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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traumatic brain injuries and whiplash injuries : epidemiology and long-term consequences

Styrke, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Background The incidence of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) is about 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year, a majority of which are mild TBI (MTBI). The incidence of whiplash injuries is about 300/100,000/year. There are several similarities between MTBI and whiplash injuries with regard to the causes of injury (traffic crashes and falls), the demographic profile of the injured (mostly young persons), and the type of symptoms exhibited by some of the injured (for example head/neck pain, fatigue, irritability, impaired cognitive functioning, and depression).  Main aim To investigate the epidemiology and long-term consequences in terms of symptoms, disability, and life satisfaction in cases of TBI and whiplash injuries in a well-defined population. Material and methods Data on frequencies and characteristics of TBI and whiplash injuries were extracted from the injury database at the emergency department (ED) of Umeå University Hospital (UUH). The results were presented as descriptive epidemiology. The 18-65 year-old persons who sustained an MTBI or whiplash injury in 2001, were provided a questionnaire three and five years after injury respectively, in which questions were asked about: Symptoms; Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) Disability; Rivermead Head Injury Follow Up Questionnaire (RHFUQ) Life satisfaction; LiSat-11 A local reference population was used for comparison of the RPQ. A national cohort was used as reference for LiSat-11. Data on sick leave for the cases of whiplash injuries were analysed to calculate the cost to society for loss of productivity. Results In 2001, the incidence of TBI was 354/100,000/year. The mean age was 23 and 55% were men. Ninety-seven percent of the injuries were classified as mild (Glasgow coma scale 13-15). The main causes were falls (55%) and traffic related injury events (30%). In 8% of the cases (17% of the elderly persons) an intracranial bleeding was detected by using CT. The 3-year follow-up of the MTBI patients showed that women had more symptoms and disability (~50%) than men (~30%). Both women and men had more symptoms and lower life satisfaction compared with the reference population. The incidence of traffic-related whiplash injuries in adults was 235/100,000/year and the annual incidences were relatively stable during 2000-2009. Combining the incidences with national insurance data showed that the proportion of insurance claims decreased during the period. When looking at whiplash trauma following all causes of injury in 2001, traffic crashes caused 61% of the injuries and falls caused 14%. Neck fractures occurred in 3% of the cases. Five years after whiplash injury, the injured persons had more symptoms and lower life satisfaction than the references. Sick leave ≥15 days was granted in 14% of the cases of whiplash injuries. The median number of sick days was 298 and the cost of loss of productivity during the follow-up was 5.6 million USD. The frequencies of symptoms were relatively alike when comparing subjects with whiplash injuries to subjects with MTBI. Conclusion TBI and whiplash injuries are common, especially among young people, and the injuries render long-term symptoms, disability, and impaired life satisfaction in up to 50% of the cases. Symptoms exhibited are alike between the two types of injuries. The cost to society for loss of productivity is high, and there is a need for enhanced preventive measures aiming at reducing traffic-related injuries, sports injuries, alcohol-related injuries, and falls. Physical, mental, and social factors are important and should be addressed when examining and treating patients with persisting symptoms following TBI and whiplash injuries. / Bakgrund Skallskador utgör ett stort folkhälsoproblem, särskilt eftersom många som skadas är unga. Skallskador är också, parallellt med självmord, den vanligaste dödsorsaken hos ungdomar och unga vuxna. De flesta av skadorna klassas som ”lätta” i akutskedet men trots det så kommer en del av patienterna att drabbas av kvarstående besvär, t ex smärta, koncentrationssvårigheter, depression och nedsatt livstillfredsställelse. Whiplashskador är nästan lika vanligt förekommande som skallskador och uppkommer framförallt i trafikolyckor. Även fall- och sportskador orsakar emellertid ett betydande antal whiplashskador. I normalfallet avtar de akuta symptomen inom några veckor men en del av patienterna anger att de får kvarstående besvär. Ett flertal skademekanismer i nackens vävnader är kända men tyvärr svåra att verifiera eller utesluta. Huvudsyfte Att undersöka förekomsten av skallskador och whiplashskador i en väldefinierad population samt beskriva restsymptom, funktions-nedsättningar och