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MIMO Channel Hardware Simulator for LTE and 802.11ac Wireless Communication Systems / Simulateur matériel MIMO pour les systèmes de communications sans fil LTE et 802.11acHabib, Bachir 03 October 2013 (has links)
Pour évaluer les performances des systèmes de communications sans fil, un simulateur matériel de canal MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) est réalisé pour les nouveaux systèmes de communication. Il fournit la vitesse de traitement nécessaire et permet d’évaluer les performances en temps réel. Il permet de comparer les différents systèmes dans les mêmes conditions souhaitées. Les objectifs de ce travail concernent principalement les modèles de canal MIMO et l'architecture de bloc numérique du simulateur matériel.Le simulateur matériel conçu peut être configuré avec les nouveaux réseaux radio-mobiles (LTE) et les réseaux locaux sans fil (WLAN 802.11ac). Il utilise des modèles de canaux standardisés, comme le TGn IEEE 802.11n et le 3GPP-LTE, ou des résultats de mesures effectuées avec un sondeur de canalMIMO conçu et réalisé dans notre laboratoire. Récemment, le sondeur de canal a été utilisé au cours de campagnes de mesure pour des environnements à bord d’un navire et de l’extérieur-vers-l’intérieur (outdoor-to-indoor). Un algorithme est proposé pour que les réponses impulsionnelles mesurées soient compatibles avec la bande des signaux LTE. En outre, le modèle de Kronecker avec des évanouissements de Rayleigh est utilisé pour obtenir un canal variant dans le temps.Le simulateur doit être capable de reproduire différents types d'environnement. Dans ce contexte, de nombreux scénarios ont été proposés. Ils considèrent le mouvement à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur pour des environnements et des réseaux hétérogènes. Un algorithme est proposé et analysé pour basculer entre les environnements d’une manière continue. Ces réseaux offrent des services à travers un réseau cellulaire à l'aide du LTE et sont capables de maintenir le service lors du passage à un réseau local sans fil WLAN 802.11ac.Deux architectures pour le bloc numérique du simulateur matériel sont proposées. La première opère dans le domaine fréquentiel en utilisant des modules de transformée de Fourier rapide (FFT/IFFT). Dans ce contexte, une nouvelle architecture fréquentielle améliorée qui fonctionne avec des signaux d'entrée de longue durée est proposée. La seconde opère dans le domaine temporel en utilisant des filtres à Réponse Impulsionnelle Finie (FIR).Les architectures ont été implémentées sur des circuits programmables (FPGA : Field Programmable Gate Array) Virtex-IV de Xilinx. Leurs occupations sur FPGA, la précision des signaux de sortie et leur latence sont analysées et comparées. De plus, une solution basée sur un facteur d’échelle automatique (ASF: Auto-Scale Factor) est introduite pour augmenter la précision des signaux de sortie. / To evaluate the performance of the emerging mobile and wireless communication systems, a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channel hardware simulator is designed and implemented using the recent communication standards. It provides the processing speed required to the real-time performance evaluation and allows comparing various systems in the same test conditions. The objectives of this work mainly concern the MIMO channel models and the digital block architecture of the hardware simulator. The hardware simulator can be configured with Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) 802.11ac signals. It uses standard channel models, as 3GPP LTE and TGn IEEE 802.11n. It also allows replaying measurement results obtained with the MIMO channel sounder designed and realized at our laboratory. In fact, data obtained during measurement campaigns onboard a ship and for outdoor-to-indoor environments were used. The measured impulse responses are pre-processed in order to make them compatible with LTE or 802.11ac signals. Moreover, timevarying channel models are obtained using Kronecker model with Rayleigh fading.The simulator must be able to reproduce different types of environment. In this context, many scenarios considering realistic people movements have been proposed. They involve movements in outdoor, indoor, outdoor-to-indoor or heterogeneous environments. An algorithm is proposed and described to switch between the environments in a continuous manner. Heterogeneous wireless communication systems are also considered. These systems provide service through a cellular network using LTE standard and are able to maintain the service when switching to a WLAN 802.11ac, for example.Two architectures for the digital block of the hardware simulator are proposed. The first operates in the frequency domain using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT/IFFT) modules. A new improved frequency architecture that works for streaming mode input signals is proposed. The second operates in time domain using Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters.The architectures of the digital block of the hardware simulator are implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Virtex-IV from Xilinx. Their occupation on the FPGA, the accuracy of the output signals and their latency are analyzed and compared. Moreover, a new algorithm, based on an Auto-Scale Factor (ASF), is added for the time domain architecture. This algorithm improves the precision of the output signals.
