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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du rôle des thiorédoxines f dans la mort cellulaire programmée et en réponse à divers stress abiotiques chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana

Villette, Solange January 2015 (has links)
La mort cellulaire programmée, ou MCP, est un processus dynamique où les cellules ont la capacité de déclencher et de contrôler leur propre mort. Elle est essentielle et présente chez tous les organismes multicellulaires. Chez les plantes, la MCP permet le développement optimal (ex : formation du xylème, morphologie des feuilles, etc.) de la plante tout en protégeant contre divers stress biotiques et abiotiques (ex : la sécheresse, la chaleur, les UV, etc.). Malgré les avancées de ces dernières années, peu de gènes impliqués dans la mise en place de la MCP induite par les UV-C ont été identifiés chez les plantes. L'objectif était donc de caractériser ces gènes chez Arabidopsis thaliana. L'un des candidats est le gène BI-1, pour Bax Inhibitor-1. Il code pour un facteur anti-apoptotique de la MCP animale également retrouvé chez Arabidopsis thaliana. BI-1 régule aussi le taux de calcium du réticulum endoplasmique, ainsi que la formation des espèces réactives de l'oxygène (ROS), permettant l'activation de la réponse de la cellule au stress. L'expression de ce gène suite à une exposition aux UV-C est augmentée, faisant de lui un candidat pour la réponse aux UV-C. Une fusion du promoteur du gène AtBI-1 au gène rapporteur de la luciférase (pAtBI-1::luciférase) a été insérée dans le génome d'Arabidopsis. Une plante homozygote pour l'insertion de l'ADN-T, 5PL20E, a été isolée. Cette lignée parentale a été ensuite mutagénéisée, et un crible effectué sur la descendance exposée aux UV-C a permis d'identifier un mutant, 2017, dont l'expression de la luciférase était modifiée. Le premier objectif de ce projet était de caractériser ce mutant et de déterminer le lien potentiel avec la régulation de BI-1. Dans une deuxième partie, nous nous sommes intéressés aux rôles des thiorédoxines (TRX) dans la MCP végétale. Ces protéines sont présentes chez tous les organismes vivants. Elles régulent les activités de beaucoup d'enzymes en réduisant leurs ponts disulfures. Peu représentées chez l'homme (deux gènes), elles ont néanmoins un rôle de protection dans la voie de signalisation de l'apoptose. Par contre, chez Arabidopsis, une vingtaine de gènes codant pour les thiorédoxines sont connus. Suite à un autre crible aux UV-C d'une banque de mutants d'insertion, un nouveau mutant pour lequel l'insertion de l'ADN-T était dans le promoteur du gène codant pour la thiorédoxine f1 (AtTRX f1) a été identifié. Chez Arabidopsis, deux gènes codent pour les TRX f. Ces protéines ont d’abord été étudiées en tant que régulateur d’enzymes du cycle de Calvin. Plus récemment, d’autres fonctions ont été attribuées, surtout à la TRX f1. Nous avons obtenu de simples mutants pour les deux gènes et produit par croisement des doubles mutants, pour étudier l'implication des TRX f dans la MCP végétale induite par les UV-C (ultraviolets de type C), le MV (methyl viologen) et l'ABA (acide abscissique). En parallèle, des surexpresseurs de la TRX f1 ont été analysés pour ces mêmes stress abiotiques. L'objectif était de déterminer s'il y a une redondance de fonction entre les deux gènes, puisque ces deux protéines, de la même sous-famille, sont localisées au niveau des chloroplastes. Suite à une induction de la MCP par l'un des stress abiotiques, les réponses observées chez les simples mutants sont similaires à celles des plantes sauvages. Par contre, les doubles mutants paraissent plus résistants aux divers stress, alors que les surexpresseurs semblent nettement plus sensibles que les plantes sauvages. Enfin, un dernier axe a été développé sur le rôle des TRX f dans le contrôle des voies de synthèse et de dégradation de l'amidon pour l'ensemble des plantes de notre essai. Il s'avère que les surexpresseurs produisent une plus grande quantité d'amidon que les plantes sauvages. À l'opposé, les simples mutants ont moins d'amidon au niveau des différents tissus étudiés que les plantes sauvages, et les doubles mutants n'en présentent quasiment pas. La présence d'une quantité plus importante d'amidon chez les surexpresseurs de TRX f influence la sensibilité de ces plantes aux stress abiotiques. À l'inverse, les doubles mutants sont plus résitants à ces mêmes stress, où cette quantité d'amidon est fortement diminuée pour ces plantes.

