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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concurrent Van der Woude syndrome and Turner syndrome: A case report

Los, Evan, Baines, Hayley, Guttmann-Bauman, Ines 01 January 2017 (has links)
Most cases of Van der Woude syndrome are caused by a mutation to interferon regulatory factor 6 on chromosome 1. Turner syndrome is caused by complete or partial absence of the second sex chromosome in girls. We describe a unique case of the two syndromes occurring concurrently though apparently independently in a girl with Van der Woude syndrome diagnosed at birth and Turner syndrome at 14 years 9 months. Short stature was initially misattributed to Van der Woude syndrome and pituitary insufficiency associated with clefts before correctly diagnosing Turner syndrome. We discuss the prevalence of delayed diagnosis of Turner syndrome, the rarity of reports of concurrent autosomal chromosome mutation and sex chromosome deletion, as well as the need to consider the diagnosis of Turner syndrome in all girls with short stature regardless of prior medical history.

Advances in understanding the genetic architecture of cleft lip and palate disorders

Leslie, Elizabeth Jane 01 December 2012 (has links)
Orofacial clefts are a heterogeneous group of craniofacial malformations that affect the lip and/or palate and represent the most common craniofacial birth defect in humans. In 30% of patients the cleft is accompanied by additional physical or cognitive abnormalities. Hundreds of these clefting syndromes have been described, many of which have Mendelian inheritance patterns. The most common of these is Van der Woude syndrome (VWS), caused by mutations in the transcription factor IRF6 (Kondo et al. 2002). The other 70% of patients lack additional features and are considered nonsyndromic. The etiology of nonsyndromic clefts is complex and involves the combined action of multiple genetic variants interacting with environmental factors. A common approach for identifying genetic risk factor for complex disorders such as nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P) is the genome wide association study (GWAS). We pursued a locus on 1p22 shown to be associated with NSCL/P by Beaty et al. (2010). Through a combination of expression studies in a mouse model and mutation screening in NSCL/P patients, we identified ARHGAP29 as a novel gene for NSCL/P and the likely etiologic gene at this locus. We identified eight rare variants in NSCL/P patients absent in controls including a nonsense and a frameshift mutation. These rare variants are reminiscent of previous resequencing studies that reported rare coding mutations in 20 different candidate genes for NSCL/P. We reviewed these variants and compared them with variants found in over 7000 exomes from the 1000 Genomes Project (1kGP) and NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) to identify the variants and genes most likely to contain etiologic rare variants. We found good support for a role for rare variants in NSCL/P, particularly for MSX1 and genes of the FGF signaling pathway. We next performed several studies to understand the genetic architecture of syndromic forms of clefting, focusing on VWS and popliteal pterygium syndrome (PPS), which is allelic to VWS. We compiled all of the nearly 300 published IRF6 mutations and compared the distribution of these mutations with IRF6 variants obtained from the 1kGP and ESP exomes. We found that mutations causing VWS were significantly over-represented in the DNA-binding domain and for the most part were absent from control exomes, indicating that they are likely to be truly causative for VWS or PPS. These mutations in VWS and PPS only account for 70% of VWS and 97% of PPS. We next hypothesized that mutations in RIPK4, which causes an autosomal recessive pterygia syndrome, could underlie the remaining VWS and/or PPS cases. We found novel homozygous mutations in RIPK4 in two PPS patients. This result has significant clinical ramifications, as counseling of recurrence risk is very different for PPS patients whose disease is caused by dominant IRF6 mutations compared to recessive RIPK4 mutations. Finally, to understand the variable expressivity of VWS and PPS we performed an association study to identify genetic modifiers. We also looked for genotype-phenotype correlations between the type and location of IRF6 mutations. Although we did not find strong evidence that the candidate genes we selected from GWAS of NSCL/P or other clefting syndromes are modifiers of the VWS or PPS phenotypes, several marginal associations suggest that members of the IRF6 gene regulatory network could act as modifiers. Finally, we found evidence of a larger genotype-phenotype correlation by demonstrating that mutation-negative VWS families have a deficiency of cleft lip phenotypes. Together this work has advanced our understanding of the genetic basis of this diverse set of cleft lip and palate disorders, informing both the biology of craniofacial development and the clinical care of patients affected by these disorders.

