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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Molecular epidemiology and biological properties of avian influenza viruses of subtype H5N1 and H9N2

Parvin, Rokshana 24 February 2015 (has links)
Rokshana Parvin Molecular epidemiology and biological properties of avian influenza viruses of subtype H5N1 and H9N2 Institute of Virology Submitted in November 2014 Pages 106, Figures 7, Table 1, References 339, Publications 4 Keywords: Avian Influenza Virus, H5N1, H9N2, Reassortment, Mutation, Replication and Growth kinetics Introduction Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) are the major cause of significant disease outbreaks with high morbidity and mortality worldwide in domestic birds resulting in great economic losses. Especially the subtypes of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) H5N1 and low pathogenic avian influenza viruses (LPAIV) H9N2 became the most prevalent AIVs in poultry causing regular disease outbreaks in many countries of Asia, the Middle East and Europe and are still ongoing events. Therefore, continues monitoring, surveillance and characterization of the circulating viruses are of high priority. Objectives The current study was designed for three main objectives; i) Molecular epidemiology of the HPAIV H5N1 in migratory birds in Bangladesh, ii) Molecular characterization of the AIV subtype H9N2 and iii) Biological properties of the AIV subtype H9N2. Materials and methods In first the part of the investigations, two HPAIV H5N1 strains were confirmed from 205 pools of fecal surveillance samples in Bangladesh. The two isolated H5N1 viruses were characterized by genome amplification and sequence analysis of the all eight genome segments. In the second part of the investigations, a confirmed AIV H9N2 from a retrospective analysis derived from a poultry farm in Bangladesh was characterized. Furthermore, three AI-H9N2 viruses were isolated and characterized from a commercial broiler and broiler breeder flock with clinical respiratory manifestations in Egypt. Full length genome amplification, cloning, sequencing and comprehensive phylogenetic analyses were performed for all eight genome segments. In the final part of the study, four selected Eurasian lineage H9N2 viruses - three G1 sub-lineages H9N2 and one European wild bird H9N2 virus - were propagated in embryonated chicken eggs (ECE) and Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cell culture systems. The ECE-grown and cell culture-grown viruses were monitored for replication kinetics based on tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50), hemagglutination assay (HA) and quantitative real time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). The cellular morphology after infections was analyzed by immunofluorescence assay and cellular ELISA was performed to screen the sensitivity of the viruses to amantadine. Results The two newly isolated HPAIV H5N1 strains from migratory birds belonged to clade and clustered together with other recently isolated viruses in Bangladesh derived from ducks, chickens, quails and crow. The amino acid sequences were also genetically similar although, some unique amino acid substitutions were observed. These substitutions were not related to the known conserved region of the molecular determinants of the virus. The phylogenetic analyses of the isolated AIV H9N2 from Bangladesh and Egypt revealed their close relationship with their respective contemporary isolates and maintained ancestor relation with A/Quail/HK/G1/1997 confirming that all studied H9N2 belonged to G1 sub-lineage. All six internal gene segments of the Bangladeshi AIV H9N2 showed high sequence homology with the HPAIV subtype H7N3 from Pakistan. In addition, also the PB1 internal gene showed high nucleotide homologies with a recently circulating HPAI-H5N1 virus from Bangladesh. Thus, the Bangladeshi AIV H9N2 is genetically a unique strain which shares internal gene segments with different HPAI viruses and takes part in reassortment