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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pre-marital sex among Seventh-day Adventist youth in Botswana and possibilities for preventative action

Orapeleng, Galenakgosi M. 11 1900 (has links)
This research set out to investigate factors that lead to seemingly prevalent pre-marital sex by Botswana Seventhday Adventist youth aging between 12 and 30 years. A 31- item questionnaire, divided into four sections, was used on a group of 45 youths. It was discovered that 78% of the youths studied had been involved in pre-marital sex at some point in their lives. Thirty-seven percent were still practicing it. The most vulnerable age range was 14 to 18 years, but some had started experimenting with sex as early as six years. Some of the contributing factors to the youth's involvement in sex included media, friends and lack of knowledge due to parents not giving them guidance.Prevention of pre-marital sex can be made possible by the cooperation of entities like the family, the church, the school and the individual. Hence, the suggested model called the Integrated Sexuality Education. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Beskerming van kinderregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg in die lig van die Kinderwet 38 van 2005

Celliers, Charmaine 07 February 2013 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Suid-Afrika het ‘n ver pad gekom sedert die 16de eeu in die erkenning en ontwikkeling van kinderregte. Kinderregte word vandag ten volle erken in die Grondwet, wat die hoogste gesag in die land is. Hierdie studie het ten doel om die beskerming van kinderregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg te ondersoek, met verwysing na die rol wat internasionale reg, soos die United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (“die Konvensie”) en die African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 1990 (“Afrika Handves”) in die ontwikkeling van kinderregte gespeel het. Spesifieke voorskrifte ingevolge waarvan die regte van kinders beskerm word is ondersoek,insluitend artikel 28 van die Grondwet en sekere bepalings van die Kinderwet. Weens die beperkte omvang van hierdie verhandeling, is sekere afgebakende voorbeelde uit die Kinderwet ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na kinders se regte en tradisionele waardes soos manlike besnydenis, vroulike besnydenis en maagdelikheidstoetse. Daar is gekyk of die praktiese probleme op regeringsvlak, byvoorbeeld die voorsiening en befondsing van maatskaplike dienste, die implementering van die bepalings van die Kinderwet vertraag. Skrywer kom tot die slotsom dat die bepalings van die Kinderwet alleenlik nie voldoende is om effektiewe beskerming aan sekere groepe kinders te verleen nie en hierdie probleme lei daartoe dat kinderregte nie behoorlik gerealiseer en geïmplementeer word nie, en dat daar nie ‘n behoorlike balans tussen die regte en verantwoordelikhede van die kind, die ouers en die staat bereik word nie. Moontlike oplossings vir die probleem en tekortkominge in die uitvoering van die Kinderwet word voorgestel in die slot hoofstuk. / South Africa has come a long way since the 16th century in the recognition and development of children's rights. Children's rights are now fully recognized in the Constitution, the supreme authority in the country. This study aims to investigate the protection of children's rights in South African law, with reference to the role of international law, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the rights and Welfare of the child 1990, in the development of children's rights. Specific provisions under which the rights of children protected is examined, including Section 28 of the Constitution and certain provisions of the Children’s Act. Due to the limited scope of this paper, some designated examples from the Children’s Act are examined with particular reference to children's rights and traditional values such as male circumcision, female circumcision and virginity testing. It is looked at if whether the practical problems experienced on government level, the provision and funding of social services delay the implementation of the provisions of the Children's Act .Author comes to the conclusion that the provisions of the Children alone is not sufficient to ensure effective protection of the rights of certain groups of children and that these problems led to children's rights not properly realized and implemented, and that a proper balance between the rights and responsibilities of the child, the parents and the state is not reached. In the concluding chapter possible solutions to the problems and shortcomings in the implementation of the Children’s Act is suggested. / Jurisprudence / LLM

Beskerming van kinderregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg in die lig van die Kinderwet 38 van 2005