Atividade antioxidante, compostos fenólicos totais e cor em abacate 'hass' submetido a diferentes tratamentos físicos /

Tremocoldi, Maria Augusta, 1983- January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Rogério Lopes Vieites / Banca: Erica Regina Daiuto / Banca: Severino Matias de Alencar / Resumo: O presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a atividade antioxidante, compostos fenólicos totais e cor em abacate 'Hass' submetido ao tratamento térmico, radiação gama e ultravioleta. Após a colheita, os frutos foram selecionados para tornar o lote homogêneo. Foi realizada a caracterização do fruto verde e amadurecido quanto a acidez titulável, pH, umidade, teor de lipídios, cinzas (minerais), proteína (nitrogênio bruto), açúcar total e coloração. Foram realizados 3 experimentos com frutos recém colhidos. Experimento I: imersão dos frutos em água a 45ºC por 5, 10, 15 e 20 minutos; Experimento II: radiação gama nas doses 0,2; 0,4; 0,6 e 1,0kGy e Experimento III: radiação ultravioleta (UVC) por 5, 10, 15 e 20 minutos. Após os tratamentos, os frutos foram armazenados em temperatura ambiente (21ºC±1 e 70±5% de UR) e refrigerado (10ºC±1 e 90±5% de UR). Os frutos foram analisados quanto à capacidade antioxidante pelo método DPPH e compostos fenólicos totais aos 0, 3, 9 e 12 dias. A coloração foi avaliada aos 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 1% de probabilidade. Nas condições em que os experimentos foram realizados, pode-se concluir que os frutos do tratamento testemunha e mantidos sob refrigeração apresentaram maior capacidade antioxidante e teor de compostos fenólicos totais ao longo do período de armazenamento; o tratamento térmico por 5 e 10 minutos foi efetivo na manutenção da capacidade antioxidante e dos compostos fenólicos; a dose de 0,6kGy não foi efetiva na manutenção da capacidade antioxidante; a radiação ultravioleta (UV-C) não manteve a capacidade antioxidante dos frutos, no entanto ocasionou aumento na quantidade de compostos fenólicos; o tratamento térmico e a radiação ultravioleta não afetaram a coloração da polpa / Abstract: This study aimed to determine the antioxidant activity, total phenolic compounds and color in avocado 'Hass' submitted to heat treatment, gamma and ultraviolet radiation. After harvest, fruits were selected to make the homogeneous portion. The characterization was performed of the green fruit and mature as acidity, pH, moisture, lipids, ash (minerals), protein (nitrogen gross), total sugar and coloring. 3 experiments were performed with freshly harvested fruits. Experiment I: immersion of fruits in water at 45 ° C for 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes; Experiment II: gamma radiation doses 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 1.0 kGy and Experiment III: ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) for 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes. After treatments, fruits were stored at room temperature (21±1ºC and 70±5% HR) and refrigeration (10ºC±1 and 90±5% HR). The fruits were analyzed for their antioxidant capacity by DPPH method and phenolic compounds at 0, 3, 9 and 12 days. The color was measured at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and mean comparison using Tukey's test at 1% probability. In conditions where the experiments were performed, one can conclude that the fruits of control treatment and kept under refrigeration had higher antioxidant capacity and content of phenolic compounds during the storage period, the heat treatment for 5 and 10 minutes was effective the maintenance of antioxidant capacity and phenolic compounds, the dose of 0.6 kGy was not effective in maintenance the antioxidant capacity, ultraviolet radiation (UV-C) did not maintain the antioxidant capacity of fruits, however caused an increase in the content of phenolic compounds, heat treatment and ultraviolet radiation did not affect the pulp color / Mestre

