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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

歐洲共同體加值稅調和理論與實際之研究 / The Theory and Practice of Value Added Tax Harmonization in the European Community

邱美春, Chiou, Mei Chuen Unknown Date (has links)
歐洲共同體於一九九三年一月一日已成功的撤除會員國間邊境管制,確實 達成單一市場計劃,促進會員國間人員、貨物、勞務及資本完全自由流通 ,建立無邊界內部市場之目標。 歐體租稅調和係建立內部市場之要務 。其調和間接稅目的,在於消除會員國間租稅差異所致競爭扭曲,及避免 邊境管制撤除之逃稅及套利行為。理論上租稅調和雖可消除租稅差異所致 扭曲,但租稅改變可能會有另一扭曲,調和是否符合租稅中立,有待探討 。另外歐體加值稅調和政策,在各國國內利益考量下政治妥協之結果,能 否符合調和理論,及達成歐體調和租稅理想亦值深究。 歐體認為間接 稅調和係消除競爭扭曲,理論上其經濟衝擊為何,各學者互有看法。有學 者認為,僅在宗主國原則下,租稅調和方造成貿易條件變動,其福利變動 應視租稅引致價格變動之超額負擔及淨租稅流量變動大小而定。另則認為 ,若租稅調和各國稅率趨向加權平均之單一稅率,調和將有福利改善效果 。而不論宗主國原則或目的地原則、會員國貿易方向相同或相反,其租稅 調和並無國際所得分配效果,但若為目的地原則改變為受限宗主國原則, 則高稅率國所得分配改善,另則惡化。 目的地原則下,稅率差異不影 響貿易流量。宗主國原則是否扭曲貿易則有爭議。早期認為一般加值稅, 在匯率浮動及完全價格彈性前提下,並無貿易扭曲。受限宗主國原則只有 在會員國雙邊貿易平衡情況下方無扭曲;亦有學者主張會員國稅率差異將 有實質所得移轉導致貿易扭曲;另外由於加值稅為消費稅,稅率差異致相 對價格不同,造成生產扭曲。因此租稅調和理論上認為稅率一致,始得消 除其貿易流量變動扭曲。 跨國交易採目的地原則在效率、公平及行政 處理考慮下較為合宜,然須有邊境管制,不符單一市場精神。故有採行帳 簿記帳制度配合之建議。其方法有二,一為遞延支付計劃,另一為清算中 心制度。 歐體採循序漸進方式調和間接稅,首先調和移轉稅制。由於 其不具租稅中立性,應改制為加值稅。其次調和稅基,建立共同評價標準 。最後調和稅率,於一九九二年底完成大部份租稅調和,確實達單一市場 廢除財政邊界目標。 綜觀歐體循序漸進調和政策,使加值稅調和可逐 漸達成歐體理想,亦逐步接近理論上租稅調和一致,避免扭曲。但理論上 認為,調和政策實施將有國際所得重分配,歐體亦應正視此一問題,早謀 因應。

Europos Teisingumo Teismo bylos pridėtinės vertės mokesčio klausimais ir jų taikymas Lietuvoje / The European Court of Justice cases of value added tax issues and its application in Lithuania

