Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban lighting"" "subject:"arban lighting""
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Rethinking urban lighting : geographies of artificial lighting in everyday lifeEbbensgaard, Casper Laing January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I study the role of artificial lighting in the everyday urban life of older residents living in the London Borough of Newham. Newham's light infrastructure is currently undergoing change as the borough's entire 19,000 street lamps are being re-placed with Light Emitting Diodes and as a range of regeneration projects provide public spaces designed with new lighting. By increasing visibility and encouraging everyday activity into the evening, the Council claims that the changes in public light-ing will provide 'eyes on the streets' and encourage 'eyes from the windows' of build-ings, contributing to increasing 'natural surveillance'. The Council's avowal of every-day practices in streets and in homes, has made me question how lighting affects the way older residents move through streets and carry out domestic practices as dark-ness falls. The study explores how light planning, lighting design and everyday, rou-tine practices in the public realm and inside homes co-produce the urban, lit environ-ment. Two major contributions of the thesis lie in the (post)phenomenological ap-proach I develop to study everyday experiences of urban lighting, and the methodo-logical framework I employ to research such practices, which combines mobile and visual methods. I have conducted 11 in-depth interviews with nine different planners and designers, 12 walk-along interviews with 22 residents between 58 and 79 years old, and a collaborative photography project with 14 residents between 68 and 96 years old. As I show how older residents experiences different lighting technologies, layers of light, and different lit spaces in their neighbourhoods, I discuss how urban lighting makes them see, feel and carry out routine practices in particular ways. Based on my findings, I argue that urban lighting shapes what, and how, people see, but how people see depends on how they negotiate changes in lighting. In a range of examples where residents mould the urban, lit environment or respond to lighting in different ways, I show how they play and active part in co-producing ways of seeing. I argue it is crucial that light planners and lighting designers recognise such co-constitutive role of everyday practices in order to ensure better lighting for our future cities.
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Pensar a cidade iluminada : a iluminação pública na área central de Porto Alegre e sua relação com a poluição luminosaAdolpho, Rachel Silveira January 2018 (has links)
A ocorrência da poluição luminosa foi detectada a partir de 1970 pela redução da visibilidade dos corpos celestes no período noturno, sendo posteriormente associada a implicações negativas relacionadas à fauna, à flora e aos indivíduos. É definida como os efeitos nocivos causados pela iluminação elétrica inadequada, sendo a iluminação pública responsável por grande parte do problema. Em Porto Alegre o fenômeno é confirmado por imagens de satélites que medem o brilho artificial do céu noturno e apontam níveis máximos na região central da cidade. Situação essa que pode ter sido agravada por grandes projetos de modificação da iluminação pública, desenvolvidos desde 2013, para aumentar o número de luminárias e iluminâncias na cidade. Inciativas que não estão previstas no Plano Diretor de Iluminação Pública da cidade, embora esse seja um instrumento que deveria orientar a implantação do sistema e, que tem entre seus objetivos combater a poluição luminosa. Neste contexto, investigou-se como a iluminação pública do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre pode estar contribuindo para a poluição luminosa, considerando as legislações vigentes e práticas de projeto. Essa investigação foi feita por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida a partir de revisão da literatura, pesquisa documental em Planos Diretores de Iluminação, no contexto nacional e internacional, e estudo de campo no Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre. Os resultados apontaram que na área de estudo o problema está relacionado principalmente à temperatura de cor do sistema empregado e à fotometria das luminárias que provocam iluminação intrusiva, ofuscamento e brilho do céu, que são componentes da poluição luminosa. / Light pollution has been detected since 1970 due to the reduction of visibility of celestial bodies, it was associated to the consequences to the fauna, flora and human beings. It is conceptualized as the harmful effects given by electric lighting. Public lighting is responsible for the biggest part of the problem. In Porto Alegre the phenomenon is confirmed by satellite images that measure sky glow and shows the highest levels in downtown area. The situation could be intensified due to large projects of public lighting remodeling have been developed since 2013, in order to increase the number of light fixtures and the illuminances in the city. These initiatives haven´t been on Porto Alegre´s Public Lighting Master Plan, although it is a document that could guide the implantation of the system and help to fight against light pollution. With this, to propose research of how the public lighting of Porto Alegre´s historic downtown can contribute to lighting pollution, considering the currents laws and project actions. This study was organized through a qualitative research, developed from a literature review, documental research at Urban Lighting Master Plans, from international cities as well as in Brazil, and field study in Porto Alegre´s downtown area. The results show that the main cause of lighting polluion is related to lighting fixtures´ high color temperature and the equipment that allows the up light emission, causing light trespass, glare and sky glow.