events. On the other hand, the internal gene segments of the Egyptian H9N2 viruses were similar to the other members of the G1 sub-lineage with no evidence of reassortment events. In this virus rather point mutations within their respective gene segments are observed. With regard to the biological characterization, the three G1-H9N2 viruses produced comparatively higher titer than the Eurasian wild type-AIV H9N2. Overall, the ECE-grown viruses yielded higher titers than cell culture-grown viruses. Following a single passage in cell culture, individual nucleotide substitutions were noticed in HA, NA and NS gene sequences but none of them are related to the conserved region that can alter virus pathogenesis or virulence. All of the studied H9N2 viruses were sensitive to amantadine. Conclusion The present study demonstrated for the first time the presence of HPAI H5N1 in the wild migratory bird population in Bangladesh and determine as one of the major cause to introduce the new clade of HPAIV H5N1 into the Bangladeshi poultry flocks. The Bangladeshi AIV H9N2 strain has exhibited two independent reassortment events with HPAIV of subtype H7N3 and H5N1.The Egyptian AIV H9N2 strains were limited to regular point mutations which is very common for AIVs. The G1-H9N2 viruses showed a higher replication profile when compared to European wild bird-AIV H9N2. Both the ECE and MDCK cell system allowed efficient replication but the ECE system is considered as the better cultivation system for H9N2 viruses in order to get maximum amounts of virus within a short time period. In this study new strains of AIV H9N2 and H5N1 with significant genetic constitutions were described. Thus, continuous monitoring of the field samples, rapid reporting soon after outbreaks, molecular characterization to confirm the emergence of new reassortant strains and the biological properties to know its impact on the virulence are recommended. / Rokshana Parvin Molekulare Epidemiologie und biologische Charakterisierung von aviären Influenzaviren der Subtypen H5N1 und H9N2 Institut für Virologie Eingereicht im November 2014 Seiten 106, Abbildungen 7, Tabelle 1, Literaturangaben 339 , Publikationen 4 Schlüsselwörter: Aviäres Influenza Virus, H5N1, H9N2, Reassortment, Mutation, Replikation und Wachstumskinetik Einleitung Weltweit kommt es in der Geflügelproduktion durch Infektionen mit aviären Influenzaviren (AIV) zu hohen Morbiditäts- und Mortalitätsraten und damit verbunden zu hohen wirtschaftlichen Verlusten. Zu den bedeutenden AIV in der Geflügelwirtschaft werden die hoch pathogenen aviären Influenzaviren (HPAIV) des Subtyps H5N1 sowie AIV des Subtyps H9N2 gezählt. Letztere besitzen die Charakteristika von niedrigpathogenen aviären Influenzaviren. Durch diese Subtypen kommt es regelmäßig in vielen Ländern in Asien, im Nahen Osten und Europa zu wiederholten Krankheitsgeschehen. Dies bedingt die dringende Notwendigkeit von andauerndem Monitoring, Überwachung und Charakterisierung der zirkulierenden Viren. Ziele der Untersuchungen Die vorliegende Studie soll folgende drei Hauptfragestellungen beantworten: i) Molekulare Epidemiologie des HPAIV H5N1 bei Zugvögeln in Bangladesch, ii) Molekulare Charakterisierung von AIV des Subtyps H9N2 und iii) Biologische Eigenschaften von AIV des Subtyps H9N2. Materialien und Methoden Der erste Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit zwei HPAIV Stämmen des Subtyps H5N1, welche im Monitoring Programm in Bangladesch von insgesamt 205 gepolten Kotproben, isoliert wurden. Die Charakterisierung der beiden Isolate erfolgte durch Vervielfältigung der acht Genomsegmente und nachfolgende phylogenetische Analysen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschreibt die retrospektive Analyse eines AIV des Subtyps H9N2, welches von einer Geflügelproduktionsanlage in Bangladesch eingesandt wurde. Weiterhin wurden aus einer Geflügelmast- und Legehennenhaltung mit respiratorischer Symptomatik drei AIV des Subtyps H9N2 isoliert und charakterisiert. Auch hier wurde das gesamte Genom amplifiziert, kloniert