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Können Betriebsauslässe zur Hochwasserentlastung von Talsperren herangezogen werden?Pohl, Reinhard January 2010 (has links)
Veränderte Randbedingungen erfordern modifizierte Betriebsregeln. Während die güteorientierte Bewirtschaftung von Stauräumen in der Vergangenheit hauptsächlich bei der langfristigen Bewirtschaftung eine Rolle spielte, gewinnt sie in jüngerer Zeit immer mehr auch bei der kurzfristigen Abflusssteuerung als Vorentlastung und während der Hochwasserereignisse an Bedeutung. Dabei soll vor allem die Entlastung aus Horizonten mit geringerer Wasserqualität ermöglicht werden. Gleichzeitig kann es notwendig werden, im Hochwasserfall insgesamt mehr vorzuentlasten und die Entnahmeeinrichtungen mit einzubeziehen. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den diesbezüglichen Möglichkeiten bei Nutzung vorhandener Entnahmeeinrichtungen und den Anforderungen an bauliche Ergänzungen. Es werden Grundsätze für die Planung, die Berechnung, den Betrieb und die Überwachung sowie Beispiele aus hydraulischer Sicht besprochen.
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Vodní nádrž v právních vztazích / Dams in legal relationsMajerák, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
TITLE: Water reservoir in legal relations AUTHOR: Pavel Majerák DEPARTMENT: Department od Environmental Law SUPERVISOR: JUDr. Martina Franková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the issues of legal relations of water reservoirs, namely as a specific water work or naturally originated,so called natural body of water. In relation to the absence of legal definition of the term of water reservoir it defines the term of water reservoir itself and it closer introduces its single forms which it subsequently introduces in single legal regulations of public and private law. Special attention is paid to water reservoirs in the concept of protection against the impacts of droughts and in realization of anti-flood arrangements. KEYWORDS: water reservoir, law, water work, flood, drought
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Vodojemy - Brno, Žlutý kopec / Reservoirs - Brno, Zluty kopec (Yellow hill)Tomanová, Tereza Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the possible use of now defunct reservoirs on the Yellow Hill. This water supply complex consists of three underground reservoirs and a technical house. The area is spread over a large plot of land overgrown with wild vegetation in the middle of a residential area. The set of underground reservoirs, covered by a system of arches supported by pillars, represents a unique architectural and technical monument. The aim of the proposal is to make the reservoir area accessible to the public through new functions while preserving their historical value. The main motive of the concept is an interactive water museum built in the youngest reinforced concrete reservoir. The exhibition deals, among other things, with a very current topic of sustainable water management. The complex is complemented by a new visitor center, which will make it possible to access the reservoirs through a new entrance to the underground. The existing unmaintained area of greenery will be transformed into a public park independent of the operation of reservoirs.
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Superabsorbent Polymer Use in Rangeland RestorationNelson, Shannon V. 26 April 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Soil moisture deficits often hinder rangeland revegetation efforts. Due to sheer numbers and germination timing, invasive annual species can easily outcompete those of desired seeded species for resources, including water. One way to increase seedling establishment may be to increase the amount of water available to seeded species. Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) can absorb and release hundreds of times their weight in water and slowly release it. Concentrated SAP bands at or near seedling rooting depth may act as a soil water reservoir for germinating seedlings and increase rangeland seedling establishment. The objective of these studies was to evaluate the effect of banded SAP on soil moisture and seedling establishment through a series of eight glasshouse and field trials with different combinations of: species, SAP band rate, SAP band placement depth, seeding rate, fertilizer application, and seedling distance from the SAP band. Two grasses, bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) or Siberian wheatgrass (Agropyron fragile) were used as test species in all studies but one. In that study six species commonly used in rangeland restoration [bottlebrush squirreltail, crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum (L.)), Lewis flax (Linum lewisii Pursh), yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis), Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nuttall ssp. wyomingensis Beetle Young), and forage kochia (Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad.)] were used. Concentrated band of SAP at rates up to 6000 kg ha-1 were placed below the seeds at depths ranging from the soil surface to 15 cm deep or mixed into the top 8 or 15 cm of soil. Measurements varied with trial. Soil moisture measurements included gravimetric water content, volumetric water content, and/or soil matric potential. Seedling growth parameters included seedling time to emerge, number emerged, longevity, percent of seedlings alive, shoot length, blade count, root length, root biomass, shoot biomass, and/or root:shoot ratio. Banded SAP at high rates increased usable soil moisture up to 49 days in the glasshouse and in spring of the first year after installation in the field. Rates ? 1500 kg ha-1 increased seedling longevity up to 12 days in the glasshouse but resulted in raised and cracked soil. This negatively impacted seedling survival in the field but not the glasshouse and may also reduce the amount of available soil moisture over time. Banded SAP at rates < 1500 kg ha-1, intended to reduce soil cracking, had no impact on soil moisture or live seedlings in the field. Further work is needed to investigate alternative application methods, such as blending the SAP into the soil.
