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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wertanalyse strategischer Entscheidungen bei der Stahlherstellung untersucht am Beispiel der Erzeugung von Bändern aus nichtrostenden Stählen

Jüngling, Lorenz 11 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In der Stahlindustrie sind strategische Entscheidungen mit hohen Investitionsbedarfen verbunden und aufgrund komplexer Produktionsvorgänge oft nur schwer zu bewerten. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird ein Modell vorgestellt, das eine Verbindung zwischen der Veränderung technischer Parameter im Produktionsnetzwerk und ihren Auswirkungen auf den Wert der Unternehmung zulässt. Hierfür werden die zukünftigen Freien Cashflows bestimmt, die aus der Betriebstätigkeit (Produktion und Vertrieb) der Unternehmung resultieren und diskontiert zu einem Unternehmenswert aufsummiert (DCF). Entscheidend hierbei ist der Trade-off zwischen der technischen Detailtreue des Modells und der Handhabbarkeit (Modularität) bei der kurzfristigen Bewertung strategischer Fragestellungen. Abschließend wird der Einsatz des Modells anhand von Beispielen demonstriert.

Värdebaserad prissättning : Ett internt angreppsätt / Value based pricing : An internal approach

Nöjd, Malin, Simonsson, Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
Det finns i huvudsak tre väletablerade prissättningsstrategier; kostnadsbaserad,konkurrensbaserad och värdebaserad. Den värdebaserade prissättningsmetoden bestämmer ettpris baserat på produktens värde för användaren. I litteraturen anses den värdebaseradeprissättnings vara överlägsen de två andra prissättningsstrategierna, trots det använder sig deflesta företag av den kostnads- eller konkurrensbaserade strategin.Teoretikerna inom området anser att det finns svårigheter vid implementeringen avvärdebaserad prissättning som gör att företag väljer kostnads- eller konkurrensbaseradprisstrategi. Vi finner det därför intressant att undersöka varför ett företag väljer att frångå sinredan etablerade prissättningsstrategi och prissätta sina produkter utefter värdet som kundenuppelever. Med detta som grund valde vi att undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer som kanligga till grund för att adoptera värdebaserad prissättning samt vem eller vilka som styr ensådan organisationsförändring.Vår teoretiska referensram förklarar vad värdebaserad prissättning innebär samt vad somkrävs för att metoden effektivt ska implementeras. Vi har kopplat vår studie till signalteorioch institutionell teori. Empirin utgörs av material från intervjuer och observation som hargenomförts på Volvo Cars. Då Volvo Cars precis har börjat implementera värdebaseradprissättning på sina produkter har vi undersökt vad som gjorde att de valde att bytaprissättningsstrategi, vilka svårigheter de har haft, vilka som är delaktiga i processen samt ifallderas lönsamhet har ökat på grund av en ny prissättningsstrategi. Vi har genomfört vår studiegenom semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som arbetar aktivit med prissättning hosVolvo Cars. Vi har även genomfört en observation genom att ta del av ett revenue forum däralla prissättningsfrågor presenteras och beslutas.I analysen har vi bearbetat empiri och teori som vi har samlat in under studien. Från våranalys bygger vi våra slutsatser som indikerar på att företag väljer att bytaprissättningsstrategi eftersom att de vill bli mer effektiva eller att deras tidigare prisstrategiinte är kompatibel i och med att företaget exempelvis genomgår produktförbättrinarg. Attlönsamheten ökar i takt med att företaget byter prissättningsstrategi behöver inte endast beropå att företaget har en ny prissättningsstrategi. I Volvo Cars fall har lönsamheten förbättrats ikombination av värdebaserad prissättning och bättre produkter. För att lyckas medvärdebaserad prissättning krävs det att företaget har förmåga att skapa medvetenhet om vilkafaktorer som kunderna värdesätter. / There is mainly three well established pricing strategies: cost based, competitor based andvalue based. The value based pricing strategy decides a price on the product based on thevalue for the user. In the litterature the value based princing strategy is considered to besuperior to the other two pricing strategys, even thoug a majority of companies use the costbased or competitor based strategy.Theorists in the field consider two difficulties with implementing value based pricing thatmake companies to choose cost based or competitor based pricing strategy. Therefore we findit interesting to investigate why a company choose to abandon their established pricingstrategy and price their products based on the value for the customer. On this bases wechoosed to investigate which underlying factors there might be for adopting value basedpricing and to study who controls this kind of organizational change.Our theoretical framework explains what value based pricing is and what is necessary to makethe implementation of the method effective. We have made a connection between our studyand signalling theory and insitutional theory. The emperical data is based on material from theinterviews and observations that we have made at Volvo Cars. Since Volvo Cars just recentlystarted implementing value based pricing on their products, we have studied what made themchange pricing strategy, what difficulties they have had, who are involved in the process andif their profitability has increased due to the new pricing strategy. We have made our studywith semi structured interviews with people who activly works with pricing at Volvo Cars.We have also made a observation by participating in a ”revenue forum” where all pricing arepresented and determined.We have combined the emperical data and the theoretical data in the analysis. From ouranalysis we build our conclusions that indicates on that a company choose a different pricingstrategy because they want to be more effective or that the previous pricing strategy doesn’tmatch with for exampel a company’s new product strategy. That the profitability exceeds atthe same time as the company change pricing strategy doesn’t have to be a effect of the newpricing strategy. At Volvo Cars the higher profitability is a result of the value based pricingcombined with better products. For a company to be successfull with value based pricing it isimportant that they have the ability to create awareness of which factors that the customervalues.

