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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An evaluation of the cumulative surface water pollution within the consolidated main reef area, Roodepoort, South Africa

Muruven, Dean Nalandhren 08 1900 (has links)
Surface water pollution is prevalent in numerous areas of central Roodepoort mainly due to gold mining activities. The surface water quality for the Bosmontspruit, Russell’s Stream and the New Canada Dam was assessed from October 2010 to March 2011. Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water were determined for 8 monitoring points and the results obtained were compared with the In-stream water quality guidelines for the Klip River catchment and the South African Water Quality Guidelines. A trend noticed throughout the sampling period was the non-compliance in the levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) and dissolved oxygen. The results indicated that concentrations of iron, aluminium, nickel, manganese and potassium were above the limit across the Bosmontspruit and Russell’s stream. There was also significant evidence of excessive faecal coliform and ammonium pollution in the Bosmontspruit. During the monitoring period it was noted that water from these streams were utilised for crop irrigation, bathing, livestock and human consumption and may pose a health hazard due to poor water quality. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Science)

The impact of water pollution from formal and informal urban developments along the Plankenbrug River on water quality and health risk / J.M. Barnes.

Barnes, J. M. (Johanna Maria) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Plankenbrug River runs past the dense settlement of Kayamandi, on the outskirts of Stellenbosch. This site was chosen to study the impact of water pollution from formal and informal urban developments on water quality and associated health factors. Aims of the study: (1) To determine some basic epidemiological characteristics of the exposed population of Kayamandi, their sanitation problems and reasons for poor hygiene; (2) To determine the microbiological and chemical pollution load patterns in the Plankenbrug River over time; (3) To investigate the spectrum of organisms present in the river (other than the indicator E. coli) and their epidemiological implications for health; (4) To establish the possible presence of organisms resistant to chlorine or to antibiotics in the river below Kayamandi as indicators of environmental hazard. Methods: During the period 5 May 1998 to 10 February 2003 microbiological and chemical analyses have been carried out every 6 weeks on water samples obtained at various points along the Plankenbrug River. Two large surveys (n=2196 persons and n=3568 persons) of the community of Kayamandi have been undertaken and door-to-door education campaigns were carried out with the aid of trained community health workers. Results: Below Kayamandi the river contains dangerously high levels of faecal contamination and it constitutes a health hazard to all persons coming into contact with the water. Up to 13 million Escherichia coli per 100 ml water was recorded (cut-off level as indicator of human safety is 1000 organisms per 100 ml water). Not all the faecal contamination originated from Kayamandi. Substantial amounts of faecal contamination sporadically entered the river at different points below Kayamandi. The pollution load resulting from these intrusions were sometimes larger than that contributed by the whole of Kayamandi. Water samples below Kayamandi were screened to ascertain what other pathogens were present. Amongst the organisms were 0 haemolytic Streptococcus Group A and B, Mycobacterium intracellulare, Staphylococcus spp, Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp. and many others. The list of pathogens found had such serious implications that a confidential health warning was sent out to health care centres and other affected organisations in the area. |3 haemolytic Streptococcus Group A has never before been reported as isolated in viable form from free-flowing natural waters. Signs of increased resistance to chorine were found in organisms isolated from the river water. There were also organisms showing signs of resistance to commonly used antibiotics. The E. coli organisms that survived various levels of chlorine treatment also showed increased resistance to amoxycillin when compared to untreated E. coli organisms sampled from the Plankenbrug River. During the community phase of the project in Kayamandi a reduction in the pollution levels occurred over the summers of 2000 and 2001 (note that "improved" does not yet mean "safe" by any means). This can be ascribed to the multi-pronged approach of the project. Attention was given to service and repair of sanitation facilities, a strong accent on door-todoor community education about better sanitation behaviour, creation of a central reporting point for blockages and breakages, and training of artisans (plumbers, bricklayers, etc) from the community to help with upkeep. The community showed encouraging signs of wanting better sanitation education. The improvement in pollution levels is however in danger of reverting back to the previous dangerous situation if better support and co-operation cannot be obtained from the relevant authorities. There were 16.9% of households who reported one or more cases of diarrhoea during the survey period (5 weeks) - a very high prevalence seeing that the survey was carried out during a wet and cold winter period. Conclusions: Active planning and other steps to cope with the sewage intrusions into the river should be instituted without delay. The water quality of the Plankenbrug River downstream from Kayamandi is extremely poor. The water constitutes a serious health hazard and a threat to downstream economic activities. The settlement of Kayamandi demonstrated that education, when coupled with maintenance and repairs of existing toilet facilities, can bring about a reduction in pollution loads, but that this should be an ongoing process and not be reduced to sporadic attempts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Plankenbrug Rivier vloei verby die digbewoonde nedersetting van Kayamandi aan die buitewyke van Stellenbosch. Hierdie plek is gekies as studie-area om die impak te bestudeer van waterbesoedeling wat van formele en informele dorpsontwikkeling afkomstig is, asook die geassosieerde gesondheidsfaktore. Doel van die studie: (1) Om sommige basiese epidemiologiese eienskappe van die blootgestelde populasie, hulle sanitasieprobleme en redes vir die swak higiene te bepaal; (2) Om die mikrobiologiese en chemiese besoedelingspatrone in die Plankenbrug Rivier oor tyd te bepaal; (3) Om die spektrum van organismes teenwoordig in die rivier (anders as E. coli) te bepaal asook hulle epidemiologiese implikasies op gesondheid; (4) Om vas te stel, as indikatore van omgewingsgevaar, of daar moontlik organismes teenwoordig is wat weerstandig is teen chloriene en antibiotika in die rivier onder Kayamandi. Metodes: Gedurende die afgelope vier jaar is mikrobiologiese en chemiese ontledings elke 6 weke uitgevoer van watermonsters wat van verskeie punte op die Palnkenbrug Rivier verkry is. Twee groot opnames is in die gemeenskap van Kayamandi ondemeem (n=2196 persone en n=3568 persone) en deur-tot-deur opvoedingsveldtogte is uitgevoer met die hulp van plaaslik opgeleide gemeenskapsgesondheidswerkers. Resultate: Onder Kayamandi bevat die rivier gevaarlike vlakke van fekale besoedeling en dit hou gesondheidsgevare in vir alle persone war daarmee in aanraking kom. Op tot 13 miljoen Escherichia coli per 100 ml water is genoteer (boonste grens van veiligheid vir die mens is 1000 organismes per 100 ml water). Nie al die fekale kontaminasie is afkomstig van Kayamandi nie. Substansiele hoeveelhede kontaminasie dring die rivier binne op verskillende punte ver onder Kayamandi. Hierdie besoedelingslading is soms groter as wat van die hele Kayamandi afkomstig is. Watermonsters geneem onder Kayamandi is ondersoek om vas te stel watter ander siekteveroorsakende organismes ook teenwoordig was. Onder die organismes gevind was (3 hemolitiese Streptococcus Groep A en B, Mycobacterium intracellulare, Staphylococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp. en baie ander. Die lys van patogene wat gevind is, het sulke emstige implikasies dat 'n vertroulike gesondheidswaarskuwing uitgestuur is na gesondheidsdienspunte en ander geaffekteerde organisasies in die gebied. (3 hemolitiese Streptococcus Groep B is nog nie vantevore aangemeld as lewensvatbaar geisoleer uit vryvloeiende natuurlike waters nie. Tekens is gevind dat daar organismes in die rivier voorkom wat weerstandig is teen chloorbehandeling en ook teen algemeen gebruikte antibiotika. Die E. coli organisme wat verskillende konsentrasies van chloorbehandeling oorleeef het, het ook verhoogde weerstand teen amoksisilien getoon wanneer hulle vergelyk was met onbehandelde E. coli organisme wat van die Plankenbrug Rivier gemonster was. Gedurende die gemeenskapsfase van die projek is daar 'n verlaging van besoedelingsvlakke in die rivier gevind gedurende die somers van 2000 en 2001 (let op dat "verbetering" hier nog glad nie "veilig" beteken nie). Dit kan toegeskryf word aan die veelvlakkige benadering wat die projek gevolg het. Aandag is geskenk aan diens en herstel van sanitasiegeriewe met 'n sterk klem op deur-tot-deur opvoedingsveldtogte met die oog op beter sanitasiegedrag, skepping van 'n sentrale aanmeldpunt vir blokkasies en brekasies, en opleiding van ambagslui (loodgieters, messelaars, ens) uit die gemeenskap om te help met onderhoud. Die gemeenskap het bemoedigende tekens getoon dat hulle beter sanitasie opvoeding verlang. Die verbetering in die besoedelingsvlakke in die rivier loop egter gevaar om terug te val na die vorige gevaarlike vlakke as daar nie beter ondersteuning en samewerking van die onderhawige owerhede verkry kan word nie. Daar was 16.9% van huishoudings wat een of meer gevalle van diarree aangemeld het gedurende die 5 weke van die opnameperiode - 'n baie hoe prevalensie siende dat die opname uitgevoer was gedurende 'n nat en koue winterperiode. Gevolgtrekkings: Aktiewe beplanning en ander stappe om die riool-indringing in die rivier die hoof te bied is gebiedend noodsaaklik en behoort sonder versuim ingestel te word. Die waterkwaliteit van die Plankenbrug Rivier stroomaf van Kayamandi is baie swak. Die water hou emstige gesondheidsgevare in en is ook 'n bedreiging vir die ekonomiese aktiwiteite stroomaf. Die nedersetting van Kayamandi demonstreer ook dat opvoeding, wanneer gekoppel aan onderhoud en herstel van bestaande toiletgeriewe in verlaging teweeg kan bring van besoedelingsvlakke, maar dat dit 'n voortgesette program moet wees en nie net sporadiese pogings nie.

