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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wardriving : WEP, WPA och WPS inom och mellan städer

Lomvall, Thomas, Klinthammar, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Friheten att kunna sitta på balkongen och surfa, chatta, läsa e-post med mera har blivit en självklarhet för de allra flesta, nya spelkonsoler med trådlös teknik gör att spelaren kan interagera mer med handlingen i spelet, personvågar som mäter vikt, BMI och fettmassa och överför denna information till en server trådlöst där användaren kan följa sin viktkurva och så vidare. I stort sett allt som kan vara trådlöst är trådlöst idag. Med de uppenbara fördelarna av att använda trådlös kommunikation och de mängder med nya enheter som stödjer detta så är det ingen nyhet att trådlöst är här för att stanna. Trådlös kommunikation finns överallt omkring oss, men det är inte alltid den är implementerad på ett sätt som sätter säkerheten först. En av svagheterna i att allt fler enheter stödjer trådlöst är att det krävs en viss teknisk kunskap för att konfigurera dessa på ett säkert sätt. Ointresse eller okunskap gör att val av kryptering och lösenord inte prioriteras hos en del användare där funktionen ses som det viktigaste. Idag finns det tre olika krypteringslösningar som är i bruk, alla tre har svagheter som kan utnyttjas. WEP - Wired Equivalent Privacy var den första krypterinslösningen för trådlös kommunikation, som hörs på namnet skulle vara lika säkert som det trådbundna. WEP knäcks snabbt och rekommenderas inte att användas av någon. WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access anses vara nödlösningen medan arbetet på WPA2 pågick. WPA2 släpptes kort efter WPA och anses fortfarande säker om under vissa förutsättningar, mer om detta längre fram i rapporten. Även om WPA2 konfigureras rätt kan intrång ske om inte administrationsverktygen, som till exempel WPS, är säkra. WPS - Wi-Fi Protected Setup är en lösning för att snabbt och enkelt koppla in nya enheter till nätverk med högsta möjliga säkerhet utan att de som installerar enheterna behöver vara så tekniskt bevandrade. WPS knäcktes så sent som i slutet av december 2011 och kan komma att påverka säkerheten för miljontals användare då alla större tillverkare har någon form av WPS-funktion på sina accesspunkter. Denna rapport beskriver en kartläggning av svagheter, även kallat wardriving, det är ett sätt att undersöka vilka trådlösa nätverk som finns inom ett givet område. Wardriving är på inget sätt ett intrång i någons nätverk, inga data skickas och inga resurser på någons nätverk används. Det enda som sker är att mjukvara söker efter trådlösa nätverk och sparar information som sänds ut.

A History of the WPA in the Utah

Malmgren, Larry H. 01 May 1965 (has links)
During the 7th decade of the twentieth century, a period of prosperity and economic advancement, it is difficult to understand the tragedies of the "Great Depression" that began in the 1920's and lasted until the early 1940's in these United States. Many of today's fathers and mothers remember their childhood as a period of want hunger because they were "children of the depression." Many grandparents remember the loss of their jobs, empty cupboards, idleness and widespread poverty, because they were the "parents of the depression." In today's society, relief is often taken for granted, and governmental agencies are expected to provide the needs of society both at home and abroad; this is a concept that did not exist thirty years ago. The Great Depression was a tragic experience for everyone from the banker to the laborer. Many people experienced the pangs of hunger, and everyone saw the horrors of an economy that was at a standstill. Men who had formerly sold bonds found themselves selling apples or shining shoes. The parks of the large cities were filled with men and women who had lost their jobs and did not have the price of a bed for the night, and thus they slept on a bench or on the grass.

Eager and Hungry for Music: The WPA Music Project in New Orleans, 1935-1943

Abate, Jason 20 January 2006 (has links)
Of the millions of American workers who suffered economically during the Great Depression of the 1930s, musicians in particular fell on hard times. The live music profession had begun to decline even before the onset of the Depression due to the introduction of new acoustic technologies. In 1935, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in an attempt to put the nation back to work through governmentsponsored work projects. One division of the WPA was Federal Music Project (FMP). A great deal has been written about the WPA, but the Music Project has received little scholarly attention, leaving the stories of musicians in New Orleans and other cities largely untold. This study argues that the Federal Music Project in New Orleans was an unusually successful program due to the special talents of its administrators, the rich pre-existing musical heritage of the city, and the generally positive interaction between the people of New Orleans and the FMP.

