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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etudes de l'avance en âge (deux décennies) et de l'entrainement anaérobie(sprint et musculation) sur les réponses métaboliques et hormonales à l'exercice supramaximal / Effect of advanced age (two decades) and training (sprint and strength) on metabolic and hormonal responses to supramaximal exercise

Sellami, Maha 15 January 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’étudier les effets de l’avance en âge (seulement deux décennies, 20-40 ans) et d’un programme d’entraînement combiné (Sprint et Musculation) sur les performances et les réponses métaboliques et hormonales à l’exercice supramaximal (Wingate-test). Quatre groupes de sujets ont participé à ce travail. Ils ont été répartis selon l’âge en 2 groupes expérimentaux (âgés de 20 et 40 ans) et en groupes contrôles (âgés de 20 et 40 ans). Les résultats montrent que l’entraînement anaérobie de type sprint et musculation s’accompagne d’une augmentation significative du volume plasmatique chez le sujet entrainé (jeune et âgé). Ces changements du volume plasmatique ont été accompagnés par une augmentation des performances physiques et de la lactatémie pic mesurée à la fin de l’exercice Wingate chez les groupes entrainés. Des adaptations endocriniennes sont probablement à l’origine de ces modifications liées à l’entrainement intense. En effet, après entrainement, nous avons observé une augmentation significative des catécholamines (au repos et à l’exercice) chez les sujets âgés entrainés par rapport aux plus jeunes entrainés. La différence liée à l’âge entre jeune et âgée disparait après entrainement seulement entre les groupes entrainés. Le même constat a été observé concernant les concentrations plasmatiques de glucose et d’insuline chez les groupes entrainés après entrainement. Ces changements du métabolisme de glucose sont accompagnés d’une augmentation de la production du cortisol, de la testostérone et de son hormone porteuse chez le groupe âgé entrainé en particulier. La sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance (GH) a augmenté également en dépit de la différence d’âge après entrainement accompagnée de l'augmentation des taux d'IGF1 et d’IGFB3 chez le groupe âgé entrainé en particulier. En conclusion de ce travail de thèse, il semble qu’un entraînement adéquat de sprint et de musculation serait un bon moyen pour réduire et atténuer les effets délétères de l’avance en âge sur la performance anaérobie, les réponses métaboliques et les sécrétions hormonales. / The aim of this thesis is to study the effects of advancing age (only two decades, 20-40 years) and a combined training program (Sprint and Strength) on performance, metabolic and hormonal responses to supramaximal exercise (Wingate-test). Four groups participated in this research. They were divided according to age in to two experimental groups (20 and 40 years of age) and two control groups (20 to 40 years of age). The results show that anaerobic sprint and strength training was accompanied by a significant increase in plasma volume in trained groups (young and elderly). These changes in plasma volume were accompanied by an increase in physical performance and peak lactate measured at the end of the Wingate-test in trained subjects (young and elderly). Endocrine adaptations are probably the origin of these changes related to the intense training. In fact, after training, we observed a significant increase in catecholamines responses at rest and to exercise in trained elderly subjects compared to younger ones. The age-related difference between younger and older disappears after training only between trained groups. The same result was observed in plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in trained groups after training. These changes in glucose metabolism are associated with an increase of cortisol production, testosterone and its precursor steroids only in trained elderly subjects. The secretion of growth hormone (GH) has also increased despite the age difference after training accompanied by an increase of IGF1 and IGFB3 levels only in the trained elderly subjects. In conclusion of this thesis, it seems that an appropriate sprint and strength training would be a good way to attenuate the deleterious effects of advancing age on anaerobic performance, metabolic responses and hormonal secretions.

Efektivita kondičního programu v předzávodním období u hráčů A mužstva ledního hokeje KLH Chomutov. / The Effectiveness of Conditioning Program in the Pre-season Time in Players of the KLH Chomutov Ice Hockey Team.

Jíra, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Title: The effectiveness of conditioning program in the pre-season time in players of the KLH Chomutov ice hockey team. Objectives: The main aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of conditioning program before the season, using the Wingate Test. Another objective was to determine the load capacity in terms of the on-ice and off-ice training program. We also tried to compare the test results of younger and older players. Methods: During the actual implementation of the thesis, we used selected diagnostic instruments that characterize the level of velocity - power assumptions of ice hockey players in the men's cathegory. For testing we used the Wingate Test. The tests were applied before and at the end of the pre-season time. During the reporting period, we evaluated changes in the level of individual indicators of the Wingate Test. Results: The results show that the off-ice and on-ice conditioning programs do not have the same volume and content of the load. Increased volume and content of the load was observed in the on-ice conditioning program. The content of off-ice conditioning program in the pre-season time in ice hockey is a non-specific activity focused mainly on development of speed-strength abilities. The on-ice training program increases the proportion of the development of...

