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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Beskrywing van en kunskritiesie beskouing oor die versameling petrogliewe in die ou Transvaal-museum Pretoria

Oosthuizen, L. January 1964 (has links)
Hierdie studie stel hom dit hoofsaaklik ten doel om 'n krities-waarderende blik te gee op die versameling petrogliewe van die Transvaal-Museum, gehuisves in die Ou Museum in Boomstraat, Pretoria. Die problem wat die onderwerp meebring, is in 'n groot mate die van 'n juiste benadering ten opsigte van die graverings. Die stukke kan nie bloot as los kunswerke gesien word nie. Vanweë die beperkte hoeveelheid voorbeelde kan daar nie meer as net 'n blik op enkele graverings uit die groot veld gegee word nie, maar dit geskied met die hoop dat hulle ons tog iets meer sal leer van die verskynsel en van die besondere tydperk in die algemeen. Omdat eensydigheid 'n verwronge rekonstruksie van die verlede tot gevolg sou hê, moes daar in hierdie studie voortdurend rekening gehou word met verskillende uiteenlopende aspekte. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1964. / Visual Arts / MA / Unrestricted

Studies on the biology and productivity of the giraffe giraffa camelopardalis

Hall-Martin, A.J. January 1975 (has links)
This study was carried out in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld in an area 2 with a giraffe population density of 2,6 per km . Lions are the only predators and it was estimated that 48% of the calves die in their first year. The sex ratio departs significantly from unity in favour of females. Plant fragments in the rumen were identified. Giraffe subsist on the leaves of trees and shrubs, though fruit, flowers, twigs and grass were also utilised. Marked seasonal changes in the plant species selected were determined by availability and different habitats were utilised accordingly. Chemical analysis of rumen content showed correlations of nutritional value with species eaten and seasonal phenological changes of the vegetation. Tooth eruption, wear and incremental layers in the cementum were found to be suitable criteria for age determination. Total body mass was measured and carcasses dressed out at 61,9% for males and 56,6% for females. Lower mass and lower proportion of fat was found in the dry season. Meat yield was similar to other African ungulates, buttock and bone proportion was high, but fat was low. A gestation period of 457 d and birth mass of 102 kg (higher than in the literature) was used to determine the age of foetuses whose growth was similar to other uniparous mammals. Postnatal increase in mass, height, length and chest girth followed the usual mammalian growth curve. Mass could be predicted from buttock or foreleg mass or from body measurements. There is evidence that hypertrophy of the foetal testis occurs. Parameters of male sexual function were correlated with age, but no seasonal effects were apparent. Puberty was found to be dependant on physiological status. Androstenedione was the dominant testicular hormone in the foetus and testosterone ·in the adult. Most conceptions occurred du~ing the humid months of the year when conditions are good for the females. Vesicular and haemorrhagic follicles and corpora lutea were common in foetal ovaries. Numerous corpora lutea were also found in immature ovaries, but they regressed at puberty. The corpus luteum of pregnancy underwent a decrease in size in early gestation followed by an increase to term. Both ovaries are equally active, implantation is ipsi1ateral and the placenta is polycotyledonary of the syndesmochorial type. Gonadotrophic activity could not be demonstrated in the urine of pregnant females. Lactation endured for about 13 months, the milk was relatively rich but its composition changes with time. There was a reduction in stomach fill in late gestation but lactating females had a significantly greater fill than others. / Thesis (DSc)--University of Pretoria, 1975. / Zoology and Entomology / DSc / Unrestricted

Musical iconography of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries of the Netherlands and France, and its significance for the Cape of Good Hope

Joubert, Jeanne January 1982 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine musical life in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as depicted by pictorial art. I shall attempt to pick up the thread in the Netherlands and France, and then to trace its influence on the contemporary society at the Cape. I shall concentrate on the Netherlands and France because they were two countries which greatly influenced the new community at the Cape. / Diploma (Arts)--University of Pretoria, 1982. / Visual Arts / Dipl. Arts / Unrestricted