Estudo clínico e molecular em pacientes com fissuras orais para avaliação do efeito fenotípico de variantes do IRF6 e estimativa da contribuição genética nas fissuras palatinas / Clinical and molecular studies in patients with oral clefts to assess the phenotypic effect of IRF6 variants and the genetic contribution to cleft palate

Meira, Joanna Goes Castro 22 April 2014 (has links)
As fissuras orais são as malformações craniofaciais mais freqüentes ao nascimento e apresentam incidências variáveis entre as diversas populações. Essas fissuras são subdivididas em dois grupos principais, as fissuras labiais com ou sem fissura de palato (FL±P) e as fissuras palatinas (FP), consideradas entidades distintas do ponto de vista embriológico, epidemiológico e etiológico. Estas malformações podem ser classificadas em sindrômicas ou não sindrômicas (NS) a depender da existência de outras alterações clínicas associadas. Para as FL±PNS e FPNS, o padrão de herança multifatorial e o modelo “doenças comuns-variantes comuns” foram propostos. Diversos estudos têm sido realizados na tentativa de se identificar os fatores genéticos de predisposição a estas malformações, particularmente para as FL±PNS. Entre estes fatores, o IRF6, comprovadamente associado à síndrome de Van der Woude (SVW), é um gene candidato associado às fissuras NS. Em algumas situações, a SVW torna-se clinicamente indistinguível das fissuras não sindrômicas, o que pode dificultar o aconselhamento genético destas famílias afetadas por fissuras. A associação entre FL±P e variantes comuns no IRF6 tem sido observada em vários estudos em diferentes populações, porém os resultados obtidos não explicam a alta herdabilidade das FL±P. Frente a este quadro, foi proposto mais um modelo genético para as fissuras NS, o modelo de “doenças comuns-variantes raras”. Diante destas questões, o presente trabalho foi realizado para tentar avaliar o impacto fenotípico de variantes no IRF6 em famílias com fissuras NS, através da verificação da ocorrência de mutações patogênicas, do tipo perda de função no IRF6, causativas da SVW entre casos não sindrômicos e da identificação da associação de variantes do IRF6 raras e comuns à predisposição de fissuras NS em casos familiais. Para testarmos estas hipóteses, foi realizado o sequenciamento do IRF6 em 304 pacientes com fissuras orais, não relacionados entre si, e com história familiar positiva para fissuras. Os resultados foram comparados com controles da população brasileira e com bancos de dados internacionais. A avaliação dos resultados sugere uma freqüência de aproximadamente 1% de mutações patogênicas para SVW entre os casos não sindrômicos familiais. Foram também encontradas variantes novas raras, de significado clínico ainda desconhecido, em 3,3% dos casos e observamos um excesso de variantes na região 5\'UTR entre os fissurados sugerindo que estas tenham um efeito funcional na regulação do IRF6 e eventual envolvimento com a ocorrência das fissuras orais NS. Além disso, foram detectadas novas associações com fissuras NS entre as variantes comuns já conhecidas. Além da análise mutacional do IRF6 entre pacientes com FL±P e FP, estudamos as FP isoladamente, com o objetivo de verificar a contribuição genética nas fissuras palatinas não sindrômicas, através de um estudo epidemiológico. Entende-se que estes estudos podem fornecer informações relevantes para o delineamento de estudos genéticos e para associações com possíveis fatores ambientais predisponentes à malformação. Entretanto, há um número limitado de estudos epidemiológicos sobre FP na literatura e em particular no Brasil, por isso, objetivamos estimar dados relacionados à consanguinidade, risco de recorrência e herdabilidade das FPNS a partir de uma amostra de 331 casos de FPNS na população brasileira. A frequência de casamentos consanguíneos foi semelhante à da população controle e os riscos de recorrência para irmãos dos probandos (∼1,5%) foi menor que o