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Pensar a cidade iluminada : a iluminação pública na área central de Porto Alegre e sua relação com a poluição luminosaAdolpho, Rachel Silveira January 2018 (has links)
A ocorrência da poluição luminosa foi detectada a partir de 1970 pela redução da visibilidade dos corpos celestes no período noturno, sendo posteriormente associada a implicações negativas relacionadas à fauna, à flora e aos indivíduos. É definida como os efeitos nocivos causados pela iluminação elétrica inadequada, sendo a iluminação pública responsável por grande parte do problema. Em Porto Alegre o fenômeno é confirmado por imagens de satélites que medem o brilho artificial do céu noturno e apontam níveis máximos na região central da cidade. Situação essa que pode ter sido agravada por grandes projetos de modificação da iluminação pública, desenvolvidos desde 2013, para aumentar o número de luminárias e iluminâncias na cidade. Inciativas que não estão previstas no Plano Diretor de Iluminação Pública da cidade, embora esse seja um instrumento que deveria orientar a implantação do sistema e, que tem entre seus objetivos combater a poluição luminosa. Neste contexto, investigou-se como a iluminação pública do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre pode estar contribuindo para a poluição luminosa, considerando as legislações vigentes e práticas de projeto. Essa investigação foi feita por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida a partir de revisão da literatura, pesquisa documental em Planos Diretores de Iluminação, no contexto nacional e internacional, e estudo de campo no Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre. Os resultados apontaram que na área de estudo o problema está relacionado principalmente à temperatura de cor do sistema empregado e à fotometria das luminárias que provocam iluminação intrusiva, ofuscamento e brilho do céu, que são componentes da poluição luminosa. / Light pollution has been detected since 1970 due to the reduction of visibility of celestial bodies, it was associated to the consequences to the fauna, flora and human beings. It is conceptualized as the harmful effects given by electric lighting. Public lighting is responsible for the biggest part of the problem. In Porto Alegre the phenomenon is confirmed by satellite images that measure sky glow and shows the highest levels in downtown area. The situation could be intensified due to large projects of public lighting remodeling have been developed since 2013, in order to increase the number of light fixtures and the illuminances in the city. These initiatives haven´t been on Porto Alegre´s Public Lighting Master Plan, although it is a document that could guide the implantation of the system and help to fight against light pollution. With this, to propose research of how the public lighting of Porto Alegre´s historic downtown can contribute to lighting pollution, considering the currents laws and project actions. This study was organized through a qualitative research, developed from a literature review, documental research at Urban Lighting Master Plans, from international cities as well as in Brazil, and field study in Porto Alegre´s downtown area. The results show that the main cause of lighting polluion is related to lighting fixtures´ high color temperature and the equipment that allows the up light emission, causing light trespass, glare and sky glow.
