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Development of UPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of polar metabolitesNorin, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Trimethylamine-n-oxide (TMAO) is a metabolite found in plasma/serum in humans. Elevated levels of TMAO have been associated with several types of heart disease. It’s therefore of interest to make a simple analytical method to analyse TMAO and other metabolites that are degraded to TMAO, including betaine. In this study, the goal was to develop a method for the sample preparation and analysis of these compounds in human plasma. Sample preparation was performed with an Ostro 96-well method for sample clean-up. The analysis was performed by ultraperformance liquid chromatography – hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography – tandem masspectrometry (UPLC-HILIC-MS/MS) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)-mode using electrospray ionization in positive mode (ESI+)-mode as the ion source. The analytes eluted under five minutes and were all baseline separated in the chromatogram. TMAO and betaine were quantified in quality control (QC) plasma samples using external calibration. Concentration of TMAO ranged from 132 ng/mL – 253 ng/mL and 1025-2084 ng/mL for betaine. Due to the lack of isotopically labelled standards for TMAO and betaine, valine-d8 was tested as an internal standard for the extraction; however, it was not a suitable option due to the low recovery obtained (5-34%) and the low response in ESI+. The recovery needs to be investigated further using isotopically labelled TMAO or betaine. Overall, the developed UPLC-HILIC-MS/MS method was found to be suitable for analysis of TMAO and betaine in human plasma. Further development and validation is required before application to samples from clinical studies.
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Desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos e estudos de estabilidade da rivaroxabanaWingert, Nathalie Ribeiro January 2015 (has links)
A análise de fármacos é fundamental nas diversas fases do desenvolvimento farmacêutico, tais como estudos de formulação, estabilidade e controle de qualidade do produto. A rivaroxabana (RIV) é um anticoagulante de uso oral indicado para prevenção da formação de coágulos venosos. A literatura pesquisada apresenta poucos relatos de determinação quantitativa e de estudos de estabilidade do fármaco em comprimidos. E ainda nenhum método analítico em compêndios oficiais Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e validar métodos analíticos para determinação qualitativa e quantitativa da RIV por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção por UV e de ultra eficiência com detecção por espectrometria de massas (CLAE-UV e CLUE-EM) e eletroforese capilar (EC). Os resultados encontrados foram adequados conforme o preconizado nos guias oficiais nacionais e internacionais. Foi avaliada também a viabilidade da técnica de eletroforese capilar em microchip para análise de RIV. Através de método desenvolvido por CLAE foi realizado estudo de cinética de degradação e posterior avaliação do potencial tóxico in vitro das amostras de degradação forçada da RIV. A identificação de três produtos de degradação majoritários da RIV, formados a partir de estresse ácido, alcalino e fotolítico, foi realizada por CLUE-EM/EM, possibilitando a proposição da estrutura molecular de cada produto de degradação. O potencial tóxico da RIV antes e depois da exposição à degradação forçada foi avaliado através dos métodos in vitro MTT, Vermelho Neutro, Ensaio Cometa e DNA de baixo peso molecular. Não foram encontrados sinais de dano ao DNA celular, contudo, amostras de RIV expostas ao meio alcalino apresentaram maior redução da viabilidade celular. O trabalho avaliou ainda o perfil de dissolução da RIV em comprimidos baseado nos dados de absorção in vitro conforme modelagem in silico dos dados, estabelecendo uma correlação linear entre a fração absorvida e fração dissolvida. As diferentes metodologias e técnicas desenvolvidas e aplicadas nesse trabalho contribuem para o desenvolvimento do controle de qualidade farmacêutico na direção de ensaios mais confiáveis que garantam a segurança e eficácia de medicamentos. / Drug analysis is critical at various stages of pharmaceutical development, such as formulation studies, stability and quality control products. Rivaroxaban (RIV) is an oral anticoagulant indicated for prevention of thromboembolism. Literature contains few reports of quantitative determination and drug stability studies of RIV on pharmaceutical formulation. Analytical method for RIV quality control are not evaluable on official guides yet. This research work aimed to develop and validate analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative determination of RIV by high and ultra performance liquid chromatography with UV detection mass spectrometry detection (HPLC -UV and UPLC-MS) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). The results were adequate as recommended in national and international official guides. Reliability of RIV analysis by microchip capillary electrophoresis was also assessed. Through the method developed by HPLC degradation kinetic studies were performed, zero order kinetic has better description of RIV degradation behaviour. RIV toxic potential before and after exposure to forced degradation was assessed by in vitro methods of MTT, Neutral Red, Comet Assay, and Low Molecular Weight DNA. There were no signals of DNA damage however, RIV samples exposed to alkaline medium showed increased reduction in cell viability. Identification of RIV degradation products formed after exposure to acid and alkaline media and UVC radiation was performed by UPLC-MS / MS. It was possible to elucidate molecular structures of three major degradation products. This study also assessed the dissolution profile of RIV tablets based on in vitro absorption data, a linear point-to-point correlation was found for fraction absorbed and dissolved. Different methodologies and techniques developed and applied in this work can contribute to the development of pharmaceutical quality towards more reliable tests to ensure safety and efficacy of medicines.
