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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv podleptání plazmonických antén na jejich optickou odezvu / Influence of underetching of plasmonic antennas on their optical response

Novák, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Influence optical response on underetching of plasmonic antennas is observed in this thesis. When light falls with resonant wavelength on the optical antennas, the electromagnetic field is amplified near this antennas. The resonant wavelength depends on the length of the antenna and on effective refractive index given by the ambient properties around the antenna. The contact surface with substrate (dielectric) is reduced by underetching the antenna and the effective refractive index is changed and thus the optical response of the antenna is changed.

Wet Etching Optical Fibers to Sub-micron Diameters for Sensing Application

Cui, Ziruo 05 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Study, Modelling and Implementation of the Level Set Method Used in Micromachining Processes

Montoliu Álvaro, Carles 09 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] The main topic of the present thesis is the improvement of fabrication processes simulation by means of the Level Set (LS) method. The LS is a mathematical approach used for evolving fronts according to a motion defined by certain laws. The main advantage of this method is that the front is embedded inside a higher dimensional function such that updating this function instead of directly the front itself enables a trivial handling of complex situations like the splitting or coalescing of multiple fronts. In particular, this document is focused on wet and dry etching processes, which are widely used in the micromachining process of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). A MEMS is a system formed by mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics. These devices have gained a lot of popularity in last decades and are employed in several industry fields such as automotive security, motion sensors, and smartphones. Wet etching process consists in removing selectively substrate material (e.g. silicon or quartz) with a liquid solution in order to form a certain structure. This is a complex process since the result of a particular experiment depends on many factors, such as crystallographic structure of the material, etchant solution or its temperature. Similarly, dry etching processes are used for removing substrate material, however, gaseous substances are employed in the etching stage. In both cases, the usage of a simulator capable of predicting accurately the result of a certain experiment would imply a significant reduction of design time and costs. There exist a few LS-based wet etching simulators but they have many limitations and they have never been validated with real experiments. On the other hand, atomistic models are currently considered the most advanced simulators. Nevertheless, atomistic simulators present some drawbacks like the requirement of a prior calibration process in order to use the experimental data. Additionally, a lot of effort must be invested to create an atomistic model for simulating the etching process of substrate materials with different atomistic structures. Furthermore, the final result is always formed by unconnected atoms, which makes difficult a proper visualization and understanding of complex structures, thus, usually an additional visualization technique must be employed. For its part, dry etching simulators usually employ an explicit representation technique to evolve the surface being etched according to etching models. This strategy can produce unrealistic results, specially in complex situations like the interaction of multiple surfaces. Despite some models that use implicit representation have been published, they have never been directly compared with real experiments and computational performance of the implementations have not been properly analysed. The commented limitations are addressed in the various chapters of the present thesis, producing the following contributions: - An efficient LS implementation in order to improve the visual representation of atomistic wet etching simulators. This implementation produces continuous surfaces from atomistic results. - Definition of a new LS-based model which can directly use experimental data of many etchant solutions (such as KOH, TMAH, NH4HF2, and IPA and Triton additives) to simulate wet etching processes of various substrate materials (e.g. silicon and quartz). - Validation of the developed wet etching simulator by comparing it to experimental and atomistic simulator results. - Implementation of a LS-based tool which evolves the surface being etched according to dry etching models in order to enable the simulation of complex processes. This implementation is also validated experimentally. - Acceleration of the developed wet and dry etching simulators by using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). / [ES] El tema principal de la presente tesis consiste en mejorar la simulación de los procesos de fabricación utilizando el método Level Set (LS). El LS es una técnica matemática utilizada para la evolución de frentes según un movimiento definido por unas leyes. La principal ventaja de este método es que el frente está embebido dentro de una función definida en una dimensión superior. Actualizar dicha función en lugar del propio frente permite tratar de forma trivial situaciones complejas como la separación o la colisión de diversos frentes. En concreto, este documento se centra en los procesos de atacado húmedo y seco, los cuales son ampliamente utilizados en el proceso de fabricación de Sistemas Micro-Electro-Mecánicos (MEMS, de sus siglas en inglés). Un MEMS es un sistema formado por elementos mecánicos, sensores, actuadores y electrónica. Estos dispositivos hoy en día son utilizados en muchos campos de la industria como la seguridad automovilística, sensores de movimiento y teléfonos inteligentes. El proceso de atacado húmedo consiste en eliminar de forma selectiva el material del sustrato (por ejemplo, silicio o cuarzo) con una solución líquida con el fin de formar una estructura específica. Éste es un proceso complejo pues el resultado depende de muchos factores, tales como la estructura cristalográfica del material, la solución atacante o su temperatura. De forma similar, los procesos de atacado seco son utilizados para eliminar el material