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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards a framework for understanding Information Systems ownership

Swanepoel, Adriaan Jacob January 2015 (has links)
Organisations deploy information systems (IS) with the exclusive intention to pursue their business objectives. Executive managers assign ownership of IS to business leaders, expecting them to leverage the IS towards achieving the objectives of the business areas. Many business leaders are reluctant to take ownership of the IS in their business areas, placing the organisation at risk that IS may not be optimally utilised and that business areas may not achieve their objectives. Little guidance exists to assist organisations and business leaders to understand what “taking ownership of IS” entails. This phenomenological study focuses on the experiences of staff members with respect to IS ownership to acquire an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of IS ownership in a financial services organisation. The study develops a framework for understanding IS ownership through a process of induction. The study views the relationship between IS ownership role-players through the lens of social exchange theory, with the relationship between IS ownership role-players as a focus area of IS ownership. In social exchange theory, the success of the relationship is based on reciprocity. The IS ownership framework discusses the different perspectives of the role-players with respect to defining IS ownership, understanding why IS ownership is required, the criteria for having ownership, the rights, the obligations and the expectations associated with IS ownership. The framework comprises the construct and the institutionalisation and application of IS ownership. The construct of IS ownership clarifies what IS ownership entails, what the rationale is for IS ownership and where IS ownership should reside. The institutionalisation and application of IS ownership explains the governance and management processes requiring that all assets, including IS, should have owners and that IS ownership should be assigned to identified individuals. Management of the resources to enable the successful application of IS in the organisation is needed to utilise IS ownership as a strategic resource in the organisation. The framework offers an understanding of IS ownership and promotes IS ownership as a resource in the organisation to enhance the possibility of optimally leveraging the IS in the business areas in pursuit of their business objectives. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2015. / tm2015 / Informatics / PhD / Unrestricted

Urban [infra]structure : using neglected infrastructure as a framework for the regeneration of inner city voids

Thompson, Buckley Rodger January 2016 (has links)
November of 2014 saw the approval and commission of Tshwane's 2055 vision for the city (Tshwane municipality, 2013: 6). It seeks the restructuring and rejuvenation of the inner city in an attempt to remedy a state of stasis resulting from urban decentralization and fragmentation. Although Tshwane's proposal has potential, its formal exclusive nature and prioritization of the city centre has initiated a process of decay in the informal zones of the urban periphery. This process of decay is particularly evident within the city block of Brown Street. Once a place where many a union march started, Brown Street now exists as a shadow of its former self (Valeska, 2013). A lack of supporting infrastructure and appropriate spatial conditions have facilitated a sharp increase in crime. The consequent privation of safety has, in turn, prompted vacancies of onsite industries. (Valeska, 2013). The loss of formal economic infrastructure (energy) alongside the simultaneous degradation of adjoining infrastructure has inevitably led to the decay of this city block. This dissertation focuses on the possibility of rehabilitating and regenerating the decaying "in-between" (Woods, 1997: 13) spaces of the city block within its urban periphery. A theoretical approach to transformation is proposed, which, instead of opting for demolition, seeks to expand on existing systems. Therefore, by harnessing site potential, the project suggests that the neglected infrastructure become part of a regenerative machine; a system of components that will stimulate the re-investment and development of the city block. The main intention of the [infra]structure is to establish a coordinated relationship between the formal and informal of the city, the vision and the void. The goal is to create an organized centrality, where fragmented realities are brought together harmoniously using the neglected infrastructures as mediator. / Mini Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2016. / tm2016 / Architecture / MArch(Prof) / Unrestricted

Direction finding of long term evolution enabled handsets for monitoring applications

