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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de um programa de gestão de resíduos no ensino técnico em química

Ramm, Julia Grasiela January 2017 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, o objetivo geral foi a elaboração e implementação de um projeto de gestão de resíduos (PGR) que permitisse minimizar e orientar para a destinação adequada dos resíduos gerados nas atividades experimentais de uma escola da rede pública de Porto Alegre que oferece o curso Técnico em Química (TQ). Para tanto, foi realizada uma investigação qualitativa, do tipo Estudo de Caso, onde após tratativas com a direção da escola, assim como com os professores do curso, verificou-se a presença de passivo ambiental e os hábitos adotados para o descarte dos resíduos gerados nas aulas experimentais de algumas disciplinas. As observações foram registradas em Diário de Campo. Na sequência foram aplicados questionários com docentes e discentes, para o diagnóstico das suas percepções sobre a elaboração e implementação de um PGR. Após a identificação das necessidades e do contexto escolar, foi elaborado o PGR para o TQ. Para que toda a comunidade escolar conhecesse o documento e pudesse adaptar suas práticas às orientações do mesmo, e assim implementá-lo e sustentá-lo na instituição partícipe deste estudo foram oferecidos cursos de formação com docentes e discentes Com o propósito de averiguar as formas de contribuição da implantação do PGR, aplicou-se questionários para os dois grupos de sujeitos participantes da pesquisa. Os referenciais teóricos que fundamentaram a pesquisa foram a discussão dos resultados que evidenciam que com a implementação do PGR o nível de conscientização dos discentes e docentes sobre o tratamento e o descarte dos resíduos foi ampliado, assim como o conhecimento quanto à responsabilidade civil em relação a gestão de resíduos. As atividades desenvolvidas nas aulas de Química Analítica Qualitativa foram adequadas aos princípios norteadores do PGR. De forma geral conclui-se que a existência de um PGR na escola favorece a formação de futuros profissionais cidadãos críticos, responsáveis e conscientes de seu papel na sociedade. Além disso, com a efetivação de um convênio entre a Secretaria Estadual de Educação (SEC) e o Centro de Gestão e Tratamento de Resíduos Químicos (CGTRQ) do Instituto de Química da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IQ/UFRGS) favorecerá a manutenção e o funcionamento do projeto. / In this dissertation, the general objective was the elaboration and implementation of a waste management project (PGR) that allowed to minimize and to guide adequate destination of waste generated during experimental activities of a public school in Porto Alegre that offers Technical Chemistry course (TQ). In order to do so, a qualitative investigation was carried out, such as a Case Study, where, following discussions with the school's management, as well as with the teachers of the course, the presence of environmental liabilities and habits adopted for the disposal of generated waste were verified in the experimental classes of some disciplines. The observations were recorded in a Field Diary. Afterwards, questionnaires were applied with teachers and students to diagnose their perceptions about the elaboration and implementation of a PGR. After identifying the needs and the school context, the PGR for the TQ was elaborated. In order for the whole school community to know the document and to adapt its practices to the orientations of the same, and to implement and sustain it in the participating institution of this study, training formation courses were offered with teachers and students. With the purpose of ascertaining the contribution forms of the PGR implementation, questionnaires were applied to the two groups of subjects participating in the research after PGR implementation The theoretical references that supported this dissertation were the discussion of the results that show that with the implementation of the PGR the level of awareness of the students and teachers about the treatment and disposal of the residues was amplified, as well as the knowledge about the civil responsibility in relation to Waste Management. The activities developed in Qualitative Analytical Chemistry classes were adequate to the guiding principles of the PGR. In general, it is concluded that the existence of a PGR in the school favors the formation of future professionals who are critical, responsible and aware of their role in society. In addition, with the implementation of an agreement between the State Department of Education (SEC) and the Center for Management and Treatment of Chemical Residues (CGTRQ) of Chemistry Institute at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (IQ/ UFRGS), it will promote to sustain PGR project.

