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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reduzierung der Keim- und Staubbelastung der Stallluft in der Schweinehaltung mit UVC-kombinierter Umluftfiltration

Eisenlöffel, Lisa 07 June 2022 (has links)
Einige Krankheitserreger, die für hohe wirtschaftliche Verluste in der Schweineindustrie sorgen, können über mehrere Kilometer über die Luft übertragen werden. Staub und daran gebundene Mikroorganismen können sowohl bei Tieren, als auch bei Menschen, die in der Landwirtschaft arbeiten, zu gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen führen. Um den aerogenen Erregereintrag und die Belastung der Gesundheit durch Stallstaub zu reduzieren, können Filtertechniken, wie Umluftfiltration, zum Einsatz kommen. In mehreren Studien konnte beim Einsatz von Umluftfiltration im Schweinestall ein positiver Einfluss auf die Lungengesundheit der Tiere verzeichnet werden. Auf diesen Erkenntnissen aufbauend, war es Gegenstand dieser Arbeit die positiven Effekte der Umluftfiltration mit der keimtötenden Wirkung von UVC-Strahlen zu kombinieren und somit den Keimgehalt der Stallluft zu reduzieren. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Effizienz von UVC-kombinierter Umluftfiltration hinsichtlich der Reduktionsrate luftgetragener Mikroorganismen im Labormaßstab zu untersuchen. Im zweiten Teil der Studie wurde ein UVC-Umluftfiltermodul in einen kleinen Stall integriert, um dessen Einfluss auf die Qualität der Stallluft bzw. auf die Staub- und Bakterienmenge im Vergleich zu einem Referenzstall zu überprüfen. Für Testdurchläufe im Labormaßstab wurden Aerosole mit Staphylococcus aureus, Ac-tinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, dem Virus des seuchenhaften Spätaborts (PRRSV) und dem Porcinen Parvovirus (PPV) erzeugt. In einem Luftfilterprüfstand wurden mit jedem Erreger je fünf unabhängige Testläufe mit und ohne UVC-Bestrahlung durchgeführt. Bei einigen Test-durchläufen wurde die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (rLF) verändert, um den Einfluss einer erhöh-ten rLF auf die UVC-Wirksamkeit zu bewerten. Die Reduktionsrate entsprach der Differenz der infektiösen Partikel gemessen vor dem Luftfilter und hinter dem Luftfilter. Um das Überleben von Krankheitserregern im Filtermaterial zu untersuchen, wurden die Filter in ge-trennten Plastiktüten aufbewahrt. Nach bestimmten Zeitintervallen wurden Filterproben ent-nommen, gepoolt und inkubiert. Es folgte eine Virustitration bzw. eine Zählung der Bakterien. Die Feldstudie fand in einem kleinen Instituts-eigenen Stall statt, der aus zwei getrennten Stallabteilen bestand. Es wurden wöchentlich Luftmessungen über einen Zeitraum von 13 Wochen bzw. 16 Wochen in jedem Stallabteil durchgeführt. Die Staub- und Bakterienmenge der Stallluft wurde an drei verschiedenen Probennahmestellen gemessen. Zusätzlich wurden Luft-Proben direkt vor und hinter dem UVC-Modul entnommen. Weiterhin wurde die Ammoniak- und CO2-Konzentration, sowie Temperatur und rLF aufgezeichnet. Die Reduktionsraten der Staub- und Bakterienmenge der Stallluft wurde durch Berechnung der Werteverhältnisse (Ratios) der Messwerte aus Stall 1 (UVC-Modul) verglichen zu Stall 2 (Referenzstall) bestimmt. Ratios kleiner als eins entsprachen einer relativen Verringerung der Bakterienzahl bzw. Staubmenge. Durch logarithmische Transformierung der Ratios wurden annähernd normalverteilte Werte gewährleistet. Unter Verwendung eines t-Tests mit einer Probe auf einem Signifikanzniveau von 5 % wurden Nullhypothesen von unveränderten mittleren Bakterien- bzw. Staubwerten geprüft. Zusätzlich wurden 95 %ige Konfidenzintervalle für die geschätzten Stichprobenmittelwerte berechnet. Bei Tests im Labormaßstab führte das UVC-kombinierte Filtersystem zu einer Reduzierung der viralen und bakteriellen Partikel um mehr als 99 %. Die rLF hatte keinen Einfluss auf die UVC-Effizienz. Die Lebensfähigkeit der Pathogene im Filtermaterial variierte in Abhängigkeit vom verwendeten Pathogen und der rLF, wobei sich S. aureus und PPV am resistentesten darstellten. In der Feldstudie erreichten wir in der Stallluft von Stall 1 (mit dem UVC-Modul) eine signifikant niedrigere Bakterienmenge im Vergleich zum Referenzstall (Stall 2). Die Bakterienkonzentration der Stallluft konnte durchschnittlich auf 37 % reduziert werden, während die Staubmenge in viel geringerem Maße (auf 78 %) verringert werden konnte. Messungen unmittelbar vor und hinter dem UVC-Modul ergaben in der Stallluft eine Reduktion von 99,4 % für Bakterien und von 95,0 % für Staub. Wir konnten die Wirksamkeit von UVC-Strahlung zur Luftdesinfektion im Labormaßstab mit einer Reduktionseffizienz von >99 % für ausgewählte Viren und Bakterien erfolgreich demonstrieren. Darüber hinaus erwies sich die Kombination von UVC-Strahlung und Umluftfiltration als erfolgreich bei der Reduzierung der Bakterien- und Staubmenge der Stallluft in einem kleinen Schweinbestand. Der Einsatz dieser Technologie könnte die allgemeine Stallluftqualität in Nutztierställen verbessern.:1 Einleitung 2 Literaturübersicht 2.1 Ausgewählte Pathogene in der Schweinehaltung 2.1.1 Viren Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) Ungulate protoparvovirus 1 (Porcines Parvovirus, PPV) 2.1.2 Bakterien Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 2.2 UVC-Strahlung 2.2.1 Allgemeines 2.2.2 Luftdesinfektion mit UVC-Strahlung 2.3 Luftfiltration 2.3.1 Grundlagen der Filtration 2.3.2 Filterklassen 2.3.3 Luftfiltration in der Tierhaltung 2.4 Stallklima 2.4.1 Zusammensetzung der