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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geskiedenis van die US-dameshokkieklub : 1903-1992

Laubscher, Hanri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to research and document the origins and activities of the University of Stellenbosch Women's hockey club. The core of this study is therefore about the development of the Women's hockey club from 1903 to 1992. Although a lot has been written about sport at the University, most of the information was not preserved and therefore there are gaps in their sport history. This study focuses on sport history and therefore the historic-scientific method was implemented using only primary resources such as the minutes of meetings, reports and interviews with players. The introduction focuses on the development of world hockey and the different forms of the sport that was been played in different countries. Followed by an overview of the development of hockey sticks and ball as well as the evolution of hockey in the nineteenth and twentieth century. The development of women’s hockey in England and the USA as well as the International Federation for Women’s Hockey Association (IFWHA) was discussed. The second chapter is about the history of women’s hockey in South Africa especially the origins of women’s clubs and associations. After that the interprovincial tournament was explained. The All South African and Rhodesia Women’s Hockey Association, their constitution and the South African Hockey Union were discussed. Attention was also given to the Springbok-emblem and tours to and from South Africa. The third chapter explains the methodology of the study as well as the purpose, formulation of the problem, method of research and evaluation of the resources. The fourth chapter discusses the club’s beginning from 1903 to 1958, as well as their hockey fields. The reason why those particular dates was used was because there was no minutes or reports for those years. Therefore there had to be relied on secondary resources. The history of the women’s hostels is explained in chapter five as well as the results of the hostel hockey. The first-years-tournament, hostel league and the Prestige-tournament also formed part of hostel hockey. In chapter six the inter-university tournaments from 1940 is discussed. After each tournament a SAU-team (Protea-team) was chosen to tour overseas or in South Africa. The origins of indoor hockey are described in chapter seven followed by the indoor hockey league at Stellenbosch. In chapter eight the club and league activities are discussed from 1959 to 1992. Individual activities and school camps are highlighted that were presented by the Women's club. Attention was also given to tours and tournaments which the teams undertook and a few coaches that stood out from the rest. Finally the social aspect of the club was examined. The top achievers of the Women’s club, who were all SA-players, are discussed in chapter nine. The study is concluded with a summary of all the important facts and findings. Appendix A to G covers all the SAU-players, players who received sport-colors, the national tournament results, coaches, club awards and provincial players. In 1992 the men’s and women’s hockey clubs merged and became known as the US-hockey club. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die oorsprong en gebeure van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Dameshokkieklub na te vors en te dokumenteer. Die kern van die studie handel dus oor die ontwikkeling van die Dameshokkieklub vanaf 1903 tot 1992. Alhoewel daar wel oor die universiteit se sport geskryf is, is die meeste van die klubs se inligting nie bewaar nie en daarom bestaan daar nog groot leemtes in die sportgeskiedenis. Omdat die onderhawige onderwerp sportgeskiedkundig van aard is, is die histories-wetenskaplike metode gevolg. Primêre bronne was hoofsaaklik notules, bestuurs- en voorsittersverslae asook onderhoude met oud-spelers. Die inleiding verskaf ’n oorsig van die ontwikkeling van hokkie regoor die wêreld en die verskillende vorms wat deur verskillende lande gespeel is. Daarna is daar aan die ontwikkeling van die hokkiestok en -bal aandag gegee asook hokkie gedurende die negentiende en twintigste eeu. Die ontwikkeling van vrouehokkie in Engeland en die VSA, asook die Internasionale Federasie vir Vrouehokkieverenigings (IFWHA) word bespreek. Die tweede hoofstuk handel oor die geskiedenis van vrouehokkie in Suid-Afrika. Daar word aandag aan die oorsprong van vroueklubs en –verenigings geskenk, sowel as aan interprovinsiale toernooie wat gespeel is. Die “All South African and Rhodesia Women’s Hockey Association” en hulle grondwet asook die Suid-Afrikaanse Hokkie-unie word aangeraak. Daarna word die ontstaan van die Springbokembleem vir hokkie bespreek asook toere wat na en van Suid-Afrika plaasgevind het. Die derde hoofstuk handel oor die metodiek van die studie. Dit dek die doel, probleemstelling, navorsingsmetode en die evaluering van die bronne. Die vierde hoofstuk handel oor die vroeë geskiedenis van die Dameshokkieklub vanaf 1903 tot 1958, asook die ontstaan van die hokkievelde. Die rede vir hierdie afbakening, is omdat die notules en verslae vir daardie jare ontbreek en daar dus op sekondêre bronne staatgemaak moes word. Die geskiedenis van die dameskoshuise word in hoofstuk vyf bespreek en daarna word die uitslae opgesom. Die eerstejaarstoernooi, koshuisliga en Prestige-toernooi vorm almal deel van koshuishokkie. In hoofstuk ses word inter-universitêre toernooie vanaf 1940 bespreek. Na afloop van elke toernooi is daar ’n SAU-span (Proteaspan) gekies wat verskeie toere onderneem het. Die ontstaan van binnenshuise hokkie op nasionale sowel as universiteitsvlak word in hoofstuk sewe behandel. In hoofstuk agt word die klub- en ligabedrywighede vanaf 1959 tot 1992 bespreek. Prestasies van individue word uitgelig asook skolekampe wat aangebied is. Aandag word geskenk aan toere en toernooie wat die spanne onderneem het, ’n paar afrigters wat ’n groot aanwins vir die klub was asook die sosiale aspekte rondom die klub. Die toppresteerders van die Dameshokkieklub, wat almal Springbokspelers was, word in hoofstuk nege behandel. Die studie word afgesluit met ’n samevatting van al die belangrike feite en bevindinge. Bylaes A tot G sluit al die SAU-ererolverteenwoordigers, spelers wat erekleure ontvang het, die nasionale toernooi-uitslae, afrigters, klubtoekennings en ’n lys van provinsiale spelers vir veldhokkie en binnenshuise hokkie in. Nadat die Dameshokkieklub vir 89 jaar afsonderlik gefunksioneer het, het die mans- en damesklub in 1992 saamgesmelt om die US-hokkieklub te vorm en is dit steeds hoe hulle vandag bekendstaan.