livstillfredsställelse hos de drabbade tre till fem år efter skadan. Material och metod Förekomsten av skadorna (Studie I, III och IV) Studierna baseras på skadedatabasen vid Norrlands Universitetssjukhus i Umeå (NUS). I skadedatabasen registreras alla patienter som söker till akutmottagningen efter en skadehändelse, ca 10 000 fall per år. När patienterna anmäler sig i receptionen tilldelas de en skadejournal som de själva fyller i i väntan på att bli undersökta. När patienter inkommer med svårare skador får anhöriga i möjligaste mån fylla i journalen. Primärvårdens jour har under åren för studiens genomförande varit belägen på akutmottagningen under kvällar, nätter och helger vilket inneburit att de få skadefall som konsekvent missats har varit lättare skador som behandlats dagtid på vårdcentralerna i upptagningsområdet.   Långtidsuppföljning (Studie II, III och V) En uppföljande enkätundersökning bestående av ett antal validerade frågeformulär skickades till alla skall- och whiplashskadade patienter i arbetsför ålder tre respektive fem år efter skadehändelsen. De frågeformulär som analyserades var: För symptom: Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) För funktionsnedsättning: Rivermead Head Injury Follow Up Questionnaire (RHFUQ) För livstillfredsställelse: Life Satisfaction-11 (LiSat-11) För smärta (hos de whiplashskadade): Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)  Resultaten från RPQ och LiSat-11 jämfördes med sedan tidigare tillgängligt material från åldersmatchade referenspopulationer. När det gäller de whiplashskadade genomfördes en femårsuppföljning avseende sjukskrivning. Data från Försäkringskassan analyserades och samhällskostnaden för produktionsbortfall beräknades baserat på den genomsnittliga kostnaden för en årsarbetare. Resultat Förekomsten av skallskador vid NUS under 2001 var 354 skadade per 100 000 invånare. Medelåldern på de skadade var 23 år och 55% var män. Andelen lätta skallskador var 97%. Fallolyckor orsakade flest skador (55%) och trafikolyckor var näst vanligast (30%). Minst 17% av patienterna (ofta medelålders personer) var alkoholpåverkade. Hos 8% av patienterna (17% av personer över 65 år) upptäcktes blödningar i hjärnan. I uppföljningen efter tre år noterades att de skallskadade patienterna i arbetsför ålder hade högre symptomfrekvens och lägre livstillfredsställelse än referenspopulationerna. Kvinnorna rapporterade högre förekomst av symptom och funktionsnedsättning än männen. Funktionsnedsättning av varierande grad samt så kallat postkommotionellt syndrom (med förekomst av minst tre specificerade symptom) fanns hos ca 50% av kvinnorna och hos ca 30% av männen. Medelförekomsten av whiplashskador till följd av trafikolyckor var under 2000-2009 235 fall per 100 000 invånare och år. Sammantaget var förekomsten relativt stabil under perioden; en ökning med 1% per år noterades. När siffrorna matchades mot data från Försäkringsförbundet noterades en minskning av andelen försäkringsärenden under perioden. 2001 års incidens av akuta whiplashskador efter alla typer av skadehändelser var 383 skadade per 100 000 invånare. Könsfördelningen var 56% män / 44% kvinnor och medelåldern var 32 år. Trafikolyckor orsakade 61% av whiplashskadorna medan fallolyckor stod för 14%. Frakturer i nacken var ovanliga och hittades hos 3% av patienterna. I femårsuppföljningen av whiplashpatienter i arbetsför ålder noterades att de hade högre frekvens (ca 50%) av symptom samt lägre livstillfredsställelse än referenspopulationerna. Funktionsnedsättning av varierande grad fanns hos ca 50% av patienterna. Kvinnorna skattade sin smärta högre än männen men i övrigt fanns ingen könsskillnad beträffande förekomsten av symptom, funktionsnedsättning och livstillfredsställelse. Vid jämförelse mellan whiplashskadade och skallskadade noterades att förekomsten av symptom med några få undantag inte skilde sig åt mellan grupperna. Fjorton procent av de whiplashskadade blev sjukskrivna i mer än 14 dagar. Sjukskrivningens medianlängd var 298 dagar och i 3% av fallen fortskred sjukskrivningen under hela 5-årsperioden. Trafikskadade sjukskrevs oftare än fallskadade och noterbart är också att nackfrakturer ej resulterade i längre sjukskrivningar än mjukdelsskador. Samhällskostnaden för produktionsbortfall var i snitt ca 600 000 kr per sjukskrivning. Konklusion Avhandlingen bidrar med nya grunddata som ytterligare förstärker bilden av att skallskador och whiplashskador är vanliga och att det framförallt är unga personer som drabbas. Grad och typ av kvarstående besvär är likartade efter båda skadetyper. Samhällskostnaden för skadorna är hög och lämpliga områden för skadepreventivt arbete tycks vara fallskadeprevention, trafikskadeprevention, skadeprevention inom hästsport, fotboll och ishockey samt prevention av alkoholrelaterade skador. Både fysiska, psykologiska och sociala faktorer inverkar på läkningsförloppet och symptombilden efter skadorna och det är viktigt att utvärdera och behandla patienterna med utgångspunkt från detta.