und nachfolgend phylogenetisch analysiert. Im letzten Teil der Studie wurden vier europäische AIV H9N2 Isolate, von welchen 3 Isolate zur H9N2 Sublinie G1 gehören und ein Isolat von einem Wildvogel selektiert und in embryonierten Hühnereiern (EHE) und auf Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) Zellen passagiert. Mittels 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50), Hämagglutinationstest (HA) und RT-real-time-PCR (qRT-PCR) wurden von diesen so passagierten Viren die Vermehrungskinetik bestimmt. Die Morphologie der infizierten Zellen nach Infektion wurde mittels Immunfluoreszenztest analysiert. Eine Bestimmung der Amantadin Empfindlichkeit dieser Viren erfolgte mit einem ELISA. Ergebnisse Die beiden neuen HPAIV des Subtyps H5N1 von Zugvögeln können in die Clade eingeordnet werden und clustern mit kürzlich aus Enten, Hühnern, Wachteln und Krähen isolierten AIV aus Bangladesch. Eine Verwandtschaft der Viren konnte auch auf Ebene der Aminosäure Sequenz gezeigt werden, obwohl einige einzigartige Aminosäure Austausche nachgewiesen wurden. Diese Austausche zeigen keine Verbindung mit bekannten konservierten Regionen der molekularen Determinanten der Viren. Die phylogenetische Analyse der AIV aus Bangladesch und Ägypten zeigt eine deutliche Verbindung mit den derzeit zirkulierenden AIV auf diesem geographischen Gebiet sowie die Verwandtschaft zu dem Isolat A/Quail/HK/G1/1997. Dies bestätigt, dass die in dieser Studie analysierten AIV zu der Subline G1 gehören. Alle sechs internen Gensegmente des AIV H9N2 aus Bangladesch zeigen eine hohe Sequenz Homologie mit einem HPAIV des Subtyps H7N3 aus Pakistan. Zusätzlich zeigt das interne Gene PB1 eine hohe Homologie auf Nukleinsäureebene zu einem derzeit in Bangladesch zirkulierenden HPAIV des Subtyps H5N1. Somit ist das AIV H9N2 aus Bangladesch als ein einzigartiges Isolat anzusehen, welches durch Reassortierung interne Gensegmente mit hochpathogenen AIV teilt. Im Gegensatz dazu, sind die internen Gene des AIV H9N2 aus Ägypten sehr ähnlich zu anderen Mitgliedern der Sublinie G1, welche keine Hinweise auf Reassorierung zeigen. Nur einzelne Punktmutationen konnten in den entsprechenden Gensegmenten nachgewiesen werden. In Hinblick auf die biologische Charakterisierung, konnte in den drei AIV H9N2 der Sublinie G1 vergleichsweise höhere Titer nachgewiesen werden als in einem europäischen AIV H9N2 Wildtypisolat. Insgesamt zeigten die in EHE passagierten Viren höhere Titer als die MDCK-Zell passagierten Viren. Schon nach einer Passage auf Zellkultur konnten einzelne Nukleotidaustausche in den HA, NA und NS kodierenden Gensegmenten nachgewiesen werden, wobei keine dieser Veränderungen einen Einfluss auf konservierte Regionen haben, die die Pathogenese oder Virulenz der Viren beeinflussen. Alle untersuchten H9N2 Viren sind sensitiv gegenüber Amantadin. Schlussfolgerungen Die vorliegende Studie zeigt erstmalig das Vorkommen von HPAIV H5N1 bei Zugvögeln in Bangladesch, welches als Haupteintragsquelle der neuen HPAIV H5N1 in der dortigen Geflügelhaltung angesehen wird. Das AIV H9N2 aus Bangladesch zeigt zwei unabhängige Reassortierungen mit HPAIV des Subtyps H7N3 und H5N1. Hingegen zeigt das ägyptische AIV H9N2 Punktmutationen, welche sehr typisch für diese Viren sind. Die hier untersuchten AIV H9N2 der Sublinie G1 zeigen im Vergleich zu einem europäischen AIV H9N2 eine höhere Replikationsrate. Eine Replikation der Viren konnte in EHE und MDCK-Zellen gezeigt werden, jedoch wird das EHE als das geeignetere System für die Kultivierung von H9N2 Viren betrachtet, da hier in einer kürzeren Zeitspanne mehr Virus produziert werden kann. Des Weiteren konnten in dieser Studie neue Isolate von AIV des Subtyps H9N2 und H5N1mit einem bedeutenden genetischen Aufbau beschrieben werden. Daher wird ein kontinuierliches Monitoring von Feldproben, unverzügliche Meldung von Ausbruchsgeschehen, die molekulare Charakterisierung zur Dokumentation eventuell auftretender neuer Reassortanten sowie Untersuchungen der biologischer Eigenschaften zur Virulenzbestimmung empfohlen.

