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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude de la dispersion de nanoparticules dans le sillage d’obstacles : cas d’un véhicule automobile / Nanoparticles dispersion study in the wake of obstacles : case of a motor vehicle

Keita, Namamoudou Sidiki 17 December 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, l’étude des interactions entre des particules ultrafines émises par les pots d’échappement et l’écoulement de sillage créé par le véhicule émetteur a été réalisée principalement selon une approche numérique. Une campagne expérimentale a été conduite à des fins de validation. L’objet de la thèse vise à comprendre l’impact des particules issues des pots d’échappement sur l’environnement proche tant du côté piéton que du côté des passagers des véhicules suiveurs. Pour cela, l’écoulement du fluide a été traité avec une approche eulérienne type URANS (Unsteady Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes) combinée à un suivi lagrangien pour les nanoparticules. En effet, cette thèse est conduite en parallèle d’un projet collaboratif financé par l’ADEME (CAPTIHV) dont le but est d’évaluer la qualité de l’air des habitacles des véhicules automobiles, et en particulier de l’infiltration des particules ultrafines issues du trafic environnant. L’étude de la dispersion des particules fines en écoulements turbulents nécessite une analyse fine des structures turbulentes qui s’y développent. Notre étude numérique a donc consisté, en premier lieu, à analyser cette dispersion dans le cas d’un écoulement de sillage classique à l’aval d’un cylindre. Cela nous a permis de caractériser la dynamique d’interactions de nanoparticules solides de carbone avec les structures tourbillonnaires en considérant l’impact de la turbulence et de la diffusion brownienne. Cela a permis d’évaluer l’influence des principaux mécanismes influençant la dispersion. Les résultats de ces simulations nous ont permis de sélectionner les mécanismes/forces importants pouvant influencer la dispersion de telles particules dans le sillage d’un véhicule automobile ; Cela nous a facilité la mise en place et l’analyse des simulations relativement plus complexes de l’aérodynamique du corps d’Ahmed à culot droit en présence des nanoparticules simulant les suies des gaz d’échappement. Les interactions des particules ultrafines avec les structures tourbillonnaires se créant dans le sillage des véhicules ont été évaluées à partir de profils de concentrations et les coefficients de dispersions transversales. La dernière étape a consisté en une campagne d’essais en soufflerie qui nous a permis de caractériser les champs de vitesses moyens et turbulents ainsi que les champs de concentrations particulaires à l’aval du véhicule pour valider les résultats numériques / In this thesis, the study of the interactions between ultrafine particles emitted by the exhaust pipes and the wake flow generated by the emitting vehicle was carried out mainly using a numerical approach. An experimental campaign was conducted for validation purpose. The goal of the thesis is to understand the impact of exhaust particles on the surrounding environment on both the pedestrian and the passengers of the following vehicles. For this purpose, the fluid flow was resolved with an Eulerian type URANS model (Unsteady Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes) combined to the Lagrangian approach for the nanoparticles trajectories calculation. This thesis is conducted simultaneously with a collaborative project funded by ADEME (CAPTIHV) whose purpose is to assess the air quality of automotive car cabins, and particulate infiltration from the surrounding traffic in particular of ultrafine particles. The study of the dispersion of fine particles in turbulent flows requires a fine analysis of the turbulent structures that develop in such flows. Our numerical study therefore consisted, first, in analyzing this dispersion in the case of a classic wake flow downstream of a cylinder. This enabled us to characterize the interaction of solid carbon nanoparticles with vortical structures evaluating at the same time the impact of turbulence and Brownian diffusion. This allowed determining the influence of the main mechanisms influencing nanoparticles dispersion. In a second step, we replaced the cylinder configuration by a simplified geometry of a motor vehicle, Ahmed body configuration. Therefore, simulations with and without of particles presence have been conducted and have allowed to highlight the swirls structures and to characterize the particles dispersion through particle concentration profiles and the particles dispersion coefficients. The results of these simulations allowed us determining the important mechanisms / forces that can influence the dispersion of such particles in the wake of a ground vehicle; this facilitated the implementation and analysis of relatively more complex simulations of the aerodynamics of the square back Ahmed body in the presence of nanoparticles simulating soot from the exhaust gases. The interactions of ultrafine particles with vortical structures appearing in the wake of vehicles were evaluated from concentration profiles and transverse dispersion coefficients. The final step was a wind tunnel experimental campaign that allowed us to characterize the average and turbulent velocity fields as well as the particle concentration fields downstream of the vehicle to validate the numerical results