Les conflits en aménagement éclairés par la question de la légitimité dans les discours : Le cas de la gouvernance des ISDND en France métropolitaine / Conflicts in spatial planning enlightened by the issue of legitimacy in discourses : The case of landfill governance in France

Matias Mendes, Marta 01 December 2015 (has links)
Si les installations de stockage de déchets non dangereux (ISDND) constituent des équipements indispensables à la filière de traitement des déchets à l’échelle nationale, leur insertion territoriale ne va pas de soi à l’échelle locale. Dans un contexte où la pénurie d’exutoire est déjà constatée dans certains départements, il importe que l'on s'interroge sur les variables et les enjeux des conflits qui entourent ce type d’équipements généralement « rejeté ». Partant du principe qu’ils peuvent s’avérer constructifs si bien appréhendés, il s’agit tout d’abord d’expliciter leur nature complexe en posant un cadre de compréhension pluridisciplinaire : le dispositif de gouvernance des ISDND. L’originalité de l’analyse vient du choix de l’entrée pour la recherche : celle de la légitimité. Omniprésente, la légitimité constitue un fil conducteur incontournable au sein des conflits où elle est tantôt accordée, tantôt contestée ou reconstruite. Pourtant, cette question est encore trop rarement abordée de front alors qu’elle est à même d’expliquer la systématisation des conflits au travers de l’expression des « troubles » que subissent les légitimités des acteurs concernés, entre crise et émergence. Pour saisir ces troubles, l’analyse de discours se révèle pertinente tant elle rend visible les jeux de légitimation qui traversent les situations conflictuelles. Il importe pour cela de redonner aux discours une place centrale en tant qu’ingrédients actifs du conflit et non pas seulement en tant que simples reflets des situations conflictuelles. En outre, cette recherche a pu démontrer que les mécanismes de reconnaissance qui sous-tendent la légitimité permettent de faire basculer les rapports de forces vers des rapports plus apaisés, propices à l’exercice de délibération. En effet, ces derniers sont plus à mêmes de permettre une évolution des attitudes des acteurs, d’un engagement dans le conflit vers un engagement dans la construction de projets collectifs légitimes. De ce fait, si les conflits observés expriment un besoin de changement, ils fournissent aussi des opportunités d’évolution. Enfin, même si la complexité des cas observés implique toujours une analyse fine au cas par cas, la gouvernance éclairée ici proposée a le mérite de tracer une voie possible de changement souhaité par bon nombre d’acteurs concernés. Le travail d’analyse amenant à la définition de cette gouvernance éclairée permet ainsi de porter un regard différent sur les conflits qui entourent la gouvernance des ISDND et ouvre de nombreuses perspectives de recherche. / If sanitary landfills are indispensable to waste management at the national level, their territorial integration is not so obvious at the local level. In a context of landfill shortage, already observed in some territories, it is important to question the variables and issues of conflicts which arise around this type of rejected equipment. Assuming they can be constructive if well apprehended, it is necessary firstly to clarify their complex nature by drawing a multidisciplinary framework: the landfills governance device. The originality of the analysis comes from the choice of focusing on the issue of legitimacy. Omnipresent, the legitimacy is an essential thread in conflicts where it is sometimes granted, sometimes contested or rebuilt. Yet, this issue is still too rarely tackled directly, even though it is able to explain the conflicts systematization through the expression of the “disturbances” experienced by the stakeholder’s legitimacies, between crisis and emergence. To capture those disturbances, the discourses analysis proves itself relevant as it reveals the legitimation processes that come across conflictual situations. Furthermore, this research has shown that the recognition mechanisms that underlie the legitimacy process allow a sliding from tense relations towards pacified relations, more favorable to the deliberation exercise. Indeed, they are able to allow changes in stakeholder’s attitudes, from a commitment into the conflict to a commitment in building legitimate collective projects. Thus, if the observed conflicts express a need for change, they also provide development opportunities. Finally, although the complexity of the observed cases always implies a detailed analysis on a case by case basis, the “enlightened governance” suggested here has the merit of drawing a possible path towards changes expressed by many stakeholders. The research led on the definition of this “enlightened governance” enables a different perspective on the conflicts surrounding the landfill governance and opens many research perspectives.

Waste management in Ericsson To give a method to decide better on any of waste items produced in Ericsson AB in Borås to choose the most appropriate based on sustainability

Salimi, Mahdi January 2010 (has links)
This report deals with the managing of the waste of a company, Ericsson- site of Borås, in an analytical context. Based on sustainability (concept and aspects), they are interested to have a method to check their waste management capability whether they are in right direction. Among all studied methods, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is utilized. This method works based on a mathematical algorithm starting by making a hierarchy, continuing with pairwise comparisons between correspondent items, then doing calculations and finally checking and reviewing to be certain of the correctness of the whole process by an eligible team of decision makers. In spite of some critiques that scientifically are accepted, it remains reliable for the purpose.The method is applied to some instances of waste items, wood boxes and pallets and hard plastics, in Ericsson. Then, two controversial issues of the selected method, consistency and rank reversal, are investigated and discussed on the mentioned waste items. Application of the method for their future use is foreseen thereafter.

