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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Närsaltsdosering till luftad damm : en åtgärd för ökad TOC-reduktion hos Skoghalls Bruk luftade damm / Dosage of nutrient to an aerated lagoon : a measure to a higher TOC-reducation to the aerated lagoon of Skoghall Mill

Bonde, Carl January 2006 (has links)
<p>In the process of making carton boards into Skoghall Mill, are great quantities of water being contaminated. This water has to be treated before it is possible to release into the recipient, Kattfjorden. One of the contaminations that is important to extract from the wastewater, is organic carbon (measured as TOC-total organic carbon) because microbiological breakdown can lead to the bottom becomig free of oxygen.</p><p>The wastewater treatment at Skoghall Mill is done through an external wastewater treatment that is located at the factory. The biological treatment (aerated lagoon) is a 140 000 m3 water pool with surface aerator, which is give oxygen to the water. In the lagoon live microorganisms who performs the biggest part of the TOC-reduction.</p><p>One problem with the lagoon is that the treatment of TOC is considerably worse during wintertime than during summertime. The reduction is during wintertime only 40 %, while during summertime it is about 70-80 %. This seasonal variation can to a large extent be explained by, that the water temperature in the lagoon decreases wintertime. The low water temperature does that the biological activity in the lagoon is reduced, which reduces the TOC-reduction. A second reason can also be that the microorganisms do not have enough bioavailable nutrients that is needed for growth of a new biomass.</p><p>In this thesis the need of nutrient has been examined. In two test pools, addings of nutrient were being done, to come to the conclusion of a good dosage of nutrient which would lead to a larger reduction of TOC, without enlarged quantities of nitrogen/phosphorus in the outgoing water. One of the test pools hold a summer temperature (30°C), and the other test pool hold a winter temperature (10°C). The test was performed this way to see if there would be any difference in the need of nutrient between summertime and wintertime.</p><p>The most important conclusion was that a nutrient dosage to the Skoghall aerated lagoon, rise the TOC-reduction wintertime. It was also concluded that it was foremost the nitrogen that contributed to the raised TOC-reduction, and nitrogen is thereby considered to be the growth restraining element wintertime. It seemed like phosphorus had been overdosed during the tests, while enlarged halts of the substance could be seen in the outgoing water, and an optimal dosage of phosphorus could not be done. The recommendation that came as a results from the tests, was that during wintertime add nitrogen and phosphorus according to TOC:N:P-quota 100:0,75:0,10. To the summer pool was no considerable improvement of the TOC-reduction seen, as a result of the nutrient addings. It is also no reason to dosage nutrients in summertime.