Effects of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cage culture on Western Cape irrigation reservoirs.

Maleri, Monika 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Water storage in reservoirs forms an integral part of the agricultural landscape in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. A few large reservoirs serve primarily as a drinking and industrial water supply, while on private farms, small reservoirs provide irrigation water for the dry summer period. Protection of water quality to secure irrigation and drinking water quality, and the extension of water use efficiency are priority issues in the Western Cape. In the current study, the suitability of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cage farming as a non-abstractive water use was investigated. The current study concentrated on the identification, and where possible quantification of aquaculture impacts, the identification of successful sites and a description of requirements in which net-cage aquaculture has none or a very low negative impact on water quality (e.g. <15 % change from previous water quality conditions for phosphorus concentrations). In order to study the effects of 5 t trout cage production units in reservoirs <15 ha in area, the general ecology of the irrigation reservoirs was assessed. Sixteen reservoirs without aquaculture production (reference reservoirs) were compared to 26 reservoirs with aquaculture production (production sites with varying production histories). Catchment characteristics were also monitored. Water from different depths (0 m, 2 m, 6 m and near bottom) was tested for physical and chemical qualities as well as nutrient concentrations. Phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and species composition was monitored. In addition to the general phytoplankton findings, cyanophytes were evaluated for their contribution to algal taint problems that emerged at a number of production sites. Sediments were tested for total phosphorus content and phosphorus release capacity. Indicators and minimum conditions to avoid the most common production problems were formulated. In order to determine long-term production success, which prevents trophic level changes of reservoirs, a mass balance approach (nutrient budget) was employed to indicate the limits for nutrients that can be added. The phosphorus balance indicated long term trends for reservoirs with and without aquaculture. The detailed mass balance approach was compared to a “ready to use” carrying capacity model that estimated the maximum fish load each reservoir could support. The anthropological input of phosphorus into the reservoirs causes a decreasing water quality in the studied reservoirs and this development was also reported for lowland rivers. Twenty percent of the studied reservoirs are in a condition that could be an immediate threat to fish or water bird health (e.g. free ammonia concentrations and pH). Harmful algal blooms were not observed. Aquaculture production evoked changes in water chemistry and ecology in most of the studied reservoirs. Adverse effects of aquaculture sites versus non-aquaculture sites were: increased phytoplankton biomass and species shifts towards sizes >80 μm. The increased phytoplankton abundance influenced pH maxima to values >9 at mid-day. The high pH fluctuations were greatly influenced by the naturally low alkalinity and hence low calcium buffering capacity of Western Cape waters. The deoxygenation of the hypolimnion during stagnation (summer) occurred faster in reservoirs of certain character, greatly dependent on elevation and surface area, with consequent acidification of the hypolimnion, as well as ammonia and total phosphorus (TP) accumulation. In this context, a diversity of each reservoir with and without aquaculture production, with a similar ratio of undisturbed reservoirs to reservoirs with influence of e.g. agriculture, were compared to each other. When grouping the respective differences from the average reference reservoir (i.e. no trout production), a low impact on water quality was manifested at four sites (15 %) with <15 % increase of bottom TP and ammonia, while eight sites (31 %) showed medium effects (59 % mean increase), and a high impact was found at 54 % of the sites (312 % mean increase). In reservoirs without aquaculture, the extent of incoming phosphorus (which could represent an influence by runoff from agricultural land) was very high. However, in small reservoirs (<5 ha), these values were exceeded by the incoming phosphorus from aquaculture practices. In the case of small reservoirs where the carrying capacity was clearly surpassed, effects caused by aquaculture were severe and the assimilation of waste by the system was not possible (in extreme cases aquaculture waste delivered 60 to 90 % of all incoming phosphorus – two to nine times the phosphorus brought in by rivers and runoff). With regards to sediment, only indirect conclusions could be drawn. Aquaculture production increased hypolimnetic anoxia and the latter was shown to increase potential phosphorus release from sediments. This implies that not only will aquaculture increase the phosphorus concentration of surface waters directly, but it will also increase internal loading. The sedimentation rate was increased with cage aquaculture which affects a hypothesized area of approximately 0.2 to 1.0 ha depending on reservoir hydrology. The