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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att se men inte höra : Ett eye-trackerbaserat hörseltest för spädbarn / To see but not to hear : An eye-tracker based hearing test for infants

Sunberg, Jonas, Palmgren, Simon January 2012 (has links)
En hörselnedsättning är en kommunikationsstörning som starkt påverkar en bebis utveckling på många områden, inte bara ljudperception och talad kommunikation. I Sverige screenas idag alla bebisar redan på BB, för att så tidigt som möjligt upptäcka medfödda skador. Dessa metoder har dock informationsbegränsningar angående hörselnedsättningens grad och frekvensberoende. När bebisar är ett halvår gamla kan den observerande audiometriska metoden Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) användas för att utreda hörselnedsättningen. Metoden baseras på att en audionom gör en subjektiv bedömning om bebisen reagerar och vänder huvudet till följd av presenterade ljudstimuli med känt frekvensinnehåll och känd ljudtrycksnivå. År 2009 genomfördes tester med en prototyp för att utreda om VRA-metoden lämpar sig att kombinera med eye-tracking. Detta för att kunna tidigarelägga utredningar eftersom bebisen inte behöver kontrollera sina nackrörelser, utan reaktionsbekräftan kan baseras på förändringar i bebisens blickfokus. Insamlad data var dock svårtolkad, men gav indikationer om att fortsatt arbete kunde leda till en mer objektiv version av VRA-metoden, lämpad för låga åldrar.I detta examensarbete har idén om ett eye-trackerbaserat hörseltest vidareutvecklats vilket resulterat i en ny prototypgeneration, grundad på ny metod för att fastställa hörnivåer. Metoden har främst släktskap med Békésy-metoden, med dynamiska ljudtrycksnivåer, men tar även den individuella reaktionslatensen i beaktning för att bedöma hörnivån vid tidpunkten patienten stimulerades att reagera, inte då reaktionen senare kunde registreras. Ett utredande arbete med studiebesök hos praktiserande audionomer, observationer av tester med föregående prototyp samt en fokusgruppdiskussion har resulterat i ett nytt användargränssnitt och en ny SQL-databasdriven resultathantering för att stödja forskning. Produktutvecklingen har även resulterat i en omarbetad konditioneringsfas, där bebisen fixerar blicken på ett objekt, som efter ett presenterat ljud kan bytas mot en belöning i form av en webbkameraström med t.ex. föräldern. Projektdeltagarna, som arbetat agilt enligt Deming-cykeln (även kallad PDCA), har löpande planerat, utvecklat, testat och tagit beslut med hjälp av funktionsprototyper som pilottestats på totalt 21 bebisar, 1 barn och 6 vuxna. Projektet avslutades med två verifierande tester. I det ena testades fem femmånaders bebisar för att bekräfta att hörnivåer kan bedömas vid en tidig ålder med den nya audiometriska metoden. För 80 % av bebisarna kunde, under en testsession, en till åtta hörtrösklar utredas. Det andra testet utredde precisionen i metoden jämfört med rentonsaudiometri utförd av Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Resultatet visar på en medelvägd differens om c:a 3 dB respektive 6-8,5 dB för de båda testdeltagarna. Fortsatt bekräftas att kombinationen av VRA-metoden och reaktionsdetektion med en eye-tracker kan realiseras även vid låga patientåldrar. Den nyutvecklade metoden för att bestämma hörnivåer visar på hög precision, men behöver fortsatt verifiering i likvärdiga testmiljöer samt evidensforskning. / Hearing impairment is a communication disorder which greatly affects an infant’s development in many areas, not just in sound perception and oral communication. Today all babies in Sweden are screened already in the maternity hospital, in order to detect birth defects as early as possible. However, the information given by these methods are limited in terms of how severe the hearing loss is and its frequency dependency. At six months of age the infants hearing reduction can be investigated by using the observation based audiometric method, Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA). The method is based on an audiologist’s subjective observation of the infant’s reactions; to turn its head towards a reward due to sound stimuli of known frequency and sound pressure level. In 2009, a prototype was developed in order to investigate whether the VRA method is suitable to combine with eye tracking. The investigations could thus be performed earlier since the baby does not need to control their head movements, but the reaction detection can be based on changes in the infants gaze. The collected data were difficult to interpret, but indicated that further work could lead to a more objective version of the VRA method, suitable for infants of low age.In this thesis, the idea of an eye-tracker based hearing test has been further developed and has resulted in a new prototype