Celliers, Charmaine 07 February 2013 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Suid-Afrika het ‘n ver pad gekom sedert die 16de eeu in die erkenning en ontwikkeling van kinderregte. Kinderregte word vandag ten volle erken in die Grondwet, wat die hoogste gesag in die land is. Hierdie studie het ten doel om die beskerming van kinderregte in die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg te ondersoek, met verwysing na die rol wat internasionale reg, soos die United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (“die Konvensie”) en die African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 1990 (“Afrika Handves”) in die ontwikkeling van kinderregte gespeel het. Spesifieke voorskrifte ingevolge waarvan die regte van kinders beskerm word is ondersoek,insluitend artikel 28 van die Grondwet en sekere bepalings van die Kinderwet. Weens die beperkte omvang van hierdie verhandeling, is sekere afgebakende voorbeelde uit die Kinderwet ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na kinders se regte en tradisionele waardes soos manlike besnydenis, vroulike besnydenis en maagdelikheidstoetse. Daar is gekyk of die praktiese probleme op regeringsvlak, byvoorbeeld die voorsiening en befondsing van maatskaplike dienste, die implementering van die bepalings van die Kinderwet vertraag. Skrywer kom tot die slotsom dat die bepalings van die Kinderwet alleenlik nie voldoende is om effektiewe beskerming aan sekere groepe kinders te verleen nie en hierdie probleme lei daartoe dat kinderregte nie behoorlik gerealiseer en geïmplementeer word nie, en dat daar nie ‘n behoorlike balans tussen die regte en verantwoordelikhede van die kind, die ouers en die staat bereik word nie. Moontlike oplossings vir die probleem en tekortkominge in die uitvoering van die Kinderwet word voorgestel in die slot hoofstuk. / South Africa has come a long way since the 16th century in the recognition and development of children's rights. Children's rights are now fully recognized in the Constitution, the supreme authority in the country. This study aims to investigate the protection of children's rights in South African law, with reference to the role of international law, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the rights and Welfare of the child 1990, in the development of children's rights. Specific provisions under which the rights of children protected is examined, including Section 28 of the Constitution and certain provisions of the Children’s Act. Due to the limited scope of this paper, some designated examples from the Children’s Act are examined with particular reference to children's rights and traditional values such as male circumcision, female circumcision and virginity testing. It is looked at if whether the practical problems experienced on government level, the provision and funding of social services delay the implementation of the provisions of the Children's Act .Author comes to the conclusion that the provisions of the Children alone is not sufficient to ensure effective protection of the rights of certain groups of children and that these problems led to children's rights not properly realized and implemented, and that a proper balance between the rights and responsibilities of the child, the parents and the state is not reached. In the concluding chapter possible solutions to the problems and shortcomings in the implementation of the Children’s Act is suggested. / Jurisprudence / LLM

De las similitudes y diferencias: Honor y drama de los siglos XVI y XVII en Italia y España

