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An optimal framework of investment strategy in brownfields redevelopment by integrating site-specific hydrogeological and financial uncertaintiesYu, Soonyoung January 2009 (has links)
Brownfields redevelopment has been encouraged by governments or the real estate market because of economic, social and environmental benefits. However, uncertainties in contaminated land redevelopment may cause massive investment risk and need to be managed so that contaminated land redevelopment is facilitated. This study was designed to address hydrogeological as well as economic uncertainty in a hypothetical contaminated land redevelopment project and manage the risk from these uncertainties through the integration of the hydrogeological and economic uncertainties. Hydrogeological uncertainty is derived from incomplete site information, including aquifer heterogeneity, and must be assessed with scientific expertise, given the short history of redevelopment projects and their unique hydrogeological characteristics. Hydrogeological uncertainty has not yet been incorporated in one framework with the economic uncertainty that has been relatively well observed in financial markets.
Two cases of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) contamination were simulated using a physically-based hydrogeological model to address hydrogeological uncertainty: one concerns the effect of an ethanol spill on a light NAPL (LNAPL) contaminated area in the vadose zone, and the other is regarding the vapour phase intrusion of volatile organic compounds, in particular, Trichloroethylene (TCE), a dense NAPL (DNAPL), into indoor air through a variably saturated heterogeneous aquifer. The first simulation replicated experimental observations in the laboratory, such as the capillary fringe depressing and the NAPL pool remobilizing and collecting in a reduced area exhibiting higher saturations than observed prior to an ethanol injection. However, the data gap, in particular, on the chemical properties between the model and the experiment caused the uncertainty in the model simulation. The second NAPL simulation has been performed based on a hypothetical scenario where new dwellings in a redeveloped area have the potential risk of vapour phase intrusion from a subsurface source into indoor air because remediation or foundation design might fail. The simulation results indicated that the aquifer heterogeneity seemed the most significant factor controlling the indoor air exposure risk from a TCE source in the saturated zone. Then, the exposure risk was quantified using Monte Carlo simulations with 50 statistically equivalent heterogeneous aquifer permeability fields. The quantified risk (probability) represents the hydrogeological uncertainty in the scenario and gives the information on loss occurrence intensity of redevelopment failure.
Probability of failure (or loss occurrence intensity) was integrated with cost of failure (or loss magnitude) to evaluate the risk capital in the hypothetical brownfields redevelopment project. The term “risk capital” is adopted from financial literature and is the capital you can lose from high risk investment. Cost of failure involves economic uncertainty and can be defined based on a developer’s financial agreement with new dwellers to prevent litigation in the case of certain events, such as an environmental event where indoor air concentrations of pollutants exceed regulatory limits during periodic inspections. The developer makes such a financial agreement with new dwellers because new dwellings have been constructed founded on flawed site information, and municipalities may require it if a land use planning approval is required. An agreement was presumed that the developer would repurchase the affected houses from new dwellers immediately, if indoor air contamination exceeded the regulatory limit. Furthermore, the developer would remediate any remaining contamination, demolish the affected houses and build new houses if they were worth investing in. With this financial plan assumed, the stochastic housing price, stochastic inflation rate and stochastic interest rate have been considered to cause the uncertainty in the cost of failure, and the information on these stochastic variables was obtained from the financial market due to its long history of observations.
This research reviewed appropriate risk capital valuation methods for hydrogeologists to apply straightforwardly to their projects, with integrating probability of failure (hydrogeological uncertainty) and cost of failure (economic uncertainty). The risk capital is essentially the probability of failure times the cost of failure with safety loading added to compensate investors against hydrogeological and financial uncertainty. Fair market prices of risk capital have been valuated using financial mathematics and actuarial premium calculations, and each method has a specific safety loading term to reflect investors’ level of risk aversion. Risk capital results indicated that the price of the risk capital was much more sensitive to hydrogeological uncertainty than financial uncertainty. Developers can manage the risk capital by saving a contingency fee for future events or paying an insurance premium, given that the price of this risk capital is the price of a contingent claim, subsequent to failure in remediation or in foundation design, and equivalent to an environmental insurance premium if there is an insurance company to indemnify the liability for the developer.
The optimal framework of investment strategy in brownfields redevelopment can be built by linkage of addressing and integrating uncertainties and valuating risk capital from the uncertainties. This framework involves balancing the costs associated with each step while maximizing a net profit from land redevelopment. The optimal investment strategy, such as if or when to remediate or redevelop and to what degree, is given when the future price of the land minus time and material costs as well as the contingency fee or insurance premium maximizes a net profit.
