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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simplified modeling of wind-farm flows

Ebenhoch, Raphael January 2015 (has links)
Abstact: In order to address the wind-industry's need for a new generation of more advanced wake models, which accurately quantify the mean flow characteristics within a reasonably CPU-time, the two-dimensional analytical approach by Belcher et al. (2003) has been extended to a three-dimensional wake model. Hereby, the boundary-layer approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations has been linearized around an undisturbed baseflow, assuming that the wind turbines provoke a small perturbation of the velocity field. The conducted linearization of the well established actuator-disc theory brought valuable additional insights that could be used to understand the behavior (as well as the limitations) of a model based on linear methods. Hereby, one of the results was that an adjustment of the thrust coecient is necessary in order to get the same wake-velocity field within the used linear framework. In this thesis, two different datasets from experiments conducted in two different wind-tunnel facilities were used in order to validate the proposed model against wind-farm and single-turbine cases. The developed model is, in contrary to current engineering wake models, able to account for effects occurring in the upstream flow region. The measurement, as well as the simulations, show that the presence of a wind farm affects the approaching flow even far upstream of the first turbine row, which is not considered in current industrial guidelines. Despite the model assumptions, several velocity statistics above wind farms have been properly estimated, providing insight about the transfer of momentum inside the turbine rows. Overall, a promising preliminary version of a wake model is introduced, which can be extended arbitrarily depending on the regarded purpose.

Etude expérimentale de la dispersion de particules ultrafines dans le sillage de modèles simplifiés de véhicules automobiles / Experimental study of ultrafine particle dispersion in the wake of road vehicle models

Rodriguez, Romain 22 October 2018 (has links)
La pollution de l’air cause de près de 7 millions de décès annuels dans le monde. L’exposition aux Particules Ultrafines (PUF), polluants parmi les plus néfastes pour la santé, atteint ses niveaux les plus importants en milieu urbain, principalement dus au transport routier. Dans cette thèse, nous examinons les liens entre les champs de concentration en nombre des PUF émises à l'échappement dans le sillage de modèles simplifiés d'automobiles (corps d’Ahmed) et les propriétés de ces écoulements. Ces travaux permettent de mieux comprendre les niveaux d'exposition aux PUF auxquels sont soumis tous les usagers de la route à l’échelle du sillage du véhicule. Trois modèles simplifiés de véhicules ont été utilisés. Ils sont caractérisés par leur angle de lunette arrière permettant de reproduire en soufflerie les structures principales des écoulements de sillage automobile. A l’aide d’une méthode innovante de traitement des données, des mesures de vitesses acquises grâce à des techniques différentes (LDV/PIV) ont été analysées. Elles ont révélé que l’angle d’inclinaison de la lunette a un rôle déterminant sur la structure des écoulements de sillage. Par ailleurs, la comparaison avec les mesures des concentrations en nombre de PUF a permis de montrer que le volume de la structure torique de recirculation en proche culot, dépendant de la géométrie, a un impact majeur sur la dispersion des particules dans la direction verticale. Enfin, il est mis en évidence que les structures tourbillonnaires longitudinales existantes pour une inclinaison intermédiaire de la lunette ont un impact prépondérant sur la dispersion transversale ainsi que sur la symétrie des champs de concentration. / Around 7 million worldwide annual death sare due to air pollution. Among all pollutants, UltrafineParticles (UFP) cause strong adverse effects. Due to road transport, UFP exposure reaches its most significant levels in urban areas. In this thesis, the aim is to assess the links between the wake flow properties of simplified car models(Ahmed bodies) and UFP number concentration fields due to exhaust emission. This study enables the knowledge about UFP exposure levels of all road users at vehicle wake scale to be better understood. Three simplified car models with three corresponding rear slant angles have been used in order to reproduce the principal wake structures of road vehicles in a wind tunnel. Thanks to an innovative data processing method, velocity measurements with two techniques(LDV/PIV) point out the major role of the rear slantangle on the model wake structures. Moreover, comparisons have been made with particle number concentration measurements of UFP in the wake of the same models. We highlighted the link between the volume of the toric recirculation region close to the rear and the vertical dispersion of UFP. Furthermore, longitudinal vortices that exist with the intermediate rear slant angle geometry play an important role on the transversal dispersion as well as on the concentration field symetry.