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Prospecting for markers of disease in respiratory diseasesGuallar-Hoyas, Cristina January 2013 (has links)
Asthma, current detection methods and metabolites proposed as asthma markers are described. The limitation of the disease diagnosis is outlined and metabolomics is introduced as the approach carried out within this research with the potential to measure the group metabolites that characterise the metabolic responses of a biological system to a specific disease. Chemistry underlying breathing, current breath collection and analytical techniques are described as well as detection and data processing technology associated within our research. A work-flow for the collection, analysis and processing of exhaled breath samples in respiratory diseases is described. The non-invasive sampling method allows collection of exhaled breath samples on children and adults without experiencing any discomfort. The analysis of exhaled breath samples using thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry outlines the use of retention index for the alignment of VOCs retention time shifting over time. This methodology enables the creation of a breath matrix for multivariate analysis data processing where each VOC is defined by retention index and most intense fragments of the mass spectrum. This methodology is tested in two cohorts of participants: paediatric asthma and severe asthmatic participants whose breath profiles are compared against healthy controls and within the two asthmatic phenotypes to prospect the markers that differentiate between the different groups. Eight candidate markers are identified to discriminate between asthmatic children and healthy children and seven markers between asthmatics undergoing therapy and healthy controls. The database from severe and paediatric asthma is compared, establishing seven non-age related markers between the two groups. A new interface is developed for the faster analysis of exhaled breath samples using thermal desorption ion mobility mass spectrometry. The interface front end has been modified and optimised to achieve the best sensitivity and resolution of VOCs in exhaled breath. A preliminary study carried out in a small cohort of volunteers shows the feasibility of the technique for the differentiation of asthmatic and healthy adults.
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Ανάλυση συστατικών φύλλων Vaccinium corymbosumΜερμίγκη, Πηνελόπη 19 August 2014 (has links)
Το Vaccinium corymbosum (Ericaceae) είναι ένας ψηλός θάμνος, ο οποίος καλλιεργείται σε περιοχές της Αμερικής και της Ευρώπης για τους υψηλής διατροφικής αξίας καρπούς του (κυανά μύρτιλλα: blueberries). Στη χώρα μας, καλλιέργεια μύρτιλλων γίνεται κυρίως στην περιοχή της Δράμας. Οι περισσότερες μελέτες εστιάζουν στην ανάλυση των συστατικών των καρπών, ενώ η φυτοχημική σύσταση των φύλλων δεν έχει μελετηθεί εκτενώς. Η παρούσα εργασία, στόχο είχε την ανάλυση των κυριότερων φαινολικών συστατικών των φύλλων του φυτού, με χρήση χρωματογραφικών μεθόδων ανάλυσης.