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Eliminating Design Alternatives under Interval-Based UncertaintyRekuc, Steven Joseph 19 July 2005 (has links)
Typically, design is approached as a sequence of decisions in which designers select what they believe to be the best alternative in each decision. While this approach can be used to arrive at a final solution quickly, it is unlikely to result in the most-preferred solution. The reason for this is that all the decisions in the design process are coupled. To determine the most preferred alternative in the current decision, the designer would need to know the outcomes of all future decisions, information that is currently unavailable or indeterminate. Since the designer cannot select a single alternative because of this indeterminate (interval-based) uncertainty, a set-based design approach is introduced. The approach is motivated by the engineering practices at Toyota and is based on the structure of the Branch and Bound Algorithm. Instead of selecting a single design alternative that is perceived as being the most preferred at the time of the decision, the proposed set-based design approach eliminates dominated design alternatives: rather than selecting the best, eliminate the worst. Starting from a large initial design space, the approach sequentially reduces the set of non-dominated design alternatives until no further reduction is possible ??e remaining set cannot be rationally differentiated based on the available information. A single alternative is then selected from the remaining set of non-dominated designs.
In this thesis, the focus is on the elimination step of the set-based design method: A criterion for rational elimination under interval-based uncertainty is derived. To be efficient, the criterion takes into account shared uncertainty ??certainty shared between design alternatives. In taking this uncertainty into account, one is able to eliminate significantly more design alternatives, improving the efficiency of the set-based design approach. Additionally, the criterion uses a detailed reference design to allow more elimination of inferior design sets without evaluating each alternative in that set. The effectiveness of this elimination is demonstrated in two examples: a beam design and a gearbox design.
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A Robust Design Method for Model and Propagated UncertaintyChoi, Hae-Jin 04 November 2005 (has links)
One of the important factors to be considered in designing an engineering system is uncertainty, which emanates from natural randomness, limited data, or limited knowledge of systems. In this study, a robust design methodology is established in order to design multifunctional materials, employing multi-time and length scale analyses. The Robust Concept Exploration Method with Error Margin Index (RCEM-EMI) is proposed for design incorporating non-deterministic system behavior. The Inductive Design Exploration Method (IDEM) is proposed to facilitate distributed, robust decision-making under propagated uncertainty in a series of multiscale analyses or simulations. These methods are verified in the context of Design of Multifunctional Energetic Structural Materials (MESM). The MESM is being developed to replace the large amount of steel reinforcement in a missile penetrator for light weight, high energy release, and sound structural integrity. In this example, the methods facilitate following state-of-the-art design capabilities, robust MESM design under (a) random microstructure changes and (b) propagated uncertainty in a multiscale analysis chain. The methods are designed to facilitate effective and efficient materials design; however, they are generalized to be applicable to any complex engineering systems design that incorporates computationally intensive simulations or expensive experiments, non-deterministic models, accumulated uncertainty in multidisciplinary analyses, and distributed, collaborative decision-making.
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Positional Uncertainty Analysis Using Data Uncertainy Engine A Case Study On Agricultural Land ParcelsUrganci, Ilksen 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Most of spatial data extraction and updating procedures require digitization of geographical entities from satellite imagery. During digitization, errors are introduced by factors like instrument deficiencies or user errors. In this study positional uncertainty of geographical objects, digitized from high resolution Quickbird satellite imagery, is assessed using Data Uncertainty Engine (DUE). It is a software tool for assessing uncertainties in environmental data / and generating realisations of uncertain data for use in uncertainty propagation analyses. A case study area in Kocaeli, Turkey that mostly includes agricultural land parcels is selected in order to evaluate positional uncertainty and obtain uncertainty boundaries for manually digitized fields. Geostatistical evaluation of discrepancy between reference data and digitized polygons are undertaken to analyse auto and cross correlation structures of errors. This process is utilized in order to estimate error model parameters which are employed in defining an uncertainty model within DUE. Error model parameters obtained from training data, are used to generate simulations for test data. Realisations of data derived via Monte Carlo Simulation using DUE, are evaluated to generate uncertainty boundaries for each object guiding user for further analyses with pre-defined information related to the accuracy of spatial entities. It is also aimed to assess area uncertainties affected by the position of spatial entities. For all different correlation structures and object models, weighted average positional error for this study is between 2.66 to 2.91 meters. At the end of uncertainty analysis, deformable object model produced the smallest uncertainty bandwidth by modelling cross correlation.
