Spelling suggestions: "subject:"whistleblowing."" "subject:"wwhistleblowing.""
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Analysis of governance systen DOJ&CD with a view to identifying shortcomings and preventing corruptionRoss, Theresa Molomoitime 20 August 2012 (has links)
In the recent years, there have been many reports on the prevalence of corruption in the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. Corruption impacts negatively on the image of organisations since it erodes public trust and delegitimises such organisations. Therefore, good corporate governance practices should be adopted to prevent corruption.
The purpose of this study was to analyse the governance system of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development with the view to identifying shortcomings in the system.
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Ochrana před korupcí a úplatkářstvím a jejich prevence / Protection against corruption and bribery and their preventionFaltusová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
PROTECTION AGAINST CORRUPTION AND BRIBERY AND THEIR PREVENTION The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the phenomenon of corruption and to describe the relevant legislation, which either states the illegality of the matter or is important as a part of the actions taken against corruption. The main reason why the author has chosen this topic is possibly the frustration about the strong corruption climate in the Czech Republic and also the fear that the country is - concerning this issue - not moving forward at all. The motive was to find out the reasons of this situation and to analyse whether the legislation covering this area is sufficient. This work consists of an introduction, three chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic, and the conclusion. In the introduction, the author describes the reasons for choosing the topic and summarises the content of the thesis. The purpose of the first chapter, which consists of four parts, is a description of the term "corruption". It gives a number of definitions and tries to further explain the meaning by presenting different types of corruption. The third part states the origins of the phenomenon and the fourth part describes the ways to measure it. The chapter two is focused on the occurrence of corruption within the Czech... Read more
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Politika shovívavosti / Leniency policyŠorf, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
KEY WORDS: leniency, hard-core cartel, whistleblowing, competition The EU/US Leniency policy is a thesis collecting and classifying huge amount of information and data from several legislations in relation to a relatively new phenomenon of leniency policy. Its additional value are not only commentaries on the de lege lata (currently existing) legislation, but mainly de lege ferandae presumptions emphasizing the trends which could be anticipated in the leniency policies in the future. Processing world data would not be in my capacities and therefore I decided to work with the most representative legislations - those of the European Union and of the United States, a minor insight is also given in case of Great Britain, Germany and France. The thesis helps the reader get familiar with the basic leniency concepts (terminology, principles, history) and subsequently starts explaining the core of the laws from the substantial as well as procedural point of view. Chapters enabling comparison of European and American law firstly set both legislative frameworks and then provide a comparative chapter at the end dealing with weaknesses and strengths of each program. The historical part deals with the circumstances which led to passing of the legislative predecessors of the current laws but also carefully... Read more
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Ochrana před korupcí a úplatkářstvím a jejich prevence / Protection against corruption and bribery and their preventionKraus, Šimon January 2016 (has links)
1 Summary The thesis deals with certain aspects of corruption and its prevention. It focuses mainly on whistleblowing as an instrument of corruption control. The thesis is structured into an introduction, three chapters and conclusion. The first chapter contains a general introduction to the corruption issue. With the aid of several historical examples of corruption cases in various social systems, I attempt to emphasize the complexity and ubiquity of this phenomenon. Further on, the chapter is concerned with clarifying the notion of corruption as well as other key concepts, such as bribery, lobbing etc. The second chapter provides an overview of Czech substantive anti-corruption criminal law with special focus on bribery offences incorporated in Sections 331 to 333 of the Czech Criminal Code. Two excursions are made within this chapter. The first covers the topic of gift acceptance by civil servants based on the new Czech Civil Service Act as well as the potentially corruptive effect of such practice, if allowed even to a limited extent. The second excursion discusses the fundamental differences between lobbing and the criminal offence of indirect bribery according to Section 333 of the Czech Criminal Code. This topic is highly relevant as these two concepts are frequently confused in practice, which is... Read more
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Tiga är silver, tala är guld : Whistleblowing ur ett svenskt perspektiv. En kvalitativ studie om lärares rädsla att framföra kritikJonsson, Ann-Sofie, Hedkvist Manninen, Malin January 2012 (has links)