Modeling of Mixing in Cross Junction using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Hammoudi, Hellen 06 August 2021 (has links)
Research has shown that mixing in cross-junctions in water distribution systems is far from perfect, and that the entering fluids bifurcate from each other rather than mix. The purpose of this thesis is to study the behaviour of two fluids entering a cross-junction in a water distribution system. In this context, experimental tests and numerical simulations are performed in order to produce and test the mixing at cross-junctions. This study focuses on cross-junctions with equal pipe diameters, with flows that can vary from laminar to turbulent. The fluids are pure water and tracer. Different tracer materials with various flow configurations were tested experimentally and numerically. Firstly, an experimental study of mixing in cross-junctions was performed at the TZW: DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser (German Water Center) in Dresden. This experimental study pro-vides an overview of the parameters that can affect the mixing in cross-junctions, and is used to validate the numerical simulations. Different numerical approaches for modelling the mixing in cross-junctions are presented. The simulations use an existing commercial CFD code, ANSYS CFX 19.1, and are also extensively validated using experimental and numerical results from other researchers. In ANSYS CFX there are several models that can be used to simulate the mixing of two fluids. In this study both fluids are considered to be isothermal incompressible and without phase change. Two mixing models are tested: the additional variable model and the multi-component model. The three-dimensional models use RANS turbulence models and LES simulations. The parameters of the numerical setup were investigated carefully in order to study their effect on the results. Furthermore, the effect of changing the turbulent Schmidt number in the RANS simulations was extensively studied, and the results are compared with the experimental results. The accuracy of using Large eddy simulation to simulate mixing in cross junction is also tested, taking into consideration the required mesh resolution and the turbulence in the initial bound-ary conditions. This work presents an applicable numerical approach to simulate the fluid behaviours in cross-junctions. Using this approach, the effect of different parameters is tested, such as: Reynolds number, pipe diameter, mixing time, diffusivity and density difference. The results produced using the numerical approach revealed that one of the main parameters that affect the mixing is the density difference. It has a great effect on the outgoing concentration in cross-junctions, and the mixing behaviour changes when the tracer material and the flow regime are changed. The used approach will help to investigate the effect of various flow parameters on the mixing in cross-junctions. Based on the data set of this study, an empirical conceptual model for mixing in cross-junction is also presented using multiple regression, and there is potential for this model to be further developed in combination with experimental and numerical studies.:Abstract Kurzfassung Nomenclature List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction and Literature Review 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Literature Review 1.2.1 Transport in water distribution system 1.2.2 Mixing in pipe junctions 1.3 Research problems 1.4 Research methodology and objectives 2 Theoretical Background 2.1 Basic equations and terms in pipe hydraulic 2.1.1 Conservation of mass (the equation of continuity) 2.1.2 Conservation of momentum (the Navier-Stokes equations) 2.1.3 Contaminant transport (transport equation) 2.1.4 Reynolds number 2.1.5 Flow development in pipes 2.1.6 Velocity distribution in pipe flows 2.1.7 Definition of concentration and mass