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Machine learning in multi-frame image super-resolutionPickup, Lyndsey C. January 2007 (has links)
Multi-frame image super-resolution is a procedure which takes several noisy low-resolution images of the same scene, acquired under different conditions, and processes them together to synthesize one or more high-quality super-resolution images, with higher spatial frequency, and less noise and image blur than any of the original images. The inputs can take the form of medical images, surveillance footage, digital video, satellite terrain imagery, or images from many other sources. This thesis focuses on Bayesian methods for multi-frame super-resolution, which use a prior distribution over the super-resolution image. The goal is to produce outputs which are as accurate as possible, and this is achieved through three novel super-resolution schemes presented in this thesis. Previous approaches obtained the super-resolution estimate by first computing and fixing the imaging parameters (such as image registration), and then computing the super-resolution image with this registration. In the first of the approaches taken here, superior results are obtained by optimizing over both the registrations and image pixels, creating a complete simultaneous algorithm. Additionally, parameters for the prior distribution are learnt automatically from data, rather than being set by trial and error. In the second approach, uncertainty in the values of the imaging parameters is dealt with by marginalization. In a previous Bayesian image super-resolution approach, the marginalization was over the super-resolution image, necessitating the use of an unfavorable image prior. By integrating over the imaging parameters rather than the image, the novel method presented here allows for more realistic prior distributions, and also reduces the dimension of the integral considerably, removing the main computational bottleneck of the other algorithm. Finally, a domain-specific image prior, based upon patches sampled from other images, is presented. For certain types of super-resolution problems where it is applicable, this sample-based prior gives a significant improvement in the super-resolution image quality.
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Le cercle du comprendre et la conception heideggérienne de la philosophie dans Sein und ZeitVaillancourt, Richard 08 1900 (has links)
La conception heideggérienne du « cercle de la compréhension » exposée aux §§ 31 et 32 de Sein und Zeit est bien connue et a souvent été analysée, notamment par Hans-Georg Gadamer dans Vérité et méthode (1960) et Jean Greisch dans son commentaire de Sein und Zeit (1994). Mais on a trop peu vu que la théorie du cercle herméneutique déterminait aussi la conception heideggérienne de la philosophie. Notre recherche s’efforcera de le montrer et d’expliquer pourquoi il en est ainsi. Au plan de la méthodologie, nous proposerons, en nous inspirant des commentateurs les plus autorisés (Greisch, Gadamer, Courtine, et al.), un commentaire serré des §§ 31 et 32 de Sein und Zeit, sans oublier le § 63 où Heidegger souligne lui-même la « situation herméneutique » de sa propre enquête, ni le § 68 où se trouve mise en évidence la dimension temporelle du cercle de la compréhension. Nous tâcherons ensuite de montrer en quoi ce cercle affecte la conception heideggérienne de la philosophie telle que présentée au § 7 de Sein und Zeit et dans d’autres textes de Heidegger tels que Les problèmes fondamentaux de la phénoménologie (GA 24). / Heidegger’s understanding of the « hermeneutic circle » presented in §§ 31 et 32 of Sein und Zeit is well known and was analysed, among others, by Hans-Georg Gadamer in Truth and Method (1960) and Jean Greisch in his commentary of Sein und Zeit (1994). However, what has received too little attention is the extent to which the hermeneutic circle theory has a determining influence on Heidegger’s idea and practice of philosophy. Our research will attempt to explain why this is so. In our methodology, guided by the most relevant commentators (Greisch, Gadamer, Courtine, et al.), we elaborate a close analysis of §§ 31 and 32 in Sein und Zeit. This commentary also takes into account § 63, where Heidegger himself underlines the « hermeneutic situation » of his own investigation and § 68 where the temporal dimension of the hermeneutic circle is pointed out. We conclude by trying to demonstrate in what respect the circle influences Heidegger’s interpretation of philosophy, as shown in § 7 of Sein und Zeit and in other texts of Heidegger, such as The Fundamental Problems of Phenomenology (GA 24).
