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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bra läge men dåligt rykte : En jämförande historisk studie av tre stadsdelar i Borås, Eskilstuna och Gävle / Good location but bad reputation : A comparative historical study of three city sections in Borås, Eskilstuna and Gävle

Sundin, Mats January 2007 (has links)
Centrally located problem areas of today, with suburban-like modernist architecture, are an anomaly in Sweden. The purpose of the present study is to investigate this Swedish anomaly by comparing three such city sections – Norrby in Borås, Nyfors in Eskilstuna and Öster in Gävle – and to try to answer the question: what type of case is this? To answer this question, a theoretical perspective distinguishing habitation, population and images is developed using concepts from Bourdieu, Elias and Scotson, Goffman, Lefebvre and Østerberg. Methodologically, this is a detailed comparative case study of the history of these three city sections in three or four phases, from before to after their thorough urban renewal in the 1960s. Once, these habitations developed in concert with their city into a working-class area, just beside the city centre, but beyond the railway station. After WWII, they became subjects of renewal, thus afflicted by a slum process that preceded demolition. The new habitation was planned for housing a working-class population. Suburban-like in shape, it was nevertheless part of an inner-city renewal. The new habitation became a target for critique already during the renewal process, a critique that was cast in the same terms as the critique of the suburbs of the time: Images of poor and troublesome outdoor milieus, social problems of different kinds, empty apartments, high turn over, immigrants and refugees were produced, in the media but also by the inhabitants and their organizations, giving the city section a bad reputation. This was to last until the present. Yet with new investment in attractive housing in adjacent brown field areas, these areas have once again become the subject of renewal. Consequently, these areas can be identified as a case of a good location with a bad reputation, emerging from the inner-city renewal of a former working-class habitation.

Fear and Loathing in Los Angeles: Industrial Decentralization and the Rise and Fall of L.A.'s Periphery

Bargmann, Alexander 01 January 2011 (has links)
During the 1920s, Los Angeles Boosters, fearing the congestion of East coast cities,developed ideas about urban growth that emphasized industrial decentralization and urban dispersal. Before, during, and after WWII, these fears intertwined with the rise of defense related industries, particularly aviation and steel. As the city continued to grow, becoming a regional metropolis, these defense related industries, long present in Los Angeles, were brought into peripheral hubs by local boosters looking to develop places like Palmdale and Fontana. These cities grew and became, as important manufacturing and defense centers, part of the larger regional economy. These forces and boosters were key in developing Los Angeles' urban character - from its sprawl to its reliance on the military industrial complex. As American manufacturing waned and the Cold War ended, significant downsizing in these industries (Steel in Fontana and aerospace in Palmdale) led to economic and urban transformations in these peripheral hubs. No longer booming manufacturing hubs, they became distant suburbs looking for new economic lifeblood on the edges of Los Angeles's urban and industrial sprawl.

Kreativwirtschaft in Wien - eine Jahrhundertperspektive

Hromatka, Heike, Resch, Andreas 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Im vorliegenden Paper werden erstmals die endgültigen Ergebnisse der Wiener Arbeitsstättenzählung 2001 herangezogen um die Beschäftigtenzahlen in den Wiener Creative Industries (CI), gegliedert nach der "Wiener Definition" zu erstellen. Gegenüber der bisher vorliegenden, auf einer vorläufigen Auswertung basierenden Auszählung erhöht sich die Gesamtzahl der in den Wiener CI Beschäftigten um 13 Prozent auf 135.631. Dieses neue Ergebnis dient als Ausgangsbasis für den Vergleich mit den CI-Beschäftigtenzahlen im Jahr 1910 für das Beschäftigungsdaten aus der damaligen Volkszählung vorliegen. Bei dem Vergleich treten methodische und inhaltliche Probleme auf, so dass die Bereiche Bekleidungserzeugung und -handel sowie Software/Multimedia/Spiele/Internet ausgespart werden. In den so definierten CI ist die Beschäftigtenzahl von 79.601 (1910) auf 93.155 Personen (2001) gestiegen, während die Gesamtzahl der Erwerbstätigen in Wien (jeweiliger Gebietsstand) von rd. einer Million auf 820.000 Personen und die Einwohnerzahl von rd. zwei Millionen auf 1,6 Millionen zurückgegangen ist. Die Beschäftigtenzahl im Kernbereich "Content Origination" ist im Verlauf des 20. Jahrhunderts nur geringfügig gewachsen, von rd. 37.700 (1910) auf 41.100 (2001). Der Bereich "Manufacturing and Reproduction" wies mit einem Rückgang um 29,8 Prozent (von rd. 31.100 auf 21.900 Beschäftigte) eine wesentlich schwächere Schrumpfung als der gesamte Sekundärsektor auf. Zugleich konnte der Bereich "Exchange" mit einem Anstieg der Beschäftigtenzahl um 180 Prozent (von rd. 10.800 auf 30.200) erheblich stärker zulegen als der Handel generell. Diese Daten machen deutlich, dass von den CI in der Jahrhundertentwicklung stark positive Effekte auf die vor- und nachgelagerten Bereiche ausgingen, während der Kernbereich Content Origination im Hinblick auf die Beschäftigtenzahlen weitgehend stagnierte.(Autorenref.) / Series: Creative Industries in Vienna: Development, Dynamics and Potentials

