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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolution of the early Proterozoic Toumodi Volcanic Group and associated rocks, Ivory Coast

Mortimer, John January 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Neoproterozoic low latitude glaciations : an African perspective

Straathof, Gijsbert Bastiaan January 2011 (has links)
The Neoproterozoic is one of the most enigmatic periods in Earth history. In the juxtaposition of glacial and tropical deposits the sedimentary record provides evidence for extreme climate change. Various models have tried to explain these apparent contradictions. One of the most popular models is the Snowball Earth Hypothesis which envisages periods of global glaciations. All climatic models are dependent on palaeogeography which as yet remains poorly constrained for the Neoproterozoic. This thesis presents a multidisciplinary study of two Neoproterozoic sedimentary basins on the Congo and West Africa cratons including radiometric dating of glacial deposits themselves. In the West Congo Belt, western Congo Craton, a new U-Pb baddeleyite age for the Lower Diamictite provides the first high quality direct age for the older of two glacial intervals. This age is significantly different from previously dated glaciogenic deposits on the Congo Craton. This result strongly suggests that the mid-Cryogenian was a period during which several local glaciations occurred, none of which were global. While the palaeomagnetic results from carbonates around the younger glacial interval are probably remagnetised, detrital zircon and chemostratigraphic results allow correlation with numerous late-Cryogenian glaciogenic deposits worldwide and a Snowball Earth scenario is favoured here. In the Adrar Sub-Basin of the vast Taoudéni Basin, West Africa, the terrigenous Jbeliat glacial horizon has been studied in great detail. Detrital zircon geochronology reveals large changes in provenance through this glacial unit with implications for sedimentological approaches and techniques for provenance characterisations based on one sample alone. Together with recently published U-Pb data these results constrain the age of the Jbeliat Group to a narrow window providing vital geochronological information for this younger glacial event. Combining provenance geochemistry, chemostratigraphy and U-Pb dating has greatly improved our understanding of two of the largest Neoproterozoic sedimentary basins. The dominance of Mesoproterozoic detrital material, for which no source has been reported near either of the field areas, has consequences for the proximity of other cratons at the time of deposition, prior to the final amalgamation of Gondwana.

Etude métallogénique du district aurifère de Syama (Mali) : analyse comparative de gisements situés sur une même structure lithosphérique éburnéenne / Metallogenic synthesis of the Syama gold district (Mali) : comparative study of several gold deposits, located in the N-S trending Bagoé greenstone belt of Mali

Traoré, Yollande 23 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse correspond à une étude comparative détaillée de trois gisements aurifères birimiens (~ 2 Ga) du craton ouest africain (Syama, Tabakoroni et Tellem), situés sur la ceinture de Bagoé au Mali. La minéralisation se concentre dans les roches où les structures de déformation fragile sont les plus développées (basaltes et métasédiments bréchifiés, microgranite à Tellem) et se développe préférentiellement en bordure des veines. Les sulfures majeurs (pyrite à Syama et pyrite + arsénopyrite à Tabakoroni et Tellem) sont zonés avec : i) un cœur arsénifère riche en inclusions d'albite, d'ankérite et de rutile (accessoirement pyrrhotite); ii) une bordure limpide, globalement moins arsénifère que le coeur mais présentant une fine zonation avec des alternances de zones riches en As et de zones pauvres en As. L'or se présente sous forme d'or invisible inclus dans le réseau cristallin des sulfures, de petits grains individualisés en inclusion dans les sulfures, souvent accompagnés de sulfoantimoniures, notamment la tétraédrite et la chalcostibite, et d'or libre associé au quartz. Les pyrites arsénifères et les arsénopyrites des gisements de la ceinture de Bagoé sont parmi les plus riches en or invisible de tous les gisements d'or de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et tout à fait comparables à ceux de la ceinture d'Ashanti au Ghana. / This thesis presents a comparative study of the Syama, Tabakoroni and Tellem gold deposits, located in the N-S trending Bagoé greenstone belt of Mali. Mineralization is found preferentially along the edges of millimetre- to centimetre-sized quartz, quartz-albite, quartz-ankerite, dolomite-quartz veins developed in tension gaps that formed during brittle deformation. Gold mineralization is mostly associated with pyrite in the three deposits, and also with arsenopyrite at Tabakoroni and Tellem. These sulphides are zoned with (i) an arsenic-rich core containing several albite, ankerite and rutile inclusions (less commonly, pyrrhotite) and (ii) a clear border of finely alternating As-rich and As-poor bands. Gold occurs in the form of i) invisible gold included in their crystal lattices, ii) small individual grains bound to these sulphides, frequently accompanied by sulphoantimonides, mainly tetrahedrite and chalcostibite and iii) free gold associated with quartz. The arseniferous pyrites and arsenopyrites of the Bagoé belt deposits are among the richest in invisible gold in all gold deposits in West Africa and are quite comparable to those of the Ashanti Belt in Ghana.