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Trajectories As a Unifying Cross Domain Feature for Surveillance SystemsWan, Yiwen 12 1900 (has links)
Manual video analysis is apparently a tedious task. An efficient solution is of highly importance to automate the process and to assist operators. A major goal of video analysis is understanding and recognizing human activities captured by surveillance cameras, a very challenging problem; the activities can be either individual or interactional among multiple objects. It involves extraction of relevant spatial and temporal information from visual images. Most video analytics systems are constrained by specific environmental situations. Different domains may require different specific knowledge to express characteristics of interesting events. Spatial-temporal trajectories have been utilized to capture motion characteristics of activities. The focus of this dissertation is on how trajectories are utilized in assist in developing video analytic system in the context of surveillance. The research as reported in this dissertation begins real-time highway traffic monitoring and dynamic traffic pattern analysis and in the end generalize the knowledge to event and activity analysis in a broader context. The main contributions are: the use of the graph-theoretic dominant set approach to the classification of traffic trajectories; the ability to first partition the trajectory clusters using entry and exit point awareness to significantly improve the clustering effectiveness and to reduce the computational time and complexity in the on-line processing of new trajectories; A novel tracking method that uses the extended 3-D Hungarian algorithm with a Kalman filter to preserve the smoothness of motion; a novel camera calibration method to determine the second vanishing point with no operator assistance; and a logic reasoning framework together with a new set of context free LLEs which could be utilized across different domains. Additional efforts have been made for three comprehensive surveillance systems together with main contributions mentioned above.
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Advances in fine-grained visual categorizationChai, Yuning January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this work is to improve performance in fine-grained visual categorization (FGVC). In particular, we are interested in the large-scale classification between hundreds of different flower, bird, dog species. FGVC is challenging due to high intra-class variances caused by deformation, view angle, illumination and occlusion, and low inter-class variance since some categories only differ in detail that only experts notice. Applications include field guides, automatic image annotation, one-click shopping app and 3D reconstruction. At the start, we discuss the importance of foreground segmentation in FGVC, where we focus on the unsupervised segmentation of image training sets into fore- ground and background in order to improve image classification performance. To this end, we introduce a new scalable, alternation-based algorithm for co-segmentation, Bi-CoS, which is simpler than many of its predecessors, and yet has superior performance on standard benchmark image datasets. Next, we extend BiCos to a new model, Tri- CoS, that adds a class-discriminitiveness term directly into the segmentation objective. The new term aims at removing image regions that, although appearing as foreground, do not contribute to the discrimination between classes. We also propose a model that combines parts alignment and foreground segmentation into a unified convex framework. The model is called Symbiotic in that part discovery/localization is helped by segmentation and, conversely, the segmentation is helped by the detection (e.g. part layout). The joined system improves over what can be achieved with an analogous system that runs segmentation and part-localization independently. Finally, we built a new flower dataset consisting of 26,798 high quality images collected by ourselves and 187,559 images gathered from existing datasets. The construction of this dataset follows a strict biological taxonomy. We also evaluate the impact of using the Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) service for filtering fine-grained data.
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Empathy in couple therapy for depression : a discourse analysis of couple and therapist talk in mutual understanding eventsRoberts, Theo January 2015 (has links)
Couple therapy research identifies partner empathy as a core process for positive outcomes. The Exeter Model of couple therapy (EMCT) for depression builds on both behavioural and empathic approaches in couple therapy to reduce unhelpful couple interactions and promote mutual understanding between partners where one partner is experiencing depression. Based on EMCT, this process research study aimed to investigate mutual understanding (MU), a transtheoretical concept that refers to the moment-by-moment therapy triad talk that constructs partner empathy. Thirty-four therapy sessions from seven couples in EMCT were screened for MU events, based on pre-defined theoretically derived criteria. A discourse analysis (DA) discursive psychology approach was utilised to examine identified MU events. Specifically, participant positioning and the constructive function of discourses were examined in the therapy extracts, as these DA concepts were closely linked to MU criteria. Findings provided insights into the couple and therapist interaction sequences that contribute to MU, suggesting that both systemic-behavioural and systemic-empathic EMCT techniques can facilitate the process. Specifically, circularities, active listening tasks, and eliciting vulnerability were identified as effective techniques for MU. Findings also pointed to clients' contributions and the impact of discordant discourses. Implications for EMCT practice, and directions for future couple therapy research are discussed.