A critical analysis of Mozambique with specific reference to assessing the opportunity for a development in the clay brick industry

Owen, Patrick Hugh Thomas, Surmon, Douglas Campbell 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Development in the world and particularly in South Africa has resulted in change. This presents new opportunities and challenges to today's managers and entrepreneurs. As a result of our local political reform process, together with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the general deterioration of communistic ideologies, south Africans are experiencing a growing acceptance back into the world and neighbouring African communities. south African businessmen are faced with opportunities in foreign countries, especially neighbouring African countries, with South Africa cited as the key to Africa. The problem South African managers face, is how to evaluate opportunities in a neighbouring African country and to ascertain the type of trading conditions in that country. After eighteen years of communistic rule and ten years of civil war Mozambique is amongst the poorest countries in the world. World aid programs have come to the country's assistance, introducing economic recovery programs as well as replacing the out-dated socialistic ideas with western style free market principles. Although the country is suffering the effects of an ongoing civil war, indications are that a peace settlement is imminent. The Mozambique government has .introduced an attractive foreign investment package which is aimed at attracting foreign capital. A first impression indicates that this country is ready for foreign investment and exploitation, but is it? This research proj ect firstly evaluates existing feasibility models in an attempt to find a suitable model to assess the feasibility of investing in a clay brickworks located in Mozambique. Failing to find such a feasibility model, a suitable model is then presented. The feasibility model presented takes a holistic approach, acknowledging that first world structures, such as a financial or transportational infrastructure, should not be assumed to exist. The model is divided into two parts, the first evaluating the macro parameters of the country and the second evaluating the micro parameters or specifics of the opportunity. The assessment of macro parameters is divided into five sections, namely, socio- cultural, political, economic, technological and physical parameters. After the completion of each section parameters are summarised and graded. At the end of the macro parameters, an interim evaluation is required to assess whether the country is favourable for investment. If the investor believes the country is ready for investment, the following section covering the micro parameters is investigated. If, however, the investor believes that the country is not suitable for investment then further analysis is suspended. The second section which covers the micro parameters is also divided into five sections, namely, financial, manufacturing, proposed infrastructure, marketing and personnel parameters. These parameters cover the project specifically and are similar to those of a normal business plan. Following this analysis, a final evaluation is done culminating in a decision on whether the project is feasible or not . In applying this model to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a clay brickworks in Mozambique, the researchers concluded at the interim evaluation that it was premature to invest in a clay brickworks in Mozambique . This type of investment might only become attractive after a peace settlement were reached between the government and the resistance movement and with the restoration