</p> / <p>Vid tillverkning av kartong och pappersmassa på Skoghalls Bruk förorenas stora mängder vatten, som därmed måste renas före utsläpp till recipienten, Kattfjorden, en vik i Vänern. En av de föroreningar som är viktig att avlägsna ur avloppsvattnet är organiska kolföreningar (TOC-total organic carbon) eftersom det vid mikrobiologisk nedbrytning av TOC åtgår syre vilket kan leda till att sjöbotten blir syrefri.</p><p>Rening av avloppsvatten på Skoghall Bruk sker genom en extern reningsanläggning som är placerad på bruket. Det biologiska reningssteget i reningsanläggningen är en s.k. luftad damm. Detta är en 140 000 m3 stor vattenbassäng med ytluftare som syresätter vattnet. I dammen lever mikroorganismer vilka utför den största delen av TOC-reduktionen i brukets reningsanläggning.</p><p>Ett problem med dammen är att reningen av TOC är betydligt sämre vintertid än sommartid. Reduktionen av det till dammen inkommande TOC, är vintertid endast ca 40 % medan den sommartid ligger kring 70-80 %. Denna årstidsvariation kan till stor del förklaras av att vattentemperaturen i dammen sjunker vintertid. Den låga temperaturen medför att den biologiska aktiviteten i dammen sjunker, vilket hämmar TOC-reduktionen. En annan orsak till en låg TOC-reduktion kan vara att det för mikroorganismerna råder brist på biotillgängliga närsalter (kväve och fosfor) som behövs för tillväxt av ny biomassa.</p><p>I detta examensarbete har det undersökts behovet av närsalter för att höja TOC-reduktionen. I två laborationsdammar (ca 20 l) skedde doseringar av närsalter i syfte att finna en bra doseringskvot som innebar en ökad reduktion av TOC, utan att det blev förhöjda kväve-/fosforhalter i utgående vatten. En av laborationsdammarna höll sommartemperatur (ca 30°C) och en höll vintertemperatur (ca 10°C) vilket gjordes för att undersöka om det var skillnad av närsaltsbehovet mellan sommar och vintertid.</p><p>Den viktigaste slutsatsen av försöken var att en närsaltsdosering till Skoghalls luftade damm höjer TOC-reduktion vintertid. Det konstaterades att det var kvävet som främst bidrog till den ökade TOC-reduktionen och kväve anses därmed vara det tillväxtbegränsande ämnet vintertid. Fosfor tycktes ha överdoserats under försöken, då det sågs förhöjda halter i utgående vatten, och en optimal dosering av fosfor kunde inte avgöras. Den rekommendation som föll ut av de laborativa försöken var att vintertid dosera kväve och fosfor enligt TOC:N:P-kvot 100:0,75:0,10. Till sommardammen sågs inte någon förbättring av TOC-reduktionen till följd av närsaltstillsatserna, vilket innebär att närsaltsdoseringar sommartid är obefogat. Vidare sågs tendenser till att slammets sedimentationsegenskaper, hos framförallt vinterdammen, blev bättre till följd av närsaltsdosering, men brist på mätdata medför att det är svårt att dra slutsatser om det verkligen varit så.</p>