Stallluft Organische Komponenten Staub Mikrobielle Zusammensetzung der Stallluft Chemische und physikalische Komponenten Temperatur, relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (rLF), Luftgeschwindigkeit Ammoniak (NH3) Kohlendioxid (CO2) 3 Veröffentlichung 3.1 Eigenanteil 3.2 Fremdanteil 4 Diskussion 5 Zusammenfassung 6 Summary Literaturverzeichnis Danksagung / Some pathogens, which cause high economic losses in the swine industry, can be transmitted over several kilometres via the airborne route. Dust and microorganisms bound to dust can lead to serious health problems for animals, as well as for human beings working in the agricultural environment. In order to reduce airborne pathogen burden and to lower the negative health impact of stable dust, air filtration technologies such as recirculating air filtration can be used. In several studies, a positive impact on swine lung health was seen, when recirculating air filtration was implemented in the pig barn. Filtration of supply air can minimize the risk of introducing airborne pathogens to indoor air. Based on this knowledge, the aim of this study was to combine the positive effects of recirculating air filtration with the germicidal effect of UVC-irradiation, and thus to reduce germ content of stable air. The aim of the current study was, to assess the efficiency of UVC irradiation combined to air filtration in reducing airborne microorganisms at laboratory scale. In a second part, a UVC-combined recirculating air filtration module (UVC module) was implemented in a small animal facility in order to assess its improvement of air quality with regard to airborne bacteria and dust. Tests at laboratory scale were performed using aerosols of Staphylococcus aureus, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and porcine parvovirus (PPV). Five independent test runs were performed in a test chamber with each pathogen, with and without UVC irradiation, respectively. Relative humidity (RH) was manipulated in some test runs to evaluate the influence of increased RH to UVC-efficacy. Reduction efficiencies were calculated by numbers of pathogens entering and leaving the test chamber. To investigate the survival of pathogens in the filter material, the filters were stored in separated plastic bags. Filter samples were taken after certain time intervals, pooled and incubated, followed by virus titration or counting of bacteria. Our field study occurred in a small pig facility consisting of two separated barns. Weekly air measurements were conducted over a period of 13 weeks (10 piglets) and 16 weeks (11 piglets) in each barn, respectively. Airborne dust and bacteria amount was sampled and calculated at three different sampling points. Furthermore, samples were taken right in front and behind the UVC-module. In addition, ammonia, CO2, temperature and RH were recorded. Relative reduction of airborne dust and bacteria amount was determined by calculating ratios of values in barn 1 (UVC-module) compared to barn 2 (reference). Ratios smaller than one correspond to a relative reduction of bacterial counts/dust amount. Ratios were log-transformed to guarantee approximately normally distributed values. Null hypotheses of unchanged mean bacterial or dust counts (i.e., mean ratios equal one) were tested using one sample t-tests on a significance level of 5 %. In addition, 95 % confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for the estimated sample means. UVC-combined air filtration in tests at laboratory scale resulted in a more than 99 % reduction of viral and bacterial particles. RH had no influence on UVC efficiency. Viability in the filter matter varied depending on the pathogen used and RH with S. aureus and PPV being most resistant. In the field study, airborne bacterial numbers were significantly lower in the barn equipped with the UVC module compared to the reference barn. On average, a reduction to 37 % of reference values could be achieved for bacteria, whereas the amount of total dust was reduced to a much lesser extent (i.e. to 78 % of reference values). Measures taken in front of and behind the UVC module revealed a reduction of 99.4 % for airborne bacteria and 95.0 % for total dust. We successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of air disinfection using UVC irradiation at laboratory scale with reduction efficiencies of >99 % for certain viruses and bacteria. Moreo-ver, combining UVC irradiation to recirculating air filtration proved to be successful in reduc-ing airborne bacteria and dust in a small animal facility. The implementation of such devices might improve the overall environmental quality in animal facilities.:1 Einleitung 2 Literaturübersicht 2.1 Ausgewählte Pathogene in der Schweinehaltung 2.1.1 Viren Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) Ungulate protoparvovirus 1 (Porcines Parvovirus, PPV) 2.1.2 Bakterien Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 2.2 UVC-Strahlung 2.2.1 Allgemeines 2.2.2 Luftdesinfektion mit UVC-Strahlung 2.3 Luftfiltration 2.3.1 Grundlagen der Filtration 2.3.2 Filterklassen 2.3.3 Luftfiltration in der Tierhaltung 2.4 Stallklima 2.4.1 Zusammensetzung der Stallluft Organische Komponenten Staub Mikrobielle Zusammensetzung der Stallluft Chemische und physikalische Komponenten Temperatur, relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (rLF), Luftgeschwindigkeit Ammoniak (NH3) Kohlendioxid (CO2) 3 Veröffentlichung 3.1 Eigenanteil 3.2 Fremdanteil 4 Diskussion 5 Zusammenfassung 6 Summary Literaturverzeichnis Danksagung

