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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyses théoriques de l'expansion des familles de gènes impliqués dans des maladies dominantes / Theoretical analyses of the expansion of gene families implicated in dominant diseases

Malaguti, Giulia 17 October 2014 (has links)
Les familles de gènes impliqués dans le cancer et autres maladies génétiques se sont beaucoup élargies via deux Duplications Globales de Génome (DGG) qui ont eu lieu à l'origine des vertébrés. La rétention des copies de ces gènes implique une susceptibilité plus grande aux maladies génétiques et constitue une énigme du point de vue de l'évolution. Dans cette thèse, nous avons généralisé des modèles classiques de génétique des populations pour révéler le mécanisme non-adaptatif qui a conduit à cette conservation de gènes potentiellement délétères chez les vertébrés. Nous avons résolu un modèle déterministe haploïde, nous avons étendu ce modèle à des génomes diploïdes et nous avons analysé les effets de taille finie des populations et de la sélection positive par une approche stochastique. Les résultats montrent, en accord avec les données génomiques du cancer chez l'homme, que les copies DGG susceptibles aux mutations délétères dominantes sont conservées indirectement via la sélection de purification dans les espèces post-DGG, qui présentent nécessairement une incompatibilité de ploïdie avec la population pre-DGG. Les résultats obtenus en étendant des méthodes avancées d'inférence bayésienne, quantifiant les effets causaux directs, soutiennent l'hypothèse d'une influence directe de la susceptibilité aux mutations délétères dominantes sur la rétention des copies DGG. Ces résultats révèlent le mécanisme d'évolution non-adaptatif responsable de la rétention de gènes DGG susceptibles aux mutations délétères dominantes et notre extension de méthodes d'inférence bayesienne ouvre la voie à la quantification des relations causales directes dans un large ensemble de problématiques. / Gene families implicated in cancer and other genetic diseases have been greatly expanded through two rounds of whole-genome duplication (WGD) that occurred at the onset of jawed vertebrates. However, such gene duplicates are expected to lead to an enhanced susceptibility to genetic diseases, and thus their retention represents an evolutionary puzzle from a natural selection perspective. In this thesis, we have expanded classical population genetics models to reveal the non-adaptive mechanism through which such potentially deleterious ohnologs (WGD-duplicated genes) were retained in the vertebrate genomes. We have solved a deterministic haploid model, we have considered extensions to diploid genotypes, and we have analyzed population size effects and the impact of positive selection through a stochastic approach. The results demonstrate, consistently with available human cancer genome data, that ohnologs prone to dominant deleterious mutations are indirectly selected through purifying selection in post-WGD species, arisen through the ploidy incompatibility between post-WGD individuals and the rest of the pre-WGD population. Extending advanced Bayesian inference methods to quantify direct and indirect causal effects, we have found further supporting evidences for the direct role of the gene susceptibility to deleterious mutations on ohnolog retention. Our findings rationalize the evolutionary mechanism responsible for the expansion of ohnologs prone to dominant deleterious mutations, highlighting the role of WGD-induced speciation. Our extension of Bayesian inference methods paves the way for the identification of direct causal relationships in a huge variety of problems.

Apport du séquençage haut débit dans l'analyse bioinformatique du génome du virus de l'hépatite C / High-throughput sequencing contribution in bioinformatics analysis of hepatitis C virus genome

Caporossi, Alban 26 November 2019 (has links)
Le séquençage haut débit a été utilisé dans ce travail pour reconstruire avec des méthodes adaptées le génomeviral entier du virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) notamment pour le typer avec précision. Une étude a ainsi permisde mettre en évidence la présence d’une forme recombinante du VHC chez un patient. Une autre a permisde typer et détecter les mutations de résistance de plusieurs souches de VHC de génotypes différents. Enfin,une dernière étude basée sur cette approche a permis de découvrir une souche VHC appartenant à un nouveausous-type. Le séquençage haut débit a aussi été utilisé dans ce travail pour détecter des infections multiples etanalyser l’évolution virale en ciblant des gènes du VHC et en mettant en œuvre des méthodes non spécifiquespour 2 patients VHC sous traitement. Cette étude rétrospective a permis de définir la composition de chaqueéchantillon temporel, estimer leur diversité nucléotidique, explorer la structure génétique de la population viraleet son évolution temporelle et dater les infections secondaires. Les résultats obtenus supportent l’hypothèse d’unmécanisme d’apparition de résistance au traitement (selective sweeps). / High-throughput sequencing has been used in this work to reconstruct with adapted methods the whole genomeof the hepatitis C virus (HCV) particularly for accurately typing the virus. Thus, we managed to detect in a studya recombinant form of HCV circulating within a patient. We typed and detected in another study resistancemutations of several HCV strains of different genotypes. Finally, a last study based on this approach enabled touncover a HCV strain belonging to a new subtype. High-throughput sequencing has also been used in this workto detect multiple infections and analyze viral evolution with targeted HCV genes and non-specific methods for2 HCV patients under treatment. This retrospective study enabled to define the composition of each temporalsample, assess their nucleotide diversity, investigate viral population genetic structure and temporal evolutionand date secondary infections. Results of this analysis support the hypothesis of onset mechanism of treatmentresistance (selective sweeps).

