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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecological food sense : connections between food waste flows and food production in Enkanini Informal Settlement, Stellenbosch

Mollatt, Michelle Claire 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In situ Informal Settlement Upgrading (ISU) was explored in this thesis, focussing on its relevance to waste service upgrading options immediately available and practically implementable for residents of Enkanini, a poorly serviced township (slum) in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Household food waste (kitchen scraps) was chosen as a key point of entry for exploring the context and viability of in situ improvement of solid waste management services in the area. This was done by investigating ways biological and social aspects of soil quality and food waste management can be incrementally improved in the settlement. Transdisciplinary methodology, Participatory Action Learning and Social Learning perspectives, combined with ecological thinking were used to explore different methods of managing food waste in Enkanini. A food waste collection pilot project was initiated in Enkanini by the Stellenbosch Municipality in 2012. The project was modified and continued in 2013, which served as the case study for this thesis. In 2013, food waste was collected by 56 households over five months. It was treated with Bokashi Effective Micro-organisms (Bokashi EM) containing yeasts, lactic acid bacteria, actinomycetes and photosynthetic bacteria. The Bokashi EM partially fermented the waste before it was used for composting or feeding to Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae. Laboratory testing of food waste, compost, soils and larvae waste residue determined the safety, potential and sustainability of food waste for recycling and contribution to local urban agriculture by closing the organic waste loop, and for generating an income stream. A total of 5851kg food waste was collected, saving 6m3 landfill space. Households generated 5,2kg - 9,6kg food waste per week. Extrapolating this lower figure for all of Enkanini (about 2400 households), about 50,2 tonnes of food waste could be generated per month. If this were collected and recycled or composted, this would save 51,2m3 landfill space per month. The most commonly cited benefit of food waste collections by participants was reduction of vermin in or around their homes. Laboratory testing indicated that some samples had high levels of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. No traces of Salmonella were found in food waste, compost and soil samples, and most were within acceptable limits for heavy metals. It was cautioned that vegetables grown on soils or compost with high E. coli be washed or cooked before consumption. Following socially and ecologically sustainable management of Enkanini’s food waste requires a combination of waste management methods. Options include localised composting - burying EM treated food waste in soil; in situ container composting of waste and adding this to soil; processing of EM treated food waste by Black Soldier Fly larvae (and their subsequent use as feed for chickens or fish); and finally by anaerobic digestion for generation of biogas and effluent fertiliser in local biodigestors. The thesis showed that biological elements (such as bacteria and soil nutrients) have impacts on residents in communities and these need to be considered significant. The thesis suggests ecological elements be considered as indicators or building blocks for ISU locally, nationally and internationally. Keywords: in situ incremental upgrading, food waste management, Effective Micro-organisms, social learning, urban agriculture, closed-loop systems, organic waste management, informal settlements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In situ Opgraderingsprojek vir Informele Nedersetting (OIN) is in hierdie tesis ondersoek, met die fokus om die relevansie van afval diens opgradering opsies prakties te implementeer vir die inwoners van Enkanini, Stellenbosch, Suid Afrika, 'n gemeenskap met swak dienslewering. Huishoudelike kombuis voedselafval is gekies om die konteks en lewensvatbaarheid van in situ verbetering van vaste afval bestuur dienste te ondersoek. Dit is bereik deur maniere te ondersoek om die biologiese en sosiale aspekte van die kwaliteit van grond en voedselafval bestuur in die nedersetting te verbeter. Transdissiplinêre metode, Deelnemende Aksie Leer en Sosiale Leerprosesse, gekombineer met ekologiese denke, is gebruik is om verskillende metodes van die bestuur van voedselafval in Enkanini te verken. 'N Enkanini voedselafval versamelingsprojek is in 2012 deur die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit begin. Dit is in 2013 aangepas en vir hierdie studie gebruik. Gedurende vyf maande in 2013 is voedselafval deur 56 huishoudings ingesamel. Dit is behandel met Bokashi effektiewe mikro-organismes (EM Bokashi) met gis, melksuur bakterieë, aktinomisete en fotosintetiese bakterieë. Die Bokashi EM het die afval gedeeltelik gegis voordat die afval gebruik was vir kompos of voeding aan Swart Soldaat Vlieg (Hermetia illucens) larwes. Voedselafval, kompos, grond en larwe oorskot laboratourim toetse het die veiligheid bepaal, asook die potensiaal en volhoubaarheid van die afval vir herwinning en die bydrae tot die plaaslike stedelike landbou deur middel van die organiese afval siklus, en vir inkomste generering. 5851kg voedselafval is ingesamel en 6m³ se opvullingsruimte bespaar. Die huishoudings het 5,2kg – 9,6kg voedselafval per week gegenereer. Die laer syfer in aggeneem, kan sowat 50,2 ton voedsalafval per maand in Enkanini (ongeveer 2400 huishoudings) gegenereer word. As dit ingesamel, herwin of gekomposteer was, sou 51,2 m³ opvullingsruimte per maand bespaar word. Die belangrikste voordeel van die voedselafval versamelings was die vermindering van knaag en aasdiere rondom wonings. Laboratoriumtoetse het hoë vlakke van Escherichia coli (E. coli) bakterieë in sommige monsters gevind. Geen spore van Salmonella is in die voedselafval, kompos en grondmonsters gevind nie en meeste was binne die aanvaarbare perke vir swaar metale. Die gemeenskap is gewaarsku om groente wat in die grond of kompos gekweek is voor verbruik in chloorwater te was of kook. Die sosiale en ekologies volhoubare bestuur van Enkanini se voedselafval vereis 'n kombinasie van afval bestuursmetodes. Opsies sluit gelokaliseerde kompos - begrawe EM behandelde voedsel afval in die grond; in situ houer kompos afval en die toevoeging van hierdie tot die grond; verwerking van EM behandelde voedselafval deur Swart Soldaat Vlieg larwes (en hul daaropvolgende gebruik as voer vir hoenders of vis); en uiteindelik deur mestvergisting vir die generasie van biogas en kunsmis in biovergisters. Die tesis toon dat biologiese elemente (soos bakterieë en voedingstowwe in grond)'n impak het op die gemeenskap se inwoners en as n belangrik faktor beskou moet word. Die tesis dui ekologiese elemente as n toekomstige aanwysers aan indien OIN plaaslik, nasionaal of internasionaal oorweeg word. Sleutelwoorde: in situ toenemende opgradering, kos afval bestuur, effektiewe mikro-organismes, sosiale leerproses, stedelike landbou, geslotestelsel-sisteme, organiese afval, informele nedersettings.