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Operational, supply-side uncertainty in transportation networks: causes, effects, and mitigation strategiesBoyles, Stephen David 15 October 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is concerned with travel time uncertainty in transportation networks due to ephemeral phenomena such as incidents or poor weather. Such events play a major role in nonrecurring congestion, which is estimated to comprise between one-third and one-half of all delay on freeways. Although past research has considered many individual aspects of this problem, this dissertation is unique in bringing a comprehensive approach, beginning with study of its causes, moving to discussion of its effects on traveler behavior, and then demonstrating how these models can be applied to mitigate the effects of this uncertainty. In particular, two distinctive effects of uncertainty are incorporated into all aspects of these models: nonlinear traveler behavior, encompassing risk aversion, schedule delay, on-time arrival, and other user objectives that explicitly recognize travel time uncertainty; and information and adaptive routing, where travelers can adjust their routes through the network as they acquire information on its condition. In order to accurately represent uncertain events in a mathematical model, some quantitative description of these events and their impacts must be available. On freeways, a large amount of travel data is collected through intelligent transportation systems (ITS), although coverage is far from universal, and very little data is collected on arterial streets. This dissertation develops a statistical procedure for estimating probability distributions on speed, capacity, and other operational metrics by applying regression to locations where such data is available. On arterials, queueing theory is used to develop novel expressions for expected delay conditional on the signal indication. The effects of this uncertainty are considered next, both at the individual (route choice) and collective (equilibrium) levels. For individuals, the optimal strategy is no longer a path, but an adaptive policy which allows for flexible re-routing as information is acquired. Dynamic programming provides an efficient solution to this problem. Issues related to cycling in optimal policies are examined in some depth. While primarily a technical concern, the presence of cycling can be discomforting and needs to be addressed. When considering collective behavior, the simultaneous choices of many self-optimizing users (who need not share the same behavioral objective) can be expressed as the solution to a variational inequality problem, leading to existence and uniqueness results under certain regularity conditions. An improved policy loading algorithm is also provided for the case of linear traveler behavior. Finally, three network improvement strategies are considered: locating information-providing devices; adaptive congestion pricing; and network design. Each of these demonstrates how the routing and equilibrium models can be applied, using small networks as testbed locations. In particular, the information provision and adaptive congestion pricing strategies are extremely difficult to represent without an adaptive equilibrium model such as the one provided in this dissertation. / text
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Reservoir system management under uncertaintyKistenmacher, Martin 13 May 2012 (has links)
Reservoir systems are subject to several uncertainties that are the result of imperfect knowledge about system behavior and inputs. A major source of uncertainty arises from the inability to predict future inflows. Fortunately, it is often possible to generate probabilistic forecasts of inflow volumes in the form of probability density functions or ensembles. These inflow forecasts can be coupled with stochastic management models to determine reservoir release policies and provide stakeholders with meaningful information of upcoming system responses such as reservoir levels, releases, flood damage risks, hydropower production, water supply withdrawals, water quality conditions, navigation opportunities, and environmental flows, among others. This information on anticipated system responses is also expressed in the form of forecasts that must reliably represent the actual system behavior when it eventually occurs. The first part of this study presents an assessment methodology that can be used to determine the consistency of ensemble forecasts through the use of relative frequency histograms and minimum spanning trees (MST). This methodology is then used to assess a management model's ability to produce reliable ensemble forecasts. It was found that neglecting to account for hydrologic state variables and improperly modeling the finite management horizon decrease ensemble consistency. Several extensions to the existing management model are also developed and evaluated. The second portion of this study involves the management of the uncertainties in reservoir systems. Traditional management models only find management policies that optimize the expected values of system benefits or costs, thereby not allowing operators and stakeholders to explicitly explore issues related to uncertainty and risk management. A technique that can be used to derive management policies that produce desired probabilistic distributions of reservoir system outputs reflecting stakeholder preferences is developed. This technique can be embedded in a user-interactive framework that can be employed to evaluate the trade-offs and build consensus in multi-objective and multi-stakeholder systems. The methods developed in this dissertation are illustrated in case studies of real reservoir systems, including a seven-reservoir, multi-objective system in California's Central Valley.