Zabezpečení bezdrátových sítí a možné útoky na tyto sítě / Wireless networks security and possible attacks on these networks

Vlček, Peter January 2010 (has links)
The first of the main objectives of this work was to examine and study the different types of attacks on wireless networks. This work is focused on the most commonly occurring types of attacks such as WEP/WPA/WPA2 cracking, a Man in the Middle attack (MIM), Dictionary attacks, MAC spoofing and finally Denial of Service attacks. Description of individual attacks is also accompanied by detailed instructions on how to carry out these attacks on the Windows platform. It is described how to detect various attacks and identified. It is then implemented software that is able to identify possible risk of selected types of attacks. This software belongs to a group of wireless intrusion prevention system (WIDS). It focuses on attacks WEP/WPA/WPA2 type of cracking, Dictionary attacks and MAC spoofing. For the implementation of defense against attack by a Man in the Middle (MIM) and Denial of Service attack would need special monitoring equipment.

The Influence of the Mexican Muralists in the United States. From the New Deal to the Abstract Expressionism

Alvarez, Leticia 09 May 2001 (has links)
This thesis proposes to investigate the influence of the Mexican muralists in the United States, from the Depression to the Cold War. This thesis begins with the origins of the Mexican mural movement, which will provide the background to understand the artists' ideologies and their relationship and conflicts with the Mexican government. Then, I will discuss the presence of Mexican artists in the United States, their repercussions, and the interaction between censorship and freedom of expression as well as the controversies that arose from their murals. This thesis will explore the influence that the Mexican mural movement had in the United States in the creation of a government-sponsored program for the arts (The New Deal, Works Progress Administration). During the 1930s, sociological factors caused that not only the art, but also the political ideologies of the Mexican artists to spread across the United States. The Depression provided the environment for a public art of social content, as well as a context that allowed some American artists to accept and follow the Marxist ideologies of the Mexican artists. This influence of radical politics will be also described. Later, I will examine the repercussions of the Mexican artists' work on the Abstract Expressionist movement of the 1940s. Finally I will also examine the iconography of certain murals by Mexican and American artists to appreciate the reaction of their audience, their acceptance among a circle of artists, and the historical context that allowed those murals to be created. / Master of Arts

The Forgotten Man: The Rhetorical Construction of Class and Classlessness in Depression Era Media

Gray, Lee A. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

"Much Depends on Local Customs:"The WPA's New Deal for New Orleans, 1935-1940

Sorum, William A. 14 May 2010 (has links)
The Works Progress Administration came to New Orleans in 1935, a time of economic uncertainty and even fear. The implementation of the relief embodied in the WPA was influenced by local factors that reinforced the existing social order at first but that left a framework through which that order could be challenged. The business of providing WPA relief also was attended by scandal and criticism. In spite of these inherent weaknesses and certain incident, the WPA left behind an enviable physical legacy that is used and enjoyed today by the citizens of New Orleans. This paper explores the roots of that legacy, some of the obstacles faced by the WPA, and how a local government, and its citizens, related and adjusted to an increasingly powerful and intrusive federal government.

