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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prediction or prophecy? : the boundaries of economic foreknowledge and their socio-political consequences /

Betz, Gregor. January 2006 (has links)
Freie University Berlin, Diss., 2004.

Strategische Optionen in der Chemieindustrie im Kontext des E-Business - Strategic Options for the Chemical Industry in the Context of E-Business

Dornbusch, Sascha 15 January 2002 (has links)
Within this thesis, the general developments of E-Business are discussed as well as their strategic implications and related opportunities for the chemical industry. To support strategic management decisions, potential scenarios are developed. On their bases, recommendations with regard to generic corporate strategy types can be drawn. Finally, E-Business related technologies are put into context again to show how they can support the successful implementation of the chosen strategy.

Regionale Integration in Asien - Regional integration in Asia - Duisburger Arbeitspapiere zur Ostasienwirtschaft 67(2003)

Fischer, Doris 09 March 2004 (has links)
In the past, regional integration in Asia has basically been limited to market-driven economic integration and private networking. Policy-driven or institutional co-operation and integration have been very limited. The Asian financial crisis as well as the introduction of the Euro has contributed to a change in this pattern. A growing awareness of the advantages of regional co-operation is discernible among Asian states. The Chiang Mai initiative and numerous regional trade agreements are the most visible results of this growing awareness. Nevertheless it is to be doubted that this awareness will transform into concrete and higher level institutional integration among Asian states within the near future. The paper summarises the progress achieved so far in regional co-operation and integration and discusses the main factors favouring and limiting future perspectives.

Die Bedeutung der japanischen Direktinvestitionen in Taiwan für die taiwanischen Direktinvestitionen in China : am Beispiel der Branchen Elektro & Elektronik sowie Autoteile / The impact of the Japanese direct foreign investment in Taiwan for the Taiwanese direct foreign investment in China

Gerken, Jens Michael 23 May 2001 (has links)
This paper analyses the transfer of standardized products by FDI between industrial countries, newly industrialized countries and developing countries. One focus of this study is the question whether local entrepreneurs can acquire knowledge as joint venture partners and utilize this knowlegde for an outgoing investment in a third country. This requires that the local entrepreneurs have access to product, production process and management know how. This paper proposses the hypothesis, that the transfer of simple, standardized products can be explained with the catching-up product cycle. In the empirical part, Japanese FDI in Taiwan are compared with Taiwanese FDI in China in the branches electric & electronic and automobile parts. Case studies supplement this research. There two major findings. Taiwanese-Japanese joint ventures are operating successfully in China. The Taiwanese side has acquired at least management know-how in co-operation with the Japanese.

Angebotsgestaltung im Internet-Banking für Privatkunden deutscher Sparkassen - Internet banking service strategies of German saving banks in the residential market

Knüfermann, Markus 10 June 2002 (has links)
Internet banking is frequently classified as an extension of conventional distribution channels for financial services in the retail market. The present study empirically investigates the internet banking strategies of German saving banks. The study develops marketing strategy recommendations for the saving banks which take into account the results of the empirical analysis.

Wettbewerb in der Automobilindustrie - Competition in automotive industry

Terporten, Michael 21 June 2001 (has links)
Seit dem Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges hat die deutsche Automobilindustrie, durch kurzfristige Konjunktureinbrüche und exogene Schocks temporär unterbrochen, einen kontinuierlichen Aufschwung erlebt. Der gravierende Einbruch der Automobilkonjunktur ab 1993 offenbart jedoch in einer sehr drastischen Art die sich schon in der zweiten Hälfte der achtziger Jahre abzeichnende internationale Wettbewerbsschwäche der deutschen Automobilhersteller. Die deutschen Produzenten werden jetzt um so drastischer mit Herausforderungen konfrontiert, deren Bewältigung zu tiefgreifenden Anpassungsprozessen innerhalb der automobilen Wertschöpfungskette zwingt. Die deutschen Hersteller sind gezwungen, durch entsprechende Strategien die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und damit die Existenz ihrer Unternehmen zu sichern. Aufgabe staatlicher Wettbewerbsbehörden ist es, die Strategien der Automobilproduzenten, welche diese zur Sicherung oder Verbesserung ihrer Wettbewerbsposition wählen, daraufhin zu überprüfen, ob sie wettbewerbskonform sind, d.h . Wettbewerbsprozesse auf dem deutschen Pkw-Markt nicht erschweren oder gar blockieren.