del sustrato, sin embargo, se utilizan sustancias gaseosas en la fase de atacado. En ambos casos, la utilización de un simulador capaz de predecir de forma precisa el resultado de un experimento concreto implicaría una reducción significativa del tiempo de diseño y de los costes. Existen unos pocos simuladores del proceso de atacado húmedo basados en el método LS, no obstante tienen muchas limitaciones y nunca han sido validados con experimentos reales. Por otro lado, los simuladores atomísticos son hoy en día considerados los simuladores más avanzados pero tienen algunos inconvenientes como la necesidad de un proceso de calibración previo para poder utilizar los datos experimentales. Además, debe invertirse mucho esfuerzo para crear un modelo atomístico para la simulación de materiales de sustrato con distintas estructuras atomísticas. Asimismo, el resultado final siempre está formado por átomos inconexos que dificultan una correcta visualización y un correcto entendimiento de aquellas estructuras complejas, por tanto, normalmente debe emplearse una técnica adicional para la visualización de dichos resultados. Por su parte, los simuladores del proceso de atacado seco normalmente utilizan técnicas de representación explícita para evolucionar, según los modelos de atacado, la superficie que está siendo atacada. Esta técnica puede producir resultados poco realistas, sobre todo en situaciones complejas como la interacción de múltiples superficies. A pesar de que unos pocos modelos son capaces de solventar estos problemas, nunca han sido comparados con experimentos reales ni el rendimiento computacional de las correspondientes implementaciones ha sido adecuadamente analizado. Las expuestas limitaciones son abordadas en la presente tesis y se han producido las siguientes contribuciones: - Implementación eficiente del método LS para mejorar la representación visual de los simuladores atomísticos del proceso de atacado húmedo. - Definición de un nuevo modelo basado en el LS que pueda usar directamente los datos experimentales de muchos atacantes para simular el proceso de atacado húmedo de diversos materiales de sustrato. - Validación del simulador comparándolo con resultados experimentales y con los de simuladores atomísticos. - Implementación de una herramienta basada en el método LS que evolucione la superficie que está siendo atacada según los modelos de atacado seco para habilitar la simulación de procesos comple / [CA] El tema principal de la present tesi consisteix en millorar la simulació de processos de fabricació mitjançant el mètode Level Set (LS). El LS és una tècnica matemàtica utilitzada per a l'evolució de fronts segons un moviment definit per unes lleis en concret. El principal avantatge d'aquest mètode és que el front està embegut dins d'una funció definida en una dimensió superior. D'aquesta forma, actualitzar la dita funció en lloc del propi front, permet tractar de forma trivial situacions complexes com la separació o la col·lisió de diversos fronts. En concret, aquest document es centra en els processos d'atacat humit i sec, els quals són àmpliament utilitzats en el procés de fabricació de Sistemes Micro-Electro-Mecànics (MEMS, de les sigles en anglès). Un MEMS és un sistema format per elements mecànics, sensors, actuadors i electrònica. Aquests dispositius han guanyat molta popularitat en les últimes dècades i són utilitzats en molts camps de la indústria, com la seguretat automobilística, sensors de moviment i telèfons intel·ligents. El procés d'atacat humit consisteix en eliminar de forma selectiva el material del substrat (per exemple, silici o quars) amb una solució líquida, amb la finalitat de formar una estructura específica. Aquest és un procés complex ja que el resultat de un determinat experiment depèn de molts factors, com l'estructura cristal·logràfica del material, la solució atacant o la seva temperatura. De manera similar, els processos d'atacat sec son utilitzats per a eliminar el material del substrat, no obstant, s'utilitzen substàncies gasoses en la fase d'atacat. En ambdós casos, la utilització d'un simulador capaç de predir de forma precisa el resultat d'un experiment en concret implicaria una reducció significativa del temps de disseny i dels costos. Existeixen uns pocs simuladors del procés d'atacat humit basats en el mètode LS, no obstant tenen moltes limitacions i mai han sigut validats amb experiments reals. Per la seva part, els simuladors atomístics tenen alguns inconvenients com la necessitat d'un procés de calibratge previ per a poder utilitzar les dades experimentals. A més, deu invertir-se molt d'esforç per crear un model atomístic per a la simulació de materials de substrat amb diferents estructures atomístiques. Així mateix, el resultat final sempre està format per àtoms inconnexos que dificulten una correcta visualització i un correcte enteniment d'aquelles estructures complexes, per tant, normalment deu emprar-se una tècnica addicional per a la visualització d'aquests resultats. D'altra banda, els simuladors del procés d'atacat sec normalment utilitzen tècniques de representació explícita per evolucionar, segons els models d'atacat, la superfície que està sent atacada. Aquesta tècnica pot introduir resultats poc realistes, sobretot en situacions complexes com per exemple la interacció de múltiples superfícies. A pesar que uns pocs models son capaços de resoldre aquests problemes, mai han sigut comparats amb experiments reals ni tampoc el rendiment computacional de les corresponents implementacions ha sigut adequadament analitzat. Les exposades limitacions son abordades en els diferents capítols de la present tesi i s'han produït les següents contribucions: - Implementació eficient del mètode LS per millorar la representació visual dels simuladors atomístics del procés d'atacat humit. - Definició d'un nou model basat en el mètode LS que puga utilitzar directament les dades experimentals de molts atacants per a simular el procés d'atacat humit de diversos materials de substrat. - Validació del simulador d'atacat humit desenvolupat comparant-lo amb resultats experimentals i amb els de simuladors atomístics. - Implementació d'una ferramenta basada en el mètode LS que evolucione la superfície que està sent atacada segons els models d'atacat sec per, d'aquesta forma, habilitar la simulació de processo / Montoliu Álvaro, C. (2015). Study, Modelling and Implementation of the Level Set Method Used in Micromachining Processes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58609

