Spelling suggestions: "subject:"waterborne"" "subject:"waterbourne""
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Efeito dos aspectos morfológicos do pigmento TiO2 nas propriedades ópticas de tintas base águaPreuss, Núbia Liziani January 2016 (has links)
O dióxido de titânio, TiO2, é o pigmento branco mais importante na indústria de tintas devido à sua capacidade de refletir o espectro da radiação solar nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho. Ao refletir os comprimentos de onda da região do visível, o observador percebe a cor branca. A região do infravermelho é percebida pelo ser humano na forma de calor e a radiação ao ser refletida pelo pigmento diminui o aquecimento da superfície pintada. Neste trabalho foram investigados os aspectos morfológicos do TiO2 e avaliado o seu impacto nas propriedades ópticas de tintas base água. Quatro tipos de TiO2 foram utilizados, um de tamanho nanométrico, dois pigmentos comercias com diferentes tamanhos de partículas e o quarto obtido da calcinação do pigmento nanométrico. A calcinação objetivou a alteração da estrutura cristalina da fase anatase para rutilo do TiO2 nanométrico. Os pigmentos e carga (CaCO3) utilizados foram caracterizados através de análises morfológicas (tamanho e formato das partículas, estrutura cristalina, área superficial), absorção de óleo e espectroscopia de refletância difusa (regiões do ultravioleta, visível e infravermelho próximo). Foram produzidas tintas com diferentes teores de pigmentos (5%, 10%, 15% e 20%) As tintas foram caracterizadas através dos seguintes ensaios: viscosidade, espessura do filme seco, determinação de cor e brilho e espectroscopia de refletância difusa. Constatou-se que as propriedades ópticas das tintas são fortemente dependentes do tamanho de partícula do pigmento TiO2. A refletância da região do visível (400 a 700 nm) apresentou valores ótimos nas tintas produzidas com 15 e 20% dos pigmentos comerciais com tamanho médio de partícula entre 140 e 600 nm, produzindo um filme branco com elevada opacidade. A tinta com TiO2 nanométrico (15 a 60 nm para as partículas unitárias) apresentou baixos valores de refletância difusa nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho. As tintas produzidas com TiO2 calcinado, com elevado tamanho de partícula, refletiram mais eficientemente a região do infravermelho (700 – 2500 nm). O tratamento térmico do TiO2 nanométrico resultou num pigmento com tamanho de partícula adequado para aplicação de tintas reflexivas ao calor. / Titanium dioxide, TiO2, is the most important white pigment in coating industry due to its ability to reflect solar radiation spectrum in visible and infrared regions. When TiO2 reflects the light wavelengths in the visible region, the observer perceives the white color. The infrared region is perceived by human being in the form of heat and when the radiation is reflected by pigment decreases the heating of painted surface. In this work, the morphological aspects of TiO2 were investigated and evaluated their impact on optical properties of waterborne paints. Four types of TiO2 were used; one nanosized pigment, two commercial pigments with different particle sizes and the last one was obtained from the calcination of nanoparticles pigments. The main objective of calcination was to alter the crystalline structure of anatase phase to rutile phase of nanometric TiO2. The pigments and filler used (CaCO3) were characterized by morphological analysis (particle size distribution and shape analysis, crystalline structure, surface area), oil absorption and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared regions) Paints were prepared using different pigments concentrations (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). The followings tests were carried out to characterize the paints: viscosity, dry film thickness, color and brightness determination and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It was observed that the optical properties of the paints are strongly dependent on TiO2 pigment particle size. The reflectance of the visible region (400 to 700 nm) showed better results in the paints produced with 15% and 20% of commercial pigment whose average particle size ranges were between 140 and 600 nm, producing a white film with high opacity. The paint with nanosized TiO2 showed lowest values of diffuse reflectance in visible and infrared regions. The paints formulated with calcined TiO2, pigment showing higher particle sizes, reflected more efficiently the infrared region (700 to 2500 nm). Thermal treatment of nanometric TiO2 resulted in a pigment with particle size suitable for application of heat reflective paints.