Hormetic UV treatments for control of plant diseases on protected edible crops

Scott, George January 2017 (has links)
Hormesis is a dose response phenomenon where low doses of a stress bring about a positive response in the organism undergoing treatment. UV-C hormesis has been known for over three decades and has a broad range of benefits on postharvest produce. Benefits include increased nutritional content, delayed chlorophyll degradation and disease resistance. The beneficial effects have been observed on many varieties of fresh produce including climacteric and non-climacteric fruit, tubers, salads and brassicas. The majority of previous studies have used low-intensity (LIUV) UV-C sources. LIUV sources require lengthy treatment times, which are in the region of 6 minutes for tomato fruit. This has, in part, prevented the commercial application of this technique. High-intensity, pulsed polychromatic light (HIPPL) sources, however, have recently been developed. HIPPL sources may have the potential to drastically reduce treatment times and increase their commercial viability. It was shown, here, that the use of HIPPL can control disease (reduce disease progression) caused by Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum and also delay ripening on tomato fruit. Both disease control and delayed ripening were at similar levels for LIUV and HIPPL treatments on mature green fruit. The HIPPL treatments used in these studies can reduce treatment times for tomato fruit by 97.3%. Both HIPPL and LIUV treatments elicit local responses irrespective of the treatment orientation and tomato fruit, therefore, require full surface irradiation. Furthermore, UV-C in the HIPPL source is not required for disease control or delayed ripening. It does, however, contribute approximately 50% towards the total observed effects. Investigations into the mechanisms underpinning postharvest HIPPL and LIUV hormesis, on tomato fruit, identified that the expression of genes involved in plant hormone biosynthesis, defence, secondary metabolism and ripening were affected. This indicates that disease control is achieved through induced resistance. Changes to expression, following treatment, were highly similar for both HIPPL and LIUV treatments and were mediated by salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and ethylene. This may lead to broad range resistance against necrotrophic and biotrophic pathogens as well as abiotic stresses and herbivorous pests. Recently, the exposure of foliage to UV-C has been shown to induce resistance against B. cinerea on Arabidopsis thaliana. The horticultural applications of such treatments, however, have not been explored. Pre-harvest treatments of lettuce in the glasshouse showed variation in damage threshold and optimal treatment to control disease following LIUV and HIPPL treatment. Further sources of variation included the cultivar, pathogen of interest and the point that treatment was applied during the year. Using a controlled environment allowed seasonal variation to be mitigated and both HIPPL and LIUV treatments controlled disease against B. cinerea. For pre-harvest treatments to be a success in the glasshouse, further studies into how both biotic and abiotic factors influence treatment is required. To circumvent the problems associated with pre-harvest treatments and environmental variation in the glasshouse, LIUV seed treatments were performed on tomato. Control of B. cinerea was established with an approximately 10% reduction in incidence and disease progression with a 4 kJ/m2 treatment. When monitoring the effect of treatment on germination and early seedling development it was also identified that an 8 kJ/m2 treatment led to biostimulation of germination and root and shoot growth.

Nové způsoby vzorkování pro vyhodnocení reálných remediačních studií / New sampling approaches for evaluation of real remediation studies

Kroupová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis has been carried out as a part of the project Utilization of long term (passive) sampling methods combined with in situ microcosms for assessment of (bio)degradation potential (PASSES). In the frame of the project groundwater remediation took place in the premises of Farmak a.s. in Olomouc using a pilot photooxidation unit and efficiency of the remediation was monitored through passive and active sampling methods. Pilot photooxidation unit is a technology based on the H2O2/UV-C photochemical oxidation of organic pollutants. In this work optimization tests of the pilot photooxidation unit were performed. The residence time of the groundwater in the photoreactors, required for its sufficient decontamination from pharmaceuticals and aromatic hydrocarbons, was 2.5 hours. 91% degradation of the pharmaceuticals and 80% degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons were reached during this interval. Although the removal efficiency of the pharmaceuticals by the photooxidation unit was high, the pilot photooxidation unit was not able to effectively remove the pharmaceuticals at the studied locality. By comparing the results of the pharmaceuticals from active and passive groundwater sampling during the remediation attempt, passive Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) was found to be...

Non chemical alternatives for pest management: Entomopathogenic nematodes and UV-C light