of the country's infrastructure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkeling wereldwyd, en veral in Suid-Afrika, het verandering meegebring. Dit stel nuwe geleenthede en uitdagings aan vandag se bestuurders en entrepreneurs. Na aanleiding van veranderinge in die politieke bestel in Suid-Afrika, die verbrokkeling van die Sowjet-Unie en die verlies van geloofwaardigheid van die kommunistiese ideologie, beleef Suid-Afrika toenemende aanvaarbaarheid in die wereld asook met sy naburige Afrika lande. Nuwe geleenthede buitelands en veral in die naburige Afrika lande, word nou aan besigheidslui in Suid-Afrika gebied, derhalwe word Suid- Afrika gesien as die sleutel tot Afrika. Die probleem wat Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurders tans in die gesig staar, is die evaluasie van lewensvatbare geleenthede in 'n naburige Afrika land en om die handelstoestande te bepaal waaronder hulle sal moet funksioneer. Na agtien jaar van kommunistiese heerskappy en tien jaar van burgeroorloe is Mosambiek een van die armste lande ter wereld. Buitelandse noodlenigingsprogramme het tot die land se redding gekom met die daarstel van ekonomiese herstel programme sowel as die vervanging van sosialistiese idees met 'n Westerse vryemarkstelsel. Alhoewel Mosambiek nog swaar gebuk gaan onder burgeroorloe, is daar wel aanduidings dat 'n vredesooreenkoms onafwendbaar is. Die Mosambiekse regering bied tans aantreklike beleggingspakkette aan wat hoofsaaklik gerig is op die buitelandse belegger. Die eerste indrukke wat gelaat word, is dat Mosambiek gereed is vir buitelandse belegging en ontginning. Die vraag is, is dit wel so? Hierdie navorsingsprojek evalueer eerstens bestaande uitvoerbaarheidsmodelle ten einde 'n toepaslike model te vind om die uitvoerbaarheid te bepaal van investering in 'n kleibaksteenfabriek in Mosambiek. Die uitvoerbaarheidsmodel wat hier voorgestel word, neem 'n holistiese benadering aan, met die erkenning dat elemente soos die finansiele- en vervoer-infrastruktuur nie noodwendig tans bestaan nie. Die model is verdeel in twee dele waarvan die eerste die makro- parameters van die land evalueer, en die tweede die mikra-parameters, of spesifieke besonderhede aangaande die geleentheid. Die evaluering van makro- parameters word opgedeel in vyf afdelings, naamlik, die sosio-kulturele, politiese, ekonomiese, tegnologiese en fisiese parameters. Na voltooiing van elke afdeling word 'n kort opsomming en gradering gedoen. Aan die einde van die deel wat handel oor makro-parameters, is daar 'n tussentydse evaluasie gedoen om te bepaal of die land gunstig is vir beleggings. As die belegger glo dat die land gereed is vir belegging, word die volgende afdeling, naamlik mikro-parameters, ondersoek. Indien die belegger egter van mening is dat die land nie geskik is vir beleggings nie, word die ontleding na die eerste gedeelte gestaak. Die tweede afdeling, wat na mikro-parameters verwys, word ook in vyf sub- afdelings opgedeel, naamlik, finansieel, vervaardiging, voorgestelde infrastruktuur, bemarking en personeel parameters. Hierdie parameters is soortgelyk aan 'n gewone besigheidsplan en is omvattend en spesifiek. Hierdie ontleding word gevolg deur 'n finale evaluasie wat uitloop op 'n besluit of die projek uitvoerbaar is of nie. Deur middel van die toepassing van hierdie model om die lewensvatbaarheid van die vestiging van 'n kleibaksteenfabriek in Mosambiek te evalueer, het die navorsers in die tussentydse ontleding getoon dat so 'n belegging nie op hierdie stadium lewensvatbaar sal wees nie. 'n Belegging sal moontlik aantreklik wees nadat daar ' n vredesooreenkoms bereik word tussen die regering en die weerstandsbeweging, en met die herstel van die land se infrastruktuur.