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A Chemical, Physical, and Biological Investigation of the Total Suspended and Dissolved Substances in Lake Dallas with Emphasis on SanitationEads, Ewin A. 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the suspended organic matter and the total phosphorus in the waters of Lake Dallas and to evaluate these findings. Since organic matter floating in lakes is largely composed of minute plants, animals, and detritus derived from animals and plants, the fertilizing effect of phosphorus must be considered as an integral part of this problem.
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Avaliação da composição isotópica do chumbo e da distribuição elementar nos sedimentos da represa Pedro Beicht, Cotia, São Paulo / Evaluation of isotopic composition of lead and elemental distribution in the sediments of the Pedro Beicht reservoir, Cotia, São PauloOliveira, Carlos Eduardo Souto de 01 June 2011 (has links)
A Represa Pedro Beicht abastece cerca de meio milhão de habitantes da região metropolitana de São Paulo, sendo conhecida pela excelente qualidade do sistema aquático. A represa está inserida na Reserva Florestal Morro Grande (RFMG) e sob responsabilidade da Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo (SABESP). A RFMG foi criada em 1979 para garantir a preservação da flora e fauna local, bem como a qualidade da água do reservatório. No entanto estudos prévios nos sedimentos do reservatório revelaram concentrações elevadas de metais ligados aos sulfetos. O principal objetivo desse estudo é avaliar as concentrações de alguns metais e a composição isotópica do chumbo nas diferentes frações de sedimentos, no intuito de caracterizar a distribuição dos metais ao longo da coluna sedimentar e as principais fontes de chumbo para a represa. A partir da taxa de sedimentação foi possível realizar a datação dos testemunhos de sedimento, estimada em 70 anos, o que remete ao início de operação da represa (1934), e também das idades de cada fração da coluna sedimentar avaliada. A composição granulométrica dos sedimentos se mostrou homogênea na maioria dos pontos (PB101, PB202 e PB303) com predominância de silte e argila, enquanto o ponto PB404 apresentou nas frações recentes e profundas maiores porcentagens de areia. Os metais Sn, Zn e Pb, apresentaram concentrações elevadas, com fatores de enriquecimento acima de 1,5, nas frações recentes dos pontos PB101 e PB303, que datam as duas últimas décadas. As concentrações de chumbo foram superiores aos valores de IQSG e ERL. As concentrações de cobre nas frações intermediárias (década de 1970) dos pontos PB303 e PB101 foram superiores aos valores de PEL e ERM, indicando um aumento considerável do metal com provável origem antrópica. Através da composição isotópica do chumbo nos sedimentos, pôde-se avaliar que o aumento das concentrações do metal no ponto PB303 e o posterior transporte e acúmulo no ponto PB101, que apresenta as maiores concentrações de chumbo pode estar relacionado a fontes antrópicas pontuais como, por exemplo, a ferrovia. / The water reservoir named Pedro Beicht provides water to five hundred thousand people in the metropolitan region of São Paulo city and is known by its excellent aquatic system quality. It is managed by Sanitation Company of São Paulo State (SABESP) and is surrounded by the Forest Reserve Morro Grande (RFMG). The RFMG was created in 1979 to ensure flora and fauna preservation, as well as the water quality of the reservoir. However, a previous study on the reservoir sediments revealed anomalous metals concentrations bound to sulfide. The primary objective of the present study is to assess the concentrations of some metals and isotopic composition of lead in different sediment fractions to characterize the distribution of metals in the sedimentary column and the principal lead sources to water reservoir. The sediments age was estimated by sedimentation rate at around of seventy years, which is consistent with the operation start of the water reservoir (1934). The grain size sediments distribution was homogeneous in the PB101, PB202 and PB303 with predomination of silte and clay particles, although superficial and deep fractions of PB404 contain high percentage of sand particles. The Sn, Zn and Pb metals showed elevated concentrations with enrichment factors higher than 1,5 in recent fractions of PB101 and PB303, which date from the two last decades. Lead concentrations were above of IQSG and ERL guidelines values. Copper concentrations in the PB101 and 303 intermediate fractions (1970 decade), were above of PEL and ERM guideline values, showing a considerable increase of metal with probable anthropogenic source. The lead isotopic composition results in sediments indicated that the increase of metal concentrations in PB303 and posterior carriage to PB101, that present the greater lead concentrations, is related by punctual anthropogenic sources as railway
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Zpracování studie revitalizace malého vodního tokuEIBL, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the possibilities of restoration of a small water stream and the construction of a small water reservoir. The small water streams and small water reservoirs are not only the landscape-forming element in the countryside but also, they are used mainly as rectification of water regime in the countryside. In the past there were used inappropriate ways how to modify watercourses or land, there came about ignoring water reservoirs and even water reservoirs were disturbed. Because of that, it came about the harming of ecosystems, small retention of water in the countryside and about the disruption of the natural functions of water streams.
