Spelling suggestions: "subject:"women -- zimbabwe"" "subject:"women -- simbabwe""
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Utilisation of antenatal care services in rural primary health care facilities in Mutasa District, ZimbabweMukhalela, Tatenda 20 September 2019 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / The high maternal mortality ratio is caused by various factors, including avoidable complications
which can be reduced by attendance to antenatal care visits. The utilisation of antenatal care has
been low in rural areas, especially in Africa. The purpose of this study was to explore the utilisation
of antenatal care in Mutasa District of Zimbabwe. This study used a qualitative study approach,
adopting the descriptive, explorative design that presented an active image of the research
participants’ reality and capture live experiences. Participants of the study were pregnant women
and women with children under the age of one. The participant were sampled using purposive
and snow-ball sampling techniques. In-depth interviews were conducted. The participants were
interviewed in their native language, Shona. The main question was: Can you explain in your own
words how you use antenatal care services from the primary health care facility? The researcher
clarified questions which the participant failed to understand. The researcher wrote down all
responses and used a tape recorder to capture the responses. The researcher analysed data
using thematic content analysis where themes and sub-themes were discussed. The main theme
was low uptake of antenatal care in rural primary health care facilities. From the main theme there
were factors influencing and perceptions of women on uptake of antenatal care services in
primary health care facilities. Trustworthiness was ensured through credibility, dependability,
transferability and conformability. Permission from the relevant authorities, such as the University
of Venda Higher Degrees Committee, the Provincial Medical Director and the District
Administrator was sought before conducting this study. Informed consent was also sought before
interviewing the participants. The study concluded that socio-demography of participants affected
antenatal care attendance. These are age, level of education, low income, high parity and
distance to facility. Other hindering factors to utilization of antenatal care were lack of knowledge,
religion and acceptability of antenatal care by the women in rural primary health care facilities.
Findings will be disseminated through a research report and published in relevant accredited
journals with the help of the supervisors. The study recommended that the Ministry of Health and
Child Care of Zimbabwe review Antenatal Care policies to ensure friendliness and to increase
awareness through health education and continuous dissemination of antenatal care information. / NRF
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Socio-cultural factors and practices that impede upon behavioural change of Zimbabwean women in an era of HIV/AIDSNyoni, Chamunogwa 30 June 2008 (has links)
Women throughout the world are suffering the brunt of HIV/AIDS. They carry the unenviable tag of being the suffering group who are at risk. Women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is a subject that has not received adequate attention to date. This empirical study examines the socio-cultural factors and practices that impede upon behavioural change of Zimbabwean women in an era of HIV/AIDS. Firstly, a sample of 1002 women respondents is purposefully drawn from the six major Zimbabwean ethnic groups to participate in this research study. A survey questionnaire is administered to respondents in the age group 18 to 59 years to quantify the levels and magnitude of the HIV/AIDS problem among women. Secondly, fifty in-depth interviews with key informants are conducted to assess the nature of the problem confronting and impeding upon women's quest to attain good reproductive health. Thirdly, six focus group discussions for each of the respective six ethnic groups are conducted with forty-eight mature women to understand broadly the concepts of the study. This study employs a combination of mainly qualitative and some quantitative methods of data collection and analysis, which is called triangulation. Underlying the methodology of this study is an overarching functionalist theoretical perspective, also referring to gender development theory which serves as the basis for data analyses.
