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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de um protocolo para a caracterização e análise das propriedades mecânicas de surfactantes exógenos / Proposal of a protocol for the characterization and analysis of the mechanical properties of exogenous surfactants

Muñoz, Diana Maria Martinez 02 October 2013 (has links)
O surfactante pulmonar é uma mistura complexa de fosfolipídios e proteínas, e encontra-se presente na interface ar-líquido dos alvéolos pulmonares. O seu papel principal é reduzir a tensão superficial para manter os alvéolos estáveis. A deficiência ou disfunção do surfactante leva ao colapso alveolar, provocando a falta de oxigenação que ocorre devido ao edema ou a resposta inflamatória nos pulmões. Em recém-nascidos, a imaturidade pulmonar, pela deficiência do surfactante, pode causar a Síndrome de Desconforto Respiratória (SDR). Nos adultos, a Síndrome de Desconforto Respiratório Agudo (SDRA) é a manifestação mais grave da Lesão Pulmonar Aguda (LPA), o tratamento para estas doenças inclui a utilização de surfactantes exógenos. Para entender a funcionalidade do surfactante é necessário caracterizá-lo biofisicamente. A principal característica observada neste estudo foi o espalhamento e recuperação do surfactante na subfase, para a interface ar-líquido. O espalhamento e recuperação foram quantificadas observando o trabalho feito em sucessivos ciclos de compressão e expansão na balança de Wilhelmy. Analisou-se o decaimento do trabalho ao longo dos ciclos até a sua estabilização. Os parâmetros obtidos neste ajuste do decaimento exponencial foram utilizados para a caracterização de dois surfactantes exógenos, o Curosurf® e o Survanta®. As comparações entre eles foram segundo a concentração, as subfases e das velocidades de barreira. O decaimento exponencial do trabalho nos ciclos só ocorreu para concentrações menores de surfactante. Quando em subfase de solução salina ocorreu a melhora na recuperação do surfactante para a interface ar-líquido, em comparação a subfase de água ultrapura. A melhor velocidade de barreira encontrada para otimização da recuperação do surfactante foi 120 mm/min. Foi observado nesse estudo que as propriedades de recuperação do Curosurf® foram melhores em relação ao Survanta®, os parâmetros se mostraram de acordo com os dados clínicos encontrados na literatura, a caracterização da dinâmica do surfactante foi feita de forma diferente de todos os métodos encontrados / Lung surfactant is a complex mixture of phospholipids and proteins, found at the airliquid interface of pulmonary alveoli. The main role is to reduce the surface tension to keep alveoli stable. Surfactant deficiency, or dysfunctional, leads to alveolar collapse, causes a lack of oxygen and it may be due to edema or inflammatory response in the lungs. In newborn babies, pulmonary immaturity, caused by surfactant deficiency, may cause Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). In adults, the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is the gravest manifestation of Acute Lung Injury (ALI), and the treatment includes Mechanical Ventilation (MV) and exogenous surfactants. To understand surfactant functionality, it is necessary to characterize them biophysically. The main characteristic observed in this work was the mobility and recovery of surfactant in the subphase to the air-liquid interface. The mobility and recover were quantified observing the work done in successive cycles of compression and expansion in a Wilhelmy plate tensiometer. The work decay was analyzed over cycles until its stabilization. The parameters obtained for the exponential fitting of decay were used for characterization of two exogenous surfactants, Curosurf® and Survanta®. The comparisons between them were done under concentration, subphases and barrier speeds. The exponential decay of the cycle work only happened for lower concentrations of surfactant. Saline solution subphase improved the surfactant recovery to the air-liquid interface over ultrapure water subphase. A suitable barrier speed founded to optimize surfactant recovery was 120 mm/min. In this study were observed that recovery properties of Curosurf® were better than Survanta®, the parameters agrees with clinical data from the literature, and the dynamic characterization of surfactant was done of different way than founded methods

Proposta de um protocolo para a caracterização e análise das propriedades mecânicas de surfactantes exógenos / Proposal of a protocol for the characterization and analysis of the mechanical properties of exogenous surfactants