Padronização do teste de corrida atada em velocistas : análise da relação entre potência e desempenho em corrida /

Lima, Manoel Carlos Spiguel. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Claudio Alexandre Gobatto / Banca: Sergio Augusto Cunha / Banca: Pedro Balikian Junior / Resumo: Dentro do âmbito do treinamento competitivo evidencia-se a necessidade de criar e aperfeiçoar testes que possam ser aplicados no próprio ambiente de treinamento, priorizando a busca da especificidade na avaliação e de variáveis que possam melhor explicar as alterações do desempenho do atleta. Então, surge uma problemática ao avaliar a aptidão anaeróbia em velocistas em função das metodologias e dos protocolos propiciarem difícil aplicação e inespecificidade, principalmente por não possuírem nenhum teste com o movimento específico para esse grupo. Entretanto, destaca-se na literatura alguns testes laboratoriais utilizados para avaliação da aptidão anaeróbia de corredores, dentre os quais estão o Máximo Déficit de Oxigênio Acumulado (MAOD), o teste de Wingate (TW) e os testes de salto vertical (SV). Com isso, o objetivo do estudo foi padronizar o teste de corrida atada (TCA) analisando a validade, reprodutibilidade e confiabilidade. O protótipo criado para o TCA proporciona a obtenção de valores de força e de velocidade durante o teste que, por sua vez, fornecerá parâmetros de potência pico do TCA (PPTCA), potência média do TCA (PMTCA) e do índice de fadiga do TCA (IFTCA). Para tanto, 10 velocistas do sexo masculino (22,0 l 2,8 anos; 68,1 l 8,9 kg; 1,76 l 0,09 m; 8,1 l 3,1 % Gordura) participaram do estudo. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a avaliação antropométrica, teste incremental para determinação do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max) e do limiar anaeróbio (LAn), teste para determinação do MAOD, TW, dois TCA (teste e re-teste) e um esforço máximo na distância de 300 metros (D300m). Através de coletas sangüíneas retirada do lóbulo da orelha após os testes de TW, TCA e D300m, foram determinadas as concentrações pico de lactato sangüíneo ([Lac]p) para cada um dos testes, respectivamente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the competitive training area, it is observed the necessity to create and improve tests that could be applied in its own training environment, prioritizing the search of the specificity in the evaluation and the variables that can explain the changes of the athlete’s performance better. So, we find a problem concerning the anaerobic fitness evaluation in sprinters due to the methodologies and the protocols, mainly because there are no tests with the specific movement for this particular group. However, it is possible to mention some laboratorial tests that are used to verify the anaerobic fitness performance of the runners, which are, the maximal deficit oxygen accumulated (MAOD), the Wingate test (TW) and the tests of vertical jump (VJ). Thereby, the aim of this study is to standardize the tied running test (TRT), analyzing the validity, reproducibility and reliability. The TRT prototype provides the instantaneous strength and speed values during the test that give peak power (PPTRT), mean power (PMTRT) and fatigue index (FITRT) parameters. Therefore, ten male runners (22.0l2.8 years old, 68.1l8.9 kg, 1.76l0.09 m; 8.1l3.1 % Fat) participated in this study. All the subjects were submitted into the anthropometric assessment, incremental test to determination the maximal consume of oxygen (VO2max) and anaerobic threshold (AT), the MAOD determination test, the TW, the two TRT (test and re-test) and maximum effort in 300 meters of distance (D300m). Through blood samples removed from the earlobe after the TW, TRT and D300m tests, the blood peak lactate concentration ([Lac]peak) was determined in each test, respectively, [Lac]peakTW, [Lac]peakTRT and [Lac]peakD300m. The tests were separated with intervals of 24 to 72 hours. The data were presented in mean and stand deviation (M l SD)...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Výkonové aspekty ve vodním slalomu / Performance aspects in white water slalom

Bílý, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Title: Performance aspects in white water slalom Aim The study is a summary of articles published between the years 2006 - 2011. The aim is to present the researched issue of top - level sport in the example of white water slalom. Articles are arranged in accordance to the factors of sport performance. The first thematically include articles concerned with conditioning factors of performance, then continue articles analyzing somatic factors and at the end there are listed papers on psychological preparation and psychological factors. Methods These articles were mostly case studies which have been conducted on a sample of national team athletes or top athletes in the Czech Republic. The exception is the articles 5.3 and 5.4, which are descriptive studies on a large sample of top world class athletes. The studies used a survey and testing. Results The individual articles addressed the importance of performance indicators in white water slalom, applied to the selected factors. Results of studies are always subjected to deliberately selected files of athletes, top-level competitors in the Czech Republic and abroad. The results, therefore, cannot be generalized and applied to a population of white water slalom racers, but can show some patterns that could be accepted in practice.