Towards a sustainable incremental waste management system in Enkanini: a transdisciplinary case study

von der Heyde, Vanessa 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As the global population grows and more countries industrialise, waste streams will grow proportionately. Current waste management practices and product manufacturing processes dictate that a large proportion of waste ends up in a landfill or incinerator. The predominant manufacturing design is a linear, one-way model that extracts resources for manufacture, which eventually end up in a landfill or incinerator, rendered useless. This is an unsustainable use of resources, not only of the ones that were extracted to manufacture the product, but also of the land used to dump waste. Along with this goes the increasingly significant issue of food waste and the issues of global hunger and food insecurity. It is estimated that globally one third of all food that is produced is wasted, equalling a total of 1.3 billion tonnes of food waste a year. Wastage of food causes a loss of potentially valuable food sources, or a potential resource for other processes, such as composting or energy generation. The poor are normally the first affected by limited or dwindling resources, and as yet, there are no significant signs of poverty alleviation. Worldwide, there is a proliferation of informal settlements, or slums, and how to deal with these settlements has formed part of international political and societal discourse for a long time. In South Africa, policies dictate that informal settlements should undergo an incremental, in situ upgrading process, where possible. Although this marks a positive development from the previous housing policy, substantial uptake on the ground has as yet not occurred. Consequently, this study attempted to combine the issues of waste management, in particular of food waste, and incremental upgrading of informal settlements through a transdisciplinary case study that focuses on upgrading the food waste management system in Enkanini, an informal settlement in Stellenbosch, South Africa. A waste characterisation study undertaken by Stellenbosch Municipality showed that food waste makes up a substantial part of the waste stream generated in Enkanini. As informal settlements often lack adequate waste collection services, the food waste poses a health risk by breeding pathogens and attracting pests. Through a transdisciplinary approach, an alternative food waste treatment method was piloted in Enkanini in partnership with Stellenbosch Municipality and Probiokashi (Pty) Ltd. The method used bokashi substrate to treat food waste with microorganisms. This was then processed further into compost through the sheet mulching method and by black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae. The outcomes were assessed according to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of this method of waste processing and indicated a positive impact in all three of these categories. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Soos die globale samelewing groei en al hoe meer lande industrialiseer, sal afvalproduksie ook proporsioneel toeneem. Moderne afvalbestuurpraktyke en vervaardigingsprosesse behels dat groot volumes afval in vullingsterreine of verbrandingsoonde beland. Vervaardiging behels hoofsaaklik ’n lineêre proses, waarin grondstowwe vir vervaardiging onttrek word en uiteindelik in sodanige vullingsterreine of verbrandingsoonde beland. Hierdie produkte is dan onbruikbaar. Hierdie praktyk is ’n onvolhoubare manier om hulpbronne te gebruik, nie net wat die grondstowwe vir vervaardiging betref nie, maar ook die grond wat gebruik word om die afval op te stort. Verwant aan hierdie probleem, is die kwessie van toenemende voedselvermorsing en die probleme rondom wêreldwye hongersnood en voedselonsekerheid. Daar word benader dat een derde van alle voedsel wat ter wêreld vervaardig word, vermors word. Dit kom neer op 1.3 miljard ton voedsel per jaar. Voedselvermorsing veroorsaak ’n verlies aan waardevolle, potensiële voedselbronne of potensiële hulpbronne vir ander prosesse, soos bemesting en energievervaardiging. Die armes is gewoonlik diegene