generation, based on an entirely new method of determining hearing thresholds. The method are mostly related to the Békésy method, with dynamic sound pressure levels, but also takes the individual reaction latency into consideration in order to assess the hearing threshold. The assessment is based on the moment in time when the patient was stimulated to react, not when the latter reaction could be recorded. An investigative work based on a study of practicing audiologists, observation of tests with the previous prototype and a focus group discussion has led to a new user interface and a new SQL database-driven results handling in order to support research. The product development has also resulted in a revised conditioning phase. When the infant moves its gaze from a fixation object, due to sound stimuli, the object can be exchanged with a reward in the form of a webcam stream with e.g. the infant’s parent. Project participants, who have been working agile according to the Deming Cycle (also called PDCA), have regularly planned, developed, tested and taken decisions using prototypes which were pilot tested on a total of 21 babies, 1 child and 6 adults. The project was finalized with two verifying tests. In one of the tests five five-month old babies were tested in order to confirm that hearing thresholds can be assessed at low ages by the new audiometric method. One to four frequencies could be investigated during one test session with 80% of the babies. The second test investigated the accuracy of the method compared to pure tone audiometry, conducted at the Karolinska University Hospital. The results show an average weighted difference of approximately 3 dB respectively 6-8.5 dB for the participants. The combination of the VRA method with reaction detection via an eye-tracker remains realizable, even for infant patients. The newly developed method for determining hearing thresholds shows high precision, but needs further verification in identical test environments and further evidence-research.

Avaliação audiológica infantil: a utilização da audiometria com reforço visual com estímulos de fala / Pediatric hearing evaluation: visual reinforcement audiometry with speech sounds

Santos, Maria Jaquelini Dias dos 02 June 2016 (has links)
Algumas teorias propõem que a percepção auditiva para sons complexos, como a fala e sons simples, ocorre de maneira distinta. Teorias sobre a existência de uma rota especial para decodificação da fala, com distinções desde a detecção do espectro acústico, a despolarização não linear das fibras do nervo auditivo, até a localização de neurônios especializados para interpretar sons de fala a nível cortical. Seria possível esta habilidade específica de percepção de fala um fator que modificaria as respostas de crianças entre 6 a 24 meses durante uma avaliação comportamental? Para avaliação audiológica nesta faixa etária, a Audiometria com Reforço Visual (VRA) é o exame indicado para obter níveis mínimos de audição (NMA). Diversos estudos apresentam as indicações da técnica do VRA para obter respostas confiáveis do sistema auditivo. Diante destas perguntas, determinou-se realizar um estudo comparativo do VRA com dois estímulos: warble nas frequências de 0.5, 1, 2 e 4kHz, e estímulos de fala, os seis sons de Ling /a/, /i/, /u/, /s/, /?/, /m/. Os dois exames foram aplicados em crianças com e sem deficiência auditiva, com os objetivos de determinar os NMA, o tempo de teste, número de sessões e os comportamentos observados durante a avaliação. Além da investigação quantitativa, foi elaborado um guia de orientações para realização do VRA. Foram avaliadas 123 crianças, as quais 57 foram inclusas na pesquisa, os principais motivos de exclusão foram: timpanogramas alterados, deficiências múltiplas, atraso motor e desordem do espectro da neuropatia auditiva. Participaram do grupo controle (GC) 33 crianças sem deficiência auditiva, idade média de 12 meses, e 24 com deficiência auditiva do grupo experimental (GE), idade média de 18 meses. No total foram obtidos 718 NMA considerando as 57 crianças e os 10 estímulos avaliados. Para o GC a média do VRA-warble foi de 17,05 dBNA e para o VRA-Ling de 13,60 dBNA; no GE as médias foram respectivamente, 95,51 dBNA e 85,88 dBNA, ou seja, estatisticamente os valores obtidos com os sons de Ling foram menores do que os obtidos com o estímulo warble. Os tempos médios para obtenção de pelo menos um NMA ou todos os NMA com o Ling e warble, não se diferiram na comparação intra grupos, assim como o número de sessões realizadas. No entanto, observou-se na comparação entre grupos, que o número de sessões, o número de NMA obtidos e o tempo de teste na realização do VRA-warble, foram maiores no GE. Outros comportamentos foram observados durante o decorrer do VRA: atenção, reflexo de orientação, imitação do estímulo auditivo, apontar para