Τα αποξηραμένα φύλλα, τα οποία χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στην παρούσα διατριβή, προέρχονται από τις ποικιλίες ‘Bluecrop’ και ‘Patriot’, βιολογικής καλλιέργειας στην περιοχή της Δράμας. Προετοιμάστηκε αφέψημα των αποξηραμένων φύλλων, το οποίο στη συνέχεια εκχυλίστηκε διαδοχικά, με οξικό αιθυλεστέρα (AcOEt) και βουτανόλη (BuOH). Κατόπιν και με σκοπό τον εύκολο προσδιορισμό των φαινολικών ενώσεων, πραγματοποιήθηκε όξινη υδρόλυση (90 oC, 2 h, 50% μεθανόλη) όλων των κλασμάτων: Crude (αφέψημα), AcOEt, BuOH και Aqueous. Η ανάλυση των συστατικών πραγματοποιήθηκε με Υγρή Χρωματογραφία Υψηλής Απόδοσης με Ανιχνευτή Συστοιχίας Φωτοδιόδων (HPLC-DAD) και ύστερα με Υγρή Χρωματογραφία Υπερυψηλής Απόδοσης (UPLC-MS) με Φασματόμετρο Μάζας, το οποίο διαθέτει υβριδικό αναλυτή τετραπόλου – χρόνου πτήσης (Q-TOF). Για την HPLC-DAD ανάλυση χρησιμοποιήθηκε στήλη αντίστροφης φάσης (Luna C-18), με σύστημα βαθμιδωτής έκλουσης με τρείς διαλύτες: διάλυμα οξικού αμμωνίου (CH3COONH4-10 mM), ακετονιτρίλιο και μεθανόλη (Μαργιάννη, 2011). Επιπλέον, για την ποσοτικοποίηση των κυριότερων φαινολικών συστατικών χρησιμοποιήθηκε σύστημα βαθμιδωτής έκλουσης με δύο διαλύτες: διάλυμα CH3COONH4-10 mM και ακετονιτρίλιο (τροποποίηση Tsao et al., 2003). Στην ανάλυση UPLC-ESI-MS χρησιμοποιήθηκε στήλη αντίστροφης φάσης (BEH C18), με σύστημα βαθμιδωτής έκλουσης με δύο διαλύτες: 0.1% μυρμηκικό οξύ σε H2O και ακετονιτρίλιο.
Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν, αρχικά, ότι κανένα από τα κλάσματα δεν περιέχει ανθοκυανίνες, ενώ το AcOEt κλάσμα είναι περισσότερο εμπλουτισμένο σε φαινολικά συστατικά, σε σχέση με τα άλλα κλάσματα. Με χρήση της UPLC-ESI-MS ανάλυσης, προσδιορίσθηκαν διάφορα συστατικά μεταξύ των οποίων φαινολικά οξέα και φλαβονοειδή. Ενδιαφέρον παρουσίασε το γεγονός ότι το Aqueous κλάσμα περιείχε μόνο φαινολικά οξέα. Η επιλογή της μεθόδου της όξινης υδρόλυσης, φαίνεται να ήταν ικανοποιητική, αφού τα άγλυκα τμήματα των γλυκοζυλιωμένων φλαβονολών, αλλά και τα προϊόντα διάσπασης του εστερικού δεσμού του χλωρογενικού οξέος, προσδιορίσθηκαν εύκολα με την UPLC-ESI-MS ανάλυση. Στα επιμέρους δείγματα ποσοτικοποιήθηκαν, με χρήση HPLC-DAD ανάλυσης τα εξής φαινολικά συστατικά: χλωρογενικό οξύ, ρουτίνη, υπεροζίτης, ισοκερσιτρίνη και κερκετίνη. Συνεπώς, το αφέψημα των καλλιεργούμενων μύρτιλλων είναι μία καλή πηγή φαινολικών συστατικών. / Vaccinium corymbosum (Ericaceae) is a tall shrub, which is cultivated in parts of America and Europe for their fruits (blueberries), which possess high nutritional value. In our country, blueberries are mainly cultivated in the area of Drama. Many studies focus on the analysis of the constituents of fruits, while the phytochemical composition of leaves has not been studied in detail. The present study aimed the analysis of the main components of blueberry leaves, using chromatographic techniques.