wat die gouste deur beperkte of afnemende hulpbronne geraak word en, tot nog toe, is daar geen beduidende vordering in armoedeverligting nie. Wêreldwyd is daar ’n toename in informele nedersettings, of agterbuurte, en maniere om hierdie probleem aan te spreek, vorm lankal deel van die internasionale politiese en maatskaplike diskoers. In Suid-Afrika dui beleide daarop dat informele nedersettings, waar moontlik, ’n inkrementele, in situ opgraderingsproses moet ondergaan. Alhoewel hierdie plan ’n verbetering is op die vorige behuisingsbeleid, het wesenlike vordering nog nie plaasgevind nie. Gevolglik het hierdie studie gepoog om die kwessies rakende afvalbestuur, spesifiek van voedselafval, en inkrementele opgradering van informele nedersettings in ’n transdissiplinêre gevallestudie te kombineer deur te fokus op die voedselafvalbestuurstelsel in Enkanini, ’n informele nedersetting in Stellenbosch, Suid-Afrika. ’n Studie, uitgevoer deur Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit, wat die inhoud van vullis ontleed het, het bevind dat voedselafval ’n beduidende deel vorm van die vullis wat in Enkanini geproduseer word. Aangesien informele nedersettings dikwels tekortskiet aan voldoende vullisverwyderingsdienste, hou voedselafval ’n bedreiging in omdat patogene daarin broei en dit peste lok. Deur middel van ’n transdissiplinêre benadering is ’n proefprojek aangepak waartydens ’n alternatiewe metode om voedselafval te behandel, getoets is. Hierdie projek is in samewerking met Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit en Probiokashi (Pty) Ltd (Edms.) Bpk. in Enkanini uitgevoer. Hierdie metode het van bokashi-substraat gebruik gemaak om deur middel van mikroörganismes die voedselafval te behandel. Dit is daarna verder deur swartsoldaatvlieglarwes (Hermetia illucens) tot kompos verwerk. Die uitkomste van die studie is geassesseer ten opsigte van die sosiale, ekonomiese en omgewingsvolhoubaarheid van dié afvalverwerkingsmetode. ’n Positiewe impak is in al drie hierdie kategorieë opgemerk.

Solid waste management (SWM) in Johannesburg : alternative futures

Chisadza, Charity-Ann 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Johannesburg generates in excess of 1 500 000 tonnes of general waste annually and has on average 10 years’ lifespan remaining on its four landfill sites. As a signatory to the Polokwane Declaration, the City of Johannesburg has recognised the need for new interventions to divert waste from landfills by various methods, such as separation at source; alternative treatment methods and the conversion of waste to energy. Progress has, however, been slow and this research aims to investigate alternative waste management techniques that can be applied in the City of Johannesburg to fast track the realisation of these targets. Using scenario planning techniques, the research considers implications for policy and management decisions in realising the best possible future in the area of waste management in Johannesburg. The scenario process was used to develop the following scenarios for waste management in Johannesburg: Long walk to freedom. Waste collection coverage includes pockets of the community where waste collections services are less than optimal. The residents of the city, particularly in these underserviced areas, are also not very knowledgeable of the impact that the waste generated within their communities can have on the environment and what alternatives there are to manage this. Pick it up. The City provides full services to a society that functions in relative oblivion of the implications of their behaviour on the environment. It is assumed to be the role of government to “pick up” after communities and dispose of waste. This scenario is oblivious of the waste hierarchy and the role communities could play in minimising waste. Wishing on a star. The city continues to have under-serviced areas, public awareness is high and this fuels correct behaviour and a mind-set shift with regard to waste management. Working together we can do more. The City optimises its service provision to cover all areas while also ensuring maximum public awareness and behaviour change with regard to waste management.

