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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of an integrated career anchor preferences, career interests and abilities measure for career path congruence

Roythorne-Jacobs, Hermanus Louis 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu. Translated titles in Afrikaans and isiZulu supplied. / The research focused on individual–organisational career path congruence and the development of an integrated measure (I-PIA-M) constituting individual variables (i.e. career anchor preferences, career interests and abilities) which are recognised as influencing individuals’ perceptions of fit with the organisation. The research adopted a mixed-methods approach: (1) principles and constructs of person–environment (P-E) fit were applied, both to develop the I-PIA-M and empirically test the measure for reliability and validity; and (2) a qualitative study (career intervention) was conducted in which the empirically tested measure was applied in a career counselling context, to assess and guide career path congruence in an authentic work setting. The quantitative study involved a randomly selected sample (N = 270) of predominantly working adults in the economic and management sciences fields. The qualitative study involved five respondents in a career construction interview, along with the administration of the empirically tested I-PIA-M measure. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the multi-dimensionality of the I-PIA-M, and the reliability and construct validity of the scale. The results showed that race and gender significantly explain individuals’ self-perceived career anchor preferences and career interests, but not their self-perceived abilities. Age did not significantly explain individuals’ self-perceived career anchor preferences, career interests or abilities. The qualitative study corroborated the multi-directionality of individuals’ career paths and the notion of guiding person–organisation career path congruence by means of the I-PIA-M. The research contributed to career psychology and career counselling practice through the empirical testing and application of the I-PIA-M in the contemporary work context. Various limitations and recommendations for further research were also highlighted in this thesis. / Die navorsing het gefokus op individuele-organisatoriese-loopbaankongruensie en die ontwikkeling van 'n geïntegreerde maatstaf (I-PIA-M) bestaande uit individuele veranderlikes (bv loopbaanankervoorkeure, loopbaanbelangstellings en vermoëns) wat erken word as faktore wat individue se persepsies van passing met die organisasie beïnvloed. Die navorsing het 'n gemengdemetode-benadering gevolg: (1) beginsels en konstrukte van persoon-omgewing is toegepas om sowel die I-PIA-M te ontwikkel en die maatstaf empiries vir betroubaarheid en geldigheid te toets; en (2) 'n kwalitatiewe studie (loopbaanintervensie) is onderneem waarin die empiries getoetsde maatstaf in 'n loopbaanberadingskonteks gebruik is om die loopbaanpadkongruensie in 'n outentieke werksituasie te evalueer en te lei. Die kwantitatiewe studie het 'n ewekansig geselekteerde steekproef (N = 270) van oorwegend werkende volwassenes op die terrein van ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskappe betrek. Die kwalitatiewe studie het vyf respondent in 'n loopbaankonstruksie-onderhoud betrek, saam met die aanwending van die empiries getoetste I-PIA-M maatstaf. Verkennende faktoranalise en bevestigende faktoranalise het die multidimensionele aard van die I-PIA-M bevestig, en die betroubaarheid en konstrukgeldigheid van die skaal. Die resultate het getoon dat ras en geslag beduidend individue se self-vermeende loopbaanankervoorkeure en loopbaanbelangstellings verklaar, maar nie hul self-vermeende vermoëns nie. Ouderdom het nie beduidend individue se self-vermeende loopbaanankervoorkeure, loopbaanbelangstellings of vermoëns verklaar nie. Die kwalitatiewe studie het die multidireksionele aard van individue se loopbaanpaaie en die idee dat persoon–organisasie-loopbaanpadkongruensie deur middel van die I-PIA-M gerig word, gestaaf. Die navorsing het tot loopbaansielkunde en loopbaanberadingspraktyk bygedra deur die empiriese toetsing en toepassing van die I-PIA-M in die kontemporêre werkkonteks. Verskeie beperkings en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing is ook in hierdie tesis