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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sběr a vyhodnocování dat z testovacích stanic / Collection and analysis of data from testing stations

Hák, David January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on three basic parts – description of the theoretical and practical parts of measurements of LED modules front automotive headlamps, then design and realization of system for collecting and storing measurement data source and finally creation of server applications allowing via a web interface selection and display the required data.

Využití technik Data Mining v různých odvětvích / Using Data Mining in Various Industries

Fabian, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis concerns about the use of data mining techniques in banking, insurance and shopping centres industries. The thesis theoretically describes algorithms and methodology CRISP-DM dedicated to data mining processes. With usage of theoretical knowledge and methods, the thesis suggests possible solution for various industries within business intelligence processes.

Helpdesk pro podporu správy firemních počítačových sítí / Helpdesk for Computer Network Maintenance Support

Vašák, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with creating and implementation of helpdesk system with diagnostics (feedback) for The Best Network Solution, the IT outsourcing company, serving for maintenance theirs computer networks, equipment and end customers support.

Výkonnostní testování webových aplikací / Web Application Performance Testing

Martinák, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is about software testing and mainly focused on performance testing of web applications. The introductory chapters outline problems of testing, identification of key issues, explanation of general concepts and software quality, differences between desktop and web application testing and finally - performance testing. Then, there is chosen a web application suitable for testing (Kentico CMS 6) and comparison of existing tools for performance and load testing. One of them (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Edition) is chosen for the further testing. Therefore, several test scenarios are designed and implemented (including demonstration of creating, editing and debugging, extending with plug-ins, maintaining, running in a distributed environment, etc.). Finally, there are introduced testing reports and suggestions for the further testing.

Rozšíření funkčnosti nástroje Process Inspector / Process Inspector Tool Functionality Extension

Opršal, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with process management, especially the general principles that lead to improvements in company processes. It's looking for methods to facilitate the identification and description processes. There are those applications that have just the identification and description of the process easier. Following is a description of the practical implementation of this application to Microsoft SharePoint.

Klasifikace typu vozidel (VCL) / Vehicle classification

Fiala, Václav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with recognition of vehicles with image captured by one camera. The image is always taken as a front view of a vehicle passing one specific place in case of various lighting conditions. The aim is to implement classification method with regard to robustness, reliability and computional complexity. The method is implemented in Mircosoft Visual Studio 2013 using the OpenCV library.

Software pro jízdu pravidelnosti / Software for Regularity Racing

Kříž, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this master‘s thesis was to create software solution suitable for measuring and results processing of regularity rally races and to create supplementary web application. The measuring application was created using integrated development environment Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and c# programming language. For application to work correctly, it was necessary to create a database model, using MySQL relational database management system. The measuring application can work both with local and remote database server. Web application allows user to see various data including results of racing events or tournaments, data are being fetched from the MySQL database. There was an option to explore existing circuit racing software Vola Timing Circuit – Pro for inspiration.

Refactoring Nordyr : ReactJS + Laravel

Färholt, Fredric January 2020 (has links)
This independent work includes refactoring a website application. In simpler sense, it means modernizing existing code by increasing its quality and making it more understandable; to exchange old knowledge of methods and concepts into something that is more relevant to its time. This refactoring has also meant to transform the UI into something that is more appealing, and more userfriendly. The website that has gone through the refactoring is Nordyr (”https://nordyr.com/”). Nordyr is a Nordic Film & Series Database that shares information about Nordic films and tv-series, and everyone involved. They also offer social tools such as user profiles and various tools to simplify the exploration and interaction between Nordic movies and consumers. This was made possible by using vanilla PHP, JavaScript/jQuery, and the MariaDB database for information storage and management. The implementation of the refactoring meant retaining PHP for the backend, but applying the Laravel framework, and likewise for JavaScript, but applying ReactJS (a powerful JavaScript library). Nordyr retains MariaDB for its information storage and management, however, its SQL queries have been adapted to Laravel’s query-builder and Eloquent ORM, which means that the majority of SQL queries have been rewritten and the majority of data tables are now represented by models. The restructuring of Nordyr has shown that the website now has the ability to scale better, and the development environment will also be more pleasant for those involved. / Det här självständiga arbetet har innefattat att omstrukturera en hemsida. Det innebär i enklare mening att modernisera kod och öka dess kvalité; att byta ut äldre kunskaper om metoder och koncept till något som anses vara av mer relevans för sin tid. Refaktoreringen har också inneburit att dess UI gjorts om till att bli mer tilltalande och användarvänlig. Hemsidan som gått igenom refaktoreringen är Nordyr (”https://nordyr.com/”). Nordyr är en Nordisk Film- & Serie-databas som delar information om nordiska filmer och tv-serier och alla inblandade. De erbjuder även sociala verktyg som användarprofiler och diverse verktyg för att förenkla upptäckandet och interaktionen mellan nordiska titlar och konsumenter. Detta gjordes möjligt med hjälp av vanilj PHP, JavaScript/jQuery, och databasen MariaDB för informationslagring och hantering. Genomförandet av refaktoreringen innebar att behålla PHP för backend men tillämpa ramverket Laravel, och likaså för frontend, JavaScript stod kvar men ReactJS (”JavaScript bibliotek”) tillämpades. Nordyr behåller MariaDB, men dess förfrågningar i SQL har anpassats till Laravels query-builder och Eloquent ORM, vilket innebar att majoriteten av SQL frågor skrivits om och majoriteten av tabeller representeras nu av modeller (”Models”). Omstruktureringen av Nordyr har visat på att hemsidan nu har förmågan att skala bättre, och utvecklingsmiljön kommer även bli mer behaglig för de inblandade.