An organisational culture approach to improve military-civilian relations at The South African Military Academy

Jacobs, Noel Mkhululi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / The primary focus of this study is to look at the interplay of the military and academic cultures at the South African Military Academy (SAMA). The question was raised about the nature of these two conflicting subcultures within the SAMA faculty, some avoidable damage that is being done, and ways to overcome the conflict for the future. Research data obtained from interviewing a sample of the SAMA members was used to investigate whether the two subcultures, which appear each to have a different ethos, can complement one another and how they define and shape the organisational culture of the institution. Findings from this study confirmed the existence of conflict between the academic and military culture and showed that this conflict has historical origins. It was further shown that part of the conflict arises from the tendency of the military culture to impose itself over the academic culture. The study revealed that this conflict also affects the civilian-military relations amongst the staff members, which impacts on the staff morale and organisational performance. It was found that ineffective organisational communication of the Academy was partly the source of this organisational culture and that the strengthening of an effective organisational communication particularly on the part of senior management of the Academy could go a long way towards creating an inclusive organisational culture that accommodates and encourages the coexistence of both the academic and military subcultures. The study concluded that peaceful coexistence of both these subcultures will lead to healthier relations between the civilian and uniformed members and to the SAMA as a whole. Recommendations for further consideration and action by the Military Academy were given.

Performance optimization of engineering systems with particular reference to dry-cooled power plants /

Conradie, Antonie Eduard. January 1995 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 1995. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

Low earth orbit satellite constellation control using atmospheric drag /

Du Toit, Daniel N. J. January 1997 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph. D.)--University of Stellenbosch, 1997. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet

A review of obturating materials and obturation techniques used in current endodontic therapy with special reference to the Western Cape

Venter, Johan Adriaan January 1981 (has links)
Magister Chirurgiae Dentium (MChD) / A review of current root canal obturating materials and obturation techniques was undertaken. This was prompted by the wide variety of the materials and techniques currently being used in the Western Cape. A questionnaire was circulated to 320 members of the Cape (Western) Branch of the D.A.S.A. A viable return of 54,43% was received and this data was studied to determine the pattern of usage of the different materials and techniques in the sample area. Gutta- percha proved to be the mo~t popular obturating material (64,4X) and the gutta-percha lateral condensation technique was indicated by 32,7% of the respondents as being used by them. The cement sealer employed by most respondents was Endométhasone .(38,2%), followed by Riebler's paste (17,3%) and zinc oxide-eugenol (12,5%). This is contrary to the current teaching at the Dental Faculty of the University of Stellenbosch. An extensive review of the literature on obturating mater ials and techniques was undertaken with consideration to the composition and the physical, chemical and sealing properties of the materials being gi ven. Adverse tissue reacti ons caused by the different materials were reviewed as were any peculiarities of the root canal obturation technique. The expected success or failure rates of relevant techniques were considered as well as their advantages and disadvantages. In conclusion certain recommendations as to viable changes to the present endodontic curriculum of the Dental Faculty, University of Stellenbosch are made, based on information revealed by this study.