Värdet av diagnostik vid sällsynta sjukdomar : En hälsoekonomisk undersökning med två fall / The value of diagnostics in rare diseases : A health economic evaluation with two cases

Runheim, Hannes, Appelberg, Kajsa January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks värdet av diagnostik vid sällsynta sjukdomar hos unga individer. Då området är mångfacetterat studeras två fall med olika karaktär. Det första fallet undersöker värdet av screening för den sällsynta sjukdomen fenylketonuri (PKU) bland nyfödda, denna screening har utförts sedan 1960-talet. Det andra fallet fokuserar på en mer modern teknologisk utveckling och utvärderar värdet av införandet av helgenomsekvensering (WGS) som genetiskt test vid sökandet efter sällsynta sjukdomar.  Båda fallen använder sig av kostnadseffektivitetsanalys som metod där kostnader respektive hälsoeffekter estimeras för de utvärderade insatserna. Fallen skiljer sig åt med avseende på tillgängliga dataunderlag vilket innebär att tillvägagångssättet för att skatta kostnaderna och hälsoeffekterna är olika i de båda fallen. I fallet med PKU-screening används Markovmodellering där data från olika källor syntetiseras i en simuleringsmodell. I fallet med WGS-testning används i större utsträckning ett insamlat empiriskt datamaterial som utgörs av faktiskt uppmätta sjukvårdskostnader.  Resultaten i båda fallen indikerar att de diagnostiska metoderna har en rimlig kostnad i förhållande till hälsoeffekterna. Fall ett åskådliggör att dagens screening för PKU genererar ökade hälsoeffekter till lägre kostnader i jämförelse med att inte screena för PKU. För en kohort på 100 000 nyfödda barn blir den sammanlagda hälsoeffekten en ökning med 73 QALYs och screeningen medför samtidigt en besparing på 53 376 602 kr, sett över ett livstidsperspektiv. Fall två visar att WGS som första genetiskt test i genomsnitt minskar sjukvårdskostnaderna med 15 903 kr per individ jämfört med nuvarande vård och ökar samtidigt chansen till diagnos med 9,5 procentenheter (45,7%). Resultaten bör tolkas med viss försiktighet då de är förknippade med osäkerheter, men kan samtidigt användas som en del av det underlag beslutsfattare behöver för att fatta beslut om hur hälso- och sjukvårdens resurser ska prioriteras. / This study examines the value of diagnostics in rare diseases in young individuals. As the field is varied, two cases with different character are studied. The first case examines the value of screening for the rare disease phenylketonuria (PKU) among newborns, this screening has been performed since the 1960s. The second case focuses on a more modern technological development and evaluates the value of the introduction of whole genome sequencing (WGS) as a genetic test in the search for rare diseases.  Both cases utilize the method of cost-effectiveness analysis where costs and health effects are estimated for the evaluated measures. The cases differ regarding available data, which means that the approach to estimating costs and health effects is different in the two cases. In the case of PKU- screening, Markov modeling is used where data from different sources are synthesized in a simulation model. In the case of WGS-testing, an empirical data material is used to a greater extent, which is based on actually measured healthcare costs.  The results in both cases indicate that the diagnostic methods have a reasonable cost in relation to the health effects. Case one illustrates that today's screening for PKU generates increased health effects at lower costs compared to not screening for PKU. For a cohort of 100 000 newborns, the total health effect will be an increase of 73 QALYs and the screening will also result in cost- savings of SEK 53 376 602, seen from a lifetime perspective. Case two shows that WGS used as an initial genetic test on average reduces healthcare costs by SEK 15 903 per individual compared with current care and at the same time increases the chance of diagnosis by 9.5 percentage points (45.7%). The results should be interpreted with some caution as they are associated with some uncertainties, but can still be used as part of the basis on which decision-makers need to make decisions on how health care resources should be prioritized.