Výkonové aspekty ve vodním slalomu / Performance aspects in white water slalom

Bílý, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Title: Performance aspects in white water slalom Aim The study is a summary of articles published between the years 2006 - 2011. The aim is to present the researched issue of top - level sport in the example of white water slalom. Articles are arranged in accordance to the factors of sport performance. The first thematically include articles concerned with conditioning factors of performance, then continue articles analyzing somatic factors and at the end there are listed papers on psychological preparation and psychological factors. Methods These articles were mostly case studies which have been conducted on a sample of national team athletes or top athletes in the Czech Republic. The exception is the articles 5.3 and 5.4, which are descriptive studies on a large sample of top world class athletes. The studies used a survey and testing. Results The individual articles addressed the importance of performance indicators in white water slalom, applied to the selected factors. Results of studies are always subjected to deliberately selected files of athletes, top-level competitors in the Czech Republic and abroad. The results, therefore, cannot be generalized and applied to a population of white water slalom racers, but can show some patterns that could be accepted in practice.

Возрастная динамика показателей Вингейт-теста у спортсменов : магистерская диссертация / Age dynamics of athletes’ Wingate-test parameters

Владельщикова, М. А., Vladelschikova, M. A. January 2021 (has links)
Объект исследования – процесс контроля за развитием скоростно-силовых способностей спортсменов различных половозрастных групп. Предмет исследования – возрастная динамика показателей Вингейт-теста спортсменов различного пола и возраста. Цель исследования – определить возрастную динамику показателей Вингейт-теста спортсменов различных половозрастных групп. В результате исследования были изучены особенности скоростно-силовых способностей и их значимость в спортивной деятельности, в результате проведенного тестирования выявлены нормативные показатели развития скоростно-силовых способностей спортсменов разного пола и возраста. Научная новизна исследования: впервые выявлены нормативные значения показателей Вингейт-теста и их динамика для разных половозрастных групп спортсменов: показатели МАМ, скоростной выносливости, а также время достижения пика мощности. Выявлены высокие и недостаточные значения показателей скоростно-силовых способностей для некоторых видов спорта. Практическая значимость работы: определены рекомендованные нормативные показатели Вингейт-теста для спортсменов разных половых и возрастных групп, а также высоких и недостаточных показателей скоростно-силовых способностей спортсменов разных видов спорта. / Study object – control of speed-power abilities of athletes of various age-gender groups. Study subject – age dynamics of Wingate test indicators in athletes of different age and gender. The aim of the proposed research was to determine age dynamics of Wingate-test indicators in athletes of different age-gender groups. Peculiarities of speed-power abilities were studied, as well as its significance in sports practice. We found the normal values of speed-power abilities development in athletes in reference to age and gender. Scientific value: norms of Wingate test parameters (peak power, speed-power endurance and time to peak power attainment) and their dynamics in age-gender groups were found. High and insufficient values of this parameters were determined for some kinds of sports. Practical value: we determined the recommended norms of Wingate test indicators for athletes of different age and gender groups, as well as high and insufficient values of speed-power abilities indicators for athletes from different kinds of sports.

Retrospektivní hodnocení výsledků Wingate testu u juniorských reprezentací U18 v ledním hokeji / Retrospective evaluation of results Wingate test in their junior national U18 v ledním hokeji

Stránský, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Title: Retrospective evaluation of results Wingate test in their junior national U18 Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to compare condition levels according to the Wingate test and game results achieved in individual MSJ U18 and determine the degree of functional dependence Wingate anaerobic test parameters according to the U18 category, with a later application of the elite players in the world competitions. Methods: In this thesis has been used retrospective collection of quantitative data from sources ČSLH. Evaluation data were gathered using a correlation relationships of speed and power variables and placement classes at MSJ, respectively. achieved level of competition. The comparison of speed and power variables between years was used analysis of variance with repeated measurements. Results: It was found that the velocity-force characteristics ice hockey player found Wingate test does not have a statistically significant effect on the location of MSJ year and only low statistical significance was found between the variable ANC/kg and the level of competition achieved by the player. The difference between years in speed and power characteristics were not reported. Keywords: ice hockey, condition, player, forward, defender, Wingate test.

