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價值共創環境、誘因機制與知識管理對興趣型社群平台營運之影響 / The Methodology for the Operation of Communities of Interest: Value Co-Creation, Incentives, and Knowledge Management吳岡陵, Wu, Kang Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對興趣型虛擬社群平台進行探討,透過文獻中得知之社群經營成功關鍵要素:「價值共創的環境」、「誘因機制」、「知識管理」檢視個案興趣型虛擬社群平台,並發現三者之間有順序性之關係。首先透過良好設計的「價值共創」社群平台環境,吸引使用者參與,其結果可以加強社群平台自身之競爭優勢。第二階段興趣型社群平台應該透過明顯且簡易得到之金錢誘因吸引使用者,使其有動機參與進入興趣型社群平台,而在使用者數量提升之後,透過管理機制之設計,產生心理誘因,加強使用者之重複拜訪與投入的行為,即透過正確而有效的「誘因機制」提升興趣型社群平台運作之人流量與忠誠度。於累積足夠的使用者及高度黏著度之後,興趣型社群平台應該透過「知識管理」建立機制,將社群平台上累積之知識形成資料庫,以吸引更多的使用者加入,串聯具互補性質的合作夥伴,同時促進更高的社群平台黏著度,並且進而利用資料庫,創造可能的多樣化獲利來源。 / The research aims to focus on the communities of interest, which is now the mainstream of communities on the Internet. With respect to the lack of related research on the operation of communities of interest, this research will examine three factors that are key to the operation of this kind of communities and research how these three factors work and how business managers plan a strategy for the operation of communities of interest.
The research will take iPeen and Fandora, both of which are rising stars communities in Taiwan, as case study communities. The study reveals that there are some factors that are key to the success of communities. By examining the factors, we can see how they work and how they would lead to the victory in the heated online communities war.
According to the research, a value co-creation environment, the incentives and knowledge management would be the key to the success of operation of communities of interest. The management team of communities of interest can use these three key factors step by step through strategic planning.
In the final conclusion and suggestion, the research aims at the future participants in the industry and provides solutions to the strategic planning regarding previously found key factors and referred cases.
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