Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diability."" "subject:"deniability.""
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Séchage par atomisation des bactéries probiotiques : des mécanismes de protection à la production à l'échelle pilote / Spray drying of probiotic bacteria : From molecular mechanism to pilot-scale productionHuang, Song 30 May 2017 (has links)
Les probiotiques sont des microorganismes vivants qui, ingérés en quantité suffisante, exercent des effets positifs sur la santé. La lyophilisation est aujourd’hui questionnée quant à sa consommation d’énergie et son caractère discontinu. S’il offre une alternative pour produire massivement des poudres probiotiques à faible coût, le séchage par atomisation induit quant à lui des stress thermiques et oxydatifs conduisant à des pertes de viabilité rédhibitoires.Dans ce travail, un procédé innovant de séchage par atomisation est proposé. Du lactosérum doux concentré (jusqu’à 30% p/p) est utilisé à la fois comme support de culture et de séchage de P. freudenreichii et L. casei. Ce procédé élimine les étapes intermédiaires à risque de contamination élevé, accroît la biomasse et améliore la viabilité des bactériesLes mécanismes sous-jacents ont été explorés au plan de la résistance bactérienne et des conditions de séchage. Le milieu concentré induit une osmoadaptation des bactéries par expression de protéines de stress et accumulation de solutés compatibles, conduisant à une tolérance accrue des probiotiques à différents stress. La présence d’agrégats et la concentration en Mg2+ du milieu concentré pourraient également être impliquées.Le scale-up du procédé a été étudié : un schéma technologique semi-industriel impliquant séchage par atomisation, sur bande et en lit fluidisé a permis d’atteindre une viabilité de 100% (> 109 CFU g-1). Par ailleurs, la fonctionnalité des poudres probiotiques a été évaluée in vitro and in vivo sur modèle porcelet. Ce travail ouvre de nouvell / Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Freeze drying, the reference drying method, is currently challenged because of its low energy-efficiency and productivity. Therefore, spray drying is expected to be an alternative and sustainable method for producing probiotic powders. The issue remains in the considerable inactivation of probiotics caused by high temperature and dehydration during the process. In this work, a novel spray-drying process for continuous production of probiotics was challenged. Concentrated sweet whey (up to 30% w/w dry matter) was used to both culture and spray dry P. freudenreichii ITG P20 and L. casei BL23. This process cut down the steps between culturing and drying (e.g. harvesting, washing), increases the cell population after growth and improves spray drying productivity and probiotic viability. The mechanisms were explored from bacterial physiology and drying process conditions. The hypertonic stress led to overexpression of key stress proteins and accumulation of intracellular compatible solutes, which enhanced multistress tolerance. The presence of protein aggregates and optimal concentration of Mg2+ in matrix may also be involved.The feasibility of scaling up this process was validated. A multi-stage semi industrial drying process, coupling spray-drying with belt drying and fluid-bed drying, was applied to further improve the probiotic viability to 100% (> 109 CFU g-1). Moreover, the functionality of these probiotic powders was investigated in vitro and in viv
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Pellon alarajan muutos ja sen vaikutukset viljelyyn ja ympäristöön Keski-Pohjanmaalla ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan eteläosassaTyppö, A. (Asser) 07 June 2005 (has links)
This research examines the lower edge of arable land in cultivating littoral land and its effects on spring sowing Central Ostrobothnia and in the southern areas of Northern Ostrobothnia. This doctoral thesis develops methods to raise the lower edge of arable land in low littoral land. The methods are based on contribution margin, the gross profil of yield, the relocation of dry margin and the realigning of littoral land's area descriptor. In addition, outdated littoral land profil and loss evaluation criteria are renewed. The objective of the research is to decrease environmental damages and to improve cultivation. Another objective in raising the lower edge of arable land is to enhance the forming of protective noncultivated belts.
Ten lakes from the hydrologic areas of the rivers Perhonjoki, Kalajoki and Pyhäjoki were chosen for the research, one half of them were in their natural state and the other half were regulated. The research consisted of comparing the sowing dates and patch yields (moisture content 14%) of the sample parcels (104 observations) chosen from littoral land around the lakes to the corresponding figures of sample parcels selected from outside the areas influenced by water level variation. The findings are from 1985–1991 and 1996–1998. The cultivated plants were barley, oats and hay. The sample area research was completed with interviews. Furthermore, the research examined the dependence of air pore space of the soil cultivation layer on the dry margin.