Decision Support System for Value-Based Evaluation and Conditional Approval of Construction Submittals

Sherbini, Khaled Ali 03 May 2010 (has links)
To ensure compliance with specifications during construction, a formal review process, called the submittals process is typically implemented, whereby the contractor is required to submit proposals for materials, equipment, and processes for the owner’s approval within a short period of time. This procedure can be a difficult task because of lack of time, lack of information in the submittal package, difficulty in retrieving related data, and lack of defined criteria for evaluation. This research introduces development of a framework for submittal evaluation that considers the operational impact of any minor variation in the required specifications. The evaluation mechanism uses the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) approach, which is adaptable to the varying requirements of organizations. Through the process of analyzing the current submittal mechanism, a list of key submittals is defined and the top one (chiller) is selected to be the focus of the research. The governing criteria (evaluation parameters) are defined for the selected submittal item and categorized into two categories: inflexible and flexible. The inflexible parameters have been dealt with using checklists with predefined threshold that must be met without tolerance. Flexible parameters have been analyzed using utility functions that represent decision maker preferences and tolerance levels. Accordingly, the evaluation process considers multi-parameters to determine an overall utility for the submittal and the value-based condition for accepting it, incorporating LEED requirements. The investigation is based on data provided by three main organizations, as well as intensive meetings and interviews with experts from each participating organization. The outcome of this investigation is the development of evaluation criteria and checklist parameters that are used as the basis of a value-based evaluation, which is the core of the developed decision support system. In summary, it has been demonstrated that a decision support system for the evaluation of construction submittals can be constructed and that it will provide numerous benefits: an expedited decision process, an audit trail for decisions, more consistent and objective decisions, risk identification, internal alignment of organizational values, and improved lifecycle asset performance. The benefits were validated by demonstration, and by experts' evaluations.

Value-based management : an assessment of the application in a mining company / Adrian Pienaar

Pienaar, Adrian Cecil Semino January 2008 (has links)
If a programme which intends to measure performance is to work successfully in an organisation, it is necessary to understand the contingent factors that need to be in place regardless of philosophical beliefs. It must be integrated with the overall strategy of the business; all approaches to performance measurement emphasise the alignment of objectives, measures, strategic decision making and rewards. This is crucial, as it is not possible to measure performance unless it is clear what an organisation is trying to achieve. Value-based management (VBM) is a powerful management framework with the aim to focus all managerial processes on shareholder wealth creation. It therefore encourages all staff levels within the organisation to focus on value creation. Various metrics have been developed to measure the value creation process within the organisation. The application of VBM principles at the lower levels within the organisation is critical to ensure that lower level staff applies value-creating principles in their daily jobs. Anglo Platinum has also adopted VBM, which will help the organisation to enhance decision-making and ensure pursuing strategies that maximise value. Anglo VBM is a management system which will enable the company to significantly improve the quality and speed of decision-making and to drive performance and profitable growth. It requires a detailed understanding of where and why value is created or consumed within the businesses through assembling a comprehensive fact base. A quantitative study was done to collect primary data through the use of standardised questionnaires that were distributed to respondents at Bleskop and Brakspruit shafts as well all the accountants at Rustenburg Platinum Mine, which forms part of Anglo Platinum. The results from this study indicate that there is a low understanding of VBM as well as a strong focus on business unit objectives and on short-term goals. A key recommendation would be to use incentive mechanisms to be aligned to VBM. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Value-based management : an assessment of the application in a mining company / Adrian Pienaar

