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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving library services through the application of business performance concepts.

Sinyenyeko-Sayo, Nondumiso Constance January 2007 (has links)
<p>In virtually any field of endeavour today, access to information is a prerequisite for success. Libraries form the repositories with user-friendliness their mission. This has lead to the need for new ways to evaluate library performance. Astute library managers will plan for such developments, taking into account current and future trends that impact on library services. Library services are also affected, for example, by financial considerations and staffing problems. Further complicating matters are the demands of their clients who have developed increased expectations of improved service, and also a desire for more self-service opportunities. Such changes raise the question: &ldquo / to what extent can libraries apply business performance management techniques to assess their performance.&rdquo / This, then, is the research question for this study.</p> <p><br /> This work will evaluate library performance with the aim of improving service management. Its targets are the UWC library, and others, such as the Stellenbosch University, and the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The application of selected service management techniques and measures used in business will be explored. These techniques include The Balanced Scorecard, critical success factors and service quality. The study also touches on transformation and change management. An obvious source of information about library management is the corps of managers. The secondary source of information is the community of library users.</p>

Improving library services through the application of business performance concepts.

Sinyenyeko-Sayo, Nondumiso Constance January 2007 (has links)
<p>In virtually any field of endeavour today, access to information is a prerequisite for success. Library services are affected by financial considerations and staffing problems. This work evaluated library performance with the aim of improving service management. Its targets are UWC, and others such as the Stellenbosch University and the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. The application of selected service management techniques and measures used in business will be explored. The study also touched on transformation and change management.</p>

Εξόρυξη γνώσης από αναζητήσεις στον παγκόσμιο ιστό που δεν καταλήγουν σε προσπελάσεις δεδομένων και αξιολόγηση της απόδοσης ανάκτησης

Κουμπούρη, Αθανασία 04 December 2012 (has links)
Η έλλειψη της δραστηριότητας του χρήστη σχετικά με τα αποτελέσματα της αναζήτησης μέχρι πρόσφατα θεωρείτο ως ένδειξη της δυσαρέσκειας του από την απόδοση ανάκτησης, και συχνά τέτοια αδράνεια χαρακτήριζε την αναζήτηση ως αποτυχημένη (negative search abandonment). Ωστόσο, πρόσφατες μελέτες δείχνουν ότι ορισμένες αναζητήσεις μπορούν να ικανοποιηθούν από το περιεχόμενο των αποτελεσμάτων που παρουσιάζονται στον χρήστη, χωρίς να χρειάζεται να κάνει κλικ σε κάποιο από τα ανακτημένα αποτελέσματα (positive search abandonment), και έτσι τονίζεται η ανάγκη να γίνουν διακρίσεις μεταξύ των επιτυχημένων και αποτυχημένων αναζητήσεων που δεν ακολουθούνται από κλικς. Με αυτή την εργασία προτείνουμε τον σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση μιας μεθοδολογίας αξιολόγησης της ικανοποίησης του χρήστη από τα αποτελέσματα αναζητήσεων που δεν ακολουθούνται από επισκέψεις στο περιεχόμενο των δεδομένων ανάκτησης. Για την επίτευξη του στόχου αυτού διενεργήσαμε μελέτη χρηστών που διερευνά τις προθέσεις των χρηστών πίσω από ερωτήματα που δεν ακολουθούνται από επίσκεψη σε κάποιο από τα αποτελέσματα που επέστρεψε η αναζήτηση και εξετάζει τις εργασίες αναζήτησης που μπορούν να ολοκληρωθούν με επιτυχία βασισμένες εξ ολοκλήρου στις πληροφορίες που παρέχονται στη σελίδα με τα αποτελέσματα. Επιπρόσθετα, μελετήθηκαν και υλοποιήθηκαν εργαλεία, QWC Browser, για την καταγραφή της δραστηριότητας του χρήστη με συστήματα ανάκτησης πληροφορίας από τον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό. Στηριζόμενοι στην ευρέως αποδεχόμενη ιδέα της χρήσης της δραστηριότητας του χρήστη ως δείκτη υπονοούμενης αξιολόγησης συσχέτισης (implicit relevance judgments), εξετάσαμε την ύπαρξη σχέση μεταξύ των ρητών δηλώσεων (explicit judgments) ικανοποίησης του χρήστη και μετρικών αξιολόγησης της υπονοούμενης ανατροφοδότησης (implicit measures) του χρήστη. Τέλος, χρησιμοποιήσαμε τεχνικές μοντελοποίησης για την ανάπτυξη μοντέλων πρόβλεψης για την σύλληψη της ικανοποίησης του χρήστη από τις αναζητήσεις που δεν ακολουθούνται από κλικς. / The lack of user activity on search results was until recently perceived as a sign of user dissatisfaction from retrieval performance, often, referring to such inactivity as a failed search (negative search abandonment). However, recent studies suggest that some search tasks can be achieved in the contents of the results displayed without the need to click through them (positive search abandonment); thus they emphasize the need to discriminate between successful and failed searches without follow-up clicks. In this paper we propose to design and implement a methodology for assessing user satisfaction from the results of searches that are not followed by visits to the content of the retrieved results. To achieve this goal we conducted a user study in order to identify the search intentions of queries without follow-up clicks to any of the results returned by the search and identify the search tasks that can be accomplished successfully based entirely on information provided on the results page. Additionally, we developed an instrumented browser, QWC Browser, to collect a variety of measures of user activity after the query submittion. Moreover, we examined whether there is an association between explicit judgments of user satisfaction and implicit measures of user interest in order to understand what implicit measures were most strongly associated with user satisfaction. Finally, we used Bayesian modeling techniques to develop predictive models, to capture user satisfaction from searches that are not followed by clicks to the retrieved results.