estimado na literatura mundial. Foi estimada uma herdabilidade de 95,81%, o que sugere grande atuação de componentes genéticos na etiologia das FP nesta população. Estes resultados sugerem a validade de maiores estudos na identificação dos fatores genéticos para as FPNS e demonstram a importância de se estudar o efeito dos diversos tipos de variantes no IRF6 em pacientes com fissuras orais / Oral clefts are the most common congenital craniofacial malformation and have different incidences rates among different populations. These oral clefts are subdivided into two main groups, cleft lip with or without palate cleft (CL±P) and cleft palate (CP), regarded as separate entities from embryological, epidemiological and etiological perspectives.These malformations are classified into syndromic or nonsyndromic (NS) depending on the existence of other associated clinical changes. For NSCL±P and NSCP, the multifactorial inheritance pattern and the “common disease-common variants” model have been proposed. Several studies have been conducted in an attempt to identify the genetic factors predisposing to these malformations, particularly for NSCL±P. Among these factors, the IRF6, demonstrably associated with Van der Woude (SVW) syndrome, is a candidate gene associated to NS clefts. In some situations, SVW becomes clinically indistinguishable from nonsyndromic clefts, which can hamper genetic counseling of cleft affected families. The association between CL±P and IRF6 common variants has been observed in several studies in different populations, but the results do not explain the high heritability of CL±P. Thus, an additional Another genetic model was proposed for NS clefts, the “common disease-rare variant” model. Given these issues, the present study tries to assess the phenotypic impact of variants in IRF6 in families with NS clefts by verifying the occurrence of loss-of-function mutations in IRF6, causative of SVW among nonsyndromic cases and also by the indentification of rare and common IRF6 variants predisposing NS clefts in familial cases. To test these hypotheses, the sequencing of IRF6 was performed for 304 unrelated cases of oral clets, with positive family history of clefts. results were compared with Brazilian population controls as well as international databases. The results suggests a prevalence of 1% for pathogenic mutations of SVW among nonsyndromic familial cases. It was also observed new rare variants of still unknown clinical significance in 3.3% of cases and it was observed an excess of variants in the 5\'UTR region among the cleft cases suggesting that they have a functional effect on the regulation of IRF6. Furthermore, new associations with NS clefts were detected among common variants already known. Besides mutational analysis of IRF6 for patients with CL±P and CP, the CP cases were studied, in order to verify the genetic contribution in nonsyndromic CP, by means of an epidemiological study. It is understood that these studies may provide relevant information for genetic study guidelines and for possible associations with environmental factors predisposing the malformation. However, there is a limited number of epidemiological studies on CP in the literature and mainly in Brazil, so this study also aims to estimate data related to inbreeding, recurrence risk and heritability of NSCP from a sample of 331 cases from a Brazilian population. The frequency of consanguineous marriages was similar to the control frequency and recurrence risks for siblings of probands (about 1.5%) was lower than estimated in the literature. A heritability of 95.81% was estimated, suggesting a high genetic component interaction in the etiology of CP in this population. Finally these results indicate the relevance of further studies on the identification of genetic factors for NSCP and demonstrate the importance of studying the effect of different types of variants in IRF6 in patients with oral clefts