Vinciūnaitė, Loreta 22 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe autorė aptaria pridėtinės vertės mokesčio ištakas, šio netiesioginio mokesčio harmonizavimo priežastis ir svarbą, nagrinėja ir apibendrina Europos Teisingumo Teismo praktiką atskirais pridėtinės vertės mokesčio aspektais – apmokestinamųjų sandorių sąvokos, apmokestinamųjų asmenų, apmokestinamojo momento, apmokestinamosios vertės, atskaitos. Taip pat siekiama atskleisti, ar į Europos Teisingumo Teismo bylas pridėtinės vertės mokesčio klausimais yra atsižvelgiama, nagrinėjant mokestinius ginčus Lietuvoje. Tyrimas remiasi Europos Teisingumo Teismo ir Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo praktikos pridėtinės vertės mokesčio srityje analize, teisės aktais, reglamentuojančiais šio mokesčio taikymą, Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių literatūra, periodine literatūra, kurioje nagrinėjami su šio darbo tema susiję klausimai. Darbe aptariami pridėtinės vertės mokesčio derinimo tarp Europos Sąjungos valstybių narių tikslai ir reikšmė, Europos Teisingumo Teismo išaiškinimai pridėtinės vertės mokesčio aspektais. Taip pat aptariamas Europos Teisingumo Teismo vaidmuo, jo sprendimų pridėtinės vertės mokesčio klausimais reikšmė teisės aktų raidai ir mokestinių ginčų nagrinėjimui Lietuvoje. Daug dėmesio skiriama Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo praktikai, nagrinėjant su pridėtinės vertės mokesčio taikymu susijusias mokestines bylas. Siekiama atskleisti, kokią įtaką Europos Teisingumo Teismo praktika pridėtinės vertės mokesčio srityje turi Lietuvos vyriausiajam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work, the author discusses the origins of value added tax, the harmonization of this indirect tax reasons and importance, analyze and summarize the European Court of Justice practice on these value added tax aspects - the concept of taxable transactions, the taxable persons, the taxable moment, the taxable value, the deduction. It also aims to disclose or to the European Court of Justice cases of value added tax issues are taken into account in the consideration of tax disputes in Lithuania. The study is based on the European Court of Justice and the Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court practice, the value added tax analysis, the law on this tax, the Lithuanian and foreign authors, periodical literature, which dealt with the labor issues. The paper discusses the value added tax harmonization between the European Union member states, the objectives and importance of the European Court of Justice's interpretation of value added tax aspects. It also discusses the European Court of Justice's role, its decisions on the value added tax influence in legislation development and tax litigation in Lithuania. Much attention is paid to the Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court practice, considering the value added tax on related tax matters. The aim is to reveal the impact of the European Court of Justice law of value added tax in Lithuania to the High Administrative Court, the State Tax Inspectorate of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of... [to full text]

Účetní chyby a daňové úniky / The Account Mistakes and Tax Evasion

VIKTOROVÁ, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is: The Account Mistakes and Tax Evasion. I chose this topic because tax has become a common part of our lives and that is why it is important to know about the problems as much as possible to avoid possible mistakes and faults. It is interesting that the most of account and tax mistakes do not appear in unusual situations but in common and everyday cases. The group of the problems connected with accountancy and taxation is realy wide and alternatives of account and tax faults are infinite. The goal of this work is to least partly contribute to elimination of these faults. I explain the interpretation of a mistake in the resorts of law, accountancy and taxation in the teoretical part. I give the most often mistakes in the resort of accountancy in costs. The theoretical part also contains the most common mistakes in the resortof taxation, especially of income tax of physical and legal entity. The practical part contains examples of tax evasion and the resort where it occur most frequently. Part of my practical work also mention examples of tax evasion of value added tax, fuel, problems in the resort of foreign workers and evasion caused of denatured alcohol.

Místo zdanění daní z přidané hodnoty při intrakomunitárním dodání a pořízení zboží a při vývozu a dovozu zboží z pohledu podmínek INCOTERMS / Instead of taxing the value added tax at intracommunity supply and acquisition of goods and the export and import of goods in terms of INCOTERMS

DRDOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the analysis of the relation of the place of VAT taxation, i.e. the destination of the country in which the goods is subject to taxation, and the INCOTERMS terms of delivery so that their mutual connection can be found out although primarily no direct connection is discovered.

Finanční pronájem a DPH / Financial Lease and Value Added Tax

NOVOTNÁ, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on comparing the different forms of taxation models of financial lease by value added tax and evaluating the effects of choosing a particular form of taxation in the accounts. In reaching the goal of work, it is compared the different ways of acquiring property. It especially deals with the acquisition of own resources, the loan financing, the two types of financial lease and the ensuring the liability by the transfer of rights. Comparison of methods of property acquisition is performed using both net present value, both tax aspects.

Postupy k omezení daňových úniků u daně z přidané hodnoty / The procedures for the reduction of tax evasion in the field of value added tax

ČÍŽEK, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation is dedicated to tax fraud in the area of VAT (Value Added Tax). First of all, VAT terms are primarily defined according to current VAT law and also with respect to the harmonization of this tax in the European Union. The next section focuses on the VAT authority and individual constituents which contribute to the tax authority, as well as compliance with its requirements. The main part of the dissertation is dedicated to the forms of tax evasion most frequently practiced in the Czech Republic. The most widespread tax fraud, carousel fraud, is explained and described with the help of diagrams in a separate section. This matter is followed by the issue of the ways in which tax fraud is being prevented, the means of which are examined individually. The process of VAT collections in the federal budget is analyzed, as is the growth of VAT in connection with that of the GNP, in the second half of the dissertation. Subsequently, there is an analysis of the growth of VAT due to higher tax rates, and as a result of the introduction of more efficient tax collection procedures for added value and the implementation of different measures against tax fraud. The analyses are followed by potential procedures and remarks which could lead to a further reduction of criminal activity in this tax area.