composition of the sediment increased organic components which can impact on sediment processes. It can be postulated that increased sedimentation of aquaculture waste and extended anoxic conditions impact on macrozoobenthos. Hydrological and nutrient mass exchange of the reservoirs indicated that no annual increase of phosphorus was achieved with low nutrient input (good inflowing water quality) or good water exchange (>5 times per year), and sometimes with extraction of hypolimnetic water during the stagnation period (summer). A model developed by Beveridge (1984) showed similar results to the mass balance approach and can therefore serve as a more ready model to determine suitable stocking rates. The small (man-made) reservoirs in the Western Cape are in a eutrophication process which far exceeds the speed of natural eutrophication (trophic states indicating highly eutrophic or hypertrophic conditions after approximately 10 to 20 years following construction of the reservoirs) and this process is triggered by agricultural practice (indicated by literature – not a subject of this study). However, it is concluded from the data of this study that trout-cage aquaculture duplicated the total phosphorus already present (independent of continuation of the projects, the phosphorus introduced was trapped in the closed systems the reservoirs represent) in only 1 to 2 years of production - which means a significant acceleration of the eutrophication process already in place. There are positive exceptions where trout-cage production is possible without negative effects. Careful site selection is the most important step in successful and sustainable trout production. No impact of aquaculture was recorded at four reservoirs (15 % of the investigated reservoirs) which shared the characteristics of good water exchange (>3 times per year) and a minimum surface area of 5 ha. Additionally, criteria that reduced the risk of algal taint included a minimum water depth of 6 to 7 m in a reservoir at its lowest water point (to avoid intermediate mixing during the stagnation period) as well as cold hypolimnetic conditions (<17 °C) to minimize cyanophyte cyst remobilization. Further improvement of food conversion ratio (feeding management) and feed quality are the next (after site selection) two most important components that determine if a reservoir can be utilised for cage production without any long-term changes. There is potential in advances in feed quality, feed management and waste collection systems. These measures (e.g. the cage size could be decreased to efficate feeding management) can increase the number of sustainable sites and achieve multiplication of water use without water quality deterioration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die stoor van water in reservoirs vorm ‘n integrale deel van die landboulandskap in die Westelike Kaap gedeelte van Suid-Afrika. ‘n Aantal groter reservoirs voorsien primêr water primer vir drinkdoeleindes en vir aanwending deur industrieë, terwyl kleiner reservoirs op private plase gebruik word vir besproeiing gedurende die droë somerperiode. Die beskerming van die waterkwaliteit en die uitbreiding van watergebruik se doeltreffendheid, word bestempel as ‘n prioriteit vir die Wes-Kaap. In die huidige studie is die geskiktheid van forel hokkultuur as ‘n bykomende watergebruik, maar sonder waterverbruik, ondersoek. Die huidige studie fokus op die identifisering en waar moontlik die kwantifisering van die impak van akwakultuur op besproeiingsreservoirs; die identifisering van potensiële reservoirs vir akwakultuur; en die beskrywing van toestande waarin akwakultuur geen of ‘n baie lae negatiewe uitwerking op die waterkwaliteit (bv. < 15 % verandering vanaf oorspronklike waterkwaliteitstoestande vir fosforkonsentrasies) sal hê. Om die impak van 5 t forel hokproduksie eenhede in <15 ha reservoirs te bestudeer, is die algemene ekologie van die besproeiingsreservoirs bepaal. Watermonsters, geneem op verskillende dieptes (0, 2, 6 en naby die bodem), is getoets vir fisiese- en chemiese kwaliteit sowel as vir die nutriëntkonsentrasies. Die biomassa en spesiesamestelling van fitoplankton sowel as zooplankton is gemonitor. Sestien verwysingsreservoirs is vergelyk met 26 produksiereservoirs (met wisselende vlakke van produksiegeskiedenis). Die karakeristieke eienskappe van die opvangsgebied is ook gemonitor. Tesame met die algemene fitoplankton bevindinge, is blougroen alge ook geëvalueer vir hul bydrae tot algae besmettingsprobleme wat voorgekom het by ‘n aantal produksie persele. Sedimente is getoets vir die totale fosforinhoud en fosforvrystellingskapasiteit. Perseelseleksie is geidentifiseer as een van die mees belangrikste faktore vir suksesvolle hokproduksie. Indikatore en minimum toetstande wat vereis word om die mees algemene produksieprobleme te verhoed, is geformuleer. Om die langtermyn produksie sukses te bepaal, wat trophiese vlakke se verandering in die reservoirs verhoed, is ‘n massa balans benadering (nutriënt balans) gebruik. Die fosfor balans het langtermyn tendense aangetoon en in die geval van die produksie reservoirs, is die akwakultuurimpak gekwantifiseer. Die gedetaileerde massa balans benadering is vergelyk met ‘n “gereed om te gebruik” drakapasiteitsmodel wat die maksimum vis wat die reservoir kan onderhou, geskat het. Die antropogeniese toevoer van fosfor na die reservoirs veroorsaak ‘n afname in die waterkwaliteit