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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Harmful sexual practices and gender conceptions in Kwazulu-Natal and their effects on the HIV/AIDS pandemic

Rauch, Rena (Rena Petronella) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper looks critically at particularly two harmful sexual practices most prevalent among the Zulu people in Kwazulu-Natal; virginity testing for girls, and the practice 'dry sex.' It is mostly the ripple effects of these practices, regarding the spread of mV/AIDS that is most alarming to medical science, leaving them no option other than to condemn this behaviour. This treatise however endeavours throughout to proffer understanding for the needs of a culture as diverse and unique as the Zulu people. Further, this paper often looks from an overarching African perspective, since despite African peoples' differences in terms of linguistics, geography, religiosity and general differences in daily run of the mill activities, there is a dominant socioreligious philosophy shared by all Africans. The, a, band c of virginity testing, and the resulting moral issues revolving around this practice are addressed. The main issues regarding the repercussions of virginity testing are discussed as well as the medical controversy involved in these issues. This will prove the limited effectiveness of this practice and the potential, yet serious and harmful ramifications it has for girls who are tested. In stark contrast to these girls, stands the girl who starts at a very tender age with the practice of 'dry sex', often encouraged and taught to her by female elders in order 'to please men'. This practice serves as a very powerful tool for commercial sex workers, venturing the streets and the truck driver stops, as it lures men into making her the preferred choice. So desperate are her socio-economic and cultural circumstances that she risks infection, and ultimate death, in order to comply with his need for unprotected and 'dry sex.' Numerous studies alert us to the fact that the drying agents used lead to lacerations of the vaginal walls, causing SID's, which in tum, exacerbate the spread of the disease. Zulu traditions and customs regarding sexuality and sexual relationships proffer essential insight into the Zulu people's sexual behaviour. In order to strike a balance between two diverse cultural groups, the West and African, a critical assessment of the West's own sexual history guides us to understand the West's 'sober' practice of monogamy is no less 'permissive' and 'promiscuous' than the African's practice of polygamy. The paper also investigates the corresponding differences in relation to indigenous knowledge systems versus science. African people discern the body's physiology and anatomy metaphorically and symbolically. We cannot simply gloss over these perceptions, enforcing scientific-based knowledge in our educational programmes, without consideration and accommodation for a very unique way of interpreting one's daily experiences and one's unique self. It is not only our biased discernment of indigenous knowledge that complicates the Aids pandemic considerably, but it is also enhanced by the burden of stereotyped gender-roles. Not only is a paradigm shift regarding the imbalance of power very much needed, we also need to understand that the inculcated anger some men in the Zulu culture fosters is a force to be reckoned with, as it displays psychological underpinnings of damage, signalling very clearly the need for therapeutic measures of healing. Conversely, the female in the Zulu culture has started to empower herself, but not always in terms of a beneficial end in itself. Similarly, it must alert us to the fine line separating the virgin-whore dichotomy, fuelled by her poverty-stricken and maledominated existence. It would appear that what we are fighting for is more than the preservation of life whilst engulfed by AIDS's scourge, but a global vision where the individual, or a whole community, with