The main findings of this study include the view that power dynamics, gender roles and cultural practices have impacted negatively on women's quest to attain safe sexual behaviour. The problem of HIV/AIDS remains a complicated and awesome one among Zimbabwe's ethnic groups. For Zimbabwean women the HIV/AIDS problem begins with a total lack of control over sexual lives and behaviour of their husbands especially outside marriage. The women have noted that the majority stay faithful to their husbands and partners according to cultural prescriptions and roles, while their husbands do not comply. Women noted that cultural prescriptions in their various ethnic settings condone male infidelity but expect women to stay faithful to their partners. As a result it is found that women sometimes contract HIV/AIDS straight on their matrimonial beds. / SOCIOLOGY / Thesis (D. Phil. (Sociology))
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Women's economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods through the land reform in ZimbabweMurombo, Alick 01 1900 (has links)
The study explored the extent of women’s economic empowerment for sustainable livelihoods through the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) in Zimbabwe, focusing on three wards in the Makoni district. The study addressed the paucity of information on the usefulness of land redistribution on women’s improved food security and disposable income. Using a qualitative case study, the researcher purposefully selected thirty female land beneficiaries to participate in focus group discussions and five land officers from government departments to be interviewed as key informants. Findings reveal that the FTLRP generally meant that men accessed more land than women. Women’s livelihood initiatives were hampered by their failure to access sufficient support from the government and external partners. Despite the government signing various charters purported to support women’s empowerment, there is still a lot to be done to achieve it. / Lolu cwaningo lwaluhlola izinga lwamandla okuthuthukiswa komnotho kwabesifazane ukuze kube nokuphila okusimeme ngokusebenzisa Uhlelo Lokusheshiswa Kokuguqulwa Komhlaba eZimbabwe, lugxile ezigcemeni ezintathu eMkhandlwini waseMakoni. Lolu cwaningo lwethula ukuntuleka kolwazi ngokubaluleka kokubuyiswa komhlaba kabusha okumayelana nokuvikelwa kokuthuthukiswa nokuphepha kokudla kwabesifazane nokuthola imali engenayo. Ukusebenzisa ucwaningo lwesigameko olubhekene nobungako bento, umcwaningi wakhetha ngenhloso abazuzi noma abahlomuli besifazane bomhlaba abangamashumi amathathu ukuba babambe iqhaza ezigxoxweni zeqembu ezigxile kokuthize kanye nenhlolokhono nezikhulu zomhlaba ezinhlanu ezivela eminyangweni kahulumeni njengabantu ababalulekile. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi Uhlelo Lokusheshiswa Kokuguqulwa Komhlaba luchaza ukuthi abesilisa yibona abahlomula kakhulu ukudlula abesifazane. Izindlela zokuphila zabesifazane zavinjelwa ukwehluleka kwabo ekutholeni uxhaso olwanele oluvela kuhulumeni kanye nabambisane nabo abangaphandle. Ngaphandle kokuba uhulumeni asayinde incwadi ewumqulu enikezelana ngelungelo noma amandla okubhekiswe ekusekeleni kokuxhaswa kokuthukiswa kwabesifazane, kuningi okusamelwe kwenziwe ukufezekisa lombono. / Esi sifundo saqwalasela ubungakanani bokuxhotyiswa kwabafazi ngamandla ezoqoqosho abawanikwa ngenkqubo ekuthiwa yiFast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) eZimbabwe, kugxininiswa kwiiwadi ezintathu ezikwisithili saseMakoni. Esi sifundo salungisa ukunqaba kolwazi olumalunga nokuba luncedo konikezelo lomhlaba malunga nokuphuculwa kokuqinisekiswa kokutya nemivuzo yabafazi. Ngokusebenzisa isifundo esigxila kumgangatho ngokuthatha imizekelo yeemeko ezithile, umphandi wakhetha ngononophelo abafazi abangamashumi abathathu nababenikwe umhlaba, wabasebenzisa kwiingxoxo zamaqela, waqhuba udliwano ndlebe namagosa eSebe lezemihlaba. Okwafunyaniswayo kwadiza ukuba ngokweFTLRP amadoda afumana umhlaba omninzi ngaphezu kwabafazi. Intlalo nempilo yabafazi iqhwaleliswa kukungafumani kwabo inkxaso eyaneleyo kurhulumente nakumaqabane karhulumente angaphandle. Nangona urhulumente etyikitya izivumelwano ezininzi ezithi uxhobisa abafazi, kusekuninzi ekufuneka kwenziwe ukuze iphumelele loo njongo. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)
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Socio-cultural factors and practices that impede upon behavioural change of Zimbabwean women in an era of HIV/AIDSNyoni, Chamunogwa 30 June 2008 (has links)
Women throughout the world are suffering the brunt of HIV/AIDS. They carry the unenviable tag of being the suffering group who are at risk. Women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is a subject that has not received adequate attention to date. This empirical study examines the socio-cultural factors and practices that impede upon behavioural change of Zimbabwean women in an era of HIV/AIDS. Firstly, a sample of 1002 women respondents is purposefully drawn from the six major Zimbabwean ethnic groups to participate in this research study. A survey questionnaire is administered to respondents in the age group 18 to 59 years to quantify the levels and magnitude of the HIV/AIDS problem among women. Secondly, fifty in-depth interviews with key informants are conducted to assess the nature of the problem confronting and impeding upon women's quest to attain good reproductive health. Thirdly, six focus group discussions for each of the respective six ethnic groups are conducted with forty-eight mature women to understand broadly the concepts of the study. This study employs a combination of mainly qualitative and some quantitative methods of data collection and analysis, which is called triangulation. Underlying the methodology of this study is an overarching functionalist theoretical perspective, also referring to gender development theory which serves as the basis for data analyses.