Improving waste management within selected South African municipalities

Saaiman, Lizelle January 2013 (has links)
The essentiality for waste reduction in society is prompted by the depletion of natural resources. Internationally, five waste management strategies have been identified, namely reduction of waste (waste prevention), re-use of waste, recycling of waste, recovery of energy and disposal to landfill. In Polokwane Declaration of September 2001, South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism committed itself to achieve a 50 percent reduction in the volume of waste generated by 2012 and to be landfilled and have a zero waste plan implemented by 2022. Through the National Waste Management Act, No. 59 of 2008, the South African government also committed itself to provide protection of health, well-being and the environment through measures to avoid and minimise the generation of waste. Even though several policies and legislative documents are available that address waste minimisation and recycling, individual community members are however still reluctant to participate in these activities. This study therefore investigated the current levels of understanding, education and commitment to recycling and waste minimisation in a selected South African community. The target respondents of the study were members of a local church who are representative of the various peoples that reside in the communities serviced by the selected municipality. A convenience sample of 70 participants from that church was selected to complete the questionnaires. Seventy (70) questionnaires were distributed, and all 70 questionnaires were returned. Interviews were also conducted with two managers from the Waste Management Department of the selected municipality. The data analyses conducted, included descriptive statistics and content analysis of the interview transcripts. The empirical results revealed among others that: (1) recycling removal service is limited to pre-selected recyclables; (2) the municipality contributes to local entrepreneurial opportunities; (3) public participation is a pre-requisite in the success of the programmes; (4) participation is determined by convenience; (5) enforcement of legislation assists with compliance; (6) environmental sustainability is supported by environmental concerned consumers; (7) mismatch of opinions around separation at source of generation and (8) continuous education is instrumental in waste management. The main recommendations of the study include: (1) municipalities need to provide exciting and innovative recycling and waste minimisation programmes, continuously; (2) positive attitude and behaviour of all the stakeholders determines the success of waste minimisation and recycling; and (3) society, industry and government need to join forces in ensuring success in waste management. By implementing these recommendations, stakeholders in this field of interest will go a long way in improving waste management in South Africa communities.

Improving integrated waste management with community education programmes : the case of New Brighton in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Adams, Bulelwa Avril January 2015 (has links)
Municipal solid waste management is gradually becoming a major challenge that is confronting governments in all spheres. This can be attributed to urbanisation and startling population escalation. Each and every member in a community is a contributor to this dilemma and a generator of waste. The essence of this study is to investigate whether the utilisation of education programmes can assist to improve how communities handle and dispose their household waste and its contribution to the effectiveness of the integrated solid waste management system for the New Brighton Township in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. A theoretical framework is developed using the systems theory in trying to address the challenge. The study used the qualitative research method. Data were gathered using questionnaires and face-to face interviews. The empirical survey was employed for the purposes of the study and the interpretation of the research findings were analysed and described. As a metropolitan municipality, it is envisaged that this research will assist the NMBM, to identify how to manage solid waste efficiently and effectively and thus enhancing service delivery that will ensure communities of their well-being and dignity. Various recommendations are presented, based on the findings of the study. It is hoped that these recommendations If are adopted, the NMBM will be able to deal more effectively and efficiently with the challenges that the NMBM is faced with in dealing with waste management issues thereby enabling the NMBM to deliver the most basic need to the communities of the New Brighton Townships.