uitgelig. / Ucwaningo lugxile kuhlelo olufanayo lobizo lomsebenzi olulandelwa umuntu ngamunye–yinhlangano kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwendlela ehlangene yokwakha izimpawu zomuntu ezahlukahlukene (I-PIA-M) (zona yilezi ukwenyulwa kobizo lomsebenzi oluyinsika, ubizo oluthandayo lomsebenzi kanye namakhono okwenza umsebenzi) ezithathwa njengalezo ezinomthelela phezu kwemiqondo yomuntu ohambelana ncimishi nenhlangano. Ucwaningo lwamukela ingxubevange yezindlela zokwenza ucwaningo: (1) imigomo kanye nezakhiwo zesizinda somuntu (P-E) zisetshenziswe, kabili, ukwakha i I-PIA-M kanye nokuhlolwa ngendlela ephathekayo izinga lokwethembeka kanye nokulunga; kanye; kanye (2) nocwaningo olusebenzisa amagama lwenziwa, lapho isinyathelo sokuhlola esiphathekayo sasetshenziswa kuhlelo ngaphansi kwesizinda sokululekwa ngokobizo lomsebenzi, ukuhlola ikhono kanye nokukhombisa umfundi indlela yobizo lomsebenzi ehambisana naye angayilandela ngaphansi kwesimo sangempela somsebenzi. . Lesi sifundo socwaningo besixuba isampuli yokukhethwa ngokungahleliwe kwabantu abadala (N = 270) abasebenzayo emikhakheni yezesayensi yezomnotho kanye nezokuphata. Uhlelo locwaningo olusebenzisa amagama luye lwaxuba abaphenduli abahlanu kunhlololwazi lokuzakhela ubizo lomsebenzi, kanye nokuqhutshwa kwesinyathelo sokuhlolwa okuphathekayo kohlelo lwe-I-PIA-M. -. Uhlelo lokuhluza oluvumbululayo kanye nohlelo lokuhluza oluqinisekisayo aye aqinisekisa ukwehlukahluka kwe-I-PIA-M ngokwezigaba, nokwethembeka kanye nohlelo lwesakhiwo esifanele sobukhulu. Imiphumela iye yakhombisa ukuthi ubuhlanga kanye nobulili zichaza kahle kakhulu ubizo lomsebenzi olukhethwa, ubizo lomsebenzi othandwayo noma amakhono omsebenzi athandwayo, kodwa hayi ngokuzikhethela komuntu ngokwamakhono anawo. Unyaka awuzange ucacise kahle ukwenyula ubizo lomsebenzi, ukuthanda ubizo lomsebenzi kanye namakhono omsebenzi ngokuzazi komuntu ngokwakhe. Unyaka, ubuhlanga kanye namaqembu obulili akhombise umehluko omkhulu mayelana nobizo lwemisebenzi abalwenyulayo, ubizo lwemisebenzi abayithandayo kanye namakhono omsebenzi abawaqondayo ngokuzazi kwabo. Ucwaningo olususelwa kumagama lusekela uhlelo lwezindlela eziningi lwezindlela zobizo lomsebenzi ezilandelwa ngabantunkanye nombono wokuholela umuntu-inhlangano endleleni efanayo yobizo lomsebenzi ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lwe-I-PIA-M. Ucwaningo luye lwaba negalelo kusayikholoji kanye nasemisebenzini wokweluleka ngokobizo lomsebenzi ngokusebenzisa uhlelo oluphathekayo lokuhlola kanye nokusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-I-PIA-M kwisimo sanamuhla sasemsebenzini. Kuye kwavezwa imingcele eyahlukahlukene kanye nezinqumo ezimayelana nokwenza olunye ucwaningo oluqhubekayo kuye kwavezwa kule thesisi. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

An e-learning instructional design framework for mobile devices in Africa

Garbers, Rachel 12 1900 (has links)
English text, with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This study aims to propose an e-learning framework for mobile devices in Africa to help improve enrolment rates and education standards in the FET (Further Education and Training) phase. The study is qualitative in nature and employs document analysis as main research method. An overview of the South African education context with supporting statistical data to motivate why an e-learning alternative is crucial for improving South African and African education is provided. The literature review includes a descriptive analysis of 7 existing e- and m-learning frameworks, with key features highlighted for possible adaptation or incorporation into an e-learning framework for Africa. Behaviourism, Constructivism and Connectivism are discussed as applicable learning theories to pedagogically underpin this proposed e-learning framework. Thereafter, a critical evaluation of current South African education policy documents (White Papers, the Norms and Standards for Educators and the Draft Policy for the Provision and Management of Learning Teaching and Support Materials) is conducted to determine whether these policies support and enable e-learning effectively. Part 2 of Chapter 5 comprises a critical analysis and comparison of education systems and applicable legislation in the USA, Finland and Malawi to establish how education is structured and how e-learning is administered in these countries to make