o fone, olhar para avaliadora/mãe. Considerando os resultados obtidos: o protocolo de teste utilizado mostrou-se eficaz para obtenção dos NMA nos dois grupos estudados; os sons de Ling podem ser utilizados na avaliação audiológica infantil de forma a complementar os achados com os estímulos de frequência específica. Porém, uma vez que os sons de Ling possuem uma ampla faixa de frequência, outros estudos que correlacionem os NMA para os sons de Ling nas diferentes configurações audiométricas são necessários. / Some theories postulate the auditory perception to complex sounds and simple sounds, occur differently. Theories about the existence of a special route for decoding speech, with distinctions from the detection of the acoustic spectrum, nonlinear depolarization of the auditory nerve fibers to the location of specialized neurons to interpret speech sounds at the cortical level. Is it possible this specific skill of speech perception a factor that would change the responses of children aged 6 to 24 months during a behavioral assessment? For audiological evaluation in this age group, with Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) is the test to obtain minimum response levels (MRL) or thresholds. Faced with these questions, determined to carry out a comparative study of the VRA with two stimuli: warble tones in the frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz, and speech stimuli, the six Ling sounds /a/, /i/, /u/, /s/, /?/, /m/. Both tests were applied in children with and without hearing impairment with the objective of determining the NMA, test time, number of sessions and the behavior observed during the assessment. In addition to quantitative research, we designed a guide guidelines for conducting the VRA. 123 children were evaluated, of which 57 were included in the survey, the main reasons for exclusion were changed tympanograms, multiple disabilities, delayed motor and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Participated in the control group (CG) 33 children without hearing impairment, mean age 12 months, and 24 with hearing loss in the experimental group (GE), average age of 18 months. In total 718 were obtained NMA considering the 57 children and 10 evaluated stimuli. For the GC average of VRA-warble was 17.05 dBHL and for VRA-Ling of 13.60 dB HL; GE in the averages were respectively 95.51 and 85.88 dBHL dBNA, ie, statistically the values obtained with the sounds of Ling were lower than those obtained with the warble stimulus. The average time to achieve at least one or all of the NMA NMA with Ling and warble, did not differ compared intra groups, as well as the number of sessions. However, it was noted in comparison between groups, the number of sessions, the number of NMA obtained and the and the test time in achieving VRA-warble were higher in the EG. Other behaviors were observed during the course of the VRA: attention, orientation reflex, imitation of auditory stimuli, point to the phone, look appraiser / mother. Considering the results obtained: the test protocol used was effective for obtaining the NMA in both groups; Ling sounds can be used in the audiological evaluation of children to complement the findings with specific frequency stimuli. However, since Ling sounds have a wide range of frequencies, other studies correlating to NMA Ling sounds in different audiometric configurations are needed.

Avaliação audiológica infantil: a utilização da audiometria com reforço visual com estímulos de fala / Pediatric hearing evaluation: visual reinforcement audiometry with speech sounds

Maria Jaquelini Dias dos Santos 02 June 2016 (has links)
Algumas teorias propõem que a percepção auditiva para sons complexos, como a fala e sons simples, ocorre de maneira distinta. Teorias sobre a existência de uma rota especial para decodificação da fala, com distinções desde a detecção do espectro acústico, a despolarização não linear das fibras do nervo auditivo, até a localização de neurônios especializados para interpretar sons de fala a nível cortical. Seria possível esta habilidade específica de percepção de fala um fator que modificaria as respostas de crianças entre 6 a 24 meses durante uma avaliação comportamental? Para avaliação audiológica nesta faixa etária, a Audiometria com Reforço Visual (VRA) é o exame indicado para obter níveis mínimos de audição (NMA). Diversos estudos apresentam as indicações da técnica do VRA para obter respostas confiáveis do sistema auditivo. Diante destas perguntas, determinou-se realizar um estudo comparativo do VRA com dois estímulos: warble nas frequências de 0.5, 1, 2 e 4kHz, e estímulos de fala, os seis sons de Ling /a/, /i/, /u/, /s/, /?