Etude de la survie du virus H5N1 dans les environnements aquatiques artificiels reproduisant les biotopes naturels du Cambodge, pays d'endémie en zone tropicale / Survival of H5N1 virus in artificial aquatic environments reproducing natural biotopes of Cambodia

Horm, Srey Viseth 06 December 2011 (has links)
Bien que la persistance du virus H5N1 dans l'environement soit possible, il n'existe aucune méthode bien définie, standardisée, pour détecter du virus à partir de l'eau, du sol ou de la boue. De plus, il n'y a que très peu de données relatives au rôle du virus H5N1 dans l'environnement en pays tropical. Dans ce travail, des méthodes de concentration, d'identification, et de quantification du virus influenza dans l'eau et dans la boue ont été développées, validées puis utilisées pour l'analyse de prélèvements de l'environnement collectés au cours d'investigations d'épidémies de virus H5N1 au Cambodge et pour l'étude de la survie du virus influenza aviaire dans des biotopes aquatiques artificiels reproduisant le plus possible les conditions naturelles observées dans les mares ou les lacs au Cambodge. L'ARN du virus H5N1 été détecté dans 19% des échantillons environnementaux de terrain collectés au décours des épidémies. Des particules virales infectieuses ont été isolées dans un échantillon d'eau d'une ferme. Dans des systèmes expérimentaux, le virus H5N1 infectieux persiste seulement 4 jours dans l'eau de pluie. Mais l'ARN viral peut encore être détecté jusqu'à 20 jours dans l'eau de pluie et 7 jours dans l'eau de mare ou de lac. Dans la boue, les particules virales infectieuses ne semblent pas pouvoir survivre bien que l'ARN puisse persister au moins 2 semaines. La faune et la flore aquatique n'ont aucune influence sur la persistance du virus infectieux dans l'eau. Ces organismes semblent être essentiellement des concentrateurs et des transporteurs passifs du virus plutôt que des hôtes autorisant la réplication du virus. Nos résultats montrent que l'environnement au cours d'épidémies est fortement contaminé par le virus H5N1 et pourrait constituer une source potentielle de contamination humaine et/ou animale. Une restriction de l'accès à l'eau potentiellement contaminée doit être recommandée autour des foyers épidémiques. La surveillance de l'environnement doit être intégrée dans les programmes de lutte contre la grippe aviaire qui doivent par conséquent prendre en considération des mesures de désinfection de l'environnement. / Although the persistence of the H5N1 virus in the environment is possible, there is no well-defined and standardized method for the detection of viruses from water, soil or mud. In addition, there is very little data available regarding the role of H5N1 virus in the environment in the tropics. In this work methods of concentration, identification, and quantification of influenza viruses in water, mud and soils have been developed, validated and used to test environmental samples collected following H5N1 outbreaks in Cambodia and to analyze samples obtained during experiments in artificial aquatic biotopes aiming to reproduce as faithfully as possible the characteristics observed in ponds and lakes in Cambodia. The H5N1 viral RNA was detected in 19% of environmental samples. Among these, infectious viral particles were isolated in a single water sample. In experimental systems, the infectious H5N1 virus survived only 4 days in the rain water. But viral RNA persisted up to 20 days in rain water and 7 days in pond and lake water. In mud, infectious viral particles did not survive even viral RNA could persist for at least 2 weeks. Aquatic flora and fauna have no influence on infectious H5N1 virus persistence in water. These organisms seem to concentrate and to passively carry the virus but do not allow virus replication. Our results showed that following outbreaks, the environment is widely contaminated by H5N1 virus and therefore can act as a potential source of human and/or animal contamination. Restricted access to potentially contaminated water should be recommended during outbreak episodes. Monitoring the environment is recommended in the effort to fight against avian influenza and measures including environment disinfection should also be considered.