Ακαδημαϊκές βιβλιοθήκες της Ελλάδος : Αξιολόγηση υπηρεσιών και ικανοποίηση χρηστών

Γιαννοπούλου, Αγγελική 09 January 2014 (has links)
Ο σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η αξιολόγηση των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών και η μελέτη του βαθμού ικανοποίησης των ακαδημαϊκών βιβλιοθηκών όλων των ελληνικών ΑΕΙ. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι έχουν υλοποιηθεί πληθώρα ερευνών σχετικές με την αξιολόγηση των υπηρεσιών των ακαδημαϊκών βιβλιοθηκών στην Ελλάδα. Οι μελέτες που έχουν γίνει όμως, αφορούν σε κάθε βιβλιοθήκη ξεχωριστά. Δεν έχει γίνει κάποια συνολική προσπάθεια μέτρησης αξιολόγησης υπηρεσιών των ακαδημαϊκών βιβλιοθηκών και ικανοποίησης των χρηστών τους. Στην παρούσα έρευνα όπου συμμετέχουν εγγεγραμμένοι χρήστες των ελληνικών ακαδημαϊκών βιβλιοθηκών όλων των ΑΕΙ της χώρας, γίνεται προσπάθεια να αποτυπωθούν αξιόπιστα οι αντιλήψεις, οι προσδοκίες και η πραγματική κατάσταση διάφορων θεμάτων των βιβλιοθηκών αυτών. Ο καθορισμός του ερευνητικού προβλήματος και επομένως του σκοπού της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας, ορίζεται από: Γνώση και χρήση παραδοσιακών και ηλεκτρονικών υπηρεσιών των ακαδημαϊκών βιβλιοθηκών, καθώς και μέτρηση αξιολόγησης και σημαντικότητας των υπηρεσιών αυτών από την μεριά των χρηστών. Εντοπισμός προσδοκιών των χρηστών και πραγματικής κατάστασης σχετικά με τη συλλογή, το προσωπικό και τις εγκαταστάσεις των ακαδημαϊκών βιβλιοθηκών της χώρας. Δηλαδή των τριών διαστάσεων του μοντέλου LibQual, σχετικά με την ποιότητα στις βιβλιοθήκες. Καθορισμός παραγόντων ικανοποίησης χρηστών, καθώς και επιβεβαίωση του μοντέλου που χρησιμοποιήθηκε στην παρούσα εργασία. Ένας τελευταίος στόχος είναι η διαμόρφωση του προφίλ των χρηστών που χρησιμοποιούν τις ακαδημαϊκές βιβλιοθήκες. Το ερωτηματολόγιο διαρθρώνεται σε τέσσερις βασικές ενότητες. Η κάθε ενότητα περιλαμβάνει ερωτήσεις του κάθε στόχου. Τα πρωτογενή στοιχεία αντλήθηκαν με χορήγηση ερωτηματολογίου σε 950 χρήστες Στη συνέχεια κωδικοποιήθηκαν και ακολούθησε η επεξεργασία τους με το στατιστικό πακέτο SPSS 19.0. Επίσης πραγματοποιήθηκε έλεγχος των υποθέσεων που είχαν τεθεί, μέσω της ανάλυσης παραγόντων που ανέδειξαν νέες μεταβλητές οι οποίες μετά από την υψηλή αξιοπιστία και συνοχή τους ( α-Crombach > 0,9 ). Από τα ευρήματα της έρευνας προκύπτουν σημαντικά στοιχεία κατάλληλα για την διοίκηση της κάθε ακαδημαϊκής βιβλιοθήκης, προς βελτίωση των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών και κατ’ επέκταση παροχή ποιοτικότερων υπηρεσιών και τελικά ικανοποίηση των χρηστών τους. Είναι σημαντικό να πραγματοποιούνται παρόμοιες έρευνες κατά τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα, ώστε να εντοπίζονται και να αντιμετωπίζονται έγκαιρα τυχών αδυναμίες και προβλήματ / The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the services and the satisfaction of the users of all Greek academic libraries. A lot of users surveys have been made , however, relate in each library separately. There has been no attempt to measure overall assessment services for academic libraries and satisfaction of users. In the present investigation involving registered users of Greek academic libraries of all universities in the country, trying to reliably reflected the perceptions, expectations and the actual situation of different issues of these libraries. Defining the research problem and therefore the aim of this thesis is defined by: Knowledge and use of traditional and electronic services of academic libraries and measurement evaluation and significance of such services on the part of users. Locating user expectations and the actual situation on the collection, staff and facilities of the academic libraries in the country. Ie three dimensional model LibQual, on quality in libraries. Defining user satisfaction factors and confirmation of the model used in this work. A final goal is to develop a user profile using academic libraries. The questionnaire is divided into four main sections. Each section includes questions for each objective. The primary data are obtained by administering a questionnaire to 950 users Then coded and followed by treatment with the statistical package SPSS 19.0. Also took control of matters raised by analyzing factors revealed new variables after the high reliability and consistency. The survey findings show significant data appropriate for the administration of the academic library to improve services and thus provide better quality services and ultimately satisfaction of their users. It is important to undertake similar surveys at regular intervals in order to identify and address weaknesses early fortunes and problematic