A realidade do gerenciamento de efluentes gerados em serviços de diagnóstico por imagem: em busca de uma gestão integrada e sustentável de resíduos / The reality of radiographic image processing effluent management in medical imaging services

Grigoletto, Jamyle Calencio 02 July 2010 (has links)
Os efluentes radiográficos (revelador, fixador e água de lavagem de filmes) são caracterizados como resíduos químicos perigosos pela RDC Anvisa nº 306/04 e Resolução Conama nº 358/05. Esses efluentes representam problema ambiental e de saúde pública, pois contêm compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos, como hidroquinona e prata, tóxicos ao ambiente e à saúde. Este estudo teve como objetivo geral levantar a situação do gerenciamento de efluentes radiográficos gerados, em serviços de diagnóstico por imagem, em Ribeirão Preto-SP. Os objetivos específicos foram diagnosticar o tipo de gerenciamento desse tipo de efluentes, em relação ao manuseio, acondicionamento, armazenamento, tratamento e descarte; identificar e quantificar a presença de hidroquinona e prata, gerando conhecimentos para a saúde ambiental; e, subsidiar novas diretrizes para o gerenciamento de efluentes radiográficos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em 12 serviços de diagnóstico por imagem de Ribeirão Preto-SP, selecionados por sorteio. Foram realizadas análises químicas de efluentes radiográficos para identificação e quantificação de hidroquinona e prata, empregando-se, para hidroquinona, a técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e, para prata, espectrometria de massa com fonte de plasma indutivamente acoplado. Foram feitas entrevistas com 12 sujeitos dos estabelecimentos incluídos neste estudo. De acordo com os entrevistados, o descarte desses efluentes, diretamente na rede pública de esgoto sem tratamento prévio, ocorria, para reveladores, em 16,66% dos serviços; para fixadores, em 8,34%; e, para água de lavagem de filmes, em 75%. A validação do método para análise da hidroquinona foi realizada e o método foi considerado eficiente, podendo ser empregado em futuras análises para monitoramento de hidroquinona em efluentes radiográficos. A concentração de hidroquinona encontrada nas amostras de água de lavagem de filmes variou de 1,75 a 2,7 mg L-1 e, nas amostras de revelador, de 1,25 a 6,93 mg L-1. A concentração de prata encontrada nas amostras de água de lavagem de filmes variou de 0,1 a 1785,97 mg L-1, enquanto nas amostras de fixador foi de 435,59 a 16325,92 mg L-1. Todas as amostras de água de lavagem de filmes apresentaram concentração de prata igual ou maior que os limites estabelecidos pelo Decreto estadual (SP) no 8.468/76 e pela Resolução Conama no 357/2005, enquanto para os fixadores, estavam todas acima dos limites máximos de prata, permitidos para lançamento de efluentes, estabelecidos pelas mesmas legislações, além da NBR 9800/1987. Os resultados obtidos revelam inadequação da forma como esses efluentes eram gerenciados, principalmente em relação ao tratamento e descarte. Além disso, considerando-se que esses efluentes representam uma parcela dos resíduos perigosos gerados no ambiente urbano, podendo causar impacto na saúde e no ambiente, os dados obtidos podem servir de importante indicador da necessidade de mudança do sistema de monitoramento e controle desse tipo de resíduo, buscando-se soluções integradas e sustentáveis com diferentes setores envolvidos, bem como, constituem-se em indicador de relevância para políticas públicas ambientais e de saúde do país e do estado, na busca de um sistema de gestão integrada e sustentável de resíduos. / Radiographic effluents (developer, fixer and washing water film) are characterized as dangerous chemical waste according to RDC Anvisa No 306/04 and Conama Resolution No 358/05. These effluents represent an environmental and public health problem, as they contain organic and inorganic compounds like hydroquinone and silver, which can be toxic for the environment and health. The general aim of this research was to survey the radiographic processing effluent management situation in medical imaging services in Ribeirão Preto-SP. The specific goals were to diagnose radiographic processing effluent management in terms of handling, conditioning, storage, treatment and discard, to identify and quantify the presence of hydroquinone and silver, producing knowledge for environmental health; and to support new guidelines for radiographic waste management. The research was carried out at 12 medical imaging services in Ribeirão Preto-SP, selected through a draft. Chemical analyses were performed on radiographic effluents to identify and quantify hydroquinone and silver, using high performance liquid cromatography for hydroquinone, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for silver. Interviews were held with 12 subjects from the establishments included in this research. According to the interviewees, the discarding of these effluents directly into the public sewage network occurred in 16.66% of the services for developers, in 8.34% for fixers and in 75% for the film washing water. The hydroquinone analysis method was validated and considered efficient. Hence, it can be used in future analyses to monitor hydroquinone in radiographic effluents. The hydroquinone concentration found in the film washing water samples ranged from 1.75 to 2.7 mg L-1, and from 1.25 to 6.93 mg L-1 in the developer samples. The silver concentration in the film washing water samples under analysis ranged from 0.1 to 1785.97 mg L-1, and from 435.59 to 16325.92 mg L-1 in the fixer samples. All film washing water samples showed silver concentrations equal to or higher than the limits set by State Decree (SP) No 8.468/76 and Conama Resolution No 357/2005. All levels found in the fixer samples exceeded the maximum silver limits permitted for launching effluents, according to the same laws, besides NBR 9800/1987. These results reveal the inappropriateness of the way the services under study treated their effluents, mainly in terms of treatment and discard. Moreover, as these effluents represent part of the dangerous waste produced in the urban environment and can cause an impact on health and the environment, the collected data can serve as an important indicator for the need to change the monitoring and control system of this type of residue, seeking integrated and sustainable solutions with different sectors involved, and also constitute a relevant indicator for public environmental and health policies in Brazil and São Paulo, with a view to an integrated and sustainable waste management system.