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Mikrobiella hot mot nordiskt dricksvatten : En studie av mikrobiella föroreningar i dricksvatten i Norden samt en utvärdering av olika reningsprocesser / Microbial threats to Nordic drinking water : A study of microbial contamination in Nordic drinking water and an evaluation of different water treatment processesHaag, Jennie January 2015 (has links)
Den största akuta risken inom dricksvattenförsörjningen är vattenburen smittspridning. Dricksvattenrelaterad smittspridning förekommer i störst utsträckning i utvecklingsländer med dåliga sanitära förhållanden. Under 2000-talet har de nordiska länderna drabbats av flertalet dricksvattenburna sjukdomsutbrott vilket har lett till att mikrobiella föroreningar uppmärksammats som ett problem även i Norden. För att säkerställa att det dricksvatten som distribueras är av god mikrobiologisk kvalitet krävs att säkerhetsbarriärerna i vattenverket är tillräckligt effektiva för alla typer av mikrobiella föroreningar. Vissa mikroorganismer har uppmärksammats som mer tåliga mot olika desinfektionsmetoder, till exempel klorering, än vad som tidigare varit känt. För ett säkrare dricksvatten är det därför viktigt att öka kunskapen om mikroorganismers varierande motståndskraft mot olika desinfektionsmedel samt undersöka alternativ till de avskiljnings- och inaktiveringsmetoder som traditionellt används idag. Examensarbetets syfte var att studera de bakterier och virus som har störst relevans för dricksvattenkvaliteten och som tros kunna utgöra ett hot mot nordiskt dricksvatten, att undersöka orsakerna bakom dricksvattenburna utbrott samt att undersöka effektiviteten hos olika avskiljnings- och inaktiveringsmetoder för bakterier och virus. Detta gjordes genom en utförlig litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie. Fallstudiens syfte var att belysa problematiken inom dricksvattenberedning samt distribution i Norden genom verkliga exempel. Studien visade att vattenburna sjukdomsutbrott normalt orsakas av kontaminering från avloppsvatten till dricksvatten. Detta sker antingen direkt till råvattnet, ofta till följd av kraftig nederbörd, eller under distributionen på grund av driftstörningar. Att kontamineringen tillåts nå konsumenten är ett resultat av inadekvata reningsmetoder i vattenverken. Problematiken inom dricksvattenområdet beror bland annat på användandet av bristfälliga indikatororganismer vilka är mindre tåliga och har sämre överlevnadsförmåga än många sjukdomsalstrande mikroorganismer. Tidskrävande och osäkra analysmetoder utgör också ett stort problem. Svårigheter i att identifiera den orsakande mikroorganismen samt att bekräfta utbrottet som dricksvattenrelaterat har lett till att mörkertalet gällande antalet vattenburna sjukdomsfall är stort. Det finns ett stort behov av ökad kunskap gällande olika mikroorganismers tålighet mot desinfektion samt ett behov av reglering för kontroll av råvattenkvaliteten och den mikrobiologiska säkerheten. Utifrån studien kunde även konstateras att antalet vattenburna utbrott tros öka med kraftigare nederbörd och extremväder till följd av klimatförändringarna. / Waterborne diseases are considered a major problem in the water supply. Spreading of infection through drinking water occurs predominantly in developing countries with poor sanitation. During the 21th century the Nordic countries have been affected by several waterborne outbreaks associated with drinking water. As a result, microbial contamination of drinking water has been recognized as a problem in the Nordic countries as well. To ensure high quality drinking water it is required that the hygienic barriers used in the water treatment plant are efficient in reducing all types of microbial contaminants. Some microorganisms have shown a greater resistance against commonly used disinfectants then previously known. To secure the distribution of safe drinking water it is essential to increase the knowledge regarding the varying resistance of microorganisms and to investigate alternative water treatment processes to those traditionally used in drinking water treatment today. The objective to this master thesis was to study the bacteria and viruses that are most relevant for drinking water quality and may compose a threat to the drinking water quality in the Nordic countries, to investigate the cause of waterborne outbreaks and to study the effectiveness in reducing bacteria and viruses for various water treatment processes. The study was performed through a thorough literature review and a case study. The purpose of the case study was to illustrate the issues in drinking water treatment and distribution in the Nordic region. The study showed that the majority of the outbreaks are caused by contamination from sewage water to drinking water. The contamination is allowed to reach the consumer as a result of inadequate treatment in the water works. Usage of inappropriate indicator organisms that are less resistant to disinfectants than a lot of pathogens are a big problem in drinking water treatment. Time-consuming and uncertain analytical methods also compose a great issue. Due to difficulties in identifying the causative microorganism and verify the outbreak as drinking water related it is believed that there is a large number of unrecorded cases of illness. There is a great need of increased understanding of the varying resistance of microorganisms to disinfectants and a need for regulation for monitoring raw water quality and microbiological safety. Based on the study it was also found that waterborne outbreaks are believed to increase as a result of extreme weather caused by climate change.