relevant recommendations for South Africa and to inform the design of an e-learning framework for Africa. Research findings are presented as answers to the research questions posed and the proposed e-learning framework with further recommendations are presented to the South African Department of Basic Education, teachers and researchers. / Die doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk vir mobiele toestelle vir Afrika voor te stel, sodat inskrywingsgetalle en onderrig- en leerstandaarde in die Verdere Onderrig en Opleidings (VOO) fase verbeter kan word. Dit is ‘n kwalitatiewe studie en dokumentanalise word as navorsingsmetode toegepas. ‘n Oorsig van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel en konteks met ondersteunende statistiese bevindinge word verduidelik om e-onderrig-en-leer as noodsaaklike alternatief vir Suid-Afrika en Afrika te motiveer. Die literatuuroorsig sluit ‘n beskrywende analise van sewe bestaande e- en m-onderrig-en-leer (mobiele-onderrig-en-leer) raamwerke in. Hoofkenmerke van elke raamwerk word uitgelig vir moontlike aanpassing en inkorporering in ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk vir die Afrika-konteks. Leerteorië, nl Behaviourisme, Konstruktivisme en Konnektivisme (Connectivism) word in diepte bespreek as pedagogies fundamenteel om die e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk te onderbou en te ondersteun. ‘n Kritiese evaluasie van Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysbeleid (d.w.s. Witskrifte, die Norme and Standaarde vir Onderwysers en die konsepdokument oor die Voorsiening en Bestuur van Onderrig-, Leer- en Ondersteuningsmateriaal) is gedoen om vas te stel of die beleid wel e-onderrig-en-leer effektief ondersteun en prakties moontlik maak. ‘n Krities analitiese en vergelykende studie van die VSA (Verenigde State van Amerika), Finland en Malawi se onderwysstelsels- en wetgewing is gedoen in hoofstuk 5 deel 2 om te bepaal hoe dié lande onderwys struktureer en hoe e-onderrig-en–leer geadministreer word, sodat relevante voorstelle vir Suid-Afrika gemaak kan word en om insae te lewer in die ontwerp van ‘n e-onderrig-en-leer raamwerk toepaslik vir die Afrika-kontinent. Navorsingsbevindinge word voorgelê aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Departement van Basiese Onderwys, onderwysers sowel as aan navorsers. / Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuphakamisa uhlaka lwe-e-learning lamadivaysi eselula e-Afrika ukusiza ukuthuthukisa izinga lokubhalisa nezindinganiso zemfundo kwiSigaba se-FET (Further Education and Training). Ucwaningo luyimfanelo enemvelo futhi lusebenzisa ukuhlaziywa kwedokhumenti njengendlela yokucwaninga eyinhloko. Ukuhlolisisa umongo wezemfundo waseNingizimu Afrika ngokusekela imniningwane yezibalo ukugqugquzela ukuthi kungani enye yokufunda email ibalulekile ekuthuthukiseni imfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika ne-Afrika. Ukubuyekezwa kwezincwadi kuhlanganisa ukuhlaziywa okuchazayo kwezinhlaka eziyisikhombisa ezisekhona ze-e- e-m-learning, nezici eziyinhloko eziqokonyiswe ukukhishwa kwe-adaption noma ukufakwa kwisakhiwo se-e-learning se-Afrika. Ukuzikhethela, Ukwakhiwa kwe-Constructivism (Kwe Zokwakha) kanye ne-Connectivism (Kwe Zokuxhumana) kuxoxwa njengezifundo ezifanele zokufunda ukusekela lolu hlelo oluhlongozwayo lwe-e-learning. Ngemuva kwaloko, ukuhlolwa okubalulekile kwemibhalo yamanje yemfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika (Amaphepha Asemhlophe, Imigomo Nemigomo Yabafundisi kanye neNqubomgomo Yohlaka Lokufundiswa Nezifundo Nokusekela) kwenziwa ukuze kutholakale ukuthi lezi zinqubomgomo zisekela futhi zikwazi yini ukufundisa nge-e-ephumelelayo. Ingxenye yesibili yeSahluko sesihlanu iqukethe ukuhlaziywa okubucayi kanye nokuqhathaniswa kwezinhlelo zemfundo kanye nemithetho esebenzayo eMelika, eFinland nase Malawi ukuqinisekisa ukuthi imfundo ihlelwe kanjani nokuthi i-e-learning inikezwa kanjani ukwenza izincomo ezifanele eNingizimu Afrika nokwazisa ukuklama uhlaka lwe-e-learning lwe-Afrika. Imiphumela yokucwaninga inikezwa njengezimpendulo zemibuzo yokucwaninga ephakanyisiwe kanye nohlaka oluhlongozwayo lwe-e-learning kanye nezincomo ezengeziwe ezethulwa eMnyangweni wezemfundo Eyisisekelo, othisha nabacwaningi baseNingizimu Afrika. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The perception of faculty members of Namibian open distance learning institutions on the use of open educational resources