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Investigation of rectangular, uni-directional, horizontally polarised waveguide antennas with longitudinal slotted arrays operating at 2.45 GHzPerovic, Una 14 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 0002066T -
MSc dissertation -
School of Electrical and Information Engineering -
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / Investigations of uni-directional, horizontally polarized waveguide antennas with longitudinal slotted arrays operating at 2.45GHz and their applications to wireless local area
networks (WLAN) are presented in this paper. Requirements,
considerations, and limitations associated with the design process
of this particular waveguide are discussed and presented. Various antenna parameters were simulated using MATLAB®
and SuperNEC® software simulation programs, and were
applied to a sensitivity analysis of antenna design. End-fed and
center-fed antennas were designed, built, and measured at
WLAN frequencies. Measured antennas had high gain above 15dBi, broad beam around the azimuth, and high efficiency, but
were limited by their impedance dependency and narrow bandwidth. The center-fed antenna had 3dBi higher gain than
the 18dBi gain of the end-fed antenna. The VSWR ratio of both
antennas was less than 1:1.5 at the operating frequency. The
center-fed antenna had broader azimuth and elevation patterns
by 40° and 10°, respectively. The end- fed antenna had more stable gain and VSWR, 50% wider VSWR bandwidth of
100MHz, and more directional elevation pattern. The design
criteria generated using waveguide theory and simulated analysis
was validated by the physical design and performance of the measured antennas.
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Authentification dans les réseaux véhiculaires opérésTchepnda, Christian 18 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Nous nous proposons dans cette thèse de répondre à l'enjeu de l'authentification avec l'opérateur réseau dans le contexte particulier des réseaux véhiculaires; contexte marqué par une forte dynamique des nœuds, une connectivité intermittente et une diversité des modèles et des enjeux de sécurité suivant la typologie des services. Nous nous intéressons en particulier aux réseaux véhiculaires s'appuyant sur une technologie de type WLAN "Wireless Local Area Network" (i.e. portée de transmission maximale de l'ordre de 1000 m) dont les coûts de déploiement sont réputés moindres. Notre réponse à l'enjeu posé dans ce contexte s'articule autour de 4 contributions. Dans la première et plus importante contribution, nous proposons et analysons des architectures et des protocoles pour l'authentification dans les réseaux véhiculaires. Ces architectures et protocoles implémentent divers mécanismes susceptibles d'assurer au-delà de l'authentification mutuelle et de la délivrance des lettres de créance, la sécurité des données d'authentification, l'intimité numérique des utilisateurs, l'interdiction d'accès aux protocoles et services de la couche 3 (i.e. couche réseau) avant l'achèvement du processus d'authentification, la disponibilité de l'authentification et le respect des contraintes temps réel. La traduction concrète de ces implémentations est faite au travers d'une part, d'une extension de l'authentification TLS appelée AUCRED, qui assure sur la base des certificats à clé publique ECC, l'authentification mutuelle entre le serveur d'authentification et les véhicules, mais aussi la délivrance des certificats volatiles anonymes à ces derniers, et d'autre part, du protocole EGEMO qui assure au niveau de la couche 2, l'acheminement géographique multisauts du protocole EAP, lui-même transporteur du protocole AUCRED. A l'aune de l'analyse des protocoles précédents, nous introduisons à travers une deuxième contribution, une approche d'optimisation du transport de l'authentification visant à réduire le nombre de paquets générés dans le réseau lors du processus d'authentification, en particulier dans les scénarios de forte densité de véhicules. Compte tenu du rôle particulier de l'authentification, considérée comme un service précédant et conditionnant l'accès aux ressources et aux autres services du réseau opéré, et en réponse à la mise en concurrence de ce service avec d'autres services des réseaux DSRC ("Dedicated Short Range Communications", ensemble de standards dédiés aux communications véhiculaires), nous proposons au travers d'une troisième contribution, une méthode de priorisation du service d'authentification utilisant la diversité des canaux radio DSRC. Afin de maintenir des niveaux élevés de performance de l'authentification dans les scénarios de forte densité de véhicules, et ce, sans accroître la complexité matérielle des nœuds du réseau (e.g. une seule interface radio par nœud), nous proposons au travers d'une quatrième contribution, une approche de distribution ou de délégation de la fonction d'authentification.