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Fearing the Uncertain: A Causal Exploration of Self-Esteem, Self-Uncertainty, and Mortality SalienceHohman, Zachary P. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) is one of the most influential social psychological theories of group behavior and intergroup relations. Early social identity research focused on many different group processes; however, the motivation behind group identification was not fully explored. Researchers have proposed a variety of accounts for why people join and identify with groups. This dissertation unravels the relationship between, on the one hand, mortality salience, self-related uncertainty and self-esteem, and on the other group identification and ingroup defense. The general hypothesis derived from uncertainty-identity theory (Hogg, 2010) is that uncertainty and not fear of death or pursuit of self-esteem motivate people to identify with and defend their groups, and that identification mediates the relationship between uncertainty and defense of the group. Experiment 1 (N = 112) tested the relationship between uncertainty and self-esteem on defense of the ingroup, with the additional test of the mediating effects of identification with the group between uncertainty and ingroup defense. Results showed that uncertainty and not self-esteem motivate people to identify with a group, to defend their group, and that group defense is mediated by identification. Experiment 2 (N = 112) provided a replication of the typical TMT study, which suggests that self-esteem will buffer the effects of mortality salience on ingroup defense, with the additional test of the mediating effects of identification between mortality salience and defense of one's group. As predicted, mortality salience only increased identification and defense of the group when self-esteem was not enhanced, as well, the interactive effects of mortality salience and self-esteem on defense was mediated by identification. Experiment 3 (N = 294) was a combination of both Experiments 1 and 2 and tested the hypothesis that uncertainty would moderate the relationship between self-esteem and mortality salience on group identification and ingroup defense. Exactly as predicted, only under high uncertainty the typical TMT results are demonstrated. Results across these three experiments demonstrate that self-uncertainty plays a significant role in reactions to mortality salience, and support uncertainty-identity theory's analysis of the role of self-uncertainty in ideological conviction and group behavior.
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Nuclear data uncertainty quantification and data assimilation for a lead-cooled fast reactor : Using integral experiments for improved accuracyAlhassan, Erwin January 2015 (has links)
For the successful deployment of advanced nuclear systems and optimization of current reactor designs, high quality nuclear data are required. Before nuclear data can be used in applications they must first be evaluated, tested and validated against a set of integral experiments, and then converted into formats usable for applications. The evaluation process in the past was usually done by using differential experimental data which was then complemented with nuclear model calculations. This trend is fast changing due to the increase in computational power and tremendous improvements in nuclear reaction models over the last decade. Since these models have uncertain inputs, they are normally calibrated using experimental data. However, these experiments are themselves not exact. Therefore, the calculated quantities of model codes such as cross sections and angular distributions contain uncertainties. Since nuclear data are used in reactor transport codes as input for simulations, the output of transport codes contain uncertainties due to these data as well. Quantifying these uncertainties is important for setting safety margins; for providing confidence in the interpretation of results; and for deciding where additional efforts are needed to reduce these uncertainties. Also, regulatory bodies are now moving away from conservative evaluations to best estimate calculations that are accompanied by uncertainty evaluations. In this work, the Total Monte Carlo (TMC) method was applied to study the impact of nuclear data uncertainties from basic physics to macroscopic reactor parameters for the European Lead Cooled Training Reactor (ELECTRA). As part of the work, nuclear data uncertainties of actinides in the fuel, lead isotopes within the coolant, and some structural materials have been investigated. In the case of the lead coolant it was observed that the uncertainty in the keff and the coolant void worth (except in the case of 204Pb), were large, with the most significant contribution coming from 208Pb. New 208Pb and 206Pb random nuclear data libraries with realistic central values have been produced as part of this work. Also, a correlation based sensitivity method was used in this work, to determine parameter - cross section correlations for different isotopes and energy groups. Furthermore, an accept/reject method and a method of assigning file weights based on the likelihood function are proposed for uncertainty reduction using criticality benchmark experiments within the TMC method. It was observed from the study that a significant reduction in nuclear data uncertainty was obtained for some isotopes for ELECTRA after incorporating integral benchmark information. As a further objective of this thesis, a method for selecting benchmark for code validation for specific reactor applications was developed and applied to the ELECTRA reactor. Finally, a method for combining differential experiments and integral benchmark data for nuclear data adjustments is proposed and applied for the adjustment of neutron induced 208Pb nuclear data in the fast energy region.