Närsaltsdosering till luftad damm : en åtgärd för ökad TOC-reduktion hos Skoghalls Bruk luftade damm / Dosage of nutrient to an aerated lagoon : a measure to a higher TOC-reducation to the aerated lagoon of Skoghall Mill

Bonde, Carl January 2006 (has links)
In the process of making carton boards into Skoghall Mill, are great quantities of water being contaminated. This water has to be treated before it is possible to release into the recipient, Kattfjorden. One of the contaminations that is important to extract from the wastewater, is organic carbon (measured as TOC-total organic carbon) because microbiological breakdown can lead to the bottom becomig free of oxygen. The wastewater treatment at Skoghall Mill is done through an external wastewater treatment that is located at the factory. The biological treatment (aerated lagoon) is a 140 000 m3 water pool with surface aerator, which is give oxygen to the water. In the lagoon live microorganisms who performs the biggest part of the TOC-reduction. One problem with the lagoon is that the treatment of TOC is considerably worse during wintertime than during summertime. The reduction is during wintertime only 40 %, while during summertime it is about 70-80 %. This seasonal variation can to a large extent be explained by, that the water temperature in the lagoon decreases wintertime. The low water temperature does that the biological activity in the lagoon is reduced, which reduces the TOC-reduction. A second reason can also be that the microorganisms do not have enough bioavailable nutrients that is needed for growth of a new biomass. In this thesis the need of nutrient has been examined. In two test pools, addings of nutrient were being done, to come to the conclusion of a good dosage of nutrient which would lead to a larger reduction of TOC, without enlarged quantities of nitrogen/phosphorus in the outgoing water. One of the test pools hold a summer temperature (30°C), and the other test pool hold a winter temperature (10°C). The test was performed this way to see if there would be any difference in the need of nutrient between summertime and wintertime. The most important conclusion was that a nutrient dosage to the Skoghall aerated lagoon, rise the TOC-reduction wintertime. It was also concluded that it was foremost the nitrogen that contributed to the raised TOC-reduction, and nitrogen is thereby considered to be the growth restraining element wintertime. It seemed like phosphorus had been overdosed during the tests, while enlarged halts of the substance could be seen in the outgoing water, and an optimal dosage of phosphorus could not be done. The recommendation that came as a results from the tests, was that during wintertime add nitrogen and phosphorus according to TOC:N:P-quota 100:0,75:0,10. To the summer pool was no considerable improvement of the TOC-reduction seen, as a result of the nutrient addings. It is also no reason to dosage nutrients in summertime. / Vid tillverkning av kartong och pappersmassa på Skoghalls Bruk förorenas stora mängder vatten, som därmed måste renas före utsläpp till recipienten, Kattfjorden, en vik i Vänern. En av de föroreningar som är viktig att avlägsna ur avloppsvattnet är organiska kolföreningar (TOC-total organic carbon) eftersom det vid mikrobiologisk nedbrytning av TOC åtgår syre vilket kan leda till att sjöbotten blir syrefri. Rening av avloppsvatten på Skoghall Bruk sker genom en extern reningsanläggning som är placerad på bruket. Det biologiska reningssteget i reningsanläggningen är en s.k. luftad damm. Detta är en 140 000 m3 stor vattenbassäng med ytluftare som syresätter vattnet. I dammen lever mikroorganismer vilka utför den största delen av TOC-reduktionen i brukets reningsanläggning. Ett problem med dammen är att reningen av TOC är betydligt sämre vintertid än sommartid. Reduktionen av det till dammen inkommande TOC, är vintertid endast ca 40 % medan den sommartid ligger kring 70-80 %. Denna årstidsvariation kan till stor del förklaras av att vattentemperaturen i dammen sjunker vintertid. Den låga temperaturen medför att den biologiska aktiviteten i dammen sjunker, vilket hämmar TOC-reduktionen. En annan orsak till en låg TOC-reduktion kan vara att det för mikroorganismerna råder brist på biotillgängliga närsalter (kväve och fosfor) som behövs för tillväxt av ny biomassa. I detta examensarbete har det undersökts behovet av närsalter för att höja TOC-reduktionen. I två laborationsdammar (ca 20 l) skedde doseringar av närsalter i syfte att finna en bra doseringskvot som innebar en ökad reduktion av TOC, utan att det blev förhöjda kväve-/fosforhalter i utgående vatten. En av laborationsdammarna höll sommartemperatur (ca 30°C) och en höll vintertemperatur (ca 10°C) vilket gjordes för att undersöka om det var skillnad av närsaltsbehovet mellan sommar och vintertid. Den viktigaste slutsatsen av försöken var att en närsaltsdosering till Skoghalls luftade damm höjer TOC-reduktion vintertid. Det konstaterades att det var kvävet som främst bidrog till den ökade TOC-reduktionen och kväve anses därmed vara det tillväxtbegränsande ämnet vintertid. Fosfor tycktes ha överdoserats under försöken, då det sågs förhöjda halter i utgående vatten, och en optimal dosering av fosfor kunde inte avgöras. Den rekommendation som föll ut av de laborativa försöken var att vintertid dosera kväve och fosfor enligt TOC:N:P-kvot 100:0,75:0,10. Till sommardammen sågs inte någon förbättring av TOC-reduktionen till följd av närsaltstillsatserna, vilket innebär att närsaltsdoseringar sommartid är obefogat. Vidare sågs tendenser till att slammets sedimentationsegenskaper, hos framförallt vinterdammen, blev bättre till följd av närsaltsdosering, men brist på mätdata medför att det är svårt att dra slutsatser om det verkligen varit så.