The research result indicate that the lower edge of arable land has to be raised, for lakes in their natural state the rise would be on average 35 ± 4 cm (67 observations) and for regulated lakes on average 39 ± 4 cm (61 observations). The minimum dry margins required by soil cultivation and sowing will be 69 ± 5 cm (67 observations) and 78 ± 5 cm (61 observations). Thus, the lowest part of the waterfront will not be cultivated anymore. The contribution margin of the field is not changed. Sowing can be done earlier and air pore space and viability increase. The condensation detriment of the soil cultivation layer, the workload needed for cultivation and the nutrient load in hydrologic areas will be decreased. Measuring and locating protective non-cultivated belts becomes easier. The state of environment is improved. The evaluation of profit and loss is modernized. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan rantamaiden viljelyksessä pellon alarajaa ja sen vaikutuksia kevätkylvöihin Keski-Pohjanmaalla ja Pohjois-Pohjanmaan eteläisellä osalla. Työssä kehitetään katetuottoon, sadon bruttotuottoon, kuivavaran siirtoon ja rantamaan pinta-alan kuvaajan oikaisuun perustuvat menetelmät pellon alarajan määrittämiseksi alavilla rantamailla. Samoin pyritään nykyaikaistamaan rantamaiden hyödyn- ja vahingonarviointia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on vähentää viljelyn aiheuttamia ympäristöhaittoja sekä parantaa samalla itse viljelyä. Pellon alarajan määrittämisen yhteydessä on tavoitteena edistää myös suojavyöhykkeiden perustamista.
Kohdejärvinä oli Perhonjoen, Kalajoen ja Pyhäjoen vesistöjen kymmenen järveä, joista puolet oli luonnontilaisia ja puolet säännösteltyjä. Järvien rantatiloilta valittujen koelohkojen (104 kpl) kylvöaikoja ja ruutusatoja (kosteuspitoisuus 14 %) verrattiin vedenkorkeuksien vaihteluista riippumattomien vertailulohkojen vastaaviin arvoihin. Havaintovuodet olivat 1985–1991 sekä 1996–1998. Viljelykasveja olivat ohra ja kaura sekä heinä. Koealuetutkimuksia täydennettiin haastatteluina. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin muokkauskerroksen ilmahuokostilan riippuvuutta kuivavarasta määritettynä järven vedenkorkeudesta.
Tutkimustulosten mukaan pellon alarajaa on korotettava nykyisestään luonnontilaisilla järvillä keskimäärin 35 ± 4 cm (n = 67) ja säännöstellyillä järvillä keskimäärin 39 ± 4 cm (n = 61). Kylvön vaatimat kuivavarat määritettyinä järvien vedenkorkeuksista tulevat olemaan vastaavasti 69 ± 5 cm (n = 67) ja 78 ± 5 cm (n = 61). Tällöin rantalohkon alavimmalta osalta viljely poistuu. Pellon katetuotto ei muutu. Kylvö aikaistuu, ilmahuokostila kasvaa ja kulkukelpoisuus paranee. Muokkauskerroksen tiivistymishaitta ja viljelyn työnmenekki sekä vesistöön kohdistuva ravinnekuormitus vähenevät. Suojavyöhykkeiden mitoitus ja sijoitus helpottuvat. Ympäristön tila paranee. Hyödyn ja vahingon arviointi nykyaikaistuu.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The utilization of biodiesel has shown a promising potential in the whole world. Firstly, for it s enormous contribution to the environment, due the qualitative and quantitative reduction s levels of environmental pollution, and, secondly, as a strategic source of renewable energy to replace diesel and other oil derivatives. In this context the used frying oil
takes place, as a raw material that can be processed into a high quality biodiesel, and that once was being wasted and dumped in the environment in a erroneous way. This dissertation presents a feasibility study of producing biodiesel obtained through the used frying oil in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Some topics was analyzed for an effective scheme for the collection and production of biodiesel. The downtown of the city was chosen for the study, being the most populous and the neighborhood and for having more establishments using the fried oil in its processes, that way, making the results more reliable. Questionnaires were applied to the establishments and to the local population concerning the actions on the final destination of this waste, as well as environmental perceptions and knowledge about the theme, and also to determine the volume of used oil that would be ready for collection and processing into biodiesel. After that, was developed an economical viability of the project, from the perspective of the a public institution of education s perspective, the Federal University of Santa Maria, and this way, the project can reach benefits besides the environmental, social and financial ones, it can promotes an academic integration with the project, being a source of learning and development. Results demonstrated to be highly economical favourable to the implementation of the proposed scheme, however, to optimize the donation and collection system of the used oil, finally, were proposed some ideas and