Higginbotham, Matthew Travis 10 November 2021 (has links)
The primary objectives of this research are to determine effective biological and alternative control strategies of insect and disease pests in order to reduce harsh chemical use during greenhouse crop production and transport s. This research includes two separate studies: 1) testing the practical viability of rearing and storing four species of entomopathogenic nematode (EPN), Steinernema feltiae, Steinernema carpocapsae, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Heterorhabditis indica; and, 2) the efficacy of UV-C radiation applied, pre-transport, as a preventative disease control strategy against Botrytis cinerea. A study was conducted testing EPN infectious juvenile (IJ) rearing production counts and IJ viability after a six-day storage period. When all four species are compared, S. feltiae had a greater number of infectious juveniles emerge from the wax moth cadavers and S. carpocasae had the least. All four species survived the six day storage period but EPN infectious juvenile counts were significantly different among species. Our second study tested the efficacy of UV-C radiation as an alternative control to traditional fungicides to deactivate B. cinerea in vitro and to determine plant tolerance to UV-C. The crops tested were poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) and primula (Primula vulgaris). All the UV-C doses, 1.0, 2.8, 3.7 or 4 W/m2, significantly decreased B. cinerea conidial germination in vitro and resulted in zero percent damage on poinsettia bracts. However, all UV-C doses during both replications caused minor damage, 15% or less, to primula flowers. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) shows promise in being non-chemical and environmentally friendly solution for greenhouse pest and disease control. These can also be referred to as Biological Controls (Biocontrols). Entomopathogenic nematodes are used widely to control multiple greenhouse plant pests which include both Lycoriella spp., Fungus Gnats, and Frankliniella spp., Western Flower Thrips. However, there are challenges with EPN viability and storage from the manufacture to the greenhouse producer. We studied four EPN species, Steinernema feltiae, Steinernema carpocapsae, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Heterorhabditis indica, which were reared and stored to determine differences in production viability between species. Results show that the EPN species do not respond the same to storage and produce different amounts of infectious juveniles during rearing when conditions are the same. Separate from, but just as concerning as greenhouses plant pests are plant diseases. Ultraviolet radiation in the C spectra is known to be germicidal due to its narrow wavelengths. Because of this, UV-C has been shown to deactivate many different plant pathogens on contact and is being considered as a possible Biocontrol alternative to harsh traditional fungicides and bactericides. One disease that is known to contribute to the highest volume of annual crop losses is Botrytis cinerea. Botrytis cinerea is a plant disease that impacts floricultural crops to vegetables during propagation through the production supply chain to shipping and storage. We evaluated UV-C radiation at different doses, to determine if it could be used to replace a traditional fungicide before plants are shipped to reduce B. cinerea infection during transport. We found that UV-C successfully deactivated B. cinerea in vitro, but the viability of the application to plant tissue before transport has yet to be proven successful as a practical method of reducing B. cinerea during transport.

Assessment of novel Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Simultaneous Disinfection and Decontamination of Water