A General Investigation of Shanghai Sewerage Treatment System

Chang, Jiang January 2011 (has links)
As a modern metropolis, Shanghai has a registered population of 18.8 million in 2011, and the permanent population has been more than 20 million. As a result, Shanghai produces more than 6.3 million cubic meters of sewage per day which is considered as a massive test for Shanghai’s sewerage treatment system. Given the high proportion of time spent on the literature review, this study has investigated how the whole system works in Shanghai. To do this, Shanghai sewerage systems were divided into two parts – the drainage system and the sewage treatment system, and they were introduced respectively following the track of history development process. It was done by combining previously published theses, study reports, governmental documents, overt information by companies and news reports. It showed that, in 2009, Shanghai’s government established a basic formation of six centralized sewage treatment systems in co-existence with 52 sewage treatment plants. In the same year, the sewage treatment rate reached 78.9%, which can be considered a leap compared with the 62.8% figure in 2003. In spite of that, the gap between sewage treatment in Shanghai and that in developed countries still exists. By comparing Shanghai Bai Longgang sewage treatment plant with Halmstad Västra Stranden's waste water treatment plant, it can be concluded that the gap was embodied in differences of inflow condition, relative low discharge standards and poor treatment capability.

Towards application of activated carbon treatment for pharmaceutical removal in municipal wastewater

Kårelid, Victor January 2016 (has links)
Many pharmaceuticals are found in municipal wastewater effluents due to their persistence in the human body as well as in conventional wastewater treatment processes. This discharge to the environment can lead to adverse effects in aquatic species, such as feminization of male fish. During the past decade, these findings have spawned investigations and research into suitable treatment technologies that could severely limit the discharge. Adsorption onto activated carbon has been identified as one of the two main technologies for implementation of (future) full-scale treatment. Recent research has put a closer focus on adsorption with powdered activated carbon (PAC) than on granular activated carbon (GAC). Studies where both methods are compared in parallel operation are thus still scarce and such evaluation in pilot-scale was therefore a primary objective of this thesis. Furthermore, recirculation of PAC can be used to optimize the treatment regarding the carbon consumption. Such a setup was evaluated as a separate treatment stage to comply with Swedish wastewater convention. Additionally, variation of a set of process parameters was evaluated. During successive operation at three different wastewater treatment plants an overall pharmaceutical removal of 95% could consistently be achieved with both methods. Furthermore, treatment with GAC was sensitive to a degraded effluent quality, which severely reduced the hydraulic capacity. Both treatment methods showed efficient removal of previously highlighted substances, such as carbamazepine and diclofenac, however in general a lower adsorption capacity was observed for GAC. By varying the input of process parameters, such as the continuously added dose or the contact time, during PAC treatment, a responsive change of the pharmaceutical removal could be achieved. The work in this thesis contributes some valuable field experience towards wider application of these treatment technologies in full-scale. / <p>QC 20161124</p> / MistraPharma


Millar, Elise January 2020 (has links)
The composition of gut microbes affects host weight, immune function, and disease status, and is sensitive to diet, environment, and pharmaceutical exposure. The gut microbiome modulates the toxicity and bioavailability of chemical stressors, however the effects of chemicals on the gut microbiome of aquatic biota are largely unknown. The Waterloo and Kitchener wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) release effluents containing antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, and other contaminants into the Grand River (ON) that may negatively affect the gut microbiome of downstream organisms. In this study done in Fall 2018, I collected freshwater mussels (Lasmigona costata), several species of insect larvae, and riparian spiders (Tetragnathidae) from sites upstream and downstream of these WWTPs. The gut microbiome was analyzed following the extraction, PCR amplification, and sequencing of bacterial DNA using the V3-V4 hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA genetic barcode. Changes in the relative abundance of major gut microbiome phyla were observed in all targeted aquatic organisms downstream of WWTPs except Hydropsychidae. Shannon alpha diversity, a measure of bacterial abundance and evenness, differed significantly among sites for mussels (one-way ANOVA: F=7.894, p=0.001), spiders (F=4.788, p=0.01), Perlidae (F=3.1, p=0.0056), Hydropsychidae (F=3.674, p=0.0014), and Heptageniidae (F=2.715, p=0.0143), but not for Baetidae and Ephemerellidae. In sites downstream of the Waterloo WWTP, alpha diversity decreased in spiders, while in sites downstream of the Kitchener WWTP diversity decreased in mussels and Perlidae, while increasing for spiders. Bray-Curtis beta diversity, a measure of dissimilarity between bacterial communities, was significantly dissimilar among sites in all invertebrate taxa (Permanova: p<0.02). Upstream sites differed from downstream Waterloo sites in spiders, Perlidae, and Hydropsychidae (Adonis pairwise: p<0.05), while upstream mussels, spiders, Perlidae, and Hydropsychidae differed from downstream Kitchener sites (p<0.05). Additionally, effluent-derived bacteria were found in the microbiomes of aquatic invertebrates downstream of the WWTPs and not upstream. Taxa was also a significant driver of bacterial composition and diversity in invertebrates. These results indicate that the gut microbiome of downstream organisms differed from the bacterial composition observed in the same invertebrate taxa upstream of the WWTPs, potentially leading to altered host health. This adds to our understanding of how chemical stressors impact the gut microbiome of aquatic and riparian biota; however, future studies are needed to investigate linkages between the gut microbiome and health of these species. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Insight into microalgal-bacterial consortia for sustainable wastewater treatment. Investigations at lab-scale with real wastewater