Pienaar, Adrian Cecil Semino January 2008 (has links)
If a programme which intends to measure performance is to work successfully in an organisation, it is necessary to understand the contingent factors that need to be in place regardless of philosophical beliefs. It must be integrated with the overall strategy of the business; all approaches to performance measurement emphasise the alignment of objectives, measures, strategic decision making and rewards. This is crucial, as it is not possible to measure performance unless it is clear what an organisation is trying to achieve. Value-based management (VBM) is a powerful management framework with the aim to focus all managerial processes on shareholder wealth creation. It therefore encourages all staff levels within the organisation to focus on value creation. Various metrics have been developed to measure the value creation process within the organisation. The application of VBM principles at the lower levels within the organisation is critical to ensure that lower level staff applies value-creating principles in their daily jobs. Anglo Platinum has also adopted VBM, which will help the organisation to enhance decision-making and ensure pursuing strategies that maximise value. Anglo VBM is a management system which will enable the company to significantly improve the quality and speed of decision-making and to drive performance and profitable growth. It requires a detailed understanding of where and why value is created or consumed within the businesses through assembling a comprehensive fact base. A quantitative study was done to collect primary data through the use of standardised questionnaires that were distributed to respondents at Bleskop and Brakspruit shafts as well all the accountants at Rustenburg Platinum Mine, which forms part of Anglo Platinum. The results from this study indicate that there is a low understanding of VBM as well as a strong focus on business unit objectives and on short-term goals. A key recommendation would be to use incentive mechanisms to be aligned to VBM. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Electricity price hikes : managing for sustainable value creation in a mining company / Beverly Jean Willemse

Willemse, Beverly Jean January 2012 (has links)
Companies are faced with challenges constraining the achievement of set budgets, goals, profit and cost of product, to name a few, on a daily basis. These challenges influence value creation and sustainable value creation. Value-based management is an integrated management tool which may assist in achieving sustainable value creation within a company. Achieving sustainable value creation will result in benefits for both the shareholders and the various stakeholders. In 2008 and 2009 Eskom, South Africa’s sole electricity provider announced a major shortage of electricity and consequently major price increases. Since electricity consumption is a crucial part of the production process, this announcement had a devastating effect on mining companies. The primary objective of the current study is to investigate whether a local mining company is focusing on applicable endeavours to overcome the electricity constraint and price hikes in order to sustain value creation. This was done by studying the company’s financial & management reports, public announcements and media coverage, in conjunction with a quantitative study, collecting primary data by using standardised questionnaires distributed among the mining company’s employees. The results from this study indicate that the selected company is focusing on relevant projects to overcome the electricity constraints. Further, the conclusion made from the results of the questionnaires shows that the higher staff levels are more informed and aware of value-based management. It also points out that the lower levels and employees from the production and mining departments are less informed and aware of value-based management. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Proposta de metodologia para a avaliação das Comunicações Integradas de Marketing : uma abordagem focada na gestão baseada em valor / A method for the evaluation of the Integrated Marketing Communications: a value-based marketing approach

Leandro Angotti Guissoni 18 December 2009 (has links)
As chamadas variáveis controláveis de marketing, envolvendo o portfólio de produtos, preços, canais de distribuição, comunicações e força de vendas, podem ter o desempenho avaliado por meio da utilização de diversos indicadores atribuíveis a cada uma delas, estabelecendo-se uma relação entre os seus resultados com ativos de marketing, como valor de cliente e brand equity, posição de mercado, posição financeira e valor da empresa. No tocante ao programa de comunicação, especificamente, a atuação de seus profissionais é desafiadora em termos de demonstrar a coerência e justificar o orçamento necessário para realizarem suas ações e, a partir dos investimentos nessas ações, conseguirem proporcionar bons resultados em vendas, participação de mercado e, sobretudo, geração de valor para as empresas onde trabalham. Considerando a premissa de que a avaliação de desempenho deve ser realizada por meio de um processo estruturado e, a partir da revisão de relevantes pesquisas existentes sobre o tema, foi desenvolvido um método gerencial organizado em cinco etapas para que as indústrias fabricantes de bens de consumos possam fazer a mensuração, avaliação e apresentação dos resultados obtidos, em termos de vendas e de geração de valor, atribuíveis ao programa de comunicação de marketing. As etapas são compostas por: (i) organização das informações do plano de comunicação utilizado pela empresa; (ii) seleção de indicadores e classificação das metas; (iii) purificação dos resultados atribuíveis à comunicação de marketing; (iv) cálculo e análise dos indicadores de desempenho em comunicação; e (v) classificação e análise de resultados. Objetivando abordar a aplicação do método de maneira completa, foram propostos 30 templates, contendo indicadores, instruções e exemplos de preenchimentos. A pesquisa de campo, exploratória, ocorreu envolvendo entrevistas em profundidade, as quais permitiram validar e incrementar o estudo junto a alguns especialistas da área de marketing, finanças, comunicações, planejamento estratégico. Após as entrevistas, o método (processo) final foi proposto permitindo às indústrias avaliarem os resultados alcançados a partir da execução das estratégias de comunicação, relacionando-os à gestão baseada em valor nas organizações. / The so called marketing controllable variables, which involve product portfolio, prices, distribution channels, communication and sales forces can have their performance evaluated by using many indicators attributable to each of them, establishing a relation between their results and marketing assets, such as costumer lifetime value and brand equity, marketing and financial position and company value. Regarding specifically the communication program, the work of its professionals is challenging in terms of showing the consistency of the necessary budget for them to accomplish their activities and, by investing in these activities, to achieve good results as far as sales, market share and, above all, value generation for the companies where they work. Considering that the performance evaluation must be done through a structured process, and based on a review of existing research on the subject, a managing method was organized in five stages in order to create conditions for the consumption goods manufactures to evaluate the metrics, assessment and to disclose the results in terms of sales and value generation attributable to the marketing communication program. The stages are composed by: (i) to organize the information of the companys communication plan; (ii) to select the performance indicators and to classify the goals; (iii) to purify the results attributable only to the marketing communication activities; (iv) to evaluate and analyze the indicators of communication performance; and (v) to classify and analyze the results. Aiming at approaching the method application, 30 templates have been proposed containing indicators, instructions and examples for filling in. The exploratory ground research involved in depth interviews which allowed validating the study among some marketing, corporate finance, communication and strategic planning experts. After the interviews the final method was proposed allowing the manufactures to evaluate the results achieved with the execution of the communication strategies, relating these results to the value-based management within the companies.