Försäkringsrättslig preskription : särskilt om tolkningsproblemen beträffande den tioåriga preskriptionstiden / Limitation of Insurance Claims : Especially About the Interpretation Problems Regarding the Ten Year Limitation

Pripp, Lise January 2004 (has links)
De preskriptionsregler som idag finns i försäkringsavtalslagen, konsumentförsäkringslagen och trafikskadelagen har visat sig vara mycket oklara och därför vållat stora tolkningsproblem. Det största problemet har varit frågan om när de stipulerade preskriptionstiderna skall börja löpa. Förarbetena ger ingen klar ledning i frågan och både försäkringsnämnderna och Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden har varit splittrade i sin syn på problemet. I doktrinen har det påtalats att det råder brist på avgöranden från HD i frågan och det är först på senare år som viktiga mål har tagits upp i högsta instans. De problem som denna uppsats i första hand skall behandla är de som berör den tioåriga preskriptionen, med utgångspunkt i HD-avgörandet NJA 2001 s 695 (I och II). Utgången i målet står i motsättning till försäkringsbolagens praxis och vinner inte heller klart stöd i förarbetena. HD:s tolkning har därför blivit mycket omdiskuterad. I uppsatsen kommer jag att analysera den problematik som nu beskrivits samt föra en diskussion om hur klart rättsläget blivit efter HD:s avgörande. Jag kommer även att lyfta fram de frågor som ännu inte behandlats fullt ut i praxis, samt föra en diskussion kring hur en eventuell ny preskriptionsregel bör utformas.

Interaction between humans and car seats : studies of occupant seat adjustment, posture, position, and real world neck injuries in rear-end impacts

Jonsson, Bertil January 2008 (has links)
Background: The latest generation of rear-end whiplash protection systems, as found in the WHIPS Volvo and SAHR Saab, have reduced injury rates by almost 50% in comparison with the previous generation of seat/head restraint systems. Occupant behaviour, such as seated posture and seat adjustment settings, may affect the injury risk. Method: Five studies were conducted. Studie I was an injury outcome study based on insurance data. Studies II-IV investigated seat adjustment, occupant backset, and cervical retraction for drivers and occupants in different postures and positions in the car, during stationary and driving conditions. Study V compared the occupant data from studies II and III with a vehicle testing tool, the BioRID dummy, using the protocols of the ISO, RCAR, and the RCAR-IIWPG. Results: Female drivers and passengers had a threefold increased risk for medically-impairing neck injury in rear-end impacts, compared to males. Driver position had a double risk compared with front passenger seat position. Female drivers adjusted the driver seat differently to male drivers; they sat higher and closer to the steering wheel and with more upright back support. The volunteers also adjusted their seat differently to the ISO, RCAR, and RCAR-IIWPG protocol settings; both sexes sat further away from the steering wheel, and seat back angle was more upright then in the protocols. In stationary cars, backset was highest in the rear seat position and lowest in the front passenger seat position. Males had a larger backset than females. Cervical retraction decreased and backset increased for both sexes when posture changed from self-selected posture to a slouched posture. The BioRID II dummy was found to represent 96th percentile female in stature, and a 69th percentile female in weight in the volunteer group. Conclusions: Risks in car rear-end impacts differ by sex and seated position. This thesis indicates the need for a 50th percentile female BioRID dummy and re-evaluation of the ISO, RCAR, and RCAR-IIWPG protocols, and further development of new safety systems to protect occupants in rear-end impacts.