Towards zero-waste to landfill : the case of CSIR's framework

Ginindza, Mpendulo Tozi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are beginning to take responsibility for the impacts made by their operations/activities on the environment. The sustainability of organisations can not only be measured by their economic performance, but also by their social and environmental performance. Good governance as recommended in the King III report (Institute of directors in South Africa, 2009) requires reporting to be integrated with the organisation’s social and environmental performance. Organisations inevitably use natural resources and generate waste. Agenda 21 states that organisations should use natural resources efficiently (UNCED, 1992). The challenge according to UNDP (1998:1) is not to stop growth, but to “change the patterns of consumption and production, using new technologies to achieve greater efficiency and reduce waste and pollution”. Waste management is not only an internal concern for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), but also for the national and international institutions. In South Africa, waste management previously only involved the disposal of waste aspects of it; leaving out important components of waste management such as its treatment and the principles of waste reduction, reuse and recycling. South Africa has in the past ten years changed and has instead developed sustainability plans. For example, The Polokwane Declaration on waste management outlines what the government, civil society and the business community will do to ensure the reduction of waste generation and disposal (South Africa, 2001). The National Environmental Management: Waste Act (Act 59 of 2008) states that waste must be reduced, reused, recycled and treated before it is disposed. To this effect, South African municipalities are trying to identify ways to ensure that residents and industry adhere to these requirements. The CSIR is a scientific and technological research, development and implementation organisation which has a long-standing commitment to environmental protection. It has been accredited for adherence with ISO14001 Environmental Management System requirements for over ten years. Development of the Zero-Waste to Landfill Framework builds on the strengths of the organisation’s Environmental Management System and enhances sustainable practices throughout the organisation; and also responds to national imperatives such as the Polokwane Declaration. Typical waste streams generated at the CSIR sites include general business waste (paper, cans, plastics, glass etc), general industrial waste (oils, greases, metals, plastics etc), and hazardous waste (chemical, laboratory, bio hazardous). The Zero-Waste to Landfill Framework assists, and gives guidance to the organisation in order to achieve Zero-Waste to Landfill. It informs the CSIR in planning for initiatives and systems that need to be in place in order to achieve the Zero-Waste to Landfill goal. The framework is developed to provide sustainable solutions for waste management which result in economic, social and environmental benefits for an organisation such as the CSIR. This research was done to look into the factors that ensure that an effective waste minimisation process and programme is implemented at the CSIR, and the recommendations are that; a) The CSIR participates in sustainability reporting. b) The CSIR implements green procurement. c) The CSIR explores different innovative methods, technologies and materials that can be used to minimise waste. d) The CSIR runs intensive awareness raising campaigns. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit blyk dat sekere Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies uiteindelik besig is om verantwoordelikheid te neem ten opsigte van die impak wat hul produksieprosesse op die omgewing het. Die volhoubaarheid van organisasies word nie net deur ekonomies uitsette gemeet nie, maar sluit ook die monitoring van organisatories-ekonomiese in. Effektiewe bestuur soos aanbeveel deur die King III verslag (Institute of directors in South Africa, 2009) vereis dat organisatoriese rapportering sosiale en omgewingsuitsette insluit. Dit is onafwendbaar dat organisasies natuurlike bronne sal gebruik en afval daardeur genereer. Agenda 21 (UNCED, 1992) vereis egter dat organisasies natuurlike hulpbronne op ‘n effektiewe en verantwoordelike manier sal gebruik. Volgens die UNDP (1998:1) is die uitdaging aan organisasies nie om vooruitgang te stuit nie, maar “to change the patterns of consumption and production, using new technologies to achieve greater efficiency and reduce waste and pollution”. Effektiewe afvalbestuur is nie net van toepassing op die “Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) nie, maar geld ook vir ander nasionale organisasies. In die verlede was afvalbestuurmetodes in Suid-Afrika hoofsaaklik gemik op die wegdoening van afval, terwyl metodes soos hergebruik, afvalvermindering en herwinning nie eers oorweeg is nie. Suid-Afrika het gedurende die afgelope tien jaar vooruitgang gemaak op hierdie terrein deur planne te ontwikkel wat volhoubaarheid sal bewerkstellig, byvoorbeeld the Polokwane Verklaring insake Afvalbestuur wat bepaal watter metodes die regering, gemeenskap en besigheidsgemeenskap sal implementeer om die vermindering en wegdoening van vaste afval te verseker. Die “National Environmental Management Waste Act” van 2008 vereis dat metodes vir die vermindering, hergebruik en herwinning oorweeg moet word alvorens blote wegdoening plaasvind. Die munisipaliteite in Suid-Afrika is tans besig om maniere te identifiseer wat sal verseker dat inwoners en industrieë hierdie vereistes nakom. The CSIR is gemik op tegnologiese navorsing, ontwikkeling en implementering en het ‘n langtermyn verbintenis om die omgewing te beskerm. Dit het die afgelope tien jaar die ISO 14 001 akkreditasie bekom en behou. Die ontwikkeling van die “Zero-waste to landfill”-Beleid bou op die positiewe aspek van die Organisasie se omgewingsbestuursisteem en bevorder volhoubare praktyke regdeur die Organisasie. Die Beleid spreek ook tot nasionale imperatiewe soos die Polokwane Verklaring. Die CSIR genereer afvalstrome ten opsigte van algemene kantoorafval (papier, blikkies, plastiek, glas, ens.), industriele afval (olie, ghries, metale, plastiek, ens.), sowel as gevaarlike afvalstowwe afkomstig van laboratoriums wat chemikalieë en biologies-gevaarlike materiaal insluit. Die “Zero-waste to Landfill”-Beleid fasiliteer en gee gestalte aan die Organisasie om hierdie doelwitte in die praktyk te bereik deur die ontwikkeling van inisiatiewe en sisteme. Die Beleid is ontwikkel met die doel om volhoubare oplossings te verskaf aan ‘n Organisasie soos die CSIR wat uiteindelik ekonomiese, sosiale en omgewingsvoordele sal inhou. Hierdie navorsing is gedoen om faktore wat die suksesvolle implementering van effektiewe afvalverminderings prosesse en programme by die CSIR beinvloed te ondersoek. Die aanbevelings sluit die volgende in: a) Die CSIR moet betrokke wees by volhoubare rapporteringsmetodes. b) Die CSIR moet aankoopmetodes implementeer wat volhoubaarheid ondersteun. c) Die CSIR moet verskeie innoverende metodes, tegnologie en materiale ondersoek wat gebruik kan word om die generering van afval te minimaliseer. d) Die CSIR moet intensiewe bewusmakingsveldtogte van stapel stuur.