Evolution géodynamique et tectonique de la ceinture de roches vertes paléoprotérozoïque de Sefwi, craton Ouest-africain (Ghana) / The geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the paleoproterozoic Sefwi Greenstone belt, West African Craton

Mcfarlane, Helen 20 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à un segment de croûte d'âge Paléoprotérozoïque du craton ouest-africain. Les roches de la zone d'étude comprennent des roches volcaniques et volcanoclastiques mafiques à felsiques, des paragneiss de haut grade métamorphique et des ensembles volcano-sédimentaires faiblement métamorphisés. De nouvelles cartes lithologiques, métamorphiques et structurales sont construites à l'aide d'une approche intégrée, couplant cartographie de terrain et interprétation des données géophysiques aéroportées à l'échelle régionale. L'analyse des données géochimiques et géochronologiques des suites magmatiques de la ceinture de roches vertes de Sefwi révèle une affinité marquée avec le magmatisme calco- alcalin, produit des arcs volcaniques modernes et avec les TTGs d'âge Néoarchéen, impliquant une certaine diversité des sources et des processus pétrogénétiques. Des coeurs de zircons hérités, présents au sein de la suite magmatique livrent des âges autour de ca. 2250 à 2270 Ma. Leurs couronnes révèlent des âges de mise en place compris entre ca. 2189 et 2081 Ma. L'analyses Lu-Hf sur zircon livre des valeurs eHf positives et des âges modèles pour la croûtes situés entre 2650 et 2250 Ma. Ces valeurs indiquent l'existence d'une proto-croûte à tendance radiogènique et des temps de séjour limités pour ces magmas évoluant au sein de cette proto-croûte. L'évolution des magmas montre qu'ils ont été générés de façon concomitante, vers 2155 Ma, certains dérivants de la fusion d'une source mafique faiblement enrichit en potassium et formant des magmas sodiques, riches en silice, de type TTGs, d'autres de composition plus dioritiques, générés à partir de la fusion du manteau métasomatisé et enrichit en LILE. La mise en place plus tard vers ca. 2136 Ma de monzonites, présentant de teneurs élevées en potassium, soutient l'hypothèse d'une interaction avec des magmas de refusion de TTG existants au sein de la croûte. Le dernier stade du magmatisme est caractérisé par la mise en place de granites à deux micas et de leucogranites, le long de la marge nord-ouest de la ceinture de roches vertes vers ca. 2092 et 2081 Ma, marquant le stade de la collision au sein de l'orogène Eburnéenne. L'évènement tectono-métamorphique d'âge Eburnéen est caractérisé par un métamorphisme initialement de faciès amphibolite de haute pression, associé à un gradient géothermique assez froid (HP-MT, ~ 15-17 ° C / km). Le raccourcissement D1, orienté NNO-SSE, a généré une foliation pénétrative (S1), parallèle au litage des roches et des plans de chevauchement à tendance décrochant, orienté E-W. Cette tectonique précoce a provoquée l'enfouissement de roches supra-crustales (sédiments, roches volcaniques) et un épaississement de la croûte. Cet évènement métamorphique précoce évolue dans le temps et l'espace vers le facies amphibolite-granulite et l'anatexie. Les données SHRIMP U-Pb in-situ sur monazite livré des âges autour de ca. 2073 Ma. Ces monazites sont présentes au sein de paragénèses métamorphiques (D2) soulignant la foliation S2. Ces âges sont interprétés comme marquant le début de l'exhumation et du refroidissement de la croûte inférieure. Des détachements normaux, orientés NNE-SSO et des structures constrictives se sont formés conjointement au sein d'un régime de déformation D2 globalement transtensif, à jeux sénestre. Un régime compressif plus tardif (D3) a ensuite causé une réactivation en mouvement dextre de ces structures cisaillantes orientées NE-SO avec une rétrogression en schistes verts. Nous proposons que les segments de croute juvénile ont été générés en contexte d'arc intra-océanique, associé à un magmatisme intense et varié, issus des processus de subduction qui prendront fin lors des stades d'accrétion et de collision de ces segments