Enhancing environmental sustainability of healthcare facilities : a system dynamics analysis approach

Shehab, Salman Ali Salman January 2017 (has links)
Due to the limited studies related to healthcare services future expanding demand, required resources and utilities, and related environmental and economic challenges; this research is carried out to complement other researchers in other economic sectors to identify the gaps, highlight good potentials of sustainability achievements and recommend necessary actions. This research investigates the future expanding demand of healthcare services; the environmental and economic challenges related to this expand and its environmental and economic impacts and the opportunities to overcome these impacts in order to improve healthcare services sustainability and performance. The research follows a SLR to discover earlier works related to environmental sustainability in buildings and healthcare facilities. The environmental challenges related to expanding in healthcare facilities found in the literature are increase in energy consumption and waste generation. The environmental impacts related to these challenges are excessive CO2 and GHG emissions. The economic impacts are escalations of project expenditures, operating expenditures and utilities expenditures. The research uses SD Analysis, as a methodological approach, to framework and understands different healthcare system elements and to develop models that are representing the dynamic relations between these elements. Bahrain healthcare system is selected as a research context due to the availability of good quality healthcare secondary data, the small size of the country that makes it a good model to implement and test new concepts, the limited country resources, and the country keenness to implement sustainability plans to meet sustainability objectives. This research numerically tests and subsequently, supports the implication of stated environmental and economic challenges. It also develops a number of important technical parameters and indicators such as energy and water benchmarks for different healthcare facilities. The research also determines another two sources of environmental challenges related to expanding in healthcare facilities. The first challenge is excessive water consumption. Availability of enough treated water for healthcare applications, especially in countries with limited fresh water resources and depending on 90% of its water need on desalination like Bahrain, a tangible environmental challenge needs to be addressed. The second one is a group of environmental challenges related to the practicing of healthcare services that can expose personnel and environment to high risks. These challenges need to be efficiently managed to improve the environmental sustainability and the social sustainability of healthcare facilities. The research also investigates the effectiveness of a number of mitigation measures used to overcome the environmental and economic negative impacts, such as using energy efficiency technologies, renewable-based energy resources and waste energy recovery. In this regard, the research numerically tests and subsequently supports the implication of stated environmental and economic impacts and the effectiveness of tested measures in mitigating the undesirable results on healthcare facilities. The developed SD Model, as one of the main contributions of this research, is considered as a strategic planning and decision-making administrative tools to forecast future healthcare facilities demand and required resources. It is also considered as a risk assessment tool to assess environmental challenges related to utilities and its environmental and economic impacts in order to improve healthcare facilities sustainability and performance. The potential of utilities saving and utilities expenditures saving in healthcare buildings are high and it is recommended to work toward energy efficiency and renewable energy deployment to achieve sustainable healthcare buildings. Recovery of energy from Medical Waste incineration to be kept under consideration as it is offsetting double the quantity of CO2e emissions resulting from the incineration process. Safe recycling of wastewater of some healthcare processes is highly recommended as it can reduce water consumption and contributes to the reduction of healthcare facilities CO2e emissions. Sources of gray water and gray water applications must be carefully selected to avoid any contradiction with Infection Control regulations or other healthcare regulations. It is recommended to conduct utilities assessment studies on wide sample of healthcare facilities to avoid low peaks and odd operation periods.