Begreppet Whistleblower (Visselblåsare) avser en person som internt eller externt uppmärksammar missförhållanden eller andra oegentligheter på sin arbetsplats och som i vissa fall löper risk att drabbas av negativa konsekvenser för detta. Vi vill belysa detta utifrån ett svenskt perspektiv, med inriktning på lärare inom privat- och offentlig sektor. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en förståelse för hur svenska lärare upplever att de blir bemötta vid framförd kritik om missförhållanden på arbetsplatsen. Vi vill även få en inblick i lärares uppfattningar av vad som krävs för att de ska känna större trygghet i att framföra kritik gentemot sin arbetsgivare, samt hur de ställer sig till en svensk whistleblowing-lagstiftning. För att undersöka detta har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod, i form av intervjuer med både lärare och en regional ombudsman. Resultaten analyseras huvudsakligen utifrån Alvessons teori om organisationskultur, Hirschmans teori om sorti, protest och lojalitet, samt Goffmans teori om stigmatisering. Resultatet visar att lärare känner stor rädsla för att framföra kritik riktad mot arbetsplatsen då det ofta leder till repressalier i form av lägre lön, sämre arbetsförhållanden eller kyligt bemötande. Intervjupersonerna uppvisar en positiv inställning till en svensk whistleblowing-lagstiftning. Samtidigt ställer de sig skeptiska till att en lag skulle resultera i att fler lärare vågar ta steget att “blåsa i visslan”. Andra faktorer, såsom organisationskultur och normer upplevs väga tyngre när det gäller lärares benägenhet att framföra kritik på arbetsplatsen. Read more
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Understanding the cognitive and affective underpinnings of whistleblowingBuhrmester, Michael Duane 23 September 2013 (has links)
Enron, Pfizer, UBS, Halliburton: In recent years, organizational wrongdoing has cost taxpayers and stakeholders billions of dollars. Whistleblowers, organizational insiders who witness and report wrongdoing with the intent of effecting an organizational response, play a major role as combatants to such corruption. What motivates whistleblowers versus silent witnesses of wrongdoing? And what cognitive and emotional patterns underlie their actions? Here I construe whistleblowing as a personally costly but pro-organizational action (Miceli, Near, & Dworkin, 2008). As such, whistleblowing represents a novel type of extreme pro-group behavior that identity fusion theory seeks to explain (Swann, Jetten, Gomez, Whitehouse, & Bastian, 2012). The identity fusion approach posits that some people experience a visceral feeling of "oneness" with a group, a feeling that motivates a range of extreme pro-group actions. Across four preliminary studies, I first establish that fusion with one's organization (i.e., work or university) parallels fusion with other groups (e.g., country, political party). In addition, Preliminary Study 4 shows that fusion and whistleblowing are associated in retrospective accounts of workplace behavior. Given this initial support, a controlled lab experiment was conducted to address two major questions. First, to what extent is identity fusion with one's university associated with initial and formal whistleblowing behaviors? Second, in what ways, if any, do strongly vs. weakly fused individuals' cognitive and emotional experiences differ in response to witnessing organizational wrongdoing? As hypothesized, fusion with one's university predicted spontaneous reporting of an in-group transgressor. Strongly fused students' actions were associated with several cognitive and emotional factors, and cross-method evidence indicated that active negative emotions (e.g., anger) coupled with a heightened sense of personal responsibility drove strongly fused persons to spontaneously blow the whistle. Furthermore, strongly fused students were also especially likely to formally (as compared to spontaneously) report the transgressor. Evidence from participants' debriefing responses suggested that while weakly fused students diffused formal reporting responsibility to others, strongly fused students felt personally responsible to follow-through with a formal report. Overall, these results suggest that identity fusion is a promising perspective for understanding motives underlying personally costly pro-group behaviors. / text Read more
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Att vara en visselblåsare i Sverige : En uppsats om rättigheter och skyldigheter / Being a whistleblower in Sweden : An essay about rights and obligationsGustavsson, Josefin, Parr, Ebba, Gerdin, Isabelle January 2014 (has links)
Ett whistleblowingsystem, på svenska kallat visselblåsningssystem, är till för att underlätta för en anställd att slå larm om oegentligheter på en arbetsplats. Det kan vara en särskild mejladress, telefonnummer eller hemsida som arbetsgivaren inrättat för ändamålet att arbetstagaren ska kunna rapportera oegentligheter. En visselblåsare kan även vända sig externt och rapportera oegentligheter, t. ex till media. Att inrätta ett visselblåsningssystem har blivit mer och mer populärt men konsekvenserna för den anställde som visselblåser är ofta av negativ karaktär. Visselblåsaren kan exempelvis bli mobbad på sin arbetsplats, omplaceras eller helt enkelt tvingas bort från sitt arbete. Anställda inom offentlig verksamhet har ett grundlagsstadgat skydd i YGL och TF avseende efterforskningsförbud och repressalieförbud. Detta innebär att arbetsgivaren ej får efterforska i vem som lämnat uppgifter och vidta repressalier mot den anställde på grund av detta. En anställd inom privat verksamhet åtnjuter inte samma skydd. I uppsatsen undersöker vi vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter en arbetsgivare/arbetstagare faktiskt har enligt svensk lag när en anställd agerar som visselblåsare. Detta har inneburit att lagar såsom LAS, FHL, PUL och AvtL analyserats. Även DiskL och BrB har behandlats samt förarbeten, doktrin och internetkällor. Vi har kommit fram till att både arbetsgivaren och arbetstagaren har skyldigheter/rättigheter enligt svensk lag när arbetstagaren nyttjar ett visseblåsningssystem inrättat av arbetsgivaren. Arbetsgivaren befinner sig dock i en starkare position och skyddet för visselblåsaren är i skrivande stund inte tillräckligt starkt. Vi önskar se att: - Företagen underlättar och uppmuntrar rapportering av oegentligheter genom tydliga riktlinjer och utbildningar. - Visselblåsarens anonymitetsskydd förstärks genom lagstiftning eller avtal gällande ett efterforskningsförbud/repressalieförbud även för anställda i privat sektor. - Företagen bör använda sig av tredje part för hantering av visselblåsningssystem för att förstärka anonymitetsskyddet för den anställde Read more