/, /m/. Os dois exames foram aplicados em crianças com e sem deficiência auditiva, com os objetivos de determinar os NMA, o tempo de teste, número de sessões e os comportamentos observados durante a avaliação. Além da investigação quantitativa, foi elaborado um guia de orientações para realização do VRA. Foram avaliadas 123 crianças, as quais 57 foram inclusas na pesquisa, os principais motivos de exclusão foram: timpanogramas alterados, deficiências múltiplas, atraso motor e desordem do espectro da neuropatia auditiva. Participaram do grupo controle (GC) 33 crianças sem deficiência auditiva, idade média de 12 meses, e 24 com deficiência auditiva do grupo experimental (GE), idade média de 18 meses. No total foram obtidos 718 NMA considerando as 57 crianças e os 10 estímulos avaliados. Para o GC a média do VRA-warble foi de 17,05 dBNA e para o VRA-Ling de 13,60 dBNA; no GE as médias foram respectivamente, 95,51 dBNA e 85,88 dBNA, ou seja, estatisticamente os valores obtidos com os sons de Ling foram menores do que os obtidos com o estímulo warble. Os tempos médios para obtenção de pelo menos um NMA ou todos os NMA com o Ling e warble, não se diferiram na comparação intra grupos, assim como o número de sessões realizadas. No entanto, observou-se na comparação entre grupos, que o número de sessões, o número de NMA obtidos e o tempo de teste na realização do VRA-warble, foram maiores no GE. Outros comportamentos foram observados durante o decorrer do VRA: atenção, reflexo de orientação, imitação do estímulo auditivo, apontar para o fone, olhar para avaliadora/mãe. Considerando os resultados obtidos: o protocolo de teste utilizado mostrou-se eficaz para obtenção dos NMA nos dois grupos estudados; os sons de Ling podem ser utilizados na avaliação audiológica infantil de forma a complementar os achados com os estímulos de frequência específica. Porém, uma vez que os sons de Ling possuem uma ampla faixa de frequência, outros estudos que correlacionem os NMA para os sons de Ling nas diferentes configurações audiométricas são necessários. / Some theories postulate the auditory perception to complex sounds and simple sounds, occur differently. Theories about the existence of a special route for decoding speech, with distinctions from the detection of the acoustic spectrum, nonlinear depolarization of the auditory nerve fibers to the location of specialized neurons to interpret speech sounds at the cortical level. Is it possible this specific skill of speech perception a factor that would change the responses of children aged 6 to 24 months during a behavioral assessment? For audiological evaluation in this age group, with Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) is the test to obtain minimum response levels (MRL) or thresholds. Faced with these questions, determined to carry out a comparative study of the VRA with two stimuli: warble tones in the frequencies of 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 kHz, and speech stimuli, the six Ling sounds /a/, /i/, /u/, /s/, /?/, /m/. Both tests were applied in children with and without hearing impairment with the objective of determining the NMA, test time, number of sessions and the behavior observed during the assessment. In addition to quantitative research, we designed a guide guidelines for conducting the VRA. 123 children were evaluated, of which 57 were included in the survey, the main reasons for exclusion were changed tympanograms, multiple disabilities, delayed motor and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder. Participated in the control group (CG) 33 children without hearing impairment, mean age 12 months, and 24 with hearing loss in the experimental group (GE), average age of 18 months. In total 718 were obtained NMA considering the 57 children and 10 evaluated stimuli. For the GC average of VRA-warble was 17.05 dBHL and for VRA-Ling of 13.60 dB HL; GE in the averages were respectively 95.51 and 85.88 dBHL dBNA, ie, statistically the values obtained with the sounds of Ling were lower than those obtained with the warble stimulus. The average time to achieve at least one or all of the NMA NMA with Ling and warble, did not differ compared intra groups, as well as the number of sessions. However, it was noted in comparison between groups, the number of sessions, the number of NMA obtained and the and the test time in achieving VRA-warble were higher in the EG. Other behaviors were observed during the course of the VRA: attention, orientation reflex, imitation of auditory stimuli, point to the phone, look appraiser / mother. Considering the results obtained: the test protocol used was effective for obtaining the NMA in both groups; Ling sounds can be used in the audiological evaluation of children to complement the findings with specific frequency stimuli. However, since Ling sounds have a wide range of frequencies, other studies correlating to NMA Ling sounds in different audiometric configurations are needed.

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