The performance of membranes in a newly proposed run-around heat and moisture exchanger

Larson, Michael David 19 December 2006
The growing cost of energy combined with the increasing energy demand has driven the need for more efficient energy use. Air-to-air energy recovery in buildings has been shown to provide substantial energy savings in many cases. A new type of air-to-air energy recovery system, known as a run-around energy exchanger (RAEE), and which has excellent potential for the retrofit market, has been proposed and numerically modelled for heat and moisture exchange by Fan et al. (2006). This thesis focuses on the material properties of semi-permeable membranes required for each RAEE exchanger core.<p>Two commercially available membranes are considered in this thesis: a spunbonded polyolefin manufactured by DuPont with the trade name Tyvek®, and a two layer polypropylene laminate material manufactured by the 3M Company with the trade name Propore.<p>The moisture transfer effectiveness of the RAEE system depends mostly on the ability of its membrane to transfer water vapour. This effectiveness is investigated by measuring the vapour diffusion resistance of Tyvek® and Propore using a dynamic moisture permeation cell (DMPC). For Tyvek®, the average vapour diffusion resistance is 440 s/m, which corresponds to an expected typical RAEE energy recovery effectiveness of 52%. For Propore, the average vapour diffusion resistance is 140 s/m, which corresponds to an RAEE effectiveness of 62% in the same exchanger system.<p>The air permeability is also measured using the DMPC with Tyvek® having a Darcy air flow resistance of 27 nm-1 and Propore having a Darcy air flow resistance of 111 nm-1. The lower air flow resistance of Tyvek® is undesirable since air transfer is undesirable in the RAEE system. <p>The liquid penetration pressure is determined using a modified standard method that resembles the geometry of a membrane in the RAEE exchanger. It is found that the Propore has a liquid penetration pressure beyond the measurement capabilities of the apparatus (276 kPa); while the Tyvek® membrane has a liquid penetration pressure of 18 kPa which agrees well with published values. <p>The elastic moduli of the membranes are required to predict the membrane deflection under typical operating pressures and to properly size a support screen. The elastic modulus is determined using two tensile standards and a bulge test. The bulge test results are used in the design since the geometry of the bulge test better represents the situation of a pressurized membrane in the RAEE. The elastic modulus of Propore is found to be 20 ± 3 MPa and the elastic modulus of Tyvek® is found to be 300 ± 45 MPa. The values are used in subsequent calculations for sizing the square screen, where it is found that a screen with square openings of 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) is required to support the membrane. <p>The degradation of Tyvek® and Propore with UVC exposure is also investigated. It is found that both materials deteriorate when exposed to UVC radiation, and that the degradation is primarily a function of the exposure time and not the exposure intensity. <p>Considering all material properties tested, it is concluded that the Propore membrane is a better membrane choice for the RAEE than the Tyvek® membrane.

The performance of membranes in a newly proposed run-around heat and moisture exchanger