An analysis of waste minimisation initiatives in the City of Cape Town, South Africa

Nkala, Zandile Carol 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mounting pressure on waste management has forced the City of Cape Town (CCT) to progressively move towards achieving an integrated waste management system (IWMS). This system presents a holistic approach of dealing with waste issues. The waste management hierarchy indicates that the ‘cradle-to-cradle’ approach of waste management is more ideal as compared to the traditional ‘cradle-to-grave’ approaches of waste management, example landfilling. However the challenges that have transpired in the rollout of waste minimisation initiatives highlight the need to continuously improve the system. This thesis investigates the municipal solid waste (MSW) minimisation programmes initiated by the CCT Solid Waste Management Department. A systems approach that combined both quantitative and qualitative methodologies was employed in the analysis. A material flow analysis (MFA) model was used to trace the flow of waste through the waste management system. The benefit of applying the MFA approach for waste management problems has been highlighted in literature in terms of identifying potential recycling, and other, waste-treatment technologies, and predicting the outcomes of waste treatment and disposal initiatives. The main objective of this study was to apply an adapted MFA method in order to determine the progress of the existing waste minimisation programmes and to also determine the opportunities to utilise biodegradable and other recyclable components of the waste streams; thereby improving the IWMS of the CCT. The MFA provided a conceptual understanding of the flow of waste materials in the CCT. The mass assessment of waste minimisation facilities, such as the Bellville compost plant and Athlone material recovery facility and refuse transfer station, unveiled that there is still a large amount of biodegradable and recyclable municipal solid waste that ends up in landfills regardless of the waste minimisation facilities available. However, it is still immature at this stage to conclude the success of the Think Twice campaign, since this is a fairly new initiative that relies on the response rate of the public. There are challenges associated with the recyclable waste recovery rates such as public awareness, proper advertising, operational problems that still need to be addressed. The MFA results also showed the final sinks of the different waste types that are sent through the different waste minimisation facilities run by the CCT. The current institutional arrangements and legislative environment have been greatly improved but there are still a number of challenges that need to be addressed. The largest, overall challenge is devising a practical plan of ‘closing the loop’ in order to develop a circular economy. The concept of ‘cradle-to-cradle’ seems to be premised on extended producer responsibility and other stringent control mechanisms, which are currently believed, will yield negative consequences in the South African context. A lot more work needs to be done to achieve a genuinely integrated and sustainable solid waste management system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Stad Kaapstad streef na ‘n geïntegreerde afval beheer sisteem (GABS) as gevolg van toenemende druk op die bestuur van afval. Hierdie stelsel bied 'n holistiese benadering tot die hantering van afval-probleme. Die afvalbestuur-klassifikasie wys dat die “wieg-tot-wieg” benadering meer ideaal is as die tradisionele “wieg-tot-graf” benaderings van afvalbestuur, byvoorbeeld die bestaande sorteringsterreine. Die uitdagings wat voor-gekom het in die bekendstelling van afvalbeperkingsinisiatiewe het getoon dat daar ‘n voortdurende behoefte is om die stelsel te verbeter. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die munisipale vaste-afvalbeperkingsprogamme wat deur die Stad Kaapstad se Departement Vaste-Afvalbestuur geïnisieer is. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik om die analises uit te voer. ‘n Materiaal vloei-analise model (MVM) is gebruik om die vloei van afval deur die afvalbestuur-sisteem te volg. Die voordeel van die toepassing van die MVM-model word uitgelig in die literatuur in terme van identifisering van potensiële herwinning en ander afvalbehandelings-metodes en die voorspelling van die uitkomste van afval-behandeling en wegdoen-inisiatiewe. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om ‘n aangepaste MVM-metode toe te pas om die vordering van die bestaande afvalbeperkings programme vas te stel asook om die gebruik van bioafbreekbare en ander herwinbare komponente van die afvalstrome beter te kan benut en daardeur ‘n verbetering van die GABS van die Stad Kaapstad teweeg te bring. Die MVM het goeie insig gebied in die vloei van afvalmateriaal in die Stad Kaapstad. Die massa-waardebepaling van afvalverminderings-fasiliteite, soos die Belville kompos-aanleg en die Athlone materiaalherwinningsfasiliteit asook die afval-oordragstasie, het onthul dat daar nog groot hoeveelhede biodegradeerbare munisipale vaste-afval in die stortingsterreine beland ten spyte van die afvalbeperkings-fasiliteite wat beskikbaar is. Dit is egter nog te vroeg om ‘n gevolgtrekking oor die sukses van die “Think Twice” veldtog te maak aangesien dit 'n redelike nuwe inisiatief is wat op die terugvoer van die publiek staatmaak. Daar is uitdagings wat verband hou met die herwinbare afvalhersteltempo’s soos byvoorbeeld: openbare bewustheid, goeie advertering asook operasionele probleme wat nog aangespreek moet word. Die MVM resultate het ook ‘n daling in die verskillende afval-tipes wat deur die verskillende afvalbeperkingsfasiliteite van die Stad Kaapstad gestuur word, getoon. Die huidige institusionele reëlings en wetgewende omgewing het baie verbeter, maar daar is nog 'n aantal skuiwergate wat aangespreek moet word. Die grootste algehele uitdaging tans is die ontwerp van ‘n praktiese plan om die skuiwergate te oorkom en om ‘n kringloop in die ekonomie te ontwikkel. Die "wieg-totwieg" benadering berus op uitgebreide produsente verantwoordelikheid en ander streng beheermaatreëls wat waarskynlik negatiewe gevolge in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks gaan oplewer. Daar is egter nog baie werk wat gedoen moet word om ‘n geïntegreerde en volhoubare stelsel vir die bestuur van vaste-afval daar te stel.

An investigation into sustainable solid waste management alternatives for the Drakenstein Municipal Area

