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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fundamental Units

Flores, Ryan M 01 January 2016 (has links)
Surface, Skin, Facade, Countenance, Resistance, Chinchorro Mummies,Touch, Mark Making, Residue, Intuition, Repression, Indigestion, Disassemble, Blighted,Components, Body as Containers, Levels of Hierarchy, Absorption, Plastination, Modernism and Containment, Vanitas, Disembodied, Embodiment, Fragmentation, Arches, Gothic, Typology, Stacking of Cultures, Slippage.

Les sarcophages entre Loire et Pyrénées : observations et études par des critères techniques et morphologiques / Sarcophagi between the Loire river and the Pyrénées between the 4th and the 8th century : observation, study based on technical and morphological aspects

Rougé, Guillaume 30 June 2014 (has links)
Dans cet espace chronologique et géographique que constitue le territoire entre la Loire et les Pyrénées au début du haut Moyen-Âge, la diversité culturelle et politique donne lieu à une réinterprétation du contenant funéraire. Entre tradition romaine et innovation locale, la production de sarcophages connaît des évolutions diverses, contraintes entre autres par les ressources disponibles et l'outillage employé. L'objectif de ce travail a été dans un premier temps de recenser les sarcophages et d'étudier leur répartition sur le territoire évoqué. Les 1840 sarcophages répertoriés sur plus de 150 sites différents ont nécessité le développement d'une méthodologie adaptée à l'enregistrement des données et à leur analyse. C'est dans cette optique qu'une base de données fonctionnelle a été créée, pour répondre au besoin d'inventorier les mesures, l'état de conservation et un grand nombre d'observations sur les sarcophages identifiés. En parallèle, une démarche de cartographie a été entreprise pour rendre compte de la répartition géographique des différents types de sarcophages définis. Ce raisonnement comparatif fondé sur une lecture morphologique et typologique des contenants funéraires s'est enrichi d'une analyse statistique métrologique. Ces différentes approches ont permis de dresser le portrait de productions diverses, possédant des caractéristiques variées. Par ailleurs, ces données viennent alimenter des problématiques à plus grande échelle, notamment la diffusion de biens au delà de frontières géographiques peu perméables alors qu’a contrario les réseaux de distribution semblent très organisés et efficaces à l'échelle locale ou régionale. Néanmoins, il ressort que de nombreuses productions sont très certainement locales, avec une diffusion des modèles plus que des sarcophages, même si certains ont effectué de longs déplacements. Les conclusions apportées par ce travail permettent en fin de compte d'alimenter la discussion sur les nombreuses thématiques économiques et techniques à la confluence desquelles le sarcophage trouve une place centrale. / Within the framework of the chronological et typological space made of the territories between the Loire river and the Pyrénées mountain at the beginning of early Middle Ages, cultural and political diversity leads to a transformation of the funerary containers. Between roman heritage and local innovation, the sarcophagi production undergoes various evolutions, partially constrained by the available natural resources and the tools used. The main goal of this work was in a first place to take an inventory of the sarcophagi and study their dispersion on the territory mentioned. The 1840 sarcophagi identified over more than 150 archaeological sites implied developing a suitable methodology and useful tools to gather the data and permit their analysis. Therefore, a practical database was designed to fulfill the need of recording measures, preservation state and other information on the sarcophagi observed. At the same time, the different defined types of sarcophagi were depicted on maps, in order to evaluate their geographical dispersion. This comparative approach based on morphological and typological study of the funerary containers has been enhanced with statistical analyses on measures recorded. These different processes succeeded in depicting various productions with different characteristics. In addition to these characteristics, the data collected allowed to feed different topics on a larger scale, such as the diffusion of these goods beyond strong cultural frontiers. On the contrary, distribution networks appear to be well organized and very efficient on a local or regional scale. Most of the sarcophagi productions are local, and only types and ideas travel, even if some of the sarcophagi travelled over long distances. The conclusions obtained shed the light on new elements on topics such as economy and techniques, where the sarcophagus holds a central place.