d'autres terranes birimiens. La marge nord-ouest de la ceinture de roches vertes de Sefwi est interprétée comme une zone de suture entre des segments d'arc originellement séparés. / This thesis investigates the Palaeoproterozoic crust of the West African Craton in southwest Ghana, providing insight into its controversial geodynamic and tectonic evolution. Rocks of the study area comprise greenschist- to amphibolite facies, mafic to felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, high-grade paragneisses and low-grade volcano-sedimentary packages, all of which are extensively intruded by multiple generations of granitoids. New lithological, metamorphic and structural maps are constructed using integrated field mapping and interpretation of regional airborne geophysical datasets. This approach is used to constrain the deformation history of the sparsely exposed rocks of the NE- to NNE-striking Sefwi Greenstone Belt and the adjacent volcano-sedimentary domains deformed during the Eburnean Orogeny (2150-2070 Ma). Combined geochemical and geochronological analysis of the magmatic suites of the Sefwi Greenstone Belt reveal calc-alkaline, volcanic arc affinities, as well as a striking similarity to Neoarchean TTGs that require diverse magma sources and petrogenetic processes. Rare inherited zircon cores from the Palaeoproterozoic magmatic suite yield ages of ca. 2250 to 2270 Ma, with granitoid emplacement ages ranging between ca. 2189 and 2081 Ma. Zircon Lu-Hf analysis reveals consistently positive eHf(t) values and two-stage crustal model ages between 2650 and 2250 Ma, indicative of a radiogenic proto-crust and short crustal residence times. The magmatic evolution reveals the coeval generation of sodic, high-silica TTGs derived from partial melting of low-K mafic sources and dioritic magmas generated in a metasomatised, LILE-enriched mantle wedge at ca. 2155 Ma. Subsequent emplacement of high-K quartz monzonites at ca. 2136 Ma supports the interaction of mantle-derived magmas and remelting of existing TTGs. The final stage of magmatism is characterised by the emplacement of two-mica-granites and leucogranites along the NW margin of the Sefwi Greenstone Belt between ca. 2092 and 2081 Ma, interpreted as a terminal collisional event during the Eburnean Orogeny. Eburnean metamorphism and deformation is characterised in the study area by initial high-pressure amphibolite facies metamorphism corresponding with low apparent geothermal gradients (HP-MT, ~15-17°C/km). D1 NNW-SSE shortening generated a ubiquitous bedding-parallel foliation (S1) and ~E-W striking thrust faults, resulting in the burial of supracrustal rocks and crustal thickening. In the high-grade terrane, subsequent amphibolite-granulite facies metamorphism is associated with anatexis. In-situ SHRIMP U-Pb monazite ages at ca. 2073 Ma, hosted within, D2 mineral assemblages, are interpreted as the initial timing of cooling and exhumation, significantly later than paroxysmal metamorphism in NW Ghana and central Ivory Coast (2150-2130 Ma). NNE-striking normal detachments and constrictional deformation structures formed during sinistral ENW-WSW transtension (D2), during which segments of the middle- and lower crust were juxtaposed with low-grade domains. Subsequent E-W directed shortening (D3) caused the dextral re- activation of NE-SW striking shear zones, associated with a localised greenschist facies metamorphic overprint. We propose that the juvenile crust of southwest Ghana was generated in an intra-oceanic arc setting, associated with diverse and intense subduction-related magmatism until subsequent terrane accretion and collision. The north-western margin of the Sefwi Greenstone Belt in interpreted as a suture between the separate arc terranes, diachronously accreted during the Eburnean Orogeny. The Palaeoproterozoic crust of the southern portion of the West African Craton represents a juvenile crustal growth event, recording the unique geodynamic and orogenic processes associated with nascent subduction-related plate tectonics in the early Earth.