Satisfa??o dos usu?rios e a qualidade da aten??o prim?ria ? sa?de no Rio Grande do Norte

Pellense, M?rcia Cunha da Silva 19 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:43:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarciaCSP_DISSERT.pdf: 958298 bytes, checksum: 682327afdd332f7ff86be1e18e700c66 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-19 / O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a satisfa??o dos usu?rios em rela??o ? qualidade da Aten??o Prim?ria ? Sa?de no Rio Grande do Norte. Trata-se de Pesquisa Avaliativa observacional transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, a qual faz parte da Avalia??o Externa do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Aten??o B?sica (PMAQ), da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram utilizados dados secund?rios de todas as entrevistas com usu?rios das equipes que participaram da Avalia??o Externa do PMAQ no Estado do RN. A pesquisa foi realizada em 167 munic?pios do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, na qual a popula??o foi composta por 1.650 usu?rios. A amostra se deu por conveni?ncia a partir dos seguintes crit?rios: usu?rios que estavam presentes na Unidade B?sica de Sa?de (UBS) para realizar qualquer tipo de procedimento e que consentisse em participar da avalia??o. Foram exclu?dos os que tinham ido pela primeira vez na unidade e aqueles que n?o frequentaram h? mais de 12 meses. A coleta dos dados foi realizada no per?odo de setembro a novembro de 2013. Para tanto, foi elaborado um protocolo de pesquisa contendo as seguintes dimens?es: organizacional, interpessoal e estrutural. Em rela??o ? dimens?o organizacional os resultados mostram que a marca??o de consultas tem se configurado em empecilho ao acesso do usu?rio ao servi?o de sa?de, uma vez que se faz necess?rio para o atendimento, enfrentar filas, antes da abertura da unidade para pegar fichas. No tocante ao funcionamento da unidade, se destaca o fato dos usu?rios referirem que o hor?rio de funcionamento da unidade atende ? suas necessidades, apesar de funcionar 5 (cinco) dias por semana, a maioria das unidades permanece fechada no hor?rio de almo?o. Outro dado importante refere-se ? coordena??o do cuidado, cujos resultados apresentam diferen?as maiores entre os usu?rios da regi?o metropolitana e do interior do Estado em rela??o ? Capital. Essa diferen?a se expressa principalmente em rela??o de marca??o de consulta com outros profissionais especialistas. A dimens?o interpessoal, no que diz respeito ? categorias intera??o usu?rio-servi?o-equipe e v?nculo, demonstraram alguns avan?os, contudo os melhores resultados foram observados em rela??o a satisfa??o com o cuidado, onde mais de 50% dos usu?rios se mostraram satisfeitos com o cuidado recebido nas unidades. Em contrapartida, o estudo mostrou que, na opini?o de 56% dos usu?rios da capital, a falta de materiais e equipamentos influencia negativamente no cuidado. Por fim, o estudo contribuiu para refor?ar a ideia de que a avalia??o da satisfa??o dos usu?rios dos servi?os de sa?de pode ser uma ferramenta importante para subsidiar o processo de decis?o compartilhada, de forma a se repensar as pr?ticas profissionais, reorganizar o processo de trabalho desenvolvido, realocar recursos, readequar a??es e redefinir objetivos que estejam coerentes com o projeto de sa?de estabelecido