Opportunities and challenges for the banking sector in Sub-Sahara Africa

Theunissen, George Muller 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The lack of development and growth are characteristics of the Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) region . Globally there are huge concerns about this and there are various initiatives to address the under development and poverty in this region. The most important of these initiatives, is the United Nations' Millennium Goals. In focusing on SSA, various challenges can be highlighted that impact negatively on the business (especially the banking) environment. These challenges are spread across the whole spectrum of spheres of influences, namely from the political to the economical environment on the one side to the social and technological environment on the other side. The region is in desperate need of help with regard to their development. These challenges are unfortunately huge obstacles for prospective investors. Many of the multi national (including South African) banks have identified the region as an area where they can reap high returns on their investments, whilst maintaining and even increasing their presence. In most cases the South African banks are focusing on expanding their involvement in the region but they must realise that they will not only have to compete with the local banks but also with the bigger role players in global banking. Unfortunately the existing multi-national banks have already captured the corporate market. New entrance and expansions will have to target the SMME and large retail markets that carry more risk and will be more challenging to service due to the lack of infrastructure in especially the rural areas. Many opportunities exist for South African banks in the SSA region. The dominant features of these opportunities are the leveraging off their South African operations and building on their experience in handling change and re-engineering of the banking sector. Existing product- and service offerings can be adjusted and rolled out to the region. Creativity will play an important role in assisting in the development of the region. Partnerships with local businesses and the community can assist to mobilize the lower end of the market and capture huge un-banked population. This will generate huge transaction volumes that will spread the cost and contributes to acceptable returns on investments. The involvement of the South African banks will have implications for all the stakeholders in the region. The most important aspect is finding a balance between the needs of the different stakeholders. The benefits stemming from this will contribute towards the region's escape from the deadlock of poverty. Although there are many challenges, the opportunities of extending into the undeveloped market must be seen as outweighing it. The key to success lies in the approach of the banks toward the SSA region and their ability to be seen as partners in developing the region. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebrek aan ontwikkeling en groei is kenmerke van die Sub-Sahara Afrika (SSA) streek. Wereldwyd is daar groot besorgdheid hieroor en verskeie inisiatiewe is geloods om die onderontwikkeling en armoede aan te spreek. Die heel belangrikste hiervan is die Verenigte Nasies se Millennium Doelwitte. Die fokus op die SSA streek lig heelwat negatiewe uitdagings vir die besighede (veral die bankwese) omgewing uit. Die uitdagings strek oor die volle spektrum van die ekonomiese aktiwiteite, naamlik vanaf die politieke tot die ekonomiese omgewing aan die een kant tot by die sosiale en tegnologiese gebiede aan die ander kant. Die streek smeek vir hulp en ondersteuning in die ontwikkeling daarvan. Die voorgenoemde uitdagings is groot hindernisse vir voornemende beleggers. Baie van die multi-nasionale (insluitende die Suid Afrikaanse) banke het die streek geidentifiseer as 'n gebied waar hulle hoe opbrengste kan verdien op hul investering en waar hul teenwoordigheid behou en selfs vergroot kan word. Die meeste Suid- Afikaanse banke wil hul teenwoordigheid vergroot, maar hulle moet besef dat hulle nie net teen die plaaslike banke moet kompeteer nie, maar ook met die bekende internasionale banke. Die internasionale banke is ongelukkig reeds goed ingegrawe in die korporatiewe mark. Nuwe toetredes en uitbreidings sal op die kleinsake ondernemings en groot klein handel mark moet fokus. Die mark segmente het hoer risiko profiele en is ook uitdagend om te diens as gevolg van die gebrek aan infrastruktuur in veral die plattelandse streke. Baie geleenthede vir die Suid Afrikaanse banke bestaan in die streek. Die belangrikste hiervan is die geleentheid om te steun op hul Suid Afrikaanse aktiwiteite, asook om te steun op hul ervaring ten opsigte van hantering van verandering en die herontwerp van die prosesse in bankwese. Bestaande produkte en dienste kan aangepas en uitgerol word in die streek. Kreatiwiteit sal egter 'n groot rol speel in die ontwikkeling van die streek. Vennootskappe met plaaslike besighede en gemeenskappe sal help om die onderste deel van die mark te mobiliseer en die groot getalle kliente wat nog nie van bankdienste gebruik maak nie te bereik. Dit sal bydra tot groot transaksie volumes wat die koste per transaksie sal verminder en aanvaarbare opbrengs op belegging sal gee. Die betrokkenheid van die Suid-Alrikaanse banke sal 'n invloed he op alle belange groepe in die streek. Die belangrikste sleutel tot sukses is om 'n balans te vind tussen die behoeftes van die verskillende belange groepe. Die voordele wat hieruit spruit sal die streek help om van die wurggreep van armoede te ontsnap. Alhoewel die onderontwikkelde markte baie uitdagings het, word dit oortref deur die geleenthede wat dit bied. Die sleutel tot sukses is die aanslag van die banke en hul vermoe om gesien te word as vennote in die ontwikkeling van die streek.

