Spelling suggestions: "subject:"VAT deductive""
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Odpočet DPH z pohledu českého a komunitárního práva / Deduction of VAT from the point of view of Czech and Community lawGaraj, Juraj January 2010 (has links)
Deduction of VAT from the perspective of Czech and EU law The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the relation between Czech and EU law with respect to the juridical institute of deduction of VAT, comparing these legal systems in the light of both EU and Czech case law. The thesis is composed of four chapters starting generally and continuing to more specific matters. Chapter One is divided into two parts, first characterizing VAT and its position in a tax system and second exploring reasons of VAT implementation. Chapter Two focuses on the process of tax harmonization as general phenomenon describing its stages and legal basis in the EU in order to explain process of VAT harmonization within the EU in its second part. Third part deals with the relation between Czech and EU law and analyses problem of euro conformity assessment of Czech law by the administrative organs with respect to the relevant case law. Chapter Three describes structure of VAT divided into 5 parts accordingly to its components. Taxable transactions, taxable persons, taxable amount, rates and temporal aspects are analyzed in order to better understand the mechanism of deduction of VAT and the role of EU case law in the system of EU tax law. Chapter Four deals with deduction of VAT and is divided into four parts. First part analyses the...
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Prokazování nároku na odpočet daně z přidané hodnoty / Proving the title to value added tax deductionRásocha, Filip January 2021 (has links)
(v anglickém jazyce) The Master's Thesis "Proving the title to value added tax deduction" is focused on the explanation of rules and characteristics of a specific area of proving in the administration of taxes, which is undoubtedly represented by proving the title to value added tax (VAT) deduction, this Thesis is also focused on identification and solution of disputed issues related to this area. First of all, VAT and its deductions are dealt with in general, namely in the scope necessary for the issues under analysis. The Thesis then analyzes in detail the conditions necessary to the title to VAT deduction as adherence to these conditions is mainly being ascertained within the process of proving. Having the necessary starting points been thus defined, the title to deduction is comprehensively and critically analyzed wherein the biggest attention in this regard is paid to the distribution of the burden of proof between the taxable entity and the tax administrator as well as to the content and scope of this burden of proof. In this context, many problems are also pointed out which are faced by the decision-making practice, including their possible methods of solution. One of them is related to proving the supplier of the taxable supply and a fully independent part is focused on this issue as the...
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Daň z přidané hodnoty v účetnictví v České republice / Value Added Tax in accounting in the Czech RepublicRadinová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with recording VAT in accounting in the Czech Republic in accordance with the tax and accounting acts. The thesis is divided into four parts, in which is proceeded from the general definition of tax and accounting, their development into their current definition of the subject to VAT and accounting, recording VAT in the accounting into the special situation of VAT and their recording in accounting. The thesis is supplemented by graphs, tables and accounting charts for clearer recording VAT in the accounting in the Czech Republic.
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Teisės į PVM ataskaitą ir prievolės registruotis PVM mokėtoju santykis pridėtinės vertės mokesčio raidos kontekste / The relation between the right to VAT deduction and the obligation to register as VAT payer in the context of value added tax development procesLaucius, Gediminas 24 February 2010 (has links)
Pridėtinės vertės mokestį yra įsivedusios apie 150 pasaulio valstybių, jis sudaro reikšmingą valstybių biudžeto pajamų dalį (statistiškai apie penktadalį). Pagrindinėmis priežastimis, nulėmusiomis beprecedentį PVM populiarumą ir sparčią mokesčio integraciją į daugumos pasaulio valstybių mokestines sistemas, laikomi reikšmingi alternatyvių netiesioginių apyvartos mokesčių sisteminiai trūkumai, kurių PVM neturi. Pridėtinės vertės mokesčio unikalumas ir pranašumas prieš kitus apyvartos mokesčius slypi pirkimo PVM atskaitos mechanizme, sudarančiame sąlygas apmokestinti tik kiekvienoje iš prekių ir paslaugų paskirstymo grandžių sukurtą pridėtinę vertę. Todėl, siekiant, kad PVM funkcionuotų efektyviai ir sugebėtų išlikti neutraliu apyvartos mokesčiu, yra labai svarbu, kad pirkimo PVM atskaita apmokestinamiesiems asmenims būtų arba visai neribojama, arba ribojama tik išimtiniais atvejais ir tik proporcingai tokiu ribojimu siekiamiems tikslams.
Dėl šios priežasties magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama problema, ar pagrįstai Lietuvos PVM įstatymo nuostatos, suteikiančios teisę į PVM atskaitą tik PVM mokėtojams, riboja apmokestinamųjų asmenų teisę į pirkimo PVM, patirto ir sunaudoto apmokestinamoje veikloje iki registracijos PVM mokėtoju, atskaitą.
Kaip pradinė išeities pozicija iškeliama hipotezė, kad galbūt Lietuvos Respublikos PVM įstatymo nuostatos, ribojančios apmokestinamojo asmens teisę į iki įsiregistravimo PVM mokėtoju patirtą pirkimo PVM, netinkamai įgyvendina 2006/112/EB... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Approximately 150 countries of the world have already introduced the value added tax in their tax systems. Value added tax compose a significant portion of the income of the revenue of these states’ (statistically one fifth). As the main reasons which determined the unprecedented popularity of VAT and its rapid integration into the tax systems of the most countries of the world are recognized the meaningful disadvantages of the alternative turnover tax systems, which are not typical to the systems of VAT. The uniqueness of value added tax and its advantage over the other turnover taxes lies in the mechanism of input VAT deduction. Certain mechanism allows to charge only the value added created in the stages of distribution (no cascade effect emerges). Therefore in order for VAT to operate effectively and to remain neutral, it is particularly important that taxable persons’ right to input VAT deduction is either not restricted at all, or if restricted then only in exceptional cases and only in the strict proportionality with the objectives in purpose.
For the above reasons we examine the problem whether the provisions of the Lithuanian Law on VAT which entitle solely the VAT payers with the right to VAT deduction legitimately restrict the taxable persons’ right to deduct input VAT incurred and absorbed in the taxable activity prior the registration as VAT payer.
As the initial starting position we hypothesize that conceivably the provisions of the Lithuanian Law on VAT... [to full text]
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Problematika DPH neziskových organizací / VAT issue of non-profit organisationsMatějka, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Act no. 235/2004 Coll., Value Added Tax (hereinafter "the VAT Act"), is for non-profit organizations very difficult area, because of its frequent amendment. Also its meaning and content is for many of these organizations difficult to understand. This thesis wants to provide non-profit organizations comprehensive overview of the issue of value added tax. In addition to the application of special provisions of the VAT Act this thesis also focuses on provisions which relate generally to all taxpayers. The aim is the elimination of errors, in which non-profit organizations make mistakes. The most problematic provisions in practice are those which bind to the registration or vice versa deregistration. Problematic provisions are also those which relate to the right to deduct VAT on received taxable supplies. The practical part of this thesis is dedicated to these provisions.
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