Activity-based Process Integration Framework to Improve User Satisfaction and Decision Support in Healthcare

Baslyman, Malak 12 September 2018 (has links)
Requirements Engineering (RE) approaches are widely used in several domains such as telecommunications systems, information systems, and even regulatory compliance. However, they are rarely applied in healthcare beyond requirements elicitation. Healthcare is a multidisciplinary environment in which clinical processes are often performed across multiple units. Introducing a new Information Technology (IT) system or a new process in such an environment is a very challenging task, especially in the absence of recognized RE practices. Currently, many IT systems are not welcomed by caregivers and are considered to be failures because they change what caregivers are familiar with and bring new tasks that often consume additional time. This thesis introduces a new RE-based approach aiming to evaluate and estimate the potential impact of new system integrations on current practices, organizational goals,and user satisfaction using goal modelling and process modelling techniques. This approach is validated with two case studies conducted in real hospitals and a usability study involving healthcare practitioners. The contributions of the thesis are: • Major: a novel Activity-based Process Integration (AbPI) framework that enables the integration of a new process into existing practices incrementally, in a way that permits continuous analysis and evaluation. AbPI also provides several alternatives to a given integration to ensure effective flowing and minimal disturbance to current practices. AbPI has a Goal Integration Method to integrate new goals, an Integration Method to integrate new processes, and an Alternative Evaluation Method exploiting multi-criteria decision-making algorithms to select among strategies. The modelling concepts of AbPI are supported by a profile of the User Requirements Notation augmented with a new distance-based goal-oriented approach to alternative selection and a new data-quality-driven algorithm for the propagation of confidence levels in goal models. • Minor: a usability study of AbPI to investigate the usefulness of the framework in a healthcare context. This usability study is part of the validation and is also a minor contribution due to: 1) the lack of usability studies when proposing requirements engineering frameworks, and 2) an intent to discover the potential usefulness of the framework in a context where recognized RE practices are seldom used.

Medindo a satisfação dos usuários finais e dos usuários-chave de um sistema de gestão empresarial, na empresa Springer Carrier