Comparing influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) expression in three different baculovirus expression systems

Elliott, Alexandra 05 September 2012 (has links)
In this study, the expression of HA, a key immunogenic protein of influenza viruses, in insect cells was compared using three baculovirus expression strategies: protein over-expression, surface (GP64) display, and capsid (VP39) display. Further, a recombinant virus expressing NA, another immunogenic influenza virus protein, was generated and fused to an HA epitope-tag. Western immunoblot using various antibodies, including those against HA, demonstrated the expression of HA and NA for all recombinant viruses. HA showed stronger expression when fused to the C-terminus of VP39 than the N-terminus, but unlike other expression methods, there was no observable cleavage of HA in VP39-displayed viruses. Cells infected with only over-expressed and surfaced-displayed HA were biologically active, and capable of hemadsorption and hemagglutination of chicken red blood cells. These results suggest that GP64 display or over-expression are the most efficacious modes of HA-expression for use as antigen to detect anti-HA antibodies in poultry. / NSERC, OGS, OMAFRA, CPRC

Le virus H5N1 à l’interface homme, animal et environnement au Cambodge / H5N1 virus at the human/animal/environment interface in Cambodia

Sorn, San 03 December 2012 (has links)
Le virus H5N1 hautement pathogène a été à l'origine d'importantes pertes humaines, animales et économiques dans tous les pays affectés. Nos études ont été pensées afin d'appréhender le problème complexe de la circulation et de la dissémination du virus H5N1 hautement pathogène de manière intégrée et transdisciplinaire en envisageant les problèmes sous des angles différents mais complémentaires. La première partie de ce manuscrit est consacrée à l'analyse de la dynamique de circulation du virus H5N1 en Asie du sud-est ainsi que dans la région du Cambodge et du Vietnam ce qui a permis de mieux comprendre la structure, la diversité, et l'origine des populations virales retrouvées au Cambodge. Cela a permis de décrire la succession des lignées virales introduites successivement dans le pays et d'en retracer les origines. Ce travail a aussi montré que depuis 2010 une nouvelle lignée endémique au Cambodge avait émergé et évolué à partir d'une lignée mère avant de donner naissance à un nouveau sous-clade (1.1.A). Ce travail s'est également concentré sur l'impact des mouvements de volailles sur la diffusion du virus au Cambodge ainsi que sur l'analyse des marchés de volailles vivantes comme réservoir potentiel du virus H5N1. Le rôle potentiel de l'environnement comme source d'infection humaine et animale a également été exploré dans ce travail. En effet, nos résultats montrent clairement que l'environnement des fermes à la suite d'épidémies ou que les échantillons environnementaux prélevés dans les marchés aux volailles vivantes étaient fortement contaminés par le virus aviaire. L'impact sur la survenue d'épidémies d'une évolution des pratiques des éleveurs, en particulier dans la manipulation des volailles et dans la déclaration de la mortalité, a été évalué et nous avons montré que des progrès avaient été réalisés avec le temps mais qu'il restait encore des progrès à réaliser, en particulier dans la manipulation des volailles. Nous avons également décrit la survenue d'épidémie chez des oiseaux sauvages et des chats au Cambodge et démontré le rôle que pourrait jouer dans la dissémination du virus et dans la contamination humaine une pratique bouddhiste qui consiste à relâcher des passereaux captifs. Mots-clés : virus H5N1, évolution virale, environnement, marchés aux volailles vivantes, Cambodge, Asie du sud-est, oiseaux sauvages, chats, transmission. / The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus, subtype H5N1, has caused important human, animal and economical losses in all countries affected. This work was designed as a somehow transdisciplinary and integrative project to try addressing the complex problem of HPAI H5N1 virus circulation and spread through different complementary but related angles. The first domain to be addressed was that of the dynamics and evolution of the virus which allowed us to better understand the structure, diversity and origin of the viral populations found in Cambodia. It also allowed to determine the succession of lineages that were introduced in the country and to identify their origin. This work also demonstrated that since 2010 a novel lineage, endemic to Cambodia, has emerged and evolved from the mother lineage to become a genetically