Petrini, Serena 28 May 2020 (has links)
High costs for aeration, greenhouse-gas emissions and excess sludge disposal have entailed a paradigm shift in the wastewater treatment. Microalgal-bacterial-based wastewater treatments have gained increasing attention because of their potential in energy demand reduction and biomass resource recovery. In particular, photosynthetic oxygenation is combined with bacterial activity to treat wastewater avoiding external artificial aeration. To optimize the technology in order to become more competitive than activated sludge, an in-depth investigation about the treatment performance and the microbiology interactions under real operational condition is needed. This work focused on the study of wastewater-borne microalgal-bacterial consortia treating real municipal wastewater. The main objectives were to: (i) Understand the removal mechanisms and the influence of operational conditions to optimize the process; (ii) Analyze the microbial community. At first, a photo-sequencing batch reactor (PSBR), called Pilot, was started up and continuously monitored for two years to analyze the evolution of the treatment performance and of the biomass composition. At the same time, other two lab-scale PSBRs were installed to evaluate if microalgal inoculation is essential to start up a consortium. Samples of these consortia were collected over a period of one year and analyzed through microscopic observations, flow cytometry and metagenomics, to investigate the microbial structure and diversity.A second part of the research focused on the optimization of the Pilot to explore its limit in view of the scale-up of the system. In addition, respirometry was adapted to test microalgal-bacterial consortia to estimate the removal kinetic parameters for future modelling. To conclude, the research project addressed many aspects and lay the foundation to apply a methodological research approach to scale-up this promising technology.

Municipal Wastewater Disinfection with Electromagnetic Waves using Escherichia coli Concentration as Measurement of Quantification

Cagle, Lauren M 02 August 2012 (has links)
Wastewater treatment is essential to protecting the environment and human welfare. Although chlorination is widely used, the environmental and health concerns associated with chlorine are growing. Treatment facilities are implementing alternative technologies, though the cost and efficiency associated with these practices leave much room in the wastewater field for innovation. Hydropath Technologies Limited introduced a piece of equipment that uses the properties of a transformer to pass an alternating electric current through the pipe and into the contents of the channel. Hydroflow claims that the charged microorganisms react with the oppositely charged water molecule to force osmosis and kill the cell. Disinfection capabilities of three Hydroflow models with varying voltages are tested using municipal wastewater from the secondary clarifier using Escherichia coli concentration as the unit for quantification. After testing the results surrounding theses experiments cannot support the hypothesis that the Hydroflow technology could replace chlorination for municipal wastewater disinfection.