Chronic neck pain : An epidemiological, psychological and SPECT study with emphasis on whiplash-associated disorders

Guez, Michel January 2006 (has links)
Chronic neck pain, a common cause of disability, seems to be the result of several interacting mechanisms. In addition to degenerative and inflammatory changes and trauma, psychological and psychosocial factors are also involved. One common type of trauma associated with chronic neck pain is whiplash injury; this sometimes results in whiplash-associated disorder (WAD), a controversial condition with largely unknown pathogenetic mechanisms. We studied the prevalence of chronic neck pain of traumatic and non-traumatic origin and compared the prevalence of, sociodemographic data, self-perceived health, workload and chronic lowback pain in these groups. In a ready-made questionnaire (MONICA study), we added questions about cervical spine and low-back complaints. 6,000 (72%) completed a self-administered questionnaire. 43% reported neck pain: 48% of women and 38% of men. Women of working age had more neck pain than retired women, a phenomenon not seen in men. 19% of the studied population suffered from chronic neck pain and it was more frequent in women. A history of neck trauma was common in those with chronic neck pain. Those with a history of neck trauma perceived their health worse and were more often on sick-leave. About 50% of those with traumatic and non-traumatic chronic neck pain also had chronic low-back pain. We assessed the subjective and objective neuropsychological functioning in 42 patients with chronic neck pain, 21 with a whiplash trauma, and 21 without previous neck trauma. Despite cognitive complaints, the WAD patients had normal neuropsychological functioning, but the WAD group especially had deviant MMPI results—indicating impaired coping ability and somatization.WAD patients had no alterations in cerebral blood-flow pattern, as measured by rCBF-SPECT and SPM analysis, compared to healthy controls. This contrasts with the non-traumatic group with chronic neck pain, which showed marked blood-flow changes. The blood-flow changes in the non-traumatic group were similar to those described earlier in pain patients but— remarkably enough—were different from those in the WAD group. Chronic neck pain of whiplash and non-traumatic origin appears to be unique in some respects. A better understanding of the underlying pathological mechanisms is a prerequisite for prevention of the development of such chronic pain syndromes and for improvement of the treatment of patients with severe symptoms.