Karipi, Edwig 24 July 2020 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Venda / Open educational resources (OER) is a new innovation coined to bridge the educational divide by way of providing free quality learning resources. Consequently, this study explored the perception of the faculty members of the Namibian open and distance learning institutions on the use of OER as a pedagogical approach. This study was prompted by the presumption that if ODL institutions adopt open educational resources to replace costly textbooks, an increased number of the Namibian population could access education in the equitable manner. The study focused on faculty members from the three public ODL institutions in Namibia, namely, the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), University of Namibia (UNAM)-Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) and Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST)-Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL). The following integrated theories were adopted to underpin this study: Transformative Learning Theory, Heutagogy Learning Theory, Cognitive Learning Theory and Social Learning Theory, Constructivism Learning Theory, Connectivism Theory and the Diffusion of Innovations Theory. The theories were compared to the findings to assess their applicability. This is a qualitative case underpinned by an interpretivist paradigm. Data were collected through interviews, non-participant observations and document analysis, and analysed through the inductive approach. The results of this study showed inconsistency between the perception of the faculty members and the use of OER within the ODL institutions in Namibia. Although the faculty members displayed positive attitudes towards the use of OER, very little has been achieved in the use of OER within the institutions for the benefit of the Namibian ODL students. The study identified challenges that impede the adoption of OER at institutional level, such as lack of institutional policies, lack of awareness, technological factors, as well as management support. The study further crafted strategies to address challenges, including the OER design based on the Diffusion of Innovation Model. The study advanced recommendations for consideration by the institutions and the faculty members as well as suggestions for future research. The knowledge contribution made by this PhD is the proposed OER design for adoption by the ODL institutions to facilitate the use of OER by faculty members. / Ubuchule bokufunda ekuthiwa yiOpen Educational Resources (OER) licebo elitsha lokunikezela simahla ngemithombo yokufunda esemgangathweni, nelenzelwe ukukhawulelana nobunzima bokushiyashiyana emfundweni. Esi sifundo siphonononge indlela abacinga ngayo abahlohli bamaziko emfundo aseNamibia avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude (iiODL), ngokusetyenziswa kweOER njengendlela yokufundisa. Esi sifundo sisuswe kukucingela ukuba xa amaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude enokusebenzisa izixhobo zokufunda ezivulekileyo endaweni yokusebenzisa iincwadi ezibiza imali eninzi, linganda inani labantu abanokuxhamla imfundo ngokulinganayo. Esi sifundo sigxininise kubahlohli bamaziko amathathu kawonkewonke, angawemfundo evulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude eNamibia, angala - iNamibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), iUniversity of Namibia (UNAM) - Centre for Open, Distance and eLearning (CODeL) kunye neNamibian University of Science and Technology (NUST) - Centre of Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL). Kusetyenziswe ezi ngcingane zihlangeneyo zilandelayo njengezisekelo zokukhokela esi sifundo: Ingcingane Yokufunda Okuhambelana Nenguqu (Transformative Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuziqhuba Komfundi (Heutagogy Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuqiqa Neyemfundo Esekelwe Kwezentlalo (Cognitive Learning Theory and Social Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngokuzakhela Ukuqonda (Constructivism Learning Theory), Ingcingane Yokufunda Ngoncedo Lobuchwepheshe (Connectivism Theory) kwakunye nengcingane Yokufunda Ngokunwenwa Kobuchule (Diffusion of Innovations Theory). Ezi ngcingane ziye zathelekiswa nokufunyanisisweyo ngenjongo yokukhangela ukuba zingasebenziseka kusini