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Bräddvattenstudie i Håbo kommun : Patogenspridning från lokalt reningsverk i recipient / Study of sewage water overflow in Håbo municipality : Spreading of pathogens from the local treatment plant to recipientJohansson, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Klimatscenarier framtagna av SMHI visar bland annat på att nederbördsmängden kommer att öka i stora delar av Sverige. En ökad nederbördsmängd leder till att flöden i vattendrag och spillvattenledningar ökar, som i sin tur kan leda till att oönskade ämnen förorenar viktiga naturresurser så som dricksvattentäkter. Den största risken för mikrobiella föroreningar i vattentäkter och vattendrag kommer från Sveriges reningsverk, främst till följd av att reningsverkens flödeskapacitet överstigs på grund av kraftiga regn. Vid kraftiga regn riskerar reningsverk att bräddas, vilket leder till att ofullständigt renat spillvatten leds ut till sjöar. Bålsta reningsverk, Håbo kommun, bräddas ibland på grund av höga flöden. Det otillräckligt renade spillvattnet leds då ut till reningsverkets utsläppspunkt söder om Bålsta stad i Norra Björkfjärden. Mindre än två kilometer ifrån reningsverkets utsläppspunkt ligger Bålsta vattenverks råvattenintag. Det är således av intresse att undersöka om vattenverkets råvattenintag påverkas av en bräddning. Utöver vattenverket ligger flera populära badplatser i närheten av reningsverkets utsläppspunkt. Syftet med examensarbetet var att studera hur en bräddning av orenat spillvatten sprids i Mälaren under sommarens badsäsong, samt att identifiera vid vilka vind- och flödesförhållanden badplatserna och råvattentäkten har störst risk att förorenas. Syftet var även att studera hur en ökad nederbördsmängd påverkar delar av Bålsta reningsverks spillvattenledningsnät. För att nå examensarbetets syfte användes spridningsmodellen Delft3D samt ledningsnätmodellen MIKE-Urban. På grund av otillräcklig data om bland annat Bålsta reningsverks spillvattenledningsnät erhölls inget tillförlitligt resultat från MIKE-Urban modelleringen. Istället sammanställdes de saknade data om reningsverkets spillvattenledningsnät vilket resulterade i förslag om kompletterande åtgärder för att underlätta kommande spillvattenmodelleringar. Resultat från spridningssimuleringen tydde på att ingen av de studerade platserna överskrider värden för utmärkt badvattenkvalitet enligt EU:s badvattendirektiv vid medelvindhastighet samt ett utsläpp av 77 m3 orenat spillvatten. En bräddning av 77 m3 orenat spillvatten baserades på reningsverkets bräddningsvolymer från år 2010. För badplatserna ansågs det fördelaktigt att en bräddning sker under vindstilla förhållanden till följd av begränsad omblandning mellan Mälarens temperaturskiktning. Vid ett två dygn långt utsläpp av totalt 5 000 m3 orenat spillvatten med fem sekundmeters vind erhöll majoriteten av badplatserna för höga patogenvärden. Reningsverkets personal bör i sådana situationer gå ut med allmänna varningar för badande i Norra Björkfjärden. / Climate change scenarios conducted by SMHI indicate increasing precipitation in most parts of Sweden. Such increases will lead to bigger flows in rivers and sewer networks, which in turn may lead to leakage of unwanted substances such as contagious microorganisms to drinking water supplies. The single largest risk of lake contamination is from sewage water treatment plants, mostly due to overflow of wastewater. High precipitation may flood the treatment plant causing untreated water to leak out and into surrounding lakes. Bålsta treatment plant, in Håbo municipality, has overflow issues in periods with high precipitation, which lead to leakage of inadequately treated wastewater and thus local contamination in Lake Mälaren. Less than two kilometers from the release point of Bålsta treatment plant, Bålsta drinking water plant has its intake of raw water. Hence it is of great interest to study the dispersal of Bålsta treatment plant’s wastewater in Lake Mälaren to prevent unwanted human exposure to contagious microorganisms. Håbo municipality also has popular swimming spots close to the treatment plant’s outlet. The aim of this study is to examine the pathogenic impact that an overflow of Bålsta treatment plant in summer time has on Bålsta drinking water plant and bathing spots. The study hoped to identify the conditions where certain places of interest were to be contaminated. In addition, the aim was to investigate the changes of sewage flow due to an increased precipitation. Two models were used to reach the aforementioned aims: (1.) a hydrodynamic model (Delft3D) to study the spread of wastewater following an overflow and (2.) an urban water model (MIKE–Urban) to study the total amount of sewage flow. Due to insufficient data concerning Bålsta’s sewage system, simulations from MIKE–Urban were unable to provide reliable results. Large parts of the sewage network had missing data regarding pipe dimensions, positioning and material, which resulted in a model with little precision. Instead of providing unreliable results, the study resulted in recommendations for further data collecting to help future investigations of Bålsta’s sewage system. With low overflows of untreated water, Delft3D modeling showed that none of the places of interest had pathogen levels that exceeded the European Union’s Bathwater quality directive when simulated with mean values of wind, treated wastewater flow and wind direction. When extreme amounts of overflow were simulated in strong winds, five of seven places of interest were unfit for bathing according to the directive. In case of an overflow of more than the simulated outflow of 77 m3 untreated wastewater, the operators of Bålsta’s treatment plant need to perform actions to prevent human exposure.