Neck function in rhythmic jaw activities

Häggman-Henrikson, Birgitta January 2004 (has links)
Previous studies in animals and humans show anatomic and physiological connections between the trigeminal and cervical regions. This investigation tested the hypothesis of a functional integration between the human jaw and neck motor systems in rhythmic jaw activities. By means of a wireless optoelectronic 3-D movement recording system, spatiotemporal characteristics of mandibular and head-neck movements were studied during rhythmic jaw opening-closing and chewing tasks, in healthy and in individuals with pain and dysfunction in the jaw and neck region following neck trauma, Whiplash-associated Disorders (WAD). As a basis, a methodological study evaluated the applicability of skin and teeth attached reflex markers fixed to the lower jaw and to the head in optoelectronic recording of chewing movements. The results showed concomitant and coordinated mandibular and head movements during rhythmic jaw tasks. The start of the head movement generally preceded the start of the mandibular movement. For chewing, larger size and harder texture of bolus were associated with larger head extension and larger amplitude of both mandibular and head movements. Immobilization of the head by mechanical fixation deranged jaw motor behaviour with regard to speed and amplitude of mandibular movements. Even with head fixation, muscle activity was present in neck muscles during activities. Compared to healthy subjects, WAD individuals showed smaller amplitudes and disturbed coordination of mandibular and head movements. Furthermore, a dynamic load test showed a reduced endurance during chewing in the WAD group. In conclusion, the results suggest that optimal jaw function requires free unrestricted head-neck movements and support the hypothesis of a close functional relationship between the jaw and the neck regions in rhythmic jaw activities. A new concept for human jaw function is proposed, in which "functional jaw movements" are the result of activation of jaw as well as neck muscles, leading to simultaneous movements in the temporomandibular, atlanto-occipital and cervical spine joints. The finding of an association between neck injury and disturbed jaw behaviour suggest that assessment and management of neck injured patients should include jaw function.

Omgivningens stöd   : ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Whiplashskadade kvinnor berättar om sin väg tillbaka till sysselsättning

Dahlberg, Ann January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken betydelse omgivningens stöd har för en fungerande återgång till sysselsättning för whiplashskadade kvinnor. Fem kvinnor som alla har återgått till sysselsättning efter sin whiplashskada deltog i en kvalitativ intervju med öppna frågor kring betydelsen av omgivningens stöd och andra bidragande faktorer. Jag har haft Antonovskys teori om KASAM samt Putnams teori om socialt stöd som teoretisk grund. Då fokus har legat på att få fram deras upplevelse av omgivningens stöd genom min tolkning och förståelse har hermeneutiken använts som metod. Resultatet visade att omgivningens stöd i olika former var en viktig faktor för en lyckad återgång. Det handlade främst om praktiskt eller emotionellt stöd från myndigheter, familj och vänner. Det visade sig också att personliga förhållningssätt spelade in, såsom envishet och positivt tänkande.

Experimental Whiplash Analysis With Hybrid Iii 50 Percentile Test Dummy

Gocmen, Ulas 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Whiplash injuries as a result of rear impact are among the most common injuries in traffic accidents. This is why whiplash injuries have reached a high priority in the research area. In this study, the effects of head restraint position and impact pulse to the whiplash injury have been analyzed by performing whiplash tests using the sled test facility of METU-BILTIR Center Vehicle Safety Unit. Although there are many whiplash test protocols, the test sample has been prepared according to the most recent one, Euro NCAP Whiplash Test Protocol. Three different head restraint positions and three different impact pulses with different severities, totally nine tests have been performed. The tests are performed with a three point generic seat belt and an instrumented Hybrid III 50th percentile male adult crash test dummy is used as the occupant in driver seat of a light commercial vehicle. High speed cameras, sensors on the crash test dummy and a data acquisition system are used to take the test data. This test data has been analyzed and presented according to the defined whiplash assessment criteria and the performance scores of the particular seat for each test have been determined using the whiplash assessment criteria values according to the Euro NCAP Test Protocols.

