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Two Wavelength High Intensity Irradiation for Effective Crosslinking of DNA to ProteinGuler, Emine 09 April 2004 (has links)
Protein-DNA crosslinking is an important method to study protein-DNA interactions. Crosslinking by short pulsed UV lasers is a potentially powerful tool that results in efficient crosslinking, apparently by a two photon process. However, the major problem in using UV laser crosslinking is that the conditions which lead to high crosslinking efficiency also result in high DNA damage. Previously, it has been shown that a combination of femtosecond laser pulses at two different wavelengths, in the UV (266 nm) and the visible range (400 nm), increases the effective crosslinking yield (i.e. higher crosslinking yields with reduced DNA damage). This new strategy has the advantage that the intensity of the UV pulse for the first excitation step can be kept low, leading to lower UV-induced DNA damage and the second pulse at a visible wavelength can provide enough energy for the UV excited bases to cross their ionization threshold without damaging the DNA. The objective of this thesis project was to develop a novel UV laser cross-linking technique that would permit higher effective crosslinking yields with the commonly used pulses in the nanosecond (ns) range. To serve this purpose we tried to extend the two-wavelength femto second laser irradiation approach to longer duration pulses. We chose MBP-PIF3 protein and its target G-box DNA motif as a model system. Before ultraviolet irradiation of the protein-DNA complexes in vitro, the specific binding interaction of purified MBP-PIF3 protein with the G-box DNA motif was studied by Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA). We irradiated the PIF3/DNA complexes with different laser systems (i.e. Nd:YAG and Dye lasers) and their combinations. We were expecting to see that the combination of UV laser pulses (260nm) with longer wavelength dye laser pulses (480nm) will produce higher effective crosslink yields relative to the yield from the UV pulses alone.
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Embedded dots by UV laser technique inside glasses for light guide and brightnessWu, Yu-Jhih 09 August 2010 (has links)
Microstructures are usually fabricated on the surface of optical sheets to improve the optical characteristics. In this study, a new fabrication process with UV (ultraviolet) laser direct writing method is developed to embed microstructures inside the glass. Then the optical properties of glass such as reflection and refraction indexes can be modified. Single- and multi-layer microstructures are designed and embedded inside glasses to modify the optical characteristics. Both luminance and uniformity can be controlled with the embedded microstructures. Thus, the glass with inside pattern can be used as a light guide plate to increase optical performance. First, an optical software, FRED, is applied to design the microstructure configuration. Then, UV laser direct writing with output power: 2.5~ 2.6 W, repetition rate: 30 kHz, wave length: 355nm and pulse duration: 15ns is used to fabricate the microstructures inside the glass. The effect of pattern dimension such as the pitch, the layer gap, and the number of layer on the optical performance is discussed. Machining capacity of UV laser is ranging from micron to submicrometer; hence various dimensions of dot, line width, and layers can be easily embedded in the glass by one simple process. In addition, the embedded microstructures can be fabricated less damage and contamination. Finally, the optical performance of the glasses with various configurations is measured by using Spectra Colorometer (Photo Research PR650) and compared with the simulated results.
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Testing RPC Performance with Discharges Ignited by UV Laser Pulses: Precise Measurement of Gas Parameters in Approximately Realistic RPC ConfigurationsFan, Xingming 30 January 2020 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit zwei miteinander verbundenen Themen: einer einzigartigen Laser-Testanlage für die Erforschung von gasgefüllten Detektoren sowie der Untersuchungen von Widerstandsplatten-Zählern (RPC) und der Messung von Gasparametern unter realistischen Bedingungen der Timing-RPC.
Eine gepulste UV-Laser-Testanlage wurde im HZDR aufgebaut. Der Fokus des Pikosekunden-Lasers wird in einem mit Zählergas gefüllten Detektor an einer bestimmten Stelle platziert, um ein Laser-Plasma zu erzeugen, wobei eine definierte Anzahl freier Elektronen durch Gas-Ionisation in einem Gas-Volumen mit einer Genauigkeit im Mikrometerbereich erzeugt wird. Es ist eine von Beschleunigern unabhängige Methode, um Untersuchungen an gasgefüllten Detektoren im Labor durchzuführen.
Proben von RPC-Detektoren wurden für Experimente mit der Laser-Testanlage entworfen und gefertigt. Es wurden Verfahren entwickelt, um die Wellenformen von Elektronenlawinen für verschiedene Elektronen-Driftlängen zu erfassen und die wichtigsten Gasparameter zu bestimmen: den effektiven Townsend-Koeffizienten und die Elektronendriftgeschwindigkeit. Erstmalig wurden die Gasparameter direkt für die hohe Feldstärke des Timings-RPC bei Atmosphärendruck unter Experimentbedingungen gemessen.