Etude de la dégradation de la protection par des résines photosensibles de la grille métallique TiN lors de gravures humides pour la réalisation de transistors de technologies sub-28nm / Study of the degradation of the protection by photoresists of the TiN metal gate during wet etchings, for the production of transistors in sub-28nm technologies

Foucaud, Mathieu 09 April 2015 (has links)
La gravure chimique par voie humide des matériaux est toujours utilisée dans certaines étapes spécifiques des procédés de fabrication de transistors pour la microélectronique. Cette gravure est effectuée en présence de masques de résine photosensible, qui définissent les zones à protéger de l'attaque chimique. Une des difficultés rencontrées lors de cette étape technologique est la dégradation du masque en résine et de l'interface résine/matériau à graver, qui entraine un endommagement du matériau sous-jacent. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier les dégradations occasionnées lors de la gravure humide par une solution chimique de type SC1 (NH4OH/H2O2/ H2O) de la grille métallique TiN / Al / TiN d'un transistor pMOS pour les nœuds technologiques 28nm et inférieurs. Dans notre étude, l'empilement protégeant la grille métallique est constitué d'une bicouche résine photosensible à 248nm / revêtement antireflectif développable (dit dBARC). Une première partie du travail a consisté à mener une étude phénoménologique des facteurs impactant l'adhésion des polymères sur le TiN, et a mis en évidence la forte influence de l'état de surface du film de TiN avant l'étape de lithographie, et notamment son vieillissement. Une seconde partie a consisté à étudier les différentes solutions permettant une amélioration de la tenue des polymères à la gravure SC1. Il a été montré que si aucun traitement de surface du TiN ne permettait d'améliorer cette adhésion, une augmentation de la température de recuit du dBARC permettait quant à elle d'accroitre le greffage du carbone sur la couche de TiN et donc la tenue à la gravure de tout l'empilement. Enfin, une troisième étude a permis de mettre en évidence l'endommagement de la surface de TiN par diffusion du SC1 dans l'empilement dBARC / résine, et de proposer un mécanisme expliquant ce phénomène. La réalisation d'un dispositif expérimental de mesure, innovant, basé sur la spectroscopie infrarouge en mode de réflexions internes multiples (MIR) a par ailleurs permis de caractériser cette diffusion des espèces chimiques dans l'empilement polymérique et d'étudier les facteurs l'impactant. / Materials wet etching is still used in some specific steps of the transistors manufacturing process in microelectronics. This etching is performed in the presence of photoresist masks that define the areas to be protected from the chemical etchants. One of the major problems encountered during this technology step is the degradation of both photoresist patterns and the photoresist / material interface, which leads to the underlying material's damaging. The goal of this thesis is to study these degradations, during the wet etching of the TiN / Al / TiN metal gate of a pMOS transistor using a SC1 chemical solution (NH4OH/H2O2/ H2O), for sub-28 nm technology nodes. In our study, the stack that protects the metal gate is a bilayer with a 248 nm photoresist and a developable anti-reflective coating (or dBARC). The first part of our work was to lead a phenomenology study of the various parameters impacting the polymers adhesion on TiN. It showed the strong influence of the TiN surface state before lithography, especially its ageing. In a second part, we studied various solutions to improve the polymers stack adhesion during the SC1 etching. No TiN surface treatment could enhance this adhesion, but we found that increasing the dBARC bake temperature lead to an increase of carbon grafting on TiN, which thus gave a better resistance of photoresist patterns to SC1 etching. Then in a third part, we highlighted the TiN surface damaging after SC1 diffusion through the resist bilayer and proposed a mechanism explaining this phenomenon. We also developed an innovative experimental device based on infrared spectroscopy in the Multiple Internal Reflections (MIR) mode to characterize the diffusion of chemical etchants in the polymers stack, and study the various parameters that may impact it.