Catégorisation lexicale en Muinane : Amazonie Colombienne / Lexical categorization in Muinane : Colombian Amazon

De Vengoechea, Consuelo 10 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à approfondir la culture des Muinanes à travers leur histoire et leur langue. Nous décrivons, en premier lieu, certains aspects ethnographiques et historiques du groupe muinane. En second lieu, et en ce qui concerne la langue, nous abordons le problème de la catégorisation lexicale et établissons des comparaisons entre les caractéristiques du muinane et celles des langues apparentées bora et miraña. En d’autres termes, dans une perspective typologique, notre but est de définir les classes de catégories lexicales du muinane et de déterminer des critères phonologiques, morphosyntaxiques et discursifs à utiliser pour la définition des catégories. Nous abordons aussi la question de la présence ou de l’absence d’une classe adjectivale. Nous décrivons les outils employés par les locuteurs de la langue pour exprimer l’attribution et la qualification et finalement nous proposons un rapport entre l’absence d’une vraie classe adjectivale et le système saillant de classification nominale, dans un ensemble de langues de la région amazonienne appartenant aux familles bora, tukano orientale, uitoto et andoke. / The objective of this doctoral thesis is to approach the culture of the Muinane people through their history and language. We describe some ethnographic and historical aspects of the indigenous muinane group living in the colombian Amazon. We are concerned with the study of their language and particularly with the lexical categorization and with the comparison between the muinane, bora and miraña, all classified as integrating the bora linguistic family. In other words, our goal is to define the classes of lexical categories of the muinane from a typological perspective, and to determine the phonological, morphosyntactical and discursive criteria, which allow us to define this categorization. We debate here the question of the existence or the absence of an adjectival category in the bora languages and the strategies used by their speakers to express qualification and attribution. Finally, we propose a relationship between some languages spoken in the northwest Amazon, which don’t exhibit an adjectival class but have a rich and salient system of nominal classification such as the languages from the bora, uitoto and eastern tukanoan linguistic families.

Typologie krajiny České republiky / Landscape typology of the Czech republic

Romportl, Dušan January 2010 (has links)
29 number of framework was set expertly. The next step affected by author of classification is the choice of training objects. For each of the classes 5 objects were considered that cover the range of variability of natural conditions. However, their selection was also a affected by author's choice. Verification and comparison of the results of object-oriented analysis with traditional methods of pixel-based classification showed differences in the of classification methods. In the case of object- oriented analysis spectral information are evaluated for the whole object. The highly heterogeneous objects such information may be averaged out and the object is thus classified as atypical representative of a certain class. Pixel classification methods, however, assess the quality of each pixel of the raster, so that any heterogeneous objects are divided into several classes. Using the results of the supervised classification the accuracy of object-oriented classification has been confirmed, considering a few exceptions. 4.1 THEORETICAL ISSUES Serious question of developing comprehensive landscape typology is the purpose and reason for such action. Pedroli et al. (2006) points to a general demand for accurate, highly detailed and high quality representative spatial information on the status and development of...

Uma proposta de tipologia para os novos empreendedores brasileiros sob a perspectiva da inovação / A typology proposal for the new Brazilian entrepreneurs from the perspective of innovation