Dried leaves (var ‘Bluecrop’ and ‘Patriot’) were obtained from the Cooperative ‘‘Biodrama’’. The decoction of dried leaves was prepared and then extracted sequentially with ethyl acetate and butanol. In order to easily identify the phenolic compounds, all fractions (Crude or decoction, AcOEt, BuOH and Aqueous) were hydrolysed in acid conditions (90 oC, 2 h, 50% MeOH). The components of the fractions were analyzed firstly by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD) and then with Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC-MS) with Mass Spectrometry. The mass spectrometer features hybrid quadrupole - time of flight (Q-TOF) analyzer. For the HPLC-DAD analysis a reverse phase column (Luna C-18) was used with a gradient elution system with three solvents: ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4-10 mM), acetonitrile (AcCN) and methanol (MeOH) (Margianni, 2011). Moreover, the quantification of the major phenolic components system was done with a gradient elution system of CH3COONH4-10 mM and AcCN (modified from Tsao et al., 2003). UPLC-ESI-MS was performed on a reverse phase column (BEH C18) with a gradient elution system with two solvents: 0.1% formic acid in H2O and AcCN.
Firstly, the results showed that none of the fractions contain anthocyanins while AcOEt fraction is more enriched in phenolic compounds, in comparison to the other fractions. Using UPLC-ESI-MS analysis, we identified several components including phenolic acids and various flavonoids. Interestingly, the Aqueous fraction contained only phenolic acids. The choice of the method of acid hydrolysis appears to be satisfactory for identification purposes, since the aglycones of glycosylated flavonols, and the cleavage products of the chlorogenic acid, was determined easily by UPLC-ESI-MS analysis. The phenolic compounds: chlorogenic acid, rutin, hyperoside, isoquercitrin and quercetin were quantified in blueberry leaf decoction using HPLC-DAD. Therefore, the decoction of cultivated blueberries is a good source of phenolic compounds.
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Desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos e estudos de estabilidade da rivaroxabanaWingert, Nathalie Ribeiro January 2015 (has links)
A análise de fármacos é fundamental nas diversas fases do desenvolvimento farmacêutico, tais como estudos de formulação, estabilidade e controle de qualidade do produto. A rivaroxabana (RIV) é um anticoagulante de uso oral indicado para prevenção da formação de coágulos venosos. A literatura pesquisada apresenta poucos relatos de determinação quantitativa e de estudos de estabilidade do fármaco em comprimidos. E ainda nenhum método analítico em compêndios oficiais Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e validar métodos analíticos para determinação qualitativa e quantitativa da RIV por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção por UV e de ultra eficiência com detecção por espectrometria de massas (CLAE-UV e CLUE-EM) e eletroforese capilar (EC). Os resultados encontrados foram adequados conforme o preconizado nos guias oficiais nacionais e internacionais. Foi avaliada também a viabilidade da técnica de eletroforese capilar em microchip para análise de RIV. Através de método desenvolvido por CLAE foi realizado estudo de cinética de degradação e posterior avaliação do potencial tóxico in vitro das amostras de degradação forçada da RIV. A identificação de três produtos de degradação majoritários da RIV, formados a partir de estresse ácido, alcalino e fotolítico, foi realizada por CLUE-EM/EM, possibilitando a proposição da estrutura molecular de cada produto de degradação. O potencial tóxico da RIV antes e depois da exposição à degradação forçada foi avaliado através dos métodos in vitro MTT, Vermelho Neutro, Ensaio Cometa e DNA de baixo peso molecular. Não foram encontrados sinais de dano ao DNA celular, contudo, amostras de RIV expostas ao meio alcalino apresentaram maior redução da viabilidade celular. O trabalho avaliou ainda o perfil de dissolução da RIV em comprimidos baseado nos dados de absorção in vitro conforme modelagem in silico dos dados, estabelecendo uma correlação linear entre a fração absorvida e fração dissolvida. As diferentes metodologias e técnicas desenvolvidas e aplicadas nesse trabalho contribuem para o desenvolvimento do controle de qualidade farmacêutico na direção de ensaios mais confiáveis que garantam a segurança e eficácia de medicamentos. / Drug analysis is critical at various stages of pharmaceutical development, such as formulation studies, stability and quality control products. Rivaroxaban (RIV) is an oral anticoagulant indicated for prevention of thromboembolism. Literature contains few reports of quantitative determination and drug stability studies of RIV on pharmaceutical formulation. Analytical method for RIV quality control are not evaluable on official guides yet. This research work aimed to develop and validate analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative determination of RIV by high and ultra performance liquid chromatography with UV detection mass spectrometry detection (HPLC -UV and UPLC-MS) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). The results were adequate as recommended in national and international official guides. Reliability of RIV analysis by microchip capillary electrophoresis was also assessed. Through the method developed by HPLC degradation kinetic studies were performed, zero order kinetic has better description of RIV degradation behaviour. RIV toxic potential before and after exposure to forced degradation was assessed by in vitro methods of MTT, Neutral Red, Comet Assay, and Low Molecular Weight DNA. There were no signals of DNA damage however, RIV samples exposed to alkaline medium showed increased reduction in cell viability. Identification of RIV degradation products formed after exposure to acid and alkaline media and UVC radiation was performed by UPLC-MS / MS. It was possible to elucidate molecular structures of three major degradation products. This study also assessed the dissolution profile of RIV tablets based on in vitro absorption data, a linear point-to-point correlation was found for fraction absorbed and dissolved. Different methodologies and techniques developed and applied in this work can contribute to the development of pharmaceutical quality towards more reliable tests to ensure safety and efficacy of medicines.