Experimental Aspects on Chronic Whiplash-Associated Pain

Lemming, Dag January 2008 (has links)
Introduction: Chronic pain after whiplash trauma (chronic WAD) to the neck is still a common clinical problem in terms of pain management, rehabilitation and insurance claims. In contrast to the increased knowledge concerning mechanisms of chronic pain in general, no clinical guidelines exist concerning assessment, pain control and rehabilitation of patients with chronic WAD. Aim: The general aim of this thesis was to use experimental techniques to better understand the complex mechanisms underlying chronic pain after whiplash trauma. The specific aims of papers I and II were mainly to use analgesic drugs with different target mechanisms alone or in combinations to assess their effects on pain intensity (VAS). Experimental pain techniques were used in all studies to assess deep tissue sensitivity (electrical, mechanical and chemical stimuli). Paper IV aimed at assessing deep tissue sensitivity to mechanical and chemical stimulation. The aim in paper III was to investigate if biochemical changes in interstitial muscle tissue (trapezius muscle) could be detected in WAD patients. Materials and Methods: The thesis is based on three different groups of patients with chronic WAD. In paper III and IV two different groups of healthy controls also participated. All patients were initially assessed in the pain and rehabilitation centre. In paper I (30 patients) and II (20 patients) two different techniques of drug challenges were used. In paper I: morphine, ketamine and lidocaine were used as single drugs. In paper II: remifentanil, ketamine and placebo were used in combinations and together with experimental pain assessments. Microdialysis technique was used in paper III (22 patients from study IV and 20 controls). In paper IV (25 patients and 10 controls) a new quantitative method, computerized cuff pressure algometry, was used in combination with intramuscular saline. In all papers, experimental pain techniques for deep tissue assessment (except cutaneous electrical stimulation in paper I) were used in different combinations: intramuscular hypertonic saline infusion, intramuscular electrical stimulation and pressure algometry. Results and Conclusion: There are multiple mechanisms behind chronic whiplash-associated pain, opioid sensitive neurons, NMDA-receptors and even sodium channels might play a part. A significant share of the patients were pharmacological non-responders to analgesic drugs targeting the main afferent mechanisms involved in pain transmission, this implies activation of different pain processing mechanisms (i.e. enhanced facilitation or changes in the cortical and subcortical neuromatrix). Experimental pain assessments and drug challenges together indicate a state of central hyperexcitability. Ongoing peripheral nociception (paper III), central sensitization and dysregulation of pain from higher levels in the nervous system may interact. These findings are likely to be present early after a trauma, however it is not possible to say whether they are trauma-induced or actually represents pre-morbid variations. Clinical trials with early assessments of the somatosensory system (i.e., using experimental pain) and re-evaluations, early intervention (i.e. rehabilitation) and intensified pain management could give further knowledge.

Whiplash injury : a clinical, radiographic and psychological investigation

Pettersson, Kurt January 1996 (has links)
Whiplash injury is a common and troublesome disorder and approximately 10-40 per cent of its victims develop chronic symptoms. The annual incidence is estimated at 1/1000 inhabitants and the prevalence at 1%. The cause of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury is still unknown and no effective treatment has been presented so far. The present study is divided into two parts; the first part includes clinical, radiographic and psychological investigations, and the second part the effect of surgical intervention as well as intervention with medication. MRI studies (n=39) showed a larger proportion of pathologic findings compared to normal subjects, but no correlation with initial neurologic deficits was found. At the 2-year follow-up all patients with disc herniations with medullary impingement had persistent symptoms. Three patients had disc herniations that deteriorated from slight and moderate initial changes on the MRI to severe changes with medullary cord impingement. This deterioration might be a first sign of disc degeneration. Thus our results indicate that disc pathology is a contributing factor in the development of chronic symptoms. Measurements from standard lateral radiographs taken in neutral position were evaluated (n=48). A graphic digitizer connected to a microcomputer was used and the sagittal diameters were determined. Multivariate analysis of variance showed that the spinal canal was significantly smaller in patients with persistent symptoms indicating that a narrow spinal canal is unfavourable in patients subjected to whiplash injury. A psychological investigation (n=70) revealed no relationship between pre-existing personality traits and persistent symptoms. In our study, whiplash patients showed no differences in personality traits compared to normal controls. Our results after discectomy and anterior cervical fusion (n=20) because of chronic symptoms after whiplash injury were not satisfactory. We noticed that about half of the cases had less headache and neck pain but no beneficial effects on radicular pain, vertigo, visual and auditory symptoms were observed. Based on the criteria of a surgical evaluation, two patients were classified as good, nine as fair and nine as poor. A prospective randomised double-blind study of high-dose methyl-prednisolone compared to placebo was conducted (n=40). A clinical follow-up with repeated neurological examinations and a standardised questionnaire including VAS-scales and a pain sketch form were used for the evaluation of initial symptoms, before drug administration and at the follow-ups at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 6 months after the injury. At the 6-month follow-up there was a significant difference between the actively treated patients and placebo concerning disabling symptoms defined as inability to return to previous work, number of sick-days and sick-leave profile. All the actively treated patients had returned to work and none had multiple symptoms though three of them complained of intermittent neck pain. Our conclusion is therefore that acute treatment with high-dose corticosteroids might be beneficial to the prevention of disabling symptoms after whiplash injury. / <p>Härtill 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Whiplash associated disorders : acute and chronic consequences with some implications for rehabilitation