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Pensar a cidade iluminada : a iluminação pública na área central de Porto Alegre e sua relação com a poluição luminosaAdolpho, Rachel Silveira January 2018 (has links)
A ocorrência da poluição luminosa foi detectada a partir de 1970 pela redução da visibilidade dos corpos celestes no período noturno, sendo posteriormente associada a implicações negativas relacionadas à fauna, à flora e aos indivíduos. É definida como os efeitos nocivos causados pela iluminação elétrica inadequada, sendo a iluminação pública responsável por grande parte do problema. Em Porto Alegre o fenômeno é confirmado por imagens de satélites que medem o brilho artificial do céu noturno e apontam níveis máximos na região central da cidade. Situação essa que pode ter sido agravada por grandes projetos de modificação da iluminação pública, desenvolvidos desde 2013, para aumentar o número de luminárias e iluminâncias na cidade. Inciativas que não estão previstas no Plano Diretor de Iluminação Pública da cidade, embora esse seja um instrumento que deveria orientar a implantação do sistema e, que tem entre seus objetivos combater a poluição luminosa. Neste contexto, investigou-se como a iluminação pública do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre pode estar contribuindo para a poluição luminosa, considerando as legislações vigentes e práticas de projeto. Essa investigação foi feita por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida a partir de revisão da literatura, pesquisa documental em Planos Diretores de Iluminação, no contexto nacional e internacional, e estudo de campo no Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre. Os resultados apontaram que na área de estudo o problema está relacionado principalmente à temperatura de cor do sistema empregado e à fotometria das luminárias que provocam iluminação intrusiva, ofuscamento e brilho do céu, que são componentes da poluição luminosa. / Light pollution has been detected since 1970 due to the reduction of visibility of celestial bodies, it was associated to the consequences to the fauna, flora and human beings. It is conceptualized as the harmful effects given by electric lighting. Public lighting is responsible for the biggest part of the problem. In Porto Alegre the phenomenon is confirmed by satellite images that measure sky glow and shows the highest levels in downtown area. The situation could be intensified due to large projects of public lighting remodeling have been developed since 2013, in order to increase the number of light fixtures and the illuminances in the city. These initiatives haven´t been on Porto Alegre´s Public Lighting Master Plan, although it is a document that could guide the implantation of the system and help to fight against light pollution. With this, to propose research of how the public lighting of Porto Alegre´s historic downtown can contribute to lighting pollution, considering the currents laws and project actions. This study was organized through a qualitative research, developed from a literature review, documental research at Urban Lighting Master Plans, from international cities as well as in Brazil, and field study in Porto Alegre´s downtown area. The results show that the main cause of lighting polluion is related to lighting fixtures´ high color temperature and the equipment that allows the up light emission, causing light trespass, glare and sky glow.
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Urban Dark Acupuncture for Darkness: Value of Darkness in Pedestrian Experience of Sudirman Street, JakartaAmilawangi, Dane January 2020 (has links)
As much as we thought about artificial lighting in planning of our urban nightscape, it is necessary to balance it with consideration regarding darkness. In response to the problems caused by artificial lighting; such as light pollution and disruption to human circadian rhythm, darkness should be seen as a value that brings balance for the environment. There are nine values of darkness in urban illumination; efficiency, sustainable, ecology, healthiness, happiness, connects to nature, stellar visibility, heritage & tradition, wonder & beauty (Stone, 2019). In Designing for Darkness, Stone (2019) described three concepts to bring darkness into urban illumination design; Incremental Darkening, Environmentally Responsive Lighting, and Urban (Dark) Acupuncture. Urban Acupuncture is an effort to revitalize area and its surroundings through intervention in the strategic key point. (Leiner, 2014). In terms of urban lighting, the concept of Urban (Dark) Acupuncture described as an attempt to accentuate a strategic location in a city with darkness (Stone, 2019). This master thesis aims to apply the Urban (Dark) Acupuncture concept into a conceptual lighting design proposal for Sudirman Street, Jakarta. Functioned as a Central Business District of Jakarta, Sudirman Street is considered as a strategic key point for the intervention. The design proposal will be focusing on pedestrian facility of the street, and final result will be evaluated by the user. Keywords: Urban Lighting, Urban Acupuncture, Light Pollution, Darkness