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Caracteres epidemiológicos de surtos de doenças diarréicas agudas ocorridas em núcleos receptores turísticos do Estado de São PauloPizzolitto, Nádia [UNESP] 26 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
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pizzolitto_n_me_arafcf.pdf: 428241 bytes, checksum: 7f12808d8c56c81553b87cd1604bdff5 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / A diarréia do viajante é o problema de saúde, mais comum, associado ao turista em termos de freqüência e impacto econômico contribuindo para a perda de rendimentos obtidos pelo turismo, em países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi identificar os agentes etiológicos mais freqüentes, nos surtos de doença transmitida por alimentos e/ou água em núcleos receptores turísticos, conhecer a sazonalidade e caracterizar a população segundo a idade e os alimentos suspeitos. Baseou-se nas notificações enviadas à Divisão de Doença de Transmissão Hídrica e Alimentar (DDTHA), Centro de Vigilância Epidemiológica (CVE), Secretaria Estadual de Saúde (SES) do Estado de São Paulo, no período 2002 a 2005 e informações das Vigilâncias Sanitárias da Direção Regional de Saúde (DIR). Os núcleos receptores turísticos selecionados foram: cidade de São Paulo e alguns municípios do interior como Águas de São Pedro, Campinas, Campos de Jordão, Franca, Jundiaí, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto, São José dos Campos, São José do Rio Preto e do litoral como Guarujá, Peruíbe, Praia Grande, Santos e Ubatuba. Os resultados mostraram que o núcleo receptor turístico cidade de São Paulo, notificou 304 surtos, 3382 casos/doentes e dois óbitos. Do interior foram notificados 116 surtos e 8016 casos/doentes e três óbitos. Do litoral foram notificados 11 surtos, 253 casos/doentes e três óbitos, compreendendo um total de 431 surtos, sendo 129.340 comensais, 11.651 casos/doentes e 8 óbitos. Os agentes etiológicos mais freqüentes foram : vírus (58,08%), bactérias (72,72%), protozoários (4,67%), helmintos (0,83%), fungos (0,15%) e produtos químicos (0,12%). A freqüência dos agentes etiológicos foi: Rotavirus 31,86%; coliformes 28,38%; Salmonella sp. 13,55% (Salmonella Enteritidis 5,08% e Salmonella Typhimurium 2,88%)... / Travelers' diarrhea is the most common travel-related health problem in terms of frequency and economic impact. Travelers' diarrhea also contributes to loss of income from tourism in developing countries. The aim of the present study was to find the principle pathogens involved in outbreaks of food poisoning in tourist centers, and discover in what season the outbreaks occur, and age of the population. This study was based on informations sent to Divisão de Doença de Transmissão Hídrica e Alimentar (DDTHA), Centro de Vigilância Epidemiológica (CVE), Secretaria Estadual de Saúde (SES) do Estado de São Paulo and Vigilâncias Sanitárias da Direção Regional de Saúde (DIR) from 2002 - 2005. The tourist centers selected for the study were: São Paulo city; Águas de São Pedro, Campinas, Campos de Jordão, Franca, Jundiaí, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto, São José dos Campos, São José do Rio Preto; Guarujá, Peruíbe, Praia Grande, Santos, and Ubatuba. The results showed that São Paulo city reported 304 outbreaks, 3,382 cases/disease and two deaths. From the interior of the state of São Paulo (116 outbreaks), 8016 cases/disease and 3 deaths were registered. From the coast (11 outbreaks), 253 cases/disease and 3 deaths were registered. In total there were 431 outbreaks, 129,340 persons exposed, 11,651 cases/disease and 8 deaths. The etiological agents were bacteria (72.72%), virus (58.08%), protozoa (4.67%), nematodes (0.83%), fungi (0.15%) and chemical products (0.12%). The frequency of causative pathogens was: Rotavirus 31.86%, coliforms 28.38%... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Radiation sensitivity and molecular characterization of water-borne multidrug resistant escherichia coliOdonkor, Stephen Tawiah 05 1900 (has links)
The spread of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in the environment is
recognized widely as an important public health issue, with concerns about future ability to treat infectious diseases. The main risk to public health is that the resistance genes are transferred from environmental bacteria to human pathogens. Safe water is one of the most important needs in public health in the twenty first century. The major health threat posed by drinking unsafe water is the transmission of infectious diseases, which are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity for children under the age of 5 and it is estimated to cause 1.5 million