van die reservoirs wat bestudeer is. Die verskynsel van ‘n afname in waterkwaliteit is ook vir verskeie laagliggende riviere geraporteer. Sowat 20 % van die besproeiingsreservoirs wat bestudeer is, is tans in ‘n toestand wat die onmiddelike gesondheid van vis en watervoëls kan bedreig. Skadelike algebbloei is nie waargeneem nie. Akwakultuurproduksie het negatiewe effekte getoon in ‘n aantal reservoirs. Die nadelige uitwerking van akwakultuur waar digthede te hoog was, is: toename in fitoplankton biomassa en spesiesverskuiwinge. Die toename in fitoplankton teenwoordigheid het die pH maxima beïnvloed tot waardes >9 teen 12 uur middag. Die hoë pH fluktuasies is grootliks beïnvloed deur die natuurlike lae alkaliniteit en gevolglike kalsium bufferkapasitiet van die Wes-Kaap se waterbronne. Die deoksiginasie van die hipolimnion gedurende stagnasie (somer) het vinniger plaasgevind in oorbelaaide reservoirs, met gevolglik ‘n versuring van die hipolymnion, sowel as die akkumelering van ammoniak en totale fosfor. In hierdie konteks word reservoirs met en sonder landbouproduksie, met ‘n gelyke verhouding van onversteurde reservoirs tot reservoirs wat deur landboubedrywighede beinvloed word, met mekaar vergelyk. By vier persele (15 %) is ‘n lae impak vasgestel (<15 % toename in bodem TF en ammoniak), terwyl agt persele (31 %) ‘n medium impak getoon het (59 % gemiddelde toename in bodem TF en ammoniak) en ‘n hoë impak is opgemerk by 54 % van die persele (31 % gemiddelde toename in bodem TF en ammoniak). In reservoirs sonder akwakultuur, was die omvang van fosforinvloeiing baie hoog en is moontlik veroorsaak deur die invloei van afloopwater uit omliggende landbougebiede. Alhoewel in klein reservoirs (<5 ha) was hierdie waardes oorskadu deur die invloeiing van fosfor deur akwakultuur praktyke.In die geval van klein reservoirs, waar die drakrag duidelik oorskry is, was die gevolge, soos veroorsaak deur akwakultuur ernstig, en die assimilasie van afval deur die sisteem nie moontlik nie. In die uiterste gevalle het akwakultuurafval 60 % - 90 % van alle inkomende fosfor gelewer - twee tot nege maal die fosfor wat deur riviere en afloopwater ingevloei het. Wat die sediment aanbetref, kon slegs indirekte gevolgtrekkings gevorm word. Akwakultuurproduksie het hipolimnetiese anoksia laat toeneem en die laasgenoemde verskynsel, het die potensiaal aangedui vir die toename in die vrystelling van fosfor vanaf die sediment. Dit dui daarop dat akwakultuur nie alleen die fosforkonsentrasie in die oppervlaktwater laat toeneem nie, maar sou ook die interne belading laat kon toeneem. Die sedimentasie tempo het toegeneem met die teenwoordigkeid hokkultuur en het ‘n hipotetiese area van ongeveer 0.05 tot 1.00 ha, afhangende van reservoir hidrologie, beïnvloed. Die samestelling van die sediment het toegeneem in teme van die organiese komponente wat die sedimentasie prosesse kon beïnvloed. Dit kan gepostuleer word dat die toename in sedimentasie van akwakultuurafvalprodukte tesame met verlengde anoksiese toestande, ‘n invloed op die makrosoöbentiese organismes het. Hidrologiese en nutriënt massa uitruiling van die reservoirs het aangetoon dat geen jaarlikse toename in fosfor verkry kan word met lae nutrient toelae (kwaliteit van invloeiende water) of met goeie waterverplasing nie, en soms met die ekstraksie van hipoliminetiese water gedurende die stagnasie periode (somer). Die Beveridge model het soortgelyke resultate getoon tot die massabalans benadering en kan daarom dien as ‘n meer aanvaarbare model om gepaste beladingstempo vas te stel. Kleiner mensgemaakte reservoirs in die Wes-Kaap is onderhewig aan ‘n eutrofikasie proses wat die spoed van natuurlike eutrofikasie (trofies verwys na ‘n hoogs eutrofiese of hipertrofiese toestand ongeveer 10 tot 20 jaar na reservoir konstruksie) oorskry. Literatuur (nie ondersoek in die huidige studie) dui aan dat hierdie versnelde eutrofikasie proses meegebring word deur landbouaktiwiteite in die opvangsarea van die reservoirs. Resultate van die huidige studie het getoon dat forelproduksie in hokstelsels, die konsentrasie van total fosfor wat reeds beskikbaar was, verdubbel het. Die toename in fosforkonsentrasie het binne 1 tot 2 jaar na die aanvang van forelproduksie in die betrokke reservoirs, plaasgevind. Daar is egter uitsonderings waar forelproduksie in hokstelsels moontlik was, sonder die gepaardgaande afname in die waterkwaliteit. Die belangrikste stap vir suksesvolle en volhoubare forelproduksie is deeglike perseelseleksie. Daar is geen impak van akwakultuur waargeneem by vier persele (15 %) wat die eienskappe van goeie waterverplasing (>3 keer per jaar) en ‘n minimum oppervlakarea van 5 ha gehad het nie. Bykomend, sluit kriteria wat die risiko van algbesmetting laat afneem, ‘n minimum waterdiepte van 6 tot 7 m in ‘n reservoir by die laagste punt in (om te verhoed dat intermediêre vermenging plaasvind gedurende die stagnasieperiode) sowel as koue hipolimnetiese toestande (<17 °C) om sianobakterieë sist remobilisasie te minimaliseer. Verdere verbetering van die VOH (voeromsettingsverhouding onder voedingsbestuur) en voerkwaliteit is na perseeleleksie, die volgende komponente wat kan aandui of ‘n perseel gebruik kan word vir hokkultuur sonder enige impak. Vordering met voerkwaliteit en voedingsbestuur kan die aantal volhoubare persele laat toeneem en daardeur meer effektiewe watergebruik teweeg bring, sonder die verwante waterkwaliteit verswakking.