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Honeycomb : Produktutveckling av LED-baserad parkarmatur / Honeycomb : Product development of LED-based urban lighting fixtureEdlund, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Examensarbetet utfördes självständigt av Cecilia Edlund som studerar på Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i innovationsteknik och design vid fakulteten för teknik- och naturvetenskap på Karlstads universitet. Arbetet utfördes under vårterminen 2012 och omfattade 22,5hp. Uppdragsgivaren har varit Nokalux AB som utvecklar och producerar inomhus- samt utomhusbelysning för den professionella marknaden i Norden. Företaget har ett behov av att utöka sitt produktsortiment på utomhusmarknaden. Vilket har resulterat i uppdraget att utveckla en parkarmatur med LED-teknik som ljuskälla. Fokus i examensarbetet har varit förstudien. Detta för att grundligt ta reda på information kring LED och belysningsteknik som anses betydande vid utformning av utomhusarmaturer. Vidare fokuserades förstudien på vad som önskas på marknaden samt vad som är viktigt för brukarna för att översätta dessa attribut till en produkt. Genom idégenereringsprocessen togs olika koncept fram vilket presenterades för handledaren Erik Kihlgren på Nokalux AB. Tillsammans med företagets önskemål, krav samt elimineringsverktyg återstod två koncept. Dessa koncept utvecklades och utvärderades genom CAD-modellering och verkstadsmodeller för att slutligen resultera i en produkt. Produkten som har tagits fram består av en uppåtriktad ljuskälla som med hjälp av en reflektor riktar ner ljuset till marken. Reflektorn består av tio vinklade hexagonmönster som sprider ljuset på ett mjukt och behagligt sätt för brukaren. Det är en produkt som löser viktiga problem kring utomhusbelysning samtidigt som den är unik på marknaden. Vid konceptutveckling visualiserades produkten genom CAD-modellering, prototyper och grafiska illustrationer. Konceptvalet innefattar således ett förslag på utformning och montering av teknikens olika komponenter. / The thesis was conducted independently by Cecilia Edlund, a student at the Bachelor program in Innovation and Design Engineering within the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University. The thesis was conducted during the spring term of 2012 and contained work corresponding to 22,5hp. The initiator of the project was Nokalux AB, which develop and manufacture indoor and outdoor lighting products for professional use in the Nordic market. The company has a need to expand their product line for outdoor use. Which resulted in the assignment to develop a new urban lighting fixture with LED as light source. The focus of the project was in the feasibility study. For the purpose to thoroughly find information about LED and lighting technologies required in the design of outdoor lighting products. Further focus was made to investigate the market demands and attributes that are important for the user and translate these into a product. Through the process of concept compilation different ideas were presented to the mentor Erik Kihlgren at Nokalux AB. Along with the company’s point of view and elimination tools, two concepts remain at the end of the project. These concepts were developed and evaluated using CAD modeling, mockups and another elimination tool to finally result in one final product. The developed product consists of an upwardly directed light source that by the means of a reflector is directed to the ground. The reflector consists of ten angled hexagon patterns that distribute the light in a gentle and relaxing way for the users. It is a product that solves important problems concerning urban lighting as well as being unique in the market. Thru the concept development the product was visualised using CAD modelling, prototypes and graphic illustrations. The concept choice thus consisted of a proposal for the design and installation of technical components.
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"Le règne de la nuit désormais va finir". L'invention et la diffusion de l'éclairage public dans le royaume de France (1697-1789) / « Le règne de la nuit désormais va finir ». The invention and spread of public lighting in the Kingdom of France (1697-1789)Reculin, Sophie 29 September 2017 (has links)
La thèse propose d'appréhender les débuts de l’éclairage public avant l’invention du gaz et de l’électricité, comme un objet d'histoire urbaine totale. Elle analyse le processus d'introduction, de diffusion et d’appropriation de l'éclairage public à l’échelle du royaume de France entre 1697 – date à laquelle les lanternes publiques sont imposées par la monarchie dans les principales villes du royaume de France – et la période révolutionnaire. Si la mesure est d’abord contestée par les municipalités et une partie des habitants, l’éclairage devient à partir des années 1770 une marque d'urbanité et un instrument de contrôle. À partir de l'abondante documentation des archives municipales, départementales et nationales, la thèse étudie le passage de l’ « illumination » à l’ « éclairage public ». Il s’agit de saisir le cheminement du processus décisionnel entre le pouvoir central, provincial et local, ainsi que la circulation des savoirs et des expériences en matière d’éclairage. L’intérêt grandissant des populations urbaines pour ce nouvel objet technique permet son amélioration puis l’adoption du réverbère qui remplace la lanterne à chandelle à l’orée de la Révolution. La thèse analyse également les conditions économiques, financières et sociales du développement de l’éclairage, à travers la figure de l’entrepreneur, de l’allumeur et le recours aux experts. L’influence de la compagnie Tourtille Sangrain joue un rôle déterminant dans la diffusion de l’éclairage urbain durant le dernier tiers du XVIIIe siècle. Il s'agit enfin d'interroger la réception de l’innovation par les citadins et la "révolution culturelle" (D. Roche) induite dans les usages nocturnes de la ville. / The thesis proposes to understand the