regard to mVIAIDS, is "self-reproducing, pragmatically selfsustainable and logically self-contained." (Bauman 1994: 188) / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die Zoeloe kultuur figureer daar veral twee tradisionele seksuele gedragspraktyke wat kommer wek by sommige Westerlinge, hier ter plaatse sowel as in die buiteland. Alhoewel hierdie praktyke as natuurlik, eksklusief en algemeen beskou word, is daar huidiglik stemme van protes wat waarsku dat die twee praktyke potentiele gevaar inhou vir die mens se gesondheid en geesteswelsyn. Die praktyke behels dat jong en weerlose meisies vanaf die ouderdom van ses jaar gereeld onderwerp word aan 'n vaginale toets om vas te stelofhulle nog 'n maagd is, en, die voorkeur van sommige mans om omgang te he met 'n vrou wat haar vagina op 'n 'onnatuurlike' wyse droog, hard en styf hou met die oog op 'n meer bevredigende seksuele ervaring vir die man. Baie vroue geniet ook hierdie ervaring. Die mediese wetenskap is veral bekommerd oor die moontlike verband tussen die nadelige repurkussies van die twee praktyke en die vinnige verspreiding van MIVMGS en pleit derhalwe dat daarmee weggedoen word. Die praktiseerders van eersgenoemde praktyk word byvoorbeeld gewaarsku dat dit mag lei tot gevalle van verkragting, anale seks asook kindermishandeling, terwyl laasgenoemde praktyk veral twee hoe risiko-groepe ten opsigte van die VIGSpandemie ten prooi val; die kommersiele sekswerkers in Kwazulu-Natal wat die praktyk gebruik as wapentoerusting, en die land se vragmotorbestuurders wat hierdeur verlei en aangemoedig word. Hierdie vorm van seksuele omgang ondermyn egter nie net kondoomgebruik nie. Studies het bewys dat die gebruik van 'n vaginale uitdrogingsmiddel daartoe kan lei dat die wande van die vagina mag skeur. Beide groepe loop derhalwe nie alleenlik die risiko om 'n seksueeloordraagbare siekte op te doen nie, maar om ook 'n VIGS-slagoffer te word. Terwyl die beperkte effektiwiteit van die twee praktyke deurkam word, poog die verhandeling om deurgaans 'n duidelike ingeboude begrip te handhaaf vir die unieke en eiesoortige karakter van die Zoeloe kultuur. Dit redeneer dat beide groepe, Afrikaboorlinge en Westerlinge, moet probeer verhoed om te polariseer en illustreer dat diverse kultuurgroepe almal, vanuit 'n kultuurhistories perspektief, meerdere of mindere tekens van promiskuiteit en permissiwiteit ten opsigte van seksualiteit toon. Dit spreek vanself dat die twee praktyke ondersoek moet word teen die agtergrond van die Zoeloe's se inheemse kennis met inbegrip van die wyse waarop die menslike fisiologie en anatomie metafories en simbolies verklaar word. Die digotomie wat bestaan tussen inheemse kennis en wetenskap vra dat ons boodskappe gekommunikeer moet word op 'n wyse wat beide gesigspunte konsolideer. Uiteraard kompliseer die stereotipering van geslagsrolle in die Zoeloe bevolking die VIGS-pandemie aansienlik. Dit dra in 'n groot mate daartoe by dat die VIGSpandemie nie suiwer as 'n biomediese probleem manifesteer nie, maar dat ander psigo-sosiale faktore in berekening gebring moet word. Dit werk byvoorbeeld 'n ongebalanseerde magsposisie in die hand wat sommige Zoeloe mans se sielkundige worsteling met hul diepgewortelde, polities geinspireerde woede belig en dui op sommige kontemporere Zoeloe vrouens se toenemende geneigdheid om seks aan te bied in ruil vir geld. Sy doen dit om sodoende haarself van die juk van die Zoeloe man se mag oor haar en haar neerdrukkende sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede te bevry. Die verhandeling beweeg dikwels buite sy grense en fokus nie net bloot op die gedrag van die Zoeloe bevolking nie, maar boorlinge van Afrika in die algemeen. Hierdie oorhoofse Afrika-perspektief vind regverdigingsgronde in die lig van die feit dat boorlinge van Afrika saamgesnoer word deur 'n oorheersende sosio-religieuse filosofie, desnieteenstaande die feit dat daar merkbare verskille voorkom ten opsigte van linguistiek, geografie, religieusheid en ander wat betref hul daaglikse gebruike en omgang.