deaths annually in developing countries. In addition to the wide spread cases of water-borne diseases resulting from the contamination of water sources, concerns have been raised when these diseases fail to be cured due to development of resistance to most prescribed antibiotics by the contaminating microorganisms. It is now a well-established fact that E.coli is a significant cause of diarrheal illnesses both in infants and adults in many parts of the world. Data on clinical isolates is plenty while less attention has been given to environmental isolates of these enteric pathogens. Samples from the environment such as water may serve as probable reservoirs of these pathogens; this is compounded by the entry of functional compounds of antibiotics into waterways, through humans and animals that have ingested antibiotics. This is because antibiotics are not completely metabolized and may enter waterways through the waste products of these humans or animals.Studies on antimicrobial resistance is important in order to detect changes in patterns of resistance, implement control measures on the use of antimicrobial agents, and to prevent the spread of multidrug-resistant strains of bacteria. It also provides surveillance data for antibiotic resistances, necessary to define or update guidelines
for empirical treatment, as well as a guide for appropriate antibiotic supplies. Study objectives: The objectives of this research were: (i) to determine the total and faecal coliform status of drinking water sources, as an indication of quality; (ii) to determine the bacteriological profile of bacteria flora in the drinking water sources; (iii) to determine
prevalence and susceptibility profiles of antibiotic resistant water-borne E.coli; (iv) to investigate the virulence genes associated with multiple antibiotic resistant E. coli isolates; (v) to compare three laboratory based techniques: PCR, API 20E, and Culture based methods used
for detection of E.coli and (vi) to determine the association between multiple antibiotic resistance and radiation sensitivity (D10). © University of South Africa 2014 VII Methodology: Four hundred and sixty four (464) water samples were collected for assessment between June 2011 and May 2012. The samples were collected from 57 sampling sites, from six different water sources including: boreholes (10), a canal (1), dams (15), hand-dug wells (15), a river (1), and streams (15). Total coliforms, faecal coliforms, and E. coli analysis were done by the MPN method. Bacteria isolation and identification were done using API 20E, conventional methods, and a PCR based DNA STRIP technology that allows simultaneous detection of virulence genes and confirmation of E. coli isolates. Antibiotic susceptibility
testing was also conducted using the Kirby-bauer method. Radiation sensitivity was done using a cobalt 60 source. Results: The results obtained indicated that all the water sources were of poor quality in terms of microbial distributions with total coliform and faecal coliform counts ranging between 0 to 2.4x103 MPN/100ml. E. coli counts ranged between 10 to 7.9x101MPN/100ml. Disease risk assessment of the various water sources indicated that dam water sources presented a high disease risk, while borehole water sources had a low disease risk. A total of five hundred and twenty bacterial isolates (520) were obtained during the period of study. Three hundred and five (305) isolates representing 58.65% of the total were obtained during the dry season, as against (205) representing 41.35% in the rainy season. The most commonly occurring bacteria in the water samples was Klebsiella spp constituting 20%. The next most occurring organism was E. coli (18.7%). This was followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15.61%), Enterobacter spp. (15.4%), Proteus vulgaris (13.1%), and Enterococcus faecalis (9.2%). The least isolated bacteria were Vibrio cholerae (1.2%) and Shigella spp. (1.2%). The prevalence of multi drug
resistance E. coli was 49.48 %. E. coli isolates showed a high sistance patterns to the tested antibiotics. They were most resistant to penicillin (32.99%), cefuroxime (28.87%), erythromycin (23.71%), and tetracycline (21.45%). In contrast, they were susceptible to
nitrofurantoin (93.8%), cefotaxime and amikacin (91.75%), gentamicin (90.7%), nalidixic acid (89.65%), ciprofloxacin (74.2%), chloramphenicol (69.07%), pipemidic acid (65.97%) and
cefuroxime (52.58%). Sixty-three percent (63%) of the multidrug resistant E. coli strains recorded a multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index value of >0.2. Six (6%) percent of he multiple antibiotic resistant were eae virulence genes producing however, none of the E. coli
isolates produced the stx1 and stx2 virulent gene. The analytical profile index (API) recorded specificity and sensitivity of 99.7% and 98.50 % respectively for the detection of E. coli. The © University of South Africa 2014 VIII culture/ biochemical based methods for detection of E coli recorded specificity of 81.82% and a sensitivity of 96.91%. There was no association (P> 0.05) between radiation sensitivity (D10)
and antibiotic resistances. Conclusion: The study has confirmed that majority of the water sources used for drinking and domestic purposes in the study area are highly contaminated with high levels of faecal