fraction 2.1.8 Viscosity 2.2 Turbulence and modeling 2.2.1 Spatial discretization methods 2.2.2 Turbulence models 2.2.3 Direct numerical simulation (DNS) 2.2.4 Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANS) 2.2.5 Large eddy simulation 2.3 Modeling of mixing in ANSYS CFX 2.3.1 Additional variable 2.3.2 Multi-component flow model 2.3.3 Two-phase flow model 2.4 Mixing in cross-junctions (available models) 2.4.1 Complete mixing model 2.4.2 Bulk advective mixing model (BAM) 2.4.3 BAM-Wrap mixing model 2.4.4 Shao mixing model 3 Experimental Study 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Description of the model network 3.3 Results and discussion 3.3.1 Turbulent flow experiments 3.3.2 Laminar flow experiments 3.3.3 The interpolation of the experimental results 3.4 Conclusion 4 3D Numerical Study using ANSYS CFX 4.1 Introduction to ANSYS CFX 4.1.1 Model setup in ANSYS CFX 4.1.2 Modeling of mixing in cross-junctions 4.2 Additional variable model 4.2.1 Application of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes simulation 4.2.2 Sensitivity analysis of URANS simulations 4.2.3 Application of the large eddy simulation 4.2.4 Summary 4.3 Multi-component flow model 4.3.1 Setup of the multi-component simulation model 4.3.2 Results and discussion 4.4 Summary 5 Mixing Model for Cross junction 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Parameter sensitivity Analysis 5.2.1 The influence of changing the Reynolds number 5.2.2 The influence of changing the pipe diameter 5.2.3 The influence of the inflow and outflow ratios 5.2.4 The influence of changing the tracer properties 5.2.5 The influence of the pipe roughness 5.3 Conceptual model for mixing in cross junction 6 Summary 7 Outlook References APPENDIX A APPENDIX B / Frühere Forschungsergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass das Vermischen von gelösten Substanzen in Rohrkreuzen in Wasserversorgungssystemen alles andere als perfekt ist und wenn zwei Flüssigleiten in einem Rohrkreuz eintreten, trennen sie sich eher voneinander anstatt sich zu vermischen. Das Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit ist es, das Verhalten von zwei Flüssigkeiten in einem Rohrkreuz zu untersuchen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden experimentelle Unter-suchungen und numerische Strömungssimulationen durchgeführt, um das Vermischen an Kreuzungspunkten in Wasserversorgungssystemen zu untersuchen. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf Rohrkreuzen mit gleichen Rohrdurchmessern in Strömungen, die von laminar bis turbulent variieren können. Verschiedene Eigenschaften der Flüssigkeiten mit verschiedenen Strömungskonfigurationen wurden experimentell und numerisch getestet. Zunächst wurden im TZW (DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser) die experimentellen Untersuchungen zum Mi-schen in Rohrkreuzungen durchgeführt. Die durchgeführten experimentellen Untersuchungen bieten einen Überblick über die Parameter, die das Mischverhältnis in Kreuzungspunkten be-einflussen können, und werden zur Validierung der numerischen Simulationen verwendet. Verschiedene numerische Ansätze zur Modellierung des Vermischens in Rohrkreuzen werden vorgestellt. Die 3D-numerische Strömungssimulationen verwenden einen vorhandenen kommerziellen CFD-Code, ANSYS CFX 19.1, und werden auch anhand experimenteller und numerischer Ergebnisse anderer Forscher umfassend validiert. In ANSYS CFX gibt es mehre-re Modelle, mit denen das Vermischen von Flüssigkeiten simuliert werden kann. In dieser Arbeit werden beide Flüssigkeiten als isotherm, inkompressibel und ohne Phasenwechsel betrachtet. Es werden zwei Mischmodelle getestet: das Additional Variable Model und das Multi-component Model. Die 3D -Strömungsmodelle verwenden RANS-Turbulenzmodelle und LES-Simulationen. Die Parameter des numerischen Aufbaus wurden sorgfältig untersucht, um ihre Auswirkung auf die Ergebnisse zu untersuchen. Darüber hinaus wurde der Einfluss der Änderung der turbulenten Schmidt-Zahl in den RANS-Simulationen ausführlich untersucht und die Ergebnisse mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen verglichen. Die Genauigkeit der Ver-wendung einer Large-Eddy-Simulation zur Simulation des Vermischens in Rohrkreuz wird ebenfalls getestet, wobei die erforderliche Netzauflösung und die Turbulenzen in den An-fangs- und Randbedingungen berücksichtigt werden. Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen anwend-baren numerischen Ansatz zur Simulation des Fließverhaltens in Rohrkreuzen. Mit diesem Ansatz wird die Wirkung verschiedener Parameter getestet, z. B.: Reynolds-Zahl, Rohrdurch-messer, Vermischungszeit, Diffusivität und Dichteunterschied. Die mit den numerischen Mo-dellen erzielten Ergebnisse zeigten, dass einer der Hauptparameter, die das Vermischen in Rohrkreuzen beeinflussen, der Dichteunterschied ist, welcher einen großen Einfluss auf die ausgehende Konzentration in Kreuzungen hat. Der verwendete numerische Ansatz wird dazu beitragen, die Auswirkung verschiedener Strömungsparameter auf das Vermischen in Rohr-kreuzen zu untersuchen. Basierend auf dem Datensatz dieser Studie wird auch ein empiri-sches konzeptionelles Modell für das Vermischen in Rohrkreuz unter Verwendung multipler Regression vorgestellt. Dieses Modell kann in Kombination mit experimentellen und numeri-schen Studien weiterentwickelt werden.:Abstract Kurzfassung Nomenclature List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction and Literature Review 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Literature Review 1.2.1 Transport in water distribution system 1.2.2 Mixing in pipe junctions 1.3 Research problems 1.4 Research methodology and objectives 2 Theoretical Background 2.1 Basic equations and terms in pipe hydraulic 2.1.1 Conservation of mass (the equation of continuity) 2.1.2 Conservation of momentum (the Navier-Stokes equations) 2.1.3 Contaminant transport (transport equation) 2.1.4 Reynolds number 2.1.5 Flow development in pipes 2.1.6 Velocity distribution in pipe flows 2.1.7 Definition of concentration and mass fraction 2.1.8 Viscosity 2.2 Turbulence and modeling 2.2.1 Spatial discretization methods 2.2.2 Turbulence models 2.2.3 Direct numerical simulation (DNS) 2.2.4 Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANS) 2.2.5 Large eddy simulation 2.3 Modeling of mixing in ANSYS CFX 2.3.1 Additional variable 2.3.2 Multi-component flow model 2.3.3 Two-phase flow model 2.4 Mixing in cross-junctions (available models) 2.4.1 Complete mixing model 2.4.2 Bulk advective mixing model (BAM) 2.4.3 BAM-Wrap mixing model 2.4.4 Shao mixing model 3 Experimental Study 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Description of the model network 3.3 Results and discussion 3.3.1 Turbulent flow experiments 3.3.2 Laminar flow experiments 3.3.3 The interpolation of the experimental results 3.4 Conclusion 4 3D Numerical Study using ANSYS CFX 4.1 Introduction to ANSYS CFX 4.1.1 Model setup in ANSYS CFX 4.1.2 Modeling of mixing in cross-junctions 4.2 Additional variable model 4.2.1 Application of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes simulation 4.2.2 Sensitivity analysis of URANS simulations 4.2.3 Application of the large eddy simulation 4.2.4 Summary 4.3 Multi-component flow model 4.3.1 Setup of the multi-component simulation model 4.3.2 Results and discussion 4.4 Summary 5 Mixing Model for Cross junction 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Parameter sensitivity Analysis 5.2.1 The influence of changing the Reynolds number 5.2.2 The influence of changing the pipe diameter 5.2.3 The influence of the inflow and outflow ratios 5.2.4 The influence of changing the tracer properties 5.2.5 The influence of the pipe roughness 5.3 Conceptual model for mixing in cross junction 6 Summary 7 Outlook References APPENDIX A APPENDIX B