distinct sub-clade (1.1.A). This work also focused on the impact of poultry movement networks in the spread of avian influenza in Cambodia and on the analysis of live markets as potential HPAI H5N1 reservoirs. The potential role of the environment as a source of infection for both animals and humans was also explored in the work. Indeed, our data clearly demonstrated that the environment of the farms following an outbreak or the environmental samples collected from life bird markets were highly contaminated by H5N1 virus. The evolution in poultry workers behavior, especially poultry handling and poultry mortality report and their influence on the epidemics in Cambodia was analyzed and data demonstrated some improvements over the time but some key issues, especially in regards poultry handling, should still be addressed. The occurrence of outbreaks in captive wild birds and cats in Cambodia was also observed, whereas the final part of the manuscript demonstrated the potential role of the Merit Release Birds, used during some common Buddhist ritual in Asia, in the dissemination of virus to avian and human population. Key-Words: H5N1 virus, virus evolution, environment, Live Poultry Market, Cambodia, Southeast Asia, wild birds, cats, transmission.

Spatial and temporal analysis of avian influenza H5N1. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2011 (has links)
Avian influenza H5N1 is one kind of important bird flu. Unfortunately, this virus has swiftly evolved and become highly pathogenic to humans and poultry, resulting in 100% of death in infected poultry and over 60% of mortality among infected human population. Moreover, the virus tends to reassort with other influenza viruses, such as the current swine flu H1N1, to establish themselves in environments and further this epidemic all over the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has in fact warned that highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 poses a graver risk of a global human pandemic than at any time since the Hong Kong outbreak (H3N2) in the 1960s. / Finally, avian influenza is an inter-disciplinary issue across virology, medical geography, and spatial epidemiology. How to quantify and integrate knowledge from different disciplines remains a challenge in fully understanding the disease. We propose a method to formally integrate genetic analysis that identifies the evolution of the H5N1 virus in space and time, epidemiological analysis that determines socio-environmental factors associated with H5N1 occurrence and statistical analysis that identifies outbreak dusters. Our integrated results show a significant advance in findings over reports in, for instance, Gilbert et al. (2008) and we believe our findings are more precise and informative in representing the occurrence and the space-time dynamics of H5N1 spread. Overall, unlike traditional influenza studies, our work sets up a solid foundation for the inter-disciplinary study of this and other spatial infectious diseases. / First, we apply multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis to determine the temporal scaling behavior of outbreaks in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the whole of the world between December 2003 to March 2009. Long-range correlation and multifractality, two important properties characterizing the scaling behavior of complex dynamics, are first detected in the outbreak time series. In addition, this study identifies different temporal scaling behaviors of outbreaks of these continents 8,nd specific seasonal patterns in Asia. These findings confirm our perspective that avian-influenza outbreak behaviors are self-similar over time and are spatially heterogeneous. / One key to preventing such a calamity is to obtain a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of avian influenza transmission and its spatio-temporal patterns of dispersal. The issues at stake are outbreaks' spatial and temporal patterns, the interrelationship of these with the evolution of influenza viruses in such a way that geography is understood as a dimension of the disease's virology, and the human and avian behaviors and socio-ecological environments associated with H5Nl spread. This thesis sets out to study these problems in detail and propose solutions. / Second, we conduct a spatial analysis for global trends and local clusters of H5N1 outbreaks at multiple geographical scales. Currently, the local K function used in a point pattern analysis searches outbreak clusters, assuming the disease is spatially homogeneous. The thesis proposes a much more efficient method to measure the degree of