actions for the project s efficiency from the beginning of its chain. / A utilização do biodiesel tem apresentado um potencial promissor no mundo inteiro. Em primeiro lugar, pela sua enorme contribuição ao meio ambiente, com a redução qualitativa e quantitativa dos níveis de poluição ambiental, e, em segundo lugar, como fonte estratégica de energia renovável em substituição ao óleo diesel e outros derivados do petróleo. Neste contexto surge o óleo de fritura usado (OFU), como mais uma matéria-prima que pode ser
transformada em biodiesel de alta qualidade, e que outrora estaria sendo desperdiçado e despejado no meio ambiente de forma incorreta. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo de
viabilidade de produção de biodiesel obtido através do óleo de fritura na cidade de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Foram analisados alguns tópicos para que um efetivo esquema de
coleta e produção do biodiesel fosse viabilizado. Selecionou-se o bairro Centro para este estudo, sendo este o mais populoso e o que mais apresenta estabelecimentos que utilizam o óleo de fritura em seus processos, tornando o resultado mais confiável. Questionários foram aplicados aos empresários e à população para que se verificassem as ações relativas à destinação deste resíduo, assim como a percepção ambiental acerca do tema proposto, e ainda para se determinar o volume de óleo que estaria pronto para coleta e transformação em biodiesel. A seguir, foi analisada a viabilidade econômica do projeto, sob a ótica da participação de uma instituição pública de ensino, a Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, sendo que desta forma, o projeto além de visar benefícios ambientais, sociais e financeiros, pode promover uma integração de acadêmicos com o projeto, servindo como fonte de aprendizado e desenvolvimento. Resultados econômicos demonstraram ser altamente
favoráveis para a concretização do esquema proposto, no entanto, para que se otimize o sistema de doação e coleta do óleo usado, finalmente, foram propostas algumas idéias e ações para que o projeto seja eficiente desde o começo de sua cadeia.
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Caracterização citogenética de cultivares de feijão (phaseolus vulgaris l.) / Cytogenetic characterization of common beans (phaseolus vulgaris l.)Nora, Gracieli Dalla 17 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The meiotic behavior and estimation of pollen viability were studied in seven cultivars
of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), which were IAPAR 44, Guapo Brilhante,
BRS Expedito, BRS Valente, Guateian 6662, Pérola e Iraí. Floral buds were
collected from cultivars, fixed and stored under refrigeration for the preparation of
slides by squashing technique anthers and coloring with acetic orceína 2% and
reactive Alexander. It was tried to obtain the greatest possible number of cells of
each stage of meiosis. The estimation of pollen viability was observed by counting
800 pollen grains per plant. To verify changes in size, were measured 100 grains of
pollen of each cultivar considered mature. There were no cells with abnormalities
during the analysis of meiotic behavior in all cultivars. The meiotic index were high
and uniform over 90%, indicating that these cultivars have the meiotic process stable
and use in plant breeding not present problems. The pollen grains showed no
significant differences as to its size, being similar among cultivars. Data on meiotic
behavior and pollen viability obtained in this work combined with the literature,
emphasize that the bean has a meiotic process uniform, showing high potential
fertility of male gametes, which facilitates the use of this species in breeding
programs. / O comportamento meiótico e estimativa da viabilidade do pólen foram
estudados em sete cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), sendo elas, IAPAR
44, Guapo Brilhante, BRS Expedito, BRS Valente, Guateian 6662, Pérola e Iraí.