Outside the Walls: Civic Belonging and Contagious Disease in Sixteenth-Century Nuremberg

Newhouse, Amy Melinda January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation explores the relationship between the imperial city of Nuremberg and its extramural, contagious disease hospitals (i.e. for leprosy, plague and syphilis) between 1490 and 1585. It analyzes to what extent the patients in these outlying institutions belonged to the city or were ostracized from it. The diseases presented in three drastically different ways, providing a comparative framework to analyze early modern concepts of vulnerability to disease and levels of accepted responsibility for its citizens, inhabitants, and foreigners. My project takes Nuremberg as a conceptual unit and analytically slices it multiple ways in order to explore whether the outlying patients were inside or outside of the boundaries of the city. I begin by focusing on the hospitals' fundamental "separated status" as geographically outside the boundary of the city walls. I then complicate this simple definition by exploring the geographic and physical movements of the contagious disease workers as they were the corporal instruments of disease care; the expenditure of the city's resources in the supply of nutrition to the patients; and the provision of patients' spiritual services as their symbolic participation in Nuremberg's Body of Christ. I argue that the inhabitants of Nuremberg's contagious disease hospitals were separated outside the walls in order to limit the city's vulnerability to their contaminating physical condition, but they still belonged under the city’s administration, provision, and protection, and, therefore, within the boundary of civic responsibility. In the movement of bodies, all of these seemingly competing boundaries were observed simultaneous, creating the paradoxical position of the extramural patients and continuously redefining Nuremberg as a civic unit.


Blandford, Benjamin L 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation uses “Derby Cruising” in order to open up the tension between African Americans in Louisville and the Kentucky Derby Festival, especially as that tension was manifest in the spaces of West Louisville. The Kentucky Derby Festival has long served as a site of mediation between people of color and official Louisville. Derby Cruising (1998-2005) and protests around the open housing movement (1967) and anti-police violence (2000) are presented as three critical sites where African American expressions of identity, representation, and belonging have been negotiated through the Kentucky Derby Festival at particular historical moments and in particular places in the city. The dissertation assumes the place of these negotiations in the politics of racialization processes. It employs theories of “festival” and “carnival” inspired by the work of Bahktin, Hall, Nurse, and others in order to conceptualize transgression, protest, and community representation and highlights the importance of festival times as a critical opportunity for marginalized populations to assert a political voice, especially within African American communities. The cases are presented with information drawn from interviews with West Louisville residents, community leaders, and other affiliated officials, as well as from newspaper, media and archival sources.

The Manly Ferry: A history of the service and its operators, 1854-1974

Prescott, Anthony M January 1984 (has links)
Master of Arts / This work is the history of a particularly singular and strong human enterprise. Until the advent of several more recent interpretative works, Australian transport historiography has heavily emphasised engineering and operational development without examining the contextual social and economic forces. The Manly Ferry, with its unique contribution to the history of Sydney's development as a suburban city, provides a distinctive microcosmic example with which to illustrate the evolution of an urban society - with its emphasis on mobility - in the wake of the industrial revolution.

Villa rustica, villa suburbana : Vernacular Italianate architecture in Britain, 1800-1860

Yallop, Rosemary January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines the emergence and evolution of the Vernacular Italianate style of domestic architecture in Britain. The style was introduced in the form of a series of three country houses by John Nash in the first decade of the nineteenth century. It subsequently evolved over the next five decades into a popular template for the modest suburban house, widely disseminated through the medium of the architectural pattern books. The thesis considers the intellectual sources and antecedents which led to the emergence of this style and influenced its characteristics, analyses Nash's particular vision, and explores how the style was able to make a successful transition from villa rustica to villa suburbana, responding to the social and economic pressures which were at play in the expanding towns of the Regency and early Victorian era. It is a style which has been the subject of limited academic study to date, and the extent and significance of its role as a model villa for the new suburb is a theme which has been central to this research. A case is put forward that the style proliferated for two principal reasons: its versatility and adaptability for houses of differing physical scale and location, and its informal charm, inexpensively achieved, which conferred an air of sophistication appropriate to contemporary social aspiration. Nevertheless, as its popularity and accessibility grew over time the intellectual and aesthetic basis which underlay its origins as a product of the Picturesque aesthetic tended to be misunderstood or overlooked entirely, and by the 1860s the style had become diluted, frequently reduced to a matter of exterior detailing, with little reference either to Picturesque composition or to relationship between house and landscape, in contradiction of the tenets of Picturesque architecture propounded in the late eighteenth century, and in complete antithesis to the approach of John Nash in his original and distinctive Italianate interpretation.

