal biology and cancer research.

Analysis of damage mechanisms in composite structures reinforced by tufting / Analyse des mécanismes d'endommagement des structures composites renforcées par le tufting

Martins, Alan 15 November 2018 (has links)
Cette étude portait sur l’évaluation des performances mécaniques et des mécanismes de défaillance des composites cousus dans différentes conditions de chargement. Des plaques stratifiées et des raidisseurs renforcés par tufting ont été fabriqués avec différents paramètres de couture afin d'évaluer leur effet sur les propriétés des composites. L'investigation a été assistée par une caractérisation multi-instrumentée pendant les tests. Les plaques cousues soumises à des tests de cisaillement à poutre courte sont utilisées dans l'analyse du comportement de la densité et de l'angle de couture dans des conditions de chargement en mode II, tandis que des tests d'impact et de compression après impact (CAI) sur la tolérance aux dommages. Des tests de fatigue en éprouvettes trouées ont également été réalisés afin d’évaluer la réponse des coutures, en particulier leur position par rapport au trou central, à la concentration de déformation générée par le trou. La suite de ce travail a consisté en des tests mécaniques sur panneau raidi oméga renforcé par tufting. La procédure a optimisé les paramètres de touffetage utilisés pour renforcer les structures du lot précédent d'échantillons jusqu'à atteindre un point optimal où les propriétés principales, principalement trouvées dans les tests d'arrachement, sont égales ou supérieures à celles des échantillons témoins. Cette amélioration tenait également compte des modifications de la forme des raidisseurs. En outre, une nouvelle approche basée sur l’effet piézorésistif des coutures en fibres de carbone lors du chargement des éprouvettes composites est réalisée. Cela peut faciliter la surveillance de l’état de santé des fils cousus et donc du composite en raison de la nature structurelle des coutures. Les résultats ont montré que les renforts par tufting sont capables d'augmenter considérablement la ténacité entre les composites et la tolérance aux endommagements des composites, principalement en raison de leurs phénomènes de pontage des fissures. Les paramètres de tufting sont des facteurs décisifs pour obtenir les meilleures propriétés mécaniques. Cependant, ces travaux ont montré que les fils de coutures sont également responsables de la création de fissures dues à la concentration de contrainte et aux défauts causés par leur insertion et, par conséquent, à la diminution de la résistance des composites. L'enquête conclut que l'insertion aléatoire des touffes n'est pas idéale pour la performance du matériau et doit donc être évitée. Le développement de l'insertion des coutures dans les raidisseurs oméga a été soutenu par la caractérisation multi-instrumentée qui a permis d'optimiser le renforcement de la structure. Bien que l’étude ait permis d’obtenir des propriétés mécaniques nettement supérieures à celles des panneaux oméga renforcés par touffetage, il est évident que la procédure employée n’est pas optimale. Le présent travail propose également un modèle préliminaire d'éléments finis pour surmonter le coût et la perte de temps des tests expérimentaux. Il vise principalement à optimiser les paramètres de tufting dans la structure. Le modèle développé était capable de prédire les mêmes endommagements que ceux observés expérimentalement, mais encore éloignés des prévisions quantitatives des résultats. Le contrôle de l’état structurel des stratifiés composites cousus par les fils de carbone semble prometteur et pourrait aider à l’avenir à fournir des informations sur l’état de santé des coutures sous chargement qui ne sont pas atteintes par les méthodes de caractérisation classiques utilisées dans ce travail. / This study focused mainly on the assessment of the mechanical performance and the failure mechanisms of tufted composites under divers loading conditions. Laminated plates and stiffened panels reinforced by tufting was manufactured with different tufting parameters to evaluate their effect in the properties of the composites. Multi-instrumented characterization carried out during the tests assisted the investigation. The tufted plates subjected to short-beam shear tests aided especially in the behavior analysis of tufting density and angle in mode Il loading condition, while impact and compression after impact (CAI) tests on the damage tolerance. Open-hole fatigue tests were also performed to evaluate the tufts response, especially regarding their position to the center hole, to the strain concentration factor generated by the hole. The following part of this work consisted of the mechanical tests on omega stiffened panel reinforced by tufting. The procedure optimized the tufting parameters employed for reinforcing the structures from the previous batch of specimens until reaching an optimal point that the main properties, primarily found in pull-off tests, are equal or superior to those of the control specimens. This improvement also considered the modifications in the shape of the stiffeners. Furthermore, a novel approach based on the piezoresistive effect of carbon tufts under loading of the composite specimens is performed. This may support the monitoring of the health status on the tufted threads and therefore of the composite because of the structural nature of the tufts. The results showed that tufting reinforcements are capable of increasing the interlaminar fracture toughness and damage tolerance of the composites considerably owing mainly to their crack bridging phenomena. The tufting parameters are decisive factors for achieving the best mechanical properties. However, this work reported that tuft threads are also responsible for generating cracks due to the strain concentration and defects caused by their insertion and consequently, can decrease the strength of the composites. The investigation concludes that the random insertion of the tufts is not ideal for the performance of the material and thus must be avoided. The development of the tufting insertion in the omega stiffeners was supported by the multi-instrumented characterization that led to optimizing reinforcement in the structure. Although the study achieved the goal of obtaining mechanical properties significantly superior to the omega panels reinforced by tufting, it is noticeable that the procedure employed is not optimal. The present work also proposes a preliminary finite element model to overcome the costly and time consuming of the experimental tests. It intends primarily optimizing the tufting parameters in the structure. The model developed was capable of predicting the same damage events as observed experimentally, but it still distant from the quantitative predictions of the results. The structural health monitoring of the tufted composite laminates by the carbon threads seems promising and could help in the future for supplying data about the tufts health status under loading that are not achieved by the conventional characterization methods employed in this work.

Female Friendship: Strength Found Through Support

Stater, Lydia M. 11 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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