Process Development For The Fabrication Of Mesoscale Electrostatic Valve Assembly

Dhru, Shailini Rajiv 01 January 2007 (has links)
This study concentrates on two of the main processes involved in the fabrication of electrostatic valve assembly, thick resist photolithography and wet chemical etching of a polyamide film. The electrostatic valve has different orifice diameters of 25, 50, 75 and 100 µm. These orifice holes are to be etched in the silicon wafer with deep reactive ion etching. The photolithography process is developed to build a mask of 15 µm thick resist pattern on silicon wafer. This photo layer acts as a mask for deep reactive ion etching. Wet chemical etching process is developed to etch kapton polyamide film. This etched film is used as a stand off, gap between two electrodes of the electrostatic valve assembly. The criterion is to develop the processed using standard industry tools. Pre post etch effects, such as, surface roughness, etching pattern, critical dimensions on the samples are measured with Veeco profilometer.

Study of initial void formation and electron wind force for scaling effects on electromigration in Cu interconnects

Wu, Zhuojie 11 July 2014 (has links)
The continuing scaling of integrated circuits beyond 22nm technology node poses increasing challenges to Electromigration (EM) reliability for Cu on-chip interconnects. First, the width of Cu lines in advanced technology nodes is less than the electron mean free path which is 39nm in Cu at room temperature. This is a new size regime where any new scaling effect on EM is of basic interest. And second, the reduced line width necessitates the development of new methods to analyze the EM characteristics. Such studies will require the development of well controlled processes to fabricate suitable test structures for EM study and model verification. This dissertation is to address these critical issues for EM in Cu interconnects. The dissertation first studies the initial void growth under EM, which is critical for measurement of the EM lifetime and statistics. A method based on analyzing the resistance traces obtained from EM tests of multi-link structures has been developed. The results indicated that there are three stages in the resistance traces where the rate of the initial void growth in Stage I is lower than that in Stage III after interconnect failure and they are linearly correlated. An analysis extending the Korhonen model has been formulated to account for the initial void formation. In this analysis, the stress evolution in the line during void growth under EM was analyzed in two regions and an analytic solution was deduced for the void growth rate. A Monte Carlo grain growth simulation based on the Potts model was performed to obtain grain structures for void growth analysis. The results from this analysis agreed reasonably well with the EM experiments. The next part of the dissertation is to study the size effect on the electron wind force for a thin film and for a line with a rectangular cross section. The electron wind force was modeled by considering the momentum transfer during collision between electrons and an atom. The scaling effect on the electron wind force was found to be represented by a size factor depending on the film/line dimensions. In general, the electron wind force is enhanced with increasing dimensional confinement. Finally, a process for fabrication of Si nanotrenches was developed for deposition of Cu nanolines with well-defined profiles. A self-aligned sub-lithographic mask technique was developed using polymer residues formed on Si surfaces during reactive ion etching of Si dioxide in a fluorocarbon plasma. This method was capable to fabricate ultra-narrow Si nanotrenches down to 20nm range with rectangular profiles and smooth sidewalls, which are ideal for studying EM damage mechanisms and model verification for future technology nodes. / text