Sítio Alagadiço Novo : entre valor e transformação, uma evolução da cidade de Fortaleza, CE

Maia, Marina de Castro Teixeira January 2018 (has links)
O tema desta pesquisa é a atribuição de valor no campo do Patrimônio Cultural e o Sítio Alagadiço Novo, em Fortaleza, Ceará, é seu objeto de estudo. O Sítio Alagadiço foi o local de nascimento do romancista José de Alencar e teve suas terras remanescentes tombadas em 2012 pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico Nacional (IPHAN). Propriedade da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) desde 1965, o lugar abriga a instituição Casa de José de Alencar (CJA), órgão subordinado diretamente à Reitoria da UFC. A CJA é, inclusive, a denominação por que o Sítio é mais comumente conhecido pela comunidade fortalezense hoje. Isso posto, a questão de pesquisa da dissertação é: O que legitimou o tombamento do Sítio Alagadiço Novo? A fim de responder tal pergunta primeiro levantou-se a historiografia do Sítio em ordem com a história dos Alencar e com a evolução urbana de Fortaleza. Foram estipuladas três fases que correspondem aos ciclos econômicos da cidade, bem como coincidem com os ciclos em que (I) o Sítio Alagadiço Novo não existia como tal (1700-1810); (II) em que os Alencar viveram no lugar (1810-1930) e (III) ao ciclo pós-Alencar (1930-2018). A interpretação desse recorte historiográfico foi feita por meio do uso dos conceitos de Valor e Imaginário que serviram à provação da hipótese de que o tombamento do Sítio, em sua gênese, deveu-se à introjeção de um imaginário em torno da figura do escritor José de Alencar transformado em herói local no início do século XX. / This research explores the value attribution in the field of Cultural Heritage and the Sítio Alagadiço Novo, in Fortaleza, Ceará, is the object of the study. The Sítio Alagadiço was the birthplace of the novelist José de Alencar and had its remaining lands listed in 2012 by the National Historical Heritage Institute (IPHAN). Property of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) since 1965, the place houses the institution Casa de José de Alencar (CJA), a subordinate body of the UFC’s Board. The CJA is even the denomination by which the site is most commonly known by the community of Fortaleza nowadays. With that being said, the research question of this dissertation is: What values did legitimize the heritage listing of Sítio Alagadiço Novo? In order to answer such a question, the historiography of the Site was elaborated in parallel with the history of the Alencar family and the urban evolution of Fortaleza. Three phases were stipulated corresponding to the economic cycles of the city as well as coincide with the cycles in which (I) the Sítio Alagadiço Novo did not exist as such (1700-1810); (II) in which the Alencar family lived in the place (1810-1930) and (III) the Post-Alencar cycle (1930-2018). The interpretation of this historiographic clipping was made through the use of the concepts of Value and Imaginary that served to test the following hypothesis: the listing of the Site, in its genesis, was due to the introjection of an imaginary around the figure of José de Alencar, whom was transformed into a local hero in the early 20th century.

O saneamento e as águas de Bauru: uma perspectiva histórica (1896 -1940) / Sanitation and Bauru waters: an historical perspective (1896 -1940)