Automatický design webových aplikací / Automatic Design of Web Applications

Žilka, Radek January 2009 (has links)
This project is focused on software design and implementation. This software represents a generator of web information system source code developed in ASP.NET 2.0. The information system requires the SQL database. The source code generated by this application is the base of the next development in Visual Studio 2008. This project inspects similar generators too.

Effektivisering av produktframtagningen för kundanpassade hydraulcylindrar genom användning av automationsramverk / Enhancing Efficiency in the Product Development for Custom Hydraulic Cylinders through the Implementation of an Automation Framework

Lundvik, Axel January 2023 (has links)
Examensarbetet som detaljeras i denna rapport är utfört på uppdrag av företaget Xperdi AB, designautomationsexperter vars önskemål med projektet var en demonstration av effekten avdesignautomation. Projektförslaget innefattar utveckling och användningen av ett automationsramverk för automatisk generering av unika hydraulcylindermodeller efter specifika designkrav. För att genomföra arbetet har olika verktyg och metoder kombinerats. Modellens delkomponenter konstruerades i CAD-programmet SolidWorks och kompletterades med nödvändiga data för att förbereda CAD-filerna för konfiguration. XCC (Xperdi CAD Configurator) är ett konfigurationsverktyg som hanterar datan från CAD och erbjuder extern styrning och konfiguration av CAD-modellen. För att automatisera konfigurationen som möjliggörs av XCC har ett gränssnitt för designval och olika verkställande operationer skapats i programmet Visual Studio, med tillhörande kod skriven i det objektorienterade språket Visual Basic. Koden i Visual Studio kommunicerar med XCC och innehåller konfigurativa instruktioner för modellen baserat på valda inputs, men även direkt med SolidWorks för verkställandet av specifika SolidWorks-funktioner. Projektet har resulterat i en anpassningsbar hydraulcylindermodell vars specifikationer styrs från gränssnittet, med funktionalitet för automatisk generering av hålbilder och ritningar för samtliga unika konfigurationer i designrymden. Även tidsvinsterna av designautomation har undersökts. Resultaten indikerar att arbetet med att upprätta ett automationsramverk har betydande fördelar, dels med avseende på hastigheten av designändringar som uppmätts, dels med avseende på mervärdet som tillkommer vid reduktion av repetitivt arbete. Dock tas i beaktning att fördelarna av designautomation bör vägas mot resursinvesteringarna som krävs. / The thesis detailed in this report was carried out on behalf of the company Xperdi AB, designautomation experts whose goal for the project was to demonstrate the effectiveness of designautomation. The project proposal includes development and use of an automation framework for automatic generation of unique hydraulic cylinder models based on specific design requirements. To execute the work, various tools and methods were combined. The model's subcomponents were constructed in the CAD program SolidWorks and supplemented with the necessary data to prepare the CAD files for configuration. XCC (Xperdi CAD Configurator) is a configuration tool that manages data from CAD and offers external control and configuration of the CAD model. To automate the configuration enabled by XCC, an interface for design choices and various executive operations was created in the Visual Studio program, with accompanying code written in the object-oriented language Visual Basic. The code in Visual Studio communicates with XCC and contains configurative instructions for the model based on selected inputs, as well as directly with SolidWorks to perform specific SolidWorks functions. The project has resulted in an adaptive hydraulic cylinder model whose specifications are controlled from the interface, with functionality for automatic generation of hole patterns and drawings for all unique configurations in the design space. The time savings of design automation have also been examined. The results indicate that the work of establishing an automation framework has significant benefits, both in terms of the speed of design changes measured and the added value that comes from reducing repetitive work. However, it should be noted that the benefits of design automation should be weighed against the resource investments required.

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