Berruti, Ilaria 30 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] El mundo se enfrenta a una profunda crisis asociada al agua y la reutilización de aguas residuales urbanas (UWW), especialmente en agricultura, se presenta como una posible solución para abordar este problema. No obstante, la reutilización se debe promover dentro de unos límites mínimos de calidad del agua, los cuales pueden alcanzarse mediante la implementación de eficientes tratamientos terciaros en las actuales plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas. En las últimas décadas, los Procesos de Oxidación Avanzada (POA), basados en la generación de especies reactivas del oxígeno altamente oxidantes y no selectivas, se han planteado como alternativa a los tratamientos convencionales para desinfección y descontaminación de agua residual. El objetivo general de este estudio es, por tanto, la evaluación de nuevos POA para desinfección y descontaminación simultánea de agua, investigando: (i) fotocatálisis heterogénea solar con ZnO modificado (Ce, Yb y Fe) y TiO2-P25 de referencia, (ii) peroximonosulfato (PMS) bajo radiación solar natural (PMS/Solar), (iii) POA basados en radical sulfato utilizando PMS y radiación UV-C (PMS/UV-C) y (iv) combinación de ZnO modificado con PMS como estrategia de tratamiento. Los objetivos biológicos y químicos analizados en este estudio fueron: tres patógenos de impacto en salud humana (dos bacterias gram-negativas Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp y una gram-positiva Enterococcus spp) y tres Contaminantes de Preocupación Emergente (CE) (Diclofenaco-DCF, Sulfametoxazol-SMX y Trimetoprim-TMP). La fotoactividad de ZnO modificado con Ce, Yb o Fe se evaluó a escala de laboratorio (200 mL), obteniendo buenas cinéticas de inactivación bacteriana y degradación de CE. El ZnO-Ce mostró el mejor rendimiento, no obstante, se descartó el escalado de este proceso tanto su aplicación directa, considerando su similar eficiencia en comparación con TiO2-P25 y por el alto coste del tratamiento, como en combinación con PMS, por la la liberación de Zn2+ al agua tratada. El uso directo de PMS como agente oxidante para el tratamiento de agua y UWW se ha demostrado en este estudio, aumentado su eficiencia al ser el sistema irradiado tanto con lámparas UV-C como con luz solar natural. Se han postulado diferentes mecanismos de inactivación y degradación de CE para cada tipo de irradiación: activación de PMS para generar radicales (con fotones UV-C) y la no activación o mecanismo de oxidación directo (con luz solar natural). La capacidad de los procesos PMS/Solar y PMS/UV-C se evaluó en UWW a escala de planta piloto en un Colector Parabólico Compuesto (10 L) y en una planta piloto de UV-C (80 L), respectivamente. El mejor rendimiento de tratamiento se alcanzó con una concentración de PMS de 1 mM en ambos casos, logrando una inactivación exitosa de todos los objetivos microbianos (incluyendo bacterias resistentes a antibióticos), sin observar recrecimiento bacteriano tras 48 h y eliminando de manera eficiente los CE. Por otro lado, la eliminación eficiente de genes de resistentes a antibióticos y productos de transformación se obtuvo con PMS/UV-C, mientras que éstos parámetros siguen siendo un reto a abordar en el caso del proceso PMS/Solar. En ningún caso se observó toxicidad del agua tratada para Aliivibrio fischeri, excluyendo un efecto nocivo para el medio ambiente receptor del efluente, y solo un leve efecto fitotóxico en el crecimiento de dos de las tres semillas analizadas (L. sativum y S. alba), indicando la idoneidad del efluente para su reutilización en riego. Finalmente, el análisis de costes demostró que este factor clave podría ser una barrera importante para la implementación del proceso PMS/Solar en plantas centralizadas de tratamiento de UWW. No obstante, su consideración como sistemas descentralizados asociados a pequeños volúmenes de agua en zonas con alta incidencia de radiación solar, ahorrando costes energéticos mediante el aprovechamiento de la luz solar, podría ser una opción real y asequible. / [CA] El món s'enfronta a una profunda crisi associada a l'aigua i la reutilització d'aigües residuals urbanes (UWW), especialment en agricultura, es presenta com una possible solució per a abordar aquest problema. No obstant això, la reutilització s'ha de promoure dins d'uns límits mínims de qualitat de l'aigua, els quals poden aconseguir-se mitjançant la implementació d'eficients tractaments terciaris en les actuals plantes de tractament d'aigües residuals urbanes. En les últimes dècades, els Processos Avançats d'Oxidació (PAO), basats en la generació d'espècies reactives d'oxigen altament oxidants i no selectives, s'han plantejat com a alternativa als tractaments convencionals per a desinfecció i descontaminació d'aigua residual. L'objectiu general d'aquest estudi és, per tant, l'avaluació de nous POA per a desinfecció i descontaminació simultània d'aigua, investigant: (i) fotocatàlisi heterogènia solar amb ZnO modificat (Ce, Yb i Fe) i TiO2-P25 de referència, (ii) peroximonosulfat (PMS) baix radiació solar natural (PMS/Solar), (iii) POA basats en radical sulfat utilitzant PMS i radiació UV-C (PMS/UV-C) i (iv) combinació de ZnO modificat amb PMS com a estratègia de tractament. Els objectius biològics i químics analitzats en aquest estudi van ser: tres patògens d'impacte en salut humana (dos bacteris gram-negatius Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp i un gram-positiu Enterococcus spp) i tres Contaminants de Preocupació Emergent (CE) (Diclofenac-DCF, Sulfametoxazol-SMX i Trimetoprim-TMP). La fotoactivitat de ZnO modificat amb Ce, Yb o Fe es va avaluar a escala de laboratori (200 mL), obtenint bones cinètiques d'inactivació bacteriana i degradació de CE. El ZnO-Ce va mostrar el millor rendiment, no obstant això, es va descartar l'escalat d'aquest procés tant mitançant la seua aplicació directa o com en combinació amb PMS, considerant la seua similar eficiència en comparació amb TiO2-P25, l'alt cost del tractament i l'alliberament de