Desenvolvimento de sistemas de controle ótimo para a operação de processos aeróbios de tratamento de esgotos / Development of optimal control system for the operation of aerobic wastewater treatment processes

Reis, José Antonio Tosta dos 17 January 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a partir da aplicação da teoria de controle ótimo, são estabelecidos sistemas de controle aplicáveis a três importantes sistemas aeróbios de tratamento de esgotos - filtros biológicos, processos de lodos ativados e os processos combinados formados a partir da combinação dos filtros biológicos e lodos ativados. Para a definição dos sistemas de controle são necessários modelos dinâmicos que descrevam o comportamento dos diferentes sistemas de tratamento. Da literatura são obtidos os modelos dinâmicos destinados à descrição do comportamento do processo de lodos ativados; para o filtro biológico, é proposto um modelo combinando à equação de balanço do reator e o modelo de ordem variável, este último destinado ao cálculo do fluxo de substrato para o interior de biofilmes profundos. Os resultados demonstram que, independentemente do sistema de tratamento considerado, os sistemas de controle reduzem substancialmente os tempos de acomodação e os desvios apresentados pelas variáveis de estado em relação as suas condições de equilíbrio. Por fim, função da inviabilidade de monitoramento de todas as variáveis de estado utilizadas para caracterizar os sistemas de tratamento, são propostos, a partir de modelos simplificados, controladores que incorporam a observação de estados. Também neste caso, os controladores estabelecidos permitem melhorar significativamente o desempenho dos sistemas de tratamento de esgotos analisados. / This paper constructs automatic control systems by means of optimal control theory for three different combinations of wastewater treatment units, namely, trickling filter, activated sludge process and a combined process. The dynamic model for the activated sludge process available in literature and a model proposed for the trickling filter were used in the construction of control systems. It is shown that the controls obtained in this study substantially reduce the durations necessary for the reestablishment of the equilibrium conditions in terms of state variables and the attenuation of oscillations around these conditions. Controls including observers for the state variables were devised on the basis of simplified models for the process in order to deal with the difficulties involved in monitoring all the state variables. These control systems were also found to be quite effective in improving the performance of the wastewater treatment plants considered in this paper.

Estudi del comportament de sistemes biològics de depuració d'aigües residuals mitjançant models mecanístics, optimitzant la informació disponible de les dades obtingudes en línia

Colprim Galceran, Jesús 20 July 1998 (has links)
The use of simulation as an upgrading tool has been tested on real wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Currently, the new WWTP have the possibility to monitor some process variables as the flows, oxygen concentrations and, some physical properties as temperature or pH. This thesis has been divided in two main sections: i) the use of the GPS-X software as an upgrading tool for real WWTP and ii) the use of the wavelet filter for the analysis of the online data / Els objectius que es planteja la present tesi doctoral són: i) efectuar una revisió dels models mecanístics de depuració d’aigües residuals, ii) avaluar-ne la fiabilitat en la simulació d’estacions depuradores d’aigües residuals reals, iii) estudiar la problemàtica de disposar de gran quantitat de dades en línia, iv) presentar la tècnica de filtrat de dades amb wavelets i v) avaluar la capacitat de filtrat de les wavelets en les dades disponibles en línia d’una EDAR urbana que enregistra els cabals d’operació i concentracions d’oxigen dissolt en línia

Evaluation d'un système de traitement à base de biomasse végétale pour le traitement décentralisé des eaux usées : du pilote à l'échelle industrielle / Evaluation of a lignocellulosic biomass-based processing system for decentralized wastewater treatment : from pilot plant to full-scale