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Visualisation interactive de grands volumes de données incertaines : pour une approche perceptive / Interactive scientific visualization of high-volume, uncertain data : for a perceptual approachConinx, Alexandre 22 May 2012 (has links)
Les études scientifiques et d'ingénierie actuelles font de plus en plus souvent appel à des techniques de simulation numérique pour étudier des phénomènes physiques complexes. La visualisation du résultat de ces simulations sur leur support spatial, souvent nécessaire à leur bonne compréhension, demande la mise en place d'outils adaptés, permettant une restitution fidèle et complète de l'information présente dans un jeu de données. Une telle visualisation doit donc prendre en compte les informations disponibles sur la qualité du jeu de données et l'incertitude présente. Cette thèse a pour but d'améliorer les méthodes de visualisation des champs de données scalaires de façon à intégrer une telle information d'incertitude. Les travaux présentés adoptent une approche perceptive, et utilisent les méthodes expérimentales et les connaissances préalables obtenues par la recherche sur la perception visuelle pour proposer, étudier et finalement mettre en oeuvre des nouvelles techniques de visualisation. Une revue de l'état de l'art sur la visualisation de données incertaines nous fait envisager l'utilisation d'un bruit procédural animé comme primitive pour la représentation de l'incertitude. Une expérience de psychophysique nous permet d'évaluer des seuils de sensibilité au contraste pour des stimuli de luminance générés par l'algorithme de bruit de Perlin, et de déterminer ainsi dans quelles conditions ces stimuli seront perçus. Ces résultats sont validés et étendus par l'utilisation d'un modèle computationnel de sensibilité au contraste, que nous avons réimplémenté et exécuté sur nos stimuli. Les informations obtenues nous permettent de proposer une technique de visualisation des données scalaires incertaines utilisant un bruit procédural animé et des échelles de couleur, intuitive et efficace même sur des géométries tridimensionnelles complexes. Cette technique est appliquée à deux jeux de données industriels, et présentée à des utilisateurs experts. Les commentaires de ces utilisateurs confirment l'efficacité et l'intérêt de notre technique et nous permettent de lui apporter quelques améliorations, ainsi que d'envisager des axes de recherche pour des travaux futurs. / Current scientific and engineering works make an increasingly frequent use of numerical simulation techniques to study complex physical phenomenons. Visualizing these simulations' results on their geometric structure is often necessary in order to understand and analyze the simulated system. Such a visualization requires specific software tools in order to achieve a comprehensive and accurate depiction of the information present in the dataset. This includes taking into account the available information about dataset quality and data uncertainty. The goal of this thesis is to improve the visualization techniques for scalar data fields in order to integrate uncertainty information to the result. Our work follows a perceptual approach, using knowledge and experimental methods from visual perception research to put forward, study and implement new visualization techniques. A review of the state of the art on uncertainty visualization make us suggest to use an animated procedural noise as a visual primitive to show uncertainty. We set up a psychophysics experiment to evaluate contrast sensitivity thresholds for luminance stimuli generated using Perlin's noise algorithm, and therefore understand under which conditions such noise patterns can be perceived. These results are validated and extended by using a computational model of contrast sensitiviy, which we reimplemented and ran on our stimuli. The resulting information allow us to put forward a new technique for visualizing uncertain scalar data using an animated procedural noise and color maps. The resulting visualization is intuitive and efficient even for datasets with a complex tridimensional geometry. We apply this new technique to two industrial datasets, and demonstrate it to expert users. Their feedback uphold the usabiliy and efficiency of our technique, and allows us to add a few more improvements and to orient our future work.
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Models and Computational Strategies for Multistage Stochastic Programming under Endogenous and Exogenous UncertaintiesApap, Robert M. 01 July 2017 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the modeling and solution of mixed-integer linear multistage stochastic programming problems involving both endogenous and exogenous uncertain parameters. We propose a composite scenario tree that captures both types of uncertainty, and we exploit its unique structure to derive new theoretical properties that can drastically reduce the number of non-anticipativity constraints (NACs). Since the reduced model is often still intractable, we discuss two special solution approaches. The first is a sequential scenario decomposition heuristic in which we sequentially solve endogenous MILP subproblems to determine the binary investment decisions, fix these decisions to satisfy the first-period and exogenous NACs, and then solve the resulting model to obtain a feasible solution. The second approach is Lagrangean decomposition. We present numerical results for a process network planning problem and an oilfield development planning problem. The results clearly demonstrate the efficiency of the special solution methods over solving the reduced model directly. To further generalize this work, we also propose a graph-theory algorithm for non-anticipativity constraint reduction in problems with arbitrary scenario sets. Finally, in a break from the rest of the thesis, we present the basics of stochastic programming for non-expert users.
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