The main findings of this study include the view that power dynamics, gender roles and cultural practices have impacted negatively on women's quest to attain safe sexual behaviour. The problem of HIV/AIDS remains a complicated and awesome one among Zimbabwe's ethnic groups. For Zimbabwean women the HIV/AIDS problem begins with a total lack of control over sexual lives and behaviour of their husbands especially outside marriage. The women have noted that the majority stay faithful to their husbands and partners according to cultural prescriptions and roles, while their husbands do not comply. Women noted that cultural prescriptions in their various ethnic settings condone male infidelity but expect women to stay faithful to their partners. As a result it is found that women sometimes contract HIV/AIDS straight on their matrimonial beds. / SOCIOLOGY / Thesis (D. Phil. (Sociology))
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Intercultural communication between African-American and Zimbabwean women: focussing on identity and survival/liberationGourdet, Sandra 11 1900 (has links)
African-American and Zimbabwean women live and do theology from different cultural and
contextual worldviews, although they share the same skin colour. The narrative stories of three
Zimbabwean and one African-American Christian women and how they share inter culturally the
struggle of identity, identity-formation and survival/liberation while maintaining their cultural
uniqueness form die basis of this research project. These shared experiences can offer
significant contributions to the broader feminist liberation theology. The Christian faith has
served as a shared source of sustenance, resilience, healing and renewal as well as a shared source
for constructive and affirming identity-formation for Zimbabwean and African-American
women. Consequently, building strong relationships that address contextual issues facing
women of Africa and the Diaspora, as suggested by this research, offers significant opportunities
for eliminating some of the barriers and boundaries that prevent Zimbabwean and African-
American women from enjoying the quality of life that God meant for everyone. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)
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A story that would (O)therwise not have been toldAlexander, Pauline Ingrid 28 February 2004 (has links)
My mini-dissertation gives the autobiography of Talent Nyathi, who was born in rural Zimbabwe in 1961. Talent was unwillingly conscripted into the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle. On her return to Zimbabwe, she has worked tirelessly for the education of her compatriots.
Talent's story casts light on subject-formation in conditions of difficulty, suffering and victimization. Doubly oppressed by her race and gender, Talent has nevertheless shown a remarkable capacity for self-empowerment and the empowerment of others.
Her story needs to be heard because it will inspire other women and other S/subjects and because it is a corrective to both the notions of a heroic Struggle and the `victim' stereotype of Africa.
Together with Talent's autobiography, my mini-dissertation offers extensive notes that situate her life story in the context of contemporary postcolonial, literary and gender theory and further draws out the significance of her individual `history-from-below'. / English Studies / M.A.
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The utility of the Zimbabwean Domestic Violence Act : Christian and Muslim women's experiencesChireshe, Excellent 11 1900 (has links)
The study investigated Zimbabwean Christian and Muslim women who had experienced domestic violence with a view to finding out the extent to which these women used provisions of the Domestic Violence Act of 2006. The study was conducted in urban Masvingo and its surroundings. The methodology applied to the empirical investigation was qualitative and was informed by the phenomenological, feminist and pragmatic theoretical frameworks.
Data was collected, by means of in-depth semi-structured interviews, from 30 participants, 22 Christian and 8 Muslim, who were selected using purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. In investigating the women’s experiences, some questions guided the study. These include: Where and to what extent does a select group of Christian and Muslim women who fall victim to domestic violence normally seek help? How do religious and cultural beliefs and practices influence the response to domestic violence by the abused as well as those to whom they report? To what extent do religious communities prevent selected victims of domestic violence from seeking legal assistance?