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Whistleblowing i bankvärlden : -en metod för internrapportering / Whistleblowing in the world of banking : – a method of internal reportingLundström, Daniella, Krell, Andrea, Svedinger, Linn January 2014 (has links)
Frågeställning: Vilken uppfattning har bankanställda om begreppet whistleblowing och begreppets användning som metod för internrapportering? Hur tror bankanställda att deras arbetssituation kommer att påverkas av användandet av whistleblowing som internrapportering? Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utveckla förståelsen för anställdas uppfattning om begreppet whistleblowing och användandet av whistleblowing som en metod för internrapportering i den befintliga organisationen och verksamheten. Metod: Studien utfördes med en abduktiv ansats och en kvalitativ undersökning utfördes för datainsamling, det i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju anställda på tre olika banker. Resultatet från intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod. Slutsats: Studien visar att flertalet av respondenterna vet om att det finns interna rapportsystem inom organisationen men inte hur de ska använda de om det skulle bli aktuellt. De vet heller inte något om att Finansinspektionen har kommit med nya regler som behandlar just detta. De säger sig vara positiva till att det finns möjlighet till att rapportera internt men skulle helst undvika att behöva rapportera själva om det var möjligt. Respondenterna tror sig ha en positiv uppfattning till användandet av whistleblowing. Trots detta visar resultatet att respondenterna är negativt inställda till whistleblowing och användandet och användandet av begreppet som en metod för internrapportering. / Research questions: What opinion do the bank employees have about the concept of whistleblowing and the use of it as an internal reporting method? How do the bank employees think their work environment will be affected by the use of whistleblowing as internal reporting method? Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop the understanding about the employees’ opinion of the concept of whistleblowing and the use of whistleblowing as a system for internal reporting in the existing organization and work activity. Method: The study was made with an abductive method with a qualitative research design to collect data; semi-structural interviews were held with seven employees from three different banks. The result from the interviews was analyzed with a thematic analysis method. Conclusion: The study shows that the most of the respondents knows about that their organization do have systems for internal reporting but do not know how to use them if it gets necessary. They do not either know about the Finance inspections new rules about internal reporting. The opinion they say they have about the possibility of reporting internal is positive but if it is possible to avoid reporting they would rather choose that option. By the answers of the employees they say they do have a positive look at the use of internal reporting. Despite this the results of this study shows that the respondents have a negative attitude towards whistleblowing and the use of it as a method for internal reporting. Read more
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Living the Experience of Whistleblowing: An Analysis of Organizational Whistleblowing through Creative NonfictionJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: In this dissertation, organizational whistleblowing is guided by the methods for writing Creative Nonfiction. That is to say, a true story is told in a compelling and creative, easy to read manner, so that a broader audience, both academic and non-academic alike, can understand the stories told. For this project, analytic concepts such as antecedents, organizational culture, resistance and dissidence, social support, and ethics are embedded in the narrative text. In this piece, the author tells the story of a whistleblowing process, from beginning to end. Using the techniques advised by Gutkind (2012) questions and directions for research and analytic insight are integrated with the actual scenes of the whistleblowing account. The consequences of whistleblowing are explored, including loss of status, social isolation, and a variety of negative ramifications. In order to increase confidentiality in the dissertation, pseudonyms and adapted names and locations have been used to focus on the nature of the whistleblowing experience rather than the specific story. The author ends the dissertation with reflection on whistleblowing through the insight gathered from his firsthand account, suggesting advice for future whistleblowers and directions for future organizational research on whistleblowing. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Communication 2015 Read more
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Press Freedom and the Protection of Whistleblowers : A Qualitative Study of Their RelationshipLindqvist, Stefan January 2016 (has links)
This paper examines the potential causal link between press freedom and the quality of whistleblower-protection, namely the quality of the legislation designed to protect whistleblowers, and it does this with an intensive case study of Botswana and South Africa. In order to isolate the causal chain the paper controls for democracy, economic development, dependence on aid, Internet access, natural resources and state transparency. The results show that there is a correlation between press freedom and protection of whistleblowers, however the causal link could not be isolated thus inviting for further research into the relationship. The paper contributes to the field of political science by providing insights into the largely under-researched relationship between press freedom and protection of whistleblowers.
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