Sustentabilidade nas empresas e filosofia lixo zero

Pietzsch, Natália January 2016 (has links)
Essa dissertação teve como objetivos gerais (i) compreender as motivações que levam uma empresa a buscar a responsabilidade social e ambiental corporativa (RSAC), além de (ii) realizar um prognóstico elucidando os principais benefícios, desafios e fatores críticos de sucesso para uma empresa que deseja implementar a filosofia Lixo Zero em suas rotinas. Para atingir o primeiro objetivo foi proposto um questionário contendo as motivações comumente encontradas na bibliografia, o qual foi encaminhando para empresas de diversos portes e segmentos no Brasil. Os resultados apontam como principais motivações para RSAC no Brasil: atender às legislações e regulamentos nacionais (citado por 87% das empresas respondentes), buscar o reconhecimento de Empresa Sustentável e valorização da marca (62%), contribuir para a proteção ao meio ambiente e controle da poluição (58%), buscar a redução na geração de resíduos (53%) e diferenciar-se das demais empresas do segmento (47%). Foi identificado que essas motivações são representativas do cenário analisado, independentemente das características individuais de cada empresa como: porte, apoio da liderança, região, segmento industrial, atuação no mercado (local, nacional ou internacional) e cliente final da empresa, conforme indicado pelo teste Qui-Quadrado e Kolmogorov-Smirnov, contrariando os resultados verificados na bibliografia existente. Com o objetivo de atender ao segundo objetivo, primeiramente foi realizado uma revisão sistemática da literatura para compilar conceitos, princípios, ações, benefícios, desafios e fatores críticos de sucesso advindos da implementação do ZW em diferentes cenários. Tendo como base a compilação apresentada, foi conduzido um estudo de caso em uma metalúrgica de pequeno porte, localizada na região do Vale dos Sinos, no Brasil, com o intuito de identificar quais itens se relacionavam com a realidade da empresa em questão. Foram identificados 12 benefícios passíveis de serem obtidos através da implantação da filosofia ZW na empresa em questão, 9 desafios a serem suplantados durante a implantação e 21 fatores críticos de sucesso, imprescindíveis para o pleno atingimento das metas propostas pelo ZW. O presente estudo apresenta discussões sobre aspectos que necessitam ser desenvolvidos no cenário Brasileiro, de forma a incentivar e proporcionar a estrutura adequada para operacionalização da filosofia ZW corroborando para consolidação desta filosofia como referência em modelo de gestão de resíduos no cenário empresarial. / This study's main objectives were (i) to understand the main drivers leading Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility (CSER) and (ii) to do an analysis in order to elucidate the key benefits, challenges and critical success factors for a company applying Zero Waste into their process. To achieve the first objective, this research has proposed a questionnaire containing the drivers for CSER presented in the literature, which has sent to several companies from different segments and sizes in Brazil. The results indicate these main drivers for CSER in Brazil: meet national laws and regulations (cited by 87% of responding companies), seek recognition of Sustainable Enterprise and brand enhancement (62%), contributing to the protection of the environment and pollution control (58%), seek to reduce the generation of waste (53%) and differentiate itself from other companies in the sector (47%). It was identified that the drivers found for CSER are representative of the sample, regardless of the size, the leadership, the region, the industrial segment, the market activities (local, national or international), and the end customer of the company, as indicated by Qui-quadrado and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, contrary to the findings on literature. In order to achieve the second objective, it has performed a systematic review of the literature for compile concepts, principles, actions, benefits, challenges and critical success factors from the implementation of the ZW in different scenarios. Based on this compilation, it was conducted a case study in a small metallurgical, located in the Vale dos Sinos region, in Brazil, in order to identify which items were related to the company’s scenario. For this company, twelve benefits were identified, which can be achieved through ZW implementation, nine challenges were found to be overcome, and twenty-one critical success factors were identified, which are essential to achieve the goals proposed by the ZW. This study advocates some aspects that should be developed in the Brazilian scenario in order to support ZW implementation, corroborating to consolidate this philosophy as reference in waste management model in business scenario.