Spamer, Ernus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this research report is to investigate sustainable alternative solid waste management methods for the Drakenstein Municipal Area in particular and South African municipalities in general. The point of departure is that landfilling alone is not sustainable and that alternative and/or complementary methods are required. Current solid waste management policies and practices in various countries all over the world are investigated in order to understand the global context of municipal solid waste management. The development of solid waste management in both developed and developing countries is considered in order to appreciate the different approaches and legal frameworks underpinning each approach. Several solid waste treatment methods, both established and advanced, are considered before the development of solid waste management in South Africa since 1992 is reviewed. An important aspect of evaluating alternatives is the identification of relevant stakeholders, key drivers for success and the constraints. An important conclusion reached in the research is that the lack of funding and the inherent inability of most municipalities in South Africa to render even basic municipal services currently make the introduction of advanced solid waste treatment methods non-sustainable. It is therefore suggested that the newly developed legal framework underpinning solid waste management in South Africa, be implemented in such a manner that all stakeholders are involved in the implementation of the basic principles of the waste hierarchy. The author believes that the introduction of technologically advanced waste treatment and disposal options will be premature if the basics of the waste hierarchy are not practiced by all. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie navorsingsverslag is ‘n ondersoek na volhoubare, alternatiewe vaste afvalbestuursmetodes vir Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite in die breë en die Drakenstein Munisipaliteit in die besonder. Die basiese uitganspunt is dat vaste afvalstorting alleen nie volhoubaar is nie en dat alternatiewe/komplementêre metodes nodig word. Die vaste afvalbestuursbeleid en –praktyke wat tans wêreldwyd gevolg word, word ondersoek met die doel om die globale konteks daarvan beter te verstaan. Die ontwikkeling van vaste afvalbestuur in beide ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende lande word nagevors sodat die verskillende benaderings en wetlike raamwerke wat dit onderskryf, bestudeer kan word. Verskeie vaste afvalbestuursmetodes – beide gevestig en gevorderd – word bespreek waarna die ontwikkeling van vaste afvalbestuur in Suid-Afrika sedert 1992 onder die loep kom. ‘n Belangrike aspek van toepassing op die evaluering van alternatiewe, is die identfikasie van alle rolspelers, kritiese suksesfaktore en beperkinge. ‘n Belangrike bevinding wat gemaak word, is dat die gebrek aan voldoende fondse sowel as die inherente onvermoë van meeste Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite om selfs basiese munisipale dienste te kan lewer, die implementering van gevorderde vaste afvalbestuursmetodes tans onvolhoubaar maak. In die verslag word dus aanbeveel dat die nuut-ontwikkelde wetlike raamwerk wat vaste afvalbestuur in Suid-Afrika reguleer, so geïmplementeer moet word dat alle rolspelers betrek word om die afval-hiërargie se basiese beginsels prakties toe te pas. Die outeur is van mening dat die implementering van nuwe, tegnologiesgevorderde vaste afvalbsetuursmetodes sal faal indien dit geïmplementeer sou word voordat die afval hiërargie voldoende toegepas word.

Attitudes and behaviour of low-income households towards the management of domestic solid waste in Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain.

Nshimirimana, Jules January 2004 (has links)
Solid waste management in South Africa has been focussing on the technical issues of waste disposal with little attention paid to the social and economic aspects of households. It is important to find out the impact of the attitude and perception of households on solid waste management, especially in low-income areas to be able to deal with the deplorabe domestic solid waste management in such areas. The quantity of solid waste generated in low-income areas is often assumed to be less than the solid waste generated in high-income neighbourhoods. In most of the townships of low-income households in Cape Town, the residents live next to mountains of solid waste which is not the case in middle and high income areas. This clearly has a negative effect on the environment and human health. Tafelsig is one of the low-income Cape Flats townships where the open spaces and green areas are dumping areas. The small yard that people own is often unclean. The aim of the study was to examine how households residing in the low-income neighbourhood (Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain) view domestic solid waste and its management. The study explored the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of these households towards the production and management of sold waste. Issues relating to the degradation of their environment and to solid waste mismanagement were also examined.

Attitudes and behaviour of low-income households towards the management of domestic solid waste in Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain.

Nshimirimana, Jules January 2004 (has links)
Solid waste management in South Africa has been focussing on the technical issues of waste disposal with little attention paid to the social and economic aspects of households. It is important to find out the impact of the attitude and perception of households on solid waste management, especially in low-income areas to be able to deal with the deplorabe domestic solid waste management in such areas. The quantity of solid waste generated in low-income areas is often assumed to be less than the solid waste generated in high-income neighbourhoods. In most of the townships of low-income households in Cape Town, the residents live next to mountains of solid waste which is not the case in middle and high income areas. This clearly has a negative effect on the environment and human health. Tafelsig is one of the low-income Cape Flats townships where the open spaces and green areas are dumping areas. The small yard that people own is often unclean. The aim of the study was to examine how households residing in the low-income neighbourhood (Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain) view domestic solid waste and its management. The study explored the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of these households towards the production and management of sold waste. Issues relating to the degradation of their environment and to solid waste mismanagement were also examined.

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