Ely, Patrícia Bins January 2010 (has links)
Altos investimentos são feitos na área de tecnologia da informação (TI), especialmente em sistemas de gestão empresarial (ERP). Entretanto, tais investimentos não garantem o sucesso do sistema. Estudos indicam que o sucesso de um sistema de informação pode ser avaliado através da satisfação dos usuários do sistema. O tema deste estudo é a satisfação do usuário final e do usuário-chave de um sistema de gestão empresarial (ERP) como forma de avaliar o sucesso do sistema. O objetivo da pesquisa é medir a satisfação dos usuários do sistema. O método utilizado é a pesquisa Survey, realizada a partir da combinação de dois modelos apresentados pela literatura, um para o usuário final e o outro para o usuário-chave. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas: o estudo piloto e a pesquisa final. O processo de validação e refinamento do instrumento utilizou diferentes técnicas, como: Validade de Face e Conteúdo, Análise de Confiabilidade (Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach), Análise de Item Total Corrigido (CITC), Análise Fatorial Exploratória Convergente (Teste de Unidimensionalidade) e Discriminante. Foi verificado que as variáveis Acuracidade e Confiabilidade se agruparam em uma única variável (Exatidão). As demais variáveis permaneceram iguais e nenhum item precisou ser excluído. Através da Análise de Regressão, foi possível constatar que existe uma relação entre as variáveis 'Percepção de Sucesso do Sistema’ e ‘Satisfação com o Sistema’. A principal contribuição desta pesquisa tanto para a prática gerencial como para o meio acadêmico e empresarial é a validação de um instrumento de pesquisa adaptado para a realidade brasileira, capaz de medir a satisfação do usuário de um sistema de gestão empresarial (ERP), através da percepção dos usuários do sistema. / Large investments are made in Information Technology (IT), specially in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP). But such investments are not a success guarantee. Previous researches show that the Information System (IS) success might be evaluated by determining the system users’ satisfaction. The subject of this paper is the ERP end-users’ and key-users’ satisfaction as a mean to evaluate ERP success. The purpose of this research is to measure ERP users’ satisfaction. The method used is a survey, which was based on a combination of two previous models, one about end-users’ and the other about key-users’ satisfaction. The survey was conducted in two steps: pre-test study and final study. The instrument was validated and refined through the use of qualitative and quantitative procedures such as face and content validity, reliability analysis (Cronbach Alfa), corrected item total correlation (CITC), exploratory factor analysis within and among blocks. As a result, the variables Accuracy and Reliability merged into a new variable (Exactness). All other variables remained the same, and none had to be excluded. Through the Regression Analysis it was possible to verify that there is a relationship between ‘System Perceived Success’ and ‘System Satisfaction’. The main academic and managerial contribution of this paper is a research instrument, duly validated and adapted to Brazilian reality, to measure ERP users’ satisfaction.

Adaptive radio resource allocation algorithm for user satisfaction maximization in multiple services wireless networks