Vers une autre temporalité de la "parthénos" : entre mythe, littérature et disciplines du corps

Mihelakis, Eftihia 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse trace la généalogie culturelle de la jeune fille en Occident en ciblant les moments charnières de son devenir femme au sein de structures de savoir qui ont activement participé à forger cette figure hétéronormative. Mon objectif est de produire une analyse culturelle en forgeant une cartographie des adolescences au féminin. Afin de sortir de la temporalité téléologique de la virginité et de la défloration, j’emprunte un mot étranger, parthénos, qui fait appel à l’idée de la jeune fille, sans nécessairement se limiter à ses connotations conventionnelles. La première partie, intitulée « La virginité, une affaire de jeunes filles », laisse place à une analyse du concept de parthénos à partir d’une lecture au carrefour de la médecine, de la loi et du mythe. Une lecture du traité hippocratique De la maladie des jeunes filles dévoile comment la défloration et la grossesse deviennent une cure érotique, une discipline du corps, qui décide du passage de la jeune fille dans une temporalité utile à la Cité. Un déplacement paradigmatique s’opère au 19e siècle dans les écrits médico-légaux, parce que l’hymen, auparavant inexistant dans la doxa hippocratique, devient le signe matériel par excellence pour examiner le statut de virginité de la fille. L’analyse de ces traités (frères Beck, Ambroise Tardieu, Paulier et Hétet) révèle la configuration de pratiques et de discours d’infantilisation des victimes de viol, et le refus des médecins légistes de reconnaître qu’une femme mariée puisse être violée. À partir d’une lecture contemporaine des tragédies L’Orestie d’Eschyle et Antigone de Sophocle, je montre que les figures d’Antigone et d’Électre constituent des exemples et des symboles convaincants de ce destin funeste de la parthénos qui n’accède jamais au statut de femme mariée. À ces figures mortelles, se télescopent les figures d’Artémis et des Érinyes pour montrer le potentiel de régénération inhérent à la figure de la parthénos. La deuxième partie, qui porte le titre « Le liminaire. Repenser les devenirs de l’adolescence », engage une réflexion à la lisière du contexte contemporain des Girlhood Studies, de la psychanalyse sociale et des études féministes sur le corps et le sexe, pour faciliter le déploiement d’une cartographie plus contextualisée du concept de parthénos. Je montre ici les écueils et les effets du danger qu’engendre la rationalité économique (cf. Henry A. Giroux) pour les espaces de liberté et d’exploration propres à l’adolescence. Cette posture est appuyée sur une lecture des récentes études en psychanalyse sociale (Anne Bourgain, Olivier Douville et Edmond Ortigues). Il est ainsi question d’identifier ce qui marque le passage entre l’adolescence et l’âge adulte : la crainte de la disparition et le fantasme de la naissance de soi. La théorie de la volatilité corporelle qu’élabore Elizabeth Grosz à propos de la sexualité féminine, ainsi que les théories de Michel Foucault, reprises par Judith Butler, en ce qui concerne les disciplines du corps, répondent à mon objectif de sortir de l’écueil d’une temporalité téléologique pour saisir les effets et les ramifications du discours sur la matérialité du corps de la jeune fille, sur ce qui lui arrive lorsqu’elle ne correspond pas tout à fait à l’idéal de régulation. Enfin, la dernière partie, qui porte le titre « Temporalités de la parthénos en tant que sujet liminaire », est traversée par les modalités particulières de la parthénia qui semble désincarnée dans la littérature contemporaine. L’objectif est de prouver que la virginité est toujours un marqueur symbolique qui déploie le destin de la fille dans un horizon particulier, trop souvent celui de la disparition. En proposant un éventail de cinq textes littéraires que j’inscris au sein d’une posture généalogique, je souhaite voir dans la littérature contemporaine, une volonté, parfois aussi un échec, dans cette pensée de la parthénos en tant que sujet liminaire. Le récit Vu du ciel de Christine Angot montre que l’ascension vers le statut d’ange concerne seulement les victimes enfants. Le récit d’Angot met donc en lumière la distinction entre la vraie victime, toujours innocente et pré-pubère, et la fausse victime, l’adolescente. Contrairement à Vu du ciel, The Lovely Bones d’Alice Sebold met en scène la possibilité d’une communauté politique de filles qui sera en fait limitée par le refus du potentiel lesbien. La question du viol sera ici centrale et sera abordée à partir de l’insistance sur la voix de la narratrice Susan. La littérature devient un espace propice à la survie de la jeune fille, puisqu’elle admet la reprise de l’expérience de la première relation sexuelle. Si la communauté est convoquée dans The Lovely Bones, elle est associée à l’image de l’identité sororale dans le roman Virgin Suicides de Jeffrey Eugenides. La pathologie virale et la beauté virginale que construit le narrateur polyphonique et anonyme font exister le discours médical sur la maladie des vierges dans un contexte contemporain. Le récit médical rejoint alors le récit érotique puisque le narrateur devient médecin, détective et voyeur. À la différence de ces trois récits, Drames de princesses d’Elfriede Jelinek montre une parthénos, Blanche Neige, qui fait face à son agresseur pour s’inscrire dans une historicité discursive. Cette collision dialogique ranime le cycle tragique (celui d’une Antigone confrontant Créon) et traduit de nouveau le danger d’une superstructure sociétale composée d’images et de discours où la fille est construite comme un accessoire pour le plaisir éphémère de l’homme. À l’inverse de l’image de la vierge sacrée et désincarnée que proposent les récits d’Angot, de Sebold, d’Eugenides et de Jelinek, Virginie Despentes offre une autre réflexion dans Apocalypse bébé. Le personnage de Valentine est configuré comme une sœur des parthénoi qui préfère le suicide et la terreur à la domestication, faisant ainsi appel à une temporalité radicale et inachevable, celle de la fin de la jeune fille. Mon souhait est enfin de souligner la nécessité de penser au mérite autant épistémologique, intime que politique, d’explorer le temps des éclosions sexuelles de la fille par delà l’idée de la