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Desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos e estudos de estabilidade da rivaroxabanaWingert, Nathalie Ribeiro January 2015 (has links)
A análise de fármacos é fundamental nas diversas fases do desenvolvimento farmacêutico, tais como estudos de formulação, estabilidade e controle de qualidade do produto. A rivaroxabana (RIV) é um anticoagulante de uso oral indicado para prevenção da formação de coágulos venosos. A literatura pesquisada apresenta poucos relatos de determinação quantitativa e de estudos de estabilidade do fármaco em comprimidos. E ainda nenhum método analítico em compêndios oficiais Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e validar métodos analíticos para determinação qualitativa e quantitativa da RIV por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção por UV e de ultra eficiência com detecção por espectrometria de massas (CLAE-UV e CLUE-EM) e eletroforese capilar (EC). Os resultados encontrados foram adequados conforme o preconizado nos guias oficiais nacionais e internacionais. Foi avaliada também a viabilidade da técnica de eletroforese capilar em microchip para análise de RIV. Através de método desenvolvido por CLAE foi realizado estudo de cinética de degradação e posterior avaliação do potencial tóxico in vitro das amostras de degradação forçada da RIV. A identificação de três produtos de degradação majoritários da RIV, formados a partir de estresse ácido, alcalino e fotolítico, foi realizada por CLUE-EM/EM, possibilitando a proposição da estrutura molecular de cada produto de degradação. O potencial tóxico da RIV antes e depois da exposição à degradação forçada foi avaliado através dos métodos in vitro MTT, Vermelho Neutro, Ensaio Cometa e DNA de baixo peso molecular. Não foram encontrados sinais de dano ao DNA celular, contudo, amostras de RIV expostas ao meio alcalino apresentaram maior redução da viabilidade celular. O trabalho avaliou ainda o perfil de dissolução da RIV em comprimidos baseado nos dados de absorção in vitro conforme modelagem in silico dos dados, estabelecendo uma correlação linear entre a fração absorvida e fração dissolvida. As diferentes metodologias e técnicas desenvolvidas e aplicadas nesse trabalho contribuem para o desenvolvimento do controle de qualidade farmacêutico na direção de ensaios mais confiáveis que garantam a segurança e eficácia de medicamentos. / Drug analysis is critical at various stages of pharmaceutical development, such as formulation studies, stability and quality control products. Rivaroxaban (RIV) is an oral anticoagulant indicated for prevention of thromboembolism. Literature contains few reports of quantitative determination and drug stability studies of RIV on pharmaceutical formulation. Analytical method for RIV quality control are not evaluable on official guides yet. This research work aimed to develop and validate analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative determination of RIV by high and ultra performance liquid chromatography with UV detection mass spectrometry detection (HPLC -UV and UPLC-MS) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). The results were adequate as recommended in national and international official guides. Reliability of RIV analysis by microchip capillary electrophoresis was also assessed. Through the method developed by HPLC degradation kinetic studies were performed, zero order kinetic has better description of RIV degradation behaviour. RIV toxic potential before and after exposure to forced degradation was assessed by in vitro methods of MTT, Neutral Red, Comet Assay, and Low Molecular Weight DNA. There were no signals of DNA damage however, RIV samples exposed to alkaline medium showed increased reduction in cell viability. Identification of RIV degradation products formed after exposure to acid and alkaline media and UVC radiation was performed by UPLC-MS / MS. It was possible to elucidate molecular structures of three major degradation products. This study also assessed the dissolution profile of RIV tablets based on in vitro absorption data, a linear point-to-point correlation was found for fraction absorbed and dissolved. Different methodologies and techniques developed and applied in this work can contribute to the development of pharmaceutical quality towards more reliable tests to ensure safety and efficacy of medicines.