Análise da gestão de resíduos industriais e pós-consumo gerados na fábrica de medicamentos da Fiocruz

Medina, Flávio 11 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-10T18:51:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Flavio Medina.pdf: 2310413 bytes, checksum: dd66f36818bc8ed6637e9efb81ae1c5a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-09-04T13:35:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Flavio Medina.pdf: 2310413 bytes, checksum: dd66f36818bc8ed6637e9efb81ae1c5a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-04T13:35:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Flavio Medina.pdf: 2310413 bytes, checksum: dd66f36818bc8ed6637e9efb81ae1c5a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-11 / A indústria farmacêutica é considerada uma grande geradora de resíduos, sendo motivo de diversas discussões quanto à necessidade de se buscar o desenvolvimento sustentável. As ações com o objetivo de melhorar esta situação podem acontecer nas várias etapas do processo de produção de medicamentos. Por este motivo, é fundamental estudar a relação entre a causa e o efeito na realização de atividades dentro das organizações que fabricam medicamentos, entre outras atividades que são realizadas dentro da operação. Imputa-se a isto, a necessidade de compreensão de fatores que levam ao tratamento da questão ambiental no processo produtivo, levando em consideração os resíduos que são gerados durante a produção e os resíduos do pós-consumo. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o manejo, tratamento e descarte dos resíduos gerados durante o processo produtivo dos medicamentos e dos medicamentos que não serão mais utilizados no laboratório farmacêutico de Farmanguinhos (FIOCRUZ), assim como as sobras de medicamentos geradas no pós-consumo. Para isso, foram referenciados os seguintes tópicos: meio-ambiente; sustentabilidade; responsabilidade social; produção mais limpa; cenários da indústria farmacêutica; gestão da cadeia produtiva e da cadeia de suprimentos na indústria farmacêutica; resíduos sólidos farmacêuticos. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada por meio da abordagem qualitativa no laboratório farmacêutico de Farmanguinhos, uma unidade da FIOCRUZ, através de pesquisa documental e visitas técnicas. Os dados foram tratados através da análise de conteúdo. Conclui-se que Farmanguinhos tem uma preocupação considerável com a sustentabilidade e com a responsabilidade social, tentando minimizar os impactos ambientais e realizando diversos projetos sociais. A Unidade possui um centro de Tratamentos de Efluentes (ETE) e um Centro de Tecnologia Ambiental (CTA), além de tratar seus resíduos sólidos de acordo com a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), tendo como destinação final a incineração e aterros sanitários. Constatou-se que ainda não existe um sistema implementado para o recolhimento de medicamentos gerados no pós-consumo. / The pharmaceutical industry is considered a great generator of waste, and is the subject of several discussions about the need for sustainable development solutions. Actions to improve this situation may take place at the various stages of the drug production process. For this reason, it is fundamental to study the cause and effect relationship in performing activities within organizations that manufacture drugs, among other activities that are performed within the operation. This entails the need to understand the environmental issues related to the production process, taking into consideration the residues that are generated during production as well as post-consumption residues. The objective of the present study is to analyze the management, treatment, and disposal of residues generated during the drug production process and of drugs which will no longer be used in the Farmanguinhos pharmaceutical laboratory (FIOCRUZ), as well as the leftovers of medicines generated in post-consumption. For this, the following topics were referenced: environment; sustainability; social responsibility; cleaner production; scenarios of the pharmaceutical industry; Management of the supply chain and supply chain in the pharmaceutical industry; Solid pharmaceutical waste. Field research was carried out through a qualitative approach in the pharmaceutical laboratory of Farmanguinhos, a unit of FIOCRUZ, through documentary research and technical visits. Data were treated through content analysis. It is concluded that Farmanguinhos has a considerable concern with sustainability and social responsibility, attempting to minimize environmental impacts and carrying out various social projects. The Unit has an Effluent Treatment Center (ETE) and an Environmental Technology Center (CTA), in addition to treating its solid waste in accordance with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), with the final destination of incineration and sanitary landfills. It was verified that, as of yet, there are no systems implemented for the collection of medicines generated in post-consumption.