Sources of authority and effectiveness thereof for project managers at a South African automotive manufacturer

Kruger, W. E.(Wessel Edward) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research is a mini-study project that involves a Iiterature study of secondary sources as well as a questionnaire distributed within Nissan South Africa (NSA) to obtain primary data. A natural outflow from the matrix structure applied at NSA is the lack of positional authority for project managers to request resources from other functional departments; resulting in a "responsibility-author~ gap". This research project attempts to determine which sources of influence, as well as their effectiveness perceived by project team members, are used to overcome the "responsibility-authority gap" at NSA. A representative sample of questionnaires was received from respondents within NSA. According to the questionnaire results, the most important influence methods project managers should use, as preferred by project team members, were determined as project authority, professional integrity, knowledge and work challenge for the members. A positive correlation for all the project manager influence methods used at NSA when the project managers' effectiveness rating in completing projects, indicates that project personnel positively associates the above mentioned influence methods with a project managers' effectiveness. Project managers' preferred leadership techniques at NSA to overcome their "responsibility--authority gap" was found to be negotiation, personality and/or persuasive ability and competence. Based on the study, the most prominent need at NSA, work challenge, requires management intervention if employee satisfaction and retention requires improvement. The writer recommend that assigned tasks should be professionally challenging to project team members. The writer feels confident that the research done within this study is a helpful contribution to the pool of knowledge, regarding project manager influence styles and the relative effectiveness of each. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing is 'n mini studie projek wat 'n literatuur studie bevat vanaf sekondere bronne. Die navorsing projek het ook 'n vraeboog behels wat binne Nissan Suid Afrika (NSA) versprei is om primere data te verkry. 'n Natuurlike uitvloeisel van die matriks struktuur toegepas by NSA is die tekort aan posisionele outoriteit vir projek bestuurders om bronne te verkry van funksionele departemente; die resultaat is 'n "verantwoordelikheid- outoriteit gaping". Hierdie navorsings projek probeer om vas te stel watter bronne van invloed, en ook die effektiwiteit daarvan soos ervaar deur projek spanlede, word gebruik om die "verantwoordelikheid-authoriteits gaping" te oorkom by NSA. 'n Verteenwoordigde monster van vraeboe is ontvang vanaf respondente in NSA. Volgens die vraeboe se resultate is die belangrikste invloedmetode wat projek bestuurders moet gebruik, soos verkies deur projek spanlede, vasgestel as projek outoriteit, professionele integriteit, kennis en werk uitdaging vir die spanlede. 'n Positiewe korrelasie is gevind vir al die projekbestuur metodes wat gebruik word by NSA, met die projek bestuurder se effektiwitiet ten opsigte van die voltooing van projekte. Hierdie postiewe korrelasie dui aan dat projekspanlede bogenoemde invloed metodes positief aan 'n projek bestuurder se effektiwiteit koppel. Projekbestuurders se gekose leierskap metodes om hul verantwoordelikheidoutorite- gaping" te oorkom is bepaal as onderhandeling, persoonlikheid en/of oorredings-vermoë en bevoegdheid. Die studie het bevind dat die mees prominente behoefte, werk uitdaging vir die spanlede, benodig bestuurs intervensie as werknemer satisfaksie en behoud verbeter wil word. Die skrywer beveel aan dat take wat aan projekspanlede gegee word moet profesioneel uitdagend wees. Die skrywer voel optimisties dat die navorsing in die studie positief kan bydra tot die huidige poel van kennis, in verband met projekbestuurder invloedmetodes en die relatiewe effektiwiteit van elk.