Botões florais foram coletados das cultivares, fixados e armazenados sob
refrigeração para o preparo de lâminas pela técnica de esmagamento das anteras e
coloração com orceína acética 2% e reativo de Alexander. Procurou-se obter o maior
número de células possíveis de cada uma das fases da meiose. A estimativa da
viabilidade polínica foi observada contando-se 800 grãos de pólen por planta. Para
verificar alterações de tamanho, foram medidos 100 grãos de polens considerados
maduros de cada cultivar. Não ocorreram células com anormalidades durante a
análise do comportamento meiótico em todas as cultivares. Os índices meióticos
encontrados foram elevados e uniformes, acima de 90%, indicando que estas
cultivares possuem o processo meiótico estável e o uso em cruzamentos não
apresentará problemas. Os grãos de polens não apresentaram diferenças
significativas quanto ao seu tamanho, mostrando-se semelhante entre as cultivares.
Os dados sobre comportamento meiótico e viabilidade polínica obtidos neste
trabalho aliados aos da literatura, reforçam que o feijão possui um processo meiótico
uniforme, demonstrando alto potencial de fertilidade dos gametas masculinos, o que
facilita o uso dessa espécie em programas de melhoramento.
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Correlates of rarity in UK bumblebee (Bombus spp.) populationsRustage, Sarah Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
The decline of bumblebee (Bombus spp.) populations in the UK and worldwide has been well reported. It has been generally assumed that such declines result in the genetic impoverishment of some species, potentially leading to reduced fitness and increased extinction risk. This study tested the fundamental assumption linking population fragmentation with fitness, in a model system of two Bombus species native to the UK. Bombus monticola has declined significantly in range across the UK in recent years and occupies fragmented upland areas, while Bombus pratorum has remained abundant and widespread over many habitat types. The effects of genetic diversity on fitness have been addressed in wild Bombus species, but this is the first study to explicitly compare data from species of differing levels of population connectivity and hence test the assumptions of traditional population genetic theory. As genetic diversity has often been linked with immunocompetence, aspects of the innate immune response were quantified, together with parasite load. These empirical measures of fitness showed lower than expected variability between the two study species, and no evidence was found to support the theory of lower fitness in fragmented populations. However, the considerable variability between sample sites in both species for all parameters measured raised interesting questions as to the underlying evolutionary processes; it is postulated that B. monticola populations may maintain a higher than expected Ne, despite their fragmented distribution. This study also provided methodological developments. An alternative method for the quantification of wing wear as a proxy for age was proposed, which could be easily applied to other Bombus species and possibly adapted for use in other flying insects. In addition possible sources of error in AFLP analysis were highlighted which have not been adequately discussed in the current literature, namely the effects of sample storage. Given the utility of AFLPs for non-model species, this is an important avenue for future research, and would be applicable to studies in other systems. Overall, the data presented here emphasise the challenges of studying fitness in wild populations, and underline the requirement for research into the fundamental principles underlying many assumptions made by conservation genetic theory.
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[pt] O presente estudo busca analisar as concepções e atuações dos assistentes sociais na atenção às mulheres com demanda por interrupção da gestação prevista em lei e nos serviços de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro que são referência para o atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência sexual. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa, cujos instrumentos utilizados para produção de dados foram a análise de documentação institucional e a entrevista do tipo semiestruturada, realizada com nove assistentes sociais, todas do sexo feminino, que trabalham em três maternidades que atendem mulheres em situação de violência sexual. As entrevistas foram gravadas em MP3 com o consentimento das entrevistadas, nos meses de fevereiro e março de 2014, e tiveram duração total de 206 minutos. Para discussão dos dados utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo em sua modalidade temática. Os resultados apontam para uma invisibilidade tanto pública quanto interna desse tipo de serviço no município estudado, limitando o acesso das mulheres a esse direito assegurado por lei. Prevalece, dentre os sujeitos da pesquisa, uma concepção da interrupção da gestação prevista em lei como um direito da mulher e de que o assistente social deve envidar todos os esforços para sua garantia, apesar de enfrentar dificuldades como a ausência de preparo e abordagem sobre a temática durante a graduação e o desconhecimento em relação à legislação vigente sobre o aborto legal e a forte influência dos valores ético-religiosos na postura dos profissionais de saúde que comprometem o acesso das mulheres a esse direito. / [en] This study assesses the views and actions of social workers in the care of women with demand for termination of pregnancy provided for by law in the health services in the city of Rio de Janeiro that are reference to the assistance to women in situations of sexual violence. This is a research with qualitative approach, whose instruments used for the production of data was the institutional analysis and documentation of the semi-structured interview of the type held with nine social workers, all female, working in three hospitals that serve women in situation of sexual violence in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The interviews were recorded in MP3 with the consent of the interviewees in the months of February and March 2014 and had total duration of 206 minutes. For discussion the data use the content analyses the subject modality. The result shows a public and intern invisibility for this services in this municipality, with limitate the women access for a law right. The research subjects prevalence a conception the pregnancy interruption previous in law with a woman right and the social work obligation to guarantee this right, despite the social workers have some difficulties like no prepare or approach during the graduation about this subject and unknowing with current legislation about legal abortion and an ethical religious values influences the health professional attitude and implicate the women access a this right.