Larson, Michael David 19 December 2006 (has links)
The growing cost of energy combined with the increasing energy demand has driven the need for more efficient energy use. Air-to-air energy recovery in buildings has been shown to provide substantial energy savings in many cases. A new type of air-to-air energy recovery system, known as a run-around energy exchanger (RAEE), and which has excellent potential for the retrofit market, has been proposed and numerically modelled for heat and moisture exchange by Fan et al. (2006). This thesis focuses on the material properties of semi-permeable membranes required for each RAEE exchanger core.<p>Two commercially available membranes are considered in this thesis: a spunbonded polyolefin manufactured by DuPont with the trade name Tyvek®, and a two layer polypropylene laminate material manufactured by the 3M Company with the trade name Propore.<p>The moisture transfer effectiveness of the RAEE system depends mostly on the ability of its membrane to transfer water vapour. This effectiveness is investigated by measuring the vapour diffusion resistance of Tyvek® and Propore using a dynamic moisture permeation cell (DMPC). For Tyvek®, the average vapour diffusion resistance is 440 s/m, which corresponds to an expected typical RAEE energy recovery effectiveness of 52%. For Propore, the average vapour diffusion resistance is 140 s/m, which corresponds to an RAEE effectiveness of 62% in the same exchanger system.<p>The air permeability is also measured using the DMPC with Tyvek® having a Darcy air flow resistance of 27 nm-1 and Propore having a Darcy air flow resistance of 111 nm-1. The lower air flow resistance of Tyvek® is undesirable since air transfer is undesirable in the RAEE system. <p>The liquid penetration pressure is determined using a modified standard method that resembles the geometry of a membrane in the RAEE exchanger. It is found that the Propore has a liquid penetration pressure beyond the measurement capabilities of the apparatus (276 kPa); while the Tyvek® membrane has a liquid penetration pressure of 18 kPa which agrees well with published values. <p>The elastic moduli of the membranes are required to predict the membrane deflection under typical operating pressures and to properly size a support screen. The elastic modulus is determined using two tensile standards and a bulge test. The bulge test results are used in the design since the geometry of the bulge test better represents the situation of a pressurized membrane in the RAEE. The elastic modulus of Propore is found to be 20 ± 3 MPa and the elastic modulus of Tyvek® is found to be 300 ± 45 MPa. The values are used in subsequent calculations for sizing the square screen, where it is found that a screen with square openings of 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) is required to support the membrane. <p>The degradation of Tyvek® and Propore with UVC exposure is also investigated. It is found that both materials deteriorate when exposed to UVC radiation, and that the degradation is primarily a function of the exposure time and not the exposure intensity. <p>Considering all material properties tested, it is concluded that the Propore membrane is a better membrane choice for the RAEE than the Tyvek® membrane.

Early Ovarian Cancer Detection Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy in the Ultraviolet-C through Visible

George, Ronie January 2013 (has links)
We evaluate the changes in fluorescence from endogenous fluorophores such as amino acids, structural proteins and enzymatic co-factors to predict malignancy and risk of developing ovarian cancer. 249 ovarian biopsies of the surface epithelium were interrogated in vitro, over 270-550 nm excitation, and fluorescence was collected from 290-700nm. Spectroscopic data was analyzed using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) to determine excitation and emission spectra of the underlying fluorophores that contribute to the total detected fluorescence intensity. Using multivariate normal distribution fits and cross-validation techniques, sensitivity (SN) and specificity (SP) of 88 and 93 percent, respectively, were achieved when classifying malignant samples versus others, while 88 and 80 percent, respectively, were achieved when classifying normal post menopausal patients as being either at low- or high-risk of developing ovarian cancer based on their personal and family history of cancer. Also, the performance of classifying cancer increases when the normal group excludes benign neoplasm and endometriosis samples, while the performance of low- v. high-risk decreases when both pre- and post-menopausal samples are included. These results could potentially be useful in screening women at increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. This motivated our study to investigate similar changes in ovarian autofluorescence in vivo. 40 patients were recruited and a total of 189 samples were imaged using a fiber optic bundle and biopsied. Using PARAFAC, the factors computed from in vitro data analysis and in vitro data as a training set; pathology from each in vivo site biopsied was compared to calibrated tissue-fluorescence. It resulted in a SN and SP of 100 and 94 percent, respectively, for classifying normal versus malignant. In the case of risk assessment, cross validated in vivo data gave a SN and SP of 68 and 93%. Results obtained were consistent with those obtained in vitro, except for the presence of blood absorption peaks which affected risk assessment. Assessing endogenous fluorescence has diagnostic potential and if adapted to trans-vaginal access, would make the screening procedure less costly and less invasive, and would be most useful and economical in women at increased risk of developing ovarian cancer and might determine the ideal time to undergo an oophorectomy.

Use of Dean flow Ultraviolet Reactors For Cold Pasteurization of Tender Coconut Water