Structure sismique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest par tomographie d'ondes de surface / Seismic structure of West Africa by surface wave tomography

Ouattara, Yacouba 01 July 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse nous a permis de produire des cartes de vitesse de groupe du mode fondamental des ondes de Rayleigh, en utilisant les séismes et les corrélations du bruit sismique ambiant. En plus de la méthode moindres carrées amortis, nous avons adapté la nouvelle méthode d’inversion, SOLA-Backus-Gilbert dans un contexte régional. À courte période, les cartes de vitesse de groupe présentent des vitesses rapides pour la croûte océanique et des vitesses lentes pour la croûte continentale. Pour les périodes intermédiaires, le bassin de Taoudeni se caractérise par de faibles vitesses par rapport au reste du craton ouest africain en raison de l’épaisseur de la couche sédimentaire. A longue périodes, les racines des dorsales Man-Leo et Reguibat sont caractérisées par des vitesses rapides, montrant une lithosphère froide et épaisse sous le craton, tandis que nous avons trouvé des vitesses de groupe lentes sous les zones de ceinture mobile panafricaine indiquant une lithosphère mince. / This thesis allowed us to produce group velocity maps of the fundamental mode of Rayleigh waves, using both earthquakes and seismic ambient noise correlation. In this study, in addition to the damped least squares method, we adapted for the very first time a new inversion method, called SOLA-Backus-Gilbert in regional context. At short periods, the group velocities maps exhibit fast velocities for the oceanic crust and slow velocities for the continental crust. For the intermediate periods, the Taoudeni Basin is characterized by low velocities compared to the rest of the west african craton due to the thickness of the sedimentary layer. Over long periods, the roots of the Man-Leo and Reguibat shields are characterized by fast velocities, showing a cold and thick lithosphere under the craton, while we found slow group velocities under the Pan-African orogenic belts zones indicating a thin lithosphere.

Geologic evolution of the Adrar Souttouf Massif (Moroccan Sahara) and its significance for continental-scaled plate reconstructions since the Mid Neoproterozoic

Gärtner, Andreas 20 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Located in the south of the Moroccan Sahara, the Adrar Souttouf Massif is the northern continuation of the Mauritanides at the western margin of the West African Craton. The massif itself exhibits a complex polyphase geologic history and contains four geologically different, SSW-NNE trending main units named from west to east: Oued Togba, Sebkha Gezmayet, Dayet Lawda, Sebkha Matallah. They are thrusted over each other in thin-skinned nappes with local windows of the discordantly overlain Archaean Reguibat basement. The eastern margin of the massif is bordered by the Tiris and Tasiast-Tijirit areas of the Reguibat Shield as well as its (par-) autochthonous Palaeozoic cover sequence, termed Dhloat Ensour unit. More than 5.500 U-Th-Pb age determinations and over 1.000 Hf isotopic measurements on single zircon grains from igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks of all the massifs units and its vicinity have yet been obtained. Most of the zircons were studied with respect to their morphological features. This method improves the accuracy of provenance studies by detecting varying zircon morphologies in space and time. These data are accompanied by U-Th-Pb age determinations on apatite as well as rutile. Together, they allow proposing a model of the geologic evolution of this poorly mapped area for the last 635 Ma. A combination of the obtained data with extensive zircon age databases of the surrounding cratons and terranes facilitates continental-scaled palaeogeographic reconstructions. Regarding the geologic evolution