Controle fiscal e os tributos sobre o valor adicionado: o caso do ICMS / Fiscal control and the taxes on value added: the case of icms

Joilson João Lage de Magalhães 01 April 1996 (has links)
Muitas discussões têm sido feitas em torno da questão tributária no Brasil e no mundo, particularmente na Comunidade Econômica Européia, resultante da consolidação e aperfeiçoamento do Mercado Comum Europeu. Neste quatro destaca-se os aspectos relacionados com a tributação sobre o valor adicionado,particularmente aqueles concernentes ao momento da incidência, na origem (produção) ou no destino (consumo) e a dificuldade da sua operacionalização, no caso de um estado federal (país), pelas entidade subnacionais (estados membros). A tributação sobre o valor adicionado de nível estadual no Brasil, neste contexto, evoluiu para a adoção de alíquotas diferenciadas para um mesmo produto, conforme as operações sejam internas ou interestaduais e neste segundo caso, conforme a região de localização dos estados de origem e destino das operações, embora os desequilíbrios no espaço nacional, a nível de ICMS, com a importação do imposto sobre valor adicionado da competência estadual, pelos estados mais pobres persistam e esteja cada vez mais latente a guerra fiscal entre os estados federados, representada pela disputa cada vez mais acirrada, da opção de localização das novas plantas industriais a serem instaladas no país. Os sistemas de informações das entidades políticas envolvidas diretamente (os estados membros) e do Ministério da Fazenda, que acumula e processa os dados relacionados ao tributo, de forma agregada, têm evoluído bastante, utilizando intensamente a tecnologia de processamento de dados, desde o disquete de microcomputador até o teleprocessamento no controle das operações em trânsito. As novas tecnologias de informação vêm sendo progressivamente introduzidas pela maioria dos estados membros, havendo a utilização de tecnologias como EDI - Eletronic Data Interchange, teleprocessamento e agora a Internet começa a ser considerada. Discute-se neste trabalho, as peculiaridades do nosso imposto sobre valor adicionado estadual, o ICMS, quanto ao seu perfil bem como questões relacionadas à sua administração pelos Governos a quem cabe o produto da sua cobrança, ou seja, o Controle Fiscal. Assim, o Controle Fiscal, com a utilização das novas tecnologias, deverá ser cada vez mais um instrumento efetivo da Administração Pública. / Many discussions have been made around of tax problem in Brazil and in the world, particularly in European Economic Community, resultant of the consolidation and improvement of European Common Market. In this context is elevated the aspects related on the value added, particularly those concerning to moment of incidence, on origin (production) or on destiny (consumption) and the difficulty of its application, in case of a federal state (country), by subnational entities (membership states). The taxation on the value added on state level in Brazil, in this context, led to adoption of different rates for the same product, according to the operations being internal or interstate and in this second case, according to the region of localization of the states of origin and destiny of operations, although the disequilibrium in this national space, by level at ICMS, with the import of the duty on value added of state competence, by the poorer states persist and it is each time more latent the fiscal war between federate states, represented by a harder dispute, for the option of localization of the new industrial plants to be installed in the country. The information systems of the political entities directly linked (the membership states) and Finance Minister that accumulates and processes the data related to tax, of joined form, had evolved too, using intensively the data processing technology, from the floppy disk of microcomputer to teleprocessing on the movement operation control. The new information technologies have been progressively introduced for the most membership states, there has been use technologies such EDI-Electronic Data Interchange, teleprocessing and now Internet begins to be considered. It is discussed in this work, the peculiarity of our state value added tax, the ICMS, in its profile as well related questions at its administration by the governments who pertains to the result of its collect, as a matter of facts it is, the Fiscal Control. Then, the Fiscal Control, with the use of new technologies, must be each time more an effective instrument of the Public Administration.

Zboží v maloobchodě, problematické situace prodeje v účetních a daňových souvislostech / Goods in retail, problematical situations of sale in accounting and tax connections

KREJČÍ, Martina January 2007 (has links)
In the diploma work I engaged in goods in retail and in problematical situations of sale in accounting and tax connections. Mayor objective of the diploma work is making out a list of problems which are connected with sale of goods. Other objective is sorting of this problems and looking for their methods of solution, which correspond to valid regulations and pracitce of trade. The theoretic part of the diploma work is divided into two thematic areas. In first area are analysed problematical situations of goods in retail. In second area are analysed accounting and tax connections of goods. In the practical part of the diploma work is the list of problems which are connected with sale of goods with their solutions.