CFD prediction of ship response to extreme winds and/or waves

Mousaviraad, Sayyed Maysam 01 May 2010 (has links)
The effects of winds and/or waves on ship motions, forces, moments, maneuverability and controllability are investigated with URANS computations. The air/water flow computations employ a semi-coupled approach in which water is not affected by air, but air is computed assuming the free surface as a moving immersed boundary. The exact potential solution of waves/wind problem is modified introducing a logarithmic blending in air, and imposed as boundary and initial conditions. The turbulent air flows over 2D water waves are studied to investigate the effects of waves on incoming wind flow. Ship airwake computations are performed with different wind speeds and directions for static drift and dynamic PMM in calm water, pitch and heave in regular waves, and 6DOF motions in irregular waves simulating hurricane CAMILLE. Ship airwake analyses show that the vortical structures evolve due to ship motions and affect the ship dynamics significantly. Strong hurricane head and following winds affect up to 28% the resistance and 7% the motions. Beam winds have most significant effects causing considerable roll motion and drift forces, affecting the controllability of the ship. A harmonic wave group single run seakeeping procedure is developed, validated and compared with regular wave and transient wave group procedures. The regular wave procedure requires multiple runs, whereas single run procedures obtain the RAOs for a range of frequencies at a fixed speed, assuming linear ship response. The transient wave group procedure provides continuous RAOs, while the harmonic wave group procedure obtains discrete transfer functions, but without focusing. Verification and validation studies are performed for transient wave group procedure. Validation is achieved at the average interval of 9.54 (%D). Comparisons of the procedures show that harmonic wave group is the most efficient, saving 75.8% on the computational cost compared to regular wave procedure. Error values from all procedures are similar at 4 (%D). Harmonic wave group procedure is validated for a wide range of Froude numbers, with satisfactory results. Deterministic wave groups are used for three sisters rogue waves modeling. A 6DOF ship simulation is demonstrated which shows total loss of controllability with extreme ship motions, accelerations and structural loads.

Simulation based design for high speed sea lift with waterjets by high fidelity urans approach

Takai, Tomohiro 01 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

A Comparative Study of the SIMPLE and Fractional Step Time Integration Methods for Transient Incompressible Flows

Hines, Jonathan January 2008 (has links)
Time integration methods are necessary for the solution of transient flow problems. In recent years, interest in transient flow problems has increased, leading to a need for better understanding of the costs and benefits of various time integration schemes. The present work investigates two common time integration schemes, namely the Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations (SIMPLE) and the Fractional Step (FS) method. Three two-dimensional, transient, incompressible flow problems are solved using a cell centered, finite volume code. The three test cases are laminar flow in a lid-driven skewed cavity, laminar flow over a square cylinder, and turbulent flow over a square cylinder. Turbulence is modeled using wall functions and the k - ε turbulence model with the modifications suggested by Kato and Launder. Solution efficiency as measured by the effort carried out by the flow equation solver and CPU time is examined. Accuracy of the results, generated using the SIMPLE and FS time integration schemes, is analyzed through a comparison of the results with existing experimental and/or numerical solutions. Both the SIMPLE and FS algorithms are shown to be capable of solving benchmark flow problems with reasonable accuracy. The two schemes differ slightly in their prediction of flow evolution over time, especially when simulating very slowly changing flows. As the time step size decreases, the SIMPLE algorithm computational cost (CPU time) per time step remains approximately constant, while the FS method experiences a reduction in cost per time step. Also, the SIMPLE algorithm is numerically stable for time steps approaching infinity, while the FS scheme suffers from numerical instability if the time step size is too large. As a result, the SIMPLE algorithm is recommended to be used for transient simulations with large time steps or steady state problems while the FS scheme is better suited for small time step solutions, although both time-stepping schemes are found to be most efficient when their time steps are at their maximum stable value.

A Comparative Study of the SIMPLE and Fractional Step Time Integration Methods for Transient Incompressible Flows

Hines, Jonathan January 2008 (has links)
Time integration methods are necessary for the solution of transient flow problems. In recent years, interest in transient flow problems has increased, leading to a need for better understanding of the costs and benefits of various time integration schemes. The present work investigates two common time integration schemes, namely the Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations (SIMPLE) and the Fractional Step (FS) method. Three two-dimensional, transient, incompressible flow problems are solved using a cell centered, finite volume code. The three test cases are laminar flow in a lid-driven skewed cavity, laminar flow over a square cylinder, and turbulent flow over a square cylinder. Turbulence is modeled using wall functions and the k - ε turbulence model with the modifications suggested by Kato and Launder. Solution efficiency as measured by the effort carried out by the flow equation solver and CPU time is examined. Accuracy of the results, generated using the SIMPLE and FS time integration schemes, is analyzed through a comparison of the results with existing experimental and/or numerical solutions. Both the SIMPLE and FS algorithms are shown to be capable of solving benchmark flow problems with reasonable accuracy. The two schemes differ slightly in their prediction of flow evolution over time, especially when simulating very slowly changing flows. As the time step size decreases, the SIMPLE algorithm computational cost (CPU time) per time step remains approximately constant, while the FS method experiences a reduction in cost per time step. Also, the SIMPLE algorithm is numerically stable for time steps approaching infinity, while the FS scheme suffers from numerical instability if the time step size is too large. As a result, the SIMPLE algorithm is recommended to be used for transient simulations with large time steps or steady state problems while the FS scheme is better suited for small time step solutions, although both time-stepping schemes are found to be most efficient when their time steps are at their maximum stable value.