Zn2+ a l'aigua tractada. L'ús directe de PMS com a agent oxidant per al tractament d'aigua i UWW s'ha demostrat en aquest estudi, augmentat la seua eficiència quan el sistema és irradiat tant amb llums UV-C com amb llum solar natural. S'han postulat diferents mecanismes d'inactivació i degradació de CE per a cada tipus d'irradiació: activació de PMS per a generar radicals (amb fotons UV-C) i la no activació o mecanisme d'oxidació directe (amb llum solar natural). La capacitat dels processos PMS/Solar i PMS/UV-C es va avaluar en UWW a escala de planta pilot en un Col·lector Parabòlic Compost (10 L) i en una planta pilot d'UV-C (80 L), respectivament. El millor rendiment de tractament es va aconseguir amb una concentració de PMS d'1 mm en tots dos casos, aconseguint una inactivació reeixida de tots els objectius microbians (incloent bacteris resistents a antibiòtics), sense observar recreixement bacterià després de 48 h i eliminant de manera eficient els CE. D'altra banda, l'eliminació eficient de gens de resistents a antibiòtics i productes de transformació es va obtindre amb PMS/UV-C, mentre que aquests paràmetres continuen sent un repte a abordar en el cas del procés PMS/Solar. En cap cas es va observar toxicitat a l'aigua tractada per a Aliivibrio fischeri, excloent un efecte nociu per al medi ambient receptor de l'efluent, i només un lleu efecte fitotòxic en el creixement de dos de les tres llavors analitzades (L. sativum i S. alba), indicant la idoneïtat de l'efluent per a la seua reutilització en reg. Finalment, l'anàlisi de costos va demostrar que aquest factor clau podria ser una barrera important per a la implementació del procés PMS/Solar en plantes centralitzades de tractament de UWW. No obstant això, la seua consideració com a sistemes descentralitzats associats a xicotets volums d'aigua en zones amb alta incidència de radiació solar, estalviant costos energètics mitjançant l'aprofitament de la llum solar, podria ser una opció real i assequible. / [EN] It is well recognized that the world is facing a water crisis and the reuse of urban wastewater (UWW) in agriculture, has been gaining attention as a reliable solution to address this problem. It is mandatory to promote the safe water reuse and minimum water quality limits could be achieved by upgrading the Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants, through the addition of an efficient tertiary treatment. In the last decades, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), relying on the potential generation of highly oxidant, reactive and non-selective Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), have been raised as alternative to conventional treatments for both water disinfection and decontamination. The general aim of this study is the assessment of novel AOPs for the simultaneous disinfection and decontamination of water, investigating (i) solar heterogeneous photocatalysis, involving modified ZnO with Ce, Yb and Fe and the benchmark TiO2-P25, (ii) peroxymonosulfate (PMS) under natural solar radiation (PMS/Solar), (iii) Sulfate radical-based AOPs (SR-AOPs) involving PMS and UV-C radiation (PMS/UV-C) and (iv) combination of the best-performing photocatalytic material with PMS (PMS/modified ZnO). The involved biological and chemical targets in this study were: three human health impact pathogens (two gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp. and the gram-positive Enterococcus spp.) and three Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs, Diclofenac-DCF, Sulfamethoxazole-SMX and Trimethoprim-TMP). Photoactivity of modified ZnO with Ce, Yb or Fe was assessed in 200-mL vessel reactors, attaining good target's removal kinetic rates. Best performing material was ZnO-Ce, but its feasibility for a further up-scaling was discarded both as photocatalyst alone, considering the similar performances obtained, compared to TiO2-P25 and the high treatment cost, and in combination with PMS, due to the release of high amount of Zn2+. PMS alone has been proven to be an effective oxidant agent for water and UWW treatment, increasing its effectiveness when illuminated with photons from UV-C lamps and natural sunlight. Nevertheless, different inactivation and CECs degradation mechanisms have been postulated for each type of irradiation, and according to the activation of PMS (with UV-C photons) or non-activation (under natural sunlight). The capability of PMS/Solar and PMS/UV-C processes were evaluated in actual UWW at pilot plant scale in 10-L Compound Parabolic Collector and in 80L UV-C pilot plant, respectively. Optimal load of PMS was found to be 1 mM in both cases, achieving successful inactivation of natural occurring bacteria and their antibiotic resistant counterparts, without observing bacterial regrowth after 48h and efficiently eliminating CECs. Efficient removal of antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs) and transformation products (TPs) was obtained by PMS/UV-C, while their elimination is still a challenge to be addressed in PMS/Solar process. Reclaimed UWW obtained by both PMS/Solar and PMS/UV-C process showed no toxicity towards Aliivibrio fischeri, excluding a harmful effect towards the receiving aquatic environment after effluent discharge, and a very slightly phytotoxic effect for growth of two out of the three tested seeds (L. sativum and S. alba), indicating the suitability of this water for its subsequent reuse for agriculture. The analysis of the treatment cost revealed that this key factor could be an important barrier for implementation of PMS/Solar process in large centralized UWW treatment plants. Nevertheless, its consideration as decentralized systems associated to small volume of water in areas with a high solar radiation incidence, saving energy costs by using natural solar radiation, could be a real and affordable option. / Berruti, I. (2022). Assessment of novel Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Simultaneous Disinfection and Decontamination of Water [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183052


