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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zařízení pro monitorování teploty a vlhkosti s bezdrátovým přenosem dat / Temperature and humidity monitoring devices with wirelless communication

Horváth, Michal January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is about designing device which monitors temperature and humidity. In the first part of thesis are explained basic terms, importance of key variables and on market offered products are described. After that the thesis describes device concept design with schematic designs. From designed schematics are described printed circuit board designs. Next part is about device commissioning and correction of errors caused by incorrect design. Last part is about program designing and device testing.

Nízkopříkonový zabezpečovací systém sklepního prostoru bez elektrorozvodu / Low-power Security System of the Electricity-free Cellars

Klimeš, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the available options of security devices for basements, design and implementation of its own security system. An FPGA chip from Xilinx called XC3S50A was used as a device control. The device contains two motion sensors and a door passage sensor. There are two ways to report a breach. One way is the sound signaling by means of a siren and the other is the notification to the mobile phone by means of the GSM network.

Univerzální analyzátor sériových sběrnic / Universal Analyzer of Serial Buses

Gajdoš, Matúš January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to design and to realize the universal analyzer of serial buses. At the beginning there are described in detail specifications and properties of buses IC, SMBus, PMBus and of the UART interface. The second part is targeted especially to design and to realize the control unit, which is the main part of the whole analyzer. It provides connecting to the unknown bus, to buses IC, SMBus, PMBus and SPI and to the UART interface. The main part of the control unit is the microcontroller PIC24HJ128GP204, which partially analyses connected bus. In the next part there is created the user application for PC, which controls and sets the control unit and receives from it partially analyzed data through the USB port. These data are used for the rest of the analysis that is done by the user application. Results may be presented to user in graphical or text form. The user application provides export of results into some of image formats. Supported formats are PS, SVG, PDF, PNG and BMP. In case of the control unit is not available, the user may choose the simulator to simulate some functions that the application provides. It supports simulation of the analysis of the unknown bus and the IC bus. The user application also contains the function of the generating own signals. Signals can be created interactively by using the mouse in the graphical representation of this signal. They can be sent to the control unit and after that it applies them to output. This function is not supported in current version of the control unit software. The user application includes some items, which do not have implemented any methods and they are prepared for the future upgrading of the analyzer. It means especially user controls and components for signal conversions between any buses.

Řídicí a signalizační jednotka pro sportovní utkání / Control and signalling unit for sport match

Bohutínský, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study is a design of a control and signalling unit for sport meetings controlled by a microcontroller. The unit should display the time, the state of the match, eventually another data important for a course of the match. It should be fitted by an audible alarm of the end of the match. A touch control panel with a liquid crystal display serves as input of control data. The unit operates in a countdown mode, it is possible anytime to start or to stop the time by pressing the button. The equipment is mains-operated and backed up by an external battery. In the case of a power failure, it is switched over to the battery. A representation of the time, the state of the match and other data is done by LED displays. The unit allows a connection to PC.

Maticov zobrazovac­ jednotka / Matrix display

Gbik, Matej January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to implement autonomous information portal using matrix display BUSE BS210. The first part deals with the theoretical problem-solving and management options display. The second part is dedicated to the development of necessary hardware and the last part is the software described herein microcontroller and microcomputer Raspberry Pi.

Zdroj pro vysoce svítivé bílé LED / Driver for ultra-bright white LED

Heralecký, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the possibilities of controlling high-brightness white LEDs using circuits operating at high voltages. The job itself is a division of existing light sources and mainly focus on semiconductor technology LED. The following describes the voltage of DC / DC and AC / DC. The work contains a description of the three high-voltage inverters are designed for power LEDs. Finally, it created a draft scheme of the PCB. As a control circuit is chosen ATMEGA 162 microcontroller from Atmel and source for LED diode is formed HV9910 and HV9861 circuits.

Mikroprocesorové řízení senzorické plošiny / Microprocessor control of sensory platform

Konečný, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation deals with a development of MCU position steering application of two servomotors and with data process evaluation from a connected sensor for distance measuring as well. The connected sensor is adjustable as for azimuth and elevation. Data from the sensor will be useful both for instant evaluation according to preset criteria and for additional possible processing at PC. The development is to be carry out at MCU ATmega128. HMI is represented with keyboard, LCD and joystick. The result of the dissertation is to be adjusted for practical demo. This research has been supported by the Czech Ministry of Education in the frame of MSM 0021630529 Research Intention Inteligent Systems in Automation.