Villalobos Garcia, Jésus 15 June 2018 (has links)
L'assainissement a de tout temps été une préoccupation majeure pour des questions d'hygiène et de santé publique. Une installation d'assainissement non collectif (ANC) assure la collecte, le transport, le traitement et l'évacuation des eaux usées domestiques. En France, l’ANC représente 20 % des installations de traitement des eaux usées domestiques. Cela concerne une population de 12 millions d'habitants, soit environ cinq millions d'installations en zones rurales. Parmi les technologies utilisées dans l’ANC, les systèmes de filtration biologique utilisant un milieu filtrant sont souvent mis en oeuvre. Le traitement des eaux usées (élimination des matières en suspension et de la matière organique) est effectué par les actions conjointes de filtration, et de biodégradation par des bactéries se développant au sein du milieu filtrant. Historiquement, des matériaux comme le sable et la tourbe sont les plus utilisés, et plus récemment des milieux à base de copeaux de coco venus remplacer la tourbe dont l’extraction est interdite, sont en développement croissant. Cependant, l’empreinte carbone produite par l'importation depuis l'étranger de matériaux tels que ce dernier est très importante. Dès lors l’utilisation de sousproduits agro-industriels locaux pourrait la diminuer et rendre l’utilisation de ces nouveaux milieux filtrants plus compatible avec des critères environnementaux. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer le degré de fiabilité en conditions réelles d’un milieu filtrant innovant d’origine végétale ayant fait ses preuves en conditions de laboratoire. L’étude est basée sur la mise en parallèle de résultats obtenus en laboratoire et sur le terrain. Au laboratoire, une approche hydraulique a permis de caractériser le fonctionnement du lit filtrant. Sur le terrain, l’évaluation d’un filtre compact qui fonctionne de façon continue depuis plus de quatre ans et de cinq autres installations a été réalisée. Pour l’ensemble des installations, le milieu filtrant testé permet d’obtenir une qualité des eaux rejetées en accord avec la règlementation en vigueur. Les pourcentages moyens de réduction estimés de la DCO, de la DBO5 et des MES sont respectivement de plus de 79 %, 98 % et 88 %, confirmant ainsi la forte dégradation de la matière carbonée et de la pollution particulaire. Le second objectif de cette thèse consiste à établir un jeu de paramètres physicochimiques permettant de guider le choix de nouveaux matériaux potentiellement utilisables en ANC. Pour ce faire, la caractérisation des paramètres physicochimiques clés de nouveaux matériaux et des paramètres hydrauliques des lits filtrants correspondants a été effectuée. Une analyse statistique a permis d’étudier les corrélations entre ces paramètres et les performances épuratoires des matériaux. Au final, une méthodologie de sélection a été proposée. / Sanitation has always been a major concern for hygiene and public health issues. An on-site sewage facility (OSSF) ensures the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of domestic wastewater. In France, the OSSF represents 20% of domestic wastewater treatment facilities. This represents a population of 12 million or about five million rural settlements. Among the technologies used in the OSSF, biological filtration systems using a filter media are often implemented. The treatment of wastewater (removal of suspended solids and organic matter) is carried out by the joint actions of filtration, and biodegradation by bacteria developing within the filter media. Historically, materials such as sand and peat are the most used. More recently coconut-based media to replace peat, the extraction of which is prohibited, are in increasing development. However, the carbon footprint of foreign imports of materials such as coconut is very important. Therefore, the use of local agro-industrial by-products could reduce the carbon footprint and make the use of these new filter media more compatible with environmental criteria. The first objective of this PhD thesis is to determine the degree of reliability under real conditions of an innovative filtering medium of lignocellulosic origin that has been proven successful in laboratory conditions. The study is based on the comparison of results obtained in the laboratory and in the field. In the laboratory, a hydraulic approach allowed the characterisation of the filter bed operation. In the field, the evaluation of a compact filter that has been running continuously for more than four years and five other installations has been completed. For all installations, the filter media tested allowed a quality of the discharged water in accordance with the current regulations. The estimated average reduction percentages of COD, BOD5 and TSS, are respectively over 79%, 98% and 88%, thus confirming the important degradation of the organic matter and particulate pollution. The second objective of this PhD thesis is to establish a set of physicochemical parameters to guide the choice of new materials potentially usable in OSSF. To do this, the characterisation of the key physicochemical parameters of new materials and the hydraulic parameters of the corresponding filter beds were carried out. Statistical analysis made it possible to study the correlations between these parameters and the purification performances of the materials. In the end, a selection methodology has been proposed.

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