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Prey and range use of lions on Tswalu Kalahari ReserveRoxburgh, David James 13 December 2009 (has links)
The exact ecological and economic role of lion Panthera leo populations on small enclosed reserves is poorly understood. The management and monitoring of such populations is important to ensure their long-term survival. The prey use, range use and habitat selection of an isolated lion population were investigated. The study was conducted on a small (> 1000km2), enclosed predator camp of Tswalu Kalahari Reserve, situated in the Northern Cape Province of the Republic of South Africa. The prey selection, prey preferences and prey biomass removal were determined by using indirect and direct observations. Kill sites, carcasses and scats were located by spoor tracking and opportunistic observations and collated into a prey selection list. The prey selection was used to determine any prey preferences and the prey biomass removal by the lion population. The scats data was corrected for relative prey biomass and compared to the kill data and uncorrected scat data. 19 prey types were used, with the gemsbok Oryx gazelle and blue wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus being utilized most. The lion population had clear preferences for specific small and large mammals which concurred with other studies done on Kalahari lion behaviour. The prey biomass removal (9.9kg/Lion feeding Unit/day) was higher than several other studies done on lion consumption rates. The range use and habitat selection were determined by using direct and indirect observations. The minimum convex polygon method and kernel density estimates were used to delineate the ranges of the lion population. The mean range size of the Tswalu lions (91 km2) was similar to those found for lions in more mesic environments. The lions also had clear habitat preferences which depended on the habitat preferences of the prey and the prey density. A population viability analysis, using VORTEX 9.72, was conducted. An Ecological capacity was determined and used to model various environmental scenarios. The population was found to be viable, but constant monitoring and updating are needed. Management recommendations for the conservation of lions and their prey are provided. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Animal and Wildlife Sciences / unrestricted
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Comparison of the population growth potential of South African loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) sea turtlesTucek, Jenny Bianka January 2014 (has links)
A beach conservation programme protecting nesting loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) sea turtles in South Africa was started in 1963. As initial numbers of nesting females were low for both species (107 loggerheads and 24 leatherbacks) it was proposed that the protection of eggs, hatchlings and nesting females along the nesting beach would induce population growth and prohibit local extinction. Today, 50 years later, the loggerhead population exceeds 650 females per annum, whereas the leatherback population counts about 65 nesting females per year. The trend for leatherback turtles is that the population has been stable for about 30 years whereas loggerheads are increasing exponentially. Thus, this thesis investigated several life-history traits to explain the differing responses to the ongoing beach conservation programme. Reproductive output and success were assessed for both species; it was hypothesised that environmental conditions are sub-optimal for leatherback turtles to reproduce successfully. It was ascertained that nesting loggerhead females deposit larger clutches than leatherbacks (112 ± SD 20 eggs and 100 ± SD 23 eggs, respectively), but that annual reproductive output per individual leatherback female exceeds that of loggerhead turtles (±700 eggs and ±448 eggs, respectively) because they exhibit a higher intra-seasonal nesting frequency (leatherbacks n = 7 and loggerheads n = 4 from Nel et al. 2013). Emergence success (i.e. the percentage of hatchlings produced) per nest was similar for both species (loggerhead 73.6 ± SD 27.68 % and leatherback turtles 73.8 ± SD 22.70 %), but as loggerhead turtles nest in greater numbers, i.e. producing more hatchlings per year, the absolute population growth potential favours the loggerhead turtle. The second factor investigated was sex ratio because sea turtles display temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) where extreme incubation temperatures can skew the sex ratio (i.e. feminising or masculinising a clutch). It was suspected that leatherback turtles are male-biased as this is the southern-most rookery (for both species). Further, leatherback nests are generally closer to the high tide mark, which might induce a cooling effect. Standard histological techniques were applied to sex hatchlings and a generalized linear model (GLM) was used to approximate annual sex ratio. Loggerhead sex ratio (2009 - 2011) was estimated at 86.9 ± SE 0.35 % female-biased; however, sufficient replication for the leatherback population was only