Diana Maria Martinez Muñoz 02 October 2013 (has links)
O surfactante pulmonar é uma mistura complexa de fosfolipídios e proteínas, e encontra-se presente na interface ar-líquido dos alvéolos pulmonares. O seu papel principal é reduzir a tensão superficial para manter os alvéolos estáveis. A deficiência ou disfunção do surfactante leva ao colapso alveolar, provocando a falta de oxigenação que ocorre devido ao edema ou a resposta inflamatória nos pulmões. Em recém-nascidos, a imaturidade pulmonar, pela deficiência do surfactante, pode causar a Síndrome de Desconforto Respiratória (SDR). Nos adultos, a Síndrome de Desconforto Respiratório Agudo (SDRA) é a manifestação mais grave da Lesão Pulmonar Aguda (LPA), o tratamento para estas doenças inclui a utilização de surfactantes exógenos. Para entender a funcionalidade do surfactante é necessário caracterizá-lo biofisicamente. A principal característica observada neste estudo foi o espalhamento e recuperação do surfactante na subfase, para a interface ar-líquido. O espalhamento e recuperação foram quantificadas observando o trabalho feito em sucessivos ciclos de compressão e expansão na balança de Wilhelmy. Analisou-se o decaimento do trabalho ao longo dos ciclos até a sua estabilização. Os parâmetros obtidos neste ajuste do decaimento exponencial foram utilizados para a caracterização de dois surfactantes exógenos, o Curosurf® e o Survanta®. As comparações entre eles foram segundo a concentração, as subfases e das velocidades de barreira. O decaimento exponencial do trabalho nos ciclos só ocorreu para concentrações menores de surfactante. Quando em subfase de solução salina ocorreu a melhora na recuperação do surfactante para a interface ar-líquido, em comparação a subfase de água ultrapura. A melhor velocidade de barreira encontrada para otimização da recuperação do surfactante foi 120 mm/min. Foi observado nesse estudo que as propriedades de recuperação do Curosurf® foram melhores em relação ao Survanta®, os parâmetros se mostraram de acordo com os dados clínicos encontrados na literatura, a caracterização da dinâmica do surfactante foi feita de forma diferente de todos os métodos encontrados / Lung surfactant is a complex mixture of phospholipids and proteins, found at the airliquid interface of pulmonary alveoli. The main role is to reduce the surface tension to keep alveoli stable. Surfactant deficiency, or dysfunctional, leads to alveolar collapse, causes a lack of oxygen and it may be due to edema or inflammatory response in the lungs. In newborn babies, pulmonary immaturity, caused by surfactant deficiency, may cause Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). In adults, the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is the gravest manifestation of Acute Lung Injury (ALI), and the treatment includes Mechanical Ventilation (MV) and exogenous surfactants. To understand surfactant functionality, it is necessary to characterize them biophysically. The main characteristic observed in this work was the mobility and recovery of surfactant in the subphase to the air-liquid interface. The mobility and recover were quantified observing the work done in successive cycles of compression and expansion in a Wilhelmy plate tensiometer. The work decay was analyzed over cycles until its stabilization. The parameters obtained for the exponential fitting of decay were used for characterization of two exogenous surfactants, Curosurf® and Survanta®. The comparisons between them were done under concentration, subphases and barrier speeds. The exponential decay of the cycle work only happened for lower concentrations of surfactant. Saline solution subphase improved the surfactant recovery to the air-liquid interface over ultrapure water subphase. A suitable barrier speed founded to optimize surfactant recovery was 120 mm/min. In this study were observed that recovery properties of Curosurf® were better than Survanta®, the parameters agrees with clinical data from the literature, and the dynamic characterization of surfactant was done of different way than founded methods

Surface-modified wood based on silicone nanofilaments for improved liquid repellence