Development Of A Micro-fabrication Process Simulator For Micro-electro-mechanical-systems(mems)

Yildirim, Alper 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT DEVELOPMENT OF A MICRO-FABRICATION PROCESS SIMULATOR FOR MICRO-ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (MEMS) Yildirim, Alper M.S, Department of Mechanical Engineering Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Melik D&ouml / len December 2005, 140 pages The aim of this study is to devise a computer simulation tool, which will speed-up the design of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems by providing the results of the micro-fabrication processes in advance. Anisotropic etching along with isotropic etching of silicon wafers are to be simulated in this environment. Similarly, additive processes like doping and material deposition could be simulated by means of a Cellular Automata based algorithm along with the use of OpenGL library functions. Equipped with an integrated mask design editor, complex mask patterns can be created by the software and the results are displayed by the Cellular Automata cells based on their spatial location and plane. The resultant etched shapes are in agreement with the experimental results both qualitatively and quantitatively. Keywords: Wet Etching, Anisotropic Etching, Doping, Cellular Automata, Micro-fabrication simulation, Material Deposition, Isotropic Etching, Dry Etching, Deep Reactive Ion Etching

Amélioration de la tenue au flux laser des composants optiques du laser Mégajoules par traitement chimique / Laser-induced damage resistance improvement of fused silica optics by wet etching process.

Pfiffer, Mathilde 17 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’amélioration de la résistance au flux laser de la surface descomposants optiques en silice en régime nanoseconde. Ce matériau est utilisé sur lesinstallations de laser de puissance telles que le Laser Mégajoule. Pour augmenter la durée de viedes composants optiques et garantir le fonctionnement nominal de cette installation,l’endommagement laser doit être maîtrisé. Il s’agit d’une dégradation irréversible de la surfacedes composants causée par l’interaction entre le faisceau laser et des défauts précurseurs. Cesderniers sont une conséquence de la synthèse de la silice puis du polissage des composants etleur présence peut être limitée par une action de traitement chimique réalisée à l’issue dupolissage qui consiste à éroder la surface de silice à l’aide d’une solution chimique. Cette érosionne doit cependant pas dégrader la qualité de la surface polie et ses propriétés optiques. Cettethèse se concentre sur la réalisation de cette étape de traitement chimique et se décompose entrois études. La première porte sur la caractérisation de la pollution induite en surface par lepolissage et sa suppression par le traitement chimique. La seconde et la troisième analysentl’impact des traitements chimiques respectivement sur les propriétés optiques de la surface etsur les rayures de polissage. Ces études nous permettent d’évaluer l’influence des différentsparamètres du traitement chimique, tels que la solution, le système de mise en oeuvre etl’épaisseur érodée, sur les performances apportées aux composants optiques. Finalement,l’ensemble de ces connaissances nous conduit à proposer un traitement chimique optimisé quiaméliore la tenue au flux des composants optiques sans dégrader leurs propriétés optiques. / In this thesis, laser-induced damage resistance improvement of fused silica opticsis investigated in the nanosecond regime. This material is used on high power laser facilitiessuch as the Laser Mégajoule. In order to improve the optics life time and to ensure the nominaloperation of this facility, laser induced damage has to be controlled. This phenomenon is anirreversible modification of the components surface because of the interaction between the laserbeam and precursors defects. These defects are a consequence of the synthesis of silica and thepolishing of the optics and their presence can be reduced by a wet etching. This process consistsin an erosion of the surface using a chemical solution however optical properties must remainunchanged. In this thesis, we focus on the wet etching process and we conduct three studies. Thefirst one is about the characterization of the polishing induced contamination and the capabilityof a wet etching to remove it from the surface. The second and the third analyzes are about theimpact of the wet etching respectively on the surface and on the scratches. These studies allowus to evaluate the influence of the wet etching parameters as the chemical solution, the systemused and the deep etched. Finally, the highlights obtained thanks to these studies enable tooptimize the wet etching process and improve the laser induced damage resistance ofcomponents without compromising their optical properties.