Kozesinski, Ricardo 10 October 2017 (has links)
Pesquisas que procuram identificar o empreendedor e seu papel na economia fundamentam-se historicamente em Schumpeter. Empreendedor é aquele que inova, diz o autor, contrariando o senso comum de que bastaria ter um negócio próprio para ganhar essa designação. Diversos estudos indicam que o Brasil é um país com muitos empreendedores, já outros revelam que existem pouca inovação no país, o que de certa forma é uma contradição com a ideia do empreendedor schumpeteriano. No entanto, a intensa criação de novas startups no Brasil podem ser evidência da existência de um tipo de empreendedor mais alinhado à Schumpeter, já que essas são empresas recém-criadas e que se baseiam no desenvolvimento de tecnologias inovadoras com potencial de rápido crescimento e geração de valor. Empresas inovadoras são importantes para o país por serem capazes de influir positivamente no seu desenvolvimento econômico, melhorando as condições de vida de sua população. Empresas inovadoras são criadas por pessoas inovadoras e o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi identificar quais são os tipos de empreendedores que criam startups. Um estudo exploratório foi realizado e contemplou 11 entrevistas abertas com empreendedores de startups que foram analisadas e seus resultados categorizados. A dimensão da inovação é fundamental para distinguir o empreendedor e foi a base para a elaboração da tipologia que identificou 7 tipos diferentes de empreendedores: racionalista, explorador, adaptador, transformador, pré-inovador, utopista e minimalista. Os resultados obtidos indicam que há pouca inovação entre os empreendedores de startups pesquisados. No entanto, foram identificados casos em que os empreendedores desenvolveram tecnologias novas que, mesmo não sendo inéditas, entregam resultados superiores aos seus clientes. A influência da cultura sobre a inovação também foi foco de investigação. A dificuldade dos empreendedores em cooperar, especialmente por eleger elementos emocionais em detrimentos de escolhas utilitárias, sua falta de confiança em instituições e em pessoas, suas preferências por atividades hedonistas, a pouca diversidade e uma relativa baixa capacidade de adaptação frente a adversidades são elementos que contribuem para a dificuldade em inovar as startups. / Academic research looking to identify the entrepreneur and his role in the economy is historically based on Schumpeter. Entrepreneur is the one who innovates, says the author, contradicting the common sense that having a business of its own is enough to gain this designation. Several studies indicate that Brazil is a country with many entrepreneurs, while others show that there is little innovation in the country, which in a sense is a contradiction with the Schumpeterian entrepreneur idea. However, the intense creation of new startups in Brazil in the last few years may be evidence of an entrepreneurial type more aligned with Schumpeter, since these are newly created companies that are based on the development of innovative technologies with the potential for fast growth and value creation. Innovative companies are considered important to the country since they positively influence their economic development and consequently improve live conditions of their population. This innovative companies are created by innovative people and the purpose of this research was to identify the types of entrepreneurs who create startups. A exploratory study was conducted and included 11 open interviews with entrepreneurs of startups that were analyzed and their results categorized. The innovation dimension, fundamental for distinguishing the Schumpeterian and neo-Schumpeterian entrepreneur, was the basis for the typology that identified 7 different types of entrepreneurs: rationalist, explorer, adapter, transformer, pre-innovator, utopian and minimalist. The results indicate that there is little innovation among the entrepreneurs of startups surveyed. However, in some cases the entrepreneurs have developed new technologies and despite not being entirely new, they allow the entrepreneur to deliver superior results to their clients. The influence of culture on innovation was also the focus of this research. The entrepreneurs\' difficulty in cooperating, especially by electing emotional elements in opposition to utilitarian choices, their lack of trust in institutions and people, their hedonistic preferences, the lack of diversity, and a relatively low ability to adapt facing adversity are elements that contribute to the obstacle of innovating in startups.