Van der Merwe, Rossouw January 2016 (has links)
Given the widespread adoption of cellular-phones, it can be assumed that the presence of a phone can predict with good certainty the presence of a human being. Therefore the location of phones in restricted areas can aid in anti-poaching, anti-smuggling, illegal immigration, and search-and rescue operations. There are numerous obstacles associated with regulations and policies which restrict the direct use of the cellular network, therefore the acquisition of a non-network cooperative (NNC) direction finding (DF) receiver system is required. This dissertation addresses the development of such a NNC system. The system requirements for a NNC-DF is analysed to illustrate the design challenges, such as DF accuracy, dynamic range, inter-channel interference, processing requirements and cost. Theoretical analysis of different receiver designs, DF estimation algorithms, processing methods, and sensory input configurations, are done and investigated through simulation. The simulation results are used to optimise the system parameters in terms of processing time versus DF accuracy. The optimised results are then used to discuss the design process for an operational system. Several Multiple Signal Classification (MuSiC) based algorithms are used for the directionof- arrival (DOA) estimation, as these algorithms are super-resolution phase interferometry algorithms. Linear and circular sensor arrays of four to six elements are considered for the investigation. A selection of receivers which use different levels of signal isolation and integration methods are used and compared. The simulation results illustrate that receiver designs with high signal separation have superior results, but the associated processing requirements make these receivers impractical. Many of the simpler receiver architectures achieved competitive DF accuracy, and required only a fraction of the processing resources. Exploiting the resource block (RB) structure of Long-Term Evolution (LTE), the 12-carriers per RB can be combined to improve DF estimation. It was found that integration of the autocovariance matrix (ACM) of 12 carriers in a RB (MuSiC based algorithms require the ACM for estimation) yields the best results. The Root-MuSiC algorithm resulted in the optimal performance versus processing time for linear arrays, and the frequency-domain Root-MuSiC algorithm for circular arrays. Advanced forms of the MuSiC algorithm, which use the weighted least squares (WLS) algorithm, required additional processing, but results did not improve significantly. It was also found that the design of the receiver had a greater influence on the performance than the DF algorithms. Optimisation was done so as to find the best combination of the following: receiver design, integration method, windowing method, DF algorithm, antenna configuration and antenna size. The optimisation compared the processing time to DF accuracy of the different DF systems. It was shown that for uniform circular arrays (UCAs), simple receiver architectures with ACM integration over a RB, using a rectangular window and the frequency-domain (FD)- Root-MuSiC algorithm, yielded the best processing time versus DF accuracy. Similar results were found with uniform linear arrays (ULAs), with the exception that the Root-MuSiC algorithm performed better. Optimisation proved efficient DF receiver design. It was concluded that the best possible DF accuracy often requires an impractical system. Similarly, arbitrary large arrays yield excellent results, but are expensive and impractical for mobile applications. Through optimisation of the simulation results the development of a realisable system with the best possible performance is possible. / Gegewe die wydverspreide gebruik van sellulêre fone, kan dit aanvaar word dat die teenwoordigheid van n selfoon met sterk sekerheid die teenwoordigheid van n mens kan voorspel. Gevolglik kan die bepaalde ligging van n selfoon in n verdagte gebied help om bv. stropery, smokkel, en onwettige immigrasie teen te werk, asook help met soek- en reddingsoperasies. Wette en regulasies bied struikelblokke wat die direkte gebruik van n sellulêre netwerk beperk om die ligging van n sellulêre foon te bepaal. Daarom is dit noodsaaklik om n nie-netwerk koherente (NNK) rigtingpeiling (RP) - stelsel te gebruik om die ligging van sellulêre fone te bepaal. Hierdie verhandeling spreek die ontwerp van so n NNK stelsel aan. Die stelselvereistes vir n NNK RP-stelsel word ontleed, terwyl die geassosieerde ontwerpsuitdagings, soos akkuraatheid, dinamiese bereik, inter-kanaal steuring, verwerkingsvereistes en koste in ag geneem word. Die teoretiese analise van verskillende ontvangerontwerpe, rigtingpeiling algoritmes, en verwerking metodes is gedoen en bevestig deur simulasie. Die simulasieresultate word gebruik om die stelselparameters te optimiseer in terme van verwerkings-tyd teenoor rigtingpeilings akkuraatheid. Die resultate wat as optimaal beskou word, word bespreek in terme van die ontwerp van n operasionele stelsel. Verskeie MuSiC-gebaseerde algoritmes word gebruik vir die rigting-van-aankoms estimasie, omdat hierdie algoritmes super-resolusie fase-interferometriese tegnieke is. Lineêre en sirkulêre sensorsamestellings met vier tot ses elemente word ondersoek in hierdie studie. n Verskeidenheid van ontvangers met verskillende seinisolasietegnieke en integrasiemetodes word gebruik en vergelyk. Die simulasieresultate wys daarop dat die ontvangerontwerpe, met hoë seinisolasietegnieke, bostaande resultate toon, maar dat die verwerkingsvereistes van dié tegnieke onrealisties hoog is. Eenvoudiger ontvangerontwerpe bereik kompeterende rigtingpeilings akkuraathede, maar vereis slegs n fraksie van die verwerkingshulpbronne. Deur die ontginning van die verwerkingsblok (VB) van Langtermyn Evolusie (LTE), kan die 12 draers per VB gekombineer word om die rigtingpeiling te verbeter. Daar is bevind dat die integrasie van die kovariansiematriks van elk van die 12 draers per VB (MuSiC gebaseerde algoritmes benodig n kovariansiematriks vir estimasie) die beste resultate lewer. Die Wortel-MuSiC algoritme het die beste akkuraatheid teenoor verwerkingstyd vir lineêre samestellings gelewer, en die frekwensie-domein (FD)Wortel-MuSiC algoritme die beste resulate vir sirkulêre samestellings gebeur. Gevorderde weergawes van die MuSiC-algoritme, wat die geweegde kleinste kwadrate algoritme gebruik, vereis addisionele verwerking, maar lewer resultate wat nie beduidend beter is nie. Dit is ook bevind dat die ontwerp van die ontvanger n groter invloed op die akkuraatheid van die estimasie het as wat die rigtingpeiling algoritmes bied. Optimisering is gedoen om die beste kombinasie van die volgende faktore te vind: ontvanger ontwerp, integrasie metode, venstermetode, rigtingpeilings algoritme, antennasamestelling-opstelling en antennasamestelling-grootte. Die optimiseringsproses vergelyk die verwerkingstyd en rigtingpeilings akkuraatheid van die verskillende stelselparameters. Daar is getoon dat eenvormige sirkulêre samestellings met eenvoudige ontvanger-argitektuur en kovariansiematriks integrasie oor n VB, met die FD-Wortel-MuSiC-algoritme, die beste verwerkingstyd teenoor rigtingpeilings akkuraatheid lewer. Soortgelyke resultate is gevind met eenvormige lineêre samestellings, met die uitsondering dat die Wortel-MuSiC algoritme. Die gebruik van optimiseringstegnieke lei tot doeltreffende rigtingpeilingontvanger ontwerp. Die mees gewensde rigtingpeilings akkuraatheid vereis dikwels n onwerkbare stelsel. Verder lewer arbitrêre groot samestellings uitstekende resultate, maar is duur en oneffektief vir mobiele radio toepassings. Deur optimisering van die simulasieresultate kan werkbare stelsels ontwikkel word met die beste moontlike werkverigting. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / tm2016 / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted

Understanding the architect in enterprise architecture : the Daedulus Instrument for architects

Du Preez, Jaco Andries January 2016 (has links)
With numerous enterprise architecture management (EAM) methodologies, frameworks, and tools, there is still no universally accepted standard on what Enterprise Architecture (EA) really means to practicing architects. Traditionally practitioners concentrated on specific aspects of EA, such as tools, repositories, components and frameworks. However, little attention was given to the architect, who completes this trio of system perspectives (people, process & technology). This thesis reports on the research findings from multiple studies that investigated diverse factors and attributes that are associated with enterprise architects; the belief systems of enterprise architects as they pertain to enterprise architecture and enterprise architecture management; the behavioural styles of enterprise architects which they follow within their socio-technical environment, as well as enterprise architect profiles, representing a specific enterprise architect viewpoint. The enterprise architect belief systems affect the worldview and ultimately the school of thought of the practicing architect. Similarly, the role and competency of enterprise architects operating within their working environment affects their behavioural style. This thesis made use of design science research as a foundational strategy, making use of various research methodologies including a systemic literature review and qualitative surveys and the use of the framework for the evaluation of design science research (FEDS). The design science research strategy allowed for the development of the design artefact as well as its technology-based implementation, the Daedalus Instrument for Architects (DIA). DIA can be used in conjunction with existing EA frameworks and methodologies, such as The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) for the understanding of architects on why they operate and perform architectural designs in the way they do. The findings may assist enterprise architects and EA stakeholders concerned with having the right calibre of person acting as an enterprise architect fulfilling a specific architecture function within an EA team or EA practice. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Management, Enterprise Architect, EA Factors, Architect Attributes, EA Schools of thought, Architect Belief Systems, Architect Styles, Architect Behavioural Styles, Architect Profiles, Architect Viewpoints, Architect Archetypes, Daedalus Instrument, Daedalus Instrument for Architects, DIA, EA, EAM, TOGAF. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / tm2016 / Informatics / PhD / Unrestricted