Es wurde gezeigt, dass sich die Laser-Testanlage für präzise Messungen der Gasparameter eignet und das Potenzial besitzt, um zur Öko-Gas-Forschung für zukünftige RPCs beizutragen. Der Messbereich des elektrischen Feldes der Gasparameter bei Atmosphärendruck wurde verdoppelt, vom Bereich des Trigger-RPC bis zu dem des Timing-RPC. Die Experimente haben einige grundlegende Mechanismen offenbart, die das Verständnis für die Eigenschaften von RPC und den Prozess der Elektronenlawine erweitern werden.:1 Introduction
2 Background
3 The Resistive Plate Chambers
4 The laser test facility
5 Experimental study on laser ionization
6 Experimental study on gas parameters with RPC
7 Analysis study of timing RPC waveforms
8 Conclusions and discussions 106
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Estudo da mudança estrutural fotoinduzida em filmes de vidros a base de polifosfato de antimônio / Photoinduced strucural changes in amorphous films of antimony polyphosphate glassesDe Vicente, Fábio Simões 16 December 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo das Mudanças Estruturais Fotoinduzidas em filmes do sistema vítreo [Sb(PO3)3]n −Sb2O3 bem como a produção e caracterização do sistema vítreo em questão. Vidros de x[Sb(PO3)3]n−(100−x)Sb2O3 (5 ≤ x ≤ 40) foram produzidos pela fusão dos precursores Sb2O3 e [Sb(PO3)3]n a 900°C em cadinhos de carbono vítreo e em seguida vertidos e resfriados rapidamente em moldes de aço inox. Dessa forma foi possível obter vidros homogêneos e estáveis com dimensões de 1,0 x 1,0 x 0,5 cm3. A caracterização do sistema vítreo e parâmetros como região de formação vítrea e temperaturas características foram obtidos por meio de técnicas como DSC, Difração de Raios−X, FTIR, e MAS−NMR. A região de formação vítrea neste sistema ocorre para composições entre 10 ≤ x ≤ 25 sendo que para x = 5, x = 30, e x = 35 forma−se um vidro com pequena fração de microcristalinidade que apresenta coloração amarelada sendo visualmente transparente, já para x = 40 forma−se um vidro com maior fração de microcristalinidade e totalmente opaco. Este sistema vítreo possui interessantes propriedades como larga janela de transmitância (∼ 0,4 a 8 µm), alto índice de refração (n ∼ 2,0), baixa temperatura de fusão (Tf∼900 °C) e baixa temperatura de transição vítrea, (Tg∼300 °C). Filmes de x[Sb(PO3)3]n−(100−x)Sb2O3 foram produzidos por evaporação térmica dos vidros através de canhão de elétrons (EB−PVD) em um sistema não comercial de evaporação desenvolvido em nosso laboratório, onde conseguimos produzir de maneira eficiente e com boa qualidade óptica filmes de até 10 µm de espessura. Estes filmes apresentam um atípico fenômeno de fotocontração em torno de 8 % da espessura do filme, acompanhado de fotoclareamento após irradiação com laser UV em 350,7 nm. Além da caracterização a nível macroscópico do fenômeno de fotocontração (comportamento em função da potência e tempo de irradiação com laser UV) nossa atenção ficou voltada para o estudo desse efeito a nível estrutural, através de técnicas como Difração de Raios−X, XANES, FTIR, RPE, RBS e Holografia Óptica. Além da ampla caracterização mostramos a possibilidade de aplicação do material para holografia ou armazenamento óptico, redes de difração, e matrizes de microlentes. O efeito de fotocontração nos filmes foi notado devido ao fotoclareamento observado visualmente após a exposição ao UV e foi confirmado por medidas de perfilometria da região exposta ao UV. O efeito de fotoclareamento (simultâneo a fotocontração da superficie) ocorre gerando deslocamento de ∼ 30 nm do bandgap (3,58 eV, 347 nm) para maiores energias (4,01 eV, 310nm). Também observamos um pequeno deslocamento do bandgap para irradiações com λ.