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Quel sens faut-il donner à l’universalité de l’herméneutique chez Gadamer? : sa légitimité face aux critiques de Jürgen HabermasCaron Mailhot, Marc-André 08 1900 (has links)
La distance historique qui nous sépare de la publication de Vérité et méthode permet une meilleure intelligence de l’aspect universel de l’herméneutique de Hans-Georg Gadamer qui a suscité tant de débats immédiatement après la parution de son ouvrage. L’herméneute a en effet pu, dans plusieurs textes qu’il a écrits au cours des dernières décennies, préciser sa conception et mieux attester cette universalité, notamment en l’associant à l’universalité de la rhétorique elle-même. Un nouveau regard porté sur les divers débats suscités par cette prétention de l’universalité de l’herméneutique permet aussi de s’en faire une idée plus claire et limpide. Le présent mémoire se penche sur le sens à donner à l’universalité de l’herméneutique en tenant compte des sections décisives de Vérité et méthode qui y sont consacrées, des écrits plus tardifs de Gadamer sur la question et de la littérature secondaire afin de voir si cette prétention à l’universalité peut être défendue face aux critiques formulées par Jürgen Habermas. Nous soutiendrons dans ce mémoire que c’est le cas, mais aussi que la critique de Habermas a aidé Gadamer à mieux formuler et faire comprendre l’universalité de l’herméneutique. C’est précisément en tenant compte de l’apport de ceux qui pensent autrement que s’atteste l’universalité de l’herméneutique. / The historical distance that separates us from the publication of Truth and Method allows a better understanding of the universal aspect of hermeneutics defended by Hans-Georg Gadamer and which sparked so much debate immediately after the publication of his book. The hermeneut has indeed had the opportunity, in several texts he has written over the past decades, to specify his conception and better establish this universality, particularly by associating it with the universality of rhetoric itself. A survey of the various debates surrounding this universality claim of hermeneutics also helps to get a better picture of what is at stake. This essay looks at the meaning of universality of hermeneutics by considering the decisive sections of Truth and Method devoted to it, the later writings of Gadamer on the issue and the secondary literature to see if this claim to universality can be upheld against the criticism raised by Jürgen Habermas. We will argue in this paper that this is the case, but also that Habermas's criticism has helped Gadamer to better formulate and defend the universality of hermeneutics. It is precisely by taking into account the contribution of those who think differently that this universality of hermeneutics is demonstrated.
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La solidarité du politique et du poétique chez H. ArendtMead, Léa 09 1900 (has links)
Hannah Arendt est surtout connue pour avoir écrit une magistrale enquête historique sur le totalitarisme (Les origines du totalitarisme) et pour avoir défendu une conception exigeante de la politique développée dans un langage réputé pour être très hellénisant. Cette façon de concevoir la politique repose principalement sur le concept d’action qu’Arendt travaille à redéfinir au sein d’un contexte historique et d’une tradition qui témoignent, selon elle, d’un « oubli de l’action ». Ce qu’Arendt reproche au premier chef à la tradition de la philosophie politique est d’avoir confondu, dès ses premiers balbutiements, le faire et l’agir, interprétant ce dernier à l’aune de la fabrication (poiesis) et recouvrant du même souffle la spécificité de l’action (praxis). Sa propre théorie politique travaille ainsi à repenser l’action pour elle-même et à en faire de nouveau le centre de la vie politique. C’est donc notamment en se référant aux expériences politiques pré-philosophiques athéniennes qu’Arendt parvient à illustrer les potentialités que recèle l’action comprise comme spontanéité dévoilante. Or, il nous apparaît que ses efforts achoppent finalement sur le contexte moderne et que ce fait n’échappe probablement pas à Arendt elle-même. L’impasse suscitée par la modernité est ainsi à nos yeux l’occasion de mettre au jour un versant plus proprement poétique de l’œuvre d’Arendt, se dessinant en filigrane de sa théorie politique et qui n’est que très peu abordé au sein de la littérature secondaire francophone. Pour ce faire, nous proposons dans un premier temps d’interroger les efforts d’Arendt pour valoriser l’action politique afin de faire ressortir les ressources de ce concept. Dans un second temps, nous confrontons le concept d’action au contexte moderne tel que le conçoit Arendt pour montrer qu’il existe dans ses écrits un modèle alternatif de rapport au monde et à autrui que celui mis en avant par l’action et que cet autre modèle doit énormément au poétique. / Hannah Arendt is primarily renowned