Développement d'un nouveau procédé de chemo-épitaxie pour l'alignement des copolymères à blocs / New chemoepitaxy process development for block copolymer alignement

Paquet, Anne 06 June 2019 (has links)
Afin de répondre aux demandes constantes de l’industrie micro-électronique pour la réduction des tailles des dispositifs électroniques, de nouvelles techniques de lithographie sont mises au point. Une de ces techniques est l’auto-assemblage dirigé des copolymères à blocs (DSA). Cette technique consiste à utiliser la capacité des copolymères à blocs à s’auto-assembler en nanodomaines (cylindres ou lamelles) pour former des motifs de type contact ou ligne / espace. En l’absence de motifs directionnels, les copolymères à blocs ne possèdent pas d’ordre à longue distance, nécessaire pour toute application type CMOS. Ainsi, deux approches différentes de DSA sont utilisées: la grapho-épitaxie, qui génère une orientation par guidage physique, et la chemo-épitaxie, qui génère une orientation par affinité chimique. Cette dernière permet plus de flexibilité lors de la conception des masques de lithographie puisque les zones actives sont définies à postériori par l’approche « cut last », et est de fait la plus recherchée aujourd’hui pour aligner les copolymères à blocs. Toutefois, les procédés de chemo-épitaxie actuels ont montré leurs limitations pour l’utilisation de copolymères à blocs de haute résolution dit high , dont la période est inférieure à 20 nm, due aux limitations des outils de lithographie conventionnelle utilisés en production.Dans cette thèse, un nouveau procédé de chemo-épitaxie, nommé ACE (Arkema-CEA) spécialement conçu pour l’intégration de copolymères à blocs high  est présenté. Dans ce procédé, les guides de chemo-épitaxie sont formés en combinant la lithographie standard et le procédé de lithographie par espaceur. Une sous-couche neutre, permettant l’orientation perpendiculaire du copolymère à blocs, est dans un premier temps déposée entre les espaceurs. Après le retrait des espaceurs, une étape de greffage sélectif a lieu pour obtenir un guide affine. Dans le procédé ACE, la taille finale du guide n’est plus directement définie par lithographie mais elle est plutôt déterminée par la taille de l’espaceur, obtenue en contrôlant l’épaisseur de dépôt. Cette technique permet de s’affranchir des contraintes de la lithographie au niveau des hautes résolutions.Afin de démontrer la faisabilité du procédé ACE, la thèse est divisée en deux axes de recherches. Le premier axe consiste à valider les points critiques du procédé, à savoir le greffage sélectif du guide directionnel entre les motifs formés par la sous-couche neutre et le retrait des espaceurs. Une étude approfondie sur les différentes sous-couches polymères disponibles et les effets des procédés sur celles-ci est réalisée. Le second axe s’intéresse à l’alignement du copolymère à blocs par le procédé ACE. Des fenêtres de procédé permettant d’étudier la stabilité et la reproductibilité du procédé sont obtenues en mesurant la défectivité du copolymère à blocs en fonction de la commensurabilité des motifs de lithographie. L’influence des différents paramètres (conditions de recuit et d’épaisseur du copolymère à blocs, hauteur et CD des espaceurs, …) est étudiée afin d’optimiser le procédé mis en place.Au vu des essais réalisés, le procédé mis en place est un procédé hybride chemo-grapho-épitaxie : la combinaison des guides physiques et chimiques permet l’alignement à longue distance des copolymères à blocs. L’absence de topographie ou la modification de l’affinité chimique du guide entraine une absence ou une modification de l’alignement des blocs. L’optimisation des paramètres permet l’alignement des copolymères à blocs sur de longues distances (plusieurs dizaines de micromètres carré), qui pourront permettre la définition de zone active par l’approche « cut last ». / In order to offer a solution to constant micro-electronics fab requirements in terms of lithography resolution, new lithography approaches are under study. One of this technic consist of using Block Copolymer capabilities to self-assembled in micro-structures, forming patterns structures like contact (cylinders) and line / space (lamellae). In the absence of any constraint, block copolymer do not own a long range order, useful for any CMOS-type application. Thereby two technics are used to obtain a block alignment: the grapho-epitaxy which align the block copolymer thanks to a physical guide, and the chemo-epitaxy, which align block copolymer thanks to a chemical affinity. Chemo-epitaxy, contrary to graph-epitaxy, offers space saving by aligning the blocs all over the studied field. Today, it is the most used technic. However, the current lithography requirements lead to the integration of high  block copolymers whose period are below 20 nm. With this dimension, the current chemo-epitaxy processes are not adapted anymore, due to the resolution limit of the standard lithography tools defining the guides.This thesis aims to introduce a new chemo-epitaxy process flow, called Process ACE,by using LETI 300mm process capability and Arkema’s block copolymer advanced materials. In this new process, chemo-epitaxy guides are formed by combining standard lithography and established spacer patterning process. Spacer patterning technique is an option which, thanks to its aggressive dimensions, allows the integration of high  block copolymers. A neutral underlayer, allowing perpendicular bloc copolymer orientation is located between the spacers. After the spacer removal, a selective grafting takes place to obtain an affine guide for one of the block. The final guide size corresponds to the one of the spacer earlier processed.In order to validate the process feasibility the thesis is divided in two parts. The first part investigates the critical process steps, that is to say the affinity guide selective grafting between the patterns form by the neutral underlayer and the spacers removal, by means of an in-depth polymer underlayer study and the process effects on these one’s. The second part focuses on block copolymer alignment with process ACE. Process windows validating the process stability and reproducibility are obtained by measuring block copolymer defectivity as a function of the lithography patterns commensurability. The different parameters effect (block copolymer baking, spacer height and width) is studied in order to optimise the process set up.On the basis of the testis undertaken, the process set up is a hybrid chemo-grapho-epitaxy process. It allows block copolymer long range order thanks to physical and chemical guides involved at the underlayer – block copolymer interface all by allowing a full space occupation of the available space.