beginnings of street lighting before the invention of gas and electricity, as an object of total urban history. It analyses the process of introducing, spreading and appropriating street lighting throughout the Kingdom of France between 1697 - when public lanterns were imposed by the monarchy in the main cities of the Kingdom of France - and the revolutionary period. Although the measure was first contested by the municipalities and some of the inhabitants, from the 1770s onwards it became a mark of urbanity and an instrument of control. Based on the abundant documentation from municipal, departmental and national archives, the thesis studies the transition from "illumination" to "public lighting". The aim is to understand the decision-making process between central, provincial and local authorities, as well as the circulation of knowledge and experience in the field of lighting. The growing interest of urban populations in this new technical object led to its improvement and then to the adoption of the « réverbère » that replaced the candlelight lantern at the beginning of the Revolution. The thesis also analyses the economic, financial and social conditions of lighting development, through the figure of the entrepreneur, the street lighter and the expert. The influence of the Tourtille Sangrain company played a decisive role in the spread of urban lighting during the last third of the 18th century. Finally, it is a question of questioning the reception of innovation by city dwellers and the "cultural revolution" (D. Roche) induced in the city's night-time uses.
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A percepção da qualidade do sistema de iluminação artificial da Praça Adair FigueiredoSouza, Camila Dias de January 2017 (has links)
A percepção viabiliza a obtenção de diversas informações visuais do ambiente que, entre outras funções, auxilia o indivíduo a se orientar no espaço. No período noturno, a iluminação urbana assume importante papel para o funcionamento das cidades, podendo contribuir para a qualifi cação dos ambientes. Este trabalho aborda a percepção sobre a qualidade do sistema de iluminação de uma praça municipal em Porto Alegre - Praça Dr. Adair Figueiredo - visando compreender as variáveis envolvidas, as possíveis relações entre elas e suas relações com o perfi l do respondente. A avaliação da percepção da qualidade do sistema de iluminação da praça foi realizada por possíveis usuários e pela autora do trabalho. Foi aplicado questionário on line com uma amostra de 283 pessoas, composto por questões de escala de valores para medir as variáveis relacionadas à qualidade do sistema de iluminação e perguntas fechadas para obtenção de dados de perfi l e opinião. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando-se métodos estatísticos como médias e variâncias das variáveis contínuas, análise de correlações de Pearson, teste de qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher, MANOVA, Post Hoc de Tukey. Foi realizada observação assistemática pela autora, registrada e analisada através de mapeamento visual e descrição textual, considerando-se as categorias de análise do referencial teórico. Os resultados apontam que todas as variáveis envolvidas na qualidade de iluminação estão correlacionadas positivamente, com médias amostrais apresentando 80,31% de satisfação geral com a qualidade do sistema de iluminação da praça, e também que é desejável a continuidade em investimentos no sistema de iluminação. A análise multivariada revela que o componente denominado “referências espaciais” é mais valorizado pelas faixas etárias acima de 41 anos do que a faixa etária de 31 a 40 anos e pelas pessoas acima de 51 anos em relação à faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos. / Perception makes it possible to obtain a diversity of visual information about the environment, which, among other functions, helps the individual to orient himself in space. In the night period, urban lighting plays an important role for the functioning of cities, and can contribute to the qualifi cation of the environments. This work approaches the perception about the quality of the lighting system of a city square in Porto Alegre - Dr. Adair Figueiredo Square- aiming to understand the variables involved, the possible relations between them and their relations with the profi le of the respondent. The square’s f lighting system quality evaluation’s was carried out by possible users and by the author of the work. An online questionnaire was applied with a sample of 283 people, composed of scale value’s questions to measure the variables related to the quality of the lighting system and closed questions to obtain data of profi le and opinion. The results were analyzed using statistical methods such as means and variances of continuous variables, Pearson correlation analysis, chi-square test, Fisher exact test, MANOVA, Tukey Post Hoc. An asystematic author’s observation was recorded and analyzed through visual mapping and textual description, considering the categories of analysis of the theoretical reference. The results indicate that all variables involved in lighting quality are positively correlated, and has sample average presenting 80.31% overall satisfaction with square’s lighting system quality, and also that it is desirable to continue investments in the lighting system. The multivariate analysis reveals that the factor “spatial references” is more valued by the age groups over 41 years than the age group of 31 to 40 years and by the people over 51 years of age in relation to the age group of 21 to 30 years.