Antonioli, Roberto Pinto 10 August 2017 (has links)
ANTONIOLI, R. P. Adaptive radio resource allocation algorithm for user satisfaction maximization in multiple services wireless networks 2017. 102 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Teleinformática)–Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2017. / Submitted by Renato Vasconcelos (ppgeti@ufc.br) on 2017-09-08T17:54:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_rpantonioli.pdf: 2283273 bytes, checksum: 32511d6360c80cf9a9c0da22fd48abd9 (MD5) / Rejected by Marlene Sousa (mmarlene@ufc.br), reason: Prezado Roberto, No sumário deixe o mesmo espaço entre as linhas para não caracterizar destaque entre as partes. O espaçamento entre as linhas deve ser igual em todo o sumário. Na lista de referencias vc está entrando com o nome dos autores da ordem direta. Ex E. B. Rodrigues A ABNT orienta que a entrada deva ser pelo ultimo nome, seguido do pré nome e em letras maiúsculas. Ex RODRIGUES, E. B. A informação de volume, número e paginas nos periódicos deve ser v. n. p. e não vol. (jun 8) pp. A ABNT orienta que o destaque do titulo deve ser feito com uso de negrito ou itálico. Não deve ser usado aspas para destacar. Marlene Rocha 3366-9620 on 2017-09-08T18:25:36Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renato Vasconcelos (ppgeti@ufc.br) on 2017-09-11T12:20:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_rpantonioli.pdf: 2271870 bytes, checksum: 26e03c37f9813aef148e10fd485d638e (MD5) / Rejected by Marlene Sousa (mmarlene@ufc.br), reason: Prezado Roberto, Acredito que vc não observou bem o template pois nele o Sumário deve ter o alinhamento das referencias e Apêndices logo abaixo da letra C de conclusão e não volta pra margem abaixo do numeral como vc fez. Coloca-se Apendice A Seguido do título; Apendice A1 seguido do título e assim sucessivamente. Na lista de referencias e não bibliografia, quando se faz a referencia do artigo de periódico, o que fica em negrito é o nome da revista e não o titulo do artigo. Sempre oriento para seguir o template, pois nem sempre consigo alertar para todas as informações que devem ser normalizadas. Marlene Rocha on 2017-09-11T14:19:49Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renato Vasconcelos (ppgeti@ufc.br) on 2017-09-12T13:24:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_rpantonioli.pdf: 2272891 bytes, checksum: 4c42510647ca99464e990e3112f1daca (MD5) / Rejected by Marlene Sousa (mmarlene@ufc.br), reason: Roberto, Não sei se me fiz entender, caso contrário peço desculpas e vou tentar ser mais clara. Falta ainda corrigir pra ficar no padrão ABNT: 1. Como sua dissertação é em língua inglesa, apenas a capa, a folha de rosto (que segue a capa) e a ficha devem ser em português, a folha de aprovação vc já coloca em ingles. A capa está certo, mas na folha de rosto vc tem que colocar que é dissertação, pois no Brasil tese é para doutorado. Logo corrija na folha de rosto a informação de dissertação. A ficha está certo. 2. Na folha de aprovação, como já falei é toda em inglês. Traduza colocando sempre dissertação pois aqui esse é o termo correto. O resto está tudo normalizado. Espero ter sido clara. Qualquer dúvida estou a disposição. Marlene 3366-9620 on 2017-09-12T13:44:08Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renato Vasconcelos (ppgeti@ufc.br) on 2017-09-12T16:06:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_rpantonioli.pdf: 2272907 bytes, checksum: 8152058c23c3f80ddeda29cdb7dd8cb9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marlene Sousa (mmarlene@ufc.br) on 2017-09-12T17:17:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_rpantonioli.pdf: 2272907 bytes, checksum: 8152058c23c3f80ddeda29cdb7dd8cb9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-12T17:17:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_rpantonioli.pdf: 2272907 bytes, checksum: 8152058c23c3f80ddeda29cdb7dd8cb9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-10 / The enriched service scope, the steep increase in mobile traffic volume, and the ever increasing number of connected devices in mobile networks coupled with the scarcity of electromagnetic spectrum have raised the importance of designing flexible and ingenious means to guarantee high user satisfaction levels. Therefore, in order to capture and maintain a representative share of the wireless communication market, effective ways to manage the scarce physical resources of cellular networks are fundamental for cellular network operators. The Radio Resource Allo- cation (RRA) algorithms are responsible for performing such a relevant and arduous task. The efficiency of such algorithms is essential so that there exists a fair resource allocation among users and the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of each individual user are met, thus guar- anteeing high user satisfaction levels. The recent scenarios of cellular networks are composed of a wide range of available services for mobile users, which demand conflicting QoS requirements. In order to achieve the objective of user satisfaction maximization in such networks, we formulate a utility-based cross-layer opti- mization problem targeted at maximizing the user satisfaction in multi-service cellular networks. The optimal solution of the proposed problem is very hard to be found. Thus, we mathematically manipulate the problem and derive a low complexity suboptimal solution from which we design an adaptive RRA technique. Our technique is composed of user weights and an innovative ser- vice weight that is adapted to meet the satisfaction target of the most prioritized service chosen by the network operator. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is scalable to several classes of service and can be employed in the current and future generations of wireless systems. The performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm was conducted by means of system-level simulations in various scenarios. The evaluation was performed considering different multi- service scenarios. Then, the performance was evaluated considering imperfect Channel State Information (CSI) estimation at the transmitter. Significant gains in the overall system capacity were obtained in comparison with four benchmarking algorithms from the literature, demon- strating that the adaptability and service prioritization of the proposed algorithm are effective towards the objective of simultaneously maximizing the user satisfaction for multiple services. / O escopo enriquecido de serviços, o aumento acentuado do volume de tráfego móvel e o nú- mero cada vez maior de dispositivos conectados nas redes móveis, acompanhado pela escassez do espectro eletromagnético, aumentaram a importância de projetar meios flexíveis e engenho- sos para garantir altos níveis de satisfação dos usuários. Portanto, para capturar e manter uma participação representativa no mercado das comunicações sem fio, mecanismos efetivos para gerenciar os recursos físicos escassos das redes celulares são fundamentais para as operadoras das redes celulares. Os algoritmos de alocação dos recursos de rádio (do inglês, Radio Resource Allocation (RRA)) são os responsáveis por executar essa tarefa tão relevante e árdua. A eficiên- cia desses algoritmos é essencial para que exista uma alocação justa de recursos entre os usuários e os requisitos individuais de qualidade de serviço (do inglês, Quality of Service (QoS)) de cada usuário sejam atendidos, garantindo assim altos níveis de satisfação dos usuários. Os cenários atuais das redes celulares são compostos por uma ampla gama de serviços disponí- veis para usuários móveis, que exigem requisitos de QoS conflitantes. Para alcançar o objetivo de maximizar a satisfação dos usuários nessas redes, formulamos um problema de otimização baseado na teoria da utilidade considerando múltiplas camadas que visa maximizar a satisfação dos usuários em redes celulares com múltiplos serviços. A solução ótima do problema proposto é muito difícil de ser encontrada. Dessa forma, nós manipulamos matematicamente o problema e derivamos uma solução subótima de baixa complexidade a partir da qual nós desenvolvemos um mecanismo adaptativo de RRA. Nosso mecanismo é composto por prioridades relacionadas aos usuários e uma inovadora prioridade relacionada ao serviço que é adaptada para atender um objetivo de satisfação dos usuários de um serviço com maior prioridade escolhido pela opera- dora da rede. Além disso, o algoritmo proposto é escalável para várias classes de serviço e pode ser empregado nas gerações atuais e futuras de sistemas celulares. A avaliação de desempenho do algoritmo proposto foi realizada por meio de simulações sistêmi- cas em vários cenários. A avaliação foi realizada considerando diferentes cenários com múltiplos serviços. Então, o desempenho foi avaliado considerando estimativa imperfeita da informação do estado de canal (do inglês, Channel State Information (CSI)) no transmissor. Ganhos signi- ficativos foram obtidos na capacidade total do sistema em comparação com quatro algoritmos encontrados da literatura, demonstrando que a adaptabilidade e priorização do serviço feita pelo algoritmo proposto são eficazes para atingir o objetivo de maximizar simultaneamente a satisfa- ção dos usuários para múltiplos serviços.