=482 e 460 nm. A fotocontração evolui não linearmente com o tempo e potência de irradiação. Depende também do tempo de exposição e da potência do laser, tendendo a saturação após 4 horas de exposição a 5 W⁄cm2 (100 mW) ou 2 horas de exposição a 15 W⁄cm2 (300 mw). O efeito de fotocontração tem forte dependência com a concentração de polifosfato de antimônio na composição dos filmes do sistema vítreo x[Sb(PO3)3]n−(100−x)Sb2O3. Filmes de 1,0 µ de espessura irradiados com 100 mW (5,0 W⁄cm2) por 4 horas (região de saturação) apresentam fotocontração (−ΔV⁄V) de até 8,0 % da espessura do filme (para x = 25) quando irradiados com laser UV (λ.=350 nm) Para x = 10 a contração é menor que 2,0 %, e para concentrações de polifosfato acima de 25 % efeito é diminuído drasticamente. A atmosfera na qual o filme é irradiado tem grande influência no efeito de fotocontração. Filmes de 20 % [Sb(PO3)3]n−80 % Sb2O3 (espessura: 1,0 µm)irradiado com laser UV por 4 horas a 100 mW (5,0 W⁄cm2) apresentaram fotocontração (−ΔV⁄V) de ∼ 8 % (∼ 50 % maior) em atmosfera de O2, 5 % no ar, e menor que 2 % para o vácuo, N2 e He. Apesar de se partir da evaporação dos vidros para produção dos filmes, a principal diferença de estrutura entre vidro e filme é que estes últimos apresentam estrutura com grande número de vazios intersticiais ao redor de unidades estruturais, o que não ocorre para os vidros. Nossos resultados mostraram efetivamente que o efeito de fotocontração em filmes irradiados com UV está relacionado com mudanças de estrutura de grupos fosfatos e efeitos fototérmicos cooperativos. Na parte de aplicações gravamos redes holográficas de relevo nos filmes estudados. Utilizando uma montagem tipo espelho de Lloyd para holografia foi possível gravar redes com período de 600 nm até 20 µm e medimos a eficiência de difração em tempo real utilizando um feixe de prova de laser He−Ne. As redes gravadas em filmes de filmes de 20% [Sb(PO3)3]n−80 % Sb2O3 com período de 20 µm de espessura apresentam eficiência de difração de 3 a 10,5 % para aproximadamente 1 hora de gravação e potencia variando de 50 a 600 mW (2,5 a 30 W⁄cm2), respectivamente. / The aim of this work is the study of the Photoinduced Structural Changes (PSC) in films of the [Sb(PO3)3]n −Sb2O3 glassy system, as well as the production and characterization of the glassy system. The glass samples x[Sb(PO3)3]n−(100−x)Sb2O3 (5 ≤ x ≤ 40) were produced by the melt−quenehing technique of suitable quantities of the precursors Sb2O3 and [Sb(PO3)3]n, fused at 900°C in glassy carbon crucibles and verted into stainless steel moulds. Homogeneous and stable glass plates of 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm3 were obtained. The characterization of the glass system and the obtaining of parameters such as the glass forming region and characteristic temperatures were possible through DSC, X−ray Diffraction, FTIR and MAS−NMR techniques. The studied glass system possess remarkable properties such as broad transmittance window (from 0.4 to 8.0 µm), high index of refraction (n ∼ 2.0), low melting temperature (Tf∼900 °C) and low glass transition temperature (Tg∼300 °C). The films were produced by electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB−PVD) of the glasses, in a non−commercial evaporation system developed in our laboratory, where is possible to produce high quality films with thickness of up to 10 µm. The films samples presented an atypical photocontraction behavior that consists of a decrease of up to 10 % in the thickness, accompanied of photobleaching after UV irradiation using a 350.7 nm laser line. Besides the macroscopic characterization of the photocontraction effect (behavior as function of the UV laser power density and irradiation time), our attention was focused on the study of the effect at structural level using techniques such as X−ray diffraction, XANES, FTIR, EPR, RBS and Optical Holography. In addition to the wide characterization we shown in this work the possibilities of application of this material for optical storage and holography, diffraction gratings, micro-lens array.