for writing a masterful historical inquiry on totalitarianism (The Origins of Totalitarianism) and for defending a challenging view of politics expressed in, to say the least, a Hellenistic language. This particular take on politics relies primarily on the concept of action, which Arendt strives to redefine within a historical context and a tradition, which together, bear witness to a “forgetfulness of action”. What Arendt criticizes first and foremost in the tradition of political philosophy is the confusion, from the onset, of making with doing (i.e., acting upon, putting into practice), that is to the understanding of the latter through the standards of production (poiesis) which would have covered up the specific quality of action (praxis). Her political theory therefore seeks to rethink action in itself and to conceive it anew as the core of political life. Therefore it is by drawing upon the political experiences of pre-philosophical Athens that Arendt can illustrate the power of action seen as spontaneous disclosure. It seems however that her efforts ultimately face a limit in the modern context. It also appears to us that she is aware of this fact. This impasse brought about by modernity provides an opportunity to shine a light on the purely poetic dimension of Arendt’s work embedded within her political theory, a topic that seems to have been overlooked by most French language literature on Arendt. In order to do so, we seek in the first instance, to examine Arendt’s attempts at underscoring the value of political action in order to bring to light the essential components of this concept. Secondly, we will reflect on the concept of political action within the modern context as Arendt perceives it, in order discover the existence in her writings of an alternate relationship to the world and to others that can be contrasted with that of action. We will show that this other model draws enormously from the poetic realm.
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Funkce inferencí při porozumění textu / Inferences in text understandingHonková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with inferences and their function in text understanding. The theoretical part involve a survey of various definitions of inference, a setting of notions which are related to inferences and at last classification of inferences based on linguistic and psychological literature. The empirical part is based on analysis of cook recipes (and technical instruction partially). We have set five means of language which indicate a necessity of making inference (pronouns, ellipsis, hyponyms-hypernyms relation, pronoun vše and adjectivizated participles) - in all cases these inferences are necessary for comprehension. We confronted these inferences with classification described in the theoretical part. Another inferences we make as the text is read are infereces which are not associated with a concrete means of language: bridging inferences and instrumental inferences. Knowledge of the language, general knowledges and experiences take part in inferencing.
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Porozumění vybraným pojmům politologického učiva u žáků 2. stupně ZŠ / Student's understanding of politic concepts on secondary schoolŠvancarová, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: Student's understanding of politic concepts on secondary school ABSTRACT: This dissertation is focused on second grade pupils of elementary school how they understand the selected terms of political science. The aim of the dissertation is to diagnose the preconcepts of the pupils from two classes of the elementary schools with different social- economic conditions. The basics and terms of my work are presented in the first part: Constructivism, Preconcept , Pupil's conception of the curriculum. There is also an analysis of the political science curriculum of educational sphere Man and society RVP ZV. In the second part, there is a presentation of personal qualitative research of pupils' preconcepts, which was realised by method of structured dialog. In the conclusion, the results of the research from two different areas of the Czech Republic are being compared. KEYWORDS: constructivism, preconcept, understanding, curriculum, qualitative research
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O původu geometrie ve fundamentální ontologii / On geometry in fundamental ontologyKovář, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
The following text attempts to rethink the challenge of Edmund Husserl in his text On the Origin of Geometry. Interpretation of fundamental ontology developed by Martin Heidegger in Being and Time provides field on which it is possible to try to answer the question of the origin of geometry. It is conceived as a completely unique ontological possibility that nature is able to vouch for an explanation of the geometry.
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