Identification and quantification of selected pesticides in surface water in Southern Gauteng region

Bucibo, Malesole Nontutu Gadihele 07 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. - Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) -- Vaal University of Technology, 2010 / The increased production and application of pesticides for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes has caused the pollution of air, soil, ground and surface water. This has a negative impact on the environment as well as human health due to direct exposure or through residues in food and drinking water. The continuous monitoring of pesticides residues in environmental samples has great importance and demands high efficiency, unique selectivity and high sensitivity techniques. Gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography have been established for years as the techniques for the analysis of pesticides residues. The dissertation deals with the qualitative and quantitative determination of selected pesticides in the Southern Gauteng region using Liquid- liquid extraction solid-phase extraction, high performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography equipped with electron capture detector and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction using dichloromethane, hexane and ethyl acetate as the extracting solvent were optimized and evaluated for the determination of pesticides in surface water in the Southern Gauteng region. From the developed method the techniques were applied to water samples taken from different rivers selected namely: Zuikerbosch, Rand Water barrage and Kliprivier for sampling. Dichloromethane was used as a solvent in this study since a recovery test was done between dichloromethane, Ethyl acetate and n-hexane. The percentage recovery test for 4,4-DDT, 4,4-DDE, 2,4-DDD and Endosulfan 1 & 2 ranged from 89.9% -97.3% for dichloromethane, 87.3%-96.8% for hexane 88.4%-97.1% for ethyl acetate. The extracts obtained were subjected to column chromatography for clean up. Thereafter 1µl of the cleaned extracts were injected into the Gas chromatography equipped with an electron capture detector. Organochlorines 4,4-DDT and its metabolites, Organophosphate Chlorypyriphos and carbamates were detected using Gas chromatography electron capture, Gas chromatography mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography.