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Wood Plastic Composites made from Modified Wood : Aspects on Moisture Sorption, Micromorphology and DurabilitySegerholm, Kristoffer January 2007 (has links)
<p>Wood plastic composite (WPC) materials have seen a continuous market growth worldwide in the last decade. So-called extruded WPC profiles are today mainly used in outdoor applications, e.g. decking, railing and fencing. In outdoor conditions, moisture sorption in the wood component combined with temperature induced movements of the polymer matrix causes deformations of such composites. On the macroscopic scale this may lead to unacceptable warp, cup and bow of the WPC products, but on a microscopic scale, the movements will cause interfacial cracks between the particles and the matrix, resulting in little or no ability to transfer and re-distribute loads throughout the material. Moisture within the composite will also allow fungi and micro organisms to attack the wood particles.</p><p>The conceptual idea of this work is to use a chemically modified wood component in WPCs to enhance their long term performance. These chemically modified wood particles exhibit reduced susceptibility to moisture, resulting in better dimensional stability and a higher resistance to biological degradation as compared to that of unmodified wood. The objective of this thesis is to study the effects of using modified wood in WPCs on their moisture sorption behaviour, micromorphology and microbiological durability. The modification methods used were acetylation, heat treatment and furfurylation.</p><p>Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) and sorption behaviour of WPCs were determined by water vapour sorption experiments. The use of thin sections of the composites enabled EMC to be reached within a comparably short time span. The micromorphology was studied by LV-SEM (low vacuum-scanning electron microscope) using a specially designed sample preparation technique based on UV laser. The biological durability was evaluated by laboratory fungal test methods.</p><p>The moisture sorption experiments showed lower moisture levels for all the composites when modified wood particles were used. This was also reflected in the micromorphological studies where pronounced wood-plastic interfacial cracks were formed due to moisture movement in the composites with unmodified wood particles. The sample preparation technique by UV laser proved to be a powerful tool for preparing surfaces for micromorphological studies without adding mechanical defects caused by the sample preparation technique itself. Results from the durability test showed that WPCs with modified wood particles are highly resistant to decay by fungi.</p>
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Estudo da mudança estrutural fotoinduzida em filmes de vidros a base de polifosfato de antimônio / Photoinduced strucural changes in amorphous films of antimony polyphosphate glassesFábio Simões De Vicente 16 December 2004 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo das Mudanças Estruturais Fotoinduzidas em filmes do sistema vítreo [Sb(PO3)3]n −Sb2O3 bem como a produção e caracterização do sistema vítreo em questão. Vidros de x[Sb(PO3)3]n−(100−x)Sb2O3 (5 ≤ x ≤ 40) foram produzidos pela fusão dos precursores Sb2O3 e [Sb(PO3)3]n a 900°C em cadinhos de carbono vítreo e em seguida vertidos e resfriados rapidamente em moldes de aço inox. Dessa forma foi possível obter vidros homogêneos e estáveis com dimensões de 1,0 x 1,0 x 0,5 cm3. A caracterização do sistema vítreo e parâmetros como região de formação vítrea e temperaturas características foram obtidos por meio de técnicas como DSC, Difração de Raios−X, FTIR, e MAS−NMR. A região de formação vítrea neste sistema ocorre para composições entre 10 ≤ x ≤ 25 sendo que para x = 5, x = 30, e x = 35 forma−se um vidro com pequena fração de microcristalinidade que apresenta coloração amarelada sendo visualmente transparente, já para x = 40 forma−se um vidro com maior fração de microcristalinidade e totalmente opaco. Este sistema vítreo possui interessantes propriedades como larga janela de transmitância (∼ 0,4 a 8 µm), alto índice de refração (n ∼ 2,0), baixa temperatura de fusão (Tf∼900 °C) e baixa temperatura de transição vítrea, (Tg∼300 °C). Filmes de x[Sb(PO3)3]n−(100−x)Sb2O3 foram produzidos por evaporação térmica dos vidros através de canhão de elétrons (EB−PVD) em um sistema não comercial de evaporação desenvolvido em nosso laboratório, onde conseguimos produzir de maneira eficiente e com boa qualidade óptica filmes de até 10 µm de espessura. Estes filmes apresentam um atípico fenômeno de fotocontração em torno de 8 % da espessura do filme, acompanhado de fotoclareamento após irradiação com laser UV em 350,7 nm. Além da caracterização a nível macroscópico do fenômeno de fotocontração (comportamento em função da potência