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Developing a Method to Identify Horizontal Curve Segments with High Crash Occurrences Using the HAF AlgorithmBrowning, Joseph Stuart 01 March 2019 (has links)
Crashes occur every day on Utah’s roadways. Curves can be particularly dangerous as they require driver focus due to potentially unseen hazards. Often, crashes occur on curves due to poor curve geometry, a lack of warning signs, or poor surface conditions. This can create conditions in which vehicles are more prone to leave the roadway, and possibly roll over. These types of crashes are responsible for many severe injuries and a few fatalities each year, which could be prevented if these areas are identified. This highlights a need for identification of curves with high crash occurrences, particularly on a network-wide scale. The Horizontal Alignment Finder (HAF) Algorithm, originally created by a Brigham Young University team in 2014, was improved to achieve 87-100 percent accuracy in finding curved segments of Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) roadways, depending on roadway type. A tool was then developed through Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to sort through curve and crash data to determine the number of severe and total crashes that occurred along each curve. The tool displays a list of curves with high crash occurrences. The user can sort curves by several different parameters, including various crash rates and numbers of crashes. Many curves with high crash rates have already been identified, some of which are shown in this thesis. This tool will help UDOT determine which roadway curves warrant improvement projects.
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A Prioritization Process for Access Management Implementation in UtahBraley, Kordel T. 04 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Appropriate access management techniques can improve the safety and efficiency of arterial roads. In order to determine which roads can most benefit by the implementation of access management techniques, a prioritization process was developed to recommend various access management treatments such as limiting access points, installing raised medians, and ensuring adequate signal spacing along corridors. To serve as the basis for the performance index, a database was created including identifying features, characteristics, and crash history for 175 arterial road segments on Utah state routes. Stepwise linear regression was applied to the data collected to determine which characteristics of the roads were correlated with crash rate, crash severity, and specific collision types. Signal spacing, access density, and median type were all determined to be correlated with crash rates and crash severity. Specifically, signals per mile, access density, and two-way left-turn lanes were all positively correlated with crashes. Other characteristics such as adjacent land use and volume were also analyzed. Finally, recommendations for access management treatments were given in the form of a decision tree. The decision tree may be used to classify existing or future road segments into subcategories based on volume, signal spacing, land use, and other criteria, with recommendations provided for each subcategory.
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Pollution Prevention and Water Reuse at Utah Department of Transportation FacilitiesStoudt, Amanda 01 May 2020 (has links)
As stormwater flows over roads, sidewalks, and other impervious surfaces, it picks up pollutants that are deposited on these surfaces. One common pollutant transported by stormwater is road salt. While the application of road salt is crucial for wintertime public safety, road salt has a host of negative environmental impacts. Road salt has been linked to increasing levels of dissolved solids in groundwater, vegetation damage, and behavioral changes in aquatic organisms. Studies have shown that these impacts are concentrated around salt storage facilities. As a result, the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued many state departments of transportation municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permits. In Utah, road salt is stored at Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) maintenance stations, which are regulated by a Phase I MS4 permit. To comply with their MS4 permit, UDOT constructed retention ponds to capture salt-laden stormwater and truck wash water. However, without information and established maintenance and management plans informing pond design, these retention ponds suffer from design issues such as overflow throughout the winter season. Through pollution prevention assessments, pond and tap water analysis, pond sediment analysis, and surface water quality modeling at 11 UDOT maintenance stations, this project provides UDOT with site design guidelines and best management practices to ultimately reduce the impact of UDOT road salt facilities on the environment.
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Assessing Levels of Corrosion on Extracted MSE Wall ReinforcementThompson, Robert Ashton 10 April 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to extract galvanized steel wire reinforcement coupons from mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls along I-15 and determine the rate of corrosion that has taken place since Phase I, which was conducted by Gerber and Billings (2010). The galvanized steel reinforcement analyzed in this study has been in place for 19 to 20 years at the time of extraction. A total of 85 coupons were extracted and laboratory analysis was performed to determine the thickness of remaining zinc galvanization on each coupon. Soil samples were obtained from each one-stage wall extraction location to determine moisture content for correlation with corrosion. After laboratory testing was performed, the measured zinc coating thickness was compared to that determined in Phase I. An average corrosion rate of approximately 0.032 oz/ft²/year has occurred since Phase I. According to the AASHTO (2017) design corrosion rate of 0.35 oz/ft²/year for the first two years and 0.09 oz/ft²/year until the depletion of the zinc, the zinc coating would have been completely depleted after 16 years. Based on the results of laboratory testing, the initial galvanization coating was likely greater than the specified thickness of 2.0 oz/ft² (86 μm). The zinc galvanization is corroding at a slower rate than the AASHTO design rate. The AASHTO design rate for depletion of zinc coating and subsequent corrosion of the steel reinforcement is conservative for the corrosion conditions present in the MSE wall reinforcement coupons tested. The integrity of the steel reinforcement that is currently in place is not likely to be compromised by corrosion.