Gulinelli, Érica Lemos [UNESP] 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Érica Lemos Gulinelli null (ericagulinelliarq@gmail.com) on 2016-04-04T13:58:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GaiaSofia_EricaGulinelli_Final.pdf: 3926349 bytes, checksum: 36e94620fee8b07ea2363e504280dde8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-04-05T19:13:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 guilinelli_el_me_bauru.pdf: 3926349 bytes, checksum: 36e94620fee8b07ea2363e504280dde8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-05T19:13:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 guilinelli_el_me_bauru.pdf: 3926349 bytes, checksum: 36e94620fee8b07ea2363e504280dde8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O Saneamento e a questão das águas urbanas são pertinentes e importantes para as cidades na atualidade. Entendendo as origens, problemas e conflitos do passado, pode-se discutir possíveis soluções para as adversidades diárias no momento contemporâneo. Desta forma, muitas poderiam ter sido as perspectivas para analisar o percurso pela história do saneamento da cidade. Contudo, o olhar dado a esta pesquisa parte de um questionamento central: o princípio estruturador para a coleta de referências e informações, como também, serviu de base para análises ao longo do texto. Tal questão pode ser formulada assim: como se deu a trajetória histórica do saneamento na cidade de Bauru atrelada aos aspectos do desenvolvimento econômicos, sociais, políticos e culturais, no período de sua formação urbana até a década de 1940? Percebe-se que o saneamento é visto como medida higienizadora e de embelezamento do ambiente construído, com a finalidade de prevenir doenças e manter a assepsia. A infraestrutura de água e esgoto constituiu-se como um meio de minimizar as questões relacionadas com a higiene urbana da cidade. A literatura que trata a história de sanear a cidade de Bauru é fragmentada e escassa, baseada em relatos de memorialistas. Assim, opta por uma análise integrada dos setores da história urbana, do saneamento e da saúde (por meio de ações sanitárias) com a finalidade de entender sua intrínseca relação com a demanda social, embasando-a em fatos históricos e documentação primária e técnica tais como Atas de Câmara, Códigos de Posturas, outras leis, iconografia e fontes primárias. / Sanitation and urban waters are greatly relevant and important to the cities nowadays. Understanding the origins, problems and conflicts of the past, we can discuss possible solutions for everyday adversities. The perspectives concerning to the analysis of this matter could have been done by many ways throughout the city’s sanitation history. However, the overview aimed at this research is a part of a central question, which concerns to the structuring principle of collecting references and information to make it serve as basis for analysis throughout the dissertation. This hypothesis can be formulated as the question that follows: how did the historical trajectory of sanitation in the city of Bauru tied aspects of economic, social, political and cultural development, from its urban conformation in the 1940s? It is perceived that sanitation regards both to hygiene and to environmental beautification, a concept built for the purpose of prevention of diseases and asepsis. The infrastructure of water and sewage constituted a means to minimize issues related to the urban hygiene of the city. The literature on the history of cleansing up the city of Bauru is fragmented and scarce, based mainly on memoir reports. That is why this research aims to present an integrated analysis of the sectors of urban history, sanitation and health (through sanitary actions) in order to understand its intrinsic relationship to the social demand, basing it on historical facts and technical documentation such as Board Minutes, Postures Codes, other laws, iconography and primary sources.

Fisionomia da cidade: Sorocaba - cotidiano e desenvolvimento urbano - 1890-1943 / Physiognomy of the city: Sorocaba daily routine and urban development 1890-1943

Rogério Lopes Pinheiro de Carvalho 13 June 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procura elaborar uma história sociocultural da cidade de Sorocaba, no período compreendido entre a década de 1890, quando ocorre a intensificação da industrialização na cidade, e meados dos anos 1940. Assim, o objeto a ser estudado é a própria cidade de Sorocaba nesse período, o que significa pensar a inserção e especificidade da cidade nos fluxos da modernidade, processo histórico pautado pelas transformações e adensamento das relações capitalistas no país. A partir dessa questão, procuro investigar aspectos do desenvolvimento urbano ocorrido em Sorocaba, pensando a cidade como artefato, a partir do estudo de alguns melhoramentos urbanos fundamentais como a implantação do serviço de água e esgotos e a utilização da eletricidade; e as representações, impressões e percepções elaboradas nesse contexto e que interagem com essas transformações. O que significa procurar apreender a fisionomia da cidade. Tais modificações são implementadas pelas elites dirigentes locais e que, por conta disso, constroem uma representação da cidade que a tornaria conhecida como Manchester Paulista. Portanto, o objetivo é analisar e historicizar tal construção simbólica, interagindo-a com outras representações / percepções da urbe, engendradas por diversos grupos, segmentos e classes sociais no âmbito do cotidiano; procurando, desse modo, apreender as múltiplas práticas, formas de sociabilidade, que vão se tecendo entre os diferentes atores no espaço urbano em decorrência das modificações pelas quais passa a cidade durante o período em tela. / The purpose of this research is to create a social-cultural history about the city of Sorocaba, in the corresponding period between the decade of 1890, when industrialization is intensified in the city, and the first years of the decade of 1940. Therefore the object to be studied is the city of Sorocaba itself during this period; the challenge is also to reflect about the entrance and specificity of the city in the modernity flow, a historical process regulated by the transformation and intensification of the capitalistic relations in the country. Concerning this issue, I intend to investigate aspects of the urban development that took place in Sorocaba, so in order to think of the city as an artifact, it is crucial to study a few fundamental urban improvements, like the introduction of the water and drain system and the use of electricity, and the representations, impressions and perceptions elaborated in this context that interact with these transformations. The idea is to search for and grasp the physiognomy of the city. Such modifications are implemented by the local governing elites, which consequently build an image of the city that would become known as the Manchester of São Paulo. Therefore, the aim is to analyze and historicize this symbolic construction, connecting it with other representations/ perceptions of the urbe, produced by several groups, segments and social classes in the daily routine, by this means the endeavor is to grasp the various practices, forms of sociability, that occur among different actors in the urban space as a consequence of the modifications that the city goes through during the observed period.

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