e tempo de irradiação com laser UV) nossa atenção ficou voltada para o estudo desse efeito a nível estrutural, através de técnicas como Difração de Raios−X, XANES, FTIR, RPE, RBS e Holografia Óptica. Além da ampla caracterização mostramos a possibilidade de aplicação do material para holografia ou armazenamento óptico, redes de difração, e matrizes de microlentes. O efeito de fotocontração nos filmes foi notado devido ao fotoclareamento observado visualmente após a exposição ao UV e foi confirmado por medidas de perfilometria da região exposta ao UV. O efeito de fotoclareamento (simultâneo a fotocontração da superficie) ocorre gerando deslocamento de ∼ 30 nm do bandgap (3,58 eV, 347 nm) para maiores energias (4,01 eV, 310nm). Também observamos um pequeno deslocamento do bandgap para irradiações com λ.=482 e 460 nm. A fotocontração evolui não linearmente com o tempo e potência de irradiação. Depende também do tempo de exposição e da potência do laser, tendendo a saturação após 4 horas de exposição a 5 W⁄cm2 (100 mW) ou 2 horas de exposição a 15 W⁄cm2 (300 mw). O efeito de fotocontração tem forte dependência com a concentração de polifosfato de antimônio na composição dos filmes do sistema vítreo x[Sb(PO3)3]n−(100−x)Sb2O3. Filmes de 1,0 µ de espessura irradiados com 100 mW (5,0 W⁄cm2) por 4 horas (região de saturação) apresentam fotocontração (−ΔV⁄V) de até 8,0 % da espessura do filme (para x = 25) quando irradiados com laser UV (λ.=350 nm) Para x = 10 a contração é menor que 2,0 %, e para concentrações de polifosfato acima de 25 % efeito é diminuído drasticamente. A atmosfera na qual o filme é irradiado tem grande influência no efeito de fotocontração. Filmes de 20 % [Sb(PO3)3]n−80 % Sb2O3 (espessura: 1,0 µm)irradiado com laser UV por 4 horas a 100 mW (5,0 W⁄cm2) apresentaram fotocontração (−ΔV⁄V) de ∼ 8 % (∼ 50 % maior) em atmosfera de O2, 5 % no ar, e menor que 2 % para o vácuo, N2 e He. Apesar de se partir da evaporação dos vidros para produção dos filmes, a principal diferença de estrutura entre vidro e filme é que estes últimos apresentam estrutura com grande número de vazios intersticiais ao redor de unidades estruturais, o que não ocorre para os vidros. Nossos resultados mostraram efetivamente que o efeito de fotocontração em filmes irradiados com UV está relacionado com mudanças de estrutura de grupos fosfatos e efeitos fototérmicos cooperativos. Na parte de aplicações gravamos redes holográficas de relevo nos filmes estudados. Utilizando uma montagem tipo espelho de Lloyd para holografia foi possível gravar redes com período de 600 nm até 20 µm e medimos a eficiência de difração em tempo real utilizando um feixe de prova de laser He−Ne. As redes gravadas em filmes de filmes de 20% [Sb(PO3)3]n−80 % Sb2O3 com período de 20 µm de espessura apresentam eficiência de difração de 3 a 10,5 % para aproximadamente 1 hora de gravação e potencia variando de 50 a 600 mW (2,5 a 30 W⁄cm2), respectivamente. / The aim of this work is the study of the Photoinduced Structural Changes (PSC) in films of the [Sb(PO3)3]n −Sb2O3 glassy system, as well as the production and characterization of the glassy system. The glass samples x[Sb(PO3)3]n−(100−x)Sb2O3 (5 ≤ x ≤ 40) were produced by the melt−quenehing technique of suitable quantities of the precursors Sb2O3 and [Sb(PO3)3]n, fused at 900°C in glassy carbon crucibles and verted into stainless steel moulds. Homogeneous and stable glass plates of 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm3 were obtained. The characterization of the glass system and the obtaining of parameters such as the glass forming region and characteristic temperatures were possible through DSC, X−ray Diffraction, FTIR and MAS−NMR techniques. The studied glass system possess remarkable properties such as broad transmittance window (from 0.4 to 8.0 µm), high index of refraction (n ∼ 2.0), low melting temperature (Tf∼900 °C) and low glass transition temperature (Tg∼300 °C). The films were produced by electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB−PVD) of the glasses, in a non−commercial evaporation system developed in our laboratory, where is possible to produce high quality films with thickness of up to 10 µm. The films samples presented an atypical photocontraction behavior that consists of a decrease of up to 10 % in the thickness, accompanied of photobleaching after UV irradiation using a 350.7 nm laser line. Besides the macroscopic characterization of the photocontraction effect (behavior as function of the UV laser power density and irradiation time), our attention was focused on the study of the effect at structural level using techniques such as X−ray diffraction, XANES, FTIR, EPR, RBS and Optical Holography. In addition to the wide characterization we shown in this work the possibilities of application of this material for optical storage and holography, diffraction gratings, micro-lens array.