Estudo clínico e molecular em pacientes com fissuras orais para avaliação do efeito fenotípico de variantes do IRF6 e estimativa da contribuição genética nas fissuras palatinas / Clinical and molecular studies in patients with oral clefts to assess the phenotypic effect of IRF6 variants and the genetic contribution to cleft palate

Joanna Goes Castro Meira 22 April 2014 (has links)
As fissuras orais são as malformações craniofaciais mais freqüentes ao nascimento e apresentam incidências variáveis entre as diversas populações. Essas fissuras são subdivididas em dois grupos principais, as fissuras labiais com ou sem fissura de palato (FL±P) e as fissuras palatinas (FP), consideradas entidades distintas do ponto de vista embriológico, epidemiológico e etiológico. Estas malformações podem ser classificadas em sindrômicas ou não sindrômicas (NS) a depender da existência de outras alterações clínicas associadas. Para as FL±PNS e FPNS, o padrão de herança multifatorial e o modelo “doenças comuns-variantes comuns” foram propostos. Diversos estudos têm sido realizados na tentativa de se identificar os fatores genéticos de predisposição a estas malformações, particularmente para as FL±PNS. Entre estes fatores, o IRF6, comprovadamente associado à síndrome de Van der Woude (SVW), é um gene candidato associado às fissuras NS. Em algumas situações, a SVW torna-se clinicamente indistinguível das fissuras não sindrômicas, o que pode dificultar o aconselhamento genético destas famílias afetadas por fissuras. A associação entre FL±P e variantes comuns no IRF6 tem sido observada em vários estudos em diferentes populações, porém os resultados obtidos não explicam a alta herdabilidade das FL±P. Frente a este quadro, foi proposto mais um modelo genético para as fissuras NS, o modelo de “doenças comuns-variantes raras”. Diante destas questões, o presente trabalho foi realizado para tentar avaliar o impacto fenotípico de variantes no IRF6 em famílias com fissuras NS, através da verificação da ocorrência de mutações patogênicas, do tipo perda de função no IRF6, causativas da SVW entre casos não sindrômicos e da identificação da associação de variantes do IRF6 raras e comuns à predisposição de fissuras NS em casos familiais. Para testarmos estas hipóteses, foi realizado o sequenciamento do IRF6 em 304 pacientes com fissuras orais, não relacionados entre si, e com história familiar positiva para fissuras. Os resultados foram comparados com controles da população brasileira e com bancos de dados internacionais. A avaliação dos resultados sugere uma freqüência de aproximadamente 1% de mutações patogênicas para SVW entre os casos não sindrômicos familiais. Foram também encontradas variantes novas raras, de significado clínico ainda desconhecido, em 3,3% dos casos e observamos um excesso de variantes na região 5\'UTR entre os fissurados sugerindo que estas tenham um efeito funcional na regulação do IRF6 e eventual envolvimento com a ocorrência das fissuras orais NS. Além disso, foram detectadas novas associações com fissuras NS entre as variantes comuns já conhecidas. Além da análise mutacional do IRF6 entre pacientes com FL±P e FP, estudamos as FP isoladamente, com o objetivo de verificar a contribuição genética nas fissuras palatinas não sindrômicas, através de um estudo epidemiológico. Entende-se que estes estudos podem fornecer informações relevantes para o delineamento de estudos genéticos e para associações com possíveis fatores ambientais predisponentes à malformação. Entretanto, há um número limitado de estudos epidemiológicos sobre FP na literatura e em particular no Brasil, por isso, objetivamos estimar dados relacionados à consanguinidade, risco de recorrência e herdabilidade das FPNS a partir de uma amostra de 331 casos de FPNS na população brasileira. A frequência de casamentos consanguíneos foi semelhante à da população controle e os riscos de recorrência para irmãos dos probandos (∼1,5%) foi menor que o estimado na literatura mundial. Foi estimada uma herdabilidade de 95,81%, o que sugere grande atuação de componentes genéticos na etiologia das FP nesta população. Estes resultados sugerem a validade de maiores estudos na identificação dos fatores genéticos para as FPNS e demonstram a importância de se estudar o efeito dos diversos tipos de variantes no IRF6 em pacientes com fissuras orais / Oral clefts are the most common congenital craniofacial malformation and have different incidences rates among different populations. These oral clefts are subdivided into two main groups, cleft lip with or without palate cleft (CL±P) and cleft palate (CP), regarded as separate entities from embryological, epidemiological and etiological perspectives.These malformations are classified into syndromic or nonsyndromic (NS) depending on the existence of other associated clinical changes. For NSCL±P and NSCP, the multifactorial inheritance pattern and the “common disease-common variants” model have been proposed. Several studies have been conducted in an attempt to identify the genetic factors predisposing to these malformations, particularly for NSCL±P. Among these factors, the IRF6, demonstrably associated with Van der Woude (SVW) syndrome, is a candidate gene associated to NS clefts. In some situations, SVW becomes clinically indistinguishable from nonsyndromic clefts, which can hamper genetic counseling of cleft affected families. The association between CL±P and IRF6 common variants has been observed in several studies in different populations, but the results do not explain the high heritability of CL±P. Thus, an additional Another genetic model was proposed for NS clefts, the “common disease-rare variant” model. Given these issues, the present study tries to assess the phenotypic impact of variants in IRF6 in families with NS clefts by verifying the occurrence of loss-of-function mutations in IRF6, causative of SVW among nonsyndromic cases and also by the indentification of rare and common IRF6 variants predisposing NS clefts in familial cases. To test these hypotheses, the sequencing of IRF6 was performed for 304 unrelated cases of oral clets, with positive family history of clefts. results were compared with Brazilian population controls as well as international databases. The results suggests a prevalence of 1% for pathogenic mutations of SVW among nonsyndromic familial cases. It was also observed new rare variants of still unknown clinical significance in 3.3% of cases and it was observed an excess of variants in the 5\'UTR region among the cleft cases suggesting that they have a functional effect on the regulation of IRF6. Furthermore, new associations with NS clefts were detected among common variants already known. Besides mutational analysis of IRF6 for patients with CL±P and CP, the CP cases were studied, in order to verify the genetic contribution in nonsyndromic CP, by means of an epidemiological study. It is understood that these studies may provide relevant information for genetic study guidelines and for possible associations with environmental factors predisposing the malformation. However, there is a limited number of epidemiological studies on CP in the literature and mainly in Brazil, so this study also aims to estimate data related to inbreeding, recurrence risk and heritability of NSCP from a sample of 331 cases from a Brazilian population. The frequency of consanguineous marriages was similar to the control frequency and recurrence risks for siblings of probands (about 1.5%) was lower than estimated in the literature. A heritability of 95.81% was estimated, suggesting a high genetic component interaction in the etiology of CP in this population. Finally these results indicate the relevance of further studies on the identification of genetic factors for NSCP and demonstrate the importance of studying the effect of different types of variants in IRF6 in patients with oral clefts