Sterner, Ylva January 2001 (has links)
Background: Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) account for a large proportion of the overall impairment and disability from traffic injuries and causes substantial bio psychosocial consequences for some individuals. Aims: To increase the knowledge about factors described in terms of either function /impairment, activity/disability and life satisfaction in acute and chronic WAD as well as possible implications for rehabilitation. Within this aim the incidence and recovery rate of whiplash injury and prognostic factors of interest for early rehabilitation have been studied. Subjects and Methods: Fifty-five healthy controls and 34 WAD subjects were analysed within and between groups concerning a) biomechanical out put, endurance, fatigue and muscle tension (EMG activity of trapezius, infraspinatus and deltoideus) during repetitive shoulder forward flexion b) impairments and activity/disability and life satisfaction.356 subjects seeking medical attention due to whiplash trauma, 296 were available at follow up, mean 16 months post injury. Incidence and odds ratio of accident and other background factors on disability were determined. Thirty-four out of 43 patients with whiplash injury were investigated through quantitative sensory tests at six weeks and 71 months after injury. 62 WAD participated in an interdisciplinary rehabilitation program (a pilot study) designed to evaluate such rehabilitation program for patients with chronic (in relatively early stage) WAD. Program evaluation of impairment, disability and life satisfaction (prospective and retrospective) was carried out before and after program and at 6 months. Results: No significant effects of sex or age on the ability to relax between repetitive r muscle contractions (SAR) were found in healthy subjects (study I). Significantly higher inability to relax between contractions was found for the two portions of trapezius and infraspinatus in the WAD group compared to the healthy group (study II). Significantly lower levels of activity preferences were noted for three out of five indices in females with WAD The WAD group had significantly higher prevalence of neropsychological and emotional symptoms. Both pain related symptoms and neropsychological symptoms were of significant importance for aspects of disability and life satisfaction in this group (study IV). Sensory disturbances over the trigeminal skin area persisted over the years. At follow-up a significant correlation was found between the sensory disturbances and the symptoms related to the central nervous system while no significant relationship was found with the musculoskeletal symptoms (study HI) .The annual incidence according to the grading of the Quebec Task Force on Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD 1-3) was 3.2/1000 and 4.2/1000 when WAD 0 was included. Sixty-eight percent of the patients recovered during the follow-up Pre-traumatic neck pain, low educational level, female gender and WAD grade E-Ill were significantly associated with a poor prognosis (study IV). . Participants in the rehabilitation program reported increased coping ability. Stress reactions seemed rather frequent (32 %). Pain intensity in the neck and upper back were significantly decreased at 6 months follow-up. However, for most of the functional and psychological markers, no significant changes were found (study V). Conclusion: The higher prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints of the neck shoulder region in females cannot be explained by higher muscle tension and clinical assumption of increased muscle tension seems correct in whiplash patients Results indicate heterogeneity among WAD subjects. Females are at risk after a whiplash trauma but the severity of initial symptoms and signs also affect outcome as well as low education. High levels of neuropsychological symptoms and pain, signs of posttraumatic stress, fear and avoidance, loss of control, anxiety, bio-mechanical and psychosocial factors at work (studies) and social support are potential factors to be aware of. Extensive and costly investigations are in most cases not necessary. However most persons will recover a whiplash injury. Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary assessment should be considered at three months if substantial negative effect on the person’s ability to function and health situation exists. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2001, härtill 6 uppsatser.</p> / digitalisering@umu

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