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Nonlinear UV Laser Build-up Cavity: An Efficient DesignRady, Nicholas Henry 05 1900 (has links)
Using the concept of the build-up cavity for second harmonic generation to produce 243nm laser light, an innovative cavity is theoretically explored using a 15mm length CLBO crystal. In order to limit the losses of the cavity, the number of effective optical surfaces is kept to only four and the use of a MgF2 crystal is adopted to separate the harmonic and fundamental laser beam from each other. The cavity is shown to have an expected round trip loss of five tenths of a percent or better, resulting in a conversion efficiency greater than 65%.
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Wood Plastic Composites made from Modified Wood : Aspects on Moisture Sorption, Micromorphology and DurabilitySegerholm, Kristoffer January 2007 (has links)
Wood plastic composite (WPC) materials have seen a continuous market growth worldwide in the last decade. So-called extruded WPC profiles are today mainly used in outdoor applications, e.g. decking, railing and fencing. In outdoor conditions, moisture sorption in the wood component combined with temperature induced movements of the polymer matrix causes deformations of such composites. On the macroscopic scale this may lead to unacceptable warp, cup and bow of the WPC products, but on a microscopic scale, the movements will cause interfacial cracks between the particles and the matrix, resulting in little or no ability to transfer and re-distribute loads throughout the material. Moisture within the composite will also allow fungi and micro organisms to attack the wood particles. The conceptual idea of this work is to use a chemically modified wood component in WPCs to enhance their long term performance. These chemically modified wood particles exhibit reduced susceptibility to moisture, resulting in better dimensional stability and a higher resistance to biological degradation as compared to that of unmodified wood. The objective of this thesis is to study the effects of using modified wood in WPCs on their moisture sorption behaviour, micromorphology and microbiological durability. The modification methods used were acetylation, heat treatment and furfurylation. Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) and sorption behaviour of WPCs were determined by water vapour sorption experiments. The use of thin sections of the composites enabled EMC to be reached within a comparably short time span. The micromorphology was studied by LV-SEM (low vacuum-scanning electron microscope) using a specially designed sample preparation technique based on UV laser. The biological durability was evaluated by laboratory fungal test methods. The moisture sorption experiments showed lower moisture levels for all the composites when modified wood particles were used. This was also reflected in the micromorphological studies where pronounced wood-plastic interfacial cracks were formed due to moisture movement in the composites with unmodified wood particles. The sample preparation technique by UV laser proved to be a powerful tool for preparing surfaces for micromorphological studies without adding mechanical defects caused by the sample preparation technique itself. Results from the durability test showed that WPCs with modified wood particles are highly resistant to decay by fungi. / QC 20101116
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Dynamique de photofragmentation de molécules d'intérêt biologique protonées / Photofragmentation dynamics of small protonated biomoleculesPérot-Taillandier, Marie 10 January 2011 (has links)
L’expérience Arc-En-Ciel permet d’étudier la dynamique de photofragmentation UV de biomolécules produites par une source « électrospray ». La spécificité du dispositif expérimental utilisé repose sur la détection en coïncidence des photo-fragments ioniques et neutres issus d’un même évènement physique de fragmentation. L’étude de molécules simplement chargées permet d’identifier chaque canal de fragmentation par la masse du fragment ionique émis. En corrélant les informations temporelles et spatiales des photo-fragments détectés, on définit :- le nombre et la masse des fragments neutres associés à chaque fragment ionique- le nombre d’étapes de fragmentation de chaque canal et leurs temps caractéristiques(20 ns ≤ τ < 1 μs).L’ensemble de ces informations permet une description complète de la dynamique de photofragmentation du système étudié.La dynamique de photofragmentation du tryptophane protoné est régie par des transferts concertés d’électron et de proton à l’état excité. Lorsque le tryptophane protoné est complexé à un éther-couronne, les transferts de protons sont inhibés. Nous observons alors une modification de la dynamique de fragmentation.Pour de petits peptides protonés contenant le tryptophane, la dynamique à l’état excité est gouvernée par la position du tryptophane dans la chaîne peptidique. Les voies de fragmentation spécifiques UV, mises en évidence pour ces peptides, sont expliquées par les mêmes mécanismes de transfert concerté d’électron et de proton. Nous montrons cependant que ces mécanismes diffèrent suivant la composition du peptide. / The Arc-En-Ciel experiment allows the investigation of UV photo-fragmentation dynamics of protonated biomolecules produced by an electrospray ion source. The specificity of the set-up is based on the detection in coincidence of ionic and neutral photo-fragments coming from the same fragmentation event. The study of simple charged molecules allows the identification of each fragmentation channel by the mass of the emitted ionic fragment. With the time and spatial correlation of the information of detected photo-fragments we identify:- the number of neutral fragments as well as their masses associated with each ionic fragment- the number of fragmentation steps of each channel as well as their fragmentation times (20 ns ≤ τ < 1 μs)This information provides a comprehensive understanding of the photo-fragmentation dynamics.The photo-fragmentation dynamics of protonated Tryptophan is driven by concerted electron and proton transfers in the excited state. When protonated Tryptophan is complexed witha crown-ether, proton transfers are inhibited and dynamics is modified.The excited state dynamics of small protonated peptides containing Tryptophan is governed by the position of Tryptophan in the peptide chain. The specific fragmentation channels involved are explained by concerted electron and proton transfers. We show how these mechanisms change with the composition of peptides.