Yin, Haiyan January 2020 (has links)
The increasing awareness of sustainability motivates the development of building materials from renewable resources. The requirements of wood-based products with improved durability, for example, an enhanced liquid repellence, is still a challenge. The aim of this thesis is to develop and study concepts to functionalize wood surfaces to obtain superhydrophobicity or superamphiphobicity, i.e. extreme liquid repellence of both water and oils. Birch and acetylated birch veneer samples were surface-modified by hydrophobized silicone nanofilaments. Specifically, birch samples surface-modified by fluorinated silicone nanofilaments (F-SMB) showed superamphiphobicity, which repelled water, ethylene glycol and hexadecane with static contact angles greater than 150° and roll-off angles lower than 10°. Birch and acetylated birch samples surface-modified by non-fluorinated silicone nanofilaments (SMB and SMAB) showed superhydrophobicity with static contact angles greater than 160° towards water, even for samples prepared using the shortest silicone nanofilaments reaction time of 1 h. In liquid uptake measurements submerging the F-SMB in water, ethylene glycol and hexadecane, a superamphiphobic plastron effect was observed which indicates that the wood surface was in Cassie-Baxter state. The plastron reduced the liquid uptake rate and extent depending on the interactions (diffusion and solubility) between the liquid and the silicone nanofilaments. The F-SMB showed good self-cleaning properties towards water and hexadecane. In multicycle Wilhelmy plate measurements, the SMB showed a lower water uptake than that of the acetylated samples, while the SMAB showed the lowest water uptake, i.e. a pronounced increased water resistance, due to a combined effect of acetylation and surface modification. In addition, the SMB exhibited more color change than the SMAB, which was caused by the release of hydrochloric acid during the surface modification process. / Den ökande medvetenheten kring hållbarsamhällsutvecklingmotiverarutveckling avbyggmaterial från förnybara resurser. Kraven på träbaserade produkter med förbättrad beständighet, exempelvisennödvändig vätskeavvisandeförmåga, är fortfarande en utmaning.Syftet med dennaavhandling äratt utveckla och studera koncept för attfunktionalisera träytorför att uppnåsuperhydrofobicitet ochsuperamfifobicitet, dvs en extrem vätskerepellerande egenskap för både vatten och oljor.Björk-och acetyleradebjörkfanérproverytmodifierades med hydrofobiserad silikon-nanofilament. Specifikt visade björk ytmodifierademedfluorerade silikon-nanofilament (F-SMB) superamfifobicitet, som repelleradevatten, etylenglykol och hexadekan med kontaktvinklar större än 150° och avrullningsvinklar lägre än 10°. Björk-och acetyleradebjörkproverytmodifierademedicke-fluorerade silikon-nanofilament (SMB och SMAB) visade superhydrofobicitet med kontaktvinklar större än 160° förvatten, även förprover framställda medkortast reaktionstid på 1 timme.Vid vätskeupptagningsmätningargenom att sänka F-SMB i vatten, etylenglykol och hexadekanobserverades en plastroneffekt som indikerade att träytan var i Cassie-Baxter-tillstånd. Plastronen minskade F-SMB vätskeupptagningshastighet och -nivåberoende på växelverkan(diffusion och löslighet) mellan vätskan och silikon-nanofilament. F-SMB uppvisadegoda självrengörande egenskaper förvatten och hexadekan.Vidmulticykel Wilhelmy-mätningarvisade SMB ett lägre vattenupptag än det acetylerade träet, medan SMAB visade denlägsta vattenupptagningen,det vill säga en mycketmärkbar ökad vattenavvisning, tack vareav en kombinerad effekt av acetylering och ytmodifiering. Dessutom uppvisade SMB en störrefärgförändring än SMAB, orsakad av frisättningen av saltsyra under ytmodifieringsprocessen. / <p>QC 20201113</p>

Wettability of modified wood

Sedighi Moghaddam, Maziar January 2015 (has links)
Despite many excellent properties of wood which make it suitable for many applications, it suffers from a number of disadvantages limiting its use. For instance, modification is needed to reduce water sorption and to improve decay resistance, dimensional stability and weathering performance. In addition, wood/liquid interaction such as water wettability on wood plays an important role in design and characteristics of many processes and phenomena such as adhesion, coating, waterproofing, wood chemical modification, and weathering. This thesis focuses on enhancing the understanding of wetting of wood, with emphasis on modified wood. The influence of surface chemical composition of wood and its microstructural characteristics on wetting and swelling properties has also been studied. A multicycle Wilhelmy plate technique has been developed to evaluate wetting properties of porous materials, such as wood, in which the samples were subjected to repeated immersions and withdrawals in a swelling liquid (water) and in a non-swelling liquid (octane). This method was utilized to dynamically investigate contact angle, sorption and swelling properties, as well as dimensional stability of unmodified, chemically and surface modified wood samples. Scots pine sapwood and heartwood samples were utilized to establish the principles of the technique. Acetylated and furfurylated wood samples with different level of modification were thereafter examined utilizing the developed technique for wetting measurements. A perimeter model based on a linear combination of the measured force and final change in sample perimeter was suggested to evaluate the dynamic dimensional stability of wood veneers. The feasibility of this method for studying dynamic wettability was investigated by measuring the changes of advancing and receding contact angles over repeated cycles on surface modified wood samples, created by combining liquid flame spray and plasma polymerisation methods. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray computed tomography (XCT) were employed to study the surface chemical composition and microstructural properties of the samples, respectively. Three different kinetic regimes were observed in the wetting measurements: i) fast wetting and spreading of the liquid on the wood surface, ii) void filling and wicking and iii) swelling, which was the slowest of the three. The multicycle Wilhelmy plate method was found to be suitable for studying liquid penetration, sorption, and dimensional stability of swelling materials. The results demonstrate that the wetting properties of wood are highly affected by surface chemistry and microstructure. It was shown that using both swelling and non-swelling liquids in wetting measurements allow to distinguish between capillary liquid uptake and swelling. Based on this, for chemically modified samples, it was demonstrated that acetylation mostly reduces swelling, while furfurylation reduces both swelling and capillary uptake. This is in line with the microstructural study with X-ray computed tomography where a significant change in the porosity was found as a result of furfurylation, conversely acetylation left the total porosity values unchanged. Wetting results for hydrophobised wood samples demonstrate that the multi-scale roughness obtained by combination of nanoparticle coating and plasma polymerization increased both the hydrophobicity and the forced wetting durability compared to the micro-scale roughness found on wood modified with plasma polymerisation alone. / <p>QC 20151029</p> / Sustainable wood modification