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A management system to optimize reservoir control in the case of floodsPohl, Reinhard, Bornschein, Antje 11 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Many multipurpose reservoirs are situated in the low mountain range of Germany. Most of them are necessary for drinking water supply and flood protection as well. Other utilizations are recreation, water power and the downstream low water regulation during dry seasons. The operation rules of the reser-voirs have to be optimized to meet the different requirements of use. One tool within this framework is a management system for river basins including all reservoirs and their specific operation rules affecting the downstream reaches.
As an optimization objective for instance the minimization of inundation risks can be defined. In this case the risk can be defined as hydraulic and hydrologic safety of the reservoir itself and the risk due to inundation and damaging in the downstream regions. Considering the European Water Framework Directive the ecological aspect of reservoir management is one more point in the optimization process. To es-tablish a pilot project the software TALSIM will be applied to river catchments in the ore mountains (Saxony).
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Avaliação da composição isotópica do chumbo e da distribuição elementar nos sedimentos da represa Pedro Beicht, Cotia, São Paulo / Evaluation of isotopic composition of lead and elemental distribution in the sediments of the Pedro Beicht reservoir, Cotia, São PauloCarlos Eduardo Souto de Oliveira 01 June 2011 (has links)
A Represa Pedro Beicht abastece cerca de meio milhão de habitantes da região metropolitana de São Paulo, sendo conhecida pela excelente qualidade do sistema aquático. A represa está inserida na Reserva Florestal Morro Grande (RFMG) e sob responsabilidade da Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo (SABESP). A RFMG foi criada em 1979 para garantir a preservação da flora e fauna local, bem como a qualidade da água do reservatório. No entanto estudos prévios nos sedimentos do reservatório revelaram concentrações elevadas de metais ligados aos sulfetos. O principal objetivo desse estudo é avaliar as concentrações de alguns metais e a composição isotópica do chumbo nas diferentes frações de sedimentos, no intuito de caracterizar a distribuição dos metais ao longo da coluna sedimentar e as principais fontes de chumbo para a represa. A partir da taxa de sedimentação foi possível realizar a datação dos testemunhos de sedimento, estimada em 70 anos, o que remete ao início de operação da represa (1934), e também das idades de cada fração da coluna sedimentar avaliada. A composição granulométrica dos sedimentos se mostrou homogênea na maioria dos pontos (PB101, PB202 e PB303) com predominância de silte e argila, enquanto o ponto PB404 apresentou nas frações recentes e profundas maiores porcentagens de areia. Os metais Sn, Zn e Pb, apresentaram concentrações elevadas, com fatores de enriquecimento acima de 1,5, nas frações recentes dos pontos PB101 e PB303, que datam as duas últimas décadas. As concentrações de chumbo foram superiores aos valores de IQSG e ERL. As concentrações de cobre nas frações intermediárias (década de 1970) dos pontos PB303 e PB101 foram superiores aos valores de PEL e ERM, indicando um aumento considerável do metal com provável origem antrópica. Através da composição isotópica do chumbo nos sedimentos, pôde-se avaliar que o aumento das concentrações do metal no ponto PB303 e o posterior transporte e acúmulo no ponto PB101, que apresenta as maiores concentrações de chumbo pode estar relacionado a fontes antrópicas pontuais como, por exemplo, a ferrovia. / The water reservoir named Pedro Beicht provides water to five hundred thousand people in the metropolitan region of São Paulo city and is known by its excellent aquatic system quality. It is managed by Sanitation Company of São Paulo State (SABESP) and is surrounded by the Forest Reserve Morro Grande (RFMG). The RFMG was created in 1979 to ensure flora and fauna preservation, as well as the water quality of the reservoir. However, a previous study on the reservoir sediments revealed anomalous metals concentrations bound to sulfide. The primary objective of the present study is to assess the concentrations of some metals and isotopic composition of lead in different sediment fractions to characterize the distribution of metals in the sedimentary column and the principal lead sources to water reservoir. The sediments age was estimated by sedimentation rate at around of seventy years, which is consistent with the operation start of the water reservoir (1934). The grain size sediments distribution was homogeneous in the PB101, PB202 and PB303 with predomination of silte and clay particles, although superficial and deep fractions of PB404 contain high percentage of sand particles. The Sn, Zn and Pb metals showed elevated concentrations with enrichment factors higher than 1,5 in recent fractions of PB101 and PB303, which date from the two last decades. Lead concentrations were above of IQSG and ERL guidelines values. Copper concentrations in the PB101 and 303 intermediate fractions (1970 decade), were above of PEL and ERM guideline values, showing a considerable increase of metal with probable anthropogenic source. The lead isotopic composition results in sediments indicated that the increase of metal concentrations in PB303 and posterior carriage to PB101, that present the greater lead concentrations, is related by punctual anthropogenic sources as railway
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Obnova a rekonstrukce malé vodní nádrže / Renovation and reconstruction of small water reservoirPavlík, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of small water reservoirs and their water management. The work is divided into two parts. The first part contains research and the second one is dedicated to the project of small water reservoir. The research describes the basic division of small water reservoir and their construction and technical equipage. The knowledge that has been found is applied in the project. The project describes the renovation of small water reservoir Kančí obora and pool, in k.ú Nové Bránice and Moravský Krumlov.
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