Gautam, Dibash 01 August 2016 (has links)
The natural water inside green coconuts is regarded as a healthy drink due to the elements of nutritional and therapeutic value. Since there is chance of contamination of tender coconut water (TCW) with psychrophilic microbes during extraction from its hard shell if stored at 4 ºC, thermal pasteurization is currently practiced. However, the thermal treatment of TCW causes a rise in off flavors and loss of the vital nutrients. To solve this problem, a non-thermal pasteurization technology is desirable. The goal of this research was to assess the antimicrobial effectiveness of ultraviolet light C (UVC) as non-thermal pasteurization of TCW and evaluation of physico-chemical and sensory quality of the treated TCW in comparison to the fresh TCW. A dean flow ultraviolet reactor was used with wavelength of 254 nm at the residence time of 14.0 seconds. The independent variables were three Reynold numbers (Re1 = 198.8, Re2 = 397.7 and Re3 =596.4) and two different diameters of transparent PFA tubes (3.2 mm and 1.6 mm). TCW was inoculated with cultures of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes separately up to 8 log10 CFU/mL and inactivation by cold pasteurization was evaluated with number of log reduction of each bacteria. Physico-chemical properties like total solid content (TSS) and pH were analyzed throughout the storage period of four weeks. The sensorial quality, flavor and color of the coconut water was also evaluated by a panel of 30 people to compare the organoleptic characteristics of UVC treated samples with untreated fresh coconut water. In case of Escherichia coli W1485, UVC treatment gave the log reduction of 5.27 and 4.74 log10 CFU/mL in coconut water for 1.6 mm and 3.2 mm ID reactors, respectively. Whereas the reduction of Listeria monocytogenes were 4.18 and 2.96 log10 CFU/mL for 1.6 mm and 3.2 mm ID reactors, respectively. In case of both the bacteria, as the tube size increased, microbial reduction decreased; and as the Reynold number increased, microbial reduction also increased except where there was an interaction effect. The change of tube diameters gave significantly different inactivation for both test bacteria at all Reynolds number except at Re2 and Re3 in case of Escherichia coli. The different levels of Reynolds number were not significantly variant when compared with consecutive levels, but Re1 to Re3 were significantly different for both test bacteria. The physico-chemical and sensorial changes of cold pasteurized TCW weres not significantly different compared to the fresh TCW, providing the conformity of retention of natural and organoleptic characteristics of TCW.

Efeitos in vitro da fotofuncionalização da superfície do titânio usando luz UVC

Pacheco, Viviane Neves January 2017 (has links)
A união estrutural entre o tecido ósseo e a superfície do implante é definida como osseointegração. O sucesso deste processo depende tanto de fatores relacionados à característica física do implante, bem como de fatores sistêmicos e biológicos responsáveis pela formação e manutenção do tecido perimplantar. O processo de osseointegração pode ser comprometido por inúmeros fatores de risco: fumo, baixa qualidade e quantidade de tecido ósseo e morbidades sistêmicas, como o diabetes. Contudo, mesmo em condições excelentes, por vezes, não há a formação de tecido ósseo em plenitude ao redor da superfície implantar. A falha na osseointegração pode ocorrer precoce ou tardiamente ocasionando a perda do implante. A fotofuncionalização por irradiação de luz ultravioleta (UV) tem sido reportada recentemente como um método capaz de modificar a superfície do titânio e aumentar sua capacidade osteocondutora. A irradiação com luz ultravioleta (UV) tem sido proposta como método para reverter o processo de envelhecimento do titânio. Contudo a intensidade, tempo de exposição e comprimento de onda que proporcionam os melhores resultados ainda não foram esclarecidos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da fotocatálise por luz UVC sobre o envelhecimento do titânio e analisar alterações de estrutura e de capacidade biológica in vitro do titânio irradiado em diferentes tempos de exposição. Metodologia: Foi desenvolvida uma câmara para fotofuncionalização de titânio com características distintas das apresentadas no mercado. A amostra foi composta por discos de titânio irradiados em diferentes tempos de exposição à luz ultravioleta (0, 15, 30, 60 minutos). Os discos foram testados quanto à molhabilidade de superfície (ângulo de contato com água), a topografia (microscopia eletrônica de varredura- MEV) e composição química (espectroscopia de fotoelétrons excitados por raio-x – XPS), adesão celular (cultura celular e MEV) e viabilidade por SRB. Resultados: O tratamento por luz UVC promoveu alterações nas características de superfície do titânio, como aumento da molhabilidade e remoção de hidrocarbonetos da superfície após 15 minutos de exposição na câmara desenvolvida. As características biológicas do material também parecem ter sofrido alterações, com melhora na capacidade de adesão e viabilidade. Conclusões: A fotofuncionalização do titânio provou ser eficaz para o tratamento de superfícies envelhecidas neste estudo, com significativas modificações na estrutura química superficial e na capacidade biológica do material. / The structural union between the bone tissue and the implant surface is defined as osseointegration. The success of this process depends both on factors related to the physical characteristics of the implant, as well as the systemic and biological factors responsible for the formation and maintenance of perimplant tissue. The process of osseointegration can be compromised by numerous risk factors: smoking, poor quality and quantity of bone tissue and systemic morbidities, such as diabetes. However, even in excellent conditions, sometimes there is no formation of bone tissue in fullness around the implant surface. Failure to osseointegration may occur early or late leading to implant loss. Photofunctionalisation by ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation has recently been reported as a method capable of modifying the titanium surface and increasing its osteoconductive capacity. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been proposed as a method to reverse the aging process of titanium. However the intensity, time of exposure and wavelength that provide the best results have not yet been clarified. The Aim: of this study was to evaluate the effects of photocatalysis by UVC light on aging of titanium and to analyze changes in structure and in vitro biological capacity of irradiated titanium at different exposure times. Methodology: A titanium photofunctioning chamber has been developed with characteristics different from those presented in the market. The sample was composed of titanium disks irradiated in different times of exposure to ultraviolet light (0, 15, 30, 60 minutes). The discs were tested for surface wettability (water contact angle), topography (SEM-scanning electron microscopy) and chemical composition (x-ray excitation photoelectron spectroscopy), cell adhesion (cell culture and SEM) and viability by SRB. Results: UVC treatment promoted changes in titanium surface characteristics, such as increased wettability and removal of hydrocarbons from the surface after 15 minutes of exposure in the developed chamber. The biological characteristics of the material also appear to have changed, with improved adhesion and viability. Conclusions: Photofunctional titanium has proved to be effective for the treatment of surfaces aged in this study, with significant modifications in the surface chemical structure and biological capacity of the material.