A Novel Mutational Approach to Uncover Genetic Determinants of Hybrid Vigor in Maize

Emily A Kuhn (16642218) 07 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Heterosis, or hybrid vigor, is a phenomenon observed in both plant and animal systems where hybrid offspring perform better when compared to their parents. For hybrid plants, this can result in increased biomass, crop yields, and vigor when compared to the inbred parents. Even though heterosis has been used in agriculture for over a century, the molecular mechanisms that result in hybrid vigor remain elusive even after years of investigation. A molecular understanding of heterosis is desirable because it will speed up the process of breeding compatible inbred lines for developing hybrid seeds, and it will provide us with the knowledge to potentially engineer inbred lines that can mimic the beneficial phenotypic effects of heterosis, eliminating the need for farmers to buy new hybrid seeds every year. The goal of this research project is to identify genes that are required for heterotic phenotypes in maize. Our working hypothesis is that a mutation in genes that are essential for heterosis will cause an altered heterotic phenotype in hybrid maize plants. To test this hypothesis, we applied combined approaches of EMS mutagenesis, trait phenotyping in field and controlled conditions, bulk segregant analysis, whole genome sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis. First, we applied a forward genetics approach to identify mutant hybrids with altered heterosis and detected potential causal genes <em>via</em> whole genome sequencing. We identified one mutation occurring in a protein coding gene (gene ID <em>Zm00001eb305590</em>) located in a region of interest on chromosome 7, whose genotypes across various samples assayed fit the observed segregation pattern of hybrid traits. This mutation leads to a moderate or high-level codon change, indicating that this gene may play a role in mediating heterosis in maize. By investigating this gene with further studies, the learned knowledge could speed up the process of hybrid maize breeding by selecting compatible inbred lines through sequencing or by engineering hybrids that have favorable alleles for this gene.</p>

Detection of Species-Specific <i>Plasmodium</i> Infection Using Unmapped Reads From Human Whole Genome Sequences

Olvany, Jasmine Marie 26 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.


Prabha K Bista (14206271) 02 December 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p><em>Fusobacterium necrophorum</em> is a Gram-negative, anaerobic, opportunistic pathogen that causes necrotic infections in cattle leading to liver abscess, foot rot, and calf diphtheria. Particularly, liver abscess in cattle is reported at 20.7% annually, and leads to liver condemnation and an annual economic burden of about 62 million dollars to the feedlot industry. Antibiotic administration is the mainstay of treating these infections, but antibiotic resistance is unavoidable and demand for antibiotic-free, natural, and organic beef has demanded alternative therapies and preventatives. Vaccination is one of the best alternatives to prophylactic antibiotic administration. In this study, we have explored outer membrane proteins (OMPs) and outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) for potential vaccine candidates. OMPs and OMVs are vaccine targets because of their antigenic properties and host specificity. Additionally, we performed comparative genomic analysis of <em>F. necrophorum</em> species to identify additional virulence genes with vaccine potential, unique to the <em>F. necrophorum</em> and its virulent subspecies <em>necrophorum</em>. </p> <p>Protein- protein interaction investigation through binding assay and pulldown assay identified novel OMPs, namely 17kDa, 22kDa, and 66.3 kDa proteins, which were further characterized as OmpH, OmpA and Cell Surface Protein (CSP), respectively. In this study, these novel OMPs including previously characterized 43kDa OMPs were cloned, and recombinant proteins were expressed and purified. These recombinant proteins were used to generate polyclonal antibodies in rabbits, and their efficacy was studied using <em>in vitro</em> adhesion inhibition assays. The combination of two or more antibodies raised against the recombinant OMPs was significantly effective in reducing/neutralizing bacterial binding to bovine endothelial cells compared to individual antibody treatment. This suggests that a multiple subunit vaccine could be effective and provide sufficient evidence to perform <em>in vivo</em> studies. </p> <p>Similarly, we purified OMVs of <em>F. necrophorum</em> subspecies <em>necrophorum</em> 8L1 and analyzed its content using proteomics and lipidomics. Out of 342 proteins identified by tandem liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS), OMPs and toxins were the most abundant. These included OMPs and toxins namely, 43 kDa OMP, OmpH, OmpA, CSP, FadA, leukotoxin family filamentous adhesin, N-terminal domain of hemagglutinin and other OMP transport and assembly factor protein. The presence of a subset of these proteins was further confirmed by western blot analysis. Lipidomics analysis showed that OMVs contained phospholipid, sphingolipid, and acetyl carnitine as the main lipid contents. Cytotoxicity assay on BL-3 cell line showed that these OMVs have a toxic effect on host immune cells and could impart immunomodulatory effect. All these findings suggest the vaccine potential of OMVs and demand dose-based <em>in vivo</em> study.</p> <p>In addition, we identified and characterized 5 clinical isolates of <em>F. necrophorum</em> using comparative genomics, UBCG (Up-to-date Bacterial Core Gene) based analysis enabled phylogenetic characterization of 46 <em>F. necrophorum</em> genomes into subspecies specific clades. The pangenome and recombination analysis showed the extensive disparity in accessory genes resulting in species divergence. Strikingly, we detected antimicrobial resistance gene for macrolides and tetracycline in one strain of <em>F. necrophorum</em>, a harbinger of the start of resistance and necessitating search for an alternative prophylactic method. We also noted common virulence genes, including toxins, outer membrane adhesion proteins, cell envelope, type IV secretion system, ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters and transporter proteins in <em>F. necrophorum</em> strains. A focused study on these genes could help identify the main genes of virulence and inform effective vaccination strategies against fusobacterial infections. </p> <p>Overall, the studies suggest adhesins and toxin and/or OMV-based subunit vaccine could be potential targets for vaccine development against fusobacterial infections.  </p>