Systematic Mapping of Value-based Software Engineering : A Systematic Review of Value-based Requirements Engineering

Jan, Naseer, Ibrar, Muhammad January 2010 (has links)
Context: In many organizations, practices and processes of software engineering are carried out in a value-neutral setting. These value-neutral settings within software development are responsible for project failures. Value-based software engineering (VBSE) manages these value neutral settings by integrating value-oriented perspectives into software engineering. The fundamental factors that differentiate VBSE from value-neutral software engineering are value dimensions that play a crucial role in companies' success by managing customer needs, demands, and expectations Objectives: The aims of this master thesis are to 1) systematically classify the contributions within VBSE and 2) investigate practical application and validation of solutions in industry to determine their practical usability and usefulness. Methods: In this study, systematic mapping, followed by systematic review were used as research methods. Results: The findings of systematic mapping show that a clear majority of value-based research has been conducted within requirements engineering, and verification and validation. Whereas, there were not many studies discussing value-based design. In terms of research types used, evaluation research and solution proposal were the most dominant contributions. While experience reports and philosophical research were less emphasized. In general, value-based contributions such as recommendations and processes were highly reported in VBSE studies. In addition, the finding of systematic review indicates that although many solutions were proposed for value-based requirements engineering but in the absence of qualitative and quantitative results from usability and usefulness perspectives make it hard for practitioners to adopt for industrial practices. Conclusion: The systematic classification of studies and resulting maps not only give an overview of existing work on VBSE but also identifies interesting research gaps which can be used by researchers to plan and carry out future work. The findings of systematic review can be used by industry practitioners to assess the level of applicability of the proposed value-based requirements engineering solutions with respect to their application/validation context and usability and usefulness. / Naseer Jan, Cell: 0046736181463, Muhammad Ibrar, Cell: 0046760605212

A Study on the Efficacy of the Medicare Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative at a Large Community Hospital in the Southeast United States

Kerns, Elizabeth E. 15 October 2017 (has links)
In 2013, Medicare launched the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) Initiative which linked payments for multiple services for a complete episode of patient care. With this innovative reimbursement model, hospitals accepted fixed target payments for certain types of clinical diagnoses that were intended to support better care coordination and better outcomes for patients at lower cost to Medicare. This was one of many programs aimed at addressing the serious challenges facing United States healthcare, including costs that are skyrocketing to unsustainable levels and lack of coordination of care across venues. Preliminary Medicare results showed that bundled payments might lead to lower costs and higher quality of care, however, this idea comes from a relatively small sample size and limited run time of the program. This study examined one large community hospital in the southeast part of the United States participating in the BPCI Initiative. Patient level data was retrospectively analyzed using statistical techniques to determine if financial, operational and clinical outcomes improved as result of the BPCI program compared to similar patient data before the program. The results were mixed. Financial outcomes did not change significantly, and remained higher than the CMS targets. Length of stay decreased significantly, as anticipated. The 30-day readmissions was statistically unchanged. This study illuminated both challenges and strategies in implementing bundled payments to achieve positive financial, operational, and clinical outcomes.

Klíčové ukazatele výkonnosti (KPI) a jejich vazba na vrcholový ukazatel EVA / Key performance indicators (KPI) and their coherency with top indicator EVA

Hanzlík, Kamil January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a discussion of advantages, disadvantages and potencial areas of usage of the Economic Value Added (EVA) as a measure of value based management. The coherency of EVA with key performance indicators as a tool of effective management is also analysed. Mentioned are also several alternative concepts. This thesis further analyses practical application of key performance indicators in mobile telecommunication company T-Mobile and evaluates the implemented concept of EVA as a central component of value based management.

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