Efeitos in vitro da fotofuncionalização da superfície do titânio usando luz UVC

Pacheco, Viviane Neves January 2017 (has links)
A união estrutural entre o tecido ósseo e a superfície do implante é definida como osseointegração. O sucesso deste processo depende tanto de fatores relacionados à característica física do implante, bem como de fatores sistêmicos e biológicos responsáveis pela formação e manutenção do tecido perimplantar. O processo de osseointegração pode ser comprometido por inúmeros fatores de risco: fumo, baixa qualidade e quantidade de tecido ósseo e morbidades sistêmicas, como o diabetes. Contudo, mesmo em condições excelentes, por vezes, não há a formação de tecido ósseo em plenitude ao redor da superfície implantar. A falha na osseointegração pode ocorrer precoce ou tardiamente ocasionando a perda do implante. A fotofuncionalização por irradiação de luz ultravioleta (UV) tem sido reportada recentemente como um método capaz de modificar a superfície do titânio e aumentar sua capacidade osteocondutora. A irradiação com luz ultravioleta (UV) tem sido proposta como método para reverter o processo de envelhecimento do titânio. Contudo a intensidade, tempo de exposição e comprimento de onda que proporcionam os melhores resultados ainda não foram esclarecidos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da fotocatálise por luz UVC sobre o envelhecimento do titânio e analisar alterações de estrutura e de capacidade biológica in vitro do titânio irradiado em diferentes tempos de exposição. Metodologia: Foi desenvolvida uma câmara para fotofuncionalização de titânio com características distintas das apresentadas no mercado. A amostra foi composta por discos de titânio irradiados em diferentes tempos de exposição à luz ultravioleta (0, 15, 30, 60 minutos). Os discos foram testados quanto à molhabilidade de superfície (ângulo de contato com água), a topografia (microscopia eletrônica de varredura- MEV) e composição química (espectroscopia de fotoelétrons excitados por raio-x – XPS), adesão celular (cultura celular e MEV) e viabilidade por SRB. Resultados: O tratamento por luz UVC promoveu alterações nas características de superfície do titânio, como aumento da molhabilidade e remoção de hidrocarbonetos da superfície após 15 minutos de exposição na câmara desenvolvida. As características biológicas do material também parecem ter sofrido alterações, com melhora na capacidade de adesão e viabilidade. Conclusões: A fotofuncionalização do titânio provou ser eficaz para o tratamento de superfícies envelhecidas neste estudo, com significativas modificações na estrutura química superficial e na capacidade biológica do material. / The structural union between the bone tissue and the implant surface is defined as osseointegration. The success of this process depends both on factors related to the physical characteristics of the implant, as well as the systemic and biological factors responsible for the formation and maintenance of perimplant tissue. The process of osseointegration can be compromised by numerous risk factors: smoking, poor quality and quantity of bone tissue and systemic morbidities, such as diabetes. However, even in excellent conditions, sometimes there is no formation of bone tissue in fullness around the implant surface. Failure to osseointegration may occur early or late leading to implant loss. Photofunctionalisation by ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation has recently been reported as a method capable of modifying the titanium surface and increasing its osteoconductive capacity. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been proposed as a method to reverse the aging process of titanium. However the intensity, time of exposure and wavelength that provide the best results have not yet been clarified. The Aim: of this study was to evaluate the effects of photocatalysis by UVC light on aging of titanium and to analyze changes in structure and in vitro biological capacity of irradiated titanium at different exposure times. Methodology: A titanium photofunctioning chamber has been developed with characteristics different from those presented in the market. The sample was composed of titanium disks irradiated in different times of exposure to ultraviolet light (0, 15, 30, 60 minutes). The discs were tested for surface wettability (water contact angle), topography (SEM-scanning electron microscopy) and chemical composition (x-ray excitation photoelectron spectroscopy), cell adhesion (cell culture and SEM) and viability by SRB. Results: UVC treatment promoted changes in titanium surface characteristics, such as increased wettability and removal of hydrocarbons from the surface after 15 minutes of exposure in the developed chamber. The biological characteristics of the material also appear to have changed, with improved adhesion and viability. Conclusions: Photofunctional titanium has proved to be effective for the treatment of surfaces aged in this study, with significant modifications in the surface chemical structure and biological capacity of the material.