Vliv exteroceptivní stimulace na svalové napětí po fyzické zátěži / Effect of exteroceptive stimulation on muscle tone after physical activity

Hafič, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Title: Effect of exteroceptive stimulation on muscle tone after physical activity Aims: The aim of this diploma thesis is to summarize theoretical findings regarding the muscle tonus, biomechanical characteristics of soft tissues and the influence of exteroceptive stimulation on muscle tonus. In practical part, the influence of exteroceptive stimulation on muscle tonus after anaerobic exercise was evaluated using the measuring instrument - myotometer. Methods: Diploma thesis was approached as pilot and was processed at FTVS-UK in the form of analytical-comparative study on the group of six probands who experienced endurance Wingate test and then they underwent the exteroceptive stimulation technique. The main objective of this experiment was the evaluation of effect of stroking - the exteroceptive stimulation on muscle tonus. The muscle tonus was measured before the exertion, after anaerobic exertion, after passive rest and after exteroceptive stimulation. Measuring of muscle tonus of m. soleus was performed in FTVS-UK laboratory using myotonometer. The data were displayed through analog-digital convertor and were subsequently processed in program Matlab. Outcomes: Experiment partly proved mutual relationship between skin and muscle and possibility of influencing the muscle using the exteroceptive...

Analýza tří několikaměsíčních tréninkových pobytů vytrvalostního běžce ve vyšší nadmořské výšce / Analysis of three several-month training sessions of the endurance runner at higher altitudes

VONDRÁŠKOVÁ, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze three several-month concentration of a long-distance runner at higher altitude. Specifically, we compared the results of the measured values before staying in zones of high altitude and after arrival from high altitude. The tested individual was housed in Kenya in the town of Iten, located at 2,400 meters above sea level. To elaborate this thesis, we used the method of content analysis and the comparative method. To obtain the results, we used laboratory tests spiroergometry, spirometry, body composition and Wingate test. Then, the data was processed using material significance. The material significance was defined using Cohen's d. Our results showed an increase in red blood cells, an increase in VO2max, a reduction in heart rate, a reduction in morning heart rate. From these results, it is clear that alpine training has a positive effect on the performance of the athlete.

Power output and tissue oxygenation of women and girls during repeated Wingate tests and recovery

Medd, Emily 22 December 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the exercise and recovery muscle oxygenation response of Women and Girls during two 30s Wingate anaerobic tests separated by two minutes of active cycling recovery (resistance ≈ 2.5% body weight, 60-80rpm). Oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2), deoxygenated hemoglobin (HHb), total hemoglobin (tHb), and tissue saturation index (TSI) were monitored at the right vastus lateralis muscle using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) throughout exercise, recovery, and a post-exercise femoral artery occlusion to TSI plateau. Pressure was preset at 250mmHg for Women and 210mmHg for Girls, achieved by rapid inflation in 0.3 seconds, and maintained until a 2 minute TSI plateau occurred or 10 minutes had passed. Twenty Women (23.8[2.12] years) and 13 Girls (9[1] years, combined Tanner stage <4) completed all tasks excepting 1 girl who did not complete occlusion. Significant group, time, and group by time interaction effects were observed for peak and mean power (Watts.kgFFM-1). Women had significantly greater power output compared to Girls for both Wingates. While both groups had reduced power output in Wingate 2, the reduction was significantly greater in Women compared to Girls. No significant group differences were found for resting TSI, recovery TSI, minimum TSI during either Wingate test, or for minimum TSI during occlusion, however a time main effect for Women was observed with minimum TSI being significantly lower in Wingate 1 compared to Wingate 2. Girls had similar minimum TSI for both Wingate tests. Women also demonstrated a significantly greater difference between Wingate minimum TSI and occlusion minimum TSI in Wingate 2 compared to Wingate 1. During Wingate 1, HHb increase was greater in Girls compared to Women and remained elevated during recovery compared to women. Changes in HbO2, HHb, and tHb were reduced in Wingate 2 for both groups, more so in Women for tHb and in Girls for HHb. Recovery was not different between groups with the exception of a faster TSI time constant of recovery in Women (τ =20.25 [13.01]s) compared to Girls (τ =36.77 [13.38]s) which is attributed to a faster HHb time constant in Women (τ =13.6 [0.44]s) compared to Girls (τ =30.77[19.47]s). Both groups demonstrated similar power output results and TSI response across the two Wingate tests but Girls were better able to repeat the anaerobic performance with a consistent TSI minimum between the two tests despite a faster recovery of HHb and TSI in women. These findings, in the context of observed Hb variable differences between groups, provide evidence of greater oxidative metabolism in Girls during a high intensity exercise. / Graduate / December 18, 2016

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