clusters accurately. The modified function works by weighting outbreaks through distances, counting the number of the weighted outbreaks for each lattice point no matter whether the disease emerges in a grid. This weighted local K function extends cluster analysis from a point pattern to lattice data. Spatial representation in these terms then seeks to explore local patterns of H5N1 over a continuous space. / Third, we study a set of socio-environmental factors, which are plausibly associated with the occurrence of H5N1. Spatial epidemiological models are built for predicting the disease at both continental and national levels, covering Indonesia, China, and the whole of East-Southeast Asia. We evaluate the statistical models using 1,000 bootstrap replicates, showing a consistently high rate of prediction, assessed by statistics: AUC, Kappa Index, and pseudo R square. / Ge, Erjia. / Advisers: Yee Leung; Tung Fung. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-06, Section: A, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 169-197). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Influenza A virus in wild birds /

Wallensten, Anders, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Caractéristiques virologiques et pathogéniques du virus H5N1 et son rôle à l'interface hôte-environnement / Virological and pathogenic characteristics of the H5N1 virus and its role at the host-environment interface

Gutierrez, Ramona 05 December 2011 (has links)
Le virus de l'influenza aviaire hautement pathogène (IAHP) de sous-type H5N1 a causé de nombreuses pertes humaines, animales et économiques à travers le monde, notamment en Asie du Sud-Est. Son potentiel pandémique est une source d'inquiétude majeure en santé publique. Au Cambodge, l'infection est enzootique, et a causé la mort de 16 personnes depuis sa première détection en 2004 dans le pays, dont 8 pour la seule année 2011. Bien que l'hypothèse de la transmission directe hôte-hôte (animal-animal ou animal-homme) soit privilégiée, de récentes études semblent clairement incriminer certains éléments constitutifs de l'environnement dans le cycle de transmission du virus. Cependant, peu de données sont actuellement disponibles sur le sujet. Le travail de cette thèse a consisté en grande partie à apporter quelques réponses aux nombreuses questions soulevées. Des méthodes de détection du virus H5N1 dans l'environnement ont été mises au point, validées, et utilisées pour la détection de virus dans des prélèvements environnementaux collectés sur des sites d'épizooties au Cambodge. Le rôle de passereaux, capturés pour la réalisation de certains rituels bouddhistes en Asie, dans la dissémination du virus aux populations aviaires et humaines, a également été étudié. En parallèle, des données importantes du mode d'évolution du virus H5N1 au sein d'hôtes aviaires, jusqu'alors inexistantes, ont été apportées par l'étude des quasi-espèces du virus. L'ensemble des résultats rassemblés dans cette thèse souligne l'importance du rôle de l'environnement dans la dissémination et la transmission du virus IAHP H5N1. / The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus, subtype H5N1, has caused important human, animal and economical and losses in all countries affected, especially in Southeast Asia. Its pandemic potential is a major public health concern. In Cambodia, the infection is enzootic, and has caused 16 human fatalities since its first detection in the country in 2004, out of which 8 occurred in 2011. Although the hypothesis of direct host-to-host (animal-to-animal or animal-to-human) transmission is commonly accepted, recent studies clearly identified some environmental components as sources for avian and/or human contamination with H5N1 virus. Nonetheless, only few data are currently available on this topic. The work presented in this thesis aimed at better describing the role of the environment in the transmission cycle of the H5N1 virus. H5N1 virus detection methods in the environment were designed, validated and used for the detection of virus in environmental samples collected during epizootic outbreaks in Cambodia. The role of the Merit Release Birds, used during some common Buddhist rituals in Asia, in the dissemination of the virus to avian and human populations was also studied. In parallel, important and novel data regarding the evolution of the H5N1 virus within avian hosts were provided by quasi-species studies. The findings described in this thesis emphasize the relevance of the role of the environment in the dissemination and transmission of the HPAI H5N1 virus.

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