Investigating Potential Virulence Genes of Plant Pathogenic Bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae Utilizing Whole-genome Sequencing Analysis and Identifying Novel Small Molecule Growth Inhibitors to Manage Pseudomonas Leaf Spot Disease on Pepper Seeds and Seedlings

Ranjit, Sochina January 2022 (has links)
No description available.


Carmen L Wickware (14003562) 26 October 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Microbiome studies are varied and involve the examination of microorganisms at different levels: individual cells to determine individual functions, populations of specific microorganisms to determine interactions between organisms, and/or communities of microorganisms for a broader investigation of interactions between organism and environment. These studies are typically done within the context of a particular niche or environment. There are two parts to this dissertation, separated by the types of research involved. First, the analysis of bacterial communities using 16S rRNA sequencing and analysis. In this first part the bacterial communities of the reproductive tract of bulls and the gastrointestinal tract of weanling pigs were studied. The reproductive organs of the male, domestic species had not been studied from an ecological perspective prior to the study. As such, the research was mainly focused on characterizing the bacterial communities found within the prepuce of bulls that were considered to be healthy, or that the breeding soundness exam was satisfactory and the bulls had no clinical disease in the urogenital tract. Through this study two distinct types of bacterial communities were found based on the diversity of the observed taxa; the groups were split into a low diversity group identified by the presence of <em>Bradyrhizobium</em> and a high diversity group distinguished by the abundance of mucosal-associated bacteria found in oral, respiratory, and vaginal communities of cattle. Second, the effects of supplementary, soluble fiber on the intestinal bacterial communities of piglets pre- and/or post-weaning were studied. The rationale behind this study was to determine if pre-weaning fiber could alter the microbiome prior to weaning and the change of diet from liquid to solid. Pre-weaning, supplementary, soluble fiber was found to increase short-chain fatty acid concentrations and bacterial taxa potentially involved in their production. Additionally, bacterial taxa implicated in an increased inflammatory response were reduced in groups fed supplementary fiber. Taken together, the two bacterial community studies highlight the gaps in knowledge for reproductive communities in male animals as well as the potential for reducing weaning stress in pigs. Part two of this dissertation focuses on whole genome sequence analysis as a way to study bacterial populations associated with bovine respiratory disease (BRD), a common and potentially fatal disease in cattle. Identification of BRD has low accuracy and the presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria increases the chance of treatment failure. Using machine learning, the prediction of antibiotic resistance in bacterial isolates from animals with BRD was performed to find potential sequences for use in future molecular assays. While using known resistance genes was helpful for some antibiotics, several of the antibiotics used in treating BRD were better predicted using the machine learning models. Model output sequences should be further tested using molecular methods to determine function and importance before using as an assay target. Put together, the contents of this dissertation should serve as an introduction to bacterial ecology as well as how the concepts can be applied to food animal production systems.</p>

Development of Advanced Molecular Tools for Sequence Typing and Epidemiological Investigation of Avian Mycoplasma in Poultry

Ghanem, Mostafa Ghanem Ahmed 07 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Two Problems in Computational Genomics

Belal, Nahla Ahmed 22 March 2011 (has links)
This work addresses two novel problems in the field of computational genomics. The first is whole genome alignment and the second is inferring horizontal gene transfer using posets. We define these two problems and present algorithmic approaches for solving them. For the whole genome alignment, we define alignment graphs for representing different evolutionary events, and define a scoring function for those graphs. The problem defined is proven to be NP-complete. Two heuristics are presented to solve the problem, one is a dynamic programming approach that is optimal for a class of sequences that we define in this work as breakable arrangements. And, the other is a greedy approach that is not necessarily optimal, however, unlike the dynamic programming approach, it allows for reversals. For inferring horizontal gene transfer, we define partial order sets among species, with respect to different genes, and infer genes involved in horizontal gene transfer by comparing posets for different genes. The posets are used to construct a tree for each gene. Those trees are then compared and tested for contradiction, where contradictory trees correspond to genes that are candidates of horizontal gene transfer. / Ph. D.

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