première relation sexuelle. / This thesis traces a genealogy of the girl in Western culture by focusing on key moments in time, the most significant of which I argue is the idea – the expectation – of her becoming a heteronormative woman. Virginity loss has historically served as a symbolic mark capable of determining this passage into a temporality, which is productive for the polis. My objective is to produce a cultural analysis that draws on a map of multiple notions and discourses of female adolescence so as to explore the potentialities of another temporality, different from that of virginity. To do so, I have chosen to use the Ancient Greek word “parthenos” because it does not systematically refer to the oft-conventional connotations related to the “girl” (“jeune fille”). In the first part titled “Virginity, a girl thing”, I analyze the concept of the parthenos through a nexus of discourses: law, medicine, and myth. I read the Hippocratic treaty pertaining to the maladies of virgins, in order to uncover the entwined relationship between puberty, considered a pathology, and coitus and pregnancy, prescribed as an erotic cure. A paradigmatic shift occurs in the 19th Century with the birth of legal medicine: the hymen – absent in the Hippocratic doxa, becomes the sine qua non material sign to determine the girl’s status of purity. I produce a close reading of treaties (brothers Beck, Ambroise Tardieu, Paulier and Hétet) in order to reveal an ideological pattern in these medical and legal practices. I show here that the configuration of virginity is contingent on that of rape, so that older women (oftentimes married women) are refused the right to legally claim that they have been raped. In the last section, I offer a contemporary reading of Aeschylus’ Orestia and Sophocles’ Antigone where I show that Electra and Antigone are telling symbols of the tragic fate that awaits the mortal parthenos who cannot comply with the rules of the polis. A brief portrayal of Artemis and the Furies allows me to show, however, the regenerative potential inherent in the idea of the divine parthenos, as well as the temporary power of chosen parthenia. In the second part titled “The liminary. Rethinking the becomings of adolescence”, I draw on Girlhood Studies, social psychoanalysis and Elizabeth Grosz’s feminist theories on the body so as to deploy a contextualized map of the concept of the parthenos. I read recent theories on adolescence in Cultural Studies (Henry A. Giroux) and social psychoanalysis (Anne Bourgain, Olivier Douville, and Edmond Ortigues) in order to identify what determines the passage between adolescence and adulthood: I discover that it is the tension between the fear of disappearing and the fantasy of autogenesis. These two movements are then seen through the lens of material philosophies of the body, specifically Michel Foucault’s and Judith Butler’s work on the disciplines of the body. My aim is to explore the possibilities and the limitations of a teleological temporality in order to capture the effects and the ramifications of a discourse on materiality. Ultimately, I show that in all the discourses analyzed, the consequence for the girl who does not fit the ideal has always been exclusion for the realm of intelligibility, and from the polis. The third part titled “Temporalities of the parthenos as a liminary subject” is concerned with particular modalities of disincarnated parthenia in contemporary literature. The main objective of this part is to prove that virginity has more often than not inscribed the girl in a specific temporality, that of invisibility and political expropriation. I propose a range of five texts through a genealogical approach to explore how literature can – although it often fails – express another temporality for the parthenos as a liminary subject. Christine Angot’s Vu du ciel shows that ascension to the realm of seraphic metamorphosis only concerns very young girls who have not yet reached puberty. The true victim, Séverine, is prepubescent and sexually unaware, and remains so as an angel, whereas the false victim, Ch., is a younger woman who survived abuse as an adolescent. Ch. must then suffer a terrible fate, since Séverine is charged with the responsibility of slowly and painfully killing her off. On the other hand, Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones shows the possibility of a girls’ community although it excludes lesbian relationships. Rape remains a central question, but it is read through the importance of Susan being able to produce a cohesive narrative so as to move to another, more acceptable realm. Literature becomes a hospitable space for the parthenos’ survival, since she is allowed to eventually live her first sexual experience by temporarily being reincarnated through her friend Ruth’s body. Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides shows the intimate relationship between suicide, viral pathology and virginity allowing for a contemporary revival of Hippocratic discourse. I read the novel here as an interwoven medical and erotic text where the Lisbon sisters rarely speak, and if they do, their speech is always appropriated by the anonymous polyphonic narrator, who simultaneously perceives himself as a healer, a detective, and a tantalized voyeur at the edge of orgasmic release. Drames de princesses by Elfriede Jelinek allows me to show how Snow White is a parthenos who succeeds in confronting her aggressor, which was never the case in the previous texts. Although her speech animates a tragic cycle of death, it also produces a discursive historicity, which allows the reader to perceive the dangers of a societal superstructure composed of images and discourses where the girl is a passive accessory at the behest of men’s pleasure. Finally, contrary to these sacred and disincarnated parthenoi, Virginie Despentes’ Apocalypse bébé draws on a figure, a sister of all those parthenoi who prefer suicide and terror to domestication. The novel proposes a radical temporality, that of the end of the “jeune fille.” My aim is therefore to underline the necessity of thinking of the epistemological, intimate and political merits of a temporality, which is tied to the importance of claimed plural and subjective sexualities experienced beyond the scope of the loss of virginity.