of the Adrar Souttouf Massif, the assembly of the first units began prior to 635 Ma. Although containing all the major zircon age and Hf-isotope populations of the West African Craton as well as some Mesoproterozoic grains, the Sebkha Gezmayet unit lies to the west of the Dayet Lawda unit of oceanic island arc composition. Hence, the Sebkha Gezmayet unit must have been rifted away from the craton prior to the formation of the oceanic unit within the West African Neoproterozoic Ocean at about 635 Ma. Recently published Hf and zircon age data of this unit suggest that the island arc was derived from a juvenile mantle source. Subsequently, the accretion of precursors of the Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units as well as a partial obduction of the oceanic Dayet Lawda unit and the Neoproterozoic sediments of a foreland basin (Sebkha Matallah unit) onto the Reguibat Shield took place. Peak metamorphism in the obducted oceanic rocks was reached at about 605 Ma. Magmatism in the western units between 610 and 570 Ma suggests on-going tectonic activity. The Early and Middle Cambrian is characterised by the erosion of the Ediacaran orogen and deposition of thick sedimentary sequences at the Sebkha Matallah unit, which acted as foreland basin. These sediments show a mostly West African zircon record with only some Mesoproterozoic grains provided by the westernmost parts of the massif. Initial rifting of the Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units from the remaining areas presumably occurred during the Late Cambrian. Coeval granitoid intrusions occurred on both sides of the rift. The two rifted units were likely involved to the polyphased Appalachian orogenies, which is emphasised by Devonian magmatism. Thus, and with respect to the isotopic data, the Oued Togba unit is interpreted to be of Avalonia affinity, while the Sebkha Gezmayet unit can likely be linked to Meguma. The units which remained at the West African Craton underwent intense sediment recycling during the entire Ordovician to Devonian times. Final accretion of all units and formation of the current massif was achieved during the Variscan-Alleghanian orogeny. This was accompanied by magmatism in the Sebkha Gezmayet unit and intense metamorphism of the Reguibat basement, whose zircons often show lower discordia intercepts of Carboniferous or Permian age. The post-Variscan period is characterised by erosion of the orogen and subjacent alternating cycles of sedimentation and deflation. The Adrar Souttouf Massifs importance for palaeogeographic reconstructions is given by the striking differences in the zircon age and Hf-isotope record of its westernmost Oued Togba unit and the remaining area. The results obtained from the Oued Togba unit resemble the published data of the Avalonia type terranes including prominent Mesoproterozoic, Ediacaran-Early Cambrian, as well as Early Devonian age populations. Many Mesoproterozoic zircons, which are exotic for the West African Craton prior to 635 Ma, form a ca. 1.20 to 1.25 Ga age peak that is an excellent tracer for detrital provenance studies and source craton identification of the sedimentary rocks. This is also valid for some sedimentary samples that do not show ages younger than 700 Ma, but large quantities of Mesoproterozoic zircon. These rocks can be correlated to similar sediments in Mauritania and W-Avalonia and are thought to be of pre-pan-African", i.e. pre-Ediacaran or even pre-Cryogenian age. They may give direct insights to the source area in Early to Mid Neoproterozoic times. Accordingly, comparison with published data of Amazonia and Baltica, allows setting up new hypotheses for the pre-Ediacaran history of the Avalonian type terranes. Lacking of magmatism in Amazonia between ca. 1200 and ca. 1300 Ma favours Baltica as source craton for the Avalonian terranes and requires a new point of view for the Neoproterozoic palaeogeography.