Epidemiologia das fissuras labiopalatais e avaliação fenotípica e genética da síndrome de Van der Woude / Epidemiology of cleft lip and palate and clinical and genetic features of Van der Woude syndrome

Chaves, Marcelo Reis 25 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-02T13:54:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao completa MarceloReischaves.pdf: 170451 bytes, checksum: 9a30d68fc8fa67a4726688e7834fd8b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-25 / Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nïvel Superior / Clefts of the lip and/or palate account for 65% of all head and neck anomalies and can be isolated or associated with other features as part of syndromes The etiology and pathogenesis of the oral clefts particularly of the nonsyndromic origin remain poorly understood This is in part a reflection of the complexity and diversity of the molecular mechanisms involved during embryogenesis with both genetic and environmental factors playing an influential role The aim of the present study was to evaluate the occurrence of cleft lip and palate in newborns in Alfenas Minas Gerais The sample was composed by 22 cleft lip and palate patients born in Alfenas from 1986 up to 1998 (first six months) among 15,039 registered births Unilateral left cleft lip and lip-palate were more frequently found in males being the opposite in females It was also noted the highest prevalence of cleft lip-palate in males and the exclusive cleft palate in females New studies are required in other geographic areas in Brazil Van der Woude syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder thought to occur with an incidence of approximately 1 in 60,000 live births and without gender predilection Van der Woude syndrome the most frequent form of syndromic clefting is characterized by the association of pits and/or sinuses of the lower lip and cleft lip and/or cleft palate This second part of this dissertation describes the clinical and genetic features of two large and unrelated families with Van der Woude syndrome in Brazil emphasizing the range of anomalies found within and between the families Van der Woude syndrome is transmitted by an autosomal dominant pattern with variable clinical expressivity high prevalence and equilibrated gender distribution Physicians should be aware of the variety of malformations which can be associated with Van der Woude syndrome Genetic counseling in Van der Woude syndrome affected families is important as a high percentage of descendants can have some kind of clefting / As fissuras de lábio e/ou palato perfazem cerca de 65% de todas as anomalias de cabeça e pescoço e podem ser encontradas de forma isolada ou associadas como parte de uma síndrome A etiologia e patogenia das fissuras orais particularmente as de origem não sindrômica são pouco compreendidas Isto devido em parte à complexidade e diversidade do mecanismo molecular envolvido na embriogênese e influenciadas por fatores tanto genético como ambiental O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de fissuras de lábio e/ou palato em recém-nascidos na cidade de Alfenas Minas Gerais A amostra foi composta de 22 pacientes portadores de FLP nascidos em Alfenas no período de 1986 a 1998 (primeiros seis meses) em que foram registrados cerca de 15.039 nascimentos As fissuras de lábio unilaterais e labiopalatais foram mais freqüentes no sexo masculino já no sexo feminino a freqüência das fissuras foram equivalentes Os resultados permitiram concluir que a distribuição das fissuras unilaterais de lábio e labiopalatais no sexo masculino tiveram maior freqüência no lado esquerdo e no sexo feminino no lado direito As fissuras bilaterais foram mais freqüentes que os demais tipos de fissuras (75%) A síndrome de Van der Woude é uma condição autossômica dominante rara que atinge um em cada 60,000 nascidos vivos independente do gênero É a forma mais freqüente de fissura sindrômica caracterizada pela presença de fissuras labiopalatais e fossetas no lábio inferior sendo comum a combinação de ambas as condições A segunda parte desta dissertação descreve os aspectos clínicos e genéticos de duas famílias com a síndrome de Van der Woude no Brasil enfatizando as variações da anomalia entre os familiares A síndrome de Van der Woude é transmitida pelo padrão autossômico dominante com expressão clínica variável alta prevalência e distribuição uniforme entre os gêneros No estudo foram observadas expressividade e prevalência variadas e grande distribuição da síndrome na população estudada

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