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Micotoxinas em matrizes de milho e trigo: validação de método analítico por ULPC-MS/MS e monitoramento em diferentes pontos da cadeia produtiva e comercial / Mycotoxins in matrices of maize and wheat: validation an analytical method by UPLC-MS/MS and monitoring at different points of supply and commercial chainSouza, Darliana Mello 24 February 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims to validate an analytical multi-mycotoxin method using UPLC-MS/MS for 12 mycotoxins determination in wheat and maize matrices. The parameters evaluated for the validation were: calibration curve and linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), accuracy (recovery%), precision (RSD %) and matrix effect. The extraction of mycotoxins was performed using the modified QuEChERS method, whereby were used 12.5 g of slurry (suspension between sample and water), 4.5 g MgSO4 anhydrous and 10 ml of acidified acetonitrile at 1% acetic acid. After method validation, it was used to search, quantitatively, the occurrence of mycotoxins in 646 samples, 476 samples of wheat (the field trials, exported and imported grain type, grain processing and their fractions (flour and bran) and flour collected in supermarkets) and 170 samples of maize (grain exported type, flour collected in supermarkets, grains and brewer for the manufacture of animal feed). The results were satisfactory for all evaluated parameters, thus showing that the method validated for the matrices of wheat and maize, it is effective to determine these 12 mycotoxins studied. The matrix effect for some mycotoxins was outside the range -20 to +20%. These results for some analytes were compensated by matrix-mached calibration. All were contaminated by at least one of 12 mycotoxins in the study, regardless of origin. The mycotoxin DON was predominantly found in wheat samples, while fumonisin were determined in maize. In the field trials, factors such as genotype, environment and fungicide treatment had influence on DON concentration. Wheat grain for exportation and imported from Argentina had DON contamination in all samples. In wheat for exportation, also been determined contamination for FB1, FB2, ZEN and OTA. There is evidence that this is the first study to report the presence of fumonisins in Brazilian wheat, since it was not found other reports in the literature. In the sub-products of milling was observed redistribution of DON, a decreased concentration in white flour and increased in bran fraction when compared to the initial concentration in the grain, showing that this process is not effective for mycotoxins removal. It was determined DON and ZEN mycotoxins in flour samples purchased either in the city of Cruz Alta as Santa Maria as well. In maize samples for exportation was observed concomitant contamination by DON, ZEN, FB1 and FB2 and AFLA B1. In maize flour samples collected from supermarkets all samples were contaminated with fumonisins. Besides fumonisins evidenced the presence of DON, ZEN and AFLA B1 in some samples. Samples destined for the production of animal feed were determineted with aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2), fumonisins (B1 and B2), DON and ZEN, and in some samples, the concentrations were higher than Brazilian MRL. The extraction method combined with modern chromatographic technique for the determination of analytes, were effective for the analysis of mycotoxins in wheat and maize. Even in concentrations below the legal limits, human been exposure to mycotoxins can occur constantly. Monitoring of mycotoxins in foods is extremely important for public health, seeking quality to make healthy products available at all points of the supply and commercial chain. / O trabalho teve por finalidade validar um método analítico multimicotoxinas empregando UPLC-MS/MS para determinação simultânea de 12 micotoxinas em matrizes de trigo e milho. Os parâmetros avaliados para validação do método foram: curva analítica e linearidade, limite de detecção (LOD), limite de quantificação (LOQ), exatidão (recuperação%), precisão (RSD%) e efeito matriz. A extração das micotoxinas foi realizada empregando o método QuEChERS modificado, no qual foram utilizados 12,5 g de slurry (suspensão entre amostra e água), 4,5 g MgSO4 anidro e 10 mL de acetonitrila acidificada a 1% com ácido acético. Após a validação do método, o mesmo foi empregado para pesquisar, quantitativamente, a ocorrência de micotoxinas em 646 amostras, sendo 476 amostras de trigo (ensaios a campo, grãos tipo exportação e importação, grãos para processamento e respectivas frações (farinha e farelo) e farinhas comercializados em supermercados) e 170 amostras de milho (grãos tipo exportação, farinhas coletadas em supermercados, grãos e quirera destinados à fabricação de ração animal). Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios para todos os parâmetros avaliados, mostrando desta forma, que o método validado para as matrizes de trigo e milho, é eficaz para determinar as 12 micotoxinas em estudo. O efeito matriz, para algumas micotoxinas ficou fora da faixa de -20 a +20%. Esse efeito pronunciado para alguns analitos foi compensado pela calibração por superposição da matriz. Este método pode então ser utilizado para avaliação das amostras, em que todas apresentaram contaminação por pelo menos uma das 12 micotoxinas estudadas, independente da origem. A micotoxina DON foi predominantemente encontrada em amostras de trigo, enquanto fumonisinas foram as micotoxinas predominante determinadas em milho. Nos ensaios a campo, fatores como genótipo, ambiente e tratamento fungicidas tiveram influência sobre as concentrações de DON. Grãos de trigo tipo exportação e importados da Argentina apresentaram contaminação por DON em todas as amostras. Em trigo tipo exportação, também foi determinado contaminação por FB1, FB2, ZEN e OTA. Há evidências de que este seja o primeiro trabalho a relatar a presença de fumonisinas em trigo brasileiro, visto que não foi encontrado outros relatos na literatura. Nos subprodutos derivados da moagem foi verificado redistribuição de DON, com redução das concentrações na farinha branca e incremento na fração farelo, quando comparados a concentração inicial no grão, evidenciando que tal processo não é eficaz para eliminação de micotoxinas. Foram determinadas as micotoxinas DON e ZEN em amostras de farinhas adquiridas tanto na cidade de Cruz Alta quanto de Santa Maria. Nas amostras de milho tipo exportação foi evidenciada contaminação concomitante por DON, ZEN, FB1 e FB2 e AFLA B1. Nas amostras de farinha de milho coletadas em supermercados todas estavam contaminadas por fumonisinas. Além de fumonisinas foi evidenciado a presença de DON, ZEN e AFLA B1 em algumas amostras. Em amostras destinadas a fabricação de ração animal foi determinada aflatoxinas (B1, B2, G1, G2), fumonisinas (B1 e B2), DON e ZEN, sendo que em alguns casos, as concentrações foram superiores aos limites tolerados pela legislação brasileira. O método de extração, aliado com a técnica cromatográfica para determinação dos analitos mostraram-se eficientes para a análise de micotoxinas em trigo e milho. Mesmo em concentrações abaixo dos limites legais, a exposição humana a micotoxinas pode ocorrer constantemente. O monitoramento de micotoxinas em alimentos é de extrema importância para a saúde pública, visando a disponibilização de produtos de qualidade em todos os pontos da cadeia produtiva e comercial.
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Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15364号 / 工博第3243号 / 新制||工||1488(附属図書館) / 27842 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 宏明, 教授 藤井 滋穂, 教授 米田 稔 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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Long-range Transport of Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances to Sweden : The Exposure in Mountain Grazing ReindeersJohansson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine if perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFASs) reaches north of Sweden by long-range atmospheric transport. This was done by monitoring the levels of PFASs in reindeer livers at two locations in 2002 and 2010, respectively. The reindeers have lived all of their lives in the mountains and therefore the main source of exposure for PFASs is through air. The samples were extracted and analysed for 24 different PFASs using ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS). The most significant change concerns perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) which decreased significantly from 6.1 ng/g at the most northern location (Ammarnäs/Biergenis) in 2002 to 0.87 ng/g 2010. At the other sampling location, Glen, PFOS decreased from 5.0 to 3.2 ng/g during the eight years. Mainly PFOS and longer chain carboxylates were found. The results revealed that the levels of many compounds decreased in time. The location seems to have an impact on the level of perfluorinated compounds present and most likely the distribution of them in the air, since certain PFASs have increased and decreased differently in time between the two locations. Since PFASs are non-volatile, they are believed to be degradation products of volatile compounds such as fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs) and perfluoroalkylated sulfonamido alcohols (FOSEs). FTOHs and FOSEs are released, translocated by long-range atmospheric transport and degraded to perfluorinated compounds in organisms or atmosphere.