Kärlek i virusets tid : att hantera relationer och hälsa i Zululand / Love in the time of the virus : managing relationshops and health in Zululand

Wickström, Anette January 2008 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med avhandlingen är att förstå hur människor tänker om och hanterar kärlek, sexualitet och hälsa i sina vardagliga liv på landsbygden i nordöstra KwaZulu Natal i Sydafrika. Målet är att förstå vad kärlek innebär för dem, men också hur större samhälleliga processer påverkar erfarenheter av kärlek, hälsa och relationer. Studien baserar sig på sex månaders etnografiska fältstudier bland framförallt åtta familjer. Data samlades in genom deltagande observationer och öppna intervjuer. Vid sidan om familjerna intervjuades tio örtdoktorer. Materialet består av 60 bandade intervjuer och cirka 340 sidor fältanteckningar. Analysen visar att man talar mer om kärlek i termer av respektfulla handlingar och en social ordning än om kärlek som en känsla. Kärleken är visserligen känslofull, men talet om respektfulla handlingar som kännetecknet på kärlek visar att invånarna ser sig som djupt beroende av varandra. Individen definieras av en väv av relationer där även förfäderna, både levande och döda, ingår. Kärlek mellan två individer hänger därför intimt samman med släkten och relationer i närsamhället, vilket skapar tillhörighet men också utsatthet. Kärleksmediciner tillverkade av örter utgör en möjlig väg att stärka ett förhållande eller att vinna någons kärlek. Berättelser om kärleksmediciner visar emellertid vad människor drabbas av och vad som anses vara ett omoraliskt agerande, vilket ger förklaring och lindring i svåra situationer men också lyfter fram att strukturella omständigheter under vilka människor lever behöver förändras. Kolonisation, apartheid och under senare år demokratisering har inneburit radikala förändringar för kärleks- och familjerelationer. Män, och fler och fler kvinnor, försörjer sig som migrantarbetare, vilket har lett till en uppsplittring av familjen mellan stad och landsbygd och skapat nya slags försörjningsnätverk. Förändringarna har lett till svårigheter med att visa kärlek i handling och till efterfrågan på nya sorters handlingar som bevis på kärlek. Arbetslöshet och sjukdomar utgör dock det allvarligaste hotet mot kärleken. I brist på effektiva åtgärder mot aids åberopar människor en tydligare moralisk ordning och försöker finna alternativa vägar att skydda sig. För att lyfta fram både det individuella och det gemensamma ansvaret för sexuella relationer och för att stärka flickors position har invånarna skapat en ritual för att kontrollera flickors oskuld, som en preventiv snarare än en diagnostisk åtgärd. En välkänd historisk ritual som lyfter fram oskuldens och kollektivets betydelse används i en modern strategi för att försöka hejda spridningen av aids och göra kärleken möjlig. Studien lyfter fram hur både inomstatliga och västerländska projekt som syftar till att förbättra zulufolkets situation grundar sig i perspektiv och föreställningar som är främmande för dem, och ibland krockar med deras sätt att uppfatta kärlek, relationer och sexualitet. Invånarna ser ömsom nya möjligheter, ömsom försöker de bevara sin tidigare moraliska ordning, men framförallt transformerar de sin specifika förståelse av hur samlevnad fungerar till dagens behov och villkor. / The main purpose of this study is to investigate how people think about and manage love, sexuality and health in their daily lives in northeastern rural KwaZulu Natal. The goal is to understand what love means to them, as well as how bigger social processes influence experiences of love, health and relationships. The thesis is based on six months of ethnographic field studies concentrated around eight families. Data were gathered through participant observations and open-ended interviews. Ten traditional healers were also interviewed. Data comprises 60 tape-recorded interviews and about 340 pages of fieldnotes. The analysis shows that people speak about love in terms of respectful actions and a social order rather than in terms of love as an emotion. Certainly love is about feelings, but the view that respectful actions are the primary signs of love reflects the way in which people see themselves as deeply dependent on one another. The individual is woven into a web of relationships where even the ancestors are an integral part. Thus love between two individuals is intimately connected to the family and to wider social relations in a way that creates a sense of belonging but also vulnerability. Love medicines made from herbs offer one way to strengthen a relationship or win somebody’s love. However, stories about love medicines reveal what trials people face, what they see as amoral actions, and in addition provide explanations and comfort as well as point out that structural circumstances under which people live need to be changed. Colonisation, apartheid policies, and more recently democratization have all led to radical changes for love and family relations. Men and increasingly women have been drawn into migrant labor, dividing families between rural and urban areas and creating new types of support networks. These changes have obstructed individuals’ ability to show love through actions and also led to individuals expecting new types of actions as proof of love. The most serious threats to love, however, are unemployment and sickness. In the absence of effective measures against aids people refer to a more distinct moral order to find alternative ways to protect young people. To emphasize both the individual’s and the community’s responsibility for sexual relations, and to strengthen girls’ position, Zulu have created virginity testing as a preventive ritual more than a diagnostic measure. An old tradition that emphasizes the status of virgin girls and the significance of the collective is used in a modern strategy to try to combat the spread of aids and to make love possible. The study emphasizes how both South African and Western projects that aim to improve the situation for the Zulus are grounded in perspectives and ideas that are unfamiliar to them, and sometimes collide with how they perceive love, relationships and sexuality. The interviewees sometimes see new possibilities, sometimes try to preserve their old moral order, but most of all work to transform their specific understandings of love and life to meet today’s needs and conditions.