Créditos de contribuições ao PIS/COFINS e influência organizacional: um estudo exploratório

Souza, Anderson Costa de 18 October 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:32:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Anderson Costa de Souza.pdf: 590672 bytes, checksum: de087a46b98ce3381973c6b85de47a71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-18 / This research aimed to investigate the influence of organizational culture in decisions involving the appropriation of tax credits of Brazilian value-added tax. The research takes into consideration the corporate and tributary contemporary environment, where this practice has been used as means of management and control. This indicates a supposedly universal trend within this environment. As either there are not enough studies on tax and fiscal fields or we could not find them, when it comes to theory, this thesis adapts the studies of Zuber (2007), Zuber and Sanders (2013) and Blanthorne and Kaplan (2008). One hundred and sixteen postgraduate alumni and professionals in the tax area answered the questionnaires. The analysis of these questionnaires yielded the necessary data for this study. Data analysis was performed using non-parametric Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. This thesis s hypothesis is that behavior related to credit appropriation decisions is in accordance with the whatever organizational culture one is immersed in, whether it is aggressive or not. Statistical results by group difference indicate that there is influence of organizational culture on behavior regarding credits of Brazilian value-added tax. According to the results, the financial situation (surplus or deficit) as well as moral, ethical, and legitimacy issues that arise from such decisions can also influence the tax credit decision making process. This research helps companies to identify whether employees in the tax department who decide on the appropriation of Brazilian value-added tax are acting in accordance with corporative guidelines (aggressive or conservative), including the knowledge as one of the features considered in the study. This research also contributes to discussions on factors that can encourage tax evasion, while observing the propensity of respondents to adopt situations not expressly provided by the legislation. Additionally, since we also verified the reaction of respondents when subjected to moral and ethical issues, this research contributes to studies that observe taxpayers' behavior and some of their influences. / O presente trabalho objetivou investigar a influência da cultura organizacional nas decisões envolvendo apropriação de créditos tributários das contribuições ao PIS e à COFINS não cumulativos. A pesquisa esteve contextualizada no ambiente corporativo e tributário contemporâneo, onde a cultura tornou-se mais utilizada pelas corporações como instrumento de gestão e controle, apontando para uma tendência a ser seguida pelos indivíduos que a integram. Como há carência de estudos na área tributária e fiscal, e não foram encontrados estudos anteriores sobre o tema, utilizou-se como ferramenta a adaptação dos estudos de Zuber (2007), Zuber e Sanders (2013) e Blanthorne e Kaplan (2008). Os dados para a pesquisa foram obtidos pela aplicação de questionários, respondidos por 116 ex-alunos de cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu e profissionais da área tributária. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado por meio de testes não paramétricos de Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis. A hipótese de estudo é que o comportamento atinente às decisões de apropriação de crédito das contribuições estão em consonância com a cultura organizacional, independentemente de ela ser agressiva ou não. Os resultados estatísticos por diferença de grupos indicam que há influência da cultura organizacional no comportamento atinente aos créditos das contribuições ao PIS e à COFINS. Segundo os resultados, a situação financeira (superavitária ou deficitária), assim como questões morais, éticas e de legitimação das decisões, também podem influenciar decisões de crédito tributário. O presente trabalho contribui para que as empresas identifiquem se os colaboradores da área tributária que decidem sobre a apropriação de créditos de PIS/COFINS estão agindo em consonância com as diretrizes corporativas (agressivas ou conservadoras), incluindo o item conhecimento como uma das características ponderadas no estudo. A presente pesquisa contribui também com as discussões sobre fatores que podem motivar a evasão fiscal ao observar a propensão dos respondentes a adotar situações não expressamente previstas na legislação. Adicionalmente, a presente pesquisa contribui com estudos que observam o comportamento do contribuinte e algumas de suas influências, ao verificar qual a reação dos respondentes ao serem submetidos a questões morais e éticas.

DPH v rozvojových zemích / VAT in developing countries

Chadimová, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the Value Added Tax in developing countries. The main goals of this thesis are to describe and compare tax systems from developing countries, and to conduct a broad overview of the basic elements of the VAT consumption tax in these countries. The Value Added Tax is one of the most applied consumption taxes because of its benefits compared the other consumption taxes. This thesis describes the application and the basic elements of the Value Added Tax in developing countries. In the end of this thesis is the analysis and the comparison of these basic elements.

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