Exploring the meaning of functional and response diversity in the urban context

Ferreira, Albert Thomas January 2016 (has links)
Dissertation (MTRP)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / tm2016 / Town and Regional Planning / MTRP / Unrestricted

Crime perceptions of crime and the built environment : a case study of Kilner Park and Queenswood (Pretoria)

Snyders, Elsa January 2016 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between crime and fear of crime, the built environment and its relationship to a sense of place in terms of the current planning and design initiatives to assist in the prevention of crime within the built environment. A non-gated community located in the east of Pretoria, Kilner Park and Queenswood is utilised as a study area. From national and international authors, it was found that crime and fear of crime have an influence, firstly on the built environment, and secondly on a sense of community. The following schools of thought, relevant to this particular study, were identified as planning initiatives focused on crime prevention within the built environment: ? The Broken Windows Theory ? The Defensible Space Theory Situational Crime Prevention Theory ? Crime Prevention through Environment Design (CPTED) Theory. The research design of this study is based on a case study approach, addressing social and spatial elements. A mix-used research approach was followed, consisting of qualitative and quantitative analysis components. The qualitative analysis consists of interviews conducted with local law enforcement and related parties. Additionally, focus groups were conducted with community members. The quantitative data consists of statistical data obtained from the Villieria Police Precinct. It is evident from the study that the main crime generators are the physical structuring elements - freeways, railway line, open space systems and main movement network - as these elements serve as escape routes. It is noted that a sense of community and community participation play a significant role in crime prevention. Crime and fear of crime has not influenced the communities? sense of place, although community members are more vigilant and selective in the utilisation of the built environment. The physical changes within the built environment have to some degree restricted communication, although not negatively influencing the overall sense of place experienced by community members. Planning and design should take cognisance of these findings, and in conjunction with law enforcement, structure future planning accordingly. Planning theory should take into account that physical crime prevention mechanism is not the answer to crime prevention alone. It is a tool to deter criminal activity, even displace crime, but not to prevent crime. In most instances, physical crime prevention mechanisms hinder crime prevention initiatives. Stronger emphasis should be placed on community integration and participation in crime prevention, as social control of neighbourhoods (ownership) creates symbolic barriers which deter criminal activity. / Dissertation (MTRP)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / tm2016 / Town and Regional Planning / MTRP / Unrestricted

Transitional economy survival champions : the experience of South African firms

Van Schoor, Amy January 2017 (has links)
The profound institutional change inherent in transitional economies creates a challenging climate for firms to survive. Although a significant amount of empirical research has been conducted on the subject of organisational longevity in developed economies, limited research had been conducted in emerging markets. This paper addresses this shortcoming by looking at firm survival and institutional change during South Africa's political transition spanning the period 1991 to 2013. Using perspectives from population ecology theory and institutional theory, a cluster of absorption variables is developed and empirically tested to identify the characteristics of those firms that were able to endure shifts in the operating environment. Findings resulting from the Kaplan-Meier survival function and the Cox proportional hazard model suggest that so-called ?survival champions' develop a shared set of characteristics that take the form of bulk and heft in a transitional economy, which better equips them to absorb and negotiate change. In addition, the research shows that the sensitivity of survival to the cluster of absorption variables is significantly higher during the post-transition period of 1999 to 2013 compared to the period during which the transition takes place. This research paper contributes to the survival literature by adding a more nuanced voice to the understanding of corporate longevity in emerging markets. Findings offer key lessons for managers and stakeholders not only in South Africa, but also for those economies which have undergone - or may still undergo - similar institutional transition. / Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / vn2017 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

