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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application for Controlling iNELS Intelligent Electrical-Installation for the Windows Phone Platform / Application for Controlling iNELS Intelligent Electrical-Installation for the Windows Phone Platform

Bednář, David January 2013 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá inteligentní elektroinstalací iNELS od společnosti ELKO EP a jejím ovládáním pomocí zařízení využívajících platformu Windows Phone. V textu je popsána komunikace, kterou využívá systém iNELS a multimediální systém iMM, především pak protokoly EPSNET a XML-RPC. Dále je popsána platforma Windows Phone a implementace samotné aplikace. V závěrečné části se práce zabývá zajímavými rozšířeními dané aplikace.

Multiplatformní RPG hra pro více hráčů / Multi-platform Multiplayer RPG Game

Do Manh, Tuan January 2016 (has links)
Title: Multi-platform Multiplayer RPG Game A multi-platform game, which would be able to run on various devices with Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 systems, was created in this work. It was supposed to be a universal game client executable on desktop PCs, notebooks, tablets or mobile phones. The game was supposed to be role-playing game (RPG) with focus on turn-based action combat. In this work, a 3D scene renderer was written which supports rendering simple scenes with objects and animated characters. A cross-device communication library based on bluetooth technology was implemented in this project as well. This communication library allows two game clients running on two different types of devices to communicate with each other. Then a server-client communication library was created. This library was then used to implement a game server which offers online gaming feature.

Analysis of companies’ experience with cross-platform development compared to native development for mobile devices

Steczko, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Today, there are a handful of different platforms for mobile phones. Writing an application natively for each mobile operating system is time consuming and expensive. This situation has created a need for using cross-platform frameworks, that allow programmers to create an application once and run it on all platforms. The problem is that it is not certain whether cross-platform apps can fully replace native ones, or if by using cross-platform tools some desired qualities are lost. Investigating this issue would allow to find out which one of these two application development methods is better, or in which situation it is better to choose one over the other. Such knowledge would allow to decrease development time and costs. Companies that create mobile applications on a daily basis have expertise in this area. Thus, thirteen interviews were done with thirteen distinct businesses in order to research this problem. The results showed that native development produces higher quality applications, but there are some situations where it might be better to use cross-platform frameworks.

Problem kring mobilforensik : En sammanställning om hur mobiltelefoner och forensiska verktyg hanterar kryptering, utvinning och molnlagring

Lisander, Joakim, Lyxell, Niklas January 2015 (has links)
Mobiltelefoner innehåller idag en stor mängd information som är av stort forensiskt intresse. Att skydda informationen i sin telefon är en självklarhet för många och utvecklarna av de mobila operativsystemen lägger nu större vikt på säkerhet och skydd av information. Kryptering är idag standard i de flesta mobiltelefoner och det leder till problem vid utvinning. Arbetet tar upp och jämför hur kryptering hanteras av iOS, Android och Windows Phone och vilka tillvägagångssätt som finns vid utvinning av data genom att kringgå skärmlåsen som krävs för att krypteringen ska fungera. Arbetet ger även en inblick på molnlagring i och med att det blir allt vanligare och kan komma att bli mer relevant för forensiker eftersom telefonerna blir allt svårare att utvinna data ifrån. Dessutom ges en liten inblick på forensiska verktyg som finns idag, vilka brister de har och vad som är oklart hos dem.  Frågeställningarna har besvarats genom att en grundläggande litteraturstudie genomförts för att få den bakgrundsfakta som krävs. Därefter gjordes det experiment för att visa på brister i de forensiska verktygen. Avslutningsvis svarade två it-forensiker från polisen på intervjufrågor via mail, det gjordes för att lyfta fram problematiken och visa på hur situationen ser ut i arbetslivet idag.  Arbetets resultat visar på att alla operativsystem ger, beroende på hur användaren har anpassat telefonen, möjlighet till fullt skydd mot utvinning. Och därmed klarar de forensiska verktygen som finns idag inte av att utvinna någon relevant information ifrån de senaste mobiltelefonerna. Som forensiker borde man utnyttja att molnlagring börjat användas mer och mer, då det där kan finns mycket bra information. Slutsatser som kan dras efter arbetet är att det behövs nya metoder för att utvinna data ifrån mobiltelefoner då de metoder som tidigare använts inte är kompatibla med de senaste telefonerna på grund utav de krypteringsfunktioner som används. Det finns metoder som kan fungera, men dessa metoder fungerar bara med rätt förutsättningar, vilket gör att det inte är en lösning som man alltid kan applicera. Forensiker borde även utforska möjligheten att få fram information ifrån molnlagringstjänster ifall data på telefonen är oåtkomlig för alla utom ägaren. Arbetet syftar inte till att ta fram nya metoder för utvinning eller arbetssätt inom det stora området forensik, utan kartlägger problemområdet inom mobilforensik och ger förslag på och diskuterar möjliga lösningar.