Les gisements d'or comme témoins de l'histoire géologique du craton oues-africain : apports de la datation / Gold deposits as results of the West-African craton geologic history : Isotopic dating inputs

Le Mignot, Élodie 18 December 2014 (has links)
Le craton ouest-africain héberge de nombreux gisements et occurrences aurifères encaissés dans des terrains paléoprotérozoïques. Ces terrains birimiens se sont formés et accrétés lors du cycle orogénique éburnéen qui s’est déroulé entre 2,25 et 1,98 Ga. Six gisements d’or situés au Burkina Faso et au Ghana ont été étudiés dans le but d’établir une corrélation entre les différentes phases de l’orogenèse et le (ou les) événement(s) minéralisateur(s). L’étude détaillée de la minéralisation de ces six gisements a confirmé leur nature orogénique, mais a également révélé la présence d’un porphyre à Cu (±Au) dans le district minier de Gaoua, Burkina Faso. Par ailleurs, nos observations ont mis en évidence le caractère polyphasé de la minéralisation au sein d’un même gisement. Les datations Re-Os menées sur des sulfures directement liés à la minéralisation en or permettent de distinguer deux grandes périodes métallogéniques au sein de l’orogenèse éburnéenne. La première période se déroule lors de la phase d’accrétion magmatique D1 et de la phase de transition D2, soit entre 2200 et 2120 Ma. Cette période est caractérisée par une minéralisation à faibles teneurs disséminée dans les roches encaissantes. La deuxième période métallogénique prend place lors des stades cassants tardifs de l’orogenèse, aux alentours de 2050-2040 Ma. Elle est représentée par une minéralisation à or visible à plus fortes teneurs, concentrée dans des veines, des brèches et des zones de cisaillement. La mise en évidence de l’existence de minéralisations aurifères précoces pourrait avoir des conséquences sur la compréhension des gisements de type paléoplacer observés notamment au Ghana. Ces minéralisations primaires pourraient en effet constituer la source de l’or des paléoplacers tarkwaïens, mis en place à partir de 2130 Ma, qui demeure inconnue / The West African craton is a region enriched in gold deposits and occurrences which are hosted in Paleoproterozoic terrains. These Birimian terrains formed during the Eburnean orogeny which took place between 2.25 and 1.98 Ga. Six gold deposits situated in Burkina Faso and Ghana were studied in order to define a correlation between the different orogenic phases and the mineralizing event(s). The detailed study of the mineralization of the six deposits confirmed the importance of the orogenic gold deposits in the West African craton. Moreover, the existence of a Cu (±Au) porphyry deposit was revealed in the mining district of Gaoua, southwestern Burkina Faso. Our observations highlighted the polyphased character of gold mineralization within nearly all of the studied deposits. Re-Os dating performed on sulfides directly linked to the gold mineralization permitted two main metallogenic periods to be distinguished. The first period was coincident with the D1 and D2 orogenic phases, occurring between 2200 and 2120 Ma, and representing respectively magmatic accretion and transition towards a collisional regime. This period was characterized by low grade disseminated gold mineralization. The second metallogenic period took place during the later brittle deformational phases of the orogeny, ca. 2050-2040 Ma. This secondary mineralization contains visible gold concentrated in veins, breccias and shear zones, and displays higher gold grades. Geochronological evidence for the existence of early gold mineralization could have consequences for the understanding of paleoplacer-type deposits, observed primarily in Ghana. Indeed, this primary mineralization could represent a potential source for gold found in Tarkwaian paleoplacers, which formed after 2130 Ma, and for which the provenance of the gold remains unidentified