The Speeches of Scipio Africanus in the Third Decade of Livy's Ab Urbe Condita

Botha, Allan Douglas January 1975 (has links)
The Introduction includes a review of the salient literature. This shows that many of the studies amount to an unimaginative treatment; little attention has been paid to the psychagogic aspects and their influence. The study starts from this point vis-a-vis Quintilian's judgment, cum personis tum rebus accommodata sunt (X.l.lOl). Chapter 1 outlines the applicable tradition of rhetoric. The starting-point is docere (didactic) and delectare (epideictic). Emphasis is put on the Hellenistic doctrines Livy inherited from Cicero. The elements traced are the individual's position in historiography, the didactic moral aspects underlying form and presentation, the concept of suitability, and the influence of epideictic. Polybius' relevant programme for political historiography (11.56.1 0) is considered vis-a-vis "tragic" history. Livy' s germane attitudes are then culled from Cicero's synthesized canons. Chapter 2 is a discussion of the sources for the speeches. The approach adopted is that Livy's "epic" techniques of characterization can be assessed only if it is established for which of the speeches Polybius was the indisputable primary source. The structural allocation of the speeches is considered in Chapter 3. Attention is given to Scipio's position at the centre of the decade and to Hellenistic techniques of presentation (accelerating or retarding the action, increasing the tension, intensifying the psychagogy). The findings are assessed against Quintilian's judgment (X.l.lOl ). Chapter 4 is a detailed discussion of the major speeches. Livy's vivid characterization of Scipio is considered· in the light of the underlying psychagogy, as set off against the formal rhetorical background (the genera causarum, the genera dicendi, the various topoi, and the technical formulation of the linguistic elements). The lively total portrayal is favourably assessed against Quintilian's judgment (X.l.1 01 ). Livy's and Polybius' respective presentations of Scipio in the relevant speeches (Liv. XXVIII.27 -29 = Pol. XI.28-29; Liv. XXX.30 = Pol. XV.6-7. Liv. XXX.31 = Pol. XV.8) are analysed in Chapter 5. Especial attention is given to the differences of portrayal based on general programmatical divergences in the outlook of the two historians (the moral element as against the political, the oratorical style as against the plain). The palm goes to Livy for his tnore vivid, itnpressive, and specifically Roman portrait. Chapter 6 embodies the conclusions. The portrait is reviewed against the background of Livy's conception of historiography, the position allotted to the speeches, the portrayal they embody, and the use made of Polybius. The effect of the salient features in the framework of the whole study - history as an oratorical concept having a moral value; the arresting allocation of the speeches; the disposition of the topoi, the influence of the rhetoric and psychagogy; the effect of the source-divergences - is related to the overall presentation, which is then briefly vindicated. / Die Inleiding gee 'n oorsig van die belangrikste literatuur wat aandui dat baie van die studies op 'n verbeeldinglose behandeling neerkom. Min aandag is aan die invloed van die psygagosiese aspek gewy. Die studie neem 'n aanvang met hierdie punt, met inagneming van Quintilianus se oordeel cum personis tum rebus accommodata sunt (X.l.l 01 ). Hoofstuk 1 omlyn die relevante retoriese tradisie. Die begrippe docere (didaktiek) en delectare (die epideiktiese) dien as uitgangspunt. Die invloed van die Hellenistiese leerstellinge wat Livius van Cicero geerf het, word beklemtoon. Die volgende elemente word nagespoor: die posisie van die indiwidu in die geskiedskrywing, die didakties-morele aspekte wat vorm en aanbieding ten grondslag le, die toepaslikheidsbegrip en die invloed van die epideiktiek. Polubios se relevante program vir die politieke geskiedskrywing (11.56.1 0) word teenoor die "tragiese" geskiedskrywing behandel. Daarna word Livius se toepaslike houdinge uit Cicero se "kanon" opgevang. Hoofstuk 2 is 'n bespreking van die bronne van die toesprake. Die uitgangspunt is hier dat Livius se "epiese" karakteriseringstegnieke beoordeel kan word slegs indien daar vasgestel is vir watter toesprake Polubios die ontwisbare primere bron is. Die strukturele plasing van die toesprake word in Hoofstuk 3 behandel. Aandag word aan Scipio se posisie in die middelpunt van die dekade gewy en aan Hellenistiese aanbiedingstegnieke ( versnelling of vertraging van die aksie, verhoging van die spanning, intensifisering van die psygagogie ). Die bevindinge word opgeweeg teen Quintilianus se oordeel in X.l.l 0 1. Hoofstuk 4 is 'n bespreking van die belangrikste toesprake. Livius se lewendige uitbeelding van Scipio word in die lig van die onderliggende psygagogie oorweeg teenoor die formele retoriese agtergrond (die genera causarum, die genera dicendi, die verskillende to poi, en die tegniese formulering van die taal-elemente ). Die lewendige geheel-uitbeelding word gunstig gemeet aan Quintilianus se oordeel in X.l.lOl. Livius en Polubios se onderskeie aanbiedinge van Scipio in die relevante toesprake (Liv. XXVIII.27-29 = Pol. XI. 28-29; Liv. XXX.30 = Pol. XV.6-7. Liv. XXX.31 = Pol. XV.8), word in Hoofstuk 5 ontleed. Aandag word veral gewy aan die verskille in aanbieding wat op algemene programmatiese afwykings in die benadering van die twee geskiedskrywers gebaseer is (die morele teenoor die politieke, die oratoriese styl teenoor die eenvoudige ). Livius verdien die louere weens sy lewendiger, indrukwekkender en meer spesifiek Romeinse uitbeelding. Hoofstuk 6 bevat die gevolgtrekkings. Die portret word in oenskou geneem teenoor die agtergrond van Livius se opvatting van geskiedskrywing, die posisie wat aan die toesprake toegewys word, die uitbeelding wat hulle bevat, en die gebruik wat van Polubios gemaak word. Die effek van die belangrikste kenmerke teen die raamwerk van die hele studie - die geskiedskrywing as 'n oratoriese begrip met 'n sedelike strekking; die opvallende plasing van die toesprake; die plasing van die topoi, die invloed van die retoriek en die psygagogie; die implikasies van die bronneafwykings - word met die algemene uitbeelding in verband gebring en lg. word dan kortliks geregverdig. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1975. / Ancient Languages / MA / Unrestricted