Inteligentní domácnost s využitím Raspberry Pi / Home automatization system based on Raspberry Pi

Lokajíček, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the design of the Smart Home System (SHS), which takes advantage of the 'Raspberry Pi' single-board computer. Background research about the theoretical concept of SHS is carried out, which reveals weaknesses in that field. The aim of the thesis is elimination these weak points and takes into account reliability, extensibility and low acquisition price. The practical part is introduced by design of particular modules, which include both hardware design and software. The project is concluded with integration all components into the single functional universal system together with the extensibility presentation.

High-Speed Communication Scheme in OSI Layer 2 Research and Implementation

Zaklouta, Ahmadmunthar January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is part of a project at Bombardier’s Object Controller System. This system acts as a communication interface for several sub-systems that control the railway traffic. Therefore, part of the safety and availability of railway transportation is dependent on the performance and reliability of this system especially the digital communication system that handles the board-to-board communication. Thus, Bombardier has implemented new high-speed LVDS channels to use instead of the implemented RS-485 channels to improve the board-to-board communication performance in the Object Controller System but they lack a transceiver. This thesis work explores possible transceiver solutions that achieve Bombardier requirements. Reusability is very important for Bombardier for safety compliance and certification. Therefore, the investigation was carried out by looking into what is currently implemented and then was carried on by looking into transceivers that used in highspeed communication and check their suitability and compliance for the FPGA and the requirements. This exploration results in three experiments for different transceiver architecture. The first experiment exploits the currently implemented transceiver architecture and it is not suitable for high-speed data rate due to a limitation in the buffer. The second experiment overcomes the buffer limitation by using a clock domain crossing buffer and results in a 100-time faster system. The third experiment aimed to achieve a higher data rate by using a clock and data recovery transceiver and results in a promising solution but needs some enhancements. For testing, a verification methodology following the one-way stress test architecture has been developed using VHDL for simulation and for in-chip testing and the results were verified using ChipScope logic analyzer from Xilinx. In addition, a thermal test for the solution from the second experiment has been performed. / Denna avhandling är en del av ett projekt på Bombardiers Object Controller System. Detta system fungerar som ett kommunikationsgränssnitt för flera delsystem som styr järnvägstrafiken. Därför är en del av säkerheten och tillgängligheten av järnvägstransporten beroende av systemets prestanda och tillförlitlighet, särskilt det digitala kommunikationssystemet som hanterar kommunikationen ombord. Bombardier har sålunda implementerat nya höghastighets LVDS-kanaler för att använda istället för de implementerade RS-485-kanalerna för att förbättra kommunikationsprestandan ombord i objektkontrollen, men de saknar en transceiver. Denna avhandling arbetar med att undersöka möjliga transceiverlösningar som uppnår Bombardier-krav. Återanvändbarhet är mycket viktigt för Bombardier för säkerhetsöverensstämmelse och certifiering. Undersökningen genomfördes därför genom att undersöka vad som för närvarande implementeras och sedan genomföras genom att titta på transceivers som används i höghastighetskommunikation och kontrollera deras lämplighet och överensstämmelse för FPGA och kraven. Denna undersökning resulterar i tre experiment för olika transceiverarkitektur. Det första experimentet utnyttjar den nuvarande implementerade transceiverarkitekturen. Den är inte lämplig för höghastighetsdatakommunikation på grund av en begränsning i bufferten. Det andra experimentet övervinns buffertbegränsningen genom att använda en klockdomänöverföringsbuffert vilket resulterar i ett 100-timmars snabbare system. Det tredje experimentet syftade till att uppnå en högre datahastighet genom att använda en klockoch dataåterställningstransceiver vilket resulterar i en lovande lösning men behöver vissa förbättringar. För testning har en verifieringsmetod som följer envägsstresstestarkitekturen utvecklats med hjälp av VHDL för simulering och för inchip-testning. Resultaten verifierades med hjälp av ChipScope logic analyzer från Xilinx. Dessutom har ett termiskt test för lösningen från det andra experimentet utförts.

Measurement Data Acquisition & Automation in Research

Katzenburg, Stefan, Faller, Clemens 14 February 2024 (has links)
Researchers often work on experimental setups that are highly specialized and usually designed and manufactured for a single or a few test series. The challenges for automation technology and measurement data acquisition in the apparatus are as unique as these experimental setups. In the following, Bochum University of Applied Sciences presents its approach to implementing different measurement and automation tasks in a flexible but also standardized way. Existing microcontrollers such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino or Controllino are used as the basis for the greatest possible flexibility. It is often not necessary to record high-precision measurement data. In this cases inexpensive development boards can be used that already include peripherals for direct connection to Arduinos or Raspberry Pi’s. Such development boards are often offered at very low cost and with short delivery times for many different measurement tasks. In this paper, the implementation of the requirements is discussed using a current project that deals with thermal energy recovery using 'smart materials' (shape memory alloys) as an example.

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