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Security of IEEE 802.11b / Säkerhet i IEEE 802.11bSkoglund, Johan January 2003 (has links)
<p>The IEEE 802.11b standard is today the only commonly used standard in Europe for fast wireless networks. This makes it possible to connect computers to networks in places where it is not possible to use wires. Examples of such situations are internet access at airports, communication in emergency areas or for military communication. Common for all these situations is that network security is important. </p><p>This thesis consists of two different parts. The first part handles the security mechanisms and the second part is an evaluation of the possibilities to use IEEE 802.11b in embedded applications. The part that handles the security includes the security mechanisms found in the standard, flaws in these mechanisms and methods that try to reduce these problems.</p>
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Experimental Study of GPRS/WLAN Systems Integration / Experimentell Studie av GPRS/WLAN System IntegrationNyström, Joakim, Seppälä, Mikael January 2003 (has links)
<p>The convergence of future networks relies on the evolution of technology that enables seamless roaming abilities across non-heterogenous networks for mobile clients. This thesis presents an experimental study of a GPRS-WLAN integration scenario where the objective is to analyze various aspects of the issues related to charging, mobility, roaming and security between GPRS and WLAN networks. The mainly discussed integration scenario in this thesis is loosely coupled systems working on RADIUS platforms, which together with MobileIP and IPSec provides the mobile client with a secure and access-technology independent network access platform. </p><p>In order to accommodate GPRS client authentication for WLAN operators, there is a prominent need for the incorporation of necessary GPRS functionality into present AAA servers. RADIUS has been studied as the initial target for the implementation of a GPRS interface towards SMS-Cs and HLRs.The authentication of a mobile client is performed against a HLR/AuC in a GPRS network, either over SS7 links or through the incorporation of SIGTRAN protocols over SCTP. SIGTRANsolutions has the ability to join WLAN networks in a SS7 resource sharing model where the SS7 authentication signalling traffic is transported over IP networks to a Signalling Gateway acting as the logical interface against SS7 networks. </p><p>GPRS-WLAN accounting may be solved through direct roaming agreements between mobile operators and in such a case transport CDR’s over FTP between their billing systems. If roaming agreements does not exist, it may be viable to establish relationships between WLANs and brokers as well as mobile operators and brokers. The brokering model provides a scalable model that allows easier exchange of charging and billing information on an infrastructure based on WLAN and GPRS billing systems. Standardised transmission protocols for accounting information such as GTP’/TAP3 may be utilised in order to provide a generic billing exchange format between billing systems and operators. </p><p>Furthermore, different network architectures may have different requirements in order to accommodate GPRS clients with WLAN access. A few network architectures has been analysed, and the developed GPRS AAA Interface Daemon (GAID) has been put into context in order to present a generic GPRS-WLAN systems integration solution for WLAN operators. </p><p>The analysed solutions in this thesis give various possibilities for WLAN operators to setup wireless services for bypassing mobile clients. The implementational work provides a RADIUS platform, which can be enhanced with functionality that enables communication over any interface in the future.</p>
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Wireless LANs, Real-Time Traffic / Wireless LANs, realtidstrafikGrape, Torbjörn January 2003 (has links)
<p>The usage of Wireless Local Area Networks is increasing rapidly throughout the world. The technology today is not quality proof for the market’s demands. We want to be able to completely wireless perform our demands, such as confer via video or IP-telephony. This is what we call multimedia real-time traffic. It may be achieved over the physical infrastructure in some areas with good results. The goal of this Master’s Thesis is to analyze the possibilities and give solutions and suggestions to achieve multimedia over the wireless networks, with emphasis on the protocol Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA). </p><p>This Master’s Thesis is a theoretical study and the suggested solutions have not been tested in an actual wireless network. Instead they have been tested by computer simulation to give an indication of improvements. Basic configurations are set to the same as in the IEEE 802.11 standard. </p><p>Different methods to reach possible improvements of a WLAN are studied, analyzed and simulated. Such methods are: priority, congestion management and multi-channel protocol. Simulations results show how the priority affects the wireless network and how a multi-channel protocol improves the latency and efficiency of the network. The simulation part is concentrated to show improvements of real-time traffic, which is time sensitive. With a multi- channel protocol the network can allow more users, i.e. more traffic. Also, the network will gain improvement in stability.</p>