Entre expression de l'aliénation et écriture de la libération : réappropriation féministe du conte de fées dans Les fous de Bassan d'Anne Hébert et Les Sangs d'Audrée Wilhelmy

Pearson, Simon 27 January 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une analyse de la réappropriation du conte opérée dans Les fous de Bassan d'Anne Hébert (1982) et Les sangs d'Audrée Wilhelmy (2013), deux romans qui réinvestissent des motifs et des figures empruntés à des contes de fées connus pour raconter des morts violentes de femmes tout en permettant à une narration au féminin de se déployer, ce qui en fait des textes dans lesquels se construit un féminisme ambigu. Nous nous appuyons d'abord sur une approche théorique du conte en allant voir du côté des critiques féministes et de l'histoire sociale du genre pour démontrer que le conte possède à la fois le pouvoir de renforcer des normes sociales conservatrices et un potentiel subversif, deux aspects sur lesquels s'élabore le féminisme à l'œuvre successivement Les sangs et Les fous de Bassan dans notre corpus. Ensuite, nous étudions en démontrant que ces deux textes soulignent le fait que les rôles sociaux genrés (c'est-à-dire différents pour les hommes et les femmes) et conservateurs mis de l'avant par le conte sont la source d'une certaine violence. Cependant, les libertés narratologiques que ces romans prennent par rapport au conte (notamment, l'accès à la narration des personnages féminins) leur permettent de réinvestir le potentiel libérateur du conte, ce qui se traduit par une révolte ou par une résistance des personnages féminins, qui arrivent à s'élever au statut de sujets de la narration, de l'action et du désir. Malgré ces ressemblances dans les deux romans, nous arrivons à la conclusion que Les sangs se range davantage du côté de l'expérimentation ludique : explorant l'hypothèse que les femmes de « La Barbe Bleue » aient consenti à leur propre meurtre, ce roman met en scène des personnages qui rejettent les valeurs traditionnelles au profit d'une quête du plaisir sadomasochiste. Les fous de Bassan, quant à lui, adopte une posture plus critique, dénonçant la violence culturelle que les sociétés traditionnelles et patriarcales font peser sur les individus.

Beige sur rose (roman) ; suivi de L'immanence et la transcendance du sujet incarné féminin chez Nelly Arcan et Audrée Wilhelmy (essai)

Lazzaroni, Sara 13 December 2023 (has links)
Au vingt-et-unième siècle, il ne suffit plus de présenter la publicité sur les écrans. L'image ne capte plus notre attention. Fini les acteurs et la mise en scène. On exige de l'authenticité. Au vingt-et-unième siècle, il faut introduire la publicité dans la vie réelle, l'incarner. La partie créative de ce mémoire, qui est intitulée Beige sur rose, raconte l'histoire de Nelly et Simone, deux femmes qui travaillent pour la même agence de publicité. Elles partagent un style de vie semblable, quoiqu'elles soient diamétralement opposées sur le plan affectif. La première cherche désespérément l'amour, souffre d'alcoolisme et est hantée par l'idée du suicide, tandis que la seconde est légère et insouciante, sans attache. Ce roman cherche à débusquer ce qui se cache derrière les apparences, à mettre en lumière ce qui se passe dans la solitude, une fois toutes les caméras éteintes. La partie réflexive de ce mémoire s'intéresse à l'immanence et à la transcendance du sujet incarné féminin à travers les œuvres de Nelly Arcan et Audrée Wilhelmy. L'objectif est de mettre en lumière l'étrange paradoxe dans lequel se trouve coincé le corps de la femme, à mi-chemin entre l'aliénation et la libération, et comment, encore aujourd'hui, les femmes se trouvent souvent prises au piège dans des circuits de représentations contradictoires et conflictuelles.

Dynamics of Surfactants at Soft Interfaces using Droplet-Based Microfluidics

Riechers, Birte 21 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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