coliforms above the recommended standards. There were also resence of bacteria of public health importance in the water sources. Both animals and humans could be sources of faecal bacteria contamination of the drinking water sources. The study confirmed a high prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistances in E. coli isolates. The eae virulence gene was associated with some of the multiple resistant E. coli isolates. The study also concludes that API 20E has a high
specificity and sensitivity close to that of the PCR. Lastly, There is no association between multiple antibiotic resistant indexes and radiation sensitivity (D10) of antibiotic resistant E. coli. / School of Environmental Sciences / D. Phil. (Environmental Science)
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Efeito dos aspectos morfológicos do pigmento TiO2 nas propriedades ópticas de tintas base águaPreuss, Núbia Liziani January 2016 (has links)
O dióxido de titânio, TiO2, é o pigmento branco mais importante na indústria de tintas devido à sua capacidade de refletir o espectro da radiação solar nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho. Ao refletir os comprimentos de onda da região do visível, o observador percebe a cor branca. A região do infravermelho é percebida pelo ser humano na forma de calor e a radiação ao ser refletida pelo pigmento diminui o aquecimento da superfície pintada. Neste trabalho foram investigados os aspectos morfológicos do TiO2 e avaliado o seu impacto nas propriedades ópticas de tintas base água. Quatro tipos de TiO2 foram utilizados, um de tamanho nanométrico, dois pigmentos comercias com diferentes tamanhos de partículas e o quarto obtido da calcinação do pigmento nanométrico. A calcinação objetivou a alteração da estrutura cristalina da fase anatase para rutilo do TiO2 nanométrico. Os pigmentos e carga (CaCO3) utilizados foram caracterizados através de análises morfológicas (tamanho e formato das partículas, estrutura cristalina, área superficial), absorção de óleo e espectroscopia de refletância difusa (regiões do ultravioleta, visível e infravermelho próximo). Foram produzidas tintas com diferentes teores de pigmentos (5%, 10%, 15% e 20%) As tintas foram caracterizadas através dos seguintes ensaios: viscosidade, espessura do filme seco, determinação de cor e brilho e espectroscopia de refletância difusa. Constatou-se que as propriedades ópticas das tintas são fortemente dependentes do tamanho de partícula do pigmento TiO2. A refletância da região do visível (400 a 700 nm) apresentou valores ótimos nas tintas produzidas com 15 e 20% dos pigmentos comerciais com tamanho médio de partícula entre 140 e 600 nm, produzindo um filme branco com elevada opacidade. A tinta com TiO2 nanométrico (15 a 60 nm para as partículas unitárias) apresentou baixos valores de refletância difusa nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho. As tintas produzidas com TiO2 calcinado, com elevado tamanho de partícula, refletiram mais eficientemente a região do infravermelho (700 – 2500 nm). O tratamento térmico do TiO2 nanométrico resultou num pigmento com tamanho de partícula adequado para aplicação de tintas reflexivas ao calor. / Titanium dioxide, TiO2, is the most important white pigment in coating industry due to its ability to reflect solar radiation spectrum in visible and infrared regions. When TiO2 reflects the light wavelengths in the visible region, the observer perceives the white color. The infrared region is perceived by human being in the form of heat and when the radiation is reflected by pigment decreases the heating of painted surface. In this work, the morphological aspects of TiO2 were investigated and evaluated their impact on optical properties of waterborne paints. Four types of TiO2 were used; one nanosized pigment, two commercial pigments with different particle sizes and the last one was obtained from the calcination of nanoparticles pigments. The main objective of calcination was to alter the crystalline structure of anatase phase to rutile phase of nanometric TiO2. The pigments and filler used (CaCO3) were characterized by morphological analysis (particle size distribution and shape analysis, crystalline structure, surface area), oil absorption and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared regions) Paints were prepared using different pigments concentrations (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). The followings tests were carried out to characterize the paints: viscosity, dry film thickness, color and brightness determination and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It was observed that the optical properties of the paints are strongly dependent on TiO2 pigment particle size. The reflectance of the visible region (400 to 700 nm) showed better results in the paints produced with 15% and 20% of commercial pigment whose average particle size ranges were between 140 and 600 nm, producing a white film with high opacity. The paint with nanosized TiO2 showed lowest values of diffuse reflectance in visible and infrared regions. The paints formulated with calcined TiO2, pigment showing higher particle sizes, reflected more efficiently the infrared region (700 to 2500 nm). Thermal treatment of nanometric TiO2 resulted in a pigment with particle size suitable for application of heat reflective paints.