Geologic evolution of the Adrar Souttouf Massif (Moroccan Sahara) and its significance for continental-scaled plate reconstructions since the Mid Neoproterozoic

Gärtner, Andreas 21 December 2017 (has links)
Located in the south of the Moroccan Sahara, the Adrar Souttouf Massif is the northern continuation of the Mauritanides at the western margin of the West African Craton. The massif itself exhibits a complex polyphase geologic history and contains four geologically different, SSW-NNE trending main units named from west to east: Oued Togba, Sebkha Gezmayet, Dayet Lawda, Sebkha Matallah. They are thrusted over each other in thin-skinned nappes with local windows of the discordantly overlain Archaean Reguibat basement. The eastern margin of the massif is bordered by the Tiris and Tasiast-Tijirit areas of the Reguibat Shield as well as its (par-) autochthonous Palaeozoic cover sequence, termed Dhloat Ensour unit. More than 5.500 U-Th-Pb age determinations and over 1.000 Hf isotopic measurements on single zircon grains from igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks of all the massifs units and its vicinity have yet been obtained. Most of the zircons were studied with respect to their morphological features. This method improves the accuracy of provenance studies by detecting varying zircon morphologies in space and time. These data are accompanied by U-Th-Pb age determinations on apatite as well as rutile. Together, they allow proposing a model of the geologic evolution of this poorly mapped area for the last 635 Ma. A combination of the obtained data with extensive zircon age databases of the surrounding cratons and terranes facilitates continental-scaled palaeogeographic reconstructions. Regarding the geologic evolution of the Adrar Souttouf Massif, the assembly of the first units began prior to 635 Ma. Although containing all the major zircon age and Hf-isotope populations of the West African Craton as well as some Mesoproterozoic grains, the Sebkha Gezmayet unit lies to the west of the Dayet Lawda unit of oceanic island arc composition. Hence, the Sebkha Gezmayet unit must have been rifted away from the craton prior to the formation of the oceanic unit within the West African Neoproterozoic Ocean at about 635 Ma. Recently published Hf and zircon age data of this unit suggest that the island arc was derived from a juvenile mantle source. Subsequently, the accretion of precursors of the Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units as well as a partial obduction of the oceanic Dayet Lawda unit and the Neoproterozoic sediments of a foreland basin (Sebkha Matallah unit) onto the Reguibat Shield took place. Peak metamorphism in the obducted oceanic rocks was reached at about 605 Ma. Magmatism in the western units between 610 and 570 Ma suggests on-going tectonic activity. The Early and Middle Cambrian is characterised by the erosion of the Ediacaran orogen and deposition of thick sedimentary sequences at the Sebkha Matallah unit, which acted as foreland basin. These sediments show a mostly West African zircon record with only some Mesoproterozoic grains provided by the westernmost parts of the massif. Initial rifting of the Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units from the remaining areas presumably occurred during the Late Cambrian. Coeval granitoid intrusions occurred on both sides of the rift. The two rifted units were likely involved to the polyphased Appalachian orogenies, which is emphasised by Devonian magmatism. Thus, and with respect to the isotopic data, the Oued Togba unit is interpreted to be of Avalonia affinity, while the Sebkha Gezmayet unit can likely be linked to Meguma. The units which remained at the West African Craton underwent intense sediment recycling during the entire Ordovician to Devonian times. Final accretion of all units and formation of the current massif was achieved during the Variscan-Alleghanian orogeny. This was accompanied by magmatism in the Sebkha Gezmayet unit and intense metamorphism of the Reguibat basement, whose zircons often show lower discordia intercepts of Carboniferous or Permian age. The post-Variscan period is characterised by erosion of the orogen and subjacent alternating cycles of sedimentation and deflation. The Adrar Souttouf Massifs importance for palaeogeographic reconstructions is given by the striking differences in the zircon age and Hf-isotope record of its westernmost Oued Togba unit and the remaining area. The results obtained from the Oued Togba unit resemble the published data of the Avalonia type terranes including prominent Mesoproterozoic, Ediacaran-Early Cambrian, as well as Early Devonian age populations. Many Mesoproterozoic zircons, which are exotic for the West African Craton prior to 635 Ma, form a ca. 1.20 to 1.25 Ga age peak that is an excellent tracer for detrital provenance studies and source craton identification of the sedimentary rocks. This is also valid for some sedimentary samples that do not show ages younger than 700 Ma, but large quantities of Mesoproterozoic zircon. These rocks can be correlated to similar sediments in Mauritania and W-Avalonia and are thought to be of pre-pan-African", i.e. pre-Ediacaran or even pre-Cryogenian age. They may give direct insights to the source area in Early to Mid Neoproterozoic times. Accordingly, comparison with published data of Amazonia and Baltica, allows setting up new hypotheses for the pre-Ediacaran history of the Avalonian type terranes. Lacking of magmatism in Amazonia between ca. 1200 and ca. 1300 Ma favours Baltica as source craton for the Avalonian terranes and requires a new point of view for the Neoproterozoic palaeogeography.