Diagnóstico do gerenciamento dos resíduos da construção civil da região metropolitana de São Paulo /

Ribeiro, Simone. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Rosane Aparecida Gomes Battistelle / Banca: Adilson Renofio / Banca: Adriana Antunes Lopes / Resumo: O crescimento dos resíduos sólidos vem se transformando em um dos grandes desafios para os órgãos municipais, especialmente dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, decorrentes da indústria da construção civil. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um diagnóstico do gerencimento deste tipo de resíduos na região metropolitana de São Paulo, baseando-se em informações fornecidas pelos órgãos envolvidos e em visitas a locais de armazenamento, triagem, reciclagem e disposição final. Esta investigação decorreu da necessidade de se avaliar estratégias para minimizar os impactos socioambientais negativos, acarretados por esses resíduos. Seu objetivo geral foi coletar dados que delineassem a realidade do descarte de resíduos da construção civil no município de São Paulo e gerar subsídios que pudessem servir de apoio aos agentes envolvidos. Teve também por objetivos específicos: identificar os pontos de descarte na região metropolitana de São Paulo e realizar, por meio de dados e informações obtidas junto a órgãos públicos e empresas privadas, uma estimativa da geração dos resíduos de construção civil nesses pontos. Como resultado, contabilizou-se valores na ordem de 1.366.460,17 t/mês. Conclui-se que há necessidade de uma maior valorização de todos os materiais que constituem as peças de uma construção , no sentido de que não ocorram sobras, nem desperdícios de matéria-prima. Recomenda-se a preservação das áreas de jazidas de materiais e minimização do uso desses locais para destinação final dos resíduos. / Abstract: The growth of solid waste has become one of the greatest challenges for the public authorities, in particular the management of solid urban waste resulting from the construction industry. The purpose of this work is to perfom a diagnosis of the management of this type of waste in the greater São Paulo. This study is based on information supplied by the involved agencies, as well as visits to storage, separation, recycling and final disposition sites. Such investigation results from the need to evaluate strategies to minimize negative social and environmental impacts caused by such waste. The goal was to raise general data to draw the reality of disposal of waste from construction in the municipality of São Paulo and generate subsidies that could serve as a support for the agents involved. He had also by specific objectives: to identify the points of disposal in the greater São Paulo and carry through data and information from the public agencies and private companies, an estimate of the generation of waste from construction at such points. The data totalize a generation of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) of 1.366.460,17 metric tons/month in the city of São Paulo. In conclusion, one can mention the need to increase the value of all materials used as construction elements so that no unused materials remain nor raw materials are wasted. It is recommended to preserve the extraction sites of the materials and limit the use of these sites as final waste destination. / Mestre

Financování veřejných služeb v obcích s ohledem na demografické změny - case study odpadové hospodářství v městě Karviná v letech 2007 - 2011 / Financing of municipalitie´s public services with regard to demographic changes - case study of waste management in Karvina city in years 2007 - 2011.

Marcol, Aleš January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thehis is focused on the financing of public services in municipalities in the Czech Republic related to demographic changes, which take place in the Czech Republic. As is generally known, population in the Czech Republic ages. But the aging is only one of the factors influencing the demographics. The goal is to assess the impact of demographic changes on municipal expenditures associated mainly with municipal waste management, but also to the overall municipal relationship to the environment. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the public municipal services and demographics in the Czech Republic in time and also deals with the system of financing these services, whether the municipality's own resources, e. g. the property taxes, or other funds from the state budget or from the EU funds. The second, practical part, is formed as a case study including specific data from specific municipality. It contains detailed information about municipality's waste management and about population growth in Karvina city during the specific time period.