Reconstructing celibacy : sexual renunciation in the first three centuries of the early church

Carroll, Jason Scot, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores the philosophical and theological motivations for early Christian celibacy prior to the appearance of monasticism. This thesis will challenge recent scholarly positions that portray early Christian celibacy only in light of the emergence of monasticism in the fourth century, and which argue that celibacy as an ascetic practice was motivated primarily by resistance to the dominant social structures of antiquity. The practice of celibacy was a significant movement in the early church well before the appearance of monasticism or the development of Christianity as the dominant social force in the empire, and although early Christian sexual austerity was similar to the sexual ethics of Greco-Roman philosophical constructs, early Christian sexual ethics had developed in relation to uniquely Christian theological and cosmological views. Moreover, a segment of the early Christian community idealized celibacy as an expression of the transformation of human nature amidst a community that continued to remain sexually austere in general. / vi, 267 leaves ; 29 cm.

Gynaehorror: Women, theory and horror film

Harrington, Erin Jean January 2014 (has links)
This thesis offers an analysis of women in horror film through an in depth exploration of what I term ‘gynaehorror’ – horror films that are concerned with female sex, sexuality and reproduction. While this is a broad and fruitful area of study, work in it has been shaped by a pronounced emphasis upon psychoanalytic theory, which I argue has limited the field of inquiry. To challenge this, this thesis achieves three things. Firstly, I interrogate a subgenre of horror that has not been studied in depth for twenty years, but that is experiencing renewed interest. Secondly, I analyse aspects of this subgenre outside of the dominant modes of inquiry by placing an emphasis upon philosophies of sex, gender and corporeality, rather than focussing on psychodynamic approaches. Thirdly, I consider not only what these theories may do for the study of horror films, but what spaces of inquiry horror films may open up within these philosophical areas. To do this, I focus on six broad streams: the current limitations and opportunities in the field of horror scholarship, which I augment with a discussion of women’s bodies, houses and spatiality; the relationship between normative heterosexuality and the twin figures of the chaste virgin and the voracious vagina dentata; the representation and expression of female subjectivity in horror films that feature pregnancy and abortion; the manner in which reproductive technology is bound up within hegemonic constructions of gender and power, as is evidenced by the figure of the ‘mad scientist’; the way that discourses of motherhood and maternity in horror films shift over time, but nonetheless result in the demonisation of the mother; and the theoretical and corporeal possibilities opened up through Deleuze and Guattari’s model of schizoanalysis, with specific regard to the 'Alien' films. As such, this thesis makes a unique contribution to the study of women in horror film, while also advocating for an expansion of the theoretical repertoire available to the horror scholar.