na. Kusetyenziswe indlela yophando ngokuzathuza nokutolika izimvo ezahlukeneyo. Iinkcukacha zolwazi okanye idatha yaqokelelwa ngokuqhuba udliwano ndlebe nabathatha inxaxheba, ukuqwalasela abangathathi nxaxheba nokuphengulula imibhalo ukuze kudalwe ingcingane entsha. Iziphumo zesi sifundo zivelise ukungahambelani phakathi kwengcinga yabahlohli nokusetyenziswa kweOER kumaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude eNamibia. Nangona abahlohli bebonakalisa uthakazelelo ngokusebenzisa iOER, kuncinci kakhulu okwenziweyo malunga nokusebenzisa iOER kumaziko emfundo ekuncedeni abafundi baseNamibia kumaziko avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude. Esi sifundo sichonge imingeni ethibaza ukusetyenziswa kweOER kumaziko emfundo, mingeni leyo ifana nokungabikho kwemigaqo nkqubo, ukungabikho lwazi, imiba yobuchwepheshe kwakunye nentswela nkxaso yabalawuli. Kuqwetywe amacebo obuchule okulwa nemingeni, macebo lawo aquka ukuqulunqwa kweOER esekelwe kwingcingane Yokunwenwa Kobuchule. Kunikwe iingcebiso nezimvo ezinokuqwalaselwa ngamaziko emfundo nabahlohli ngophando olusenokulandela olu. Igalelo lolu phando luyilo olucetywayo lweOER olunokwamkelwa ngamaziko emfundo avulekileyo nafundisa abafundi bekude ukuze kukhuthazwe ukusetyenziswa kweOER ngabahlohli. / Zwiko zwa nnyi na nnyi zwa pfunzo (OER) ndi vhubveledzi vhuswa ha u ḓisa khethekanyo ya pfunzo nga u ṋetshedza wo vhofholowa zwiko zwa u guda zwa ndeme. Ngudo heyi yo wanulusa mbonalo ya miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini a Namibia ya zwiimiswa zwa pfunzo yo vulelwaho nnyi na nnyi ya u guda u kule (ODL) nga ha u shumisa OER sa nḓila ya pfunzo. Ngudo heyi yo ṱuṱuwedzwa nga u humbulela ha uri arali zwiimiswa zwa ODL zwo ṱanganedza OER u thivha bugu dza u gudisa dzine dza ḓura, tshivhalo tshi re nṱha tsha vhathu vha Namibia vha nga swikelela pfunzo nga nḓila i linganaho. Ngudo yo sedza kha u bva kha zwiimiswa zwa nnyi na nnyi zwa ODL zwa Namibia, zwine madzina azwo avha Gudedzi ḽa Namibia ḽa u Guda ha Nnyi na nnyi (NAMCOL), Yunivesithi ya Namibia (UNAM) – Senthara ya Nnyi na nnyi, u Guda u kule na nga Lubuvhisia (CODeL) na Yunivesithi ya Saintsi na Thekhinoḽodzhi ya Namibia (NUST) Senthara ya nnyi na nnyi ya u Guda ha Tshoṱhe (COLL). Thyeori dzo ṱanganelaho dzi tevhelaho dzo shumiswa u tikedza ngudo iyi: thyeori ya u guda ine vhagudiswa vha ṱalutshedza na u tshenzhela zwipfi zwavho, thyeori ya u ta u guda ha iwe muṋe, thyeori ya u guda ya kuhumbulele na thyeori ya u guda ya matshilisano, thyeori ine ya dzhiela nṱha nḓivho na kupfesesele kwa vhagudiswa kha tshenzhemo yavho phanḓa ha musi vha sa athu u ya tshikoloni, thyeori ya u pfesesa u guda nga didzhithala na thyeori ine ya ṱalutshedza phimo ya mihumbulo miswa na kuphaḓalele kwa thekhinoḽodzhi. Thyeori dzo vhambedzwa na mawanwa u gaganya u tea hadzo. Heyi ndi ngudo ya khwaḽithethivi yo khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshiedziso tsha saintsi ya matshilisano. Data yo kuvhanganyiwa nga kha inthaviwu, u sedza hu si na u dzhenelela na u saukanya maṅwalo, na u saukanya nga kuitele kwa u humbula. Mvelelo dza ngudo heyi dzo sumbedza u sa vha na thevhekano ya zwithu vhukati ha kuvhonele kwa miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini na u shumiswa ha OER kha zwiimiswa zwa ODL ngei Namibia. Naho miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini yo sumbedza vhuvha ha vhuḓi kha u shumiswa ha OER, ho swikelelwa zwiṱuku kha u shumiswa ha OER kha zwiimiswa hu tshi itelwa u vhuelwa ha matshudeni a ODL a Namibia. Ngudo yo topola khaedu dze dza thithisa u ṱanganedzwa ha OER kha ḽeveḽe ya tshiimiswa, u fana na ṱhahelelo ya mbekanyamaitele dza tshiimiswa, ṱhahelelo ya tsivhudzo, zwiṱuṱuwedzi zwa thekhinoḽodzhi, na thikhedzo ya ndangulo. Zwiṱirathedzhi zwo bveledzwa u amba nga ha khaedu, hu tshi katelwa na nyolo ya OER zwo ḓi sendeka nga muanḓadzo wa nḓisedzo ya tshiedziso tsha vhubveledzi. Themendelo dza u dzhiela nṱha nga zwiimiswa na nga miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini na khumbudzo kha ṱhoḓisiso dza tshifhingani tshiḓaho zwo itwa. U shela mulenzhe ha nḓivho ho itwaho nga ngudo iyi ndi u kumedza nyolo ya OER uri i ṱanganedzwe nga zwiimiswa zwa ODL u thusa u shumiswa ha OER nga miraḓo ine ya funza yunivesithi kana magudedzini. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum and Instructional studies)

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