Advanced methods for dynamic aeroelastic analysis of rotors

Reveles, Nicolas 22 May 2014 (has links)
Simulations play an integral role in the understanding and development of rotor- craft aeromechanics. Computational Fluid Dynamics coupled with Computational Structural Dynamics (CFD/CSD) offers an excellent approach to analyzing rotors. These methods have been traditionally “loosely-coupled” where data are exchanged periodically, motion is prescribed for CFD, and the updated loads have a static component for CSD. Loosely-coupled CFD/CSD assumes the solution to be periodic, which may not be true for some simulations. “Tightly-coupled” CFD/CSD, where loads and motion are exchanged at each time step, does not make this periodic assumption and opens up new avenues of simulation to research. A major drawback to tightly-coupled CFD/CSD is an increase in computational cost. Different approaches are explored to reduce this cost as well as examine numerical implications in solutions from tightly and loosely-coupled CFD/CSD. A trim methodology optimized for tightly-coupled simulations is developed and found to bring trim costs within parity of loosely-coupled CFD/CSD simulations. Aerodynamic loading is found to be nearly similar for fixed controls. However, the lead-lag blade motion is determined to contain a harmonic in the tightly-coupled analysis that is not an integer multiple of the rotor speed. A hybrid CFD/CSD methodology employing the use of a free-wake code to model the far-field effects of the rotor wake is developed to aid in computational cost reduction. Investigation of this approach reveals that computational costs may be reduced while preserving solution accuracy. This work’s contributions to the community include the development of a trim algorithm appropriate for use in tightly-coupled CFD/CSD simulations along with a detailed examination of the physics predicted by loose and tight coupling for quasi-steady level flight conditions. The influence of the wake in such cases is directly examined using a modular hybrid coupling to a free-wake code that is capable of reduced cost computations.

Detailed Validation Assessment of Turbine Stage Disc Cavity Rotating Flows

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: The subject of this thesis is concerned with the amount of cooling air assigned to seal high pressure turbine rim cavities which is critical for performance as well as component life. Insufficient air leads to excessive hot annulus gas ingestion and its penetration deep into the cavity compromising disc life. Excessive purge air, adversely affects performance. Experiments on a rotating turbine stage rig which included a rotor-stator forward disc cavity were performed at Arizona State University. The turbine rig has 22 vanes and 28 blades, while the rim cavity is composed of a single-tooth rim lab seal and a rim platform overlap seal. Time-averaged static pressures were measured in the gas path and the cavity, while mainstream gas ingestion into the cavity was determined by measuring the concentration distribution of tracer gas (carbon dioxide). Additionally, particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure fluid velocity inside the rim cavity between the lab seal and the overlap. The data from the experiments were compared to an 360-degree unsteady RANS (URANS) CFD simulations. Although not able to match the time-averaged test data satisfactorily, the CFD simulations brought to light the unsteadiness present in the flow during the experiment which the slower response data did not fully capture. To interrogate the validity of URANS simulations in capturing complex rotating flow physics, the scope of this work also included to validating the CFD tool by comparing its predictions against experimental LDV data in a closed rotor-stator cavity. The enclosed cavity has a stationary shroud, a rotating hub, and mass flow does not enter or exit the system. A full 360 degree numerical simulation was performed comparing Fluent LES, with URANS turbulence models. Results from these investigations point to URANS state of art under-predicting closed cavity tangential velocity by 32% to 43%, and open rim cavity effectiveness by 50% compared to test data. The goal of this thesis is to assess the validity of URANS turbulence models in more complex rotating flows, compare accuracy with LES simulations, suggest CFD settings to better simulate turbine stage mainstream/disc cavity interaction with ingestion, and recommend experimentation techniques. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2016