La vie de couple : approche interculturelle et comparative entre les couples syriens, français et franco-syriens / The life of couples : intercultural and comparative approach between Syrian couples, French and Franco-Syrian

Warda, Fatin 10 July 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur « La vie de couple : Étude comparative entre les couples syriens, français et franco-syriens ». Cette étude met en évidence l’importance d’une relation qui forme le coeur de la première cellule dans la société qui est la famille. C'est la première étude qui tente d’explorer ce sujet à fond. La thèse s'intéresse à l’analyse de la construction du couple dans deux sociétés et deux cultures (France-Syrie). Elle permet de mieux cerner le rôle de l’environnement social et familial dans la stabilité ou les difficultés que traversent parfois les couples. L’échantillon de la recherche est composé de 55 couples (110 sujets). Il est réparti en quatre groupes : 30 couples syriens vivant en Syrie, 13 couples syriens vivant en France, 7 couples franco-syriens vivant en France ainsi que 5 couples français vivant en France. Les outils de la recherche sont les entretiens semi-directifs, le questionnaire de l’entente conjugale et le T.A.T. Les résultats de cette étude sont que les variables étudiées démontrent une différence significative et importante entre les quatre groupes de l’échantillon de la recherche sauf pour deux variables : l’entente conjugale et les activités partagées dans le couple qui ne montrent pas de différence significative. En conclusion, cette étude contribue à déterminer les facteurs de la réussite du mariage, de convergence dans le couple, de la mésentente et les causes de tension et de conflit. Elle fournit des bases afin d’élaborer un programme de consultation visant à améliorer la relation au sein du couple. / This thesis focuses on « the life of couples: comparative study between Syrian couples, French and Franco-Syrian ». This study highlights relationship of the family which is considered as a crucial cell that builds society. This study is the first of its kind that attempts to explore this issue thoroughly. This thesis is interested in analyzing the structure of couples in two diffrent societies and two cultures in both Syria and France. This study focuses on the importance of the role of the family and social environment in either stability or instability cases and in the difficulties that couples are passing through sometimes. The research sample consists of 55 couples (110 sujets), which was divided into four groups as the following : 30 Syrian couples living in Syria, and 13 Syrian couples living in France, 7 Franco-Syrian couples living in France, and 5 French couples living in France. The reserch is based mainly on undirected interviews containing questions about couples life, marital understanding, and projective test TAT. Search results : The studied variables shows a quiet signifiant difference between the four groups in the sample, while there are two variables which are the marital understand and the joint activities between the couple that did not show any differences. In conclusion, this study helps in defining the marriage success factors in terms of matching and agreement between the couple and disagreement between them. Also defining the causes of tension and conflit and provides bases to develop a consultation program to improve the relationship between the couple.

En bur gick ut för att finna en fågel : En tolkning av tolv kvinnors berättelser om mödomshinnan och kvinnlig oskuld

Schiller, Lina January 2017 (has links)
This paper is an interview study with 12 women between the ages of 17-88 from Bohuslän, Sweden and their thoughts about female virginity and the hymen. Today it has been proven that there exists no hymen that breaks at a woman’s first sexual intercourse. Nonetheless, the study shows that the myth of the hymen is still alive even though it is fading in the younger generations. All the women in the study have at some point in their lives believed there was a hymen but many have via education or media been informed that that’s not the case. Despite education, the hymen was still related to blood, pain, difficulties using feminine care products, or thoughts that something might rupture due to sport activities, like horse riding. Based on the women’s reports, this paper interprets why female virginity has become something that is in need of surveillance and control. As understood from Lévi-Strauss’s theories on the kinship system, the woman becomes a gift unit through the ritual of marriage. The alleged presence of the intact hymen is the valorizing factor in said structure.      The semi-structured interviews were analyzed through a content analysis and interpreted by using the post-modernistic theoretical frameworks, with focus on the ideas of Michel Foucault. Further post-structuralist theories are applied to interpret how language and action create norms and truths. The results indicate that the belief in the existence of the hymen as an anatomical structure took hold in medical science and popular culture in line with the hypothesis that power creates knowledge. The results also show that knowledge is not constant: from being an established truth among the older participants in the study, to the youngest generation expressing that the hymen is something “old”. Simultaneously, all women expressed that the hymen and female virginity are connected to discipline and power asymmetries. The results show that the hymen, in this specific context can be seen as a social construction with the aim of maintaining unity and discipline.