Assessment of microbial levels in the Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers and subsequent carry-over to fresh produce using source tracking as indicator

Huisamen, Nicola 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The agricultural sector of South Africa is currently facing a serious water crisis. The decreased availability of water as a result of climate change and the constantly growing population has left many farmers increasingly dependant on surface water as primary source of irrigation. Urbanisation along with out-dated and insufficient wastewater treatment works have all contributed to polluting large volumes of these resources. Consequently, many farmers have been forced to use irrigation water, not only of poor quality, but often water which has been polluted with untreated sewage. As a result, this project aimed at investigating the link between the quality of irrigation water and the impact on the safety of fresh produce. A base-line of the microbial load at three sites along the Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers was established using standard microbial methods for the detection of indicator organisms such as total and faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and Enterococci as well as potential pathogens that included Salmonella, Listeria, Staphylococcus, endosporeformers and aerobic colony counts. Chemical parameters such as pH, alkalinity, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were also monitored, but were not correlated to microbial pollution levels in the rivers. High faecal coliform and E. coli concentrations, ranging from 310 to 7 x 106 cfu.100 mL-1 and 230 to 7 x 106 cfu.100 mL-1, respectively, were detected. The recommended irrigation water guidelines of ≤1 000 (WHO, 1989) and ≤4 000 cfu.100 mL-1 (DWAF, 2008) for faecal coliforms and E. coli were exceeded, indicating faecal pollution and thus a high health risk. This health risk was confirmed when potential pathogens such as Aerococcus viridans, Klebsiella, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella typhimurium were detected at all three sites. The carryover of organisms from rivers to produce (green beans and grapes) was investigated by comparing the microbial population of the Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers to the population recovered from irrigation water and the surface of fresh produce. Faecal coliforms, E. coli, Aerococcus viridans, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella, L. innocua, L. grayi, L. monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus were detected in all three sample types, indicating a similarity between the microbial populations found in the river, the irrigation water and produce. Thus, the transfer of potential pathogens from the rivers to produce is a strong possibility. The build-up of organisms on the surface of green beans as a result of multiple irrigations was also confirmed by an increase in faecal coliform concentrations from initial concentrations of none detected to 44 000 cfu.100 mL-1 over a 10 day irrigation period. Finally, microbial source-tracking techniques including multi-antibiotic resistance (MAR) profiling, and the API 20E classification system were used to determine genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of 92 faecal isolates (from irrigation water and produce) and 13 reference strains. Numerical classification systems was used to classify the 105 faecal isolates according to the degree of similarity between the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of the 105 isolates. A high degree of similarity indicates a high probability that isolates originate from the same strain and therefore from the same source, thereby confirming the transfer of organisms Faecal isolates (93 and 98%, respectively) were found to be resistant to Vancomycin at both the 5 and 30 μg concentrations. The majority of isolates presented some resistance to Erythromycin (15 μg) and Ampicillin (25 μg), with 82% of isolates presenting an inhibition zone ≤4 mm. Isolates were sensitive towards Ciprofloxacin (1 and 5 μg), Ofloxacin (15 μg), Ceftriaxone (30 μg) and Cefotaxime (5 μg), which were able to inhibit the growth of 79.8, 93.3, 79.8, 88.5 and 71.2% of the isolates, respectively. The 13 medical reference strains all presented different genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and thereby indicated a high degree of variability between isolates from the same species. Finally, 35% of the isolates could be grouped together based on similar genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, therefore, more than a third of the faecal isolates obtained from the surface of the fresh produce was as a result of faecal contaminants in the irrigation water. It could therefore be concluded that a health risk is associated with the water from the Plankenburg and to a lesser extent, Eerste River when used as source of irrigation, thereby risking the transfer of potentially harmful organisms, present in the rivers as result of faecal pollution, to the surface of fresh produce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika stuur tans af op 'n dreigende water krisis. Klimaatsverandering tesame met 'n spoedig groeiende bevolking het gelei tot 'n aansienlike vermindering in die land se varswaterbronne terwyl veranderende reënvalpatrone daartoe bygedra het dat talle boere al hoe meer afhanklik geword het van oppervlakvarswaterbronne as hul hoof-besproeïngsbron. Verstedeliking, armoede asook verouderde en onvoldoende infrastrukture het egter bygedra tot die besoedeling van baie van hierdie oppervlakvarswaterbronne. Gevolglik is meeste boere genoodsaak om klaar te kom met besproeïngswater van, nie net onaanvaarbare mikrobiese kwaliteit nie, maar dikwels water wat gekontamineer is met onbehandelde riool. Hierdie studie was gevolglik daarop gemik om die impak van die mikrobiologiese kwaliteit van besproeïngswater op die veiligheid van vars groente en vrugte te bepaal. Standaard mikrobiologiese metodes vir die bepaling van indikator organismes soos totale en fekale kolivorms, E. coli en enterococci asook potensiële patogene wat Salmonella, Listeria en Staphylococcus insluit, was gebruik om die mikrobiese lading by drie verskillende punte (P1, P2 en P3) in die Plankenburg en Eerste Rivier te bepaal. Chemiese parameters soos pH, alkaliniteit, konduktiwiteit en Chemiese Suurstof Behoefte was ook bepaal maar geen korrelasie kon tussen hierdie eienskappe en die mikrobiese besoedelingsvlakke getref word nie. Hoë konsentrasies fekale kolivorms en E. coli wat onderskeidelik vanaf 3.1 x 102 tot 7 x 106 kve.100 mL-1 en 2.3 x 102 tot 7 x 106 kve.100 mL-1 gestrek het en gereeld die voorgeskrewe riglyne van onderskeidelik ≤1 000 (WHO, 1989) en ≤4 000 kve.100 mL-1 (DWAF, 2008) oorskry het, was by al drie punte gevind. Hierdie resultate het gedui op fekale besoedeling wat gevolglik met 'n hoë gesondheidsrisiko geassosieer kon word. Hierdie risiko was bevestig deur die teenwoordigheid van talle potensiële patogene, soos Aerococcus viridans, Klebsiella, Listeria monocytogenes en Salmonella typhimurium, wat vanaf al drie punte geïsoleer was. Die oordrag van organismes vanaf die besoedelde riviere na vars vrugte en groente (groen bone en druiwe) was bepaal deur die mikrobiese lading in die Plankenburg en Eerste Rivier te vergelyk met dié verkry vanuit die besproeïngswater en vanaf groen bone wat besproei was met hierdie water. Fekale kolivorms, E. coli, Aerococcus viridans, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella, L. innocua, L. grayi, L. monocytogenes en Staphylococcus aureus was vanaf al drie die monster tipes geïsoleer. Hierdie resultate het gedui op eenderse mikrobiese populasies in al drie bronne en het daarom die moontlike oordrag van patogene bevestig. Die opbou van organismes as gevolg van veelvuldige besproeïngsessies aan die oppervlak van groen bone was bevestig deur die toename in fekale kolivorm konsentrasie vanaf 'n begin telling van nul tot 'n maksimum konsentrasie van 44 000 kve.100 mL-1. Laastens was mikrobiologiese bron naspeurbaarheidstegnieke soos multi-antibiotika weerstandbiedende profiele en die API 20E klassifikasie sisteem gebruik om individuele genotipe en fenotipe profiele van die 105 fekale isolate saam te stel. Numeriese klassifikasie sisteme was gebruik om die isolate op grond van ooreenkomste tussen hul individuele fenotipiese en genotipiese karaktereienskappe te groeppeer. 'n Hoë mate van ooreenkomstigheid sal dan daarop dui dat isolate van dieselfde besoedlingsbron afkomstig is en gevolglik die oordrag van organismes vanaf besproeïngswater na vrugte en groente bevestig. Onderskeidelik 93 en 98% van die fekale isolate het daarop gedui om weerstandbiedend te wees teen beide 5 en 30 μg Vancomycin. Die meerderheid isolate (82%) het ook 'n mate van weerstand teenoor Erythromycin (15 μg) en Ampicillin (25 μg) getoon met inhibisie sones ≤4 mm. Isolate was ook sensitief teenoor Ciprofloxacin (1 en 5 μg), Ofloxacin (15 μg), Ceftriaxone (30 μg) en Cefotaxime (5 μg). Hierdie antibiotikums was in staat om die groei van onderskeidelik 79.8, 93.3, 79.8, 88.5 en 71.2 % van die isolate te inhibeer. Alhoewel resultate 'n hoë mate van variasie tussen isolate van dieselfde spesie getoon het was dit nogtans moontlik om 35% van die isolate saam te groeppeer op grond van ooreenstemmende genotipe en fenotipe profiele. Meer as 'n derde van die fekale isolate wat vanaf die oppervlakte van die groente en vrugte geïsoleer was, was afkomstig vanaf fekale besmetting in die besproeïngswater. Die oordrag van potensieël patogene organismes vanaf besoedelde riviere na vars vrugte en groente tydens besproeïng was sodoende bevestig. 'n Hoë gesondheidsrisiko was gevolglik gekoppel aan die gebruik van water vanaf die Plankenburg Rivier, en in 'n minder mate die Eerste Rivier, as bron van besproeïngswater. / Water Research Commission / National Research Foundation