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Tracking climate signals in tropical trees : new insights from Indonesian stable isotope recordsSchollaen, Karina January 2014 (has links)
The tropical warm pool waters surrounding Indonesia are one of the equatorial heat and moisture sources that are considered as a driving force of the global climate system. The climate in Indonesia is dominated by the equatorial monsoon system, and has been linked to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, which often result in severe droughts or floods over Indonesia with profound societal and economic impacts on the populations living in the world's fourth most populated country. The latest IPCC report states that ENSO will remain the dominant mode in the tropical Pacific with global effects in the 21st century and ENSO-related precipitation extremes will intensify. However, no common agreement exists among climate simulation models for projected change in ENSO and the Australian-Indonesian Monsoon. Exploring high-resolution palaeoclimate archives, like tree rings or varved lake sediments, provide insights into the natural climate variability of the past, and thus helps improving and validating simulations of future climate changes.
Centennial tree-ring stable isotope records | Within this doctoral thesis the main goal was to explore the potential of tropical tree rings to record climate signals and to use them as palaeoclimate proxies. In detail, stable carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopes were extracted from teak trees in order to establish the first well-replicated centennial (AD 1900-2007) stable isotope records for Java, Indonesia. Furthermore, different climatic variables were tested whether they show significant correlation with tree-ring proxies (ring-width, δ13C, δ18O). Moreover, highly resolved intra-annual oxygen isotope data were established to assess the transfer of the seasonal precipitation signal into the tree rings. Finally, the established oxygen isotope record was used to reveal possible correlations with ENSO events.
Methodological achievements | A second goal of this thesis was to assess the applicability of novel techniques which facilitate and optimize high-resolution and high-throughput stable isotope analysis of tree rings. Two different UV-laser-based microscopic dissection systems were evaluated as a novel sampling tool for high-resolution stable isotope analysis. Furthermore, an improved procedure of tree-ring dissection from thin cellulose laths for stable isotope analysis was designed.
The most important findings of this thesis are: I) The herein presented novel sampling techniques improve stable isotope analyses for tree-ring studies in terms of precision, efficiency and quality. The UV-laser-based microdissection serve as a valuable tool for sampling plant tissue at ultrahigh-resolution and for unprecedented precision. II) A guideline for a modified method of cellulose extraction from wholewood cross-sections and subsequent tree-ring dissection was established. The novel technique optimizes the stable isotope analysis process in two ways: faster and high-throughput cellulose extraction and precise tree-ring separation at annual to high-resolution scale. III) The centennial tree-ring stable isotope records reveal significant correlation with regional precipitation. High-resolution stable oxygen values, furthermore, allow distinguishing between dry and rainy season rainfall. IV) The δ18O record reveals significant correlation with different ENSO flavors and demonstrates the importance of considering ENSO flavors when interpreting palaeoclimatic data in the tropics.
The findings of my dissertation show that seasonally resolved δ18O records from Indonesian teak trees are a valuable proxy for multi-centennial reconstructions of regional precipitation variability (monsoon signals) and large-scale ocean-atmosphere phenomena (ENSO) for the Indo-Pacific region. Furthermore, the novel methodological achievements offer many unexplored avenues for multidisciplinary research in high-resolution palaeoclimatology. / Die tropischen Gewässer um Indonesien sind eine der äquatorialen Wärme- und Feuchtigkeitsquellen, die als treibende Kraft des globalen Klimasystems betrachtet werden können. Das Klima in Indonesien ist geprägt durch das Australisch-Indonesische Monsunsystem. Weiterhin besteht eine Verknüpfung mit El Niño-Southern Oszillation (ENSO) Ereignissen, die oft zu schweren Dürren oder Überschwemmungen in der Region mit tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen führen. Der neueste IPCC-Bericht legt dar, dass ENSO auch in den nächsten 100 Jahren das vorherrschende Klimaphänomen im tropischen Pazifik bleiben wird. Ferner wird davon ausgegangen, dass sich die ENSO-bezogenen Niederschlagsextrema intensivieren werden. Wenig Übereinstimmung herrscht jedoch bislang zwischen den Klimasimulationsmodellen in Bezug auf die voraussichtlichen Veränderungen von ENSO und dem Australisch-Indonesischen Monsunsystem. Hochaufgelöste Paläoklima-Archive, wie z.B. Jahrringe oder warvierte Seesedimente, geben Auskunft über die natürliche Klimavariabilität der Vergangenheit und können somit dazu beitragen, die Computersimulationen der künftigen Klimaentwicklung zu verbessern und zu validieren.