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La politique d’éclairage public à Hà-Nội : Jeux d’acteurs et enjeux urbains / Lighting policy in Hanoi : Play of actors et urban challengesLuong Thi, Ngoc Huyen 24 January 2012 (has links)
Grâce à la politique du "Doi moi", le développement urbain au Vietnam en général et l’évolution de l’éclairage urbain en particulier ont obtenu des résultats considérables. Quelques villes vietnamiennes ont recueilli des résultats appréciables dans la création d’une identité urbaine grâce à leur politique d’éclairage. Cependant, l’éclairage de la capitale Hanoï, une ville bien appréciée pour sa richesse des patrimoines culturels et architecturaux, n’a pas encore créé une profonde impression, en particulier l’éclairage de sa fête du Millénaire qui a été une déception bien qu’il ait été pris en charge par la plus grande société de tout pays dans le domaine de l’éclairage et qu’il ait reçu une somme énorme d’investissement considérable. Dans le contexte où l’éclairage urbain se développe et devient un facteur de développement socio-économique et un bon outil de valorisation d’identité urbaine aussi, l’attirance faible de l’éclairage a fait perdre plusieurs chances d’essor à Hanoï. L’obligation de l’élaboration de l’urbanisme lumière est un grand enjeu de la ville, surtout son dernier SDAU soulève encore bien des doutes. Même si l’on peut dresser un bon document d’urbanisme lumière pour Hanoï, lequel vise à économiser de l’énergie et à limiter les impacts de l’éclairage sur l’environnement, tout en répondant aux besoins de vision et de sécurité, à la création d’identité urbaine aussi, l’éclairage de Hanoï ne pourra pas prendre son envol tant que son marché non concurrentiel et non transparent continuera à régner. / Thanks to the policy of "Doi moi", urban development in Vietnam in general and the evolution of urban lighting in particular have achieved considerable results. Some cities in Vietnam have been successful in creating an urban identity through their lighting policy. However, the lighting in the capital Hanoi, a city highly appreciated for its riches in cultural and architectural heritages, has not created any good impression. Especially, the lighting during the Millennium celebrations was such a disappointment even though it was taken care by the biggest company of the country and received an enormous amount of investment. In the context where urban lighting develops and becomes a factor of socioeconomic development and a good tool in promoting urban identity, the poor attraction of lighting contributed to the loss of several chances for development for Hanoi. The obligation of elaborating a lighting planning is a big challenge for the city, especially when the most recent city planning of Hanoi has even raised more doubts. Even if they can create a good lighting planning for Hà-Nội, one that saves energy and limits the impacts of the lighting on the environment, while meeting the needs of vision and security, one that also creates an urban identity, the lighting of Hanoi will not be able to take off as long as its uncompetitive and non-transparent market will continue to reign.