Sexualité préconjugale au Maroc : représentations, verbalisation, pratiques et socialisation genrée / Premarital sexuality in Morocco : representations, verbalization, practices and gender socialization / العلاقات الجنسية قبل الزواج في المغرب : التمثلاث، الخطاب، الممارسات و التنشئة الاجتماعية المبنية على مقاربة النوع

El Aji, Sanaa 07 October 2016 (has links)
La sexualité préconjugale au Maroc fait face à une triple illégitimité (religieuse, légale et sociale). Toutefois, le cadre normatif restrictif ne signifie pas qu’elle est inexistante. Cette étude tente de décoder les modes de pensée, de vie et de verbalisation de la sexualité préconjugale dans le pays, en dépit de ce cadre normatif restrictif. Elle vise à l’analyser dans ses différents aspects : les représentations, le discours social et médiatique, la verbalisation, le cadre normatif, le monnayage socialisé inscrit en dehors des cadres traditionnels de la professionnalisation du sexe, les nouvelles tendances liées aux transformations technologiques et leur impact sur la sexualité, l’éducation sexuelle, la signification et les impacts du premier rapport sexuel, l’impact de la dynamique démographiques et socioéconomiques sur la sexualité et, enfin, les rapports de genre en matière de parcours sexuels et affectifs. Elle a pour principal objectif de mettre la lumière sur des réalités sociales que les discours et les représentations normatives tentent de minorer. L’objectif n’est donc pas de légitimer des pratiques sexuelles socialement rejetées mais plutôt de les comprendre. / Premarital sexuality in Morocco faces a triple illegitimacy (religious, legal and social). However, despite being forbidden by norms, it exists in Morocco. This study attempts to decode the ways of thought, living and verbalization of premarital sexuality in the country despite the restrictive normative framework. It aims to analyze it in its different aspects: representations, social and media discourse, verbalization, the normative framework, the socialized money making observed outside the traditional professionalization of sex framework, new trends linkedto technological changes and their impact on sexuality, sex education, the significance and impact of the first sexual intercourse, the influence of demographic and socio-economic dynamics on sexuality and finally sexual and emotional gender relations. Its main objective is to shed light on social realities that discourse and normative representations are trying to play down. The goal is not to legitimize socially rejected sexual practices, but to understand them. / تواجه العلاقات الجنسية قبل الزواج في المغرب لا شرعية ثلاثية الابعاد : دينية، قانونية و مجتمعية .لكن هذا الاطار القيمي المقيد لا يعني أنها غير موجودة و لا يترجم غيابها المطلق.تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تفكيك آليات التمثل٬ الممارسة و الخطاب بخصوص العلاقات الجنسية ما قبل الزوجية في المغرب٬ بالنظر للاطار التنظيمي المقيد٬ وإلى تحليلها حسب تمظهر اتها المختلفة : التمثلات٬ الخطاب المجتمعي و الاعلامي٬ التعبير اللفظي٬ الاطار٬ التنظيمي٬ الجنسانية المرتبطة بالمال لكن خارج الاطار التقليدي لا متهان الجنس٬ التوجهات الجديدة المرتبطة بالتحولات التكنولوجية و تأثيراتها الممكنة على الحياة الجنسية٬ التنشئة الجنسية ٬ معاني و تأثيرات الاقة الجنسية الاولى للافراد ٬ تأثير الدينامية الدمغرافية و السوسويوـ اقتصادية على الحياة الجنسية و أخيرا٬ تحليل المسارات الجنسية و العاطفية للافراد في علاقتها بمقاربة النوع الاجتماعي.هدف هذا الدراسة الأساسي هو و ضع الضوء على و اقع اجتماعي تحاول الخطابات و التمثلات الفيمية أن تخفف من حدته.و هي بذلك لا تسعى إلى إضفاألشرعية على الممارسات الجنسية ما قبل الزوجية٬ التي قد تكون مرفوضة مجتمعيا٬ بقدر ما تحاول قراءة هذا الواقع و فهمه.

The Mariology of Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia (1877 - 1940)

Jiron, Keith Isaac Akira 25 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The Mariology of Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia (1877 – 1940)

Jiron, Keith I.A. 27 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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