Hundertjährige stabile Jahrring-Isotopenchronologien | Das Hauptziel dieser Doktorarbeit war es, dass Potenzial von tropischen Jahrringen zur Aufzeichnung von Klimasignalen herauszustellen und deren Evaluierung als Paläoklimaproxys. Im Detail wurden stabile Kohlenstoff- (δ13C) und Sauerstoff- (δ18O) Isotopenverhältnisse in Teakbäumen analysiert, und die ersten gut replizierten hundertjährigen (AD 1900-2007) stabilen Isotopenchronologien aus Java (Indonesien) erstellt. Dabei wurden verschiedene klimatische Einflussgrößen getestet, ob diese signifikante Korrelationen mit den Jahrringparametern aufzeigen. Weiterhin wurden hochaufgelöste intra-annuelle Sauerstoffisotopenzeitreihen erstellt, um den Transfer des saisonalen Niederschlagssignals in den jeweiligen Jahrring zu bemessen. Die ermittelte Sauerstoff-Isotopenchronologie wurde anschließend auf mögliche ENSO Signale hin untersucht.
Methodische Errungenschaften | Ein zweites Ziel dieser Arbeit war es neue Verfahren zur Analyse stabiler Isotope in Baumjahrringen zu entwickeln und zu optimieren. Zwei verschiedene UV-Lasermikrodissektions-Systeme wurden getestet als neues präzises Präparationswerkzeug für stabile Isotopenstudien. Darüber hinaus wurde eine verbesserte Methode für die Probenaufbereitung stabiler Isotopenmessungen anhand von Zellulose-Dünnschnitten entwickelt.
Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Doktorarbeit sind: I) Die hier vorgestellten neuartigen Techniken zu Probenvorbereitung verbessern die Analyse stabiler Isotope für Jahrringstudien in Hinsicht auf Präzision, Effizienz und Qualität. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die UV-Lasermikrodissektion eine wertvolle Technik ist, um die Beprobung von Pflanzengewebe in höchster Auflösung und beispielloser Präzision durchzuführen. II) Es ist gelungen, einen Leitfaden für ein modifiziertes Verfahren der Zelluloseextraktion an Gesamtholz-Dünnschnitten und der anschließenden Jahrringaufbereitung zu erstellen. Diese neuartige Methode optimiert die Analyse stabiler Isotopenzeitreihen in zweierlei Hinsicht: schnellere und effiziente Zelluloseextraktion und präzise Trennung der Jahrringsequenzen in inter-annueller bis intra-annuelle Auflösung. III) Die hundertjährigen stabilen Jahrring-Isotopenchronologien weisen signifikante Korrelationen mit dem regionalen Niederschlag auf. In den hochaufgelösten stabilen Sauerstoffisotopenwerten spiegelt sich deutlich das Niederschlagssignal der Trocken- und der Regenzeit wieder. IV) Die stabile Sauerstoffisotopenzeitreihe zeigt signifikante Korrelationen mit verschiedenen ENSO Phasen. Dies betont, dass die verschiedenen ENSO Phasen bei der Interpretation von tropischen Paläodaten zu berücksichtigen sind.
Die Ergebnisse der Dissertation zeigen, dass saisonal aufgelöste stabile Sauerstoffisotopenchronologien von indonesischen Teakbäumen ein geeigneter Proxy für mehrhundertjährige Rekonstruktionen der regionalen Niederschlagsvariabilität (Monsun-Signale) und großräumiger Ozean-Atmosphären-Systeme (ENSO) für den Indopazifik ist. Darüber hinaus bieten die neuartigen methodischen Errungenschaften viele neue Ansätze für multidisziplinäre hochaufgelöste Studien in der paläoklimatologischen Forschung.
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