Urban (p)reserve : greening spaces, growing people

Watson, Michael January 2017 (has links)
The population density of the inner city of Tshwane is increasing, with further residential and commercial development being planned. The current design of the city centre is characterised by hardscape and buildings with an internal focus. This results in street edges devoid of stimulus or engagement for pedestrians, providing no relief for the attention demands of traffic, noise and crowds. There is also no provision for accessible green spaces, yet it is widely recognised that biophilia is an important aspect of people's psychological well-being and social development. The proposal is to use the structure of and spaces between buildings to alter hardscape areas to accommodate biophilic environments. This study focuses on the Transvaal Provincial Administration Building and addresses the challenges of how to enhance the benefits of biophilia in this urban landscape while contextualising the design to meet urban design requirements and respond to the Modernist architectural heritage. In addition, the predominant experience for inner city users is horizontal. To provide another dimension, this design proposes a vertical landscape which optimises the spaces between buildings and uses their structure in conjunction with elements of sublime theory to enhance the biophilic impact on users and influence behaviour in the urban environment. / Die bevolkingsdigtheid van die stadskern van Tshwane is besig om toe te neem met verdere residensi?le en kommersi?le ontwikkelinge wat beplan word. Die huidige ontwerp van die stadskern word gekenmerk deur "hardscape" en geboue met 'n interne fokus. Die resultaat is straatkante wat geen stimulus aan voetgangers bied of wat hulle betrek nie en wat geen verligting bied vir die eise wat gestel word deur die verkeer, geraas en gedrang van mense nie. Daar is ook geen voorsiening vir toeganklike groen ruimtes nie ten spyte van die wye aanvaarding dat biofilia 'n belangrike aspek van mense se psigologiese welsyn en sosiale ontwikkeling verteenwoordig. Die voorstel is om om die struktuur van en die ruimtes tussen geboue te gebruik om die "hardscape" gebiede te verander ten einde die biofilise omgewing te akkommodeer. Hierdie studie fokus op die Transvaalse Provinsiale-gebou en bespreek die uitdaging van hoe om die voordele van biofilia in die stedelike landskap te verhoog en kontekstualiseer die ontwerp om te voldoen aan stedelike ontwerp vereistes met erkenning aan die Modernistiese argitektoniese erfenis. Bykomend, die oorwegende ervaring vir middestad gebruikers is horisontaal. Ten einde 'n ander dimensie te belig, stel hierdie ontwerp voor 'n vertikale landskap wat die ruimtes tussen geboue optimaliseer deur die gebruik van hulle strukture in samehang met elemente van sublieme teorie om die biofiliese impak op gebruikers te verhoog en hulle gedrag in die stedelike omgewing te be?nvloed. / Mini Dissertation (ML (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Architecture / ML (Prof) / Unrestricted

Factors related to the adoption of electronic health records

Ngcaba, Svieta January 2017 (has links)
The adoption and use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) is understated, despite the known benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and the availability of health information systems technology to bridge the healthcare supply-demand gap. Objective This study seeks to explore and elucidate the complex interaction of factors inherent in the adoption and use of EHR from the perspective of strategic, operational and frontline staff in the private urban hospital setting. Methodology This study employed a phenomenological qualitative design to gain a deeper understanding of factors at intrinsic to the adoption of health information technology systems in urban hospitals. The study conducted 21 interviews in two private hospitals with decision makers and computerized information system end-users. The cohort was segmented into three organizational tiers constituted with frontline, operational and strategic staff. Results Participants agreed that EHR have relative advantage over paper in the form of operational efficiencies and delivery of care improvements. They did acknowledge existing challenges of using electronic information systems including prohibitive financial requirements, IT & computer literacy, system usability and functionality challenges, miscommunication, organizational processes and culture and increased workload. Conclusion EHR hold immense potential for transforming the delivery of care in hospitals. Decision makers need to leverage the organisational human resource potential in their quest to realize EHR value for all stakeholders. However EHR cannot be viewed as the only solution to improving healthcare. / Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / ms2017 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

Optimal composition of hedge fund replicators in South Africa

Boers, David Winson January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to explore the passive replication of hedge fund returns as an alternative means of investment. Current popular techniques have generally shown poor out-of-sample performance. This research aimed at creating an equity factor model through the use of the "style engine" created in Muller and Ward (2013). The sample hedge funds were used to create both single period and multi period rolling window portfolios of styles. The model was able to portray the investment styles of the selected samples and imitated the in-sample performance well. However, many of the out-of-sample clones showed severe under performance and suffered systematic breaks. / Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / zk2017 / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted

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