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Efeito dos aspectos morfológicos do pigmento TiO2 nas propriedades ópticas de tintas base águaPreuss, Núbia Liziani January 2016 (has links)
O dióxido de titânio, TiO2, é o pigmento branco mais importante na indústria de tintas devido à sua capacidade de refletir o espectro da radiação solar nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho. Ao refletir os comprimentos de onda da região do visível, o observador percebe a cor branca. A região do infravermelho é percebida pelo ser humano na forma de calor e a radiação ao ser refletida pelo pigmento diminui o aquecimento da superfície pintada. Neste trabalho foram investigados os aspectos morfológicos do TiO2 e avaliado o seu impacto nas propriedades ópticas de tintas base água. Quatro tipos de TiO2 foram utilizados, um de tamanho nanométrico, dois pigmentos comercias com diferentes tamanhos de partículas e o quarto obtido da calcinação do pigmento nanométrico. A calcinação objetivou a alteração da estrutura cristalina da fase anatase para rutilo do TiO2 nanométrico. Os pigmentos e carga (CaCO3) utilizados foram caracterizados através de análises morfológicas (tamanho e formato das partículas, estrutura cristalina, área superficial), absorção de óleo e espectroscopia de refletância difusa (regiões do ultravioleta, visível e infravermelho próximo). Foram produzidas tintas com diferentes teores de pigmentos (5%, 10%, 15% e 20%) As tintas foram caracterizadas através dos seguintes ensaios: viscosidade, espessura do filme seco, determinação de cor e brilho e espectroscopia de refletância difusa. Constatou-se que as propriedades ópticas das tintas são fortemente dependentes do tamanho de partícula do pigmento TiO2. A refletância da região do visível (400 a 700 nm) apresentou valores ótimos nas tintas produzidas com 15 e 20% dos pigmentos comerciais com tamanho médio de partícula entre 140 e 600 nm, produzindo um filme branco com elevada opacidade. A tinta com TiO2 nanométrico (15 a 60 nm para as partículas unitárias) apresentou baixos valores de refletância difusa nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho. As tintas produzidas com TiO2 calcinado, com elevado tamanho de partícula, refletiram mais eficientemente a região do infravermelho (700 – 2500 nm). O tratamento térmico do TiO2 nanométrico resultou num pigmento com tamanho de partícula adequado para aplicação de tintas reflexivas ao calor. / Titanium dioxide, TiO2, is the most important white pigment in coating industry due to its ability to reflect solar radiation spectrum in visible and infrared regions. When TiO2 reflects the light wavelengths in the visible region, the observer perceives the white color. The infrared region is perceived by human being in the form of heat and when the radiation is reflected by pigment decreases the heating of painted surface. In this work, the morphological aspects of TiO2 were investigated and evaluated their impact on optical properties of waterborne paints. Four types of TiO2 were used; one nanosized pigment, two commercial pigments with different particle sizes and the last one was obtained from the calcination of nanoparticles pigments. The main objective of calcination was to alter the crystalline structure of anatase phase to rutile phase of nanometric TiO2. The pigments and filler used (CaCO3) were characterized by morphological analysis (particle size distribution and shape analysis, crystalline structure, surface area), oil absorption and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared regions) Paints were prepared using different pigments concentrations (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). The followings tests were carried out to characterize the paints: viscosity, dry film thickness, color and brightness determination and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It was observed that the optical properties of the paints are strongly dependent on TiO2 pigment particle size. The reflectance of the visible region (400 to 700 nm) showed better results in the paints produced with 15% and 20% of commercial pigment whose average particle size ranges were between 140 and 600 nm, producing a white film with high opacity. The paint with nanosized TiO2 showed lowest values of diffuse reflectance in visible and infrared regions. The paints formulated with calcined TiO2, pigment showing higher particle sizes, reflected more efficiently the infrared region (700 to 2500 nm). Thermal treatment of nanometric TiO2 resulted in a pigment with particle size suitable for application of heat reflective paints.