High Temperature Water as an Etch and Clean for SiO2 and Si3N4

Barclay, Joshua David 12 1900 (has links)
An environmentally friendly, and contamination free process for etching and cleaning semiconductors is critical to future of the IC industry. Under the right conditions, water has the ability to meet these requirements. Water becomes more reactive as a function of temperature in part because the number of hydronium and hydroxyl ions increase. As water approaches its boiling point, the concentration of these species increases over seven times their concentrations at room temperature. At 150 °C, when the liquid state is maintained, these concentrations increase 15 times over room temperature. Due to its enhanced reactivity, high temperature water (HTW) has been studied as an etch and clean of thermally grown SiO2, Si3N4, and low-k films. High temperature deuterium oxide (HT-D2O) behaves similarly to HTW; however, it dissociates an order of magnitude less than HTW resulting in an equivalent reduction in reactive species. This allowed for the effects of reactive specie concentration on etch rate to be studied, providing valuable insight into how HTW compares to other high temperature wet etching processes such as hot phosphoric acid (HPA). Characterization was conducted using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to determine chemical changes due to etching, spectroscopic ellipsometry to determine film thickness, profilometry to measure thickness change across the samples, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), contact angle to measure changes in wetting behavior, and UV-Vis spectroscopy to measure dissolved silica in post etch water. HTW has demonstrated the ability to effective etch both SiO2 and Si3N4, HT-D2O also showed similar etch rates of Si3N4 indicating that a threshold reactive specie concentration is needed to maximize etch rate at a given temperature and additional reactive species do not further increase the etch rate. Because HTW has no hazardous byproducts, high temperature water could become a more environmentally friendly etchant of SiO2 and Si3N4 thin films.

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