Evaluate Security on the Internet Cafe

Akinola, Azeez Paul, Zhang, Chong January 2013 (has links)
Internet security (Network security) is a big topic that is very important in our society communication system, but it is extremely dynamic and wide in scope. This is the reason that many companies and organizations invest heavily in a dedicated infrastructure security and highly trained specialists.The aim of security monitoring and preventing the network from cyber threats requires vigilance over the network equipment. The case study of this thesis is to provide the possible solution to the problems encountered by the namely network users such as: Internet Game Center (Centrum Halmstad, Sweden) and, the Blueville Internet Cafe (Ede, Nigeria).Our research and information collected over the telephone and a visit at the nearest office. We concluded that both companies mentioned above experienced similar cyber threats. The two companies have internal and external threats such as accessing the network via ssh by using it brute force attack, network war-driver, the installation of spyware, password sniffer, viruses, SQL injection and PHP attacks (web attacks) on the networks. The cyber threats virus and spyware are among the big internet threat to users, organization and companies.We carry out experiments in the lab to tests for threats such as brute force (ssh) attack, password sniffer and war-driver in the Wireless environment. From the results, we are able to the select WPA2 using 802.1x as the best possible way to limit and reduce the strength of cyber-attacks, and as a suggested solution to the namely café problems in our report. We also list different suggestion and solution to the cyber café attacks from our research papers and information gathers from different sources such as library, internet, seminar and textbooks.

New Deal Art Now: Reframing the Artifacts of Diversity

Allee, Jessica 01 December 2014 (has links)
New Deal Art Now offers a sampling of the breadth of the Works Progress Administration and Federal Art Projects (WPA/FAP), calling attention to the skills, histories, and social identities of an extraordinarily diverse spectrum of professional and amateur artists funded by the United States federal government during the Great Depression. The New Deal, a major economic stimulus initiative that ran from 1935-1943, included the Works Progress Administration Federal One Projects, encompassing fine art, music, theater, writing, and design. These projects provided economic support and cultural enrichment to hundreds of thousands of Americans, in the form of jobs, entertainment, and education in the arts. New Deal Art Now seeks to reframe a period of United States artistic production that is often narrowly cast in exhibitions and their related literature on the subject. The theme of diversity is explored through several critical lenses, such as questioning the relationship between art and artifact, considering that many creative works of the New Deal function as both. The majority of the exhibited artworks are juxtaposed against one another to challenge the designations that contemporary material culture traditionally assigns them. Showcasing 48 objects in total, the exhibits include painting, sculpture, educational models, archival film, and archival audio, which are juxtaposed alongside contemporary paintings, photography, and music, created in conjunction with this exhibition. By situating these works (as well as the very categories of amateur and professional, art and artifact, museum and archive, past and present) in productive relation to one another this exhibition argues for the significance of all of these works and artists to the diverse history of twentieth-century American art.

Tillämpning av vatten-pinchanalys vid papperstillverkning : Framtagning av Excel-modell och rekommendationer för reducering av vattenanvändningen / Application of water pinch analysis in papermaking : Development of an Excel model and recommendations to reduce water use