Evolution phanérozoïque du Craton Ouest Africain et de ses bordures Nord et Ouest / Phanerozoic evolution of the West African Craton and its northern and western boundaries

Leprêtre, Rémi 08 April 2015 (has links)
La dynamique des cratons reste, encore actuellement, énigmatique dans la mesure où ceux-ci sont souvent considérés comme des domaines stables à l’échelle des temps géologiques. Dans ce travail, nous avons reconstitué l’évolution d’un des plus grands cratons, le Craton Ouest Africain. Nous nous sommes également penchés sur l’étude de ses bordures nord et ouest (Anti-Atlas et marge atlantique respectivement). Cette étude utilise les méthodes de thermochronologie basse-température (traces de fission et (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite) ainsi que la géologie structurale. Le choix de ce craton est justifié par les multiples contextes géologiques dont témoignent ses bordures au cours du Phanérozoïque (plateforme, avant-pays distal, marge passive). Ces contextes variés au cours du temps en font donc une cible idéale pour évaluer l’influence des diverses forces susceptibles d’affecter le craton.Tout d’abord, suite à une subsidence importante au cours du Paléozoïque, le craton enregistre un refroidissement important entre le Jurassique supérieur et le Crétacé inférieur, postérieurement à l’ouverture de l’Atlantique Central. Cet événement n’est pas directement lié aux seuls processus affectant les marges passives puisque non seulement la marge est affectée, mais aussi l’intérieur du craton (jusque 800 km à l’intérieur des terres) et le domaine mobile non-cratonique au Nord. Ce refroidissement traduit une phase d’exhumation kilométrique qui permet alors le dépôt d’une épaisse séquence détritique sur la plateforme saharienne. L’hypothèse d’un raccourcissement comme explication n’est pas valide et l’hypothèse d’une anomalie thermique mantellique à cette époque rend mieux compte de cet événement d’érosion majeur. L’hypothèse thermique possède un autre avantage : celui de rendre compte du réchauffement qui suivit à l’Apto-Albien et au début du Crétacé supérieur, à la fois par le craton mais aussi par ses bordures, par le biais de la subsidence thermique.Deuxièmement, à partir du Crétacé supérieur, la tendance générale est au refroidissement dans toute la région étudiée, synchrone avec l’initiation de la convergence Afrique/Europe. La chaîne du Haut Atlas au Maroc représente à ce moment un témoin privilégié des déformations se produisant pendant le Cénozoïque. Nous avons déterminé un calendrier tectonique précis dans l’avant-pays méridional de la chaîne, afin d’avoir un point de comparaison avec l’enregistrement cratonique. Ainsi, une première phase tectonique se déroule à l’Eocène supérieur. Celle-ci fait écho à un événement de déformation de plus grande échelle qui affecte toute le craton, résultant sans doute d’une réorganisation de grande ampleur dans la dynamique de la convergence. La phase récente Plio-Quaternaire est bien décrite à l’échelle de l’Afrique du Nord dans la chaîne Atlasique, mais pourrait s’avérer trop récente pour pouvoir être décelée par nos thermochronomètres à l’intérieur du domaine cratonique. Enfin, une phase de soulèvement spécifique au domaine atlasique marocain est enregistrée pendant le Miocène inférieur-moyen et met en place des nappes dans la chaîne. Les thermochronomètres basse-température ne la détectent pas à l’intérieur du craton, et elle pourrait donc être géographiquement restreinte au domaine atlasique.Ce travail a démontré que l’absence de sédiments au cours du Méso-Cénozoïque, qui en première approche font de ce craton une zone dite « stable », occulte une réalité géologique autre, faite de la succession de plusieurs phases épeirogéniques. Une évaluation des processus à l’œuvre permet de proposer que les phénomènes mantelliques ainsi que les transferts de contraintes sont des acteurs majeurs à l’origine de ces mouvements. Néanmoins, la juste contribution de chacun de ces processus nécessite encore un travail approfondi. / The dynamic evolution of cratonic domains remains enigmatic as they are usually considered as stable through geological times. In this work, we unraveled the evolution of one of the largest cratonic area, the West African Craton (WAC), and its north and west boundaries (Anti-Atlas and Atlantic passive margin, respectively), through low-temperature thermochronology (apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology) and structural geology. The WAC was studied since its boundaries witnessed many different geological settings (platform, distal foreland, passive margin) during the Phanerozoic, making it a good candidate to evaluate the various driving forces acting on the craton.First, after a continuous Paleozoic subsidence, the craton records the most important cooling event between Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, postdating the onset of the Central Atlantic Ocean spreading. This event is unrelated to the sole passive margin in itself and affected both the craton (up to 800 km inland) and the mobile boundary in the north (Anti-Atlas and High Atlas). It represents kilometer-scale erosion that led to the deposition of thick detrital formations, the red beds, across the whole Saharan platform. This event is not characterized by shortening and is better explained through a mantle-related thermal anomaly during this exhumation. The thermal hypothesis explains the subsequent thermal subsidence undergone by the craton and its north boundary during the Aptian-Albian and the early stages of the Late Cretaceous.Second, from Late Cretaceous onward, dominant cooling trend has imprinted the thermal histories of the studied region, coevally with the onset of the Africa/Europe convergence.The High Atlas belt in Morocco is an accurate witness of the deformations occurring during Cenozoic times. We determined the precise tectonic schedule in the southern foreland of the belt and compared this evolution with the cratonic one. We show that the first Eocene tectonic event echoes to a major craton-scale deformation and results probably from a significant geodynamic change in the convergence zone. The Pliocene-Quaternary phase, well known at the North African scale, is only recorded in the Atlas belt, but might be too recent to have significantly imprinted the thermochronological record inside the craton. Finally, another uplift specific to the Moroccan Atlas Belt during Early to Middle Miocene led to the emplacement of tectonic nappes. This event is not recorded by LTT on the craton and may be restricted to its mobile boundary.This work demonstrates that, despite the lack of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediment record that may advocate for a stable geological history, the West African Craton suffered significant epeirogenies during this period. Deep seated processes as well as stress transmission prove to be good candidates to account for these cratonic motions, although further work is needed to unravel the exact contribution of these various processes.

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