A closer look and comparison of cross-platform development environment for smartphones

Andersson, Tobias, Johansson, Erik January 2014 (has links)
A problem with having a fast and wide production of different platforms for mobile devices is that you can’t code for one and deploy on all devices at the same time. This thesis is focused on cross-plat1form development environments for smartphones and mainly to see what options there are on the market. This report will investigate how well a cross-compiler solution compares to hybrid cross-platform development. To do this we took a closer look at their architecture and then compared this with the results from different tests made. All the tests were made on the same smartphone to ensure fairness between them. All the tests strive to be as equal as possible even though the languages might differ from each other. The tested frameworks were PhoneGap, Qt, Unity3D and GameMaker. The different tests were about performance, power consumption, difficulty in accessing web browsers to perform HTML parsing and lastly to see if the platforms can access different native APIs such as the camera and accelerometer. The previously mentioned topics were compared between all the frameworks. We also compared the documentation found on their webpage to figure out which is the easiest to get started on.

Multiplatformní RPG hra pro více hráčů / Multi-platform Multiplayer RPG Game

Do Manh, Tuan January 2015 (has links)
Title: Multi-platform Multiplayer RPG Game A multi-platform game, which would be able to run on various devices with Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 systems, was created in this work. It was supposed to be a universal game client executable on desktop PCs, notebooks, tablets or mobile phones. The game was supposed to be role-playing game (RPG) with focus on turn-based action combat. In this work, a 3D game engine was written which supports rendering simple scenes with objects and animated characters. The engine was developed using DirectX. The engine was written in .NET C# using SharpDX library. A cross-device communication framework based on bluetooth technology was implemented in this project as well. This communication framework allows two game clients running on two different devices to communicate with each other.

Windows Phone 7 aplikace s backendem na Windows Azure / Windows Phone7 Application with Backend on Windows Azure

Kolín, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to design and develop a cloud hosted service that allows developers of games for Windows Phone 7 platform to extend their products with social and competitive aspect using Platform as a Service solution Windows Azure for hosting the backend of this system. The first part of the thesis analyses systems that are available on the market and that are providing similar services for the target platform. Based on this analysis, functional and general requirements for the future application are specified in the second part. Based on these requirements, use case analysis is made. The third part of the thesis is dedicated to description of the most important features, APIs and specifics of the Windows Phone 7 software platform. The fourth part is dedicated to Windows Azure as a Cloud platform both in terms of most important services, their characteristics and APIs used to utilise them and in terms of their business and pricing conditions. The fifth part addresses the architecture and the most important implementation details of the application. The final part contains the user guide for both the Windows Phone 7 application and for developers interested in using the library containing the API during the development of their game. The output of this thesis is the designed and implemented application with client-server architecture ready to have its backend deployed in Windows Azure environment and to have its frontend deployed on Windows Phone 7 devices. The client part of the system is comprised of a library intended for developers of games, which encapsulates the API needed to access the backend on the Internet, and a graphic frontend intended for end users. The server part, which contains most of the application logic, has REST interface. The applications architecture allows future development in terms of new functionality and expansion on more client platforms.

Tvorba mapové aplikace pro sledování polohy v Cloudu - klientská část Windows Phone 7 / Development of map application for tracking in cloud - Client side on Windows Phone 7

Čurda, Vít January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with developing applications on Windows Phone 7. The application focuses on two main target groups; cyclists and individuals who are confined to wheelchairs. Application offers the possibility of navigating around the city and over difficult terrain, and is divided into two parts - the client side application, and server side application. Development of the server side application will be analyzed in the thesis Development of map application for tracking in cloud - Server side on Windows Azure, by Vojtech Ruzicka. The primary objective of this thesis is to offer new solutions for development on Windows Phone 7, with attention being given to the communication between client and server. The second objective is to provide the public with the free application, which will help cyclists and handicapped individuals to navigate through cities around the world. The primary goal of this thesis will be achieved by identifying any problems that may arise during development, whereby a simplified description of the problem will be formed and a solution provided. Realization of the second goal will be in the use of application by the public, by providing them with an efficient means of increasing their mobility throughout their surroundings.

Mobilní aplikace pro podporu řízení dopravních staveb / Mobile Application Supporting Management of Traffic Constructions

Obořil, Radek January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with development of an application supporting management of traffic constructions. The resulting solution consists of a mobile application and a server application. The mobile application allows users to document progress of a construction using integrated camera, maps and GPS, and send collected data to the server. The server application includes a web service for client-server communication, and a web application for database management and processing of the collected data. Apart from the design and implementation, the features and technologies of mobile devices utilized by the application are discussed. The thesis also reviews current most significant mobile platforms and analyses concepts and technologies of cross-platform development, especially Xamarin and MvvmCross, which were used for development of the above-mentioned application.

Multiplatform Game Development Using the Unity Engine / Multiplatform Game Development Using the Unity Engine

Jašek, Roman January 2014 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá možnostmi herního vývoje pro víceré platformy pomocí enginu Unity 3D. Rozebírá různé aspekty multiplatformního vývoje na počítačích i mobilních zařízeních. Důraz je kladen na analýzu tvorby her současně pro více platforem a problémy spojené s tímhle přístupem. Práce poskytuje možnosti řešení problémů, které vyvstanou při použití tohohle postupu, pomocí nástrojů, které poskytuje Unity 3D. Analýza se zabývá zejména na zvyšování výkonu her za použití metod dostupných na všech platformách vybraných pro testování. Tyhle vylepšení zahrnují způsoby jak snížit práci ve scéně a naopak zvýšit počet vykreslení za sekundu při zachování stejné vizuální kvality. Práce také nabízí pohled do minulosti tohoto odvětví a předpoklady o jeho příštím směrování.

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