Sanchez Ortiz, Kevin January 2020 (has links)
Vatten är en viktig resurs inom processindustrin. Dess användning sträcker sig över olika processområden där exempelvis utspädning av kemikalier och rengöring förekommer. Införande av strängare utsläppskrav, ökade kostnader för vattenrening och begränsning av vattentillgång leder till att effektivisering av vattenanvändning inom vattenkrävande processer ses som ett viktigt arbete. Papperstillverkning är en vattenkrävande process och ständiga förbättringar med avseende på färskvatten intag och avloppsgenerering är önskvärda att genomföra. För att kunna uppskatta förbättringsmöjligheten i en process kan en vatten-pinchanalys tillämpas. I vatten- pinchanalys ingår framtagning av processinformation, framtagning av målvärden och nätverksdesign som nyckelsteg. Vid framtagning av processinformation kartläggs sänkor, dvs enhetsoperationer som kräver vatten av en viss kvalitet, och källor som är enhetsoperationer som genererar vatten i systemet. Målvärden utgörs av det minimala intaget av färskvatten och avloppsgenerering. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur vatten-pinchanalys kan tillämpas i papperstillverkningsprocessen. I detta arbete har vatten-pinchanalys tillämpats på två fallstudier som behandlar papperstillverkningen. Målet med arbetet är att ta fram en validerad Excel-modell med inbyggd målframtagningsmetod och använda modellen vid genomförandet av vatten-pinchanalys vid papperstillverkning. Målet är även att kunna ge rekommendation på hur framtagning av processinformation ska genomföras i papperstillverkningsprocessen utifrån en känslighetsanalys. Arbetet resulterade i att vattenkaskadanalys användes som metod för målframtagning och byggdes in som en Excel-modell. Vidare användes närmastegrannen metoden för design av vattennätverk där maximering av vattenåteranvändning sker. Den skapade Excel-modellen som togs fram validerades mot publikationer som tillämpat vattenkaskadanalys. Som resultat erhölls en skillnad på mindre än 1 % mellan Excel-modell och publikationer där vattenkaskadanalys tillämpats. Detta leder till att Excel-modellen bidrar till en automatiserad framtagning av målvärden från papperstillverkningsprocessen. Användning av vattenkaskadanalys och närmastegrannen metoden för vatten- pinchanalys på fallstudiernas data leder till att besparingar i form av färskvatten och avloppsgenerering kan tas fram i papperstillverkningsprocessen. För den första fallstudien skulle intaget av färskvatten till mäldflödessystemet kunna uteslutas helt genom att återanvända befintliga procesströmmar och för den andra fallstudien kan ytterligare användningen av procesströmmen från flotationstanken i det befintliga systemet leda till en minskning av färskvatten intag i formningssektion. Generellt blir press-och formningssektion viktiga för återanvändning av vatten. Framtagning av processinformation utgör grunden i vatten-pinchanalys och för att kunna ta fram det minimala färskvatten intaget till processen som analyseras anses identifierade sänkor i systemet ha en stor betydelse utifrån känslighetsanalysen som genomfördes. Sänkor ska kartläggas så dessa har den högsta tillåtna koncentrationen. Det är även av stor vikt att informationsframtagning om enhetsprocesser med höga massflöden exempelvis formningssektionen genomförs noggrant då även dessa har en stor påverkan på färskvatten intag och avloppsgenereringen. / Water is an important resource in the process industry. Its use extends over various process areas such as dilution of chemicals and cleaning. The introduction of stricter emission requirements, increased costs of water treatment and limitation of water resources means that the efficiency of fresh water use in water-demanding processes is seen as an important topic. Paper production is a water-demanding process and continuous improvements with respect to fresh water use and wastewater effluent are desirable to implement. In order to be able to estimate the possibility of improvement in a process, water pinch analysis can be applied to processes. Water pinch analysis includes the extraction of process information, setting minimum target values and network design development as key steps. Extraction of process information involves, mapping sinks, that means unit operation that require water of a certain quality, and sources which are unit operations that generate water in the system. Minimum target values consist of the minimum freshwater intake and wastewater effluent. The purpose of the work is to investigate how water pinch analysis can be applied in the papermaking process. In this work, water pinch analysis has been applied to two case studies dealing with paper production. The goal of the work is to develop a validated Excel model with a built-in targeting method and apply it in water pinch analysis. The goal is also to provide recommendations on extraction of process information in the papermaking process based on a sensitivity analysis. This work resulted in the use of the water cascade analysis as a method for targeting minimum water requirements and built-in as an Excel model. Furthermore, nearest neighbor algorithm was used for water network design for maximization of water reuse. The developed Excel model was validated against publications where water cascade analysis is applied. As a result, a difference of less than 1% was obtained between the Excel model and publications. Hence the Excel model is considered to contribute automatization of targeting the minimum requirements in the process. The use of the water cascade analysis and nearest neighbor algorithm for water pinch analysis on cases study data leads to savings in the form of fresh water and waste effluent can be mapped in the papermaking process. For the first case study, use of fresh water to the approaching flowsystem could be completely excluded by reusing existing process streams and for the second case study further use of the process stream from the flotation tank will lead to a reduction of fresh water use in the forming section. In general, the pressing and forming section become important for water reuse. Extraction of process information is fundamental in water pinch analysis and in order to be able to obtain the minimum fresh water intake for processes being analyzed, the identified sinks in the system are consider having a great impact based on a sensitivity analysis conducted. The sinks should be mapped with the highest allowed concentration. It is also of great importance that extraction of process information for process operations such as the forming section, is done accurately as these also have a major effect on fresh water intake and the wastewater effluent due to the magnitude of water required in these processes.

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