Investigation of selected organic compounds on water quality along the Olifants river catchment

Mulanga, Tshimanga Christelle 06 1900 (has links)
Water is a crucial natural resource, indispensable to food production, life, the environment, power generation, industry, sanitation and hygiene. The presence of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in the environment is not wanted due to their negative effects on human beings and animals. As a result, there is a need to continuously monitor their presence in the environment. In this study, surface water samples were collected once a month during the dry season and during wet season from the selected five points along the Olifants River and stored at a temperature of < 50C before analysis. The OCPs were extracted with dichloromethane (DCM) using the Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE) method. After undertaking the sample through the clean- up process, the crude extracts obtained were put into the column chromatography and eluted with hexane, about 1.5 μL of the purified extracts were analysed by the Gas Chromatographic- Mass Spectrophotometer (GC/MS). The percentage recoveries, varied from 32- 116 % for p, p’-DDT and 4,4'-DDD respectively in triply spiked water samples. The standard deviation for most of the compounds is less than±0.04, with the exclusion of Heptachlor (±0.14). The seasonal variability of OCPs in water samples along Olifants River results show that in dry season, the Olifants River is mostly polluted at the Oxford site with (BHC-beta, Aldrin, Heptachlor-epoxide, Endosulfan-alpha and Endrin), at the Ga- Selati site with (Heptachlor-epoxide and Endrin) and at the Wolvekrans site with (Endosulfan-alpha), with Aldrin up to 834.20 ng/ L indicating the highest hazard toward the aquatic environment while in summer the Olifants River is mostly polluted at the Ga- selati site with BHC-beta and at the Waterval site with (Heptachlor and BHC-gamma) with BHC- gamma up to 560 ng/ L indicating the highest hazard toward the aquatic environment. The levels reached from the Olifants River catchment were meaningfully above the drinking water quality guidelines for organic chemical recommended by WHO, 2006 i.e. (BHC-gamma,DDT-44, Aldrin, dieldrin and Endrin are (2.0,1.0,0.03,0.03 and 0.6) respectively for the protection of the domestic use, aquatic ecology and agricultural use (irrigation and livestock watering) for compounds with local guideline values; while, the international water quality guidelines to protect the aquatic ecosystems are 0.00083 ng/mℓ (4,4’DDD), 0.00059 ng/mL (4,4’DDE), (4,4’DDT), 0.00021 ng/mL (heptachlor), 0.0092 ng/mℓ (α-HCH), 0.0186 ng/mL (γ- HCH), and chronic values are 0.056 ng/mL (ENDO I and II) and 0.0023 ng/mL endrin) (USEPA, 2002). Levels detected were significantly higher than some research studies conducted up to now in South African aquatic environments. These results confirm the contamination of the Olifants River catchment by the OCPs. / Water and Sanitation / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