Overcoming the difficulties of IT system integration in enterprises by establishing an information system engineering environment

Moabelo, Tlou Maggie January 2000 (has links)
Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2000. / Information Science / MIT / Unrestricted

Creating high performance value chain organisations (HPVCO)

Coetzee, Salidor Christoffel January 2005 (has links)
South Africa is experiencing difficult times on the economic front after the political transition in 1994. The country's average annual economic growth rate (GOP) declined from more than 5o/o in the 1960's to less than 3%> per year during seven years ending. The population growth increased at a relatively high rate with the result that per capita income decreased with unemployment increasing sharply. South Africa requires a GOP growth rate of at least 6 °/o to close the gap. It is pleasing to hear that the Reserve Bank is now starting to predict growth rates of up to 6 °/o in the year to come. The country cannot afford low economic growth given the implications for unemployment, poverty and political and social stability. A fundamental restructuring of the South African economy with the view to increase the growth capacity and actual growth performance of the economy is necessary. Considerable emphasis will have to be placed on the promotion of employment creation. The country's economic problems cannot be alleviated without sustained economic growth. Employment- creating growth to the advantage of all South Africans. Productive investment, higher exports and increased productivity hold the key to the resolution of the country's economic problems. Coherent and viable strategies are necessary, capable of ensuring sustainable growth and an improvement in the quality of life of all South Africans. The crafting and implementation of these strategies is mainly the responsibility of government and business. The focus of this study is mainly on the role of business. Management experts and corporate executives world-wide talk with greater insight about business concepts and goals achieving world-class status and best-in-class performance. The changes that overtook South Africa in 1994 with political transition, allowed a flood of new competition into the South African market whilst the opening of international opportunities took place at the same time. Competition is more intense with less protective barriers, import duties for instance, were dramatically reduced. At the core of the challenges facing South African businesses is the need for exceptional leadership, leaders that can meet the challenges of this new highly competitive environment, leaders to steer a company towards world-class performances. Events in the global business environment have lately turned the spotlight of management attention onto business optimisation. These events have been superimposed onto broad global change drivers to create a far more challenging business environment than we have seen in the history of the world. These change drivers include globalisation of competition, disintermediation and fragmentation along the value chain, commoditisation of products and services, digitisation of products and services, the rapid emergence of the knowledge economy and concentration of capacity in the search for economies of scale. With business optimisation occupying centre stage in many companies, it became appropriate to research the concepts and definitions of a High Performance Value Chain Organisation (HPVCO). The following elements were investigated in order to get further insight into the concepts and definitions of High Performance Value Chain Organisations (HPVCO): • Strategy formulation and implementation as the backbone of High Performance Value Chain organisations (HPVCO), discussed as part of the literature study. • Organisational renewal and what it takes to become a successful organisation. The General Electric (GE) model serves as an example with the focus on boundaryless behaviour which became one of Jack Welch's core strategies during his time at GE. • How companies explore growth opportunities and their funding capabilities with the focus on shareholder value and assessment of company performance. • Shareholder value was defined, calculated and analysed. • Economic Value Added (EVA) was explored as a more progressive measure to assess performance of a listed company and link EVA to the financial perspective of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). • Value chain concepts and definitions were explored before focussing on the individual value chain elements itself. The research focuses on vertical integration strategies, but more specifically backward and forward integration. • The important value chain elements were identified with the focus mainly on the human element and Information Technology (IT) with a limited focus on processes. • Human talent and how to energise and mobilise this resourceful capacity to the best. • Process re-engineering and supply chain management. • Information Technology and Communication (lTC) with emphasis on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and the ERP building blocks. • Value chain performance measures • The Balanced Scorecard as a management control system, an enabler to communicate and implement strategy throughout all the levels of the organisation. The essence of the research was to obtain clarity on above issues, which was accomplished by revealing the concepts of strategy and value chain, defining strategy and value chain and determining what is needed to create High Performance Value Chain Organisations (HPVCO) in order to improve shareholder value. As part of the literature study a theoretical context was used to explain the concepts of the strategy and value chains, which comprise the definitions, and complexity of the various elements involved in creating High Performance Value Chain Organisations (HPVCO). / Dissertation (M(BAdmin))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Business Management / M(BAdmin) / Unrestricted