Analysis of Distortion Transfer and Generation through a Fan and a Compressor Using Full-annulus Unsteady RANS and Harmonic Balance Approaches

Soderquist, Daniel Robert 01 April 2019 (has links)
Understanding distortion transfer and generation through fan and compressor blade rows is able to assist in blade design and performance prediction. Using full annulus unsteady RANS simulations, the effects of distortion as it passes through the rotor of a transonic fan at five radial locations (10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90% span) are analyzed. The inlet distortion profile is a 90-degree sector with a 15% total pressure deficit. Fourier distortion descriptors are used in this study to quantitatively describe distortion transfer and generation. Results are presented and compared for three operating points (near-stall, design, and choke). These results are used to explain the relationship between inlet total pressure distortion, pressure-induced swirl, total pressure distortion transfer, total temperature distortion generation, and circumferential rotor work variation. It is shown that very large changes in pressure-induced swirl and distortion transfer and generation occur between near-stall and design, but only small changes are seen between design and choke. The greatest changes are shown to be near the tip. Local power variations are shown to correlate with total pressure distortion transfer and total temperature distortion generation.It can be difficult to predict the transfer of distortion through a fan or compressor because traditional experimental and computational methods are very expensive and time consuming. The Harmonic Balance approach is a promising alternative which uses Fourier techniques to represent fluid flow solutions and which can provide unsteady solutions much more quickly than traditional unsteady solvers. Relatively little work has been done to assess how much Fourier information is necessary to calculate a sufficiently accurate solution with the Harmonic Balance Solver. A study is performed to analyze the effects of varying the amount of modal content that is used in Harmonic Balance simulations. Inlet distortion profiles with varying magnitudes are used in order to analyze trends and provide insight into the distortion flow physics for various inlet conditions. The geometry is a single stage axial compressor that consists of an inlet guide vane followed by the NASA Stage 37 rotor. It is shown that simulations with greater magnitudes of distortion require more modal content in order to achieve sufficiently accurate results. Harmonic Balance simulations are shown to have significantly lower computational costs than simulations with a conventional unsteady solver.

Study of mixing and exchange in a drinking water reservoir using CFD modeling

Rabizadeh, Nadja January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines water mixing and exchange in a drinking water reservoir operated by themunicipal association Norrvatten. Recent water samples from the reservoir’s outgoing waterhave shown an increase in culturable bacteria during late summer and fall. This thesis utilizesComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling and analysis in OpenFOAM to simulatereservoir inflow and outflow, analyzing mixing processes and their relationship to operationalstrategies. The objective is to understand the correlation between the residence time of waterand microbial growth and propose operational improvements to increase the exchange of waterin order to achieve improved water quality. A trace element was implemented in the CFDmodel to simulate the residence time of water. Initial simulations were based on the reservoir’shistorical operational data, utilizing temperature and water level measurements providedby Norrvatten. After the initial simulations, four alternative simulations were performed,comparing different operational strategies by modifying inflow parameters. Inflow parametersthat were changed were the volumetric inflow rate, water level variation, and the temperatureof the inflowing water. The post­processing in ParaView focused on the thermal stratificationand residence time distribution near the outlet during each mixing process. The study revealeda complex relationship between flow conditions and microbial growth, making it challengingto identify a clear pattern. However, based on the simulations with the alternative operationalstrategies it was concluded that the set of operational strategies called ”Strategy 1” generated themost optimal flow conditions. This strategy involves a three times larger volumetric inflow rate(an increase from 0.05 to 0.15 m^3/s) and a water level that is kept at the same values comparedto the original simulation. Strategy 1 resulted in a 3.6 % higher water exchange compared to theoriginal simulation. In comparison to the other simulated strategies, Strategy 1 generates thehighest water exchange, with a 63.6 % increase compared to the worst­-case scenario involvingcolder inflow. The conclusion that could be drawn is that the most favorable operationalstrategies involve higher volumetric inflow rates, lower water levels, and an incoming watertemperature that is higher than the initial reservoir temperature.

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