Dugatto, Jonas Simon 21 December 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / During the chicken slaughter line, some steps are considered critical, due to the possibility of cross-contamination among carcasses, which directly influence in the shelf-life of the carcasses. New technologies that reduce the microbial counts, leading to an increase of the quality and shelf-life are very welcome. The ultraviolet-C (UV-C) radiation appears as an alternative, because is a non-thermal method, of low cost and of easy implementation, which has already proved to be lethal to many microorganisms in food surfaces. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the use of doses of UV-C radiation of 5,4 and 9,46 kJ/m2, applied at two temperatures near the slaughter steps (5 and 25 °C), on the physicochemical parameters (color, pH, conjugated dienes content, peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and fatty acid profile) and microbiological (total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, psychrotrophic, yeasts and molds) of chicken drumsticks. The analyses were performed immediately after the doses were applied (zero day) and every 3 days, during 12 days of storage at 5 °C, but the fatty acid profile was analyzed after the doses were applied, and on sixth and twelfth days. The number of colonies of total aerobic mesophilic bacteria had significant reductions (p < 0,05) on the third, sixth and ninth days of storage, at both temperatures of application and after the doses were applied (zero day) for the application at 25 °C. Regarding the total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, application of UV-C radiation at 5 °C, provided shelf-life of carcasses of 9 days of storage, whereas at 25 °C, the shelf-life was 6 days. The number of colonies of psychrotrophic bacteria had significant decreases (p < 0,05) in all days of storage when applied the dose of 9,46 kJ/m2 at 5 °C, and only on the third and on the twelfth days when applied at 25 °C. At the sixth day, the number of colonies of psychrotrophic bacteria was characteristic of deterioration, regardless the treatment applied. The molds and yeasts were not affected by UV-C radiation. Generally, in a same temperature of application, the UV-C radiation doses didn t cause significant changes (p > 0,05) compared to the samples from the control group (without irradiation) in any of the physicochemical parameters, independent of the day of storage. The application of UV-C radiation at 25 °C compared to 5 °C, promoted higher formation of conjugated dienes and lower amount of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thus, the UV-C radiation could be applied in industry after the step of cooling carcass (at 5 °C) due to the non-acceleration of initiation of lipid oxidation, the non-diminishing of essential fatty acids and being effective on the reduction of aerobic mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria. / Durante a linha de abate de frangos, algumas etapas são consideradas críticas, devido à possibilidade de contaminação cruzada entre as carcaças, o que influencia diretamente na vida útil das mesmas. Novas tecnologias que venham a reduzir as contagens microbianas, levando ao aumento da qualidade e vida útil das carcaças são muito bem-vindas. A radiação ultravioleta-C (UV-C) aparece como uma alternativa, pois é um método não térmico, de baixo custo e de fácil aplicação, que já se mostrou letal para vários micro-organismos em superfícies de alimentos. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de doses de radiação UV-C de 5,4 e 9,46 kJ/m2, aplicadas em duas temperaturas próximas as de etapas do abate (5 e 25 °C), sobre os parâmetros físico-químicos (cor, pH, teor de dienos conjugados, índice de peróxidos, substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico e perfil de ácidos graxos) e microbiológicos (bactérias mesófilas aeróbias totais, psicrotróficas e bolores e leveduras) em sobrecoxas de frangos. As análises foram realizadas logo depois de aplicadas as doses (zero dia) e de 3 em 3 dias, durante 12 dias de armazenamento a 5 °C, sendo que o perfil de ácidos graxos foi analisado logo depois de aplicadas as doses e no 6º e 12º dias. O número de colônias das bactérias mesófilas aeróbias totais teve reduções significativas (p < 0,05) no 3º, 6º e 9º dias de armazenamento, em ambas as temperaturas de aplicação e logo depois de aplicadas as doses (zero dia) para a aplicação a 25 °C. Em relação às bactérias mesófilas aeróbias totais, a aplicação da radiação UV-C a 5 °C proporcionou tempo de vida útil das carcaças de 9 dias de armazenamento, enquanto que na aplicação a 25 °C, o tempo de vida útil foi de 6 dias. O número de colônias de bactérias psicrotróficas teve reduções significativas (p < 0,05) em todos os dias de armazenamento quando aplicada a dose de 9,46 kJ/m2 a 5 °C, e somente no 3° e 12° dias, quando aplicada a 25 °C. A partir do 6° dia de armazenamento, o número de colônias de bactérias psicrotróficas foi característico de deterioração, independente do tratamento aplicado. Os bolores e leveduras não foram afetados pela radiação UV-C. De maneira geral, em uma mesma temperatura de aplicação, as doses de radiação UV-C não causaram modificações significativas (p > 0,05) em relação às amostras pertencentes ao grupo controle (sem irradiação) em nenhum dos parâmetros físico-químicos, independente do dia de armazenamento. A aplicação da radiação UV-C a 25 °C em relação a 5 °C, promoveu maior formação de dienos conjugados e um menor teor de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados ômega-6 e ômega-3. Dessa forma, a radiação UV-C poderia ser aplicada na indústria após a etapa de resfriamento das carcaças (a 5 °C), devido a não acelerar o início da oxidação lipídica, não diminuir os teores dos ácidos graxos essenciais, e sim apresentar eficiência na redução de bactérias mesófilas aeróbias e psicrotróficas.