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Water storage in rural households : intervention strategies prevent waterborne diseasesPotgieter, Natasha 11 December 2007 (has links)
Poor sanitation, unhygienic practices and close living associations between people and animals in rural communities increase the risk of zoonoses and add to faecal contamination of stored drinking water. Point-of-use interventions can improve the microbiological quality of household drinking water and a combination of microbial and chemical indicator tests could identify the origin of faecal pollution. The improvement of the microbiological quality of drinking water in rural households by the implementation of intervention strategies which included the use of traditional storage containers as well as an improved safe storage container (CDC, USA), with or without the addition of a sodium hypochlorite solution were determined. The origin of faecal contamination in the water sources and household stored water were determined using male specific F-RNA subgroup genotyping. This study attempted to assess the survival of indicator microorganisms and selected bacterial pathogens and viruses in the improved safe storage container in borehole and river water samples. An intervention study was conducted in two rural villages utilising different source water. Results indicated that the improved safe storage container without the addition of a stabilized sodium hypochlorite solution did not improve the microbiological quality of the stored drinking water and had counts of indicator microorganisms similar to that found in the traditional storage containers. However, the households using the 1% and the 3.5% sodium hypochlorite solutions have shown an effective reduction in the counts of indicator microorganisms in both the traditional and the improved safe storage containers. The compliance with the use of the sodium hypochlorite interventions ranged between 60% and 100%, which was in agreement with similar studies carried out in other developing countries. One village complied with the intervention while the other village did not. Reasons for this included financial factors, an unsupportive infrastructures and lack of education and knowledge on health risks by the households. Male specific F-RNA bacteriophage genotyping showed that faecal contamination in the water source samples and both the traditional and improved safe storage containers at the point-of-use were primarily of animal origin (Subgroup I). Households using river water had subgroup II F-RNA bacteriophages present in the stored household water, which was associated with human faecal pollution. However, subgroup II F-RNA bacteriophages has been isolated from faeces of cattle and poultry, which indicated that F-RNA subgroup typing might not be a specific tool to determine the origin of faecal pollution in water sources. Laboratory seeding experiments indicated that 1% sodium hypochlorite solution were less effective in reducing heterotrophic bacteria, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Clostridium perfringens, F-RNA bacteriophages and coxsackie B1 virus counts in the improved safe storage containers filled with river water with a high turbidity. However, the 1% sodium hypochlorite solution did reduce the indicator and seeded microorganisms within 60 min in containers filled with borehole water with a low turbidity. The 3.5% sodium hypochlorite solution effectively decreased the numbers of microorganisms to undetectable limits within 60 min in both the borehole and river filled storage containers irrespective of the turbidity values. This study has showed that a combination of intervention strategies can provide rural communities with microbiologically safe drinking water. / Thesis (PhD (Medical Virology))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Medical Virology / PhD / unrestricted
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Synthesis, characterisation and assessment of antimicrobial activity of doped zinc oxide nanoparticles against selected waterborne pathogensVolofu, Nomasamariya Elsie 29 July 2019 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The aim of the study is to synthesise, characterize and assess the antimicrobial activity of cobalt oxide, zinc oxide and cobalt-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles against selected waterborne pathogenic fungi (yeasts and moulds) and bacteria. Various types of oxide based nanomaterial are an attractive option for the disinfection of water due to its high chemical stability and non-toxicity towards human cells. Synthesis of Co -doped ZnO and Co3O4nanoparticles was done through mechanochemical synthesis and urea based synthesis and microwave heating was employed for the preparation of ZnO nanoparticles.
The ZnO nanoparticles were produced in short reaction and it was white color. Cobalt oxide (Co3O4) nanoparticles appeared as a pink precipitate but was turned black after being calcined. The synthesis of Co- ZnO nanoparticles was successfully prepared and blue solid was obtained from pink cobalt ion solution. The nanoparticles were characterised by X- Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), UV–visible spectroscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) (Yang et al. 2003).
In this research project, the antibacterial activities of NPs were carried out by well diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). MIC is the lowest concentration of a chemical, usually a drug, which prevents visible growth of bacterium. Bacterial strains used in the study are: Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, Shigella sonnei and Staphylococcus aureus, yeast and mould is: Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. The antimicrobial results obtained showed that ZnO nanoparticles are more effective than Co- ZnO and Co3O4 nanoprticles against all the microorganisms used. The toxicity studies were performed using DAPHTOXKIT F and the 24h EC50 and 48h EC50 were calculated according to the manufactures’ instructions. The results showed that Co- ZnO nanoparticles is less toxic to Daphnia magna compared to ZnO and Co3O4 NPs.
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International Water Quality: Global Patterns of Water Pollutants and PathogensLange, Leslie 17 June 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Water quality is an essential component of vibrant societies and ecosystems. For decades, researchers, managers, and policymakers around the world have struggled to accelerate societal progress while preserving and enhancing water quality and human health. This thesis consists of two studies that I hope will contribute to better understanding, policy, and management. In the first study, I evaluated spatial and temporal patterns in global water quality and their relationship to gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, as a metric of socioeconomic development status. Using global water quality datasets containing over 2.7 million observations, I tested the Environmental Kuznet Curve (EKC) hypothesis, which predicts that environmental degradation is highest at intermediate levels of socioeconomic development. I found that 46% of pollutants persisted at elevated concentrations despite GDP per capita. Because of this, high income countries experience a false sense of water security as water regulation violations are common on a global scale. In the second study, I measured waterborne pathogens in Guayaquil, the largest city in Ecuador. With a population of over 3 million and distinct hydrology from monsoonal rains and estuarine flooding, the Guayaquil metropolitan area faces drinking water and sanitation challenges similar to much of the developing world. I found that 100% of the samples we collected had unsafe total coliform counts. Water pollution is widespread and is a result of careless action. Moving forward, chronic pollution can be prevented with proper legislation that holds governments, companies, and individuals accountable.
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