A Grammar of Wampis

Peña, Jaime 23 February 2016 (has links)
This dissertation constitutes the first attempt at describing the grammar of Wampis (Spanish: Huambisa), a language spoken in the Peruvian Amazon. Wampis belongs to the so-called Jivaroan family of languages and is closely related to sister languages Awajun, Shuar, Shiwiar and Achuar. The grammar introduces the Wampis people and some aspects of their culture and history before analyzing the major aspects of the language from a grammatical perspective. Wampis possesses a complex prosodic system that mixes features of tone and stress. Vowel elision processes pervade most morphophonological processes. Nasalization is also present and spreads rightward and leftward through continuants and vowels. Every word in Wampis needs at least one high tone, but more can occur in a word. Morphologically, Wampis is a very rich language. Nouns and especially verbs have very robust morphology. Affixes and enclitics contribute different meanings to words. Some morphemes codify semantic categories that are not grammatically codified in many other languages, such as sudden realization, apprehensive and mirative modalities. An outstanding feature of Wampis is the pattern of argument indexation on the verb, which follows an uncommon pattern in which the verb agrees with the object (and not with the subject) if the object is a Plural Speech Act participant. Parallel to this pattern of argument indexation is the typologically uncommon pattern of object marking in Wampis, whereby a third person object noun phrase is not marked as an object if the subject is a first plural, second singular or second plural person. Wampis exhibits a nominative-accusative alignment. All notional objects (direct, indirect, object of applicative) are treated identically in the syntax. The preferred order is A P V. Wampis also possesses a sophisticated system of participant tracking, which is instantiated in the grammar via switch-reference markers. Another typologically uncommon feature of Wampis is the presence of a sub-system of switch-reference markers that track a participant that is not a subject. Throughout the twenty-one chapters of this grammar, other issues of Wampis related to different areas of phonology, morphology and syntax are also addressed and described from a functional and a typological perspective.

Ecce homo, a fisio-psicologia de um tipo / Ecce homo, the physio-psychology of a type

Oliveira, Márcia Rezende de 25 October 2007 (has links)
No presente estudo, pretendemos realizar uma leitura de Ecce homo balizada pelo procedimento genealógico, pela fisio-psicologia e pela tipologia presentes no pensamento de Nietzsche. Acreditamos que a mudança que se opera no tratamento do humano a partir dessas três noções permite a Nietzsche, em Ecce homo, realizar uma espécie de duplo movimento. Por um lado, o filósofo realiza a máxima afirmação da vida e de si mesmo, dando expressão a uma série de estados afetivos que o constitui. Por outro lado, ao afirmar-se, Nietzsche marca oposição -- e nisso talvez certa transvaloração -- a um estado de coisas marcado pela desvalorização da efetividade. Nossa hipótese é de que podemos ler a obra em questão como sendo a apresentação de um tipo, o \"tipo Nietzsche\". O Nietzsche que se conta em Ecce homo é aquele que se constitui em oposição à moral socrático-platônico-cristã que predomina no ocidente. E mais que isso é um tipo que, segundo o filósofo, possui o pathos filosófico dionisíaco, ou seja, o tipo forte, saudável e que tem como prerrogativa a afirmação da vida. / This study intends to do a reflection of Ecce Homo embossed by the genealogical procedure, by the physio-psychology and the typology present in Nietzsche\'s thought. We believe that the change that takes place in the treatment of the human from these three notions, allows Nietzsche, in Ecce Homo, to do a type of double movement. In one hand, the philosopher reaches the maximum affirmation of life and oneself, giving expression to a series of affectionate states that constitute him. On the other, in affirming himself, Nietzsche marks an opposition - and with that a certain transvaluation - to a state of things marked by the devaluation of effectiveness. Our hypothesis is that we can read this work as being a presentation of a type, the \"Nietzsche type\". That Nietzsche which narrates himself in Ecce Homo is the one that is constituted in opposition to the Socraticplatonic- Christian moral that prevails on the West. Moreover, it\'s a type that, according to the philosopher, owns the Dionysius philosophical pathos, or, the strong type, healthy, that has as its prerogative the affirmation of the life.