Využití vybraných molekulárních metod k metabolické charakterizaci průmyslově významných kvasinek / Use of some molecular techniques to metabolic characterization of industrially significant yeasts

Kostovová, Iveta January 2021 (has links)
Karotenoidy, ergosterol a mastné kyseliny jsou velmi žádané látky využívané v krmivářském, potravinářském a kosmetickém průmyslu. Konvenční zdroje mastných kyselin a karotenoidů jsou závislé na sezónních podmínkách, geografické poloze a na dostupnosti zemědělské půdy, což znesnadňuje pokrýt jejich neustále se zvyšující spotřebu. Velmi slibným řešením je mikrobiální produkce výše uvedených látek pomocí karotenogenních kvasinek, které jsou schopny simultánně produkovat karotenoidy, mastné kyseliny i ergosterol. Předložená disertační práce je zaměřená na molekulární a metabolickou charakterizaci karotenogenních kvasinek a na jejich potenciál pro průmyslové aplikace. Proto první experimentální části práce jsou zaměřeny na kvasinky druhu R. mucilaginosa a R. toruloides, jejich produkční vlastnosti, vliv nutričního stresu a různých zdrojů uhlíku, jakými byly xylóza a glycerol. Kromě podrobné charakterizace jejich produkčních vlastností, byly tyto kmeny také charakterizovány molekulárními metodami, zahrnující sekvenční analýzu ITS1, ITS2 a D1/2 ribozomálního operonu a analýzu mini a mikrosatelitních sekvencí M13 a GTG5. Druh R. toruloides je známý jako vynikající producent mastných kyselin, a proto se v poslední době stal cílovou karotenogenní kvasinkou pro vývoj nástrojů pro jeho genetickou manipulaci. V této práci byly úspěšně připraveny geneticky modifikované klony kmene R. toruloides, nesoucí nadměrně exprimované geny pro diacylglycerol acyltransferázu (DGA1) a glycerol-3-fosfát dehydrogenázu (GPD1). Produkce mastných kyselin u modifikovaných klonů nebyla ve srovnání s původním kmenem vyšší. Proto byla další část práce zaměřená na přípravu nadprodukčních mutantních kmenů připravených náhodnou mutagenezí. Kombinace limitace dusíkem a inhibice produkce karotenoidů vedla k úspěšné selekci robustních mutantních kmenů s nadprodukcí karotenoidů vykazující rezistenci vůči difenylaminu. Poslední část práce se zabývá produkčními vlastnostmi méně známých druhů karotenogenních kvasinek náležící do řádů Sporidiobolales a Cystofilobasidales, ve srovnání s relativně dobře prostudovanými karotenogenními druhy R. toruloides a P.rhodozyma. V této studii byly nejlešími producenty mastných kyselin kmeny S.metaroseus CCY 19-6-20 a C. macerans CCY 10-01-02. Nejlepší producent karotenoidů, kmen R. mucilaginosa CCY 19-04-06, navíc produkoval lykopen, který představoval více než 80 % celkového množství karotenoidů produkovaných tímto kmenem.

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