Considération de la différenciation spatiale dans l'évaluation des impacts environnementaux locaux au moyen de l'Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV) : application à la gestion des déchets ménagers / Consideration of spatial differentiation in the assessment of local environmental impacts through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) : application to municipal solid waste management

Marchand, Mathilde 09 April 2013 (has links)
La gestion des déchets ménagers concentre des enjeux opérationnels, stratégiques et environnementaux. On observe depuis quelques années une montée en puissance des dispositifs de quantification des impacts environnementaux, qui ajoutent l’espace du calcul environnemental aux espaces déjà constitués et instrumentés des calculs techniques et économiques. Différents outils d’évaluation environnementale peuvent être utilisés tels que l’Empreinte Écologique, le Bilan Carbone ou encore l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV). Au regard de sa capacité à évaluer des enjeux globaux et multiples, l’ACV est l’outil le plus souvent utilisé. L’ACV évalue les impacts environnementaux potentiels d’un système (produit ou service) en identifiant et en quantifiant les entrants et les sortants de ce système et en les traduisant en impacts environnementaux potentiels. Elle évalue de manière pertinente les impacts globaux, tels que le changement climatique ou la déplétion de la couche d’ozone, mais est peu adaptée à une évaluation des impacts locaux tels que l’acidification, l’eutrophisation ou encore la toxicité du fait de la nécessaire finesse de prise en compte des conditions de l’émission engendrant potentiellement ces impacts. Ce travail de thèse vise à développer une méthodologie d’évaluation « spatialisée » des impacts environnementaux locaux que sont la toxicité (ou atteinte à la santé humaine) et les odeurs et leur intégration à la méthodologie d’ACV. L’intérêt et les limites de ce développement méthodologique sont mis en évidence dans une application de l’évaluation des performances environnementales de systèmes de gestion des déchets municipaux, secteur d’activité soumis à une évaluation environnementale systématique lors de la planification départementale et théâtre de nombreuses controverses dont l’évaluation des impacts locaux est souvent le cœur. La méthodologie d’évaluation développée dans le cadre de cette thèse repose sur l’approche Site Dependent (modélisation de l’impact en considérant les caractéristiques spatio-temporelles de la source d’émission et du milieu impacté) et permet de prendre en compte le devenir de la substance et les conditions d’exposition pour déterminer, dans un premier temps, l’occurrence de l’impact et, dans un deuxième temps, son intensité. Ce développement méthodologique, pour intégrer la différenciation spatiale lors de l’évaluation des impacts, est appliqué à deux impacts locaux reflétant des problématiques locales fortes pour beaucoup de secteurs industriels mais notamment pour le secteur du traitement des déchets : la toxicité et les odeurs. Concernant l’évaluation de la toxicité, il s’agit de caractériser l’impact de manière plus robuste que cela est classiquement fait en ACV en intégrant les caractéristiques spatiales. Pour l’impact odeurs, il s’agit de construire une première voie vers la quantification de cet impact, non évalué par les outils génériques d’évaluation environnementale. / Municipal solid waste management focuses operational, strategic and environmental issues. We observed recently a development of measures to assess environmental impacts, which add the environmental impact to technical and economical calculations. Different environmental assessment tools can be used such as the Ecological Footprint, Carbon Footprint or Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Due to its ability to assess global and multiple issues, LCA is most often used. LCA assesses potential environmental impacts of a system or a product identifying and quantifying inputs and outputs of the system and converting them into potential environmental impacts. LCA is a relevant method to assess global impacts such as climate change or ozone layer depletion. But this method is not suitable to assess local impacts such as acidification, eutrophication or human toxicity due to the required precision to take into account the conditions of emission that potentially cause the impacts. This PhD work aims to develop a methodology of spatial assessment for two local environmental impacts (human toxicity and odours) and their integration to LCA. Advantages and limitations of this development are highlighted in the assessment of environmental performances of municipal solid waste systems. This sector is subjected to systematic environmental assessment during administrative planning and is prone the numerous controversies in which assessment of local impacts is often the heart of the matter. The methodology developed is based on the Site Dependent approach (modeling of impact with consideration of spatial and temporal characteristics of the emission source and the impacted environmental) and allows to take into account the fate of the substance and the exposure conditions to determine firstly the occurrence of the impact and secondly its intensity. This methodology aiming to integrate spatial differentiation in assessment of impacts, is applied to two local impacts reflecting strong local issues for many sectors, but particularly in the sector of waste treatment: human toxicity and odours. For the human toxicity assessment, the aim is to characterize impacts in more solid way than in conventional LCA that integrates spatial characteristics. For impact odour, the aim is to develop a first approach to quantify this impact, but not assessed by generic tools used for environmental assessment.

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