Design Optimization of a Non-Axisymmetric Endwall Contour for a High-Lift Low Pressure Turbine Blade

Dickel, Jacob Allen 30 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Design and Qualification of a Boundary-Layer Wind Tunnel for Modern CFD Validation Experiments

Blanco, Mark Richard 08 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Enabling high-fidelity measurements of turbulent boundary layer flow over wing sections in the MTL wind tunnel.

Mallor, Fermin January 2019 (has links)
A reinforced fiber-glass model of a NACA 4412 wing profile is designed and set-up in the Minimum Turbulence Level (MTL) wind tunnel facility at KTH. The model has 65 pressure taps orifices, and the set-up includes two mounting panels designed to allow for particle image velocimetry (PIV) and hot wire anemometry (HWA) measurements of the boundary layer (to be performed in a future campaign). In a first experimental campaign pressure scans are conducted at three angles of attack of interest (5,10 and 12 degrees), and at four different Reynolds numbers based on chord length and inflow velocity (200,000, 400,000, 1,000,000, and 1,640,000). The preliminary results show good agreement with DNS and LES data, however, the effective angle of attack of the wing is affected by the interference of the test section. In order to obtain proper flow conditions for future campaigns inside the test section, wall inserts are designed using 2D k-omega SST simulations. The side-walls are streamlined and the final geometry is corrected to account for the boundary-layer growth over them. The inserts are shown to avoid early separation near the trailing edge at higher angles of attack (10 and 12 degrees), but the 2D simulations fail to capture the aforementioned angle-of-attack issue affecting the pressure distributions. Future extensions of the present insert design should include both 3D simulations of the test-section and a robust optimization procedure to prescribe the resulting pressure distribution. / En NACA 4412 vingprofilsmodel av förstärkt glasfiber utformas och installeras enligt Minimum Turbulence Level (MTL) i vindtunnelanläggningen på KTH. Modellen har 65 tryckluftsöppningar, och uppsättningen innehåller två monteringspaneler som är utformade för att möjliggöra mätningar av particle image velocimetry (PIV) and hot wire anemometry (HWA) hos gränsskiktet (som ska utföras i en framtida kampanj). I en första experimentell kampanj utförs tryckskanningar vid tre anfallsvinklar av intresse (5, 10, och 12 grader) samt vid fyra olika Reynolds-nummer (200 000, 400 000, 1 000 000 och 1 640 000). De preliminära resultaten visar god överensstämmelse med DNS- och LES-data, men den effektiva anfallsvinkeln på vingen påverkas av störningar från testsektionen. För att tillhandahålla korrekta flödesförhållanden för framtida kampanjer i testdelen är vägginsatser konstruerade med 2D k-omega SST-simuleringar. Sidoväggarna är strömlinjeformade och den slutliga geometrin korrigeras för att ta hänsyn till gränsiktets tillväxt. Insatserna undviker den tidig separation som sker nära bakkanten vid högre anfallsvinklar (10 och 12 grader), men 2D-simuleringarna misslyckades med att fånga det ovan nämnda anfallsvinkelproblemet som påverkar tryckfördelningarna.

Cable Shape Optimization - Drag Reduction of Cables Used in Marine Applications

Garpenquist, Simon January 2023 (has links)
It is important to understand the aerodynamic properties of tensioned cables (e.g. used in suspension bridges and yacht riggings), both for drag reduction and vibrational suppression purposes. In this study, the cross-sectional shape and surface structure of solid cables were investigated in order to improve the performance of sailing racing yachts. The apparent wind angle range 15-60° was identified as the most important for drag reduction. Thereafter, the aerodynamic properties of different shapes and surfaces were investigated in the Reynolds number range 5 x 10^3 ≤ Re ≤ 4 x 10^4, by performing computational fluid dynamics simulations and wind tunnel tests (the aerodynamic forces were measured using load cells). No significant effect of changing the surface roughness could be found for the investigated Reynolds number range. The results were compared to literature values for validation. Elliptical shapes with a fineness ratio between 1:1-3:1, together with three complex shapes, were tested. It could be shown that the largest performance gain was obtained for cables with more sail-like aerodynamic properties (for apparent wind angles below 90° a large lift/drag ratio is sought). This study was performed in collaboration with Carbo-Link AG, as an outlook, the manufacturability of carbon fiber reinforced polymer cables in the most aerodynamically efficient shape was explored.