O uso de ferramentas e tecnologias de gestão no planejamento e gestão por resultados na APS

Marty, Inês Kultchek January 2011 (has links)
Tecnologias de Gestão e Gestão por Resultados, temas inovadores da administração moderna, surgem do repensar a prática gerencial na busca de eficiência, eficácia, efetividade e satisfação do cliente. A singularidade e complexidade dos sistemas de saúde trazem desafios aos gestores que buscam a apropriação destes conceitos para o planejamento e avaliação do desempenho. A APS, porta de entrada do sistema possui atributos essenciais e exclusivos que devem ser permanentemente analisados. No Brasil, há o reconhecimento que a avaliação deve fazer parte das atividades dos gestores e equipes, reorientando práticas e políticas em saúde. Ainda é incipiente a institucionalização do planejamento ascendente e participativo, assim como a descentralização ao nível local de responsabilidades, metas e avaliação de desempenhos. Objetivos: Avaliar a apropriação e utilização de tecnologias de gestão e informação pelas chefias locais e equipes das Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) de Curitiba no planejamento e na gestão por resultados e sua relação com o alcance de resultados em saúde. Métodos: Pesquisa avaliativa através de estudo transversal, em todas as UBS visando à coleta, análise e comparação de dados primários obtidos por realização de questionário estruturado junto aos gestores locais das UBS e de dados secundários em sistemas informatizados, tendo 2008 como ano base. Resultados: O perfil dos gestores locais demonstra que 87% são do sexo feminino, com média de 41 anos de idade, 78% da categoria da enfermagem, 21 anos de tempo de serviço e 88% com pós-graduação. Quanto ao uso de tecnologias de gestão, 99% utilizam no planejamento e 97% na gestão por resultados com tempo médio mensal de utilização de 6 horas semanais. Foram pontuadas as tecnologias de gestão mais relevantes para o planejamento e gestão por resultados. As dificuldades na utilização, para 72% dos 11 entrevistados, são sanadas através das oportunidades de capacitações ofertadas pela instituição. Relatam ainda que 88% das UBS têm Plano Local de Saúde e 100% com Conselhos Locais atuantes. Na avaliação dos usuários, apenas 2,5% consideram “Ruim/Péssimo” o atendimento das UBS. Os Coeficientes de Associação encontrados entre a utilização das ferramentas/tecnologias de gestão com indicadores de saúde foram fracos. Conclusão: A maioria dos pesquisados reconhece que a utilização de tecnologias de gestão e informação facilita o planejamento e a gestão por resultados. As tecnologias disponíveis e consideradas de maior relevância pelos gestores locais, encontram-se coerentes com o que se espera nas novas administrações públicas. As ferramentas/tecnologias de gestão foram sendo implantadas em diferentes tempos na SMS de Curitiba e incorporadas na prática diária por técnicos e gestores, motivo que dificulta a mensuração de impactos após a implantação. Também não mostraram forte relação ou associação com os desfechos medidos em resultados em saúde (indicadores de saúde, atributos da APS e satisfação do usuário). Por outro lado o incentivo e a cultura do Monitoramento e Avaliação no município fazem com que estes resultados sejam satisfatórios se comparados com outros locais, observa-se também o incremento positivo na análise da série histórica para indicadores de saúde e satisfação dos usuários. / Management Technologies and management by results, which are both innovative themes of the administrative area, emerge from a reflective process of the managerial practice in the pursuit of efficiency, effectiveness and customer satisfaction. The uniqueness and complexity of health systems bring challenges to managers seeking ownership of these concepts for planning and performance evaluation. The APS, the system’s input port has unique and essential attributes that must be constantly analyzed. In Brazil, it is recognized that the assessment should be part of the activities of managers and teams, by redirecting policies and practices in health. It is still incipient the institutionalization of participatory and bottom-up planning, as well as the decentralization of responsibilities at local level, goals, and benchmarking. Objectives: Assess the ownership and use of management and information technologies by local managers and of the Primary Care Health Centers fron Curitiba in the planning and management by results and their relation with the achievement of results in the health area. Methods: evaluative research through cross-sectional study, in all the UBS aimed at collecting, analyzing and comparing primary data which was obtained by conducting a structured questionnaire with local managers of UBS and a secondary data in computerized systems, having 2008 as the base year. Results: the local managers’ profiles show that 87% are female, around 41 years old, 78% were nurses, 21 years of service time and 88% with post-graduate degrees. As to the use of management technologies, 99% use in planning and 97% in the resultsbased management with average monthly use of 6 hours per week. The most important management techniques for planning and management for results were scored. The difficulties in the usage, according to 72% of the respondents, are 13 remedied through training opportunities offered by the institution. It was reported that 88% of UBS have local level health and 100% with local councils involved. In which concerns the users’ evaluation, only 2.5% have considered it UBS’s treatment "bad/terrible". The coefficients of Association found between the usage of the tools/management technologies with performances in the health were considered weak. Conclusion: The majority of the researchers acknowledge that the use of management and information technology facilitates the planning and management for results. The available technologies, which were considered of greater relevance by the local managers, are consistent with what is expected in the new Government. The tools/technology management were being deployed at different times in SMS of Curitiba and incorporated in daily practice by technicians and managers, which makes the measurement of impacts after deployment. Also, a strong relationship or association with the outcomes measured in results in health (health indicators, attributes of the APS and user satisfaction) was not observed. On the other hand, the incentive and the culture of monitoring and evaluation in the municipality makes these results satisfactory when compared with other places; there is also increasing positive analysis of the historical series to health indicators and user satisfaction.