Toro, Alfonso de 13 June 2022 (has links)
La investigación 'De las Similitudes y Diferencias. Honor y Drama de los siglos XVI y XVII en Italia y España' es una obra fundamental y la contribución más importante y completa en el contexto de un sistema semiótico-epistemológico de la teoría de la cultura desarrolla un amplio modelo de interpretación para los campos del drama, del honor, de la ética, de la teología moral, de la jurisprudencia, de las leyes penales, etc. El trabajo se divide en dos grandes partes: la primera se ocupa del concepto de honor, venganza, matrimonio, adulterio etc. en la ética, en la jurisprudencia (recurriendo aquí a la jurisprudencia romana, germana y a la española medieval, a la teología moral, a los libros de confesores y predicadores, a colecciones de refranes y de anecdotarios tanto en Italia como en España. Partiendo de este material se establecen las características fundamentales, de las similitudes y diferencias, entre ambos sistemas. En la segunda parte dedicada al análisis dramático de la tragedia, y tragicomedia en Italia y España de los siglos XVI y XVII se emplea el mismo procedimiento, de las similitudes y diferencias para el estudio histórico-tipológico de los géneros dramáticos (y poéticas) en ambos países desarrollando un sistema explicativo e interpretativo para los dramas de honor. El trabajo concluye con un modelo para la interpretación epistemológica (del origen del discurso del honor y sus constituyentes en la respectiva episteme de la época) y sígnica (de su concretización en ‘marcas’ semánticas, pragmáticas y sintácticas). / La ricerca 'De le Similitudini e Differenze. Onore e dramma nel Cinquecento e nel Seicento in Italia' e in Spa-gna è un’opera fondamentale e il contributo più importante e completo nel contesto di un sistema semioti-co-epistemologico di teoria della cultura, che sviluppa un ampio mo-dello interpretativo per i campi del dramma, dell’onore, dell'etica, della teologia morale, della giurisprudenza, del diritto penale, ecc. L’opera è divisa in due parti principali: la prima tratta il concetto di onore, vendetta, matrimonio, adulterio, ecc. nell'etica, nella giurisprudenza (attingendo alla giurisprudenza romana, tedesca e spagnola medievale, alla teologia morale, ai libri di confessori e predicatori, alle raccolte di proverbi e aneddoti sia in Italia che in Spagna). Sulla base di questo materiale, vengono stabilite le caratteristiche fondamentali, le similitudini e le differenze tra i due sistemi. Nella seconda parte, dedicata all’analisi drammatica della tragedia e della tragicommedia in Italia e in Spagna nei secoli XVI e XVII, lo stesso procedimento viene utilizzato per lo studio storico-tipologico dei generi drammatici (e delle poetiche) in entrambi i paesi, sviluppando un sistema esplicativo e interpretativo dei drammi d’onore. Il lavoro si conclude con un modello di interpretazione epistemologica (dell’origine del discorso dell’onore e dei suoi costituenti nella rispettiva episteme del tempo) e di segni (della sua concretizzazione in ‘segni’ semantici, pragmatici e sintattici). / Die Untersuchung 'Von den Ähnlichkeiten und Differenzen. Ehre und Drama des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts in Italien und Spanien' stellt ein Standardwerk sowie den bisher stärksten und gründlichsten Beitrag zu einem der meistdiskutierten Themen der Hispanistik, zur Ehre und zum Drama des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts unter Berücksichtigung Italiens dar, das im Rahmen eines kulturtheoretischen, semiotisch-epistemologischen Konzepts ein umfassendes Interpretations- und Erklärungsmodell für die interkulturelle und intertextuelle Behandlung der Gebiete Drama, Poetik, Ehre, Ethik, Rechtsphilosophie, Moraltheologie, Strafgesetze entwickelt. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei große Abteilungen: die erste beschäftigt sich gleichermaßen mit dem Ehrbegriff, der Rache, der Ehe und dem Ehebruch in der Ethik und Jurisprudenz in Italien und Spanien. (Hier greift er auf die römische, germanische und spanische Rechtsprechung des Mittelalters, auf die Moraltheologie, auf die Bücher der Beichtväter und Prediger, auf Sammlungen von Sprichworten und Anekdoten zurück.) Auf Grundlage dieses Materials werden die Wesenszüge, die Ähnlichkeiten und Differenzen, zwischen beiden Systemen. Im zweiten Teil der Analyse der Tragödie und der Tragikomödie in Italien und Spanien des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts mit über dreihundert Dramen gewidmet, wird ein vergleichbares Verfahren, das der Ähnlichkeiten und Differenzen, bei den historisch-typologischen Untersuchung (Poetiken) der dramatischen Gattungen in beiden Ländern verwendet womit ein System zur Verfügung gestellt wird, das die Ehrendramen erklärt und interpretiert. Die Arbeit schließt mit einem Modell für die epistemologische (von den Ursprüngen des Ehrdiskurses und seiner Konstituenten im entsprechenden Epistem der Epoche) und zeichenhafte Interpretation (in ihrer Konkretisierung in semantische, pragmatische und syntaktische ‚Marken‘). / The Study 'On Similarities and Differences. Honour and Drama of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries in Italy and Spain' is a standard work and the strongest and most thorough contribution to date to one of the most discussed topics in Hispanic Studies, Honour and drama in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, taking Italy into account. It develops a comprehensive model of interpretation and explanation for the intercultural and intertextual treatment of the fields of drama, honour, ethics, legal philosophy, moral theology and penal laws within the framework of a cultural-theoretical, semiotic-epistemological concept. The work is divided into two large sections: the first deals equally with the concept of honour, revenge, marriage and adultery in ethics and jurisprudence in Italy and Spain. (Here he draws on Roman, Greek and Spanish jurisprudence of the Middle Ages, on moral theology, on the books of the confessors and preachers, on collections of proverbs and anecdotes). On the basis of this material, the traits, the similarities and differences, between the two systems are analysed. In the second part, dedicated to the analysis of tragedy and tragicomedy in Italy and Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries, with over three hundred dramas, a comparable method, that of similarities and differences, is used in the historical-typological study (poetics) of the dramatic genres in both countries, providing a system that explains and interprets the dramas of honour. The work concludes with a model for the epistemological (from the origins of the discourse of honour and its constituents in the corresponding episteme of the period) and sign-like interpretation (in its concretisation in semantic, pragmatic and syntactic ‘marks’). / La recherche 'Des Similitudes et Différences. Honneur et drame aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles en Italie et en Es-pagne' est un ouvrage fondamental et la contribution la plus importante et la plus complète dans le cadre d’un système sémiotique-épistémologique de la théorie de la culture. Ici on développe un vaste modèle d’interprétation pour les domaines du drame, de l’honneur, de l’éthique, de la théologie morale, de la jurisprudence, du droit pénal, etc. L’ouvrage est divisé en deux grandes parties : la première traite du concept d’honneur, de vengeance, de mariage, d’adultère, etc. dans l'éthique, la jurisprudence (en s’appuyant ici sur la jurisprudence romaine, alle-mande et espagnole médiévale, la théologie morale, les livres des confesseurs et des prédicateurs, les recueils de proverbes et d’anecdotes en Italie et en Espagne). Sur la base de ce matériel, les caractéristiques fondamentales, les similitudes et les différences entre les deux systèmes sont établies. Dans la deuxième partie consacrée à l'analyse dramatique de la tragédie et de la tragi-comédie en Italie et en Espagne aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles, la même procédure de similitudes et de différences est utilisée pour l’étude historico-typologique des genres dramatiques (et de poétiques) dans les deux pays, en développant un système explicatif et interprétatif pour les drames d’honneur. L’œuvre conclue avec un modèle d’interprétation épistémologique (de l’origine du discours de l’honneur et de ses constituants dans l’épistème respectif de l’époque) et de l’interprétation des signes (de sa concrétisation en ‘marques’ sémantiques, pragmatiques et syntaxiques).

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