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Analysis of QoS using IEEE 802.11e for WLANs / Analys au QoS i 802.11e för trådlösa nätverkGonzález, Fernando January 2004 (has links)
<p>IEEE 802.11 [1]is the standard that has emerged as a prevailing technology for the wireless local area networks. It can be considered the wireless version of Ethernet, which supports best-effortservice. IEEE is developing a new standard called 802.11e to be able to provide quality of service (QoS) in WLANs. Two possible methods have been proposed in [3]in order to improve the performance of service differentiation in the MAC layer. They are called PCWA (Practical Contention Window Adjustment) and AIPM (Adaptive Initiative Polling Machine). In this thesis, I will analyse both methods and propose new ideas to improve their performance, simulating the ideas concerning PCWA. Simulations show better general performance, especially for highest priorities flows, although the behaviour of the lowest priority one is reduced.</p>
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Analysis of Quality of Service of Wireless LAN for IEEE 802.11eWei, Xin January 2004 (has links)
<p>Nowadays Wireless LAN is playing a more and more important role in network systems. After 1999, in which the IEEE organization published its Wireless Local Network standard 802.11[1], many people saw the advantages of the standard but also the lack of support for multimedia streaming. A lot of research work has been done on the proposed IEEE 802.11e standard draft during the past 4 years. It is supposed to be able to fully support Quality of Service. The final version will be published early in 2004. In my thesis, I propose two possible methods to improve the performance of service differentiation in the MAC layer. The first one is calledPCWA (Practical Contention Window Adjustment). It is a method with which the station finds a best size of its contention window when running the EDCF (Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function) access method. It helps to improve the total system throughput, the jitter and the delay of traffics with different priorities. The second method is called AIPM (Adaptive Initiative Polling Machine). It uses the polling mechanism for differential service, intelligently arranging the polling time to reduce the delay as much as possible, achieving large improvement in performance. This method significantly increases the total system throughput, while the delay and jitter of the traffics are very much small in comparison to EDCF.</p>
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MIMO kanalmodeler / MIMO channel modelsBotonjic, Aida January 2004 (has links)
<p>The objective of this diploma work is to investigate a set of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) channel models compatible with the emerging IEEE 802.11n standard. This diploma work validates also advanced, innovative tools and wireless technologies that are necessary to facilitate wireless applications while maximizing spectral efficiency and throughput. </p><p>MIMO channel models can be used to evaluate new Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) proposals based on multiple antenna technologies. </p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate means of channel models and their implementation in different environments such as: Matlab, C++ and Advanced Design Systems (ADS). The investigation considers also a comparison between the channel models based on theoretical data and parameter setup to the channel models based on statistical characteristics obtained from measured data. </p><p>Investigation and comparison of a MIMO channel models consider steering channel matrix H, spatial correlation coefficients, power delay profiles, fading characteristics and Doppler power spectrum.</p>
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Snabb och säker roaming i WLAN / Fast and Secure Roaming in WLANFalk, Magnus January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates how Ericsson AB should do to achieve fast and secure handover when roaming in a WLAN. It also provides a security analysis of the system that the wireless access point is part of. The reason for this is that Ericsson is selling an access point called the ABS 2200 aimed at the public hotspot market. </p><p>The premise was that they wanted a standardized way of handling the roaming issue. At the outset the 802.11F standard looked like a good alternative (in fact the only standardized alternative). Towards last stages of the work though, it was discovered that the 802.11F standard is no longer supported by IEEE. </p><p>Despite this fact, the conclusion is that secure and fast roaming can be attained if 802.11F is combined with the security standard 802.11i. </p><p>The security analysis concludes that Denial Of Service is a major threat to WLAN hotspots. It also points out the link between the access point and authentication server is the weakest link in the system. The recommendation is that this link receives an additional layer of protection through IPsec withESP. The algorithm recommendations for ESP are AES for confidentiality and SHA-1 for integrity. </p><p>This thesis can also be used as a primer on security in WLAN and contains an extensive glossary making it useful as a reference when reading 802.11 standards.</p>
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