Aerodynamic Characterization of Multiple Wing-Wing Interactions for Distributed Lift Applications

Jestus, Nevin 07 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Wing Deflection Analysis of 3D Printed Wind Tunnel Models

Paul, Matthew G 01 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This work investigates the feasibility of producing small scale, low aerodynamic loading wind tunnel models, using FDM 3D printing methods, that are both structurally and aerodynamically representative in the wind tunnel. To verify the applicability of this approach, a 2.07% scale model of the NASA CRM was produced, whose wings were manufacturing using a Finite Deposition Modeling 3D printer. Experimental data was compared to numerical simulations to determine percent difference in wake distribution and wingtip deflection for multiple configurations. Numerical simulation data taken in the form of CFD and FEA was used to validate data taken in the wind tunnel experiments. The experiment utilized a wake rake to measure 3 different spanwise locations of the wing for aerodynamic data, and a videogrammetry method was used to measure the deflection of the wingtips for structural data. Both numerical simulations and experiments were evaluated at Reynolds numbers of 258,000 and 362,000 at 0 degrees angle of attack, and 258,000 at 5 degrees angle of attack. Results indicate that the wing wake minimum in the wind tunnel test had shifted approximately 8.8mm at the wingtip for the Nylon 910 wing at 258,000 Reynolds number for 0 degrees angle of attack when compared to CFD. Videogrammetry results indicate that the wing deflected 5.9mm, and has an 18.6% difference from observed deflection in FEA. This reveals the potential for small scale wind tunnel models to be more representative of true flight behavior for low loading scenarios.

The Effects of Deployable Surface Topography Using Liquid Crystal Elastomers on Cylindrical Bodies In Flow

Settle, Michael J., Jr 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

An Experimental Study of the High-Lift System and Wing-Body Junction Wake Flow Interference of the NASA Common Research Model / En experimentell studie av flödesinterferensen mellan flygplanskropp och vinge för NASA's Common Research Model

Brundin, Desirée January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the turbulent flow in the wake of the wing-body junction of the NASA Common Research Model to further reveal its complex vortical structure and to contribute to the reference database used for Computational Fluid Dynamics validation activities. Compressible flows near two wall-boundary layers occurs not only at the wing-body junction but at every control surface of an airplane, therefore increased knowledge about this complex flow structure could potentially improve the estimates of drag performance and control surface efficiency, primarily for minimizing the environmental impact of commercial flight. The airplane model is modified by adding an inboard flap to investigate the influence from the deflection on the vorticity and velocity field. Future flap designs and settings are discussed from a performance improvement point of view, with the investigated flow influence in mind. The experimental measurements for this thesis were collected using a Cobra Probe, a dynamic multi-hole pressure probe, for Reynolds numbers close to one million based on the wing root chord. A pre-programmed three-dimensional grid was used to cover the most interesting parts of the junction flow. The facility used for the tests is a 120 cm by 80 cm indraft, subsonic wind tunnel at NASA Ames Research Center’s Fluid Mechanics Lab, which provides an on-set flow speed of around Mach 0.15, corresponding to approximately 48 m/s. / Den här avhandlingen undersöker det turbulenta flödet runt övergången mellan flygplanskropp och vinge på en NASA Common Research Model för att vidare utforska den komplexa, tredimensionella strukturen av flödet och bidra till NASA’s officiella databas för jämförelser med simulerade flöden. Kompressibla flöden nära tvåväggsgränsskikt uppkommer inte bara vid övergången mellan flygplanskropp och vinge utan även vid varje kontrollyta på ett flygplan. Ökad kunskap om flödets beteende vid sådana områden kan därför bidra till en bättre uppskattning av prestanda och effektivitet av kontrollytorna och flygplanet i sin helhet, vilket kan bidra till minskad miljöpåverkan från kommersiell flygtrafik. Flygplansmodellen är modifierad genom montering av en vingklaff på den inre delen av vingen, detta för att undersöka hur olika vinklar på klaffarnas nedböjning påverkar flödets struktur och hastighetsfält. Framtida klaffdesigner och inställningar för ökad prestanda diskuteras även utifrån denna påverkan. Mätningarna i vindtunneln gjordes med en Cobra Probe, ett dynamisk tryckmätningsinstrument, speciellt designad för turbulenta och instabila flöden. Reynoldsnumren som generades av den subsoniska, indrags-vindtunneln var ungefär en miljon baserad på vingrotens längd, vilket motsvarar knappt en tiondel av normala flygförhållanden för samma flygplansmodell.

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