Economic Globalization and Social Stabilization : A Dual Challenge for Korea - Duisburger Arbeitspapiere Ostasienwissenschaften, 1997,13

Pascha, Werner 17 July 2002 (has links)
In recent years, ,globalization" or ,growing international economic interdependence", which we will use as synonyms here, has generally been understood as offering many opportunities for newly industrialized economies like Korea (here used as an abbreviation for Republic of Korea or South Korea). However, serious challenges are also associated with it. Whereas some time ago, the renowned ,citadels" of learning and policy consulting have taken little notice of this darker side of economic internationalization, recently the perception seems to have changed. In its May 1997 World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund (IMF 1997) extensively discussed the opportunities and challenges of globalization, concentrating on the latter. And the Washington-based Institute for International Economics has begun to publish a couple of books, attempting to ,provide an objective and thorough reassessment of the case for and against globalisation" (Bergsten 1997: vii). The institute, which was frequently quite perceptive of upcoming intellectual and political moods in recent years, suspects that - in the words of its director, C. Fred Bergsten - ,the United States will soon engage in a fundamental debate on the country's trade, and perhaps its overall international economic policy".

Economic Relations Between Germany and Japan : An Analysis of Recent Data <br>Duisburger Arbeitspapiere zur Ostasienwirtschaft ; 61 (2002)

Pascha, Werner 17 July 2002 (has links)
The author takes a close look at bilateral German-Japanese trade and direct investment data, employing various techniques (intensity indicators, RCA, intra-industry trade). It turns out that German-Japanese trade and FDI links are indeed rather limited, as has frequently been stated. A number of somewhat surprising pieces of evidence do emerge, though. For competitive industries and with respect to emerging opportunities, the bilateral figures do show a healthy performance.

Institutionenökonomische Anmerkungenzur Einbettung von Korruption in das Ordnungssystem chinesischer Guanxi-Netzwerke <br>Duisburger Arbeitspapiere zur Ostasienwirtschaft ; 60 (2001)

Schramm, Matthias & Taube, Markus 18 July 2002 (has links)
In jüngster Zeit ist das Phänomen der Korruption in der VR China wieder verstärkt in das Blickfeld gerückt. Wie allen ökonomischen Austauschbeziehungen, so stellt sich auch korrupten Transaktionen das Problem der Absicherung derselben gegen opportunistisches Verhalten. In diesem Beitrag werden die chinesischen Guanxi-Netzwerke als eine sowohl in funktionaler als auch transaktionstheoretischer Hinsicht optimale Lösung dieses Ordnungsproblems identifiziert. Dies resultiert daraus, dass Guanxi-Netzwerke es vermögen, durch die Bindung von Investitionen in social capital stark risikobehaftete Austauschbeziehungen in sich selbst durchsetzende Verträge zu transformieren. Die durch den forcierten Aufbau eines Rechtssystems in der VR China aufgeworfene Frage, ob hierdurch Guanxi-Netzwerke verdängt und somit letztlich auch das Phänomen der Korruption zurückgeführt werden könnte, wird abschlägig beantwortet. Eine Analyse der einen derartigen institutionellen Wandlungsprozess determinierenden Faktoren institutionelle L eistungsfähigkeit, Kostenstrukturen, Pfadabhängigkeit und embeddedness zeigt, dass eine substantielle Verdrängung der Guanxi-Netzwerke auch bei weiterer Stärkung des chinesischen Rechtssystems nicht zu erwarten ist. Von dieser Seite her kann also kein Impuls zur Reduzierung des Korruptionsphänomens in der VR China erwartet werden.

Workshop Organisation und Ordnung der japanischen Wirtschaft I : Themenschwerpunkt: "New Economy" - Neue Formen der Arbeitsorganisation in Japan - Duisburger Arbeitspapiere Ostasienwissenschaften, 2000, 34

Jürgens,Ulrich , Pascha,Werner , Storz, Cornelia (Hrsg.) 17 July 2002 (has links)
This is a collection of three papers presented during a workshop in October 2000 in Heidelberg. They discuss to what extent the so-called "new economy" is associated with news ways of organising labour. The aim of the workshop was to organise a comparative discussion on Japan, the USA, and the EU, making use of theory-based reflections. Christoph Scherrer presents some theoretical background on the issue of the "new economy" and asks whether the recent experience of the US productivity performance is indicative of the possibility of growth without cyclical downturns. Michael Muller et al. look at a long-term study of personnel concepts in Europe and try to draw conclusions on what may be happening in Europe's "new economy". Wolfram Manzenreiter finally looks at Japan´s IT industries and asks to what extent the employment situation is being affected.

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