An evaluation of the cumulative surface water pollution within the consolidated main reef area, Roodepoort, South Africa

Muruven, Dean Nalandhren 08 1900 (has links)
Surface water pollution is prevalent in numerous areas of central Roodepoort mainly due to gold mining activities. The surface water quality for the Bosmontspruit, Russell’s Stream and the New Canada Dam was assessed from October 2010 to March 2011. Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water were determined for 8 monitoring points and the results obtained were compared with the In-stream water quality guidelines for the Klip River catchment and the South African Water Quality Guidelines. A trend noticed throughout the sampling period was the non-compliance in the levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) and dissolved oxygen. The results indicated that concentrations of iron, aluminium, nickel, manganese and potassium were above the limit across the Bosmontspruit and Russell’s stream. There was also significant evidence of excessive faecal coliform and ammonium pollution in the Bosmontspruit. During the monitoring period it was noted that water from these streams were utilised for crop irrigation, bathing, livestock and human consumption and may pose a health hazard due to poor water quality. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Science)

Assessing water quality status by means of the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model around Mapungubwe National Park, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mathetsa, Steven Matome 12 1900 (has links)
Freshwater resources play an important role in the integrity of natural ecosystems as well as livelihoods of communities. However, South Africa has limited freshwater resources and many of this country’s inland water streams are polluted as a result of human activities. Various legislations such as the National Water Act (Act No. 36 of 1998) were promulgated in order to address the issue of sustainable management of these resources. In this study, the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model was applied to determine water quality challenges and threats in and around the Mapungubwe National Park and Heritage Site (MNPHS). This study area was declared as a heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and is also a national park. Several research objectives were formulated and various methodologies were used to address the research aim. In determining land uses around the study area, site visits, visual inspections, literature reviews as well as the analysis of the national land use data were undertaken. Various land uses that have potential to negatively impact water quality were identified. In order to determine the status of water quality in the study area, water samples were analysed in-situ and in the laboratory. The results obtained showed that water quality was generally compliant with a few exceptions. For example, the concentrations of nitrates, microbes, and few metals such as mercury and beryllium were not complying with water quality guidelines and standards. Finally, in formulating the DPSIR framework for the MNPHS, a participatory approach was used where stakeholders were interviewed by means of a questionnaire. One of the most salient finding of the DPSIR modelling in this study was institutional weaknesses associated with the poor implementation of existing water related laws and regulations. The study also highlighted a few recommendations for further action and research. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

An evaluation of the water quality and toxicity of wastewater at selected car wash facilities in Tshwane, Gauteng

Phungula, Sbongile Promise 24 August 2016 (has links)
Car washing consumes large quantities of water and results in large amounts of wastewater effluent being generated, but has received little attention as a potential source of water pollution globally. The study investigated the water use, wastewater effluent quality and toxicity of selected carwashes in City of Tshwane. Ten carwashes in the City of Tshwane were purposively selected and analysis done on a variety of water quality aspects including microbiological, toxicity, BOD,COD, oil and grease, anionic surfactants, sulphates, phosphates and heavy metals. The results obtained show that oil and grease exceeded the WHO and National Water Act standards of 2.5mg/L in all sites except CW2 and Diesel range organics were significantly high in some sites (CW4, 7 & 8) at 60.5, 40 and 48.8mg/L. COD and BOD of the waste water exceeded the WHO standards of 30mg/L and 60mg/L in all sites except CW2. Bacteria contamination was very high in all wastewater samples and all samples exhibited (mild to high) toxicity to Vibrio fischeri and high toxicity to Daphnia pulex except CW2. These results suggest that wastewater from carwashes is high in some pollutants that may interfere with the receiving environment and municipal treatment systems and there is a need for responsible authorities to regulate the quality of effluent discharged into the environment / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Science)

Regional risk assessment using the relative risk model of the Koekemoerspruit Catchment

Claassens, Louw 30 June 2014 (has links)
M.Sc (Aquatic Health) / There has been a recent onslaught of water quality problems in South Africa, with many believing that South Africa is nearing a water crisis in the not so distant future. A Regional Scale Risk Assessment was conducted on the Koekemoer Spruit in order to validate the use of such a risk assessment in the management of small catchments. During the study the use of Artificial Mussels (AMs) in the bio-monitoring of metals were also validated. The Regional Scale Risk Assessment methodology created by Landis (2005) was used during the study. Various lines of evidence were used during the risk assessment process: water quality analysis, invertebrate assessments, diatom assessment and AM and snail assessments. It was found that the Koekemoer Spruit has an impact on the Vaal River with regards to some water quality aspects, especially with regards to an increase in nitrates. It was found that a significant (p<0.05) correlation exists between AMs and Melanoides turbiculata with regards to As, U, Se and Co accumulations. Gold mining was identified as a major stressor source within the system. Other notable sources of stressors within the system included agricultural activities and a golf course. The environment was found to be the endpoint that is at highest risk from the various sources within the system. The in-stream habitat was found to have the highest risk compared to the other identified habitats.

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