Characterizing the relationship between energy and urban form using data, scaling and combined metrics

Osorio, Bruno Manuel January 2017 (has links)
A large proportion of energy demand comes from urban areas, mostly from buildings and transport, the use of which has impacts on climate and air quality through the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. To effectively mitigate these impacts, a better understanding of the relationship between energy and urban form variables is crucial. The link between energy and urban variables has been demonstrated before and it is recognised in many aspects of the cities, such as human behaviour and transport dynamics. This research goes forward by analysing the correlation and scaling between energy consumption and different land use typologies derived from urban form variables, as well as at other scales. The work is built on readily available datasets for England to guarantee the replicability of the methodology and ensure the reliability of the results. A combined energy use metric integrating buildings and commute transport produces helpful insights into energy consumption patterns and it is obtained at a large geographic scale. The identification of local scale consumption patterns is attractive to policymakers and planners by providing them detailed information to direct local-level policies. On the other hand, the derived land use typologies deliver new knowledge about the spatialisation of the urban system and to establish the link with the energy use. The results reveal that the relationship between energy and urban variables favours the application of compact city to reduce carbon-based energy consumption. This means that better energy efficiency is achieved by areas with higher population density. The analysis also shows that socio-economic variables have higher impact on energy consumption than physical variables. Moreover, differences at city scale and for the land use typologies are identified, demonstrating the importance of focusing the analysis according to the goal. In sum, the results from this work provide new insights about the relationship between energy and urban characteristics that can be used by policymakers and planners to outline more focused and detailed actions to mitigate energy use in England.

La médiation face à l’école : vers une typologie des médiateurs culturels dans les Musées et Centres d’art / The mediation with the school : towards a typology of cultural mediators in museums and art centres

Sanchez-Iborra, Corinne 12 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d'élaborer une typologie des médiateurs culturels et artistiques, par une approche d'inspiration sociohistorique. Ces catégories prendront en compte la diversité et le caractère dynamique de cette profession en constante évolution. Nous interrogerons la fonction de médiateur culturel et artistique, à l’intersection du monde de la culture et du monde de l’école, en étudiant historiquement, un corpus de textes de référence, ainsi que le cadre d’exercice actuel, en France. Nous contextualiserons cette analyse, en observant des styles de médiateurs culturels et artistiques, lors de médiations en présence des publics scolaires et leurs effets. Au cœur de notre problématique, nous interrogerons la frontière entre transmission et médiation. La thèse conclura sur une proposition d’indicateurs favorables à une pleine rencontre des élèves avec les œuvres d’art, au sein des institutions. / This thesis proposes to develop a typology of artistic and cultural mediators by a socio-historical-inspired approach. These categories will take into account the diversity and the dynamic nature of this occupation in constant evolution. We will examine the function of cultural and artistic mediator, at the intersection of the world of culture and the world of school, by studying historically, a corpus of texts of reference, as well as the exercise of the mediator function in France. We will contextualize this analysis, observing styles of artistic and cultural mediators in mediations in the presence of schoolchildren and their effects. At the heart of our problem, we will examine the border between transmission and mediation. The thesis will conclude on a proposal for favourable indicators at a full meeting of students with work art.

A Typology of Homegrown Terrorists

Quintero, Cynthia Estella 01 December 2014 (has links)
Since the 9/11 attacks by Al Qaeda members against the United States, counterterrorism has become a top priority for policymakers and academic researchers. A critical aspect of this mandate is the prevention and intervention of future terrorist attacks by U.S.-based jihadist and Salafist extremists. This study aims to generate a typology of homegrown terrorists who have been prosecuted by the United States federal government for terrorism offenses within the United States since the 9/11 attacks. The current study uses a sample of 115 cases, involving 194 offenders. Three clusters of offenders who share a set of demographic, social, and behavioral characteristics were identified through a two-step cluster analysis. These clusters include: Cyber Attackers, Convert Affiliates, and Trained Allies. Clusters also exhibited variation in the nature of terrorist activity and degree of operational success. The unique characteristics of each cluster suggest possible policy implications for international travel, cyber regulation, and community outreach programs to address the unique threats posed by subgroups of offenders. Efforts to prevent future terrorist plots and attacks may be more effective if the type of offender is considered.

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