Efeitos in vitro da fotofuncionalização da superfície do titânio usando luz UVC

Pacheco, Viviane Neves January 2017 (has links)
A união estrutural entre o tecido ósseo e a superfície do implante é definida como osseointegração. O sucesso deste processo depende tanto de fatores relacionados à característica física do implante, bem como de fatores sistêmicos e biológicos responsáveis pela formação e manutenção do tecido perimplantar. O processo de osseointegração pode ser comprometido por inúmeros fatores de risco: fumo, baixa qualidade e quantidade de tecido ósseo e morbidades sistêmicas, como o diabetes. Contudo, mesmo em condições excelentes, por vezes, não há a formação de tecido ósseo em plenitude ao redor da superfície implantar. A falha na osseointegração pode ocorrer precoce ou tardiamente ocasionando a perda do implante. A fotofuncionalização por irradiação de luz ultravioleta (UV) tem sido reportada recentemente como um método capaz de modificar a superfície do titânio e aumentar sua capacidade osteocondutora. A irradiação com luz ultravioleta (UV) tem sido proposta como método para reverter o processo de envelhecimento do titânio. Contudo a intensidade, tempo de exposição e comprimento de onda que proporcionam os melhores resultados ainda não foram esclarecidos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da fotocatálise por luz UVC sobre o envelhecimento do titânio e analisar alterações de estrutura e de capacidade biológica in vitro do titânio irradiado em diferentes tempos de exposição. Metodologia: Foi desenvolvida uma câmara para fotofuncionalização de titânio com características distintas das apresentadas no mercado. A amostra foi composta por discos de titânio irradiados em diferentes tempos de exposição à luz ultravioleta (0, 15, 30, 60 minutos). Os discos foram testados quanto à molhabilidade de superfície (ângulo de contato com água), a topografia (microscopia eletrônica de varredura- MEV) e composição química (espectroscopia de fotoelétrons excitados por raio-x – XPS), adesão celular (cultura celular e MEV) e viabilidade por SRB. Resultados: O tratamento por luz UVC promoveu alterações nas características de superfície do titânio, como aumento da molhabilidade e remoção de hidrocarbonetos da superfície após 15 minutos de exposição na câmara desenvolvida. As características biológicas do material também parecem ter sofrido alterações, com melhora na capacidade de adesão e viabilidade. Conclusões: A fotofuncionalização do titânio provou ser eficaz para o tratamento de superfícies envelhecidas neste estudo, com significativas modificações na estrutura química superficial e na capacidade biológica do material. / The structural union between the bone tissue and the implant surface is defined as osseointegration. The success of this process depends both on factors related to the physical characteristics of the implant, as well as the systemic and biological factors responsible for the formation and maintenance of perimplant tissue. The process of osseointegration can be compromised by numerous risk factors: smoking, poor quality and quantity of bone tissue and systemic morbidities, such as diabetes. However, even in excellent conditions, sometimes there is no formation of bone tissue in fullness around the implant surface. Failure to osseointegration may occur early or late leading to implant loss. Photofunctionalisation by ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation has recently been reported as a method capable of modifying the titanium surface and increasing its osteoconductive capacity. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been proposed as a method to reverse the aging process of titanium. However the intensity, time of exposure and wavelength that provide the best results have not yet been clarified. The Aim: of this study was to evaluate the effects of photocatalysis by UVC light on aging of titanium and to analyze changes in structure and in vitro biological capacity of irradiated titanium at different exposure times. Methodology: A titanium photofunctioning chamber has been developed with characteristics different from those presented in the market. The sample was composed of titanium disks irradiated in different times of exposure to ultraviolet light (0, 15, 30, 60 minutes). The discs were tested for surface wettability (water contact angle), topography (SEM-scanning electron microscopy) and chemical composition (x-ray excitation photoelectron spectroscopy), cell adhesion (cell culture and SEM) and viability by SRB. Results: UVC treatment promoted changes in titanium surface characteristics, such as increased wettability and removal of hydrocarbons from the surface after 15 minutes of exposure in the developed chamber. The biological characteristics of the material also appear to have changed, with improved adhesion and viability. Conclusions: Photofunctional titanium has proved to be effective for the treatment of surfaces aged in this study, with significant modifications in the surface chemical structure and biological capacity of the material.

VGA grabber pro FITkit / FITkit VGA Grabber

Lojda, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This paper discusses the possibilities of realization of VGA grabber for FITkit. Text is focused on software and hardware implementation possibilities. The first part introduces the reader to the theory of the issue. Next, the paper proposes several options of VGA grabber implementation and brief evaluation of alternatives. The second part describes a chosen architecture of VGA grabber of the featured options and includes a brief summary of the findings of the processor LPC4370 from NXP and USB Video Class UVC, on which the resulting architecture is based. The conclusion includes a brief summary.