obtained for season 2010, which indicated a 97.1 % (95 % CI 93.3 - 98.7) female bias. Both species are, thus, highly female-biased, and current sex ratio for leatherback turtles is not prohibiting population growth. Current sex ratios, however, are not necessarily indicative of sex ratios in the past which would have induced present population growth. Thus, to account for present population growth profiles, sex ratios from the past needed to be ascertained. Annual sex ratios (1997 - 2011) were modelled from historical air and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) but no significant change over time was obtained for either loggerhead or leatherback turtles (linear regression; p ≥ 0.45). The average sex ratio over this 15-year period for the South African loggerhead turtle was approximated at 77.1 ± SE 3.36 % female-biased, whereas leatherbacks exhibited a 99.5 ± SE 0.24 % female bias. Re-analysing data from the mid-80s by Maxwell et al. (1988) also indicated a 77.4 % female bias for the South African loggerhead population. It is, therefore, highly likely that sex ratios of the South African loggerhead and leatherback sea turtle populations have been stable for at least three decades and are not accountable for the differing population growth profiles as they are displayed today. Another possibility that could explain the opposed population growth profiles is the time taken for animals to replace themselves, i.e. age at maturity. It was suspected that age at maturity for the South African loggerhead turtle is comparable with that for leatherbacks. Using data from a 30-year mutilation tagging experiment (i.e. notching), age at first reproduction for South African loggerhead females was estimated. Results ranged broadly but a mean of 36.2 ± SD 7.71 years was obtained using a Gaussian distribution. Age at reproduction of the South African leatherback turtle was not determined but the literature suggests a much younger age of 13.3 - 26.8 years (Zug & Parham 1996, Dutton et al. 2005, Avens et al. 2009, Jones et al. 2011). Therefore, population growth would favour leatherback turtles as they exhibit a much shorter generation time. Finally, it was concluded that all life-history parameters investigated favour leatherback turtles, yet loggerheads are displaying population growth. However, as there were no obvious constraints to population growth on the nesting beach, it is suspected that population growth of the South African leatherback turtle is either unobserved (due to inadequate monitoring not capturing sufficient numbers of nesting events to establish a trend) or that population growth is prohibited by some offshore factor such as industrial fisheries (or some other driver not yet identified). Monitoring should, thus, be expanded and offshore mortality monitored as the leatherback population nesting in South Africa is still critically endangered with nesting numbers dangerously low.
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Understanding Liver Toxicity Induced by Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Human HepatocytesRamoju, Siva P. January 2012 (has links)
Poly Brominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) are known flame retardants with highly persistent and lipophilic in nature. The continued usage of PBDE in various products amplifies the human burden of PBDEs. It is therefore, important to study the potential toxicological and/or biological effects of PBDE exposure in human. In this study we investigated the mode of action of PBDE induced toxicity in human liver by exposing human hepatocarcinoma cells in a time (24-72h) and dose (0-100μM) dependent manner. The highest test dose caused an inhibition in cell viability up to 50% after 72h, whereas lower doses (<50μM) showed slight increase in cell viability. Likewise, higher doses caused significant accumulation of intracellular ROS over time. Further, increase in caspase-3 enzyme levels and DNA fragmentation showed that, lower brominated PBDEs induce liver toxicity through accumulation of toxic metabolites and reactive oxygen species over time leading to caspase-mediated apoptotic cell death.
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Domov šťastného stáří / The Home of Happy Old AgePaulíková, Olga January 2015 (has links)
The main subject of this diploma thesis is a study on viability of a business plan which is designed for the social care area. The goal of the thesis is creation of the study on which base it will be possible to found and to keep a modern seniors home. The work is divided to a few units, chapters. In the first chapter basic expressions, bound with the viability study, are explained. The second chapter deals with the aging and its aspects, social services and legislation connected with this area of undertaking. The next unit is called Methodics and contains the detailed formal procedure of creating the study. The fourth chapter focuses on the study itself, it compiles all its parts based on the marketing research. The conclusion is an evaluation of the design and comprises a recommendation for improving problematic areas.
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