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Segment and Intersection Crash Analysis Methodologies for Utah HighwaysLunt, Camille Cherie 07 December 2020 (has links)
This research focuses on the Crash Analysis Methodology for Segments (CAMS) which provides a way for engineers at the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to prioritize safety improvements on state-owned roadways. Unlike the Utah crash analysis methodologies that come before it, the CAMS focuses exclusively on segment-related crashes. The benefits of such an analysis can be found in identifying locations that have safety concerns unbiased from intersections and their related crashes. The CAMS uses UDOT data to create a spreadsheet of roadway segments and their associated crashes. Each segment is homogeneous with respect to five variables: Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), functional class, number of lanes, speed limit, and urban code. In the statistical analyses performed on the data, four years of crash data (2014-2017) are used to predict distributions of crashes for the most recent year of data (2018). Observed crash counts are compared to the predicted distributions and assigned a percentile value within the distributions, and segments are subsequently ranked in order of safety concern according to those percentiles. Two-page technical reports are created for segments that rank high in the state or UDOT Region. These reports consist of concise tables of roadway data and crash trends pertaining to each segment. Research analysts also add observations made in virtual site visits to the reports. In the end, the results and the reports are sent to UDOT where UDOT Region engineers may review and study identified segments in further detail. This research also includes modifications made to the Intersection Safety Analysis Methodology (ISAM) which focuses exclusively on intersection-related crashes. The modifications made to the ISAM mirror the abilities of the CAMS, thus allowing the pair of methodologies to analyze the entire state route network without overlapping any crash data.
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An Analysis of Decision Boundaries for Left-Turn TreatmentsAdamson, Michael Louis 01 April 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the safety and operational differences between three left-turn treatments: permitted, protected, and protected-permitted left-turn phasing. Permitted phasing allows vehicles to turn left after yielding to any opposing vehicles; protected phasing provides an exclusive phase for vehicles to turn left that does not allow opposing vehicles; and protected-permitted phasing combines the previous phasing alternatives, allowing vehicles to turn after yielding while also providing some green time for protected left-turns.As part of evaluating the differences between these left-turn treatments, crashes before and after the change at intersections that had experienced a permanent change from one phase alternative to another were compared. The crashes that took place at these intersections were compared with the number of crashes experienced at a baseline set of intersections. A general increase in total crashes was observed for most intersections, and an increase in left-turn crashes per million entering vehicles was also observed in intersections that had experienced a change from protected to protected-permitted phasing; no other clear trends were observed.The research team also gathered simulated data using VISSIM traffic modeling software and safety data were extracted from these simulations using the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM) created by the Federal Highway Administration to identify decision boundaries between each left-turn treatment. The simulations modeled intersections with 1-, 2-, and 3-opposing-lane configurations with permitted and protected-permitted models (split into green times of 10-, 15-, and 20-seconds) for a total of 12 different simulation models. Each model was divided into 100-225 different volume scenarios, with incremental increases in left-turn vs. opposing volumes. By exporting trajectory files from VISSIM and importing these files into SSAM, crossing conflicts for each volume combination in each model were identified and extracted. These were then entered into MATLAB to create contour maps; the contours of these maps represent the number of crossing conflicts per hour associated with different combinations of left-turn and opposing volume. Basic decision boundaries were observed in the contour maps for each model. To extract an equation to estimate each boundary, JMP Pro statistical analysis software was used to perform a linear regression analysis and develop natural log-based equations estimating the decision boundaries for each configuration and phase alternative. These equations were then charted using Excel and final decision boundaries were developed for the 1-, 2-, and 3-lane configurations between permitted and protected-permitted phasing as well as between protected-permitted and protected phasing.
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Evaluation of the Applicability of the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model to Safety Audit of Two-Lane Rural HighwaysChuo, Kaitlin 13 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) is a suite of software developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for monitoring and analyzing two-lane rural highways in the United States. As IHSDM is a fairly "young" program a limited amount of research has been conducted to evaluate its practicability and reliability. To determine if IHSDM can be adopted into the engineering decision making process in Utah, a study was conducted under the supervision of the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to evaluate its applicability to audit safety of two-lane rural highways in Utah. IHSDM consists of six modules: Policy Review Module (PRM), Crash Prediction Module (CPM), Design Consistency Module (DCM), Traffic Analysis Module (TAM), Intersection Review Module (IRM), and Driver/Vehicle Module (DVM) (still under construction). Among the six modules, two were chosen for evaluation because of their applicability to audit safety of the two-lane rural highways in Utah, namely CPM and IRM. For the evaluation of the CPM, three two-lane rural highway sections were selected. The results of this evaluation show that the CPM can produce reasonably reliable crash predictions if appropriate input data, especially alignment data, reflect the existing conditions at reasonable accuracy and engineering judgment is used. Using crash records available from UDOT's crash database and CPM's crash prediction capability, UDOT's traffic and safety engineers can locate "hot spots" for detailed safety audit, thus making the safety audit task more focused and effective. Unlike the CPM, the outputs of the IRM are qualitative and include primarily suggestions and recommendations. They will help the traffic and safety engineers identify what to look for as they visit the sites, such as a lack of stopping sight distance and a lack of passing sight distance. The interpretation of the IRM requires knowledge of various aspects of highway design, familiarity with A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and experience in traffic engineering. Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that the CPM and IRM of IHSDM could be a useful tool for engineering decision-making during safety audits of two-lane rural highways. But the outputs from these modules demand knowledge and experience in highway design. It is recommended that the other modules of IHSDM be tested to fully appreciate the capability of IHSDM. The software can be a knowledgebased program that can help novice engineers to learn how to design safe two-lane rural highways.
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