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Evaluation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) bean processing strategies to enhance alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity of dietary cocoaRacine, Kathryn Claire 18 June 2019 (has links)
Cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao) are a highly concentrated source of dietary flavanols- bioactive compounds associated with the health protective properties of cocoa. Cocoa beans undergo processing steps, such as fermentation, roasting, winnowing, grinding, pressing, etc., to produce a final product with specific desirable sensory attributes. It is well established that these processing steps, specifically fermentation and roasting, result in dramatic degradation of cocoa's native flavanols, but it is possible that these processing steps may generate compounds with novel activities, potentially preserving or enhancing bioactivity. Raw unfermented cocoa beans were processed by way of a partial factorial approach to produce cocoa powders from the same batch of raw beans using various combinations of fermentation [unfermented, cool fermented (maximum 46°C), hot fermented (maximum 60°C))] and roasting [unroasted, cool roasted (120°C), hot roasted (170°C)]. To simulate cocoa fermentation in a highly controlled environment, a pilot-scale fermentation model system was employed to eliminate many external unknowns and ensure that the differences between our cocoa powders were due to our various treatments, rather than unknown factors occurring during fermentation and roasting. Low and high molecular weight fractions (8-10 kDa cutoff) were produced from cocoa powder extracts (CPE) of each treatment to quantify Maillard reaction products (MRP). A HILIC-UPLC MS/MS method was developed to more efficiently and sensitively quantify cocoa flavanols with high degrees of polymerization (DP) produced during processing. Overall, cocoa processing significantly (p<0.05) decreased the total phenolic and total flavanol concentrations of CPEs. Hot roasting had the greatest impact on native flavanol degradation yet produced CPEs with the highest mean degree of polymerization (mDP). All CPEs dose-dependently inhibited α-glucosidase enzyme activity, with cool fermented/cool roasted cocoa powder exhibiting the best inhibition (IC50 of 62.2 µg/mL). Increasing flavanol mDP was correlated with decreasing IC50 values, suggesting that the complex flavanols produced during processing enhance cocoa's bioactivity (or their production is associated with other products that enhance bioactivity). Alternatively, high molecular weight CPE fractions were correlated with increasing IC50 values, suggesting that MRPs interfere with enzyme inhibition or are associated with other products (polyphenols, macronutrients, etc.) that interfere with enzyme inhibition. Overall, the data presented within this work indicate that the components of processed cocoa powders are promising inhibitors of α-glucosidase, despite a significant reduction in native flavanol composition induced by processing, and moreover that fermentation and roasting conditions can positively influence the bioactivity of cocoa despite losses of native flavanols. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity-related chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) are the leading cause of preventable and/or premature death, with 51% of the American population predicted to be obese by 2030. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is a highly concentrated source of polyphenols, and these compounds have been shown to interact with and inhibit digestive enzymes responsible for carbohydrate breakdown. By inhibiting the activity of these digestive enzymes, it is possible to slow down carbohydrate absorption after a meal and ultimately reduce large spikes in blood glucose levels, being a promising strategy in the prevention and maintenance of T2D. Cocoa beans undergo processing steps to produce a final product, such as cocoa powder, and it is known that these processing steps reduce the levels of beneficial polyphenols. Yet, how this processing-induced degradation effects the health protective activities of cocoa is still widely unknown and is the focus of this work. Through highly controlled cocoa bean processing, cocoa powders of different processing conditions were produced and used to assess how various processing parameters impacted digestive enzyme activity. Overall, processing steps did reduce levels of native polyphenols. However, these losses did not demonstrate a reduction in enzyme inhibition and certain processing conditions actually enhanced digestive enzyme inhibition. This research shows promise for the potential use of processed cocoa powder as an effective strategy in the prevention and maintenance of T2D and further work must be done to understand the mechanisms behind this relationship.
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