Aspects of reality as reflected by the human form in painting

Fourie, F.T. January 1965 (has links)
Reality is the verbal term for an abstract idea of something which is real, through existence and acceptance. Something that is, something that was and something that will be. A truth, a value that made the existence of man possible. On which man with his free will, after the penetration of his existence through contemplation, experience of' physical being superior animal mind, (his soul) searched, to found his discoveries on. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1965. / Visual Arts / MA / Unrestricted

The Cape Malay Quarter in South African painting

Frost, A. January 1970 (has links)
Naude as painter is influenced by the Dutch Impressionists of the Hague School. He stresses the essential characteristics of the Malay Quarter namely, poverty, colourfulness and intimacy. His style displays immediacy and vitality due to his swift, sure brush strokes and strong contrasting light and shade. Ruth Prowse's paintings of the Malay Quarter stress the dignity and harmonious co-existence of the malays. She is also a realist but her technique is bolder in comparison with that of Nita Spilhaus. Caldecott is influenced by French Impressionism. He depicts the Quarter as overcrowded and poverty-stricken. He uses mauves, blue and black in his shadows which have subdued reflections of sunlight from nearby objects. And there is no loss of form. Boonzaier as realist, depicts forms clearly in a steady light suggesting that time passes slowly. Colour over a dark background creates black outlines round forms, resulting in a decorative linear design where warm, subdued colour and quiet brush strokes are present. Wenning, affected by the Dutch Impressionists of the Hague School, expresses a fleeting moment of time in hasty brush movements. Like Boonzaier he chooses a darkened canvas and soft, warm colour. Wenning's power of suggestion makes his work more impressive than that of Boonzaier. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1970. / Visual Arts / MA / Unrestricted

Die invloed van Nietzsche op enkele aspekte van Europese kuns voor 1937

Janse van Rensburg, H.J. January 1988 (has links)
Die kontroverse en radikale aard van Nietzsche se denke is voortdurend teenwoordig as ‘n belangrike invloed in die ontwikkeling van die visuele kunste in die eerste helfte van hierdie eeu. Dit is egter ‘n studieveld waarin steeds besondere groot leemtes bestaan, gedeeltelik as gevolg van die negatiewe beeld van die filosoof wat ontstaan het in die propagandaprosesse van die tweede wêreldoorlog. Hierdie studie bied 'n ondersoek van die ontwikkeling van Nietzsche se invloed op kuns. Eerstens word Nietzsche se kunsbeskouing ondersoek in die lig van die reaksie op sy werk in die visuele kunste. Hierna konsentreer die studie op die beskikbare getuies random die belangstelling in Nietzsche se denke, en die aard van sy invloed op die visuele kunste. Twee sentrale strominge word geidentifiseer in die ontwikkelingsgang van sy invloed, naamlik die benaderings tot Nietzsche in Duitse en Franse kuns. Die belangstelling in Nietszche in ander kunssentra word binne ‘n verband hiermee gebring. Die studie bied ‘n basis tot die uiteenlopende interpretasies van Nietzsche, en die ontplooiing van sy invloed op kuns, as 'n orientasiemodel tot verdere en meer spesifieke ondersoeke van hierdie invloed. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1988. / Visual Arts / MA / Unrestricted

Alfred Friedrich Franz Krenz (1899), sy lewe en werk in Suid-Afrika

Minnaar, P.K. January 1968 (has links)
In hierdie bespreking word in hoofstuk 1 net 'n korte oorsig gegee van sy vroeëre lewe en herkoms. Die doel is om hoofsaaklik stil te staan by hom as mens en kunsskilder vandat hy in Suid-Afrika kom woon het, en meer in besonder by die aard en voorkoms van sy kuns vanaf 1950. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1968. / Visual Arts / MA / Unrestricted

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