Data was analysed by coding responses according to themes. The study revealed that the participants perceived domestic violence as having diverse causes and most of them saw their religion as crucial in addressing their plight. It emerged that a majority of the participants sought help from their religious communities as well as relatives and friends. Mixed responses emanated from these sources of help. The most common response, based largely on religious and cultural beliefs, was to encourage participants to avoid reporting to authorities. It also emerged that most of the participants were not willing to seek help from the police, courts or legal practitioners to seek redress because of the advice they received as well as their own internalised beliefs. Religious, social, and economic factors prevented most participants from appealing to provisions of the Domestic Violence Act.It was concluded that the Zimbabwean Domestic Violence Act had limited usefulness for participants because of religious, social and economic factors. It was recommended that if relevant stakeholders could jointly work together, domestic violence would be alleviated. Recommendations for further research were also made. / Religious Studies & Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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A story that would (O)therwise not have been toldAlexander, Pauline Ingrid 28 February 2004 (has links)
My mini-dissertation gives the autobiography of Talent Nyathi, who was born in rural Zimbabwe in 1961. Talent was unwillingly conscripted into the Zimbabwean Liberation Struggle. On her return to Zimbabwe, she has worked tirelessly for the education of her compatriots.
Talent's story casts light on subject-formation in conditions of difficulty, suffering and victimization. Doubly oppressed by her race and gender, Talent has nevertheless shown a remarkable capacity for self-empowerment and the empowerment of others.
Her story needs to be heard because it will inspire other women and other S/subjects and because it is a corrective to both the notions of a heroic Struggle and the `victim' stereotype of Africa.
Together with Talent's autobiography, my mini-dissertation offers extensive notes that situate her life story in the context of contemporary postcolonial, literary and gender theory and further draws out the significance of her individual `history-from-below'. / English Studies / M.A.
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Intercultural communication between African-American and Zimbabwean women: focussing on identity and survival/liberationGourdet, Sandra 11 1900 (has links)
African-American and Zimbabwean women live and do theology from different cultural and
contextual worldviews, although they share the same skin colour. The narrative stories of three
Zimbabwean and one African-American Christian women and how they share inter culturally the
struggle of identity, identity-formation and survival/liberation while maintaining their cultural
uniqueness form die basis of this research project. These shared experiences can offer
significant contributions to the broader feminist liberation theology. The Christian faith has
served as a shared source of sustenance, resilience, healing and renewal as well as a shared source
for constructive and affirming identity-formation for Zimbabwean and African-American
women. Consequently, building strong relationships that address contextual issues facing
women of Africa and the Diaspora, as suggested by this research, offers significant opportunities
for eliminating some of the barriers and boundaries that prevent Zimbabwean and African-
American women from enjoying the quality of life that God meant for everyone. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)
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The utility of the Zimbabwean Domestic Violence Act : Christian and Muslim women's experiencesChireshe, Excellent 11 1900 (has links)
The study investigated Zimbabwean Christian and Muslim women who had experienced domestic violence with a view to finding out the extent to which these women used provisions of the Domestic Violence Act of 2006. The study was conducted in urban Masvingo and its surroundings. The methodology applied to the empirical investigation was qualitative and was informed by the phenomenological, feminist and pragmatic theoretical frameworks.
Data was collected, by means of in-depth semi-structured interviews, from 30 participants, 22 Christian and 8 Muslim, who were selected using purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. In investigating the women’s experiences, some questions guided the study. These include: Where and to what extent does a select group of Christian and Muslim women who fall victim to domestic violence normally seek help? How do religious and cultural beliefs and practices influence the response to domestic violence by the abused as well as those to whom they report? To what extent do religious communities prevent selected victims of domestic violence from seeking legal assistance?
Data was analysed by coding responses according to themes. The study revealed that the participants perceived domestic violence as having diverse causes and most of them saw their religion as crucial in addressing their plight. It emerged that a majority of the participants sought help from their religious communities as well as relatives and friends. Mixed responses emanated from these sources of help. The most common response, based largely on religious and cultural beliefs, was to encourage participants to avoid reporting to authorities. It also emerged that most of the participants were not willing to seek help from the police, courts or legal practitioners to seek redress because of the advice they received as well as their own internalised beliefs. Religious, social, and economic factors prevented most participants from appealing to provisions of the Domestic Violence Act.It was concluded that the Zimbabwean Domestic Violence Act had limited usefulness for participants because of religious, social and economic factors. It was recommended that if relevant stakeholders could jointly work together, domestic violence would be alleviated. Recommendations for further research were also made. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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