Investigating social media usage patterns in the stakeholder groups of the University of Stellenbosch Business School

Lazier, Natalie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Popularity of social media sites is growing at a fast rate and many businesses and higher education institutions are attempting to successfully engage with their stakeholders using this new interactive medium that facilitates ‘many-to-many’ communication. There are several forms of social media and users have many options available to them, ranging from the more generic social networking sites, like Facebook, to more niche sites, like BlackPlanet that targets black African Americans. The focus of this research is on the social media usage patterns and trends in the stakeholder groups of the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB). Eight stakeholder groups were identified and they consist of the following groups and USB departments: i) USB prospective students; ii) USB current students, busy with their research reports; iii) USB current students, not busy with their research reports; iv) USB alumni; v) USB course administrators; vi) USB academic faculty members; vii) USB research supervisors; viii) USB Marketing and Communication Division. The analysis showed that the social media site Facebook is popular among all stakeholder groups of the USB, followed by LinkedIn and YouTube. Furthermore, Facebook and LinkedIn were cited as the preferred social media sites for the USB to use in communicating with its stakeholder groups. Additionally, respondents indicated strong privacy concerns with the use of social media. Numerous other similarities and differences by gender, age group and stakeholder groups were discussed in the findings. Combined with information from literature, these findings were translated into a multistep plan to improve the communication among the USB’s stakeholder groups. The fast-changing social media landscape requires businesses and higher education institutions, like the USB, to stay abreast of the latest user trends to ensure continued interaction with their stakeholders. Therefore, regular investigations by the USB into the use of social media by its stakeholder groups are required in the foreseeable future.

An analysis of the University of Stellenbosch Business School personal leadership development journey and camparing it with recent literature on adult learning theory

Dehnicke, Dorothee Christine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work provides a comprehensive overview of the theories on adult learning. For each approach, the applicability for a leadership development programme is discussed. If available, examples for the use of a certain theory in a leadership course as part of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme are provided. An overview of the Personal Leadership Development Journey (PLDJ) of the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) is provided. The structure of the programme demonstrates the application of certain adult learning theories. Interviews with the alumni of the programme show how successfully the adult learning theories are practised and to what extent students have found them useful. Gaps in these interviews are pointed out with reference to the theories on adult learning. As an example, there is a certain body of literature on transformative learning as a subcategory of adult learning. In this case, two different theoretical approaches are explained, of which one is a more general discussion on adult learning and the other is focused on leadership development. Then an example of the application of this theory at the Institut Européen des d’Administration d’Affaires (INSEAD) shows how other business schools employ the theory in practice. In this case, the practical example is a leadership course as such, not a general MBA programme. The reason for this is that examples which match the situation at the USB exactly can not always be found. In the interviews, alumni of the USB were asked how the PLDJ impacted their professional and their private life. So indirectly, students were asked if a transformative learning process had taken place and how they would describe it. The analysis of the results is used to point out the strength of the programme as well as gaps, which could be addressed for future improvement.

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