Re-examining and re-conceptualising enterprise search and discovery capability : towards a model for the factors and generative mechanisms for search task outcomes

Cleverley, Paul Hugh January 2017 (has links)
Many organizations are trying to re-create the ‘Google experience’, to find and exploit their own corporate information. However, there is evidence that finding information in the workplace using search engine technology has remained difficult, with socio-technical elements largely neglected in the literature. Explication of the factors and generative mechanisms (ultimate causes) to effective search task outcomes (user satisfaction, search task performance and serendipitous encountering) may provide a first step in making improvements. A transdisciplinary (holistic) lens was applied to Enterprise Search and Discovery capability, combining critical realism and activity theory with complexity theories to one of the world’s largest corporations. Data collection included an in-situ exploratory search experiment with 26 participants, focus groups with 53 participants and interviews with 87 business professionals. Thousands of user feedback comments and search transactions were analysed. Transferability of findings was assessed through interviews with eight industry informants and ten organizations from a range of industries. A wide range of informational needs were identified for search filters, including a need to be intrigued. Search term word co-occurrence algorithms facilitated serendipity to a greater extent than existing methods deployed in the organization surveyed. No association was found between user satisfaction (or self assessed search expertise) with search task performance and overall performance was poor, although most participants had been satisfied with their performance. Eighteen factors were identified that influence search task outcomes ranging from user and task factors, informational and technological artefacts, through to a wide range of organizational norms. Modality Theory (Cybersearch culture, Simplicity and Loss Aversion bias) was developed to explain the study observations. This proposes that at all organizational levels there are tendencies for reductionist (unimodal) mind-sets towards search capability leading to ‘fixes that fail’. The factors and mechanisms were identified in other industry organizations suggesting some theory generalizability. This is the first socio-technical analysis of Enterprise Search and Discovery capability. The findings challenge existing orthodoxy, such as the criticality of search literacy (agency) which has been neglected in the practitioner literature in favour of structure. The resulting multifactorial causal model and strategic framework for improvement present opportunities to update existing academic models in the IR, LIS and IS literature, such as the DeLone and McLean model for information system success. There are encouraging signs that Modality Theory may enable a reconfiguration of organizational mind-sets that could transform search task outcomes and ultimately business performance.

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