Xia, Chunjie 01 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Wastewater reclamation and reuse have been increasingly practiced as sustainable strategies to meet water demands, particularly in regions threatened by water shortages. However, one of the biggest challenges for reusing wastewater effluents (WEs) as irrigation water is to remove emerging organic contaminants such as persistent and potentially bioaccumulated per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), whose presence may result in adverse impacts on crops, soils, aqueous ecosystems, and human health. Photocatalysis is an effective and promising technique to remediate PFAS in aqueous media. This dissertation aims to: i) Develop a novel, environmental-friendly, and low-cost treatment process for PFAS removal and degradation for water reuse; ii) Optimize the experimental conditions and investigate the removal mechanisms of PFAS with different structures in this novel process; iii) Scale up this treatment process and apply it to treatment of WEs in a point-of-use (POU) system. First, ultraviolet (UV) C /nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI, Fe0 nanoparticles (NPs)) system is used for the first time to induce PFAS photocatalytic removal from aqueous solution. Oxidative and/or reductive degradation of three representative PFAS - perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was achieved using Fe0 NPs under UVC light both with and without presence of oxygen. However, no PFAS removal was observed either under visible light and in the dark, and much lower PFAS degradation was achieved under UVA light. Higher degradation and defluorination efficiencies were obtained for longer chain PFNA compared to PFOA, and higher degradation and defluorination of PFAS were achieved without presence of O2 compared to with O2. The degradation of PFOA and PFOS followed first order reaction kinetics with the highest efficiencies achieved of 97.6, >99.9, and 98.5% without presence of O2 for PFOA, PFNA, and PFOS, respectively. The degradation efficiencies increased with the increase of nZVI concentrations in the range of 1-100 mg/L. The degradation efficiency of PFOA using bare Fe0 NPs was higher than that using 1% PVP-coated Fe0 NPs in the initial 6 h. Second, the removal mechanism of PFAS in UVC/Fe0 NPs system was obtained by testing the concentrations of iron ions (Fe2+/Fe3+), intermediate products, and reactive oxygen species (ROS, e.g., ·O2- and ·OH) generated, and conducting ROS quenching experiments. The proposed degradation pathway of PFCAs (PFNA and PFOA) was initiated from PFOA/PFNA oxidation by transferring an electron of the carboxylate terminal group of PFOA/PFNA to the Fe(III)-carboxylate complex, then followed by decarboxylation−hydroxylation−elimination−hydrolysis (DHEH) pathway and the accompanying CO2 and F− release. The generated shorter chain PFCAs also underwent degradation with time in the system. This proposed degradation pathway was confirmed by the formation of shorter chain PFCAs, e.g. PFHpA, PFHxA, PFPeA, and PFBA, F- ions, and rapid consumption of Fe3+. For PFOS, besides H/F exchange pathway and chain-shortening (DHEH pathway) to form short chain PFAS during PFCA degradation, desulfonation to form PFOA followed by PFOA degradation also happened. These pathways were suggested by the formation of intermediates — trace amount of shorter chain PFCAs, 6:2 FTS, PFHpS, and F- ions. ·O2- and ·OH were not involved in PFOA degradation in the UVC/Fe0 NPs system with presence of O2, while they may be involved in PFOS degradation, e.g., desulfonation to form PFOA, which were suggested by the results of quenching experiments. And introducing H2O2 into the UVC/Fe0 NPs system resulted in lower PFOA degradation efficiency and defluorination efficiency, which also indicated that ·OH may not be involved in PFOA degradation. Hydrated electrons e-aq that can be involved in desulfonation, defluorination, and C-C bond scission processes were likely quenched by the presence of oxygen to reduce the degradation and defluorination efficiencies; plus, presence of Fe0 NPs may promote the generation of hydrated electrons. Last, UVC/Fe0 NPs system was used to degrade PFAS from WEs in both bench scale and in a scale up POU system. The degradation efficiencies of PFAS in WEs from both wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) were lower than that in deionized water, likely reflecting the complex compositions in the environmental media. Optimal degradation efficiencies of 90±1%, 88±1%, and 46±2% were obtained for PFNA, PFOS, and PFOA, respectively, each starting from 0.5 µg/L using bare Fe0 at pH 3.0 after 2 h. PFAS removal and bacterial inactivation were achieved simultaneously in the POU system using Fe0 NPs without and with rGO support under UVC irradiation in WEs, although the PFAS levels were still above the regulation levels for discard. These pilot tests provided more data and experiences for the real applications of UVC/Fe0 NP system to PFAS contaminated wastewater or other water matrix treatment. Overall, this research demonstrated a cost-effective and environment-friendly method — UVC/Fe0 NPs method for PFAS (i.e., PFOA, PFNA, and PFOS) degradation from WEs for water reuse both with and without presence of oxygen. The possible degradation mechanisms of PFAS with different structures were obtained by testing the concentrations of iron ions, intermediate products, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) involved in the reactions. The developed technology can be potentially applied to treat other environmental media (e.g., groundwater, landfill leachate) that are contaminated by PFAS from previous anthropogenic activities.

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