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Politiques et techniques de l’éclairage public pour répondre aux enjeux du développement durable en France : Acteurs, mutations et impacts urbains / Political and technical of the street lighting to answer the stakes in the sustainable development in France : Actors, transformations and urban impactsRousseau, Thomas 30 September 2013 (has links)
L’importance du regard nocturne sur la ville et de l’intégration de l’éclairage artificiel dans le paysage s’intensifient alors même que le besoin d’une ville plus agréable et favorisant le lien social se fait sentir. Parallèlement, le contexte économique et social particulièrement difficile et les considérations environnementales de plus en plus fortes, imposent à la société et aux communes de s’adapter face aux enjeux et aux nouveaux paradigmes qui s’imposent. Dans ce contexte, l’éclairage urbain, au même titre que l’optimisation des politiques publiques dédiées aux transports, aux déchets ou à la gestion de l’eau, nécessite des approches nouvelles. L’aménagement nocturne de la ville cristallise des enjeux multiples et des besoins d’adaptation concernant la mise en valeur patrimoniale, la prise en compte des usages, le confort dans l’espace public, l’accompagnement des événements culturels, le balisage urbain, la maîtrise des coûts des dispositifs ou encore la préservation du ciel nocturne. Pour répondre aux besoins et mieux articuler l’éclairage public à la ville, la prise en compte des enjeux de la durabilité des lumières urbaines est essentielle. Les collectivités locales doivent concevoir des approches moins fonctionnalistes et plus qualitatives. Il s’agit de passer d’un éclairage public à l’aménagement des lumières urbaines ce qui appelle certaines questions. Quelles sont les politiques et les techniques de l’éclairage public mises en place pour répondre aux enjeux du développement durable ? Quels sont ces enjeux, en quoi sont-ils importants à prendre en compte dans le contexte socio-économique actuel ? Quelles sont les approches et stratégies mises en oeuvre ? Quels sont les acteurs clés pour répondre à ces enjeux ? Sont-elles uniformes sur l’ensemble du territoire ? Répondent-elles à un éclairage durable ? À partir d’une enquête auprès d’une centaine de communes de France métropolitaine, notre travail vise à mieux comprendre la prise en compte de la durabilité dans les politiques d’éclairage qui semblent principalement guidées par des stratégies économiques et la volonté de répondre au volet « économique » du développement durable. Parallèlement la dimension humaine et sociale de la durabilité dans l’éclairage public semble se développer avec une prise en compte grandissante des usages dans la ville. Nous verrons que les orientations des politiques d’éclairage évoluent. Quelles sont les idées neuves qui se diffusent ? Quels sont les impacts de la ville et la manière de l’aménager. Ce travail permet également de rappeler l’importance de l’urbanisme-lumière dans les politiques publiques, et de la place des usagers. Les orientations retenues par les communes, ne semblent pas dictées par l’offre technique et les fabricants, ni par le prix de l’énergie, mais plus par un ensemble combiné d’enjeux nocturnes selon la taille, les politiques urbaines et leur contexte géographique, culturelle et économique. / The importance of having a nocturnal look on the city and of integrating artificial lighting into the urban landscape is growing at the same time as the need for a more pleasant environment in the city favouring social cohesion. At the same time, the particularly difficult social and economic climate and the ever stronger environmental considerations are forcing society and town councils to change faced with the stakes and new paradigms which are essential. In this context, urban lighting requires new approaches in the same way as the optimization of public policies devoted to transport, waste or water management. The nocturnal development in the cities cristallizes the multiple stakes and needs for change concerning the development of cultural heritage, consideration of practices, the comfort of public space, the support for cultural events, urban marking, the cost control of plans or preserving the night sky. To meet the needs and better articulate street lighting, it is imperative to take into consideration the stakes concerning the durability of street lighting. Local authorities have to find less functionalist and more qualitative approaches. It is a case of moving from street lighting to the development of urban lighting. This brings up certain questions. What are the policies and techniques of street lighting set up to meet the requirements of sustainable development ? What are the stakes ? In what way is it important to take them into account in the current socioeconomic context ? What approaches and strategies are being put into action ? Who are the key players to meet these stakes ? Are they the same ones over the whole country? Do they meet the requirements of long-term lighting ? Based on a survey of around one hundred towns in metropolitan France, our work aims at a better understanding of the consideration of durability in the public policies of lighting which seem mainly guided by economic strategies and the will to meet the requirements of the « economic » section of sustainable development. At the same time, the human and social dimension of sustainability in public lighting seems to be developing with an ever growing consideration for practices in the cities. We shall see that the tendencies of public policies on lighting are changing. What new ideas are spreading around ? What are the impacts on the city and the way of developing it ? This work also allows us to remind ourselves of the importance of lighting management in public policies and of the place of the users. The tendencies accepted by the town councils do not seem to be dictated either